This thread perfectly summarizes my feeling towards all these recruitment-threads.
Seeking new players for a night team? Are you kittening serious? Who even HAS a night team, who would want to be a part of that?
I’ve never seen anything as ridiculous as this.Oh and inb4 lock!
You realize, of course, that these things called time zones exist. One person’s night is another person’s day.
I don’t think people who never played GW1, or never got into GW1 because there was no jumping shouldn’t be commenting on GvG. The complexity and coordination of GvG cannot be found in GW2, and I don’t expect people who never experienced it to understand. It’s like a person who knows nothing about chess watching a game and saying, “I don’t understand, that looks like the same thing as checkers to me, why are you all complaining?”
Wells are at best mediocre damage (only 2 wells actually do any damage I believe) on a minimum 45 second cooldown. And even when specced into marks the are mostly lackluster damage with the exception of staff #4 which may hit for like 1200 and is on a 25 second CD. I find it really odd that the op bunker class that can spam hammer #2 aoe knocking everyone 10 yards off point would be concerned with wells or marks keeping you off point.
You seem to be implying that hammer #2 does aoe knockback, I hope this isn’t the case.
Come to CD and you can get free mesmer ports in the EB JP anytime, all the time. Mmm, think about all that nice toasty free siege… just think about it.
It’s always good to CD talking us down (one of the reasons when we didn’t choose CD) (After all we want to move to a place where we will feel valued, and that was FA)
As one of these “Bandwagoners” that we are called and one of these leave at first sign of trouble and no server pride blah blah blah, it has nothing to do with that. Do we need to defend ourselves? Why bother, it will just fall on deaf ears.
But I know every single IoJ that has decided to leave has put their blood sweat and tears into IoJ.
For those that do give us these ‘brands’ it shows how little you know of Janthir’s past 4 months of history. And at the end of the day Guild wars 2 is a game, people pay to play it (not the other way around) and I am extremely proud of every IoJ’er that has lasted this long through a very hard time on a game you are meant to have fun on.
(Can’t remember the last leader meeting we had where we didn’t bring up the struggle of numbers and lack of support from the greater IoJ community in WvW)To the WvW leaders and guild leaders that kept the spirits high in IoJ, even through all the hard times, I am so happy most of you did not burn out for so long. To the players that supported those leaders, thank you for having faith in us. It’s time now for us to be able to have more support in WvW (We have tried recruiting internally and externally for IoJ for a long time)
And now, to the IoJ community and its friendship and support, thank you for sticking together, to keep that community and join a server who treats us as equals, respects us and understands what we have been through.
CD, how you respect the other players you get to play with (remember, without all the other players and servers out there, you would not have any WvW) is how you will be viewed. The vote was unanimous to not go to CD and one of the main factors was due to how you represent yourself here, how you smack talk and how you show a lack of understanding to other players out there, a lack that other human beings may want to actually play and enjoy a game they have spent money on instead of continually fighting against a server that at its core is PvE.
FA is our new home for most of us not because we want to bandwagon and stack up on CD (yes it will be fun to fight you again) but it is our new home because we the want to fight with our friends we have forged in the past 4 months in a place where we can do it without having to hear the terms CD so easily flings around. And because FA has shown us a server that has values aligned with ours.
Maybe you forgot to do a background check. Our first ever recruitment thread received responses not from potential transfers, not from other CD members supporting the thread, nope, it was FA trolls kittenting all over us for trying to recruit. Maybe you don’t know as much about FA since you haven’t been playing against them as long as us, but I can assure you they are far from the angels you make them out to be.
I remember when Anet was asked how many players can be in WvW at the same time, they said as many as it can support but they keep all the sides even. So maybe the system is dynamically adjusting the population cap of WvW based on some other variable which screwes up people who queue at different times so that it’s not always a FIFO system.
Yeah happens to me a lot. One night I capped two keeps and three towers, the whole time setting up siege, killing guards, attacking the door, killing the lord, and standing in the circle but no rewards for any of the caps. I just logged out and the next day I started getting rewards again, so not sure what causes it.
We should stop arguing and focus on what is really important right now.
I feel it’s important to celebrate fort aspenwood’s new era with a name change that reflects the new reality of the server. So here are my suggestions:A) Fort Janthir
B) isle of Aspenwood
C) Maguuma
D) Bandwagon of Janspenwood
I vote for C) Maguuma, final answer. Now they need to make some threads telling everyone to leave their server.
I think if you re-acquire target and you could see if you hit them while stealthed, thieves in their current state would be balanced. I really don’t see why I wouldn’t know if I was hitting something in the dark.
If you are a melee class that has a auto attack chain, you will continue to the next attack in the chain if you hit. My auto is a 3 part chain. I know I’m putting the hurt on and tracking a stealth thief when I see/hear all 3 animations go off.
I see a lot of people talking about this and it is something I want to get better at. I’m well aware that you can still attack invisible people and the chain will trigger as I use it all the time when I see a downed thief turn invisible. But for the tracking part maybe you can give me some tips. When a thief stealths do you just keep running forward in a straight line and attacking with the assumption that the thief will continue running in the same direction they were before they stealthed? Do you ever decide to turn left or right when tracking a stealthed thief, and if so how do you arrive at that decision? How do you account for thieves that dodge roll and do a 180 to go the complete opposite direction that they were going? I figure I must be missing something here with how often people mention that you can kill stealthed thieves with auto-attacks.
I usually go for the immediate area where they stealth if I’m hitting I usually do a ~120 degree turn one way or the other, most will try to double back. It’s 50/50 if there are no indications at that point.
There are things to look for. Some use Caltrops on dodge. You can see where they originated from and know where they were when they dodged. If they actually evade your attack you will see “evade” so you know they are within evade distance of you. At this point it’s best guess as to what direction they evaded.
Also look for white circles. Many will shadowstep right after stealth. If you see the circle, you know they are likely ~1K units out so zoom out and start scanning so you can start the pursuit. You can take a guess at what way they would have gone based on what is safe for them nearby or where you would go if you want to chance a head start (Most times it’s the directional arch they were facing). Keep in the back of your mind that a common juke here is to make you chase for 10 seconds or so, re-stealth then return back towards the original white circle behind you.
For dagger main hand thieves who just stealthed you also want to listen for heartseeker. You can hear it when it’s close. If you hear that sound, similar to shadowstep, you know they will be ~1K out when they come out of stealth.
Same with short-bow ports, they will make a black swirl each time. You can see the swirl and track where they go and you can hear it.
Just being aware of the heartseekers, shadwosteps and short-bows happening will save you a lot of time flailing around the area. If you are instantly aware they aren’t there and know to start looking 1K out you are many times more likely to be able to re-engage them before they get out of combat. Granted, if you don’t have any sort of mobility or it’s down then they probably are going to at least get out of combat.
Cool, can you maybe make a video of you tracking and killing stealth thieves and post here so I can see?
Edit: Oh ya, and if you do please do it with a class besides d/d or s/d ele.
(edited by Waffler.1257)
good, next week all the servers can be abbreviated with 2 letters, will save me some typing.
Back when I played GW1 full FoW armor cost 800k, maybe prices inflated later on to get the figure you have. But anyway, you could make a monk or necro, get them to max lvl and max gear in around 10 hrs and go 55 farm several different locations that would earn you tons of gold. I was able to get full FoW armor, but I’m not trying for a legendary because the requirements are simply rediculous.
By the way, I’m curious. Why did all these IOJ guilds leave? Sure, IOJ was gonna fall down to T4 but they were pretty much guaranteed a win there. It would have been the perfect place for them to rest, reorganize, get the PvE population excited for WvW and push back into T3. That was what happened when CD fell down to T4 after a brutal match with SoR and SoS led to a bunch of guilds leaving.
Answer: paid transfer deadline on Jan 28. Means everyone will panic a lot more if they perceive any type of weakness in their server and will be quick to jump ship to make sure their “permanent server” isn’t a loser.
I’m actually confused by something here, as I thought that Crystal Desert was the unofficial PvE server?
You aren’t confused, the Helioz guy is just throwing out generic exuses to try retain respect for his guild. The majority of all servers are PvE players, server caps are around 15,000 players (with several servers full), how many players are in WvW? Yeah, not even close. OP just pulled a Lance Armstrong.
So today, FA received news of transfers to our server.
In celebration of our new allies, we decided to take it to CD BL. We didn’t have a chance of pushing to take first this week with the reset tomorrow, but we wanted to send a very CLEAR message to CD.
Next week you’re in trouble.
FA is on the warpath.Edit: PS. Your borderland is not a result of the transfers. Every keep fell in CD BL tonight. HOPE, RET and GODS wanted to show our new oceanic partners what their new NA presence can do.
I’m shakin in my boots.
Until they open a server named “Secret Lair of the Snowmen”, I will be forever TC.
We still have openings…right?lolololol
I wish there was a “Dunes of Despair” server, Crystal Desert was always my favorite place in GW1, and that mission name just sounds so kitten.
I can’t help but feel sorry for IoJ, they are really getting screwed by the paid transfer deadline haha.
:O Did you guys get transfers?
Well when we had huge point lead FA said the only reason is because we got transfers, so I guess that means their current huge point lead must only be due to transfers too. Seem to be a lot of mass transfers going on in the past couple days.
I love how I’ve never seen a recruitment thread for CD before, and now that there finally is one it’s full of people giving us flak. I’ve seen multiple recruitment threads for almost every other server out there over the past few months, including FA when they were ranked higher than us, as well as many others from tier 1/2. Don’t remember seeing any CD players trolling your threads, just sayin.
Yeh its dreadful. You’ll never see Gunnar’s Hold selling out like that. One moment, getting a drink.
Ah, WvW with Gunnars Hold sponsored by Coca Cola.
Enjoy Coca Cola. WvW more. On Gunnars Hold. In Nikes.
Must.. resist… catchy recruitment phrase…
You can’t be serious. As someone who has played WvW on FA, this is the last server that needs people.
Actually we are the seventh to last server that needs people.
I would be curios to know how effective recruitment posts are in the first place. How many people do you think log in to the WvW forum who are looking for a new server, and who among them would actually believe that Server X’s community is more fun than any other server’s because they see a post saying it is.
I think if you re-acquire target and you could see if you hit them while stealthed, thieves in their current state would be balanced. I really don’t see why I wouldn’t know if I was hitting something in the dark.
If you are a melee class that has a auto attack chain, you will continue to the next attack in the chain if you hit. My auto is a 3 part chain. I know I’m putting the hurt on and tracking a stealth thief when I see/hear all 3 animations go off.
I see a lot of people talking about this and it is something I want to get better at. I’m well aware that you can still attack invisible people and the chain will trigger as I use it all the time when I see a downed thief turn invisible. But for the tracking part maybe you can give me some tips. When a thief stealths do you just keep running forward in a straight line and attacking with the assumption that the thief will continue running in the same direction they were before they stealthed? Do you ever decide to turn left or right when tracking a stealthed thief, and if so how do you arrive at that decision? How do you account for thieves that dodge roll and do a 180 to go the complete opposite direction that they were going? I figure I must be missing something here with how often people mention that you can kill stealthed thieves with auto-attacks.
I think it was a mistake to put PvE elements in the WvW maps. If you were to remove all of these, the nodes, vistas, etc, how would it effect WvW play? NOT ONE BIT!
then i couldn’t complete my daily achievement without leaving WvW, so i know a lot of people who would not like that, so there’s that
All the people who have used random mobs to rally and kill me after would beg to differ. Also, it’s hard enough to get money playing WvW only so nodes are much appreciated thank you.
I never have a problem with other thieves with my own, they actually drop faster than any other class I face. With my warrior it’s even more simple to kill thieves, dodge when they get within 1200 for their mug ( you can tell a Backstab thief when you see Basilisk go up) stun, then burst. Dead within 3 secs, if it’s a P/D thief, time their C&D, make sure you have a purge and stun or K/D. Dodge the C&D, stun, burst. So easy, yet people are just too bad to admit they never spend time trying to counter and just QQ on forums.
Cool bro, not all classes have the burst of a warrior or a thief, meaning the thief will just stealth before you kill him and then it’s time for you to run.
Earlier tonight, I had a thief down me, got rallied, and then almost downed again, and at no point during this was he visible on my screen. It really is ridiculous.
Sorry, d/d eles aren’t allowed to complain about thieves. Only the rest of us are.
How someone can think paid transfers are bad, especially when Kaineng just got a whole bunch of transfers and will stomp servers for a month until they reach the right tier, is beyond me.
I want to see a dev play against a thief in WvW with a camera on their face the whole time, now that would be entertainment.
Now I must find a way to hit 50 people with a ram.
Exactly my thoughts.
You guys are all stressing too much. Just accept the fact that you can’t kill thieves or d/d eles in a 1v1 fight, they will either kill you or escape when they fail. Just kite them near towers to get guard aggro or other groups of players to kill them, treat them like the overgrown grub, one of those things you simply avoid unless you have a group.
I can tell this thread is full of wisdom, perhaps with time it will reveal its mysteries to me.
Siege shouldn’t be able to be placed in JPs then no one can complain about farming.
People will still complain, they will just complain about a group of 10 people camping the entrance and it’s preventing them from getting their sweet sweet loot in the chest.
This video pisses me off, that thief got an exotic drop from an invader. With 6k WvW kills I have never gotten an exotic. Clearly thief is OP in it’s ability to force people to drop exotics.
Why does no one on CD or IOJ ever roam?
. Its impossible to find a 1 or 2-man to fight.
Hel, KH, TL, NoX and a number of the other message board pros all keep run when they see a lonely mesmer with an afro until they get numbers. Bags CD guild is probably the closest thing ive seen out of this tier for roaming capabilities.
I’m always solo or duo roaming on my guardian, only problem is all the thieves spew their burst all over me and then when I don’t die they turn invisible and run off at light speed so there aren’t very many good fights to be had.
w,a,s,d – movement (hold right mouse for strafing)
1,2,3,4,5 – weapon skills
m4 (thumb button on death adder) – heal
q,e,r – utilities
f – elite
left shift – weapon switch
left alt – dodge
` – interact
Seems to work pretty good as it allows everything to be within easy reach of my left hand.
(edited by Waffler.1257)
I main a guardian and average around 250 score per game assuming teams are even, but for hot-join I would say thief is the best. I can get 350-400 points every game just running around insta-gibbing people and capping points. Stealth and movement speed prevent you from being killed and the insane dps means even if another player is already downed you can just tag them a few times and reach the damage req to get a kill +skirmisher/defender etc. Trap rangers are also really good and should allow you to get a score around 250-300 average with little effort. Haven’t tried d/d ele yet so I can’t comment on that.
Use the commander squad chat (yellow chat), just tell the people following you to join your squad and you can talk as much as you want to a large group of people.
The problem with that is not all of them will join so half the people don’t see my commands.
Well if they can’t follow instructions enough to join your squad when you tell them, then chances are they won’t be following any of your other instructions either.
We should just make it an fps game :P
Only if you enable rocket jumping and strafe jumping.
Use the commander squad chat (yellow chat), just tell the people following you to join your squad and you can talk as much as you want to a large group of people.
Has there ever been an official reason given for why enemies appear as ‘Server-name Invader’? Does this reflect a deliberate gameplay design decision, or a technical constraint?
Some of the reasons behind enemies appearing as ‘Server-name Invader’ where to avoid harassment issues, let other servers identify what server you are from, and to help establish server rivalry. The way your server name reads is something we would love to adjust, and I am hopeful that we will!
This is interesting as I can go play hot-join sPvP and hear about every insult and curse word I know of thrown at me. But maybe the rage would be worse in WvW with the JP camping and all.
If you have exotic weapons and armor then you are maxed out. Legendary weapons have the same stats as exotics and I can only assume by “crazy gear” you mean max stat gear, which is exotic. So yes, if you have exotics you will be on par with other players using legendaries and exotics.
I just want to clear something up here. So throughout the beginning of GW2, servers have risen and dropped due to several factors, Population rise due to players quitting, guilds quitting, people/guilds transferring, etc. Now we’ve all seen this time and time again so its no secret. In fact it’s one of the main reasons people are clamoring for paid transfers; to gain a sense of stability in server populations/matches.
Anyway with all that said CD is apparently the exception to this rule, they did not gain a specific amount of transfers which would give them an edge over their competition whether it be people or guilds from any other servers whatsoever thereby increasing their overall population (which lets not kid ourselves higher population servers have a greater probability of having more people doing everything the game has to offer including WvW, the one exception ever for a short time was Eredon terrace due to a WvW alliance moving there but we all see what happened after they left). CD just got “Better” and “organized” enough to go from third place during the TC vs FA vs CD rounds to first place. Is my assumption correct?
Since you want to talk about server ratings since the beginning of GW2 release, let’s look at some facts.
Here’s the server ladder evolution since release:
CD started at rank 6, CD is now rank 7. Where is evidence that we have suddenly become an all powerful server, whether it be through transfers or increased organization? We are actually one of the most stable servers out there, never had a huge exodus of players and never had a huge bandwagon transfer train.
Factors in dropping/gaining Tiers have always been attributed to transfers and a numbers advantage during specific hours in comparison to their opponents. That’s how it’s always been and that’s what people have been clamoring about for so long. But for CD this isn’t the case, everyone on that server suddenly got better over the span of about two weeks; that must’ve been some training, thanks for clearing that all up.
Short time horizons are prone to outliers, if you want to analyze CD performance then a longer time horizon would be more accurate. The longest time horizon available shows that CD performance relative to other servers remains unchanged so I’m not sure what point you’re trying to argue.
I just want to clear something up here. So throughout the beginning of GW2, servers have risen and dropped due to several factors, Population rise due to players quitting, guilds quitting, people/guilds transferring, etc. Now we’ve all seen this time and time again so its no secret. In fact it’s one of the main reasons people are clamoring for paid transfers; to gain a sense of stability in server populations/matches.
Anyway with all that said CD is apparently the exception to this rule, they did not gain a specific amount of transfers which would give them an edge over their competition whether it be people or guilds from any other servers whatsoever thereby increasing their overall population (which lets not kid ourselves higher population servers have a greater probability of having more people doing everything the game has to offer including WvW, the one exception ever for a short time was Eredon terrace due to a WvW alliance moving there but we all see what happened after they left). CD just got “Better” and “organized” enough to go from third place during the TC vs FA vs CD rounds to first place. Is my assumption correct?
Since you want to talk about server ratings since the beginning of GW2 release, let’s look at some facts.
Here’s the server ladder evolution since release:
CD started at rank 6, CD is now rank 7. Where is evidence that we have suddenly become an all powerful server, whether it be through transfers or increased organization? We are actually one of the most stable servers out there, never had a huge exodus of players and never had a huge bandwagon transfer train.
If they worked the same way as legendary weapons it would be awesome. You would then have grind insurance for all slots and upon completion you would never need to grind out new tiers of gear. That would make them truly legendary and well worth the effort involved to get them. I think it’s a great idea for those who wish to opt out of the gear grind treadmill that vertical progression will bring to GW2.
Hmm, grind so you don’t have to grind. Think it would ultimately depend on your grind preference, similar to games that offer either a $10 monthly fee or a lifetime membership for $500. If the present value of a player’s expected future grinding over their account life is less than the grinding involved in getting legendary then it might not be worth it.
“Dedicated” players found that it was easy for them to get to max lvl and attain all exotic gear for their characters. It was at this time that they realized their existential dilemma, there was no longer a purpose to playing the game. These players who define their experience of fun through their ability to “progress” no longer wanted to play because there was nothing to strive towards achieving anymore. Legendaries weren’t sufficient as their power was the same as exotics and therefore offered no “real” progression, so these players made several forum posts about how there was nothing to do in the game. Anet, who was already disappointed by their game’s lackluster sales, became fearful for their game’s success and hastily put together a new gear tier to satisfy these dedicated players. And there you have ascended gear.
When I logged in today I received a message that I must rename my character before continuing. Apparently it was offensive. The name being used was Dumbarse. I’ve used that character name since I first started playing GW2 and on quite a few other games and no one has ever complained. I’m not sure who’s offended and what decade the moderators are living in, but you can listen to the conversations of a bunch of 3rd graders at almost any school and hear far worse language. I will change my character name and will probably continue playing GW2 for a little longer so that I don’t feel I’ve completely wasted my money. I will however not purchase any future Arena Net games and will tell anyone I know not to waste their money as well. I believe that Arena Net has the right to make and enforce any rules they want for any stupid pc reasons they might have, but I also have the choice not to buy their products in the future. I’m waiting for them to force me to change the name of my guild “Masticating Thespians” since someone might be offended by it as well.
It’s not the moderators, it’s other players that reported you for having an offensive name. As far as I can tell the list of behaviors that you can be reported for and receive a ban is pretty broad, it just requires another player to find it offensive and report you. One time in an area one player said in map chat “anything up?” referring to events and another player responded with “my dick!”. Right after this three other players started flaming him in map chat for being offensive and said they reported him. I’ve also noticed that it seems PvE players are more easily offended than PvP players, as most people in WvW, myself included, say some pretty offensive things in chat and I’ve never been banned nor know of other WvW players that were banned (same in sPvP). On the other hand, in PvE zones if you say anything that is less than “spongebob nice” in map chat it seems a swarm of players will report you in 10 seconds flat. Not sure if you enjoy PvP, but you will probably be able to get away with more offensive behavior as the PvP player base doesn’t seem to be bothered by it as much. I agree a lot of it doesn’t make much sense though, for example you can get banned for swearing if someone reports you, yet Anet makes the swear filter an option that you can toggle.
CD’s idea of winning is getting more transfers. If you cant beat us with skill then beat us with numbers?
Too bad, things are more enjoyable when server numbers are even. I lol at you!!
We’ve been playing with FA for awhile, so if we got any bandwagon transfers they came from your server. Maybe you should consider why your own server is jumping ship when they lose before you lol at our server.
The problem with stealth in my opinion is that there is no way to make an informed decision about what to do against a stealthed player. You don’t know if they are coming to attack you, running away, what direction they are running, or what skills they are planning on using. The official response from Anet is that aoe counters stealth, but anyone who has played against a reasonably good thief in WvW can’t take this seriously. 99% of the time your aoe won’t be anywhere near where the thief is, and if it is, with the fastest speed in the game thieves can easily run out of it before taking damage. Meanwhile the thief knows exactly where you are, exactly what you are doing and can plan their attack to absolutely destroy you. My solution would be to make it so that when a thief enters stealth they can’t see anything also. All the terrain turns shadowy so they can see a basic outline of the land but they can’t see any players, npcs, or player abilities. This puts the thief and anyone they are attacking in the same position, but the thief is still able to use stealth as an escape mechanism as it should be. I honestly can’t see any reason why a person would complain about this. Since this game has been released, I’ve seen thieves posting on the forums how easy it is to guess where an invisible player will be and to attack or counter them, if this is true then it should be just as easy for them to set up their attacks from stealth without being able to see who they are attacking.
I play mostly WvW and run a sword/focus meditations guardian that is crit focused so I don’t have much health and can go down pretty quick, and as a solo roamer all I see anymore running around are d/d thieves and d/d eles. I can usually survive for a little and damage them enough to get them to run away (no chance of catching either of them assuming they know what they’re doing) while I retreat to a tower or something, but it would be nice to see a little more class variety. For a game where any class is supposed to be able to play any role they want (no trinity) it seems like most classes only have one viable build unless they want to severely gimp themselves. Yeah I could play a bunker guardian like 99% of other people and be impossible to kill, but that just seems boring to me even if it means most other players will be able to kill me in a 1v1 situation.
You get blueprints out of that chest. Blueprints help you and hurt your enemy. Hence, it’s a valid tactic to deny you that chest.
You should actually be organizing attacks and defenses of the jumping puzzles. They’re a very valuable resource to anyone that can get through. This is especially true in EB as you can get high level blueprints out of that one with a bit of luck.
Ok I have a solution to that, If i can use badges to buy a non PvP instance, then I will not get PvP rewards from the chest.
I am not being ganked at the beginning….what is happening is, one group is set up on top of the dome with about 5 or 6 arrow carts and when you come into the room inside the dome, stealth or not, you can not do the jumps cause you will always be in combat…we organized a fight and cleared the bottom of the dome of the veteran’s and fought off the ones who where on the floor but could not get high enough in the dome to take out the arrows.
What did we do wrong?
Set up a treb in the entrance area to take out the arrow carts at the top of the dome. Set up arrow carts and balistas on your platform to protect your treb below. You’re welcome.