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Extra character slot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Guildwars 1 did NOT have a precedent of always giving a free character slot with it’s non-stand alone expansions.

The Campaigns added free character slots because they were stand alone. The Eye of the North was an expansion, was not stand alone and did not add a free character slot.

Only the stand alone products added character slots because if they didn’t, how could someone who only bought Nightfall play the game?

RIP perma-swiftness

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Well if you are all sold on tiny medpacks for which you don’t have the stats to scale and a smoke bomb that doesnt do much against melee with its 2sec pulse intervals and diddly against ranged attacks, be my guest to spec into Inventions and have a jolly time.

But don’t sit here and lie to me that it’s all good and dandy like Speedy Kits was.

its almost as if people dont even look at the patch notes before complaining, idk every whine ive seen so far has had a perfect answer.

I’d say the same about you. Have you even seen the stuff you are missing out on when you give up one of the traitline’s to Inventions? Because i don’t think you have.
You’re blindly defending Mecha Legs in invention but without any argument why it’s a good thing.

(next update) Is Engineer becoming a thing?

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


With the death of speedy kits, are people going to inventions to grab 25% speed? Or am I terrible for thinking about inventions?

Inventions traits are all about healing and turrets. If you aren’t build for either you get very little out of going into this traitline besides the 25% movement speed.

For me giving up 1/3th of my trait options just to get a 25% movement speed is not worth it.

Ascended Armour now 10% difference, Thoughts?

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


If it’s not a big deal, than it won’t be missed if it’s gone.

It’s called consistency.

You cannot justify taking out one stat advantage because it’s deemed unfair to new players, but leave another one intact and infact make that one more significant.

RIP perma-swiftness

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


oh please.

inventions is a thing.

itll be fine.

People who want to play for damage will then have to go into the support tree for their needed mobility.
Where currently they can go into the Tools tree.

And it’s not even as good, 25% vs current 33%. I’ll take that in exchange for managing the cooldown through kit rotations.

Mobility has always been somewhat of a weakness for Engineers, odd considering the playstyle and “design” anet has laid out. And that mobility we did have just got a pretty harsh nerf.

oh boy another person who prolly never tried power shoes cuz everyone says inventions is thuper bad and people thould never spec into it :/

oh boy another stupid assumption.

If you don’t use Turrets or build for Healing, Inventions is a pretty kittenty traitline. So maybe i just don’t want to spec into a bloody SUPPORT traitline, that does very little for me and doesn’t fit my playstyle in any way, to get the mandatory mobility (which is still less speed than speedy kits).

(edited by Terrahero.9358)

Lock on.

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


This is probably what ill make my Engineer for. Just to kitten on stealth Thieves. 3 years of stealth trolling and it all ends here.

Lock-On, Utility Goggles and Kinetic Charge/Gadgeteer.

Now if only i actually had a snow balls chance in hell of even catching a Thief.

(next update) Is Engineer becoming a thing?

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


For roaming keep in mind that Speedy Kits is going the way of the dodo. Considerably less mobility is at the Engineers disposal.

As for the Mortar kit, eh Engineers already have a long-range aoe in the form of the Grenade kit. Don’t see to many of those so i honestly don’t think the Mortar kit will bring much change to that. Freeze is already something the Grenadekit can do pretty well. Don’t forget the Poison field thats going away as well.
Not getting gibbed as hard by Retaliation might actually be the biggest benefit. Nothing sucks more than seeing your health bar melt for no apparent reason and being forced to just idle.

Conditions may be getting buffed but it seems condition removal in general is also more prevalent.

Ascended Armour now 10% difference, Thoughts?

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


10% is still miniscule
10% more stats on ascended wont make you 10% more powerful, since a huge part of your stats come from the 1000 baseline anyway.

I dont buy this.

5% was miniscule, 10% is miniscule… Some people will keep throwing out that it makes no difference.
When the people who opposed it also presented the slippery slope-argument. And seeing as the gap is now increasing, it seems they were proven right.

If WvW stat boosts are removed (applied fort/strength) because of players getting a statistical advantage over new players, why in the godkitten is ascended still allowed and even getting buffed?

Talk about a statistical advantage. And it’s earned not so much through WvW but PvE. As outside of trinkets, every other ascended piece of gear (armor, weapons, back) are not practically available from WvW. (No i dont consider an ultra rare chest with random stats practically available)

6/23: Why is Ascended gear getting stronger?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


But if the gap is getting larger that means Ascended is getting even better. The argument was always “pff, not a big deal, only 5%”.

This isn’t about spreading the lost stats to armor, it’s about the performance difference between exotic and ascended.

Personally i never heard of that website, no idea how legit it is so i’ll caution on the side of not at all.

(edited by Terrahero.9358)

Hobosacks are GONE!

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I dont get why they didnt just add a toggle for Backslots to be overwriten by Bundles.

Want to always see your normal backslot? Toggle it so that bundles don’t overwrite your equiped backslot.

Delete Kit Refinement , Give Speedy Kits Back

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


The way I see it, it’s like this…

I go into a restaurant to order a burger.

In taking my order, the server let’s me know that my burger comes with a side of a steaming pile of crap.

I let them know that I’d prefer to have the burger without the side of crap.

The server is a bit surprised, and assures me that the crap is included at no extra charge.

I let them know that I don’t really care about the price, I’d just prefer to have the burger without the pile of crap.

The server then gives me a puzzled look and inquires about why I would pay the same price for a meal when it doesn’t include the free side of crap.

I then try to explain that I simply want the burger, and that having the side of crap along with it, while free, would lessen my entire enjoyment of the burger.

Something like that, anyways… The point is that the pile of crap DID NOT ADD VALUE to my meal, even though it was free, so I just wanted it gone.

If I may be cynical about it (read, I’m going to be cynical about it), the devs are just convinced that kit refinement has always been a very special and underloved trait since it was nerfed through the floor, and making this change is a way for players to finally try it out and realize how super special and awesomely fun it is.

In other words, they want us to like it and this is how they are going to make us like it.

I don’t even care about the perma-swiftness removal. Take it away, go ahead.

But just like the burger and the pile of crap, don’t tack kit refinement onto speedy kits, because as far as I’m concerned it DOES NOT ADD VALUE to the trait. I’d rather that part of it just be deleted, even if it keeps the 20 ICD.

Yah but that pile of kitten isn’t even free.

You want one hamburger and instead get half a hamburger and a steaming pile of kitten. And they try to pass it off as a good deal for you.

Hobosacks are GONE!

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I liked the hobosacks. I just wanted there to be a choice for those who didn’t.

Who won the balance changes?

in PvP

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Not engie.

We lost speedy kits. :/

Oh no they took your perma swiftness… Im suprise it even lasted this long. Also you guys got so many good thing from the patch you cant even complain.

Can and will!
Apart from that, no more ssrb and nades took a hit. I mean we got some nice stuff but with the hits there’s no way engie “won” the balance changes.

your angry because you cant spam nades from 1200 range? lol again im suprised it lasted that long. Dude engis have been anet fav class for a long time with nothing but buff all the time and you complain cuz some few OP stuff got put in place? and im also suprise tool kit or Slick shoes didn’t get touch either. you engis have it made tbh.

Wahahahaha. You actually believe the crap you wrote?

“favorite class” “all the buffs”. Engineers barely ever received buffs, mostly nerfs. The whole reason Engineers suddenly got into the meta wasn’t because Engineers got outrageous buffs (like Warriors did a few years ago), but simply because the meta changed enough that what kept Engineers out for more than 2 years, wasn’t in it anymore.

anet is notoriously slow when it comes to balance changes, we all know that. That’s why Warriors were left to dominate (and still do!) for more than 2 years now. And i don’t think Guardian has ever NOT been part of the meta, or Thief for that matter.

Even the oh soooo “pitiful” Ranger has shown up more consistently as a top contender in pvp.

Favorite class… what a joke you are.

Speedy kits

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I’m not too disappointed. Sure losing the easy adept trait 100% swiftness up-time is sad, but base 50% up-time is not bad. And the other buffs are… very nice.

Losing half your mobility isn’t fine. And it isn’t an adept trait anymore either.

For all i care they can completely remove the Kit Refinement part, that trait was always terrible and is now dragging down one of the few good traits that was about as close to essential as traits get for engineers.

Mobility is already enough of an issue without anet nerfing it further.

RIP perma-swiftness

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


oh please.

inventions is a thing.

itll be fine.

People who want to play for damage will then have to go into the support tree for their needed mobility.
Where currently they can go into the Tools tree.

And it’s not even as good, 25% vs current 33%. I’ll take that in exchange for managing the cooldown through kit rotations.

Mobility has always been somewhat of a weakness for Engineers, odd considering the playstyle and “design” anet has laid out. And that mobility we did have just got a pretty harsh nerf.

(edited by Terrahero.9358)

RIP perma-swiftness

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Yah it absolutely sucks to lose Speedy Kits. Engineer is not a ranged profession, infact it’s very melee/close range centric. But without the inherent durability or mobility that melee builds usually have.

Trait like Speedy Kits was a big deal, it helped to get around in the area where Engineer worked. Not dominate because a lot of other builds from other professions have similar or better mobility. Losing that Swiftness is very impactful if it happens during a fight, now it is going to happen consistently. Using kits is a requirements, so no nonsense like “just hold on to the proc till you need it”. The same reason why Kit Refinement sucked is now being applied to Speedy Kits.

If they want Engineers to be a “mid-range skirmisher” it kitten well needs the mobility to get, and stay, in that awkward combat zone that is not quite melee and not quite range.
I’ll take some solace in the fact you can counter-troll Thieves so freaking hard, but you will have even less chance of catching them.

More damage for melee

in PvP

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


The issue isn’t that melee needs more damage. The issue is that range needs less. It is crazy that a safer ranged spec can do more damage that a higher risk melee spec. It makes no sense.

Thats not entirely true. A Glass ranger f.e. might do a lot of ranged damage, but melts. Whereas a glass Warrior is never truely glass because of inherently high hp/armor, and he might have to get in melee range to melt you but getting in ranges is fairly easy with the amount of mobility.

Glass Thieves are also not really glass. They evade, blind, stealth and teleport and are one of the toughest targets to actually put down. And can get around quite easily and burst someone dead.

Mediguards can go full glass. But thanks to traits and skills will still be quite durable, and with teleports/leaps will get around and into melee fairly easy. Where they do a lot of damage.

Looking at just the range of a class is shortsighted. There are more factors that play a big part and melee in general is certainly not lacking either power, substain or the oppertunity to apply their damage.

Gems from real money too expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I’m mostly bothered by the decline in quality to cost in the gemstore.

800 gems used to buy you a an armor set, 6 individual pieces of fairly good quality (imo) that you could individually mix and match with other armor sets and dye seperately.

Now everything is Outfit. 700gems, and you dont get to mix and match individual pieces or dye each slot seperately anymore.

Do you agree more buffs to Warrior? (PVP)

in PvP

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


No absolutely not.

These are just for the convenience of some people’s builds. People who don’t really want to invest deeply into Discipline beyond getting Fast Hands and Warrior Sprint. Two very good traits.
If these could just be baseline they can skip this traitline entirely, but still get the main attraction from it.

Cleansing Ire they want to be a minor trait because now Warriors have to choose! Cleansing Ire or Last Stand (which also has the 25% stance duration worked in) as these traits compete for the same Master slot.
And they simply want both, they don’t want to make that choice.

This has nothing to do with balance, neither are these buffs justified. It’s just some people who are trying to get their ideal build going, and they just can’t make it happen as it currently stands.

900 range grenades?

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


How would projectile reflection not kitten over Mortar kit? Because unless they do a surprisingly large overhaul and make it something completely unexpected, Mortar kit = Grenade kit.

We just have to now use our elite slot for it, hope it also gets 1500 range and works just as well for power and condition builds as it did before. Which i doubt since the devs were drooling over making it a good support weapon.

Also, for Engineer, Kits = Weapons. And for AoE we have a Rifle, Bombkit, Grenadekit, and a Flamethrower. All effective in close/melee range, all AoE centric. Hammer is absolutely not needed.
What Engineers really lacked was a reliable ranged weapon. Something that wasn’t designed in a way to be better in close range and could stand up to other professions using ranged weapons. That’s the one thing Engineers don’t have, and still won’t have.

If you want AoE but refuse to use any of the many weapons we already have for that, that’s your problem.

Thief: Buffs

in PvP

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Apart from some things that are mechanical bugs and apply to multiple professions that should be looked at, your suggestions are completely unbalanced.

Free no-cooldown weapon swap? Because letting a Thief freely swap around would be totally balanced… Giving them free access to teleports or easy stealth for all weapons is ridiculous.

More health? No way. Thief has stealth, blind, teleports and evades out of the whazoo. They stay alive just fine as full glasscannons because they just straight up don’t get hit (enough).
And Thieves have some of the best condition removal for such a minimal investment. Shadow’s Embrace is overpowered for an adept trait, i am highly surprised this isn’t being moved up to compete for a GM spot with Shadow Rejuv. in the upcomming changes. Because it should.

A free destealth? And let me guess, this would also not trigger revealed right? The one drawback of wanting to attack while stealthed, namely getting revealed so you can’t immediately restealth, shouldnt be bypassed.
And if you find yourself still in Stealth for a few seconds which is stopping you from capping a point, you should’ve planned better.

Upcoming condi changes - siege damage

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


On the flipside, Condition damage is the only stat any siege could potentially scale with.
Arrowcarts do more Bleeding damage based on the users Condition damage but their direct-damage does not inherent the users Power. The same applies to all conditions applied through Siege. I think also your duration, but im not 100% sure on that one.

So siege works a bit odd, but it doesn’t inherently work against condition builds. Sometimes it’s better to have high condition damage when dealing with siege.

900 range grenades?

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Grenade kit was a good kit. It was optimal at close range, but safe at long range, exactly as the devs intented melee vs range to work. All build into one kit. Mortar kit will likely be the same anyway with those slow projectiles.

But that means we’re trading a kit that we know worked, and worked for both power and condition builds (even hybrids) and took up a utility slot, to now using our elite slot and hopefully getting something that is just as good as the Grenades were.

They gutted the Grenade kit to make the Mortar more interesting. I don’t applaud that, that’s just lazy imo. “One of their elites is aweful. Lets just take something good they have that isnt an elite and make it an elite”.
Mortar kit could’ve been made just the way they are now without gimping Grenades.

This whole thing also doesn’t sit well when they say they give Guardians ranged because they think Guardians lacked range. But a profession that is even more limited in range has it’s range nerfed, and the spec is another melee range weapon. They did exactly what Engineers did not need.

(edited by Terrahero.9358)

RE: All the anti-thief crusaders

in PvP

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Ow this is going to be hilarious when Stronghold comes around. Atleast in conquest mode the capture points force a Thief out of stealth and within a fairly small area, those limitations do not apply to playing Stronghold.

Have fun with that.

Why does Superior Sigil of Water not see use?

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


To sum it up, it’s to weak and works counter-intuitive.

It’s damage centres around the target you hit, great for damage sigils but bad for this one. You’d want it to centre around you so you always can benefit from it.

I actually prefer it procs around the target, that way I don’t have to right on top of the target and still heal allies. Sometimes the heals would benefit me too but usually I don’t need them.

It’s to weak in numbers. 370 is pitiful on a 5sec icd. If you by some divine blessing proc this every single time the moment it comes off cooldown at the very best you will get a baseline of 74hp/sec. Scaling is pretty poor as well, you need more than 1.5k healingpower to push this proc to just 600.
Of course with only a 30% proc chance it will probably not proc anywhere as often as that.

The procs on allies are over 900HP with my build, I don’t think that’s so bad.

And it does nothing for overhealing because overhealing isn’t a thing. So a lot of the potential proc is often wasted.

Healing, especially healing others, is deliberately weak in GW2. anet does not want dedicated healers. So anything that does anything healingwise for others pays a hefty performance tax.

If that was correct, Anet wouldn’t add all those items that I find so good for healer ele. Healers’ limitations arise rather from the game design as everyone has access to heal and unless they are actually under 100%, the healer doesn’t add much to the party. Nice boons but dps in that case would be better. I rarely see parties with full HP during fight in wvw tho.

900 on allies, so i assume you mean you heal multiple friendlies.

This is exactly why so many think healing power sucks, you have no idea how healing builds work, nor you tested any. Read what Heimskarl wrote, he explained it really well.

@ Rocketmist.5436 I didn’t say water sigil is the best to use, I pointed out why it doesn’t need buffing as it does its job pretty well in certain set ups.

I know how healing works just fine. But i didnt think you went all out full 100% for healing.
You dedicate everything you have, right down to the food buffs, to healing others. And still the best you can push out is a 900-1k poot. That just proves my point.

So much dedicated to getting that heal up and the best you can do is that. Something a balanced or even tanky build can damage through with a single autoattack.

I’m not telling you you shouldnt play your build you enjoy, i myself plat fairly gimmicky builds as well that are far from optimal. But don’t sugarcoat it and dress it up better than it really is.

Why does Superior Sigil of Water not see use?

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


To sum it up, it’s to weak and works counter-intuitive.

It’s damage centres around the target you hit, great for damage sigils but bad for this one. You’d want it to centre around you so you always can benefit from it.

I actually prefer it procs around the target, that way I don’t have to right on top of the target and still heal allies. Sometimes the heals would benefit me too but usually I don’t need them.

It’s to weak in numbers. 370 is pitiful on a 5sec icd. If you by some divine blessing proc this every single time the moment it comes off cooldown at the very best you will get a baseline of 74hp/sec. Scaling is pretty poor as well, you need more than 1.5k healingpower to push this proc to just 600.
Of course with only a 30% proc chance it will probably not proc anywhere as often as that.

The procs on allies are over 900HP with my build, I don’t think that’s so bad.

And it does nothing for overhealing because overhealing isn’t a thing. So a lot of the potential proc is often wasted.

Healing, especially healing others, is deliberately weak in GW2. anet does not want dedicated healers. So anything that does anything healingwise for others pays a hefty performance tax.

If that was correct, Anet wouldn’t add all those items that I find so good for healer ele. Healers’ limitations arise rather from the game design as everyone has access to heal and unless they are actually under 100%, the healer doesn’t add much to the party. Nice boons but dps in that case would be better. I rarely see parties with full HP during fight in wvw tho.

900 on allies, so i assume you mean you heal multiple friendlies. So the healing per person is much lower. Actually proccing a 900 heal per person would require insanely high healingpower. (3.5k+)
And since your allies are close enough together and to the enemy that they all benefit from the proc, a mere autoattack would be in the several thousands of damage on those some players. Without a 5sec icd, and limited proc chance.

The reason anet does add these kind of things is because some people still like to use them, even if they aren’t very good. It’s why we have Racial skills for example. It’s not a case of only adding things to the game that are optimal.
However dedicated healers are discouraged, if everyone had their self-healing removed Healers would still be useless.

Why does Superior Sigil of Water not see use?

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


To sum it up, it’s to weak and works counter-intuitive.

It’s damage centres around the target you hit, great for damage sigils but bad for this one. You’d want it to centre around you so you always can benefit from it.

It’s to weak in numbers. 370 is pitiful on a 5sec icd. If you by some divine blessing proc this every single time the moment it comes off cooldown at the very best you will get a baseline of 74hp/sec. Scaling is pretty poor as well, you need more than 1.5k healingpower to push this proc to just 600.
Of course with only a 30% proc chance it will probably not proc anywhere as often as that.

And it does nothing for overhealing because overhealing isn’t a thing. So a lot of the potential proc is often wasted.

Healing, especially healing others, is deliberately weak in GW2. anet does not want dedicated healers. So anything that does anything healingwise for others pays a hefty performance tax.

Thief caltrops + stealth + Stronghold

in PvP

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Funny how people cry from perma stealth in forums yet I am yet to see a perma stealth thief.

Because you play Conquest mode.

The thing with Conquest mode is that it inherently punished stealth’by not counting you towards the capture point. Building for a lot of stealth is cute and all, but you will constantly lose points.

In WvW stealth builds have been a plague since launch. And now that Stronghold is comming up and there is no longer a mechanic punishing stealth anymore, expect to see a lot of these Thieves pop up in spvp as well.

So i agree with RlyOsim. It’s been a cheesy playstyle that has been largely ignored and left to troll around simply because it didn’t bother spvp. But soon enough it will and hopefully this will finally attract the attention it deserves from the devs.

Eredon Terrace Empty

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


A good first start for anet would be to stop rewarding stacking.

Then they can look into rewarding destacking.

Anet doesn’t reward stacking though. Even in terms of coming 1st in a matchup and getting crappy bonus chests, a win in t1 is the same as a win in t8. People stack because they want to win, but not because they want rewards for winning. They get a good feeling from both killing other people in the game, and from having higher score. They like the instant gratification (I’m better than you), and don’t even consider that they will rise up in the ranks and face stronger servers, and lose, and then subsequently bandwagon somewhere else and start the whole process over again.

And in this post, I’d like to draw the difference between different “mass transfers” and their impacts on the game. 5 guilds left ET because they simply didn’t enjoy the gaming environment. 18 guilds went from DB to HoD for the instant gratification stuff that I talked about earlier. Not all transfers are stacking, just to be clear!

I guess i imagined the part where the higher the server ranked during any of the 3 seasons so far the more tickets they got towards a very limited and unique selection of rewards.
Besides that you get to roflstomp through EotM. Easy karma, easy leveling.

You may not think its a terrible big reward, but it’s a reward nonetheless and actively encourages stacking, whether intented or not. And it’s more than the actions taken that reward destacking, of which the counter is still stuck on zero.

Eredon Terrace Empty

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


A good first start for anet would be to stop rewarding stacking.

Then they can look into rewarding destacking.

Speculation on elementalists new weapon

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


People seem to think sword.

The “datamined” skills were mostly skills from already existing weaponsets for Ele, namely Daggers.

If we follow the theory that every specializations adds a new weapon that is not available to the profession, but also not new to another specialization, we’re left with the following:
(Longbow already goes to Guardian, Engineer gets Hammer, Mesmer gets Shield, Necro gets Greatsword. Staff, Dagger, Focus, Scepter already available to Elementalist.)

-Rifle (more likely to go to Thief to fill their lack of 900+ range options)

I’d put my money on Sword as well. But nothing is certain yet, the few datamined skills could also be for some NPC who do get unique skills sometimes. So don’t get all upset when you got your heart set on Sword and you end up getting a Warhorn.

break bar and the meta

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Zerker has very little to do with it, it is merely the stats someone has on their gear. The choice of weapons and utility skills will be affected.

So a Warrior, f.e., might want to bring a mace or a hammer to a fight, or slot some utility skills for inflicting CC. He can still be full zerker, but weapons/utility skills might not feasibly be fully aimed at more pewpew.

I seem to distinctly remember that was the goal for GW2 when it originally came out. Players were to change their weapons and utility skills “on the fly” if the circumstances demanded it.
In practise we’ve only seen very little of this, but it seems anet is going down the route more firmly in HoT.

Commander focus meta needs fix

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Right so focussing a commander in a zerg that is crippling itself by being entirely Reliant on one individual is cheesy now.

Maybe it would help if 99% of the commanders weren’t stupidly easy to spot on purpose.


New to engineer, comparing weapon skills

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Its a little disappointing to hear that the most efficient way is constantly switching between the kits. I did my fair share of hardcore min-maxing in my WoW days and I’m looking for a relaxed laid back experience without a crazy amount of micro.

Would I be kicked from parties if I’m just using one or the other or do people generally not care? Aka how seriously would I be hindering myself by not rotating between them?

Play Warrior.

Some professions are just far more micro intensive than others, and Engineers i’d say are the most micro intensive of all professions.

In order to remove fortitude and strength...

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


It requires no gold investment to get those traits,

Gold = Time, one way or another. And to get gold you can spend time farming dungeons or orr or champions, whatever. The masteries essentially cost time as well.

The argument still stands. Time spend in PvE gets you a statistical advantage in WvW over those who have not spend this time.
Similarly time spend in WvW gets you a statistical advantage over those whe have not spend this time.

One is okay, infact a wvw dev came out and fully endorsed it citing “not to want to invalidate people’s time spend”. Yet the other is now considered not okay, and it’s okay to invalidate peoples time spend.

I am okay with the removal of the Applied-buffs, but there should also be a nerf to ascended gear then.

This is probably going to be very hard for you to swallow but the flat in your logic is the assertion that both parties (if they can even truly exist), WvW’rs and PvE’rs stand mutually exclusive in their game modes and “aren’t equal”. I say this as a hardcore WvWr, the reality is that we’re all just players with (relative) equal opportunity to achieve and obtain the same things as one another. Even if there are various ways of going about doing something, currently everyone has the same access to all content in the game. What you choose to and not to do with your time is on you. If you want to go a short or long route, that’s on you. If you don’t want to farm fractals in favor of more time spent in wvw, that’s on you. Simple fact, hard to grasp apparently.

That is not a “flat(?)” in my argument. Also i never said that these are mutually exclusive, so i dont know where you got that idea from.
Your little post does not form a counter-argument because it doesn’t even touch what i actually posted.

It’s like you just wanted to rant on this subject and jumped on the first post that had certain key words in it. But you didn’t do a very good job because your post is so utterly vague, i can’t even tell what your opinion on this topic is. Is it that you support the idea that only PvE should get you an advantage in WvW?

In order to remove fortitude and strength...

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


It requires no gold investment to get those traits,

Gold = Time, one way or another. And to get gold you can spend time farming dungeons or orr or champions, whatever. The masteries essentially cost time as well.

The argument still stands. Time spend in PvE gets you a statistical advantage in WvW over those who have not spend this time.
Similarly time spend in WvW gets you a statistical advantage over those whe have not spend this time.

One is okay, infact a wvw dev came out and fully endorsed it citing “not to want to invalidate people’s time spend”. Yet the other is now considered not okay, and it’s okay to invalidate peoples time spend.

I am okay with the removal of the Applied-buffs, but there should also be a nerf to ascended gear then.

Applied Fortitude and Strength to be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I don’t understand why people are upset about this. Most people won’t see a difference. They’ll only be losing a slight advantage they had over newer players. Oh no, guys! You’re going to be on par with an enemy instead of having a slight advantage! Time to whine about it like its some sort of huge nerf!

Applied fortitude adds what 2500 health, a bit more than a slight advantage for low health classes.

Even better! There’s absolutely no reason to defend such a distinct passive advantage. Especially when the people defending it are the same ones who have heavy opinions on skill-based combat…

All players have the opportunity to get it. But even besides that it is clearly just making up for the base health of eles and guardians being too low for the WvW environment.

The single most popular profession since launch, when there wasnt even any Applied Fortitude? Hardly…

I was against the buffs, it felt bad that experienced players also get a numerical advantage over new players. You have an advantage in having spend more time to get better. If you spend that time mindlessly zerging, to bad.

However i do understand the counter argument. PvE gets you advantages in WvW, ascended gear, expensive foodbuffs, runes that are unobtainable in WvW and even some special stat combinations that are only available from PvE.
So then why is that okay, but a numerical advantage from playing WvW is not?

And we already got an answer from a dev on removing Ascended gear in WvW. “We dont want to invalidate peoples time spend”. Yet that is what they are doing here with time spend in WvW.

So i feel a similar treatment should be given to Ascended gear and Legendaries by cutting their stats down as well.

A thief's hardest counter WvW

in Thief

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


A Medi Guard, Bunker Ele and Engineer can prevent dying to a Thief. That’s about as hard as a counter as it gets.
If you mean something that can actually kill the Thief. There is no such thing, a Thief can disengage from everything. He dies when he overcommits, but thats a mistake made by the Thief and not a play from his opponent.

"Special" Announcement is here!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


It’s nice that people from your own side cannot delay upgrades anymore, either on accident or purpose.

However. Roaming and sniping dollies previously could completely freeze an objective from upgrading. Now it will only delay. And those extra 5min are only worth it if you can make a play happen in that borrowed time.
If you’re outnumbered anyway a good tactic was to snipe dollies and prevent keeps from upgrading till such a time that a proper offense could be mounted. Now however there is less point to this.

The defender can completely abandon a keep, neglect dollies and camps, and still get their fully upgraded keep eventually.
Especially in uneven matchups it just got easier and cheaper for the nightcapping server to get fully upgraded borderlands.

I am also curious how this is going to work with sieges. Would be awefully annoying if a keep randomly upgrades, repairs all walls and gates. This was a thing that could happen previously, but previously you could also halt upgrades and in certain situations even drain the objectives supply.
So it seems like itll be easier for dominant servers in a match to dominate even harder, easier and cheaper.

The removal of defense and killer is just funny to be honest. The exact reasons why people objected against these upgrades when they were first introduced are now used by anet as the reasons why they are going to remove these buffs.

Why play thief when you can play ranger

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


This whole thread is just running around in circles. There is no good reason why Stealth should interupt skills.
Thieves are in no need of getting buffed, and Stealth is certainly in no need of getting buffed.

And to think this was all about how Rapid Fire is such a pain for Thieves when they go into Stealth. The old RF was actually better against people jumping into Stealth.

Where did he say he has never been jumped by thieves before? I mean you quoted his post and still went and disingenuously put words in his mouth he did not say.

That’s funny, i was just thinking the same thing about you when i was reading another thread.


in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Yeah, that’s a single traitline you choose to use. And I’m actually eagier to see how it will perform and whether it will make support gamestyle viable. But to go from changes to a single traitline to say that Engineers are meant to be a support class is, sorry to say, stupid.

Other professions get similar traitlines, and that’s how the game should have always been. GW2 has one of the worst Pve modes, because everyone builds full dps. Hopefully, HoT’s content and the trait reworks will change that.

If you ask me, what devs seemed the most proud of were the changes to skills, like the Med Kit and Mortar.

Explosives GM has 2 out of 3 traits that are designed to be support useful. That was the example anet even used when talking about these traits, how great they’d be for support.
Then ofcourse the Inventions traitline is very support focussed. Elixirs isn’t complete, but the use of Elixirs inherently has a support potential and Tools also has some supporty traits.

The new Medkit is far better for support. Mortarkit is to replace Grenadekit for long-range, but the grenadekit was a damage focussed kit unlike the Mortarkit which also has elements of support in the form of the Healing shot at the expense of damage.

So there were a few more changes to promote support than just 1 traitline. Maybe you want to check the list or the video again before you call someone else stupid.

Tone down overlords plz

in PvP

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


@Terrahero.9358: you forgot all the nerfs other classes received, runes and amys added and stability changes…. but yeah let’s ignore the game and see engis in vacuum.

Half of the changes proposed don’t even change mechanics but just indicator for better visibility of traits/skills. How is it over the top, please explain. You can see eles attunments, you can see revealed debuff on thieves, you can see warrior stances, but omg seeing engi kits would actually make them unplayable?

You make it sound like professions got destroyed, which of course never really happend. Underused traits got buffed, some over used stuff got a little nerf (MAYBE). Biggest nerf Warriors got f.e. was the Adrenaline change, and theyre still in the meta just fine. So nothing earthshattering really happend.

But you’re right, we shouldnt look at a vaccuum. But explain to me this then, if you believe the nerfs to other professions are the reason engineers prevail:

We have profession, A, B and C.
A and B are good, C sucks.
Patch time!
C remains relatively unchanged, A and B are nerfed so hard they are now worst than C.

Why is your solution to the problem, if you believe this is what happend, “Nerf C”, rather than “buff A and B again”?

except there is D, E, F that were worse than A, B and C from begin with and remain worse
so devs would have to buff A,B,D,E,F just to put them on same line with C….

Except D, E and F were better as well. I used a simple example, but if you want to get the full picture.

There was A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H.
Only H shunned slightly more than C, everyone else was much more popular then either C and H. (H being Mesmers incase you hadnt figured it out)

Why play thief when you can play ranger

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Please source.

Beta forums got deleted before launch.

Even if this is true, this doesn’t change my argument.

Your arguments are opinions, and they are either Rapid Fire is overpowered or Stealth is underpowered.

I disagree with both.


in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


If an elite spec gets defiance i’d bet it would be Warrior :P

Just an estimated guess based on looking back at the past 3 years of development. I feel Engineers are more pressured into a support role.

support? ive always played as a healthy mix of dps, control, and support since i got decent at running dungeons. in wvw ive only been able to run a selfish dps build, until stability changed and then better control builds opened up. in pvp ive always played as a bruiser whos pretty independent but works well with my team by intimidating others, and other good builds have always been fairly selfish nodefighter or burst, but never a support focus.

I’m talking about upcomming trait changes. anet devs seemed a wee bit to proud of all the awesome support stuff engineers can do.

I just have little confidence in anet. They thought it a good idea to combine Speedy Kits with Kit Refinement. Two traits that are almost mutually exclusive because they both require the exact opposite playstyle to work optimally, as a result they never get taken together.
But apparently anet thinks they are great chums and should go hand in hand. So that doesn’t exactly get my heart racing.

Tone down overlords plz

in PvP

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


@Terrahero.9358: you forgot all the nerfs other classes received, runes and amys added and stability changes…. but yeah let’s ignore the game and see engis in vacuum.

Half of the changes proposed don’t even change mechanics but just indicator for better visibility of traits/skills. How is it over the top, please explain. You can see eles attunments, you can see revealed debuff on thieves, you can see warrior stances, but omg seeing engi kits would actually make them unplayable?

You make it sound like professions got destroyed, which of course never really happend. Underused traits got buffed, some over used stuff got a little nerf (MAYBE). Biggest nerf Warriors got f.e. was the Adrenaline change, and theyre still in the meta just fine. So nothing earthshattering really happend.

But you’re right, we shouldnt look at a vaccuum. But explain to me this then, if you believe the nerfs to other professions are the reason engineers prevail:

We have profession, A, B and C.
A and B are good, C sucks.
Patch time!
C remains relatively unchanged, A and B are nerfed so hard they are now worst than C.

Why is your solution to the problem, if you believe this is what happend, “Nerf C”, rather than “buff A and B again”?


in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Am I missing something? Was it ever confirmed that one of the elite specs would be getting Defiance? Does someone have a source for this?

“Equipping an elite specialisation takes up one of your three specialisation slots and grants you three minor traits and nine major traits for use. How does a trait that removes a condition every time you evade an attack sound? I’m personally excited about a grandmaster trait that has the power to grant my character a defiance bar!”

If an elite spec gets defiance i’d bet it would be Warrior :P

Just an estimated guess based on looking back at the past 3 years of development. I feel Engineers are more pressured into a support role.

Server transfer costs don't make sense

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


For the cost of transfering to a tier1 or t2 server it is cheaper to buy a new copy of the game, and make a new account.

If the game is on sale i could buy five new copies for the price of transfering to a tier1 server. Even going to the lowest tier server is still twice as expansive as GW2 on sale. And once you are on the tier1 server i can very quickly level a new character to 80 due to the dominance this server has in wvw and eotm.

Your price scheme isnt a barrier because there are other, much easier, ways to get the same thing.

You don’t need to buy a new copy for free transfer, just delete all your toons. Oh wait people like to keep their progression and still use the same account. The cost of a new account is invalid. If someone truly wants to transfer they will pay whatever fee you put in front of them. However the higher it is the more likely they will think twice.

Deleting your characters and rolling a new one are two entirely seperate things.

Argument invalidation, invalid.

Why play thief when you can play ranger

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Ok, let’s make a deal.
Now RF can’t track you in stealth, but instead, it turns into a charge shot, that gathers all damage in one arrow. It takes 1 second to charge the attack, just like kill-shot Fair now right?

Do you think that we rangers even like RF being a channel skill? I rather it be like kill-shot.


This does nothing to solve the problem of tracking in stealth.

Tracking in stealth is an intented design. Stealth prevents skills from locking on to a target, but going into stealth does not interupt a lock on for a skill in process.

It never has, ever. This discussion has been brought up time and time again, as far back as beta. Where it was explained that this was a deliberate design choice, otherwise stealth would be to good. (i’d argue it still is to good)

You say Stealth is clearly designed to magically work in broad daylight, in an open field, under the watchful gaze of the masses. Well maintaining a lock on that was established pre-stealth is also clearly intented.

Untill a dev comes out and says they changed their stance on this; Working as Intented.

Tone down overlords plz

in PvP

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Engineers received very little buffs in the past 12 months. But suddenly went from “garbage tier” where it was a very unpopular profession because of how poorly it performed, to “amagad please destroy! its so op!”

Engineers didnt actually change, the meta did. And when it changes again it could very likely kick them out again like the first 2 years.

The suggested changes are completely over the top. It’s entirely aimed at completely destroying the profession as a whole. Making them weak in the moment where they fit best in the meta, and when the Pendulum of Meta swings again?

This games pvp community is unimaginitive. To small and they cannot imagine their way into a new meta without anet stepping in and buff/nerfing everything for them.
Instead of taking the literally tens of thousands of builds and finding a new way to beat the meta, people cry to anet to change the meta for them. Preferably something that fits them best.

server status in sfr

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Funny you mention this, seems SFR is still recruiting more players to join the server.