So you go to another games website, and try to tell them this game is better? Im sure that went over well…… Going to another video games website and saying a different game is better is like insulting someones baby- they are not going to like what you have to say, and probably be offended. If you expected anything other than defensive remarks, then you must be very young or new to the internet.
This game has a lot of support. Period. Majority positive review and reception. Also, the game has respectful developers who actually participate with the community and acknowledge issues.
The game has not even posted its first major update yet. That will be telling about how the game will be supported further down the line. Only a week to go and then we will see what is in store for the future.
Who said anything about another games website? I have a huge pool of friends that play MMO’s both from real life and ones that I have met over the years playing other MMO’s and I’m telling you right now this game is not doing well in the MMO community. Yes, it has reviewed well but it is not appealing to the majority of the MMO gamers out there.
Like I said I’ve seen this so many times before in games like Aion, Warhammer, Rift, Tera etc. and it’s always the same thing. The very small segment of the MMO community that likes the game sticks their head in the sand and denies denies denies. The only difference is this time I actually like the game in question and want to see it succeed but I know that it will fail if something doesn’t change real quickly and it might already be too late. Not many people are likely to return to a game they’ve already decided they don’t like.
Oh I see, the old “I know someone who said something” routine.
If the game doesn’t change real quickly? It just released a month ago, and has not even experienced its first content update yet. And that is coming next week. How much faster do you want content? Every day? Who doesn’t?
It comes down to you subjectively like an entertainment platform, or you do not. Your friends that you site as the source for the “majority” of people- if they do not like the game, do you suspect they would ever change their opinion? What content would change their mind?
That is too bad for them, they are missing out on a great game experience.
So you go to another games website, and try to tell them this game is better? Im sure that went over well…… Going to another video games website and saying a different game is better is like insulting someones baby- they are not going to like what you have to say, and probably be offended. If you expected anything other than defensive remarks, then you must be very young or new to the internet.
This game has a lot of support. Period. Majority positive review and reception. Also, the game has respectful developers who actually participate with the community and acknowledge issues.
The game has not even posted its first major update yet. That will be telling about how the game will be supported further down the line. Only a week to go and then we will see what is in store for the future.
GW2-For now Single Player Game with an option for Multiplayer, your opinion???
Posted by: TransparentlyOpaque.1824
This is a troll thread. If you would like to see a “MMO” that is a single player experience, go look at swtor.
Gw2 is all about playing with other people.
Hacking attempts 1 day after joining?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: TransparentlyOpaque.1824
Thats odd, I started playing in the preopener and have not had any hack attempts, zero.
You must belong to a number of hacked websites. Use unique passwords, thats the best advice.
Maybe they intend to release it when the movie is in theatres.
Tough choices, all classes are interesting in their own way.
I went with elementalist as my first character to run through the game. Its fun, and in PVP you should have no issue at all, particularly once you become comfortable self comboing and switching between elements. Though in PVP, you need to be careful with your traits and playstyle, because in most “builds” generally you will be set up too be very fragile
That sounds interesting. Im interested in any new content.
I think the last image with the giant bonsai tree is also a jumping puzzle, where you have to climb the tree.
Mansabol you killed me, thats exactly what I was thinking when I opened this thread.
And I have seen one in game, Nightynight, just look harder and you will find the porpoise in the game.
Expansion???? The game is only a few months old, why would it need an expansion so soon?
The game came out in September. Thats not even months old.
Of course the non Halloween portion will remain in the game. They want to keep players engaged, and attract new BLOOD~!
Expansions are expansive by nature, and the devs and parent company will need to be paid for their time. I doubt gems would allow you purchase of a full expansion.
Someone else posted it already :
Its really good.
Mario and Luigi costumes for the jumping puzzles, Make it happen Anet :O
The new events, bosses, and mini-dungeons are included in the Shadow of Mad King release, same thing goes for everything on that page!
Thank you for the response, I am definately interested to see what happens. If it is as good as it promises to be in the ad and interview, my very tightly sealed wallet will be opening and gems will be purchased
I wonder if the last portion, Tyria evolving, where they talk about new events/bosses/mini dungeons- is that included in the update or is that just “future talk”?
botting is the suggested report option for a suspected hack user, at least currently.
The system is in place to encourage people to explore different build types, instead of having everyone just maxed out and using essentially the same skill sets.
Too limiting for game population. A spectrum of players from acrosss the globe or even your region is ideal, since it gives a better chance of your server being populated continually, rather than mostly around 5-8pm everyday.
Turn down your settings if it is a problem. This seems like an issue for people with low end computers. Maybe over time they will add a feature that allows for particle effect adjustmen.
As it stands, this game runs fantastic on my mid level computer at good high and medium settings at 100+fps on average. For all the action going on in places like WvW and bigger DEs, the game runs great.
I read that also, last week they said this week they would talk about the event.
Time left in this week is getting shorter by the minute
Discrimintation is absolutely an over the top sensational description. As others pointed out, it is likely a legal / tax issue. Though I would be interested to see an official response.
Have they confirmed a Halloween event?
Yes, you can view some of the info in the game news section. Should be fun.
Im looking forward to the first game event. If I had materials and inspiration I would create a dioarma to try and win the contest.
One thing I think that would be interesting in game, would be player placable Jack O Lanterns. It would be great to decorate your keeps in WvW or to make towns seem more festive.
Maybe even give it to cooks, so they have something to craft that is actually useable.
Its quite possible. They did some features on their artists, and a number of them have done an amount of traveling.
I was curious what class you were playing, and how you had your traits set up.
I watched the video , and also went up against people using that move. Did not really like it, but have not had time to try a thief in depth yet and see whats what.
The concept of having attacks that 1 shot players is poor, I agree with that- ideally it should be at least an exchance of a few hits each giving the players chance to show who has better command of their class.
I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say he was on an elementalist :p
Whats wrong with admitting your playing an elementalist?
What class do you play?
The main problem in gw2 is that playing the game is not rewarding, at all. They’ve designed an amazing world here, wonderful cities except the charr one xD (Divinity’s reach feels so pleasant) but this is not enough to make people wanna keep playing.
Dungeons are not working so well … too easy, no strategy, bosses are boring as hell, and you have to grind in that poor PVE environment for what ? a few skins ?
Players need to feel rewarded for their efforts, they want to be proud when they complete a dungeon and say “YEAAAAHHHHHHH guys well played that was EPIC !” when they complete the very end game. They want their reward (weapon/armor ..) to be pretty rare which makes it more valuable and shiny. (not that stupid huge legendary grind)
GuildWars 2’s end game .. Zhaitan ? big joke, last boss of TA afk mode? cmon … well i don’t know, there’s just no end game. No carrot.
Atm, everything is just .. easy, tasteless. There’s no epic challenge, no epic reward, just .. shallow.
So once you’ve completed the exploration (100% world), explo dungeons, got your easy to get skin, experienced the “oh, a 20 ppl zerg just popped next to me in WvWvW.. i’m dead.”
You’re done.
You’re done? Except you’re here……
There is not much negativity with the game. The people who come up with negativity are clearly teenagers with too much time on their hands and excessive emo angst.
There are some good constructive criticism threads, but this is just one that will end up closed. There is nothing to discuss here except anecdotal stories about “friends” and rumors. Which is great, if you are in high school.
I find your comments, assumptions and attacks on the validity of my post extremely insulting. You know nothing about me or my age. I assure you I am MUCH older than a teenager and I can tell you that the 4 people I personally know that have already left the game are all different ages ranging from 15 to 28.
There is a valid concern here and it would be nice if we could get a response from an ArenaNet person on if they have plans to address a lot of these issues or if they are satisfied with many hardcore MMO players leaving the game.
It’s people like you that get threads closed. This thread was started with good intentions to encourage discussion and opinion and instead you come in here and start throwing around insults. Now, who did you say was being “high school”?
If you don’t have anything to add really and your only goal is to insult then perhaps you should just post elsewhere.
I do not intend to be insulting, im just questioning what the goal of this thread is ultimately.
The thread title is "So much negativtly lately is GW2 DOOMED? That is not a great start to a productive thread.
Then you go on to say they need to rework the game. And touch on “lack of endgame” for “hardcore” players. These are broad, sweeping, negative and vague commentary, what are you asking for an ANET dev to respond to exactly?
I think you will get a response from an ANET employee, saying this thread is closed.
Again, please leave the topic if you really have nothing to say. I find it personally insulting that you insist that you weren’t trying to be insulting with the statements that you made… I hate it when people don’t like things because they are “negative”. Oh I’m sorry, did I make you sad? This game deserves a lot of both positive and negative comments.
The game does deserve a lot of positive and negative comments, in a format that has some direction. Random negative (or positive) comments do not help.
It is cathartic to some degree to vent negative impressions, but there is no end goal here- what is being said is nothing more then a kitten session, that is going off on as many tangents as there are replies.
I can appreciate some constructive criticism, when it is focused and has a realistic end goal.
The main problem in gw2 is that playing the game is not rewarding, at all. They’ve designed an amazing world here, wonderful cities except the charr one xD (Divinity’s reach feels so pleasant) but this is not enough to make people wanna keep playing.
Dungeons are not working so well … too easy, no strategy, bosses are boring as hell, and you have to grind in that poor PVE environment for what ? a few skins ?
Players need to feel rewarded for their efforts, they want to be proud when they complete a dungeon and say “YEAAAAHHHHHHH guys well played that was EPIC !” when they complete the very end game. They want their reward (weapon/armor ..) to be pretty rare which makes it more valuable and shiny. (not that stupid huge legendary grind)
GuildWars 2’s end game .. Zhaitan ? big joke, last boss of TA afk mode? cmon … well i don’t know, there’s just no end game. No carrot.
Atm, everything is just .. easy, tasteless. There’s no epic challenge, no epic reward, just .. shallow.
So once you’ve completed the exploration (100% world), explo dungeons, got your easy to get skin, experienced the “oh, a 20 ppl zerg just popped next to me in WvWvW.. i’m dead.”
You’re done.
You’re done? Except you’re here……
There is not much negativity with the game. The people who come up with negativity are clearly teenagers with too much time on their hands and excessive emo angst.
There are some good constructive criticism threads, but this is just one that will end up closed. There is nothing to discuss here except anecdotal stories about “friends” and rumors. Which is great, if you are in high school.
I find your comments, assumptions and attacks on the validity of my post extremely insulting. You know nothing about me or my age. I assure you I am MUCH older than a teenager and I can tell you that the 4 people I personally know that have already left the game are all different ages ranging from 15 to 28.
There is a valid concern here and it would be nice if we could get a response from an ArenaNet person on if they have plans to address a lot of these issues or if they are satisfied with many hardcore MMO players leaving the game.
It’s people like you that get threads closed. This thread was started with good intentions to encourage discussion and opinion and instead you come in here and start throwing around insults. Now, who did you say was being “high school”?
If you don’t have anything to add really and your only goal is to insult then perhaps you should just post elsewhere.
I do not intend to be insulting, im just questioning what the goal of this thread is ultimately.
The thread title is "So much negativtly lately is GW2 DOOMED? That is not a great start to a productive thread.
Then you go on to say they need to rework the game. And touch on “lack of endgame” for “hardcore” players. These are broad, sweeping, negative and vague commentary, what are you asking for an ANET dev to respond to exactly?
I think you will get a response from an ANET employee, saying this thread is closed.
Well the good thing, is you still have 6 other classes to try. What do you like to do?
I made an elementalist as my starting character. I like it, though to get much damage output you need to be able to click though all the different elements and self combo.
I hated Thieves in Pvp, so I made one to test out why I hated them- they are very easy to play, and kill things quickly. If you like high damage, pick a thief.
I tried a Guardian up to a few levels. It seems pretty good, a lot more powerful than an elementalist! Though it is a mostly melee type class, so you have to like that kind of play.
How do you like to play? That is what people need to know to guide you on class choice.
TOR is not a good game at all. And it shows, the majority of the publishing staff is gone, fired or left as they knew the game was headed for the outhouse.
And now they are trying to go F2P with a starwars gemshop, but they will give no in game currency conversion, and reportedly a lot of garbage ideas about what to sell in their shop. Gouging and relying on “games of chance” in buying random lockboxes that are reported to have a small percentage chance of dropping an exclusive armor.
That game is a disaster.
I do not think anyone would be willing to show what they have, lest someone else take “inspiration” and one up them in some fashion.
That would be the worst, creating and previewing your masterpiece, and then someone sees it and makes something similar that ultimately wins them the competition.
The first thing many players ask is “Can I duel you?” (to test out the class). In GW2 you have to say “nope”.
And the first thing people say back is go to world v world, you get all unlocks and you can practice on some of the wildlife near your starting area, and then vs other players.
But really, a duel feature would be alright, though implementation is key. No dueling everywhere. Thats ugly and just leads to silly behaviors. Its been suggested that “gladiator arenas” be implemented as a place for structured “dueling”.
It has a lot of potential for practicing 1v1 fights, testing and proving where certain classes may be over powered, and ultimately it could be made into a structured “esports” competition.
And I am sure Anet could release “gladiator” themed skins and make some nice extra money from 1v1 combat arenas. Seems like a potential win all around.
Opps, never mind I see there is a cost attached!
I want to go back to artificers, and now it is not an option, its blacked out in the converstation with the master crafter- is this a bug?
Might want to look at the very first stickied thread….
No its has not been worth my money, I feel like I should give them much more than I paid.
Did hats equate to town clothes, or were they usable as armor helmets/hoods? Transmuting something like that would be interesting.
I hope the one time events have unique items that never appear in game again.
Not everyone will be able to experience every event, thats life- if you have a job/family/other hobbies you may miss out on some part of a video game. Im sure if you read the forums people will announce when they find an event so every thing should work out just fine.
Im thinking that the small one time things are precursors to things like expansion additions, or opening up of new regions on the map.
Things like “oh no, there was an avalanche in the mountains where asura were holding an archeological dig!” – you can go there for a day and see them excavating an area that seems to open up to a new continent/cavern/realm and they tell you that they should have it cleared out in a day.
They have indicated that the Halloween will be a “festival”, and in November, they will release a content update.
Hey guys. I’m the OP of the first and currently largest thread on camera-related issues: Camera control issues – a documented list and have been following the issue since BWE1.
First of all, thanks Jon for the upfront reply, I appreciate it greatly that you view it as an issue which needs addresing.
For the community: Resorting to personal attacks on Jon is higly unnecessary and counter-productive. Also, tellling him that you know how the game works better than the dev team is horribly arrogant. The fact is that changing the horizontal FoV without changing the aspect ratio does lead to distortion. The fact is also that changing the FoV would lead to some issues, be it performance or something else, otherwise, we would have seen it changed a while ago.Which leads me to the second point, which is my personal view on the subject.
1) performance suffers greatly because of how things are built and view distances
2) art suffers because of texture tiling, LOD problems and just general stretching from the fisheye effect.
…we are not just limiting it for technical reasons, there are also gameplay implications that we are taking into account that we believe are a core part of the game…
If there was a single reason we might think about looking for a workaround, but because it relates to core issues for 3 of our major departments this is not an easy problem and will remain that way for the foreseeable future.
What this info tells us, combined with the info we have so far (FoV hacks, boss fights, culling, optimization, etc.), is that sadly the GW2 engine is not flexible enough compared to other engines (UT3, Source…) to allow these changes without adding issues, some of which are present even in the current state of the game (culling, texture corruption, LoD).
The fact that the game is not well optimized, and that there is only talk about fixing the mouse smoothing, and not completely remove it, while also taking into account that Jon said that it’s not an easy problem and it’s related to core issues just reinforces my estimation that it’s all very hard-coded with very little engine flexibilty. If I am to speak my mind, I’d say that it’s bad coding, probably due to time/resource constraints.
What does that mean for me personally?
In my topic I’ve talked about a number of points, which all seem to be mutually dependant:
- Input Lag
- Negative Acceleration
- Smoothing
- Easing
- Camera behaviour
- FoV
The first three points are related to game performance, which is not optimized for a wide range of not-high-end machines. The second two points are developer decisions which are not being considered to be completely removed in the forseeable future. The camera behaviour is being addressed and hopefully it will be fixed. The FoV is also a developer decision, which I have discussed previously.
What this sadly means for me, that in the forseeable future, I will not be playing this game.
If you try to play any game with a computer below the specs your performance will be less than stellar.
I get it, but this is kind of a far out left field small target joke.
It is a little excessive. I get it after 3 messages sometimes, and not in rapid sucession. lol
I think one of the programers added a little piece of code to the trading post, just like in the movie Office Space, so he could siphon coppers into his play account. Except he made a miscalculation in the decimal just like in the movie!
Um, yeah were going to need those TPS (trading post sales) reports today um ok?
I’ve got a lvl 40 Warrior.
I’d make some non-rainbow staffs for my necro if I was in his position too.
A “shadow” staff would be nice. Something along the lines of the I think “grnth” animation. Sort of a vortex of darkness that that seems to pull in all life!
And for elementalists, a “Sun” staff would be nice also. Bright and luminous, giving an radiant aura that lights your path. Would be suitable for Guardians too
A “frost” staff would be nice also, a huge Icicle with a chilling wind effect.
Thats pretty cool
Looks better than I thought it might, has a sort of northern lights look.