Showing Posts For Terrahero.9358:

EOTM Balance: simple fix

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


How about starting with not spreading around the under populated sides.

Currently the system is set up in such a way that when 1 team creates more instances, through sheer numbers, the smaller teams get spread out.

For example. Each team can have 50 players per EotM map. Green queue’s with 150, Red with 60 and Blue with 45.
The end result is three instances that look something along the lines of:

overflow1: 50 green, 20 red, 15 blue
overflow2: 50green, 20red, 15blue
overflow3: 50green, 20red, 15blue

Because players get spread out, instead of stacking all Red and Blue into the same overflow untill they start spilling over.
Then atleast youll have a few instances that are equally populated, instead of every single instance being a complete blow out.

Is cross-world spying against the ToS?

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Match manipulation is a no-no.

Could you define what constitutes as Match Manipulation?

The rules on this are very vague, and for as far as i know this is the first time a dev even came out and said match manipulation could even be a thing in wvw. I think most people believed this was exclusively talking about spvp.

Reaper thoughts

in Necromancer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


The Reaper is going to be slow, and that he will have fairly long wind up to his attacks.

That is the core to the current Necro aswell. Slow, lacking mobility and with a lot of really long wind ups on certain abilities often coupled with fairly slow projectiles to actually deliver the impact of a skill.
And so far that has been the problem with the profession, hitting key abilities is difficult as your target has a lot of warning that they are comming. And you are unable to catch up to just about anything.

That these seem to be “features” anet is focussing on, rather than mending, worries me somewhat.

Honestly, he doesnt look as slow as I thought.

has a sluggish look to it, but that may be simply the player doing this.

How can you comment about Reapers mobility based on a video in which he litteraly does not move from his spot. :P

Server transfer costs don't make sense

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


There definitely should be a change to the transfer costs, though I don’t think a lower price should be an option. 1800 gems is a decent price for a quick transfer, and if you don’t have the cash gold farming isn’t that hard to gather enough for 1800.

In the interest of transfers though it should be based more on rank, there should be higher costs.

My suggestion would be something in this range:

Conversion into USD
Tier 1: 4000 Gems – $50.00
Tier 2: 3600 Gems – $45.00
Tier 3: 3200 Gems – $40.00
Tier 4: 2800 Gems – $35.00
Tier 5: 2400 Gems – $30.00
Tier 6: 2100 Gems – $26.25
Tier 7: 1900 Gems – $23.75
Tier 8: 1800 Gems – $22.50

- Barrier to entering a top tier server is higher, there is already a mass of players in WvW on these servers and adding to the number should be something to really want.
- Entering a lower tier server is a little easier in comparison to higher tier, which gives incentive to switch to a lower tier if your guild is looking to move, or if you are an active WvW player looking to switch to a new home world.
-Decreases Server Stacking as frequently in the higher tier, guild on T1 moving to T2. This would make them more likely to move to T4 or lower if they are paying for their members to move.
- Also by making the lowest price still the high level price bracket it is now Anet takes no loss in transaction fees. (Which is the main reason there is a cost in the first place.)

- Cost may be an issue for some that their guild has decided to move higher up in the Tiers. Or if they joined a new guild.
- Negative views from the player base when it’s first implemented, as with every change many will not understand and will grumble.

Switching to Tier 1 when a spot is open should not be easy, and should be discouraged servers need players in the lower tiers so it should be encouraged as much as possible to move lower. Not free as stacking and switching is a major issue with WvW, but definitely something needs to be done.

Side note: I was with a guild that had gathered prior to beta to be dedicated to WvW. At release when switching was free the guild switched servers several times during the free period and the rate at which other guilds were doing the same thing is a major reason why I put the game down and walked away for over a year. Full guild switching will never be something that can be stopped completely but there should never be free range for matches to be stacked because the transfers are free.

For the cost of transfering to a tier1 or t2 server it is cheaper to buy a new copy of the game, and make a new account.

If the game is on sale i could buy five new copies for the price of transfering to a tier1 server. Even going to the lowest tier server is still twice as expansive as GW2 on sale. And once you are on the tier1 server i can very quickly level a new character to 80 due to the dominance this server has in wvw and eotm.

Your price scheme isnt a barrier because there are other, much easier, ways to get the same thing.

Reaper thoughts

in Necromancer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


The Reaper is going to be slow, and that he will have fairly long wind up to his attacks.

That is the core to the current Necro aswell. Slow, lacking mobility and with a lot of really long wind ups on certain abilities often coupled with fairly slow projectiles to actually deliver the impact of a skill.
And so far that has been the problem with the profession, hitting key abilities is difficult as your target has a lot of warning that they are comming. And you are unable to catch up to just about anything.

That these seem to be “features” anet is focussing on, rather than mending, worries me somewhat.

Server transfer costs don't make sense

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Transfers only exist for WvW. Frankly paying 22,50$ for a transfer is not worth it as WvW is just a mess when it comes to matchmaking.
And if you really wanted to anyway, you’re better of picking up an entirely new copy of the game during a sale for less then half the cost of a transfer. It’s literally cheaper to buy two new acounts during a sale than it is to transfer.

If you stacked your new character, like everyone else, you’ll very quickly get to lv80 through steamrolling 24/7 in EotM.

Ranger best class for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


They arent to strong, and they aren’t to weak. They do pretty well now that the meta has moved away from the highly exclusive Hammertrain.

It's time to get rid of EoTM

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Hm, I feel like removing it for some time might be good, as it was said to apparently be the testing zone for ideas for the devs. In which case, remove it, revamp it, throw it back in and check out how new ideas run. At the moment, whatever a lot of what was tested out in EotM seemed to have made it into the Desert Borderlands, so there’s little point in keeping this version around.

Besides the fact its an overflow map without a queue, with it own map layout and gimmicks. Because the new borderland map also has sand.

How would removing EotM be good?

Bunch of spiteful people. It’s Fractals all over again. “i dont like it, so no one should be allowed to play it”.

Make tomes function like kits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Not having a cooldown is stapple to it being a Kit.

But Tomes are more powerful then Conjures, better skills. There is a trade-off somewhere. If only to allow a counterplay, or deliberately prevent use of skills that counter the counter play.
Straight up allow Tomes to maintain use of virtues, or more so utility skills can lead to some pretty messed up stuff. I imagine other Transformations have a similar reason for not allowing Utility skill use, because the skills they give are far more powerfull.

I think the problem with Tomes is that both of the have some skills that are very powerful if left to complete cast. They are by design screaming high-risk/high-reward, and need to be interupted. This put Tomes in a somewhat awkward position where it’s a transformation that doesn’t give Stability inherently because it needs to allow such a counter play.
But this leaves both Transformations very open to getting locked down.

Make tomes function like kits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


You do realize that Engineer do not get weaponswapping because they have the option of picking Kits, right?
So if Tomes would work like kits you can kiss your weaponswap goodbye as well.

Conjurations sound nice, but they are capped in skill use, and no Conjuration has the same power as the Tomes.
Either route you go down, Tome skills will need to be nerfed. They arent strong as a Transformation, but as a Conjuration they would be and as a Kit they’d be flat out brokenly overpowered.

Best and worst designed class?

in PvP

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


From a balance pov, Engineer is the worst. They have created a profession of extremes with the Engineer.

The profession that can potentially have most readily available skills is the Engineer. The professions that can potentially have the least readily available skills is also the Engineer.

And the mechanics have been a mess since forever, the whole profession lacks a direction or an overarching idea.
It surprised me not one bit that out of all professions it was only the Engineer that had just a PowerPoint presentation when they did the big reveal of the trait changes. With some traitlines having as many as 1/3ths of the traits blank, “to be determined” later.

It’s a profession that sorely lacks ranged options, every weapon is designed for melee range, very close range, or optimized and balanced around close range. No profession needed a range option more than Engineer.
Yet they are doing the exact opposite. Give the specialization a(nother) melee range weapon and nerf the ranged options.

A profession that shined in highly gimmicky situations, that have prompted broad stroke nerfs that affect every build in every gamemode.

(edited by Terrahero.9358)

Application for WvW Beta Access

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Isnt it suppose to be an item that randomly drops only in WvW?

turrets are now completely useless

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


In my opinion Turrets should be something a bit different. Not an immobile pet, but a proxy.

Turrets need to be placed, then the Turret can be used for an effect. The effect will be applied from the Turret.
For example:
Net Turret is placed, the Net Turret skill becomes Fire Net. You trigger the turret to fire the net, and it will fire it at your currently selected target.


Thumper Turret does an AoE knockback/Knockdown/Stun. But it will trigger from the Thumper Turret when you tell it to trigger.

Turrets no longer autoattack. They are just proxies for a utility skill, and it’s up to the Engineer to use them properly and take things like los from the pov of the turret into consideration.
Following the example of the Thumper Turret, you can place in a choke without having to be near it and CC someone who comes through it.
Or place a Net Turret a bit hidden, making it less likely your opponent will dodge the net when you get the Turret to shoot it from an unexpected angle (while your opponent is focussing on you)

In return, Turrets are indestructable. Picking up a Turret reduces the cooldown by 100%, meaning you can immediatly place it again. This does not reset the cooldown of the Turret’s ability. It’s just to quickly reposition.
Detonating Turrets could remain, meaning you get a full cooldown obviously. Or it could be replaced with something else that also triggers from the Turret. Giving it two abilities you need to manage per Turret.

So, the Turret becomes a micro-intensive device that doesn’t really do anything without being directly told by the player to.

It's time to get rid of EoTM

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Also they removed culling after 2-3 weeks since live.

Culling was never removed it was put in the hands of the players to determine how much culling they play with. This was also not “2-3 weeks since live”. Not even close.

Proposed Changes for Engineer Turrets

in PvP

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


They should remove autoattacks from Turrets. They only get an “Overcharge”, and are indestructable.

They are essentially utility skills, but they are deployed by proxy of the Turret itself. Example, you dont do the Knockdown around your character but around where the Turret is.
You’re Immobilize projectiles doesn’t fire out from your character, but from the Turret. Obviously these effects will all have cooldowns, you cannot just spam knockdowns or such.

Turrets are no more No-brain AI because they literally do nothing without player input telling them to, and against who. Instead they are to be strategically placed proxies.
Turrets do not think about range or los. So if you decide to have your turret try and net someone who is obstructed from where the turret is, thats on you when it fails.

Detonating a Turret does a new effect, or just a larger explosion but leaves it at full cooldown. Picking them up reduces cooldown by 100%, so you can place them again immediatly. This will not refresh the cooldown on the turret ability.

(edited by Terrahero.9358)

It's time to get rid of EoTM

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


WvW has been broken since launch. One overstacked server to rule them all, with double-teaming every now and then. But not against the leading server, but by the leading server, to make it an ever bigger stompfest.

WvW has always been won by nightly players who simply batter down an undefended door, to kill a pve mob and claim free points.
Then they settle in their new keep, run some pve mobs from a set location (if even needed), and camp their overpowered arrowcarts.

And yet people seem to enjoy that. Just as people seem to enjoy EotM. Why do you want to remove it again? Because it seems to be nothing but spiteful behavior. Maybe you should be removed from the game, that will probably have a more positive outcome.
To those wondering. EotM did not impact WvW’s performance, it’s always been kittenty.

'Burning' Condition - Additional Effect

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Warning: Speculation ahead.

Burning and poision will not stack like bleeding. they will stack once per player. The stacking is just to allow multiple players to have conditions on a target in dungeons and whatnot without losing DPS after the first guy uses them.

The point of burning was, and always will be, to have decent condition damage on a target without having to spec into condition damage.

But they said they will tone down the power of these conditions when they stack.

So it would leave a lot of stuff nerfed, only in case there are people ganging up on someone or something.
Wouldn’t count on stacking to only apply to different players. It sounds like a bleed kind of effect.

RnG beta key lottery??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


And yet it is a grind is a great way to see if you are fit for a beta in the first place.
A beta is basically grinding the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over again. If you don’t like that, you shouldn’t be in a closed beta in the first place.

You dont even know what is in the beta. Nor are the bèta’s that these keys give access for that long to begin with.

And if only the feedback from people with a grind mentality are valued, i fear for what that holds in store.

Dire Zerg Grenadier. Will it work?

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I would recommend not building at all for grenades right now as they are going to get a pretty hefty nerf soon enough. You wont even be able to reach that backline without being in range of everyone and their pet wombat.

The replacement for long-range being the new Mortar Kit. Which might not work for conditions at all, unlike the Grenade kit.
So i’d strongly suggest waiting before you invest into a build that is likely getting killed off.

The duel-sword Thief (Swashbuckler)

in Thief

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I’m gona put my money on Rifle as well.

Thief lacks a weapon to go beyond 900range, it just isn’t there. Longbow is already going to Guardian and with Bandits there is perfectly good lore to justify a Rifle for Thieves.

Do you hate [EotM] or rigged 3 way ktrains?

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


One side Always dominates (Green). Red and Blue are mere cannon fodder for the power fantasy of the commander of green.

So either they Ktrain and get at least something, or they bunker down in a defensible choke and hope to not still get overrun. Blue can do this very well in their keep, and frequently does. But sitting in one small spot, hoping for another zerg to get to kitteny and run inti your prepared siege is not what most people find fun.
And i dont think it counts as “competitive fights” when literally the entire rest of the map is one colour while you keep bunkering.

If sides weren’t so completely unbalanced you’d have a better chance of seeing some fights.

RnG beta key lottery??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


They should give beta keys to anybody that has supported the game since day 1. That makes at least as much sense as this nonsense.

So basically invite people that might not have played the game for over a year and most likely won’t play the beta?

It is always better to target the active parts of the player base for these kind of things.

They could have moderated invites with “active in past <X time period>”.

The current system doesn’t invite active people, it invites people who grind SW. Could’ve been players who havent logged in, in months. While people who mostly play WvW, or do not have lots of time to grind but have been consistently active since launch are less likely to get in or outright excluded if they do not want to grind SW/DT.

And the grind part was dumb. If a mailing list is used and someone doesn’t get invited, aw balls, to bad. But it didnt take away from your normal time spend, nor did it force you into a very specific gameplay.
Now someone could’ve spend 40h grinding for a key in content you otherwise do not enjoy (anymore) and not get anything.

This system will leave people more frustrated, burned out, and limit itself only to those with a grind mentality in a very narrow part of what GW2 has to offer.

You're changing traits; can we respec gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


A person picks a class and playstyle to main and that’s what gets them hooked to the game

I dont think thats true for everyone, but it sure applies to me. I dont pick “meta” builds, or read online how to make my character.
When i make a new character i play it, i experiment and diversify and find a playstyle that i enjoy to actively play. Sometimes its a good build, sometimes not so, but its fun!

This big trait condensation is going to hit me hard. Some of my characters i can preserve the playstyle i enjoy them for. But other characters will be unsalvageable.

I would have to completely take them back to the drawingboard. Find out if there is another way to play them that i enjoy. And the gear will probably be obsolete in the process.

Talk about invalidating time spend.

What to do about the Watchwork Mining Pick

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Proc chance seems to be about 25%. It’s fairly high.

arenanet did say that the permanent tools would always be the “best”. But this was really more in answer to the question “what if a higher tier gathering node is introduced?”, and not in reference to sheer performance.

The Watchwork Miningpick is a bad idea because it creates a very conflicting choice. Do i go for a skin i find pretty? But that means i wont get the significant income that the Watchwork brings.

Outfits? No thanks.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Why cant we use the skins of all armor types yet?

With outfits there really isnt any excuse why an Ele cannot use heavy armor skins, or a Warrior using light armor skins. Since with outfits that already happens anyway.

[Grenade Kit/Mortar] Post Feedback Here!

in PvP

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


We lose 1500range grenades on a utility slot to get <TBD> range Mortar Kit on an elite Slot.

Plenty of people play their engi for the long-range grenades, and that is entirely removed. Can you imagine if Longbow for Rangers got nerfed to 900 range, and there was no longer a trait to increase the range?

And we have to hope that the Mortar kit will be designed in such a way that it is just as good as the Grenade kit is. Playing nice with both power, condition and hybrid builds.

So no, i dont like losing the Grenade kit because at least i know it was something good.

Please let us use 2 Major or Adept traits...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


People will keep complaining about balance even if it was brought down to two professions with no choice in build at all. And we have a lot of mindless QQ when it comes to balance. And a vocal minority gets to dictate balance for everyone, throughout all (unrelated) gamemodes.

Balance will not improve, if anything you’ll see even more clone builds. And when the QQ brigade gets something nerfed again, you might not even have any alternatives anymore. It’s already a situation where you don’t really have 3 choices of traits per major slot. Often it boilds down to two, or just one real choice. And in some cases all choices are terrible and you might as well skip that tier.

Engineer Skills, Traits and Builds Discussion

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Silly is a pretty meaningless term in a fantasy where a Ranger can shoot in the air a few times and literally rain down a hundred arrows.
And you dont even know if these changes “give a huge boost” as its all tbd in some power point presentation. You HOPE it will be a boost.

Regardless, anyone who liked to play the style of long range bombardier is going to lose that option and is now left hoping the Mortar kit will suffice. Which again, we dont know it even will.

Engineers are very limited in their ranged options. 1200range autoattack doesnt mean it’s a good ranged weapon when everything else on that weapon needs you to be so close to your enemy, it’s virtually melee or even sub-melee range.

Anyone else giggled at the AMA like a madman?

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Now, lose nades… and gain other stuff like water fields+blast, all the changes from pistols to rifle to mortar… we can’t say it will not open up some build.

We lose builds to gain builds. But they are different kind of builds.

oh right, nades. 900 range wont affect them in pve. irrelevant change.

We dont even know how the new pve encounters will be like, and in current pve events its also very relevant as there are quite a few worldbosses where 900range will not cut it. It is only irrelevant for “stack in a corner” bossfights, which arenanet wants to crack down on.
And this will certainly be a very relevant change in wvw.

Lose the utility slot grenade kit for long range, to now have to pick up the elite slot mortar kit. And hope it’s going to fullfill the job just as well for everyone. The grenade kit was well designed in the sense that it was a viable choice for every kind of orientation. Power, condition or hybrid.
We lose something we know worked well and are left hoping the new thing is just as good. And honestly, arenanet has not earned that trust not by a loooooong shot. I mean for god sake, engineers are still just a Power Point.

Engineer Skills, Traits and Builds Discussion

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I dont like these changes at all. And besides that i find it very telling that Engineers are still in the “power point”-stage.

Grenades are getting nuked to make the Mortar Kit seem more useful. That’s bullkitten, to get the same thing we already have will now cost an Elite slot. While Engineer keeps struggling with limited, viable, ranged options.
And Grenades work well for both power, condition and hybrid builds. But theyre getting nerfed down to 900 range and will lose their field.

I don’t like how much emphasis is being put on Engineer as a support profession. I don’t like how hybrid in general is getting gutted with how traitlines are redesigned.

And i refuse to applaud the new weaponskins for kits that previously didnt have any. It took them more than 2.5 years. 2.5years in which they added dozens upon dozens of new weapon skins but never something for the kits that didnt have any to begin with.

Traits Part 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I don’t mind the new system so far. It seems interesting enough. However, they REALLY need to grandfather all current 80s who have everything unlocked already. It’s just not acceptable for us to lose abilities we already earned and have to grind all over for them. I don’t have world completion on most of my alts so many of them do not have all those random skill point challenges done. The last thing I want is to have to run around on a ton of alts doing silly hero point challenges for unlocking stuff I already earned before.

you will be doing it for elite spec anyhow.
they said 60 challenges will get you enough to unlock everything. that means youll probably need like 140-180 to unlock the new spec.

But now we have to do a lot more.

I have 1 character with world completion, all my other characters i did not level through pve. So i have to do 60 extra hero challenges 7 more times, thats 420 extra hero challenges total, just to get back the stuff that was arbitrarily taken away.

And why can i suddenly not control what skills i unlock? I have to go through the list and take whatever the game says i get.

This whole system is just a step backwards, and reminds me very much of what WoW already did a few years ago. Go down a talent tree, every once in a while you get to pick between 3 talents. And skills unlock in arbitrary order, preset by the game. Ow, we get to pick the category we want to progress in? Yah, now it’s completely different…

I don’t give a kitten about “but there were only like, 0-1 viable builds”. Viable changes all the time, and not all the time do people want to play the viable build. Sometimes they want to have fun. In a game? heresy i know. But this new system has far less choice.
Infact that is the running theme with these overhauls. Less choice, more on rails. Before long we’ll just have complete build templates with everything preset.

Traits Part 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


So i am going to arbitrarily lose utility skills and traits i already had, just to regrind old content another 7x to get them back?

It looks like you’re going to get hero points based on your level (mostly) and then however many correspond to skill challenges you’ve completed around the world. It looks like being level 80 will allow for a majority of the unlocks. So it’s more like the new system will be implemented and you’ll get a refund of approximately however many points you should have. There’s no word on if these points will be in any way account bound.

So, yes. I am arbitrarily going to lose utility skills and traits and have to grind old content to get them back.

Well thanks for the response.

Dude, I’m just a player. I don’t have a hand in this system. I’m just trying to clarify based on what they’ve said.

And i thank you for your time clarifying.

Or did you think i was blaming you personally for this?

Traits Part 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


So i am going to arbitrarily lose utility skills and traits i already had, just to regrind old content another 7x to get them back?

It looks like you’re going to get hero points based on your level (mostly) and then however many correspond to skill challenges you’ve completed around the world. It looks like being level 80 will allow for a majority of the unlocks. So it’s more like the new system will be implemented and you’ll get a refund of approximately however many points you should have. There’s no word on if these points will be in any way account bound.

So, yes. I am arbitrarily going to lose utility skills and traits and have to grind old content to get them back.

Well thanks for the response.

Traits Part 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


So i am going to arbitrarily lose utility skills and traits i already had, just to regrind old content another 7x to get them back?

Stab issue really a L2P issue

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


So it’s your opinion against other people’s opinion then?

Because zerg tactics have never really been the apex of ingenuity. The GWEN meta was just press Stability, Press W in the direction of enemy blob, press 1 a lot.
And before that we had the whole stand densely packed on one spot, and press 1 a lot.

At least, after two years of the same meta, we’re seeing something change. And “quagmire’s” of defense sounds better than what meleetrain turned WvW into. A fight that doesn’t get decided within 20seconds might sound inconceivable to some.

Very Questionable Gem Pricing For Keys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Don’t forget the most evil of constructs, the scraps.

These are not a compensation or assurance you get a skin, at all. If they were they’d be a guarenteed drop. Oh no, they simply exist to get you to gamble more!

Afterall, if you buy 25 keys and get no tickets you will feel iffed and say “kitten it, i am done”.
But, if you bought 25 chests and got 8 scraps… aw man, so close right? Isn’t it kitten tempting to buy a few more keys? You might get that ticket, or the two missing scrap! If you stop now those 8 scraps are worthless!

BLchests are pretty sinister, designed purely to prey on poor impulse control and using scraps as a bait to get people to gamble even more when it hasn’t gotten them anything yet.

Stab issue really a L2P issue

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Incomplete meta, what kind of nonsense is that?

There is a complete meta it simply changed or better yet, it’s in the process of changing . After two years it’s no longer melee blob, haleluja we’re actually seeing something else for a change.

These hostile responses surprise me very little. Most players were Guardian and Warrior because they were the meta in the melee blob AKA hammer train. Of course they are none to pleased they have to change up their playstyle.

Can’t mix up a meta without kittening off the people who are on top of it.

My only question about the NEW WvW BL's

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I think s/he is referring to the player cap on BL’s. I’m guessing that unless they build better servers or netcode or whatever to accommodate the player increase, they won’t be increasing the cap.

Considering all the new stuff going on, on this new borderland map i’d be surprised if there isn’t a performance loss.

Hobo Sacks: A Terrible Fashion Statement

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Remove the Hobosacks. Replace them with an icon, just like the elementalist.

Truthfully, I’m expecting this to become the new 25+ page is complaints about the Hobosack as ANet continues to make excuses as to why they can’t fix it.

They don’t even bother to actually make excuses, though.
They’ve just gone “We don’t have the resources” every single time they respond. First there was Colin, maybe a few months after release, going “We have to get things like spectator mode and custom arenas done first,” among other things that I can’t recall but am pretty sure have been in the game for quite some time, then there was Bill, a few months later, going “We’d like to do something, but we don’t have the resources. Here’s what we’re thinking, though,” and then the thread got ignored for…pretty sure it was a year or more. Then Gaile comes in and says, of course, “We don’t have the resources, but there’s talk of what they’d do about it if they could.”

So, they want to fix it, is the impression I’m getting, but every time they can, they get told to do something else instead. Not that this stopped them from making a Mail Carrier customization option, complete with new UI elements.

I’m not buying the whole “we dont have resources”.

There is still no weapon for Grenade, bomb or med kit. They release new skins on a fairly regular basis, quite often are new weapon skins released. In 2.5 years they couldn’t have found the time to make a weapon representation for these kits?
I know thats not the main issue, but it sure is something that could and should have been done yet wasn’t.

And how much effort could it really have taken to add an extra checkbox that says “Force Show Backslot”. Where the back you have equiped will always have top display priority and prevents it’s visual from being overwriten aslong as a backslot is shown. That’s all people really asked for.

(edited by Terrahero.9358)

Sinister gear, P2W, and HoT

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Sorry but the excuse it’s a small stat difference does not fly.

“We don’t think you should need to grind to get the best gear and stats in Guild Wars 2”.

So what exactly does that mean:

- The best gear/stats: This means to have statistically the best abilities in the game, you shouldn’t need to, by our definition of the word, grind. This goes for leveling and getting top gear (by our definition that’s ascended gear, legendary being an optional extra thing you can do, but don’t need to do.)

Ascended is considered by arenanet to be the top level of gear. Also note how they clearly destinguish between ascended and legendary, and how they call legendary in particular optional.

The borderlands 2 argument still does not stand because it’s first of all an entirely different genre, you cannot just compare one thing one genre does with something another genre does. By that logic we should see first-person shooter elements because Borderlands does that too.
Also, borderlands 2 alone does not constitute a common practise.

Buyer's remorse

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


It baffles me that people still buy it.

But also that arenanet doesn’t disclose the chances. This might vary, but here in this country atleast loteries disclose the win chance’s.

The dye description:
“Contains one random armor dye from a pool of 25 colors that includes 10 exclusive colors”

At what point is there any hint that these 10 exclusive dye’s have a significantly lower chance to drop? How could anyone reading this, without prior knowledge of arenanet’s gemstore rng bullkitten, have any inkling on what his chances are of getting one of the exclusive dye’s?

I do not blame people at all for thinking “ow, so 10/25th chance for an exclusive dye”. Because that is all you have to go by, without any further descriptive explaination that the exclusive dye’s are deliberately much rarer. And that you do not have 10/25th chance for an exclusive dye, not even close.

Sinister gear, P2W, and HoT

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


But dungeons arent the only way to get, f.e. Berserkers gear. And neither do dungeons require seperate purchase through gems in order to play them.

The convert to gems argument i find troubling because people can get a big variance in how much they end up “paying” because you are depending on a variable market.
And 30g isnt exactly peanuts, it’s not difficult, but it can be quite time consuming. Especially for newer players, who are likely the one’s that missed out on the free unlock and don’t have as much experience.

That effort and time spend to acquire 30g just to then get the oppertunity to grind more to unlock the stat combination you want. A grind within a grind.
Fact it’s currently 30g44s for 200gems, this already shows that prices can go up quickly. Last i checked (<2weeks ago) 25g would’ve gotten you those 200gems.

I never said anything about specific gear stats. There certainly other ways to get Beserker gear. But dungeon tokens are used for more than just beserker gear. Legendaries for one. And yes, dungeons don’t require you to buy something in order to get it.

Converting gems may not be the best the best option, but it certainly is an option. Plus the more people convert gems to gold, the price goes down, and everyone wins. Also gems can be purchased for cash at the standard unchanging rate of $1.25 for 100 gems.

But my point is specific rewards require doing specific content. Whether that is dungeons, map completion, WvW, PvP, events, dailies, etc. If you want the rewards for doing the specific content, do the specific content. Just because some of it is locked behind having to buy some DLC, doesn’t somehow make it unfair or P2W (not that you are syaing its P2W, but generally speaking) Those things are rewards for buying the DLC.

Should players have access to everything, including DLC content and the rewards associated with it, without having to buy it? Or log in the game during a certain time period? Other games do this all the time. Limited time sales, or free time windows, etc. But no one whines about that. But GW2 does it and the sky is falling, because it’s unfair.

An example of that is Borderlands 2. There is a chest that gives you uber awesome gear that you can open with special keys. (think BLTC chests and keys.) The keys don’t drop in-game, and the only way to get them is to buy them with cash. Now occassionally they would do a promotion on twitter to get a free key. Is that fair to people who don’t have twitter? Or follow them? Or check their twitter in the 2 hours it’s available?

But my argument is that stat combination shouldn’t be content locked rewards. Cosmetics, titles and such, sure, none of that has any impact in the effectiveness of anyone. Unless you try to sparkle someone to death.
Stat combinations does have an impact on how your character and the build you use performs.

The argument “the stats arent good” i find highly irrelevant, it’s people choice how they want to gear. And what is and isn’t good changes all the time.

I also do not care what Borderlands does, it’s a very different game in an entirely different genre where it’s not even that relevant. Chests also do not function exactly like you said.

Buyer's remorse

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I don’t understand why they do not unless they are making serious cash of people’s gambling compulsions.

Answered your own question.

They do it because it pays off, same with BL tickets. People drop a crazy amount of money on these skins. I think for tickets the chance came down to about 25 keys to get 1 ticket (this factors in scraps).
25 keys are sold in bulk, at 2100 for 25 keys. Greatest deal you can get, per key you pay the least amount of gems. Still thats more then 25$ worth of gems, for 1 ticket to get 1 weapon.

Ow, wait… the skin is no longer on it’s introduction period. Now it costs 5 tickets. Thats around 130$ in gems. Utterly ridiculous of course and anyone that does the math buys this kind of stuff straight from the TP, from those who gambled and got lucky. Because overall it’s much cheaper.

Sinister gear, P2W, and HoT

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


But dungeons arent the only way to get, f.e. Berserkers gear. And neither do dungeons require seperate purchase through gems in order to play them.

The convert to gems argument i find troubling because people can get a big variance in how much they end up “paying” because you are depending on a variable market.
And 30g isnt exactly peanuts, it’s not difficult, but it can be quite time consuming. Especially for newer players, who are likely the one’s that missed out on the free unlock and don’t have as much experience.

That effort and time spend to acquire 30g just to then get the oppertunity to grind more to unlock the stat combination you want. A grind within a grind.
Fact it’s currently 30g44s for 200gems, this already shows that prices can go up quickly. Last i checked (<2weeks ago) 25g would’ve gotten you those 200gems.

Sinister gear, P2W, and HoT

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


P2W probably not. But it sure is weird that if you want to get certain stat combo’s on ascended you need to buy that chapter of the LS, and complete the achievement.

Why these aren’t just added to the vendor for everyone puzzles me. Getting an ascended trinket for free isn’t a good enough reward?

It is, but it gives you the option to buy more if you want to. Plus the Jewel which has the same stats is available through the vendor without having to unlock anything. ?

Because that isnt sold by any vendor untill after you complete that particular chapter.

Sinister gear, P2W, and HoT

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


P2W probably not. But it sure is weird that if you want to get certain stat combo’s on ascended you need to buy that chapter of the LS, and complete the achievement.

Why these aren’t just added to the vendor for everyone puzzles me. Getting an ascended trinket for free isn’t a good enough reward?

Stability changes - general

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Patch is barely two days old. Maybe see how this pans out, see how people adjust and adept before we recoil in horror and make effort to reinstate the meta we’ve had for two years running.

Focus on the Arrowcarts and the new camera setting, and how they make defensive siege pretty useless. That is a far more serious issue that is not going to get any better.
Also, look at Retaliation first. A single spammable boon that is applied as a side-effect rather then deliberate intent should not hardcounter entire weaponsets or deter AoE so much. AoE is suppose to deter stacking, not the other way around.

If this CC spam is still a consistent issue that cannot be dealt with, the uncapped CC such as Line of Warding should be put through some scrutiny.

New nerf to thief? Shadowstep shortcuts

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Can’t nerf blind, cause it’s literally the only way Thieves can survive.
Can’t nerf evades cause it’s literally the only way Thieves can stay alive
Can’t touch Stealth because it’s literally all Thieves have to not die.
Can’t tweak teleports, because without it Thieves drop dead instantly.
Can’t fix a broken mechanic where you could shadowstep through terrain and to places otherwise unreachable or very difficult to reach, because Thieves will literally implode in on themselves.

It’s the same Thief whine every time. Fix one thing and the sky is falling because that one thing was literally their only way to stay alive. You know, besides those other things.

Stability changes - general

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Maybe we’ll see portal bombing make a return. Maybe zergs have to spread out more and fight across several fronts to avoid eating ALL the CC with the entire zerg.
Smaller groups can fight larger groups effectively with hit n run, no longer can the larger zerg simply charge straight at you with impunity, you can actually CC them.

This change is less then 48h old. Let’s see how it plays out and how players adept before we change everything back just to maintain the meta we’ve been having for about two years already.

need brief immunity/strip cap to stab per sec

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


The only thing “disingenuous” here is how people seem to want to have limited stacks of stability, limited targets on GTAOE’s and other AOE abilities but not have limits on GTAOE CC abilities as well.

Hardly. I’ve wanted to get stuff like LoW and Static Field get a cap for years now, this is not a new discussion at all. But for the longest time it was not an issue, l2p, etc etc Because it didn’t bother the Warriors or the Guardians, who made up the majority of the zerg and had more stability than any other professions.

That is the attitude that bothers me in these threads. All this CC spam has been a thorn in the side of most professions and builds for the longest time. But now suddenly we can agree it’s a problem?
And even then a lot of people in these discussions have been trying their best to not mention Warriors or Guardian CC.

While on the subject of limiting procs to a short internal cooldown to avoid crazy extremes, when is Retaliation finally getting an icd? Or do we have to wait untill that bothers the Hammer Bros before we’re finally ready to admit that is a problem?