Showing Posts For Waffler.1257:

how to counter thieves

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


That was pretty funny. So conditions(that get removed) and throwing aoe around is the official counter…

I seriously don’t understand how AoE is the official counter to a thief. If anything, it seems like AoE would be less effective against thieves relative to other classes since it requires the target to remain in the same area to do maximum damage. Thieves have by far the highest mobility in the game, so why would they stand in AoE? Unless of course they mean you should just keep spamming AoE on yourself, in which case I would say CDs are too long to continuously do this and thieves would just range attack you anyway.

how to counter thieves

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Anet devs have been playing too much Assassin’s Creed 3. Thieves already have the mobility to escape any class if they want and can down most classes in a couple seconds… so they decide to give them more movement speed and damage. Seems legit.

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


No one is in WvW right now. And when we were, we were in CDBL in two different groups that came together occasionally.

So you’re making the same pitiful tactical choice you made last week?

I have no idea what you are referring to. You mad or something?

Not “mad”. Frustrated is a better word.

Frustrated that much of FA is too short sighted and timid to make the strategic decisions necessary to really make these week long battles interesting. The idea that you have “no idea what I’m referring to” isn’t a huge surprise to be honest.

LOL here we go again. Feel free to explain yourself, or just troll on.

Eitherway, don’t worry FA is too busy with Wintersday to have a relevant presence in WvW this week. We just don’t have the population to do both.

TC already stated they would be using the Wintersday excuse last week, need to think up a new one. Could just go with an old-fashioned “Other servers are mindless zerg with no tactics that only win because of numbers”. Or you might go with “CD and TC are are just teaming up on us because we killed a dolyak”.

12/14 TC - CD - FA

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


For the second week, TC, CD & FA fight it out!

- Will TC win again?
- Will the ranking-impact be as small as last week?
- Will the new outbreak event make a difference?
- Will this be a nice thread, like the other weeks?
- Will the Dolyak gods punish FA for the Dolyak murders last week ?

Find out here!!!

- Yes
- Yes
- No
- No
- Probably not anymore than they get punished already.

Wizard Hat not "Exclusive" anymore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waffler.1257


I see the infamous Wizard Hat that people were complaining about being “Exclusive” to new purchaser’s of the Deluxe Edition is now listed in the black lion TP for free for everyone it looks like….guess they need to change their ad or else the new players might complain…just saying lol

Yep, if you whine loud enough on the forums you can get anything. Anet would make horrible parents.

Guildwars 2 PVP vs. Guildwars 1 PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Waffler.1257


GW2 PvP is extremely dumbed down compared to GW1 PvP, but this is a result of a change in business strategy for the video gaming industry. Back in the early days, video game developers made games that were in general very difficult to beat requiring lightning fast reflexes and expert hand-eye coordination. Games like Starcraft Brood War, or early FPS games like Doom or Quake on max difficulty were extremely difficult to become skilled at. The type of individual who enjoyed these games liked the challenge, and so game developers made games that were extremely complex. GW1 fit this description as it had 10 professions, multi-classing, tons of skills, and complex combat mechanics such as passive dodging, body blocking, all while requiring split-second reflexes to resist spike attacks and interrupt important skills.

Then the video game industry had an epiphany. They realized there was a potentially much larger market for video games of casual people who enjoyed playing a video game every now and then but were turned off by the extremely high learning curves and complexity of most games on the market. In business this is known as a blue ocean strategy, going after a new market that currently isn’t served by any offerings. The success of devices such as the Wii showed that this market was very valuable, as the Wii offered extremely simple games requiring little skill that appealed to a large number of people, people who wouldn’t be the least bit interested in playing a ladder match of Brood War. So other game developers jumped on the simplicity band wagon and started making their games very easy to understand in an effort to appeal to a larger market.

Just look at what Jay Wilson did to Diablo 3. In Diablo 2 making an optimal character involved knowing all of the items available and balancing which items you were using to obtain a good damage amount, high armor, while hitting break points for stats such as FHR, FCR, block rate and percent. In Diablo 3 gear pretty much goes like this, Int is my main stat so I will use gear that has the highest number of +Int on it. Same thing in GW2, I mean half your skills are determined by just what weapon you’re using. Then for the rest it’s like Anet is your mommy telling you how to play: Make sure you don’t forget to take a heal skill so you don’t die honey! But this is by design, because Anet is chasing a large audience and people are for the most part stupid. To people who are hoping GW2 PvP will become more complex, it won’t. If you want that kind of gameplay you will need to find a niche game, two games coming out soon that look like they fit this description are Path of Exile and Company of Heroes 2. I will be checking out both, but GW2 PvP right now makes me a sad panda and I don’t have high hopes for it in the future.

12/7 TC vrs FA vrs CD (civil again)

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Too bad TC tricked CD to attack FA because of some incident with doyaks

It wasn’t that. We offered them sweeties.

I got a whole lot more than sweeties if you know what I mean.

WvW needs to be 4 teams, not 3.

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Why not just let all servers go free for all against eachother?

WvWvWvWvWvWvWvW or however many servers there are….

hey that could work if they split all the servers into 3 teams!

Invisible Wars 2: Culling Edition

I already feel like I’m playing this given how many thieves there are in WvW.

Tired of Fighting the Same Servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


They should just massively buff the outmanned buff. Something like 10x event rewards, so if you take a tower at lvl 80 that’s 40s, take a keep and it’s 80s. That’s something I would go for.

Edit/Modify the Guild Emblem

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Yes. 15 characters.

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Well kitten. I should just cancel my cable TV, I can come here and read the forums rather than watching my soaps and save a boat load of cash.

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


I really don’t care if people /laugh. Let them, it means nothing. It feels good to have someone acknowledge my efforts with a /bow or a /cheer, but at the same time I don’t see how a laugh is insulting.

I like to believe that people that /laugh at me are roleplaying characters that find my character attractive and have to laugh at themselves for their own weak will as they mindlessly follow orders and murder anyone who is representing “the enemy”, all Romeo & Juliet style. I’m on the RP server, it’s better this way.

This is interesting. You say that you don’t care about players laughing at you, then you follow up by explaining how you rationalize players laughing at you by assigning them negative qualities such as having a “weak will” or being “mindless”. People laugh at you after they kill you because they killed you, you are free to make up whatever reasons you want in your head if it helps you cope with being laughed at in a game, but it obviously bothers you on some level if you have the need play make believe about these people.

Love/Hate relationship

in Thief

Posted by: Waffler.1257


I used to get so mad at thieves in sPvP, so I decided to roll one to figure out how to counter some of the abilities. What I found instead, was a new profession that I can switch to when frustrated over just about anything in-game, one that makes me a little happier and less frustrated. Here’s why:

1. I work with three buttons, one to stealth, one to open, and one to spam. <3 it!

I’m not making fun of this profession, I’m not being sarcastic, I honestly enjoy the playstyle. Yes its the easiest thing in the world to do, but when you’re frustrated and need a break from whatever you’re doing, easy helps.

Now before anyone comes in here dogging me, let me say this, I get just as many glory points if not more while playing thief as opposed to my main. I don’t care if I cant stand up to anyone in a 1v1 with the class, I kill multiple folks in a short amount of time when I run in to a zerg with my own zerg, and I enjoy myself doing it.

Hitting someone for 5-7k with one button, feels kitten amazing, period. Ty Anet

Yup, same thing happened to me. I now use a thief to rank up in sPvP because it requires little thinking and I can easily get 400+ rank points per match just by spamming kills. I can see why a large number of people enjoy playing it.

New Content for WVW but no Ascended armor

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


I’d be totally fine if it was only 500 per ring.

500 per ring would be a dream for me, but I highly doubt they will make it this easy to obtain. If this were the case there would be an uproar of PvE players complaining about how they hate to PvP and how the PvP players have it so easy to obtain ascended gear without having to grind for hours and hours. And let’s face it, the majority of the players still regularly playing and ejoying this game are people who enjoy grinding dungeons.

Why Stealth?

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


The stealth in GW2 is hands down the worst implementation of stealth I’ve ever seen in any game.

This, this, and this. I could not agree more. Thieves are not any more squishy than any other stealth class in other MMO’s yet they have the most broken and overpowered stealth mechanics I’ve ever seen. The poor rendering just adds insult to injury.

Yeah, I’ve been trying to figure out what strategic value Anet was going for by adding stealth to the game (as the assassin from GW1 had that same role as the thief but did not have stealth). So far all the responses I receive from players whenever I ask this just say “GW2 is not GW1 noob!!” or “You were killed by rogues a lot in WoW weren’t you?” And no, I’ve never played WoW.

TC vs. CD vs. FA

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


As I wrote in my post, we all have our weak timeslots. TC is weaker during Oceanic primetime, but stronger during NA primetime. I guess I’m writing this fact for the 10th time in this matchup. Rolls eyes

Was funny for a moment when I saw [outmanned] on TCBL after seeing the same thing on EB a few minutes before that.

Anyway, worry not! Next week other two servers can roll all over TCBL when most of us are busy grinding Wintersday content. Atleast during weekend, we definitely won’t be able to secure the heavy lead that we usually been having for the past 1 month. And I’m not sure if we can pull ahead during the rest of the week given the fact that the event will last for quite a long time, unless most of us get bored of the event.

Yep, to my fellow CD players and FA players, even if we win or improve during the next few weeks it doesn’t mean anything because the entire TC WvW population experiences a much larger drop during events compared to CD and FA. This makes perfect sense because everyone knows that there is a correlation between players who RP and players who quit playing WvW during events with an r-squared of 1.0.

WvW Jumping Puzzle Ceasefire

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


We are all in the jumping puzzles for the same reason, to challenge ourselves, collect badges, or for acheivements. If we were trying to find someone to kill, we’d approach a keep or get into a zerg group.

I go to the jumping puzzle to kill invaders and laugh at them. I guess we aren’t all in the jumping puzzle for the same reason.

6 servers Very High, 18 servers Full

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waffler.1257


It’s pathetic. The server is Full, but theres’ NOBODY PLAYING INGAME. WvW is DEAD. No Queue times, and no Overflow in the PvE world. THis is a kitten conspiracy. Anet is trying to herd new players and Transfers to the 7 low pop servers. If they wanted to encourage transfers, they could just offer some free gems. This shady kitten is kitten me off. My GF installed the game last night and can’t join me on my server, so I transferred to one of the only available servers and WvW is in ever WORSE shape over there. I’m soo kitten right now. FIX YOUR kitten ANET!

Most likely the server population depends on the number of accounts registered to that server. There are also probably a large number of people who don’t play the game anymore even though their account is registered to a server, which results in full servers that are relatively inactive. Anet just needs to adjust server populations to registered and active accounts, something like if an account doesn’t log in for 3 months then it’s no longer counted toward server population.

Eternal Battlegrounds jump puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waffler.1257


It’s by design I’m afraid. There are PvP relevant loot in the puzzles and even your own side can activate traps on allies. I know it’s upsetting but it’s a part of wvw

I can see that. I don’t mind getting killed by someone, I just don’t understand the siege being in a puzzle. Then again I guess from the perspective of the winning side it is a way to keep the puzzle so that they can get their badges all week.

If you don’t mind getting killed by someone in the jp then you understand that there is a motive for invaders to kill you in the puzzle. Siege is simply a way to help them kill you faster and more effectively. Therefore you should understand why siege is placed in the jp.

Does anyone has some good looking light armor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waffler.1257


My first character was male and I was planning on playing a necromancer, but decided to switch to guardian after I realized that I would be forced to wear a dress as a light armor class.

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Just wanted to put things in perspective for everyone complaining about how untouchable TC is. Right now they have a 20k lead, 20k is nothing. Has everyone already forgotten all the weeks where it was common to see a server end Sunday with 100k+ points on the other two servers? Heck, last week we came back from a 15k deficit to beat out Yaks for 2nd. A few weeks ago we made a decent run at coming back from a 100k+ deficit. All I am saying is this is still anyone’s game. This match is close, its close enough where we could all still give TC a run for its money. So, why don’t we do that, or am I the only one getting tired of reading the condescending posts by these TC forum jockey’s about how they have out grown this tier and we can all learn from their shining example?

I doubt it, there is no coming back against TC. I predict by the end of the week they will have 1.5x the score of second place.

What's wrong with vertical progression?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Vertical Progression: You find a sword → play some more → you find a sword +1. The sword +1 is always better than the sword so you will use it.

Horizontal Progression: You find a sword → play some more → you find an axe. The axe may or may not be better than the sword depending on your play style/build/situation.

Vertical focuses on making your character more powerful while horizontal focuses on giving you more options on how to play your character. For example, horizontal progression in GW1 was through skill capping (and there were a ton more skills in GW1 than in GW2). You might start off as a necromancer and multiclass a monk so you can have some extra healing for your minions. Then maybe you see this super-cool build where the necro uses a mesmer secondary so you go switch your secondary class and explore the world to hunt down the skills that you need for the build. Then maybe you decide you want to try a melee necro, so you switch your secondary class to warrior and go around killing elite monsters to hunt down the skills you want to try for that build.

Given the number of classes and skills per class in GW1, you could spend thousands of hours hunting down every skill to run any possible build you want, but this doesn’t mean you’re more powerful than someone who stuck with the initial necromancer/monk build.

Spvp just isnt fun

in PvP

Posted by: Waffler.1257


I think the developers were so focused on creating a balanced and strategic PvP to go e-sports that they forgot to consider whether it was fun or not.

Finally someone find a counter to alt-f4

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


It seems like all the people who are fine with players alt-f4ing use the argument that the other player will be out of WvW for 5-10 mins while they wait through starting their client up, loading screens, and queues. Seriously, what kind of kitten computers do you guys have? My client starts up instantly, loading screens are about 3-5 seconds long, and tier 3 currently has no queues in any map meaning that over half the servers have no queues. If someone alt-f4s before you kill them I would guess they could be back at your location in under a minute depending on how far of a walk it is.

Dumb things other players do

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Golems using their spinning arm attacks on doors. Seriously, the only time I don’t see this happen is when a commander is using the golem. I even tell them their punch attack has higher dps, but everyone just keeps spinning their arms.

Finally someone find a counter to alt-f4

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


I don’t mind killing people so bad they ragequit, it makes me laugh. Keep alt+f4ing!

There is a common misconceptiont that alt+f4ing is rage quitting, but it is not. Rage quitting is being dominated by another player to such a degree that you say “kitten this game!” and quit followed by either playing a different game, or doing something else altogether such as going to see a movie.

On the contrary, alt+f4ing is a troll technique. People who do this are not frustrated by getting owned, they simply don’t care and their goal is two-fold:

1. Avoid repair costs which average about 1.5s at lvl 80, so for bad players who die constantly, this can add up to quite a bit over time.
2. Deny you the kill. This deprives you of drops (of which precursers are possible) badges, experience, and player kills that count toward your WvW titles.

Rather than saying “kitten this game!” alt+f4 players are saying “kitten you noob! have fun not getting any drops!”. Another difference, is that rather than playing another game or engaging in a different activity, these players simply log back in 15 seconds later to continue to try kill you.

Most annoying class to deal with in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Thieves are annoying. It isn’t so much that they are amazing. I can usually kill them 1v1 on my warrior. But often times the fight goes a lot like this.

Me 80% health, them 40% health
Them: Invis
Reappear at 85% health
Me 35% health, them 25% health
Them: Run away Invis
Me: chase, immobilize
Them: Short bow…port….port….port

Exactly, thieves aren’t annoying to deal with because they deal high burst damage, it’s their ability to escape any class 1v1. With well timed dodges, block skills, or evade skills you can avoid their burst and damage them, but as soon as the thief sees their initial button mash failed, they just press another button to turn invisible and they can walk away from the fight whenever they want. On my guardian I use a one-hand sword for the teleport and the utility teleport, which sometimes lets me catch them if I can successfully guess which direction they are running when the stealth.

Crystal Desert and Fort Aspenwood JP

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Enjoy camping the JP guys. TC will enjoy winning again.

Will do Captain! Have fun with your E-Rep.

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waffler.1257


I’m interested in this as well. Considering I paid for digital deluxe for full price, and just a few months have gone by with it now being free with purchase… just a little upsetting.

Sure, I should have waited. I did expect the price to drop eventually. I just didn’t expect the price to not only drop this soon, but also an exclusive item bundled with a package I previously purchased.

Oh well, if this is how ANet wants to do business, teaches me as a consumer to be smarter with my $$$ next time. : /

Look at it this way. Because you purchased early you were able to get the special GW2 baseball cap, the halloween witch hat, and the halloween devil horns. People who purchase now for the promo will only have a wizard hat. Seems like you made a smart decision to me, unless you value the appearance of wizard hats so much that it is worth more than the 3 other items.

Make our banks earn interest please.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Waffler.1257


I’m good w/ money in real life, but a lot of ppl aren’t… in fact over 80+% of Americans are in debt.

I doubt you’re good with money in real life if you think being in debt means you’re bad with money. Unless you just like tacking on random facts to the end of your sentences, in which case my bad bro.

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Can’t wait till the match next week with TC and FA/YB! I thought that as we moved down the tiers the forum crying would go away since I assumed it wouldn’t be as competitive, but Ebay and Maguuma proved that I was way off base. Then again, they are probably sore from losing almost every week since the launch of this game so maybe it makes sense. By the way, thanks for all the badges you guys gave me in the JP. Don’t worry about losing, you will get better with time! I berieve in you Kyru!

Stealth Counter

in PvP

Posted by: Waffler.1257


A good condition build will almost always kill a guardian 1v1 no matter what the guardian does. But by choosing to take the build that will kill that guardian, the condition player makes themselves more vulnerable to a vitality focused build from another class. But that vitality focused build is weak to a glass cannon spike. That glass cannon spike is weak to a toughness focused bunker. This isn’t a 1v1 game. It’s a team based game in every aspect. That’s why you don’t see teams winning tPvP by running a 5 guardian or 5 spike thief build. It’s balanced around team play, which is how it should be.

That’s what I said, I’m not sure where your disagreement is. Game should be balanced around builds countering builds, not classes countering classes. Not sure if the condition build vs guardian was a random example, but you can build a guardian so they are more or less immune to conditions. Shout guardians can use soldier runes and pure of voice trait to remove 2 conditions with each shout with very low CDs so they can be spammed relatively frequently. You can also go mediations focused where you get Smite condition with a very low CD, and contemplation of purity to convert all conditions into boons. Sure you can build your guardian in a way that will get destroyed by condition builds, but it’s very easy to counter if you plan on it.

I’m not sure where you get this idea that all classes will be homogenized if you allow them to counter each other. Let’s look at Starcraft 2. If it was designed so that Terran will always kill Zerg, Zerg will always kill Protoss, and Protoss will always kill Terran it would be the most boring game in the world. Esentially you’re just throwing dice. What makes it interesting is that each race can counter each other if they use the correct strategy and units, and it accomplishes this without making all the races the same thing. Races are distinguished by their play style, this is how classes should be designed.

41 Siege Golems vs. Burning Oil

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Haha, I see this happen all the time. Several times I’m in a golem charge and I see the oil up and say don’t go up to the door or you’ll die. But the golems just go up anyway and get massacred. Kinda like telling a kid to not touch fire I guess, they just have to see for themselves.

11/23 - Crystal v. Ehmry v. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


We’ve lost too many people to really compete in T3 anymore. Unless our PvE population decides to start doing WvW or we gain transfers, T4 is the best place for CD.

Not to mention TC and YB hate us for killing them in the JP so much, so even if we do get back into T3 they will just make sure we are pushed out the next week.

Spent 1200 glory - rec'd nothing

in PvP

Posted by: Waffler.1257


1200 glory is such small potatoes lol. I can’t believe you made a forum post about it.

Stealth Counter

in PvP

Posted by: Waffler.1257


why hasnt anyone said it

channeled abilitys track stealth

stupid mechanic, but it damages and tracks stealthed targets.

Do all classes have access to channel abilities? If not, then I can’t say it’s a very good counter as it means classes without channeling abilities can’t counter stealthed targets.

That’s just silly. Every class can’t have abilities to counter every other class. The only way to accomplish that is to homogenize the game to the point where there’s really only one class.

People seem to be so focused on wanting their class to be able to faceroll every other class in the game. That’s not how balance works. Some classes will be strong against your class. Other classes will be weak against it. Still other classes will be strong against the classes that are strong against you.

Maybe channeled skills aren’t prevalent enough or powerful enough to truly counter thieves? That’s a legitimate argument. But saying that “channeled skills aren’t a counter because [class x] doesn’t have any” is not.

Wrong. You should choose a class in this game based on what type of playstyle you enjoy. People don’t say I’m going to play ranger so I can kill elementalists, although I know warriors will kill me. For any given mechanic (such as stealth), any class should be able to be built in a way and played in a way that can counter it, that’s what defines balance.

Wrong. Classes that are strong against your build are part of the playstyle. You’re advocating for either homogenizing all classes so there’s no difference between each other or else for one class to be the “uber” class that can just stomp everyone.

I think you’re misunderstanding me. I’m not saying there should be an uber class that can stomp everyone. I’m saying any class should be able to build themselves in a way that can counter another build. If I play a X class to level 80 and duel someone in WvW, and they are a condition damage based build I shouldn’t have to say “well kitten, guess I need to level another character to 80 so I can counter condition damage.” It should be, well if I use these items, and these skills, and these traits I can reasonably counter a condition damage based build. Granted, this build that can counter condition damage (if played properly) will have other weaknesses. Saying that once you choose a class you have to accept that other classes will simply kill you is extremely stupid.

Stealth Counter

in PvP

Posted by: Waffler.1257


1. Auto-attack. Easiest way to follow the stealthed target. Will force a dodge roll from the player almost every time, making it so that they won’t have one when out of stealth.

2. AoE. For example, a thief using shadow refuge. Any knockbacks out of SR during the animation will break stealth. Use AoE cripple/chill where they stealth.

3. Create distance. If you can’t follow them with auto attacks and have no AoE, then you need to get away. Most stealths only lasts 3~4 seconds. Create some distance during this time and wait it out.

4. Channeled Abilities & Leaps. Leaps follow the stealthed target for half a second after using stealth. Channeled abilities will fully hit the target, although you will be seemingly firing into nothing. Also another easy way to track the stealthed target. Just follow the projectiles.

And despite popular belief, stealth does not give the player full health, movespeed increases, and immunity to damage & conditions.

1. How are you following a target you can’t see? When I play thief and stealth, I see people running around auto-attacking that aren’t even close to me. You would have to be stupid to remain in melee range, and if you’re trying to hit a stealthed target with a random ranged auto-attack all I can say is good kittening luck.

2. Most AoEs require you to target a location, so again, how do you decide where to place the AoE? Shadow refuge is only one of many stealth skills and they can easily run out of it and be stealthed for awhile. Using AoE where the thief stealths assumes that when they go stealth they stop moving, this just does not happen.

3. Thieves can move faster than any other class plus have shadow step skills to teleport to you so you can’t get away. Telling someone to wait it out when a thief goes stealth is the worst advice I can think of, that almost guarantees they will be dead in a couple seconds.

4. As mentioned above, not every class has channeled abilities and they aren’t numeous enough to pose any kind of threat to a thief.

*and about your popular beliefs:
Skill Hide in Shadows – Vanish in stealth and gain regeneration. Cures burning, poison, and bleeding.
– Means thief will disappear and when they reappear they will have more health and conditions will be removed.
Skill Shadow Refuge – Create a pulsing refuge at the target area that heals allies and cloaks them in stealth.
– Again, another skill that heals you in stealth.
Trait Shadow Rejuvenation – Regenerate health while in stealth.
– Yet more healing while in stealth, are you seeing how easy it is for a thief to stealth and heal to full yet?
Trait Fleet Shadow – Move 33% faster while in stealth.
– Hmm, guess stealth can increase your movement speed.

Stealth Counter

in PvP

Posted by: Waffler.1257


why hasnt anyone said it

channeled abilitys track stealth

stupid mechanic, but it damages and tracks stealthed targets.

Do all classes have access to channel abilities? If not, then I can’t say it’s a very good counter as it means classes without channeling abilities can’t counter stealthed targets.

That’s just silly. Every class can’t have abilities to counter every other class. The only way to accomplish that is to homogenize the game to the point where there’s really only one class.

People seem to be so focused on wanting their class to be able to faceroll every other class in the game. That’s not how balance works. Some classes will be strong against your class. Other classes will be weak against it. Still other classes will be strong against the classes that are strong against you.

Maybe channeled skills aren’t prevalent enough or powerful enough to truly counter thieves? That’s a legitimate argument. But saying that “channeled skills aren’t a counter because [class x] doesn’t have any” is not.

Wrong. You should choose a class in this game based on what type of playstyle you enjoy. People don’t say I’m going to play ranger so I can kill elementalists, although I know warriors will kill me. For any given mechanic (such as stealth), any class should be able to be built in a way and played in a way that can counter it, that’s what defines balance.

Game mades

in PvP

Posted by: Waffler.1257


I’n future patches i would like to see some new game modes if you can please:
Capture The Flag
Death Match
1v1 Arenas
2v2 Arenas
3v3 Arenas

Death match… When are people going to realize the profession system in GW2 isn’t designed for this? Not going to even dive into the unbalance aspect of it. Can you imagine a 2v2 team with a good bunker on it? 90% of the games would just be a test of who could go the longest without needing to step away from the computer. The top players will probably have to buy catheters.

As for CTF… Yeah, maybe. Don’t forget though, every tPvP map has a side objective that can be captured/defended/destroyed, which is pretty much CTF in a nutshell.

I think a CTF only map design could work. For instance, maybe each team will have 3 or 4 flags instead of one that give varying amounts of points if they are captured. Furthermore, you could add a jumping puzzle type element to the gameplay where the flags require some jumping skills to get to or maybe there are short cuts in the map that are difficult to navigate and leave you at risk of being knocked off. Could be fun deciding which flag your team should go for, which flag to defend, and how to cut off other players that have taken one of your flags.

Stealth Counter

in PvP

Posted by: Waffler.1257


why hasnt anyone said it

channeled abilitys track stealth

stupid mechanic, but it damages and tracks stealthed targets.

Do all classes have access to channel abilities? If not, then I can’t say it’s a very good counter as it means classes without channeling abilities can’t counter stealthed targets.

remove siege equipment in EB jumping puzzle

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


By now Anet is more than fully aware of this but my question is, how do they not consider this gamebreaking?

Gamebreaking, really? Not being able to do one optional jumping puzzle out of several that are available because you can’t figure out how to avoid siege breaks the game? If you are getting destroyed by an arrow cart or two there is something very wrong with how you are playing the game. Arrow carts do kitten damage, not to mention you can damage siege on the beginning platform with AOE no matter how far back they place it. If you are complaining that you are being killed by several arrow carts when you are alone, then siege isn’t the issue, you are just being outnumbered. Use map chat to get some more people to go in with you and it should be easy to take out all the siege at the beginning. As for the rest of the puzzle, the fountains with invisible buff are there for a reason. If you aren’t fast enough, then learn the puzzle better so you can do it faster, but please stop complaining about being killed in a PvP zone.

Add player names to WvW.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Unfortunately even when we where only able to see players account names though support tickets I had several people insult me in a foreign language or swear my end is neigh :/ It’d be nice but the forums has proven we cannot be civil in anyway towards one another, i don’t think a way to solidify and encourage this would be a wise move

Same. The GW2 player base isn’t mature enough to handle this idea.

Rangers there weakness destroys class balance

in Ranger

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Lots of thiefs play without stealth, most of the condition ones use shaman’s amulets and signet of malice, including me.

Either trolling, or rarely if ever plays sPvP. I’ve never seen a thief that doesn’t play without stealth.

Endless Mystery tonics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Maybe I’m lucky. I think I’ve only opened around 10 black lion chests from the keys you get for map completion and got one.

Are Treb and Lord too strong?

in PvP

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Yea that sounds good too. For the gate I’d appreciate some archers that guard it up top on either side, maybe 1-2 of them.

Yeah could double the health of the door, have 2 or 3 (IMO) Archers above the gate and then have some people inside (before Lord) as well. It needs to take MINUTES not seconds to kill the Lord

It needs to be a TEAM kill, not just say “Hey Thief go kill Lord” and have him be able to kill it with ease. It needs to be either an all out win or lose situation and as at the moment 4 people can still fight for bases and let 1 person go get the kill and thats just wrong. It need EVERYONE doing it

Haha, sounds like you just want GvG, and I agree, I want GvG too.

Bunker guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Bunkers are easy to deal with, all you need is a combination of knockbacks and immobilize to keep them out of the cap point long enough for you to cap it. Then since bunkers do kitten damage you just sit in there and drink up the points.

Stealth Counter

in PvP

Posted by: Waffler.1257


There are 4 responses to a thief that goes stealth:

1. Run. Pretty self explanatory, this is how you counter stealth in most other poorly designed MMOs.

2. Auto-attack. This requires you randomly choosing a direction and spamming your 1 skill. It is mostly useless and requires extensive guessing as to where the thief will go, not to mention it is extremely easy to avoid by the thief.

3. AOE. This requires randomly choosing a location on the ground and using an AOE skill with the hope that the thief will run through/stay in the AOE area long enough to take damage. Similar to auto-attacking it requires extensive guessing as to where the thief will be, and is mostly useless as a thief can dodge out of any AOE radius before it has time to damage them if they have reasonably fast reflexes.

4. Prepare to counter. This strategy requires waiting and listening for the thief attack and dodging at the precise moment the thief attacks. You will probably need to use both dodges to avoid most of their burst, and will also need to carry block skills, condition removal, and stun breakers in case your timing is a second or so off. If you can survive this then you are free to attack the thief for a small amount of time while they are visible. Going against stupid thieves you may be able to kill them, smart thieves will simply stealth again after their initial failed attack and do one of the following:
– Attack another players/go for a different node
– Wait awhile till their health is regenerated and most skills are off CD to attack you again. At this point, most of your skills will still be on CD from avoiding the initial attack and your chance of survival diminishes significantly.

Hate craft & grind how do I get a legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waffler.1257


How do you kill that which has no life?

A DOTA style map or game type

in Suggestions

Posted by: Waffler.1257


I’m strangely ok with this.

I am not a fan of moba’s for two reasons:

1) I hate (i cannot emphasize this enough) clicking to move my characters. I’ve always hated it, I always will.

2) I do not care for the isometric angle.

Other than that, the idea of creeps and lanes and all the things that go with mobas have all been appealing, but the style of combat has always been the biggest turnoff for me.

I love the gw2 combat system, I love the camera (now). Now, you would have to remove the leveling up and gear portion of the moba style map, but everything else might work, and might be a lot of fun.


There is a game called Smite which is a third-person perspective moba, maybe check it out.

Heroes' Ascent > tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Waffler.1257


If they just took GW1 PvP and ported it to GW2, it would be 10000% better than what they have now. I don’t know why Anet is trying to re-invent the wheel on this one. I remember way back in the day cheesing my way through HA with an IWAY team, good times indeed.