Yeah. I agree.
Those players who feel “betrayed” should see it like this.
Imagine this:
- Exotic Tier wasn’t released during game launch.
- They implant a new tier called exotic in-between rare and legendary on Nov 15.Isn’t it going to be the same?
There’s no gear treadmill element in this.Anet still live up to it’s promises. You will still able to explore all content with any tier equipments. It’s not like traditional mmo treadmill where you must get gear X to experience content X. In GW2, you’re able to experience 100% of the content.
I don’t care about exploring content. I absolutely hate leveling and going through dungeons. All I care about is PvP in WvW, and when someone else is able to beat me not because of skill, but because they have more free time on their hands to do dungeon grinding, the game looses its appeal. Won’t be playing GW2 for a few months until Anet decides what direction they feel like taking the game so I can decide if it’s worth my time.
Do people seriously play games for endless progression? Am I the only person who found it tedious to level up and get exotics? Does anyone play games just for fun anymore? Is there a reason why I’m asking the forum-goers all these questions?
Sounds like they are taking a hint from the Diablo 3 playbook. If they add a level cap increase, then I’m out.
Guys, let’s all chill, there a valid tactics going on here. TC and YB both realize that CD is overpowered in the EB JP so they are trying their best to counter (see screenshot). Anyway, I’m looking forward to Tier 4 domination next week. Poor kittens.
so if a server have the lead, they simply do not enter in www anymore and the score is frozen till the end?
If nobody entered WvW anymore then yes the score would be frozen. Not sure why you think this would happen though, there will always be people trying to capture points to increase their score, which in turn will result in other people defending those points to increase their score.
I hope not, I absolutely hate dungeons. I played GW1 for the PvP and I play GW2 for the PvP. If they plan to introduce higher tier items than exotics that will be usable in WvW, I hope they make a way to obtain the same tier items through another means such as badges.
Right now as many have pointed out in the “night capping” or “PvDoor” threads, the scoring system for WvW has almost no correlation to skill. The servers with the most players participating in WvW evenly distributed across time zones will win the matches. But what if servers were only awarded points for capturing and defending objectives, NOT for passively holding them?
Let’s say you have two servers, A and B, and two time zones, 1 and 2. Server A has all their players in both time zones completely focused on WvW, so in other words they are never outmanned. Server B has all their players in time zone 1 focused on WvW, but all their players in time zone 2 are focused on PvE. Lastly, all players in both servers are of equal skill.
Under the current scoring system, both servers should end up with roughly the same score during peak hours of time zone 1, but during peak hours of time zone 2 server A will easily cap and hold all of the objectives giving them a huge point advantage and winning them the match in the end.
Under a system where passive holding of objectives is not rewarded, server A will only get the points for initially capturing these objectives at the end of time zone 1 peak hours. For the remaining time, since there is no one on server B to try capture, server A won’t accumulate any points as they don’t have anyone to defend against. So when peak hours of server B come around again, the score would roughly be equal to when they all logged off to sleep/go to work the day before.
Now it is possible for even a server with a low WvW population to win matches against servers with high populations if they play smart. For example, rather than having 10 people in each map trying and failing to capture towers (which will provide the other server with points for defending), the server would do better to consolidate all their forces into one map. With a 40 man group they would be able to take the tower earning their server points, and the other server wouldn’t gain any points on the other maps because there is no one to defend against.
CD here. Based on the responses here (especially Hexgame, who is saying that we are a bad server while TC holds their hands the entire time), I think I will get together a group of people, a ton of superior seige and hold the JP for the next few days.
And it’s easy to say that CD are the ones camping it, but you don’t complain when your mesmers and a 20 man zerg of TC camp it because you are able to get in, get your seige and get out.
Haha yeah, earlier today I put up some superior balistas in the EB JP along with catas and trebs from others. Provided for some excellent badge farming.
If you use sanc under water it’s twice as large!
I traited for maximum symbol damage to counter thief stealth.
Where do you all come from, WoW?
Do you never actually PLAY any game? You know, instead of endless stat increasing you play the game? Like some people play soccer IRL or bowl?
I have a great suggestion I posted few years ago as well: make Excel sheet and keep adding +1 to the current number. Make new entry for each day, and roleplay the sheet is your character. You will always progress.
ps: And you’re not in PvE section, this is PvP section. Or more precisely, WvW. So if you want to progress invest all your gold for siege weapons and keep upgrades etc.
If you want to instantly kill everyone else in PvP because you played longer, then you came to the wrong game, and I warmly suggest creating Excel sheet.
Haha, I loled. All these people who want endless progression should play the game Progress Quest. I personally have plenty of fun murdering tons of invaders with siege.
I’ve never camped the jumping puzzle before, but based on these types of threads it seems like it may be an effective demoralizer so I think I’ll do a little today. People rage at getting killed in the JP, alt+F4, come on the forums to complain and theres all the less defenders for their keeps. Oh yeah, and I’m on CD.
Listen, stealth IS the main feature of a thief. If you were to take that away from them, they are just a really weak warrior with tiny little swords. Would you like your clones taken away from you? Grenade spam? Hundred blades? You see what I am saying here? Every class has their signature moves/mechanics, and though you might not like or agree with them, that doesn’t mean ANet should hold your hand and remove it from the game.
Assassins from GW1 (which the thief is based on btw) did not have stealth and were very good at at taking out players. Additionally, I don’t see how adding stealth to the assassin adds to the strategic depth or complexity of the class. I vote that Anet forgets that they ever created the thief and just bring back the assassin.
Because change is bad, right? Good thing that ANet isn’t a democracy that takes its votes from users.
Sorry, is this an argument? You said thieves would be useless without stealth and I provided an example to contradict this. Now as far as I can tell your rebuttle is to imply that all change is good no matter what by sarcastically stating that it isn’t. Did you ever play an assassin in GW1? Can you provide examples of why that class design didn’t work? Can you explain how stealth improved the gameplay experience?
Listen, stealth IS the main feature of a thief. If you were to take that away from them, they are just a really weak warrior with tiny little swords. Would you like your clones taken away from you? Grenade spam? Hundred blades? You see what I am saying here? Every class has their signature moves/mechanics, and though you might not like or agree with them, that doesn’t mean ANet should hold your hand and remove it from the game.
Assassins from GW1 (which the thief is based on btw) did not have stealth and were very good at at taking out players. Additionally, I don’t see how adding stealth to the assassin adds to the strategic depth or complexity of the class. I vote that Anet forgets that they ever created the thief and just bring back the assassin.
Yeah that’s right, I’m calling it early, wanna fight about it?
Anyway, let the anticipation build and enjoy your tier 3 placement, where you get all the fun of high level WvW play without all the nerd rage.
Trebs counter everything, even other trebs… they MUST be op…
Having to arrange teams when you’re just starting is too daunting for new players. Even somewhat experienced players don’t necessarily want to have to gather people up and organize a plan.
In GW1, this is what Random Arenas was for. You just walked in, press “Enter Battle” and the game would randomly throw you in with other people who did the same thing. No objectives other than to survive. If you managed to win successively, your team, who had proven themselves ten times by that point and understood what one another was doing, were then pitted against an actually organized team in Team Arenas, automatically.
It was a very smart system obviously created by a team of intelligent people. It taught new players the game, it was fun and it automatically transitioned success into more competitive areas. The 8v8 sPvP hotmatching in GW2 achieves nothing at all in comparison, failing to ease new players in, failing to teach the mechanics of the organized version of team play, and also failing to reward success in the same way RA did. (When your team lost in RA, that was it; the whole team was disbanded and you had to enter battle with a completely different randomized group of players. This also helped you make friends [or enemies] in the process.)
I feel like I keep harping on this with everyone else, but the GW2 development team really needs to step back and look at what GW1 did correctly, because they have a lot to learn from that game. It really amazes me they have taken so many steps backwards from PvP in that game. It doesn’t have to be the same game, obviously, but when something works very well, you improve on it; you don’t throw it in the trash and haughtily decide to reinvent the wheel.
Shh, don’t remind me of the awesomeness that was GW1 PvP, you’re making me depressed.
I play a thief as my main and anyone who says the stealth/backstab builds are balanced are just wrong. Stealth should have never been in the game in an offensive capacity, it is far too hard to balance. The thief class already has the initiative mechanic that is hard to balance and throwing stealth on top of that just makes it exponentially harder.
Even if they wanted to take time for a complete rework or an actual fix for rendering it properly they need a bandaid fix in the meantime. Make revealed last 3 seconds longer, make it apply on any stealth. Increase the thiefs base health to compensate for the survivability lost. Make damaging a stealthed thief break stealth. Lower backstabs damage. Just something to bring stealth back into line with other classes damage/survivability.
Thank You! I question the rationale for adding stealth in a game without any direct/indirect counters, especially if that game is striving for e-sports. Unfortunately, the majority of players (who I assume play thief) love to use the l2p argument and say aoe counters stealth. Well no, no it doesn’t, going around using aoe on random locations with the hope of hitting something is the worst counter I have ever heard of.
Personally, I don’t see much of a problem with thief damage, but I do think that stealth needs a rework. As GW1 vets will know, the thief is based on the GW1 assassin class which had similar skills and could very well kill light armored classes in a matter of seconds if they set up their combo correctly. The difference is that in GW1 assassins did not have stealth and instead relied heavily on positioning and shadow stepping to take out opponents. Now if a thief didn’t have stealth, players would be able to predict when they are going to attack and from what angle, and with a few well timed dodges would most likely be able to avoid 99% of their burst damage. I think there either needs to be some type of stealth detection skills in the game, or thieves still need to be detectable in some indirect manner when they stealth (like the little light distortion that cloaked units in Starcraft make). For the record I play a guardian, so take my opinion as you will.
Dunno about that making stealth always minutely visible. In my experience, making stealth slightly visible is all it takes to make ineffective who’s not completely tunnel visioned. In Lost Saga, the hero Shadow Assassin has a stealth ablility that leaves him visible on the minimap and had him still kick up dust clouds when he jumped. This caused most of the players to abandon Sin, save for the players looking for a challenging main or to goof off. As it stands in the game now, stealth is only effective on extremely tunnel visioned players. Another game would be Halo, no one really got the drop on me with the cloak in that.
I’m not opposed to skills that cause burning or skills that spray substances (like glue shot) making them visible for say half a second. Or they could just add a bright flash to Assassin Signet’s telegraph that shows up even with stealth. Be like the flash before the thunder.
Yeah, I know what you mean about the partially visible thing but at the moment if I’m capping or holding a point and I see a thief running at me and then go stealth my best chance of survival is to simply strafe, dodge, and auto-attack the air all over the inside of that node. But for all I know the thief could just be sitting there laughing their kitten off as I run around the node dodging and attacking like an idiot. If Anet wants GW2 to be e-sports worthy, there should be a counter to every mechanic that doesn’t rely on dumb luck.
Personally, I don’t see much of a problem with thief damage, but I do think that stealth needs a rework. As GW1 vets will know, the thief is based on the GW1 assassin class which had similar skills and could very well kill light armored classes in a matter of seconds if they set up their combo correctly. The difference is that in GW1 assassins did not have stealth and instead relied heavily on positioning and shadow stepping to take out opponents. Now if a thief didn’t have stealth, players would be able to predict when they are going to attack and from what angle, and with a few well timed dodges would most likely be able to avoid 99% of their burst damage. I think there either needs to be some type of stealth detection skills in the game, or thieves still need to be detectable in some indirect manner when they stealth (like the little light distortion that cloaked units in Starcraft make). For the record I play a guardian, so take my opinion as you will.
That would be awesome but unfortunately that would require the complete redesign of all the WvWvW maps. I just don’t see that happening.
True, but considering they will be coming out with several expansions, each of which will contain completely new maps designed from scratch I don’t think it’s unreasonable for them to redesign two maps (since borderlands are all the same) if it will improve game play.
How about redesigning the WvW maps to allow server battles between five servers simultaneously rather than 3 and just reduce the number of players allowed in WvW at a single time per server to maintain the same total player cap?
- Less players per server means there will be even longer queues for the “bandwagon” servers and cause more guilds to switch to lower population servers resulting in an increase in overall server competitiveness.
- A lot of battles right now end up with one server absolutely destroying the other two after a few days and these servers are often capable of holding their lead even in a 2v1 situation. But could a server hold off in 3v1? How about 4v1? Not likely, and if Anet plans on eventually having 2 week battles, having a 5 server slug fest may be more viable.
- Chaos is fun, what do you think the appeal of free for all mode in most pvp games is? Right now you may say oh server a is attacking DB, server b has only a few guys on.. I guess lets go defend DB. But what if instead you had kitten!!! server a has a treb taking out db wall, server c is taking all our supply camps, server d has a golem zerg headed towards our garrison, and it doesn’t even matter that server b only has a few guys because we are still screwed!
Let me know your thoughts, suggestions, or hatred of this topic below!
Your problem may be that you’re dying too much. I play a guardian, so I’m not the best ranged class and no I don’t have all lvl 80 elite gear, but I still rarely die and most of the time it was preventable. One thing you should always do is spin your camera around all the time, even when you’re just running to a location. Don’t just sit their and look ahead at where your running, click that mouse and spin your camera around because the large open nature of WvW makes it very easy to get flanked and not even see it coming. A lot of times people say they were destroyed by an invisible army I would actually guess that they were just not looking around and get taken out from behind. Also know that you don’t have to fight every fight. If I’m in a group of 7 and I see a group of around 20, even if my whole team runs in there to fight I won’t be following them because I don’t want to die. Lastly, you can buy blueprints with badges, which is what I do and then you end up keeping all your gold and still contributing to your server.
name some high levels that are willing to deal with a random low level laying dead waiting for assistance… i personally had several run right by me through the crypt and not one of them even thought to res or help me
Did you ask for a res? Personally, I don’t res random dead players because I find that most of them are bots.
I think Anet should release official stats on the number of players that have completed the jumping puzzle just to shut up the complainers. I would estimate that by now a significant portion of the player base has beaten it as I have been farming the puzzle for tot bags and every few minutes I see a new person complete it and get happy. Right now I have about an 80-90% success rate with the puzzle and I have never played a platformer, but complainers will complain. People need to learn that they can’t have everything, just like legendary items require way too much time for me to craft so should I make a thread complaining that people with jobs and a social life aren’t being treated fairly? No, I just decide I won’t get a legendary, it’s that simple.
I wasn’t too impressed by it, as far as I can tell the one-time event that we all needed to log in for was a 20 second cut-scene of the mad king breaking a fountain. That given, I completed the dungeon twice with guildies and the Mad King glitched back up to the second floor after we almost killed him on the third both times. Would’ve preferred the event from GW1 over this, never was really a fan of dungeons.
I have to agree that Norn females are by far the hottest thing in this game and I can say that in all of the cut-scenes with Eir I have absolutely no idea what was being said or what was even going on. However, in response to people complaining that characters look too young, you should remember that Guild Wars likely takes place a long time ago and back then it was common for people to die at 40, so at 25 you would be considered middle-aged. They didn’t have the medicine to keep people alive until they resemble a shriveled up plum.
I know I orgas.. I mean had fun listening to it. But then again a lot of the music is the same music from GW1 which was also awesome.
I’m glad the puzzle is as difficult as it is, reminds me of games back in the good old days. OP should go play through Holy Diver, then come back and enjoy the relative ease of this puzzle. Took me about 2 hrs to beat.
Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?
in WvW
Posted by: Waffler.1257
Just scrubs having an ego trip. Best ones are when full exotic 80 do it to >80.
I mean really? Get a life.
umad?if u get affected by this u are the one that needs to get a life
No not mad, just disgusted at how immature people are. Like I said just people having an ego trip, trying to fill some void in their life. Pretty sad actually.
But it’s not immature to be severely bothered by another player performing an emote in a video game right? You may want to re-examine your argument.
Corpse dancing, jumping and other humilation tactics -- When are they acceptable?
in WvW
Posted by: Waffler.1257
I did it in GW1 and do it in GW2, especially when people use cheesy builds/tactics on me. The other day I was jumped by a hundred blades warrior and hs spamming thief while making my way to an objective and managed to kill them both so you bet I did some /point and /laugh at them. I’ve known some hardcore gamers in the past that rage like no other when someone beats them in a video game, so I like to imagine them raging all over the place and give them a little cherry to top it off by sitting on their corpse afterwards. I think it’s stupid to get so worked up over a video game, which is what makes it funny.
Yeah, CD used to be a pretty good Tier 2 server, but after Jade Quarry destroyed us we entered a vicious cycle of guilds leaving causing us to be dominated by lower tier servers followed by more guilds leaving. Anyway, I think I’m looking forward to the lower tier match-ups which will hopefully have less drama. Kinda funny how many times the thread for IOJ-JQ-SBI has been locked.
Just an idea, rather than changing classes, change how nodes are controlled. Make it so that to capture a node you need to have more players in the node than the other team. If there are an equal number of players from both teams in the node then its control will slowly drift to neutral. Then you don’t have to beat a bunker or even knock them out of the node to remove their control, you just need to stand in the node. This in turn gives additional pressure on the other player to remove you from the node, most likely by killing you, and reduces the overall effectiveness of bunker builds. Likewise, if you have two people on your team vs. one bunker on the other, you will eventually gain control of the node regardless of whether you can kill the bunker or not.
Body blocking was a very fun and strategic feature in Guild Wars 1 and I think it should be introduced to Guild Wars 2. I remember coordinating with guild mates in GW1 GvG to form a line blocking off the flag from our enemy or getting in front of a player trying to escape to buy additional time to kill him. It may also help in balancing out WvW as choke points will become meaningful and reward servers for strategic play even if they may not necessarily have the numbers. Discuss!