Showing Posts For Tongku.5326:


in Crafting

Posted by: Tongku.5326


Also, I know its been stated that the kit quality doesnt matter for the dark matter globs

Is there some source for this because I’ve been using Black Lion Kits and would prefer not to.

There were several, but sorry, just dont have them bookmarked and not going to search for dev posts from months back. I just use the Black Lion Kits due to my own superstition and lack of trust in their programming and QA.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

please no server xfers during league!

in WvW

Posted by: Tongku.5326


This really should have been addressed before Season 1 started. What is happening now is many people are leaving T1 due to the ques, and stacking on the discounted servers skewing the matches even further.

It WAS addressed before the league started.

What was done is a single water drop of what is needed in an ocean. People are still transfer stacking the already stacked servers, especially providing off-peak time coverage when none was present at leagues start really skewes the matches. See top server for each respective league both NA and EU for off-peak time data. You can view past off-peak and current off-peak coverage really easy on the mos sites.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

CDI- Process Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: Tongku.5326


At this point in the game, only thing I and many many others care about is population / coverage balance. All else is irrelevant.

Class Balance – irrelevant if there are not enough players to face against each other. Meta or no meta makes zero difference when its 5-10 people on the map vs 40-60.

Rewards – Irrelevant if there are not enough players left to play against. If you are on winning team the defenders will eventually never recap and you will get nothing. No loot, no WxP to develop your toon, nothing. What are you going to do with PPT ?

Also at this point, only thing that will matter is action and inaction. The clock on the competition is ticking with many of us eyeing greener pastures. What A-net does, or doesnt do about this situation will in large part determine their future revenue stream, as WvW is an end-game to a large portion of the playerbase, myself included.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

why people say there's no endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tongku.5326


I just finished leveling a necro and it dawned on me. I grinded away to 80 It’s finally time to get get my gear, but I did everything. The maps entierly open. By 80 your build is pretty etched in stone.

Of course, I can’t get any temple armor because good luck getting one open durring a living story event. I would like to do get the temples for fun anyway. Let’s face it, Orr is a graveyard anyway. (no pun intended.)

Yes there’s living story, but that is dead in a week after release. Plus it further kills the other maps. Personal story? Once you don’t need the XP what is the point? Its usually an unrewarding pain.

When you leveled and geared, you played solo and at best pugged some dungeons or did some zerg events. In order for you to find the “end game” here, you need to look at your community and your guild. Maybe you need to switch guilds.

Get on your servers voice chat, there are many options for the so called end game. Organized WvW, dungeon runs, various bosses. To me, best end game is to beat faces in WvW in the most shiny and stylish way possible with my legendary and completely geared out toons yours may vary, but either way, if you do not get involved in your community or leave a dead guild if you are in one, then your game is pretty much over except maybe become a T6 farmer for legendaries.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

Soldiers Inscription question

in Crafting

Posted by: Tongku.5326


You can’t buy the weapons with karma and what you salvage from armor can only be used for other armor recipes.

Sorry, I stand corrected, you can buy the weapons via dungeon tokens at the merchants in Lions Arch, I used the cheapest weapons I could get focus and warhorn if I recall correctly, on an extremely rare occasion you can get an actual drop, but that RNG is like a freagin precursor rate.

And you can buy invaders weapons from WvW vendors, but then again , you will need to transmute before salvage.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF


in Crafting

Posted by: Tongku.5326



I used the exotics which I made to get my crafting skill up to 500 and used Black Lion Salvage kits received from my personal story and monthly achieve rewards.

I ended up with 32 Dark Matter Globs, per skill I took to 500 taking this route. This is enough for 3 ascended weapons right off the bat, + regular ectos + other mats such as T6 wood and ori ore. So overall, its actually a good return, you sir unfortunately got struck with bad RNG luck.

Also, I know its been stated that the kit quality doesnt matter for the dark matter globs, but this is a-net programming we’re talking about and I tend to err on the side of caution. Black Lion Kits worked very well for me.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

(edited by Tongku.5326)

Soldiers Inscription question

in Crafting

Posted by: Tongku.5326



There are 2 ways to obtain the Soldier’s Inscription.

1. Salvage Dungeon gear. Soldier gear can be bought from AC and SE dungeons and you dont always get it from salvaging, its crappy RNG again. You can salvage 5-10 weapons and not get 1, or get 2-3 in a row on your 1st try.

2. Buy it of off TP.

Important note: Karma and WvW gar is not salvagable. You can still get these inscriptions that way, but have to transmute the gear 1st into something else that is salvagable and waste transmute crystals.

Alternately, for a single piece you may want to consider Sentinel’s which can be bought with Guild comms from the guild vendor in LA by the banks.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

(edited by Tongku.5326)

remove once a day chest limit on World Bosses

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Tongku.5326


No, we already have enough overflows… it was implemented for a reason.

Actually, it was implemented for many good reasons.

The bonus chest is fine as it is, account bound 1 time per day. If you are farming dragonite or something like that, you can still switch toons and get the other chests where it drops.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

Nobody interested in Teq anymore?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Tongku.5326


All of the above stated reasons made me abandon Teq after 3-4 kills.

crappy RNG with crappy rewards for the time and effort required

map/overflow problems

AFKers or people with Down’s Syndrome (and I actually have great respect for people with Down’s Syndrome, just not the ones that dont have it but behave like they do) in or near turrets that make extra champs spawn causing the encounter to fail

etc. etc.

I would love to see this as a guild triggered raid instance that scales between 30-80 people (with 80 max allowed in map or instance), and with appropriate rewards.

Likewise with all the other world bosses that are going to get redesigned in a similar manner.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

World bosses in smaller groups

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Tongku.5326


Ugh, go try the Fire Shaman in Iron Marches with 5. You will not think like that again He kind of resets really fast in the Fire Elemental stage 5 might be able to do it but not 5 randomers. Organized, knowledgable group, maybe.

We 3 man fire shammy on regular basis whenever I have a weekday off. Its challenging, but perfectly doable. The key is to quit running zerker builds and go hybrid cause 2 dodges are simply not enough when undermanned like that and downies just don’t cut it. The only problem we have is when it bugs out on the elemental phase, which is unfortunately often when it works properly, it gets downed.

Likewise with the Golem Mark II. usually 3-4 man in melee as there is less damage to dodge due to the fact you can just walk 3 steps through it to avoid electrified floor. Also, stability and stunbreakers are your friends. Dont expect to beat it in record times, but you can beat it every single time with around 2 minutes to spare.

Shatter requires around 5 people or so cause of the timer, any less then that and you wont be able to down him. Jormag we do OK in 10-15 man, Teq obviously we can not do, any of the the otehr bosses below Shatter, Fire Ele, maw, etc., can be 3 manned but it is difficult, 5 manned with room to spare. been there done that many many times.

Right people with right builds can take on the same content fairly easy, you have to think a bit outside the box though, if you fall into the zerk DPS mindset you’re done for, your only option is to zerg them at resets. If you have all people runing group support / heals or all people running zerk DPS it wont work due to lack of survivability or lack of DPS.

Its all about striking the rigth balance as a group, not just individual players. This becomes critical when running such small numbers.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

(edited by Tongku.5326)

Another great opport, Ps4? :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tongku.5326


I would go for console support, but only and exclusively if the resources (including manpower) were not taken out of the current game dev teams, and only if the console servers were completely seperate from PC version servers.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

please no server xfers during league!

in WvW

Posted by: Tongku.5326


This really should have been addressed before Season 1 started. What is happening now is many people are leaving T1 due to the ques, and stacking on the discounted servers skewing the matches even further.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

Guard Leech, Applied Fortitude Brokenly OP

in WvW

Posted by: Tongku.5326


Both these buffs are just fine considering the amount of WXP they require.

The only change I would make to them is to spread out acquiring of the stacks. So that for example you get 1 stack at rank 2, second stack at rank 5, etc. Not give all 5 at the top.

This would help the balance quite a bit.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

CDI- Process Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: Tongku.5326


This game really could use “in-game” polls to provide proper metrics.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

New Runes and Sigils from high level fractals

in WvW

Posted by: Tongku.5326


Since I am not closed minded or limit myself to any specific game mode or type, I have no issues with this and do not see it as a problem.

The new runes especially I just dont see as an issue, considering that to me, aegis still has nothing up on what 6x melandru offers for a defensive set-up.

The sigil, it will be interesting. It can make the already tough toons tougher to beat but at cost of damage or utility output, so I will definitely give 1 a try and see how it goes.

Conversely, it can also make squishy toons who are currently owned by hammertrains much more survivable, since hammer dmg is mitigated by toughness.

So the only problem I see here is from people that want to basically force SPVP rules onto others, which I do not agree with.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

WvWvW Warriors Only?

in WvW

Posted by: Tongku.5326


While every profession has its uses, the current meta is skewed to make these 3 far more usefull then others. So if you can play a class that does superb CC, does well at both ranged and melee, superb damage, superb might stacking, provides a ton of survivability and stability, why would you play something that does not ?

There is a finite number of players a map can hold. Lets say for sake of argument that number is 60.

Lets say server A has a group runing around composed of:
20 warriors, mostly hammer and whatever off-hand
15 guards, running group stabilities and various other support buffs
10 necros, mostly wellomancers specced for max and unblockable marks as well as wells
5 Eles, waterfields + wide range AOE
5 Mesmers for veils / portals
5 All else combined

Server B runs the following:
5 Hammer Warriors
5 Support Guards
2 Necros
2 mesmers
48 All else

Assuming equal level of organization, skill, gear, etc. Which one do you think will win most of the fights except maybe occasional situational where group B will heave a height, range and choke advantage simoultaneously which will not happen very often.

Which one do you think will win most of the times in open field ?

Now, if you are taking up a slot because of que and MANY other players are as well, would you rather majority of the players on your side be the Server A or the Server B ?

I can tell you from experience we had to adjust our guild meta because of hammertrains and their counters, and it sucks because it forces people to play toons they do not enjoy playing as much.

And THAT is the problem.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

(edited by Tongku.5326)

WvW Season 1 - Low population servers

in WvW

Posted by: Tongku.5326


I just really hope that whole “Collaborative Development” thing comes to fruition and they address both primary WvW population imbalances and timezone stacking as well.

I also understand these are very hard problems to take on, but the situation can be vastly improved in the correct direction, instead of making it worse as it is inside the current system where the stacked servers have discounted transfers to 800 gems. That kinda stuff seems just plain stupid to me and opposite of what needs to be.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

Sudden AR change: 250 Ectos gone?

in Fractured

Posted by: Tongku.5326


Who cares about how the new AR is going to be obtained ?

What we wanna know is what happens to all the gold, mats and relics that have been spent to obtain the current 55 AR.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

Fractal levels above 30 to be reset?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tongku.5326


I would like to get some specifics on these upcoming changes.

What happens to our existing infusions ? If they simply disappear do we get our fractal relics back ? What about the T6 mats used to make them ?

What happens to infused ascended items ? Specifically, the ascended book backpieces , those take TONS of T6 mats to get them to ascended infused state, as above do we get all that stuff back ?

If we get our mats and relics back, then its not an issue, if we do not, then its a huge issue.

I sort of understand the fractal difficulty reset, because the new 0-30 can be equal to difficulty to the old 0-50 for example, so it scales different. But the materials and time spent to get current 55 AR is what concerns most of us I think. I even have an ascended underwater weapon with double infusion for this purpose. So what happens to all that stuff ?

More info please.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

(edited by Tongku.5326)

New Obsidian Sanctum Map Next Week!

in WvW

Posted by: Tongku.5326


Griefing will not be a problem.

Simply put, any team or even spectators will be able to down and spike the griefer. GvG teams are often in communication with each other, so if a griefer shows up, there is no reason for them to not take care of it.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

From dungeons to WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Tongku.5326



Having to play a guard in WvW since early game launch, and being in every form of it, from roaming, to commander of both small havoc and large scale teams I have a few tips for you.

As the posters above stated, start off with PTV gear. I highly recommend getting karma PTV armor from Orr temples with 6x rune of Melandru for start. Having the Melandru helm with healing on it rest all PTV armor is still my favorite combo to this day.

There are many excellent builds you can choose from for a guard.

0 0 30 30 10 – max survivability, excellent for hammer / staff guards, drawback is that it does not give great group support, its a selfish build but very effective, we have at least commander and co-commander runing it.

0 0 30 20 20 – provides better support then the above via group stability on your F3 skill which is repeatable via Renewed Focus while retaining huge survivability. This is an ideal co-commander and direct commander support build. Usually running staff / hammer for extra CC or staff / GS for extra condi cleanses.

0 0 10 30 30 – Provides an absolutely excellent group support for mid and backlines. A little less on self survivability, but you get a double group stability and a double group stun-breaker via renewed focus. You dont really need AH in this build. This is essential for your mid and backline when going up against other organized groups. usually running staff / hammer or staff / mace focus.

Healway – provides OK mid and backline support while retaining some DPS etc. however has very poor survivability when goign up against other organized groups due to the fact that the entire build is completely negated via immobilizes. A healway guard does not provide anywhere near as good group support as the 3 above and often requires one of the above to cover the slack. Healways are however good to have in groups which lack eles and do not have as many water fields available.

Gear – Have at least a Staff, Hammer, GS, Mace and Focus on hand and available. Highly recommend Mace and Focus to be cleric stats, while the others to be PTV.

Rings (since ascended rings are very easy to get) – Have a set of PTV and clerics available, I also like to go celestial or knights once in a while depending on situation and our group comp adjustments as to who shows up on any given day.

Amulet, Backpiece – either PTV or Clerics.

Accessories – same as rings but harder decision since not as readily available.

Adjust your gear, some traits and utilities for any given match up and situation.

For starters, I recommend to go 0 0 30 20 20 then start adjusting from there in any directions you see fit.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

GW2 install technical question

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Tongku.5326



I will be getting a new SSD very soon and I was wondering, which files/directories etc. I can copy/transfer over in order to minimize the download and installation time.

My game is originally the Digital Deluxe edition all the way back from pre-launch from Amazon, if that makes any differences.


Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

What legendary would you craft in my place?

in Crafting

Posted by: Tongku.5326


Honestly, none. I am stock piling mats for ascended armorsmithing which is going live before the end of this year and I intend to have ascended armor on 1st day patch goes live if possible, or as soon as possible thereafter.

But, since you already have volcanus on your guard, and frostfang just doesnt look that good, I do’t know there just doesn’t seem to be any good option here within your choices.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

WvW & Ascended Weapons/Armor [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tongku.5326


I believe that the way Ascended Gear is released goes against what made GW2 so fun in the past. It didn’t force you into doing stuff you didn’t want to do.

An Ascended weapon means I’ll be doing 10+% more damage than with my Exotic Weapon. That’s pretty huge in any kind of PvP.

So why aren’t there multiple pathways to getting these items? I mean from the start. From release. When Legendary/Ascended Weapons were released, there should have been a WvW method of getting them, or some sort of equivalent.

I don’t mean to say that it should be easy to get these items, but I find PvE boring—This is a game killer for me, and I know it is for some others, too.

Fix it, please.

I disagree very strongly. Without ascended gear in the game I would have been gone long ago, along with many other players as there would be nothing for us to go for. I am currently in process of gearing my 3rd alt in full ascended.

Also, just because you choose not to get any ascended, why should I be so severly punished for taking the time to go after the ascended gear ?

I believe there are many more PvX players in this game then there are pure PvE or pure WvW players, just that the 2 extremes seem to be most vocal. But if it came to cutting down, losing, some game population in order to have an overall healthier game, I would get rid of the extremes, not the majority that sits somewhere in between towards one or the other end of the spectrum.

So if ascended gear in WvW bothers you that much, maybe this game just isnt for you and you should leave for “greener pastures” ?

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

Doesn't class balance mean trade-offs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tongku.5326


Warriors are so rediculous right now I literally quit playing mine due to sheer boredom of it. I used mine mainly in PvE dungeon farming, outdoors champ farming and WvW. All of these on various builds.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

HoD/SF/DR : 11/15/2013 : Bronze Week 5

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tongku.5326


Results are already known thanks to bad game design.
We know each other’s coverage now.

3 more weeks of this “season” crap – we’ll see if they can fix the game after.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This x 100.

If not for the 2nd place chest thingy I’d take the week off to go PvE. In fact, if or when we get enough lead up for 2nd, I will, and I won’t be the only one.

A-Net really needs to do something. I hope the appropriate guilds move to their appropriate servers once the Asian servers go live, along with some score adjustments and bunch of other stuff. Really hope that whole “Colaborative Development” thing works out.

We have no intentions to completely blow out those who are below us because they can only field one map at reset nights, and capping / defending empty maps isnt what the game is about.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

(edited by Tongku.5326)

The NA Bronze League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tongku.5326


As part of HoD’s SEA/Oceanic crew, I’d just like to point out that our SEA/Oceanic numbers haven’t really grown from, say, six months ago.

It’s still the same people I see around the same time, so I’m actually pretty baffled as to the allusions that HoD’s morning crew is larger/OP/etc.

So, just curious about the other servers – did you guys lose a big chunk of your SEA/Oceanic population before the league started?

We didn’t lose them. We never had them in the 1st place. Last year we were the bottom of the bottom of T8 for couple months, there were maybe 20-30 of us running around at prime time on all 4 maps combined. Then as our casual and PvE players started to hit 80 and gearing up and hitting WvW after being done with PvE content, that begun to change and is still continuously changing, but that is still NA prime time, not off time.

SF has never had free transfers, never had any large guild transfer, never had any decent off-time coverage. We do have some people now, I know there is an Aussie guild forming, well, formed, but still is in its infancy, so at best it will be a long while before these guys get everything rolling.

Even if we do get transfers, we are kinda weary of people from upper tiers, while vast majority of people who transfer are cool, we have ran into plenty of ex-T1 jerks and kitten bags. So not sure how would all this fit in even if we did get a large transfer.

P.S. If you wanna test coverage gap and the impact you have on it, its simple, just pull out your guild for entirely, for whole next week, see what happens.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

(edited by Tongku.5326)

The NA Bronze League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tongku.5326


Just remember, the coverage gap…..

You can be better, beat them, have awesome fights considered even or uneven, awesome match, bad match, roflstomp them, make them quit for the week, do all that and still lose.

Skill, community, coordination, organization, blah blah blah, all trumped by coverage. A large portion of us on SF, while still playing to win to an extent realizes this and has realized this long long ago, that despite best efforts, we have to sleep, eat, pay our bills, etc.

An organized 10 man group in the off-time, is worth more then a completely qued map during entire prime time.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

more competitive wvw.. maybe.

in WvW

Posted by: Tongku.5326


I see 2 problems with the “pairing” system, and have not come to any ideas as to how to address the 2 problems or even lessen their impact (compromise).

Inevitably, sooner or later, you end up with a high tier prime time server, paired up with a low tier prime time server due to matches being lost / won.

This leads to:

1. Coverage gap not being solved, and indeed made even worse as the now super stacked prime time “pair” will be going up against another pair which will not have coverage gap.

2. The ques on the stacked prime time pair will become extreme, lessened to an extent via the new map, but primary wvw will take a huge hit as the communities take a long time to get together and set-up and cooperate, to play with each other.

So pairing will not work unless it adresses coverage gap and the community issue. And the only way I could ever see coverage gap being solved in the pairing scenario is if the EU and NA servers were the “paired” ones, but that would require immense infrastructure changes both software and hardware through the entire game, and A-net already stated that is unfortunately out of the question. Not feasible.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

Fee Required to Claim Forts!

in WvW

Posted by: Tongku.5326


Why is karma off the table ? I dont get it. I got a legendary, 5 alt toons (geared), 3 crafting profs at 500, and multiple ascended weapons on multiple toons. Still have 354 shards (the karma ones from balthazar) sitting in my bank as of yesterday and I sit at around 5-6 mil karma left over. If you are having karma problems in WvW, you are doing something very wrong or did something dumb like spend it all on orian jewelry boxes etc.

WvW is 2 things by its nature, badge and karma train. Your lack of karma and/or badges is exclusive to you, not rest of us who are somewhat dedicated WvW players.

Badges wise, I get approximately 1.5-4k badges a month of normal gameplay depending on the matches. So when I said badges, I dont mean 1 or 2 per claim like you did. I mean, adjust the WvW claim costs to WvW players who by default, are not “newbs” and will know why they claim an objective and know what to do with it.

To arrive at the right number, take a dedicated WvW guild, average out the number of claims they make, average badges they earn, average number of players. Take 3-4 of those players total badges, divide by number of claims. Done base cost, increase upgrades from there, adjust per long term metrics as necessary. Done and done.

Its the “newb” factor you wanted to eliminate right ?

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

Unfair Transfer Price

in WvW

Posted by: Tongku.5326


I would love to see further transfer price increases across the board except the lowest end servers which need to be drastically discounted.

Every MMO I have ever played always had a transfer fee ranging from $15 to $25 per character, not even whole account. Only exceptions to this were server merges on downscaling or failed MMOs. Therefore I see no reason this one should be any different. Make T1 transfers the $25, bottom of T8 discounted $10, and all else in between. Transfer problems solved.

This MMO is unique and gives player an option to grind gold instead of paying the usual $$ fee. Too many people including the ones in this post here forget that this is only an option, which they may, but dont have to, or should not exercise.

Also, if you cant afford $20 for transfer, then you seriously need to re-examine your life priorities and seriously ask yourself what you are doing playing a video game and one of this nature on top of that, at all.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

(edited by Tongku.5326)

Fee Required to Claim Forts!

in WvW

Posted by: Tongku.5326


This is a horrible idea. Although improved a lot lately, WvW is still trailing far behind in average income generation vs PvE game play while at the same time it is already an unreasonable gold sink mainly via upgrades and superior siege.

I am opposite of you and would like to see the upgrade monetary fees completely removed and/or switched to WvW badges / karma.

If you want to prevent “newbs” claiming etc. make these things cost WvW badges, which “newbs” are in short supply of because they are “newbs”.

I would also like to see a lock-out on golems, both alphas and omegas, or at minimum, ability for the print owner to take over it like with other siege types in order to help deal with golem specific griefing, trolling, etc.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

LF the best server to start in PVP/PVE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tongku.5326


Be more specific.

1st off, what is your primary time zone in which you intend to play the game ?

For PvE, pick any of the “Very High” population servers when you are logging on within your primary playtime. PvE population is not really an issue due to free “server guesting” and auto instancing for dungeons. The trading Post (auction house) also operates throughout the game not just 1 server. So PvE, not really an issue unless you go very low pop.

For PvP, what kind of PvP ? If SPVP then again not an issue at all.

For WvW, if you are North American prime time, I would avoid the top 6 or even top 9 and the bottom 3 on the list. Mid servers is where the action and still good que times are at.

You need to beware of the following:

If you pick a top server for WvW, expect queues of up to 6-7 hours on Fridays at resets, I kid you not. Just go read the WvW section. If you pick the bottom you will always be the underdog, the action is intense, but can be very demoralizing in the longterm.

Your best WvW bets for North American servers are top of Bronze League, mid and bottom of silver league.

Community wise, I would say Bronze is where its at. You can still get some large epic battles but its still small enough for everyone to know everyone and you can still make a difference even as a solo roamer. Beyond Northern Shiverpeaks when it goes up to the Silver League, that aspect of the game starts to disappear.

Hope that clears it up a bit.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

SF/HoD/GoM Week of 11/8/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tongku.5326


Let us know when you’re ready. I’m just tired of hearing about numbers and coverage which is why I’m proposing a scheduled, numerically balanced fight. In any case it has been fun playing against SF this week. I can tell you we are looking forward to more glory on the battlefield for the remainder of this week and all of next week.

All right. Robot (our driver for this sorta thing) really wants to do it, so I’m in. May not happen this week because unfortunately, new PvE stuff… Yea we’re feelin it and I wanna go do my tower too

But on the bright side, we have another match coming up next week.

FYI, he tried to contact you via the account name today but was unable to get a reply or unable to read it due to combat. I think we can set something up though, again, please contact in-game Attack Robot or Ararius, mostly between 6pm-9pm server time.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

SF/HoD/GoM Week of 11/8/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tongku.5326


Just FYI guys, since someone mentioned we “dropped off” wvw last saturday during later half of the prime time. That is correct.

It had nothing to do with us though, we got smacked with the top-notch a-net’s programming. We were runnign 20-30 people per map and had the official outmanned buff while having 15-45 minute queues on our maps. I am not sure how can any team be outmanned, officially, with the buff and have a 45 min que. This lasted for good 3-4 hours, then it somehow went back to normal but by then it was too late.

So beware, this may happen to you too.

Not sure how it works, other than it is kind of an AoE buff (with a large area). So if there were both servers in the map and the main forces were close to you, then you could probably theoretically get “outmanned”. (even while having enough to queue)

If everyone on all maps had it, then I would say it was some kind of bug.

Outmanned is mapwide for your server (not an AoE buff). It gauges proportional size of each server to the others, however Anet has been careful to not release the exact figures of how many opponents are required to grant outmanned to any team.

I’ve never seen this happen before, so if on the same BL there was both a queue for those attempting to enter the BL as well as an outmanned buff on your group then it was a bug that should have been reported.

Yea, but trying to do customer service tickets with video and recordings of people stuck in que while trying to keep up in a group of roughly 20-25 people against a group of 40ish is kinda taxing already. I am not much for taking screenshots and doing that kinda stuff, I’d rather just play the game.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

SF/HoD/GoM Week of 11/8/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tongku.5326


Hi all

Just wanted to clear up a few things about us, CoSA, and our coverage. CoSA is 3 guilds with different reqs.

1. Red=PvE / PvX / Casual WvW. This is primarily a PvE guild requiring 95%+ rep time. The only exceptions we make to this are if you are doing our servers FARM training event, if you are in TTS and need to be on a different server (guesting) for appropriate event, or if you are an officer in different CoSA and are doing administrative work between the sister guilds. CoSA Red uses VOIP, however, it is preferred, not required.

2. CoSA Blue has an appropriately geared, trained, coordinated and very good zerg busting group, but unfortunately it may not seem like it when going up against us because we are all mixed up if we run larger then 20 people. CoSA Blue has people from other guilds often runing with us many of whom are Blue members so they can switch to rep and use guild chat for communication purposes, consequently, the rep reqs for CoSA Blue are much lower then those of CoSA Red or Green. Blue is dedicated to WvW, and if having people rep other guilds to strengthen the server goes to that end, so be it.

3. CoSA Green is between the 2 above, it is in constant flux and tends to be the starting guild for brand new WvW players.

4. CoSA likes to play together, no matter which branch. We are on 1 VOIP and often have reps in other guilds VOIP for coordination.

5. The reason we stay on 1 map is simple. We have Queues during NA prime time, and we are unable to hop maps preserving our core group. If we can not switch maps and have our core stay together, we will not do so. Note that this was not the case before leagues started because tehre were no ques.

6. Our core group, regardless which branch they come from, are properly geared etc. but our other players may or may not be and when you fight us, this does show up. Although our PVE players are actually working on their gear sets etc. it will be a while until they all catch up at best. This is a long term gain for our server which is currently still “in development”. Once done it will be a different story

So if you were trying to join CoSA and got turned off by rep reqs, then maybe you joined wrong CoSA for wrong purpose ? Should have asked before hand right ?

I was expecting cosa blue to be “appropriately geared, trained, coordinated and very good zerg busting group” not PvX as you said earlier.

To an extent it is, but in a more relaxed environment. Also different team comps are required for different opponents. We are finding ourselves short on countering your current meta and while we are working on having the toons available to that end, it will take a while, long while. I am not sure we will be able to field an appropriate team for a GvG, which again is a different story then rest of WvW due to lack of tactics, strategies etc.

It also varies literally due to who is online on any given day, remember, we have casuals. So the players for this sort of thing may or may not be on.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

SF/HoD/GoM Week of 11/8/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tongku.5326


To MU guild:

Guys, CoSA is not a GvG guild. We do not enforce team comps and will most likely lose. We are currently having a hard time countering the huge hammertrain from VLK. I noticed yours isnt as bad as theirs, but we are still severly undermanned in this respect so you will beat us in a flat open fight hands down.

In addition few GvGs we have been to, we seriously didnt like, even the ones we won. I am one of those people that doesnt like to GvG. There is no terrain to take advantage of, no being “inventive” or thinking outside the box for the fights. Its just a meta duel on flat open field. If we wanted to SPVP, then that is what we would be doing.

Last night you had someone in our LA with some “challenges” or something like that ?

The person you want to contact is Ararius, or Attack Robot, try between 6pm-9pm server time.

Also beware, even if you do manage to set up a GvG, if I see this as being a “time blow” to our WvW, or even regularly scheduled PvE events, I will do everything I can to pull the plug on it, since to me PvE >>>>>GvG. Sorry, I’d rather PvE farm for more siege and ascended gear then waste my time on GvG.

Remember, you are challenging a PvX guild, not a hardcore WvW guild.

P.S. I should add, that there may be enough people interested to maybe have a GvG sometime, as I do not represent everyone on this matter and we will not know until we all have a chance to get together and plan this a bit.

On the other hand, you may have far better luck doing an individual player “fight night” as we do have a lot of people that like to go 1v1 or 2v2 etc.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

(edited by Tongku.5326)

SF/HoD/GoM Week of 11/8/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tongku.5326


Just FYI guys, since someone mentioned we “dropped off” wvw last saturday during later half of the prime time. That is correct.

It had nothing to do with us though, we got smacked with the top-notch a-net’s programming. We were runnign 20-30 people per map and had the official outmanned buff while having 15-45 minute queues on our maps. I am not sure how can any team be outmanned, officially, with the buff and have a 45 min que. This lasted for good 3-4 hours, then it somehow went back to normal but by then it was too late.

So beware, this may happen to you too.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

SF/HoD/GoM Week of 11/8/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tongku.5326


SF has gotten some individual person transfers from upper tiers for the largely same reasons, but we have never had any large guild hop down to us and stay. Only guild that did was VS, they were cool, they said upfront they werent staying, just goin to hang out and do some WvW for a month or 2. So they said what they were going to do, and did what they said which is all right.

I thought VS came down to FC, not to SF…

Nope. They came to us. Maybe at some point to FC as they were switching servers to look for fights. If they were on FC, then I am not aware of it.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

The NA Bronze League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tongku.5326


And SF and HoD

No one cares about HoD and SF now that the league is decided… We’re now interested in the fight for 3rd…

There is still next week. SF could very well beat us then and we’ll have a tie.

I dont think we can. Honestly, we just dont have the off-time coverage. By the time we got home from work today, ate dinner and finally got to log on you guys were qued or pretty close to it with and had waypoints in our BL. As you have seen we have only a skeleton crew running around at those hours.

Fights are great when we are on and can, but as I said many times before, coverage gap kills us, we’re as high as we can get until Arena Net does something about this, which may be never.

It would be nice to get some WvW dedicated people and/or a guild transferred, but on the other hand we dont want any server hoppers. We would rather stay “as is” then end up like Kaineng or AR or some of the others that fell victim to transfers. 80% to 90% of our playerbase at our prime time is SF “native”, a lot of people are coming out from PvE and are now playing WvW on casual or regular basis and joining our community, but no matter how hard we try, we have to sleep, have to eat, have to work, etc. so coverage gap kills us.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

SF/HoD/GoM Week of 11/8/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tongku.5326


At least you guys arent complaining about our FARM people, its our “newbie” training tag that we do every so often, so you know if you see them, expect them to be what they are.

Some guys in our last match were so hard up on our little FARM we run about once or twice a week it was pathetic. They were so raging, and on top of that they were supposed to be serious WvW guilds

SF has gotten some individual person transfers from upper tiers for the largely same reasons, but we have never had any large guild hop down to us and stay. Only guild that did was VS, they were cool, they said upfront they werent staying, just goin to hang out and do some WvW for a month or 2. So they said what they were going to do, and did what they said which is all right.

It’d be nice to get an off-peak time transfer, but on the other hand, we dont want temps or fairweathers or rather “lagweathers” sorta speak.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

SF/HoD/GoM Week of 11/8/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tongku.5326


Being the main Asian guild in HoD, a lot of times we couldn’t find a good enemy group to fight with. Not only in this matchup.

But this is the first time we do this, sending 10 Omega…
No hard feelings SF, we are just bored.

Yea its coverage wars.


Yup, we knew this long before this match started. It is you guys that wins the league for HoD. Otherwise it would be tight and exciting. On the other hand, we had some awesome fights during prime time.

The HoD hammertrains are very well coordinated, effective and deadly, we will not be able to work out a counter to that for a while, though we have some decent ideas and tactics in the workings, time is not on our side

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

(edited by Tongku.5326)

SF/HoD/GoM Week of 11/8/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tongku.5326


Hi all

Just wanted to clear up a few things about us, CoSA, and our coverage. CoSA is 3 guilds with different reqs.

1. Red=PvE / PvX / Casual WvW. This is primarily a PvE guild requiring 95%+ rep time. The only exceptions we make to this are if you are doing our servers FARM training event, if you are in TTS and need to be on a different server (guesting) for appropriate event, or if you are an officer in different CoSA and are doing administrative work between the sister guilds. CoSA Red uses VOIP, however, it is preferred, not required.

2. CoSA Blue has an appropriately geared, trained, coordinated and very good zerg busting group, but unfortunately it may not seem like it when going up against us because we are all mixed up if we run larger then 20 people. CoSA Blue has people from other guilds often runing with us many of whom are Blue members so they can switch to rep and use guild chat for communication purposes, consequently, the rep reqs for CoSA Blue are much lower then those of CoSA Red or Green. Blue is dedicated to WvW, and if having people rep other guilds to strengthen the server goes to that end, so be it.

3. CoSA Green is between the 2 above, it is in constant flux and tends to be the starting guild for brand new WvW players.

4. CoSA likes to play together, no matter which branch. We are on 1 VOIP and often have reps in other guilds VOIP for coordination.

5. The reason we stay on 1 map is simple. We have Queues during NA prime time, and we are unable to hop maps preserving our core group. If we can not switch maps and have our core stay together, we will not do so. Note that this was not the case before leagues started because tehre were no ques.

6. Our core group, regardless which branch they come from, are properly geared etc. but our other players may or may not be and when you fight us, this does show up. Although our PVE players are actually working on their gear sets etc. it will be a while until they all catch up at best. This is a long term gain for our server which is currently still “in development”. Once done it will be a different story

So if you were trying to join CoSA and got turned off by rep reqs, then maybe you joined wrong CoSA for wrong purpose ? Should have asked before hand right ?

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

Collaborative Development: World Population

in CDI

Posted by: Tongku.5326


All in all there are many good and really bad ideas thrown out in this thread. No matter what gets implemented, some players will leave, there is no way to fix this without that happening, but if the WvW population balance issues are addressed, then the WvW population will stabilize and / or grow making up for the ones that left and adding many more.

There are only 2 things that are certain.

1. If you do not address the core population issues then the current WvW playerbase with exception of the best coverage stacked servers will leave as soon as any decent semblance of competition shows up on the market.

2. Your (A-net’s) actions or lack thereof on this subject, will pretty much determine the fate of the game.

So you have to make a decision, do you want your game to become limited to the top 5-6 servers only, or are you willing to upset a very small segment of the wvw population to the point of leaving for the sake of a healthier game and log term gain ?

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

(edited by Tongku.5326)

Current 5-10man servers

in WvW

Posted by: Tongku.5326


Some of us are looking for small roaming groups for possible transfers.

So I thought we should update the current 5-10man guilds after the majority quit.
1.List your server or opposing server.
2.Name of guild on your server/other servers running a regular 5-10mans -weekend only guilds don’t count-.
3.Composition and use of voice chat -as this reflects how dedicated your group is-.
4.Are your current match ups favourable for such groups (don’t care what the zerglings on your own server think)

I’ll start:
4.Yes, Bronze.


Being on SF and currently playing against HOD I can tell you that if you plan doing this on NA prime time slot, you will be very disappointed and your choice is already unfortunately wrong. SF has a lot of people during prime time, HOD has more.

However, if you are looking outside the main NA prime time you will be able to roam 5-10 man and actually matter in the overall scheme of things. For NA prime time, 5-10 man roaming you need to aim for the bottom 4 servers AR, ET, DR, Kaineng. It is unfortunate, but true.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

condi duration affecting immobilize anet why

in WvW

Posted by: Tongku.5326


I think it is fine as is. I use immobilizes quite a lot when playing my war and mes. Immobilize is very unique as it is, if they make it into a stun it would actually be less effective then it is now.

The way it works right now there are a lot of things that normally get a player out of harms way, for example mesmer staff 2 or sword 2, which do not work against it, although condi clears do.

So if they made it into a stun, then all those other things which currently do not work against it would start working making it worse and thus nerfing it a lot more then fixing it.

I only need to immobilize someone for 1-2 seconds for them to die, so more often then not, it does not get cleansed in time despite all the different cleanses available in the game.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

WvW player limits/ map - confirmed?

in WvW

Posted by: Tongku.5326


Last Saturday, Nov. 2nd 2013, at late evening hours, we were outmanned on EB and in our BL. I mean, officially outmanned with the outmanned buff, for several hours during the entire second half of NA prime time.

There were maybe 20 of us in our BL total, and 25 in EB when I took a count. Yest both maps were queud with 15-45 minute queues. Add to that were are going against a larger server where our only chance at winning was to build up a lead during prime time and keep the daily momentum going.

Needless to say that did not happen due to exactly and precisely of this que. Dear A-net, can one of your employees please explain to us how can we be outmanned (officially with a buff) and have a 15-45 minute que on a map at same time ?

Thank You

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

Anyone else simply bored?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tongku.5326



I am not bored, in fact, really excited about todays WvW reset as we will have a match against a close server. There will be some awesome fights to be had !!!

I think the O.P.s main problem is he/she is doing only solo PvE content. Even in PvE runing dungeons with a bunch of guildmates on VOIP is an entirely different experience then running same dungeons in a text based solo PUG mode.

Please note that this game is an MMORPG, large part and key to having fun here is being a part of the community. If all you ever do is PvE farm and solo stuff such as outdoor PvE boss grinding, then you will never enter the community, thus never have fun.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

Collaborative Development: World Population

in CDI

Posted by: Tongku.5326


Most good guilds transfer to where they will have the best competition and best chance at not looking at queue screens. This is the reason not many if at all will ever transfer to lower tier servers.

If you want to actually fix some of the issues with imbalance then lets introduce some “Guild Scoring”. After all this is called guild wars, and its currently server wars. Lets give guilds something to work towards in WvW, and make us feel like the time we spend in WvW has an impact. Right now any time we spend in WvW gets overshadowed now by coverage in which outcomes on 95% of matches are mostly pre-determined. Also this would promote people actually playing more after a match is determined.
Why can’t my guild get laurels for doing stuff in WvW? Why do we have to go zerg some NPC in a pve zone to get currency which we can spend in WvW? It makes absolutely no sense. Give me a guild mission that is to go hold an opposing sides garrison for 1 hour or something. Fighting against zerg servers would make these types of things tough and then maybe people will spread out to other servers.

Other games have had a siege style combat also, and they had to resort to Prime Time windows for the main scoring to take place. If Anet is opposed to that and wants to maintain a 24 hour setup, then you will always have coverage being the number 1 factor in any matchup.

That is somewhat true, however, look at the T1 bandwagon where guilds transferred to just before leagues regardless of aniticipated que times and now many are whining about those ques. I think that goes to prove that PPT trumps que times when it comes to transfers.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

Collaborative Development: World Population

in CDI

Posted by: Tongku.5326


Zero impact in my opinion. The ppl would transfer on the last day and no problem. But what is the point to punish someone after a transfer? in theory, transfer to a lower server is not anything bad. I think is better to try to encourage ppl to make transfer to less populated servers.

The point is not necessarily to punish people, but more to add an increased cost to transferring. If you are switching worlds to be a spy or because you are bandwagoning, it makes a difference if you can’t play WvW after doing so for some period of time. It may not be worth doing, I was just curious what people thought.

Hi Devon

I would like to point out that most spies are on seperate accounts and usually level 1 characters due to fear of getting banned on their main. Eventually since early levels can be obtained at a very fast pace, it is not uncommon to see them lvl 10 or 20+ within a day or 2. The only real solution here is that when you get a mass amount of reports against the person/account, that should raise an immediate red flag to your employees to come and observe and take immediate action based on the observation.

As far as the bandwagon, the current transfer costs to the top servers of 2400 gems are negligible when taking into account all the factors involved including guild buying etc. transfer costs need to make the said “buysers” pause and seriously reflect if they wish to proceed or not, which is currently not the case.

Couple that with the facts that you can guest for PvE and reduced transfer costs need to be implimented for lower rank servers and there really is no reason not to double or even triple the top rated server transfer costs up to 6k or 9k gems.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF