Showing Posts For Terrahero.9358:

Do we actually WANT anet to focus on WvW???

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


HoT is what hurt my enjoyment of WvW the most. The DBL was initially very poorly designed, i find the rework a lot more acceptable but that took ages. More importantly, HoT introduced a massive power creep that actually killed a ton of builds.
Variety went down significantly as suddenly classes were slinging around 5-12k damage, over long distance with at best a few measely seconds cooldown. Older builds that did not incorporate these new Elite specs often could simply not keep up.

I have a ton of alts myself, all made in a time before HoTs. With builds that were fun even if they were often not optimal, the range of ‘viable’ was quite broad. Post-HoT that range is very narrow. As elite specs demonstrated a combination of durability and damage that previously rarely seen, and never accepted as balanced. That is now the norm.

A step in the right direction

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


With the latest blogpost Anet added some more details to the things they are planning to do with the comming update.

-New system to gain rewards based on various factors (commanding a squad, being outnumbered, staying with the same server for a while, your wvw rank, etc)
-More indepth match history system
-Improved easier grouping for squads
-Ascended armor and weapons in 3 tiers, with each tier more prestigious
-Special Legendary backpiece with Glider (so also a cool pve reward)

Can’t complain about these changes at all. They seem to (finally) deliver on some things that we’ve been asking for for years now.

Condi damage broken, and how to fix it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Good to see people still needlessly complain about Conditions as a whole, rather than specific builds that are unbalanced. Good to see people still propose severe nerfs to an entire method of damage, which would sweepingly affect all Condition builds just because of a few builds, if that.

All this started with people using glassy builds, who didn’t want to do what they kept telling everyone who complained about burst damage, which is adept.

Rifle Thief: how does it make you feel?

in Thief

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Don’t even know what a Rifle will do for a Thief.

Currently that prof has two real ranged options, pistols and shortbow, and neither of these weaponsets have stealth. Offhand Pistol has a smoke field, but you need a Dagger mainhand to Leap finisher that for a stealth.

Neither do we know what the damage will be like. The concern that it will be overtuned is a general concern for all Elite specs because that happend with HoT, and they are still overtuned.
There are currently already plenty of builds that will knock your socks off over a fairly significant range.

Will we ever going to see Gear Progression?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Hah, gear “progression”. Because grinding 10% better gear in a world where mobs arbitrarily deal 10% more damage and have 10% more health is such a “progression”.

It’s a threadmill, in the purest sense. You keep running and running, but you never really move forward. If you stop, you fall off the back. You can get the same experience by just throwing away your current gear every 6 months and starting over from scratch.

That is the kind of entertainment a hamster gets from its running wheel.

So everything we worked for in HoT...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


His thing seems to be that since you can only use one Elite Spec at a time, getting another one in the next Xpac means you either won’t use the one you unlocked in HoT or the new one. So at any given time you aren’t using either of the Xpacs Elite Spec.

This is of course very silly, as even right now there are specs and people who do not use the currently available Elite Spec. In addition the Elite spec was to offer more options, not guarentee a certain trait line to always be active.

However, to be fair, Anet overtuned the Elite specs in HoTs massively. We’ve seen a pretty significant powercreep as a result. That is certainly something i hope we can avoid a repeat off, so we do not end up in a situation where Xpac 2’s Elite specs are so overtuned it is the go-to for 95% of the builds out there.

WvW is on fire

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Am I the only one that thinks the auto upgrades killed what little immersion WvW offered?

No, i agree. If this talk about an “RTS” element is true then we might see this return somewhat. I wouldn’t mind a system with more expansive ‘base building’.

Keeps have been kind of dull. Upgrade wall, Upgrade gate, put some mostly useless siege on the walls that get sniped by roamers anyway.

What WvW needs most is to just be rewarding to play. Sure it’s important that it is fun, but when people feel the need to PvE so they can afford to WvW, something is funky.
I cannot get runes or sigils, or significant amounts of ascended gear from WvW.

WvW should be able to award good rewards, gold, and items that are desireable even for PvE players. Some exclusivity would go a long way too. I want to see PvE players complain they have to WvW for something they really want, because that would mean there is actually something worth fighting for.

The balance between game classes

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


That’s true. I main thief and I certainly can’t think of a build that wouldn’t benefit from daredevil. But this may be an issue that resolves itself as more specializations are revealed.

There’s also nothing to say that the system will remain as it is. I’m new to the game this year, but it’s my understanding that traits worked in a very different way previously. Who knows? By the next expansion we may find ourselves choosing 1 out of a handful of elite specializations and 2 out of the rest? They’ll have to address the issue with the release of the next specialization, I’d imagine.

It is not a solution.

First off it really puts HoT in the direction of “pay-to-win”. As more build diversity is an advantage in any competitive environment, on top of having access to the almost universally superior Elite Specialization traitlines along with the often above-averagely powerful weapons. Exceptions may exists, but in general this is true.

I understand your idea that if we get more specs like this it might sort itself out, however these updates are going to be far between. We’re nearing the 1 year aniversary of HoT with no indication any more Elite Specs are on their way, how many years would it take before we’d reach that point?
In addition these updates might all to well cost yet more money.

Now i don’t believe the devs deliberately set out to make Elite Specs overpowered, but simply got carried away with making cool skills, useful skills, and applying new techs.
HoT skills, in particular weapon skills, are overloaded with effects often piled on top of high damage.
PreHoT a skill that just blocks for 2secs was a good skill, PostHoT that skill would block, reflect, deal high damage, be a combo finisher, and have a lower cooldown.

There is an unsubstainable powercreep going on in GW2.

Heart of Thorns Killed My Interest in GW2

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


The only thing i really wish was gone from HoT are the Elite specs.

We will have to roll back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Well RIP most of my dailies… At least I did home instance gather last night…

Game’s been down for way too long. I think at this point some sort of compensation for both the losses in progress and the very long downtime would be right. Even something small.

A reminder. You don’t own your account. Arena net owns it and allows you to use it. Everything is theirs and any progress is their property.

That is true. However, PR wise it would be bad to let too much time go by without giving something in return to players.

I don’t think we’ve crossed that time point yet, however.

I dont mean to sound like a **** but i paid for the game, 2 special additions infact for the rytlock figures, and consistently pay in by buying not only HoT but other gem items I dont rent my account, its mine. They dont do the work, they dont earn the AP I do. Im not looking for any compensation but i cant stand that ‘’Anet owns it’’ mentality. When they put in the farming time and so on that I do then they can call it theirs

Read the TOS. You don’t own the game. You bought a license to play the game.

European Supreme Court says you are wrong.

It was a ruling back in 2012, under EU law i most certainly own my copy of GW2 and no ToS can get me to sign away that right. Legally speaking i could even resell my copy of GW2.
Of course no one has yet dragged a game company infront of a court to execute this right, because that seems like a huge waste of time and effort and undoubtably cost far more than such a resale would ever net, legally speaking you’d be in the right. Provided you are an EU citizen.

These recent rulings are also believed to be the reason why Steam finally caved and did the right thing by adding an option to refund. As they would be in violation of EU law, and sooner or later they’d get smacked for it.
Setting up a refund system is apparently a better business strategy than not serving the EU market anymore.

dying mode

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I hope you realize they have added more content in a few months than they have in the past few years. They already stated that once they are finished with the overhauls, they will work on the next season. From what I have seen, wvw was dying before April. Compared to now, it’s a new game even despite losing some of its luster.

WVW had been dying since year 2, the stale and exclusive Hammertrain meta along with a lack of content updates has caused WvW to bleed so many players.

They have made a lot of effort recently, i just hope it isnt to late. Not that i am clamouring for another Season, which have mostly been a huge disapointment so far. Steady content is more important. Fact we went for soooo long before we even saw some new cosmetics is a testament to that, during a time when we saw new skins get added through pve or the gemstore on a near bi-weekly basis.

What the heck happened to WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


And in case you want to know what killed wvw:
Free transfers
Ferocity Patch (reason: condis were OP and being tanky didn’t really help afterwards)
Stability changes
Players locking tiers on NA /scoring in general
June 23th Patch
HoT- Elites
Desert Borderlands

It might appear to you that recent changes made people quit but in fact it’s a long line of poor and/or risky decisions.

To your DBL: I’m still usually a solo roamer and I really hated that map – also there’s solo roamers/havoc groups/zergs/blobs why trying to force people to play only one of it? DBL is only suited for havoc groups.

-Free transfers were left open far to long at launch, allowing massive stacking which crippled WvW right out of the gates

-No. Power has always been the dominant build-style in WvW. Since launch.

-No. These changes were much needed and shouldve happend much sooner. They were needed to break up the very boring, very exclusive Hammertrain meta that has been bleeding players for a good year and a half.
The changes to infinite-CC skills shouldve also happend much sooner. A single skill should not have infinite power. It seems like it was bad because every and their dog rerolled Warrior/Guardian and was upset they weren’t the apex profession anymore by a country mile.

-More a side effect of the initial stacking that has persisted all throughout GW2.

-June 23th did kitten up a lot, yes.

-Yes, HoT really damaged WvW. The new elite specs are broken and unbalanced. I used to have so many different chars i played, with their own build and playstyle. Some may be better than the other, but they were fun and atleast viable. Since HoT and it’s Elite specs the number of viable builds has dropped and the chasm between builds has widened.
If i could i’d delete all Elite specs.

-The Desert borderline in and of itself was not a problem. It was all the unwanted, pve bullcrap, that was slapped on it. Who thought a giant GateBuster laser that the winning side would almost always claim was a good idea needs a good slap.
With all that crap stripped out, after the rework, the DBL was much better and quite enjoyable to play.

The problem was ANet not listening to the mountains of feedback they got, and letting WvW die a slow death. For to long as the emphasis been on PvE, which makes sense as it was/is the main activity, but also on pvp because of an e-sport pipe dream. WvW had to suck it up and saw very little (positive) development over the 3 years that lead up to HoT, and HoT with it’s DBL/Elite specs just stomped on WvW’s neck.

It’s sad that it took this long for anet to finally see it.

(edited by Terrahero.9358)

Glue shot

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Back when we had range increasing Traits it was quite alright as this trait boosted it’s range up to something like 1200. A 1200 range aoe immobilize + pulsing cripple, even with that projectile travel time, was not a bad skill to have.

Some might say that now we can get it to 2sec immobilize, but back in those days getting condition duration was much easier and also got it as a 2sec immobilize.

Add supercannons to north dbl tower

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


The suggestion isnt that outlandish.

In the alpine borderlands it’s possible to build trebs in the north towers in order to break down the outer of Garrison. The purpose of these towers is to put pressure on Garrison.
Basicly what the guy is asking for is for the northern towers in the desert borderland to serve an identical role.

Ninjas getting marked after capturing

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


This should’ve been done years ago. The idea that a whole zerg must search every nook and cranny of a Keep just because one profession that has the ability to bypass any and all defenses was ridiculous. Especially on a profession as evasive as a Mesmer.

Nerf Conditions

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


“Out of all the possible condition builds, across all the professions, there are two or three builds who i think are overpowered.
As such i feel all conditions need to be nerfed, even for builds who are balanced or underpowered, because i wouldn’t recognize balance if it slapped me across the face with it’s flacid genitals.”

Did anyone lose respect for Argi?

in PvP

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Some of us had called it years ago. The e-sport fixation has done serious harm to GW2. Hampering progress as a game for fun and enjoyment in order to push an e-sport goal. But it was apparent from the start that GW2 wasn’t going to be an e-sport and ultimately those few who took it serious enough will get sick of it’s shortcommings as an e-sport and leave.
Now you’ve lost the hardcore competitive players, and you’ve lost at least a portion of the much larger group of people who just play for fun.

Three years is what it took before GW2 finally got a 2nd gamemode in pvp, not to mention the damage that neglect did to WvW that they only recently started to rectify (and to their credit have been doing a good job at).

Does anyone use Blast Gyro effectively?

in PvP

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I find it quite useless.

The dart has to hit, then the gyro has to hit, assuming it even does what it’s suppose to. Has trouble with stealth and a very limited duration.
It also lies about ignoring block, at least against pve targets.

can't find a Pristine Smoke Claw

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


That one took me ages as well. Every other drop i got fairly quickly, Smoke Scale was the last one i needed out of all the collections and it took significantly longer as well.

Reduce the impact of night capping?

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


The drama and sheer exegeration in this thread. “If anet doesnt let me contribute 10x more because i play at night it means they think i am subhuman”.

What the actual kitten?

Nightcapping has been issue since day one, no time slot has more impact on determining the winner than the night slot. Adressing this issue to lessen the overwhelming impact of a few players during off-hours should’ve been done years ago.

Nightcapping is not going to be worthless, however you simply should not be the “Kingmakers” of WvW. Where all that matters is your work and everyone else is irrelevant.
Because that is the reality here that these nightbabies seem to ignore. Right now and for the past 3,5 years it has been the people playing during the day and prime time who have been made, to put it in your words “subhuman”. Because that 4k lead we etch out over the course of an evening of battle is dust in the wind compared to the 30k nightcapping wins back knocking down undefended keeps.

Your Vote Matters!

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Scoring has been an issue that people have been asking, begging, and pleading anet to look into for more than 3 years.
While the QoL changes are nice and certainly welcome, i think focus should be on fixing issues that have been around for a long time. Nightcapping is one of those issues.

Bringing scores closer together so it remains more of a competition is a good idea. Glicko and server placement can be adjusted to account for closer scores.

Buff Rifle

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I duno man. Pistols and Shield are pretty bad as well, infact anything that isnt a Hammer is quite bad by comparison.

Pistol piercing

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I remember they nerfed Explosive Shot from bleeding in aoe from it’s blast to only bleeding the target hit by the bullet.
This nerf was due to pistol piercing proccing 5 explosions (1 per target) and as a result proccing bleeds 5x on these 5 targets. Allowing you to aoe hit the bleed cap of 25 on 5 targets(back then it was capped at 25).

The nerf was done because anet couldnt change the mechanic to make only 1 explosion proc bleed, or to only proc the explosion on 1 target.
Since the piercing effect is entirely gone, and with that the reason the mechanic was changed, i’d like to see the bleed come back to the explosion. Bleeding in an aoe once again.

What ever happened to taking PvP out of WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


You have got to be kidding me lol. I Reread the title of the post like three times. What do you want PvD? Ktrain?

I am sorry but sometimes we as players just hit a level of ridiculousness that is beyond my comprehension.

To much PVP in WvW lol .

If you would look slightly below the title you will notice there is also a thing called a post.

This is a discussion forum not Twitter. Read more than one sentence.

Was the 20% damage True Shot nerf warranted?

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Absolutely. I don’t understand what anets fascination was with short cd high damage skills in HoT, and if you ask me a few more should go on the chopping block. Most notably CoR.

Gem Store Level 80 Boost? <3

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Level doesnt really mean that much in GW2. You can participate just fine in any events that happen within your level range, PvP has normalized all levels to 80, it would only matter in WvW.

Selling an instant level 80 boost wouldnt bother me, if they strip the extra’s off. So it’s just an instant lv80 and nothing else.
Not that i’d use it since i actually enjoy leveling characters.

The QQ about Queue Queues [Merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


queue is like waiting for a table in the restaurant ,
until someone leave , you won’t get a table
Then your server must’ve been dead since day 1.
so your server have a queue since day one all the way until NOW ?
again i said my max time wait was 5 to 30 min wait MAX
you have to wait longer then that since day one ?
if not why you bring it up ?
also have you read some people waited 2 hours + ?
NOT everyone play 10 hours like you ,
people work , come home , wanna enjoy an hour or so
tell me if you will still be a happy camper if you have to wait 2 hours everyday from now on ok ?
if you only waited 30 min , I won’t mind that either
try 2 hours

Making a loooot of assumptions there.

The QQ about Queue Queues [Merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


this NEVER happen on our server even on reset day
5 to 30 min wait MAX
now its been OVER an hour
and for some kitteng reason I was finally down to 21
and after I post , I was back to queue 44 ? WTF

Then your server must’ve been dead since day 1.

Queue’s this long have not been seen in a while because interest in WvW dwindled and dwindled untill it reached an all time low after HoT, but they have been seen before.
An hour+ queue was quite normal every night in a big server. The queue’s is what lead to the push for EotM, an overflow map where people could play untill their queue was up. It may suck that we have to wait sometimes (currently no queue’s at all, on a saterday), but suggesting this is unheard of is just dishonost.

I don’t mind waiting in a queue, WvW was a lot more fun when this many people got involved. The people complaining they “cannot escape the blobbing” anymore are met on the otherside by the people who are happy they can finally do more than solo cap a camp, without having to spend real money to transfer.

Our server got paired with a small server for the next three months, and after spending quite a bit of time chatting with players from this it seems theyre all very happy with this change.
Ultimately this just brings back the age old discussion where some people don’t like large scale pvp in a game mode that is all about large scale pvp. And this group of people has been trying almost since launch to lobby, push, and argue, for destroying large pvp in WvW. Basicly what they want is a pve map with PKing.

Why I believe gw2 fails miserably...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


The game was meant to be relevant at all levels, at all areas. Being higher level, and better geared, was not suppose to make low level areas easy. This was the case for several years untill it was, rightly, fixed.

As for a mob taking half your health off at low levels. Ultimately these levels are still designed with new players in mind, so i cannot imagine it didnt have a very telegraphed animation that you somehow still got hit by.

Thank kitten for scaling or high level players would waltz all over events that are marked as <lv80, denying lower level players any chance of participating in them.

Why are people so afraid of raiding?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Not afraid of raiding, i just find it incredibly boring.

It’s exclusive to certain players based on their prefered playstyle, defeating the original point of “play how you like” and “bring the player, not the class”. It’s far to time consuming and it feels like an obligation.

As far as the quality of raiding goes it reminds me a lot of WoW in its Burning Crusade era. Bring the right class, everyone in their specific role, learn the gimmick, and bash your head untill you succeed. Fight’s are highly repetitive.

wvw beyond broke, everyone dissconnect

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I havent noticed Dc’s so much as the client simply crashing. Apparently devs were running along with WvW last night and also crashed, so i think they are aware of the issue.
Hopefully it will be resolved soon, because there were quite a lot of people playing WvW but after a series of crashes a lot of people called it quits.

Might already be fixed even, they rolled out some hotfixes last night it seems to deal with server and client crashes.

(edited by Terrahero.9358)

Reward tracks work in EOTM

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


You would prefer the pve farmers clogged up real wvw?

Just in case you have missed it but we having a huge issue with getting new people into wvw maps. Those “pve farmers” might be the next recruit for your guild.
Without new people guilds will die and the game mode will die.

Incase you missed it, we’ve had plenty of events in the past where pve farmers had an incentive to get into WvW. The general concensus from the WvW players was that these players were detrimental to the WvW experience. They only mindlessly zerged, stood on every sentry point, hogged siege, wasted supply, etc etc.

What you’re saying would only apply to a small portion of the players, and i’d much rather see them go to EotM and experience some WvW there, get a taste for it and move to actual Borderlands because they want more WvW and not for the reward.

I know some people have a hard time dealing with this, but EotM is also WvW, and certainly for the last couple of months has been a place with consistently fairer fights while the Borderlands were abandoned and a true PvDoor fest.

Thank you Anet!

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


So far i’m liking the changes they made for WvW (and outside of WvW).

Things we spend 3 years asking for. Better rewards, unique rewards, a fix to boring but neccesary roles, and my personal favorite, recognizing WvW as a seperate entity in terms of balance.

We’ll have to wait and see how the World merging works out come Friday, but at least anet is actually trying to adress the problem.

I’ll give anet kitten when they deserve it, but i’ll happily recognize it when they do something good. This was a good update, a really good update.

Siege scaling with condi damage

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


What a load of tosh, so not only can condi classes not destroy siege they no longer have a benefit when using it?

These two things are not to cancel eachother out. I dont find dealing more damage with some siege attacks a valueable trade-off to sucking against constructs.

They fixed this, finally, as they should have. Now they need to fix conditions working against structures. Not just in WvW but in pve as well.


in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


arg! i’m only rank 860ish and spent all my points on siege stuff i never use because their was nothing else…i guess i’ll have to bust out some more ranks for autoloot …

Its really not expensive. You’ll get it in no time at all.

Provisioner sells level 70 consumables

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Crafting would be made completely redundant, 5 badges is spare change for a 30min buff. This brings the food disparity much closer together, those who don’t spend any gold get a good buff and those who want the even better buff can fund the cooks.

I’m honestly surprised with how generous this already is.

Reward tracks work in EOTM

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I don’t think trying to lock such things is any better. Then you have to deal with the same kind of unmotivated people, or people who are simultaneously leveling, but in WvW.
There are going to be people who will try to put as little effort into getting a reward, i’d much rather they do this in one of the many EotM overflows. There they can stand on all the sentry points.

EotM vs 'Real' WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


EotM is more fun.

I’ve got all WvW masteries, and EotM isn’t a good source of karma or anything really rewarding. It’s just more fun than the borderlands or EB.

I get more fights there, and since its popularity spiked with the disaster that was the new Borderland it’s also been far more balanced.
I can jump in and out whenever i want, anyone can including the people on underpopulated servers.

Not that ive been on the borderlands for a while, but WvW is more of a pvdoor-fest since i left it than EotM was. But some idiots seem to believe that if we just take away EotM or destroy it for all intents and purposes, people will just flock back to “real” WvW. Which will become great again. Which of course it won’t.

Remove EoTM or limit its use

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Ow boy this again.

“Another game mode is more popular than the game mode i want to enjoy, so we need to remove it/make it less appealing so people come play my prefered game mode”

Just paraphrasing this stupid suggestion. Don’t make EotM worst, make Borderlands better.

Why is nobody playing

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Maps are a pain to navigate due to all the vertical bits and annoying jump parts.
There is so much unneccesary pve that give very powerful buffs.
Keeps have become more about bossfights than anything else.
Broken event in the centre that just snowballs the winning server harder.
So many performance issues.
Rewards suck, and yeah it does matter. No progress towards Tyria Masteries, poor gold, poor material drops, no ascended weapons, no ascended backslot, no ascended armor, no runes, no sigils, no unique wvw skins, nothing. There is nothing rewarding about WvW, it’s played for fun but when it’s not fun… Why bother? Also to much nonsense like traps that knock people down and such.

To few players enter which leads to a catch 22. Not enough going on due to lack of players, lack of players because there is not enough going on. Being more rewarding might help a bit to atleast draw players in.

Small groups can do so little. Previously a small group could at least prevent keeps and towers from becomming fully upgraded by constant harrasing of dollies and camps. Now it is just delaying the inevitable a bit. So again, not enough players to form a sizeable force and people just don’t bother.

Concider getting rid of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


The only game mode that i would say has truely failed, and not just that but also acted detrimentally to the rest of GW2, is PvP.

The e-sport dream has dictated a lot of design descisions, and because pvp is so grossly removed from pve and wvw any balance changes made for pvp (which is most of them) constantly upsets pve and wvw. Two game modes who barely get any balance changes because it’s all about pvp for the developers.

What has all that love and attention gotten them? A game mode that has been in a coma for 3 years, briefly awoken with the seasons only to kitten itself, slip on the feces and knock itself out again.

WvW has always been more succesful than pvp despite its lack of attention, or incredibly poor descisions along the way where they go out of their way and do exactly what people dont want them to do.

WvW is salvageable, and at the very worst never a detriment to the rest of the game. Whereas pvp has always been a mess, and always messed with other game modes. If any mode should be clean cut from the game it’s pvp.

imo worst meta we ever had

in PvP

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


110% worst meta, bunker beta is a bad meta when everyone is running tanky as kitten there’s no gameplay. There are far too many distortions blocks, invnl, reset buttons in this meta its just not fun, and skill is not rewarded well.

Well you have to.

If you play something that isnt uber bunkery with all those blocks, evades, invuls, distorts, whatever, you get one-shot by an ability on just a 2sec cd.

please remove the ranking tag in pve

in PvP

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Great then i also want it to show the WvW rank. You know, to give wvw some exposure.

Coalescence of Ruin and WvW/GvG

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I think a major way we can tone down CoR is to give it a 2 second rooted cast time with a 5 second cooldown. That way, we can keep its damage while giving us significant counterplay by having ranged classes being able to focus out the revenant before they can cast the skill, or have them tank the damage and land the skill and deal the broken damage it deals now.

I think a major tone down is needed to Revenant/Herald weapons autoattacks, weapon skills need a higher energy cost, higher cooldown.
Glint’s channels need a higher energy cost as well. Giving a whole group permanent Fury, permanent 8+ stacks of Might in such a passive way, while still having plenty of energy is just stupid.

Coalescence of Ruin and WvW/GvG

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Herald in particular is such a dumb spec. It takes very little cognitive function to play, activate passive perma-Fury for a traited +40% crit chance, activate passive 8 stacks of might, and just go to town.

Weapon skills barely use any energy, so that regen of 1 is more than sufficient to keep using the powerful AA, and the overpowered CoR. Just kick back and watch the guarenteed 7k crits roll in.

It’s not the only overpowered specialization mind you. For some reason anet had this weird fascination of giving elite specs very powerful, low cooldown, abilities on their new weapons. Dragonhunter’s Trueshot is bs as well, and i cannot believe they thought it was balanced to pack that much burst, cc, mobility and stealth into one neat little package called the Chronomancer.

Notarized Scroll Frustration

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


WvW rewards have always been pants. Many things are still unavailable, such as but not limited to, runes, sigils, most new item types (i.e. sinister), skins, ascended back, ascended armor, ascended weapons.

This poor reward state no doubt has a part to play in the downfall of WvW participation. Even if it was not intented for Proofs to be shared to other characters, nerfing WvW rewards even further at this point i cannot comprehend when there are so many more pressing issues.

Since when did GW2 become a Hardcore MMO?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Nope, HoT maps aren’t solo friendly. What do you want Anet to do about it? “Hardcore” players have asked for harder content for two years or so. To nerf the content now would be letting down the players who wanted harder content and were also promised it by Anet. The very people who bought HoT because harder content was promised.

Should Anet make more casual friendly content then? They have already catered for casuals for 3 years now but sure, why not. When they have the time.

Honestly though, I wouldn’t say the actual content on the maps is hard aside from maybe King of the jungle in TD. Some or most of the content just isn’t soloable. Joining or creating a guild (maybe just for casual players?) isn’t a bad idea.

Hmm, its almost like when you cater to one kind of demographic that that demographic grows larger. Then you switch it up, charge people full price for an expansion that is suddenly tailored for the minority of players, and act surprised that people are kittened?

They released an expansion that went directly against what they’ve been building up over the years and hyped their game to be before it even came out. It’s stupid to say “well, you got yours now we hardcore player tiny minority deserve to get ours”, because the hardcore crowd doesnt pay the bills.
If all the “casual” players would up and leave, and just the “hardcore” players would stick around, i can promise you GW2 will be shut down before Q3 2016.

Forced grouping and raid group experience

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I’ve tried raids, and it’s very similar to WoW back in The Burning Crusade/vanilla.

A lot of specs in the game, but only a few are good enough to clear the content and everything else is undertuned. So forget about “play how you want” or “bring the player, not the class”. HoT raiding follows a very old school outdated mindset, where people get pidgeonholed into specific builds or they just cannot come because their build is simply not good enough at that role.

Matters are made only worst as anet mainly balances around pvp, so it’s entirely possible (and wouldnt be the first time) that you invest a lot of time and resources into fully decking out a character for that right build only to have a blanket nerf aimed at pvp make it all pointless.

Revenant and Herald useless in Hot

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I find Herald rather strong, if not op, even with full zerk I have much sustain than I ever had on warrior. You just have use your skill strategically. Use Glint heal when you are about to get a big hit incomming, use Shiro heal when you are about to burst. Use Staff 5 and Sword 3 for Evades, pretty easy.

Pretty easy? Thats long rotation involved timing. With Dragon Hunter you just spam all traps and Guardian all meditations when you need heal.

I bet you haven’t soloed the tougher Champs.

The only class that can do that without being a master skillful player with perfect timing and rotation is ranger due to having 2 meat shields and good range dps. MM Necro is pretty close, but the result is pretty inconsistent depending on Champ.

DH is not going to win against some tough champs in TD. Also DH dps is considerably lower than Revenant. I have tried all E-spec with zerk or a mix of zerk and know the dps difference of all classes pretty well.

Theoretically, Revenant has the tool to solo all champs if you make 0 mistake and rotate your skills at perfect timing, since it has all the tools to negate damage/ evade/ heal. However, because it’s very hard to do so, I still feel that ranger is the stronger class when it comes to soloing champs.

DH = TRAPS. You get traps to skills 6,7,8,9,0 thats 5 traps. All traps daze, most cripple, very easy to kite. Traps give maad DPS too. You melt break bar like nothing then you can start using GS what got alot better dps than revenant.

Lmao, you never played Rev before I assure you.

I have every E-spec, all of them full zerk or maurader, and DH and Chrono are 2 of the lowest dps ones. I played Rev, and then go back to DH, and find that my killing speed is like WAYYY slower than Rev, like 1/2 of the kill speed.

DH is good at chipping CC bar, but so does Rev.

No clearly YOU havent played Rev. It is the stupidest thing ever, it doesnt even need to use skills it just autoattacks with whatever weapon for stupid amounts of damage.

Major WvW overhaul incoming

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


The last time they called something for WvW “Major” we got masteries, and that same patch that was suppose to be the “big wvw update” actually had more pve content in it.

So you’ll excuse me when i am skeptical about that “major wvw overhaul” and how many of the issues are really going to be adressed.