Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast
SEALvari in your TC BL, busting your weather nodes, stoppin’ yaks, and running screaming from the blue/green zergs.
1 out of 3 is good in baseball.
Yeah, but some people… aren’t all that bright, Das. ^^
I’m curious how both teams hit 500 with such lopsided player scores.
Some people just can’t feel good if others don’t feel bad.
I think it’s lack of value for empathy, patience, and accountability. That or it’s Pop-Tarts fault. That instant gratification wave of tech from the 80/90s really hosed up the last few waves of kids.
Nothing you can do. You only notice it because you wouldn’t do it to someone else. Just take some small comfort in that and then get back to focusing on the match/game.
Those s’mores poptarts are REALLY good tho.
But I actually like the look and use it… we’re all weird all right, alright.
Si hoc Legere scis nimium eruditionis habes.
No, no I do not but I do have a natural curiosity to find out what that meant.
IT doesn’t take a brain to spit on the veggies?
If the target being stomped gets stealth, then the stomp fails. Blind on the person doing the stomp, I believe does not prevent the stomp.
Translation: Bring the Lube next week
Isn’t that one of the items in the standard engineer’s kit, along with bubblegum, baling wire, duct tape, and alcohol (the drinky kind)?
I like to think the “glaring imbalance” in the downed abilities are an intentional balance thing for the classes and not just something they tossed out there for us to wonder about.
…Tier 1 is where servers go to die.
As long as I get their loot bags. ^^
The standoffs wouldn’t last so long if it wasn’t for that downed, dying, stomping death thing. Cover good. Teammates better. Teammates and cover best. That’s the thing, if you walk out all by your lonesome and yell “Shoot me!” THEY WILL.
We have seige weapons in WvW. That implies things are gonna take awhile. Otherwise we’d call them seize weapons.
Yes! Give me purple! Or that blinding shiny white. That would be awesome. Maybe even pink. Or pewter. Go Buccaneers! Woo. Cry. Sob. Josh Freeman…
Don’t rain on my parade. (grin)
I ALWAYS get a warm fuzzy feeling saving a teammate with Blinding Powder or Shadow Refuge before they eat a stomp. I don’t run offhand pistol, so I don’t have an interrupt to use for a save.
“I SAVE JOO!” is an underrated battlecry. Totally.
I find myself thinking about a lot of thief things from a 1 v, solo perspective. It occurred to me just now, again, that a lot of things get a lot easier to land when you’re playing near your team. Yeah, a lot of things they can see coming, but if they’re looking the other way because you’re in a team fight…
It is team PvP, even if it’s hot-join. Combos are a lot easier when you don’t have to provide the field and the finish. Who wants one Combo. That’s why they’re sold by the bag.
Yeah, and I was REALLY bad at running Venom Share until I remembered you had to be with your team for the Share part.
Did I mention I was REALLY bad at details?
My asura was born that way.
I thought that was already in as a global cooldown or gotta wait for the last skill to finish thing.
Initiative instead of cooldowns is intentional so we CAN spam moves, as opposed to the other classes. It’s one of our unique I’m a pretty snowflake perks.
I’ve tried to blind the spike, several times, and finally someone said blind doesn’t stop the pole. Thank goodness the spike went through a teammate and not me. Well, not THAT thankful. The teammate sure wasn’t. Er. So my own conclusion is ya can’t blind the guy stomping.
But you can blind the guy on the ground to make a last ditch save self move whiffy miss.
And where is this world anyway? Don’t think it needs my help, and I wanna make sure I don’t go.
It’s Fort Aspenwood. Tier 2 for now. There is a community site, but I don’t know how communy it is.
I’m not sure it’s trebby enough for you though. Opinion, great enough to get to Tier 2, destroyed folks in T3, not 24/7 enough to shred into Tier 1. (shrug)
(edited by WyldKat.4712)
The venom share is more about helping keeping your team up and running. The conditions should mean the team is taking less damage thanks to weakness, chill, and immobilize. Leeching Venoms also provides small but kinda steady heals. It’s more of a bonus, just like with the might buffs.
The range on share could use some help, but it’s not that hard to keep 1-2 teammates close enough. Finally getting a visible ring to see was REALLY nice. With communication, you might be able to keep the venoms shared with everybody, but it’s always been kinda spotty with me and half donkeying it.
Best thief support, my opinion, is that spiffy shortbow blast finisher. Spiffy and spammy!
Shortbow #5 has a blind in an aoe around where you appear after using it. A lot of people don’t even realize this because it’s their escape tool. This will also come into play saving people stomping friends, or ensuring a stomp (like signet of shadows). Just teleport onto who you want to stomp/save from getting stomped.
I’m pretty sure Blind has no effect on someone performing a stomp. But this is good for getting to someone, blinding their downed self, and getting your stomp on. Their stomp on. Your stomping on their stomped. You know what I mean, I hope.
4 times out of 5, this trait saves me. That 5th time can be a bummer, but I’m usually hosed anyway. Be thiefy, don’t get hit and low health, that way Last Refuge is never a problem.
Look at it this way. You die laughing. Or someone laughs while you die. Almost the same thing.
Maybe we should start using Last Refuge as our rally cry for people who complain about our stealth use. “Oh yeah? Last Refuge, yo!” Like that, only cooler.
PS And stealth is totally a crutch! A crutch you can hit someone over the head with. From behind. With no warning. Preferably. I like crutchy crutches.
(edited by WyldKat.4712)
Maybe it’s sort of like a waxy coating that some plants have. Maybe. Hopefully makes it easier to clean. I hope a lot of things. The default female town clothes chest, that’s SHINY.
Maybe it’s my inner mesmer clones trying to get out…
I’m having fun. I just don’t know about everyone else. Then again, I should come here first instead of after hitting the sPvP and Thief forums first. I get all soggy from the crying of others.
My world is full of kittens and cookies and happy sauce and gravity is a kind friend!
Hey, maybe they should have tried to get some ad dollars from the military for using their rank insignia system.
“I’ll follow the lieutenant colonel instead of the sergeant.”
Did you know the Mayo Clinic has nothing to do with mayonnaise? I was all shocked.
Falling apart? It’s spring. We’re springing apart. Ahead. Sprung somewhere. Sproing. That’s an awesome sound. Ooo… cookie. But general ranty time, yay!
What’s all the fuss? Win some, lose some. Results are tied to effort. You can try harder, your guild can try harder, but unless you and yours is the entire server pop, all YOU can do is try YOUR best. And hope your server mates, buddies, friends, acquaintances and inbred folks you try not to talk to at family reunions show up and help effectively.
And crying about zergs? If it’s so effective, try it yourself. Oh, if you can’t get the numbers to, um, well do what you can and live with it, or waypoint, or wait for a revive, whichever is applicable in your case.
All the T1 (great movie), T2 (awesome movie), T3 talk, so what? We’re here, in this Tier, because our servers played their way here. There. Tier. Less Tears. If your best is better than someone else’s bad week, you go up. If your bad week is passed by someone else’s good week, you go down. Just do your thing, wherever you end up.
And the 2 on 1 thing… You’re telling me none of you ever wanted to be in a threeway? Most fantasy things are about being the 1. Not like that. I mean, the hero, the one struggling against the odds, all that.
What did you think I was talking about? No one ever understands what I’m thinking out loud. Maybe I should have gotten mesmer with it instead.
Cookies. Dolyaks. All that. Enjoy, less blah blah whine.
I’m teh SEALvari! Killing your lakey nodes!
I’m still confused. One minute I’m overpowered. The next minute I’m nerf dazed.
I hope they’re not going to do something about thieves. We’re the awesome. I’m in your hotjoin, stealing your cookies.
^ This in a nut shell. We do not want to join Tier 1 at this time, too much drama in tier 1.
Maaaybe you could bring T1 the gift of fun? SO. MUCH. FUN! (flail fail fallover)
I like to imagine it’s less rotating and more using the best skill at your disposal for a situation.
I think I figured it out all on my own. Bwhaaaa
I thought 1st Law o’ Gaming was “Do Unto Others Before They Do Unto You.”
Wuzza PPT? People time thing? Points people time? Purple people tats?
OMG, Vikings fans? Bwhaaahahaha. Go Buccaneers. (cry)
still no clue why my account name is censored when someone quotes me, QQ
“My name is a killing word.” – Paul Atreides, Dune (1984 movie)
I thought the thief QQ would be gone after culling was destroyed. I was wrong.
Post of the day. ^^
And look, someone who can admit they were wrong. About ANYTHING. How rare. (cheer & hugs)
Yes. They should also stop a single person preventing you from capping a circle. Totally. I strongly disagree with the original poster.
I thought the Asura have npcs that talk about setting up the gates and getting them tuned to work. I’m sure you can techno-magi-babble violence into distorting the workings. You don’t wanna pop in neck deep in a kitten pen coming out of a port, do you? Think of the poor kittens.
No risk, high reward. You should never see thiefs jumping in to attack a large group and porting out with impunity.
Exactly, stealth is good because you shouldn’t see us, ever. (snerk)
Thieves, and every other class, control their risk vs reward with their weapon set, utilities, and play style. As attractive as it is, you can’t generalize an entire class like that. I know what you’re getting at, and yes, thieves can be very low risk if played that way.
A thief can be strong in an area or two, but they can’t be strong in all of them. It’s all give and take.
I’ll go into an engaged zerg BECAUSE I have escape options. I’m looking to be a distraction, stomp downed people, down very hurt people, or get my side back on their feet.
PS I love seeing the bursty stabby thieves. I wish I could give it a whirl, and one day I might, but personally I’m one of those evasive plink away folks; the sort that picks the fast nimble character that almost always comes with fast but low-powered attacks in video games.
Stealth is more than just going poof. It’s key for dealing damage with backstab (dagger), or sneak attack (pistol), and it’s more than that.
Some people just don’t know how to handle stealth. You can mind game folks into burning evades on nothing. That’s when you can start bringing more heat. Traits also let stealth be a source of regen, blind, and condition removal. Those let you stay in a fight longer. Keep in mind, in general, you don’t want to be in long fights. P/D’s sort of do, but once it gets past a certain point, no.
A well played thief with stealth is very annoying and survivable, but as a whole, thief is NOT a forgiving class. If you mess up, it hurts. Whiff a C&D and a fight gets way harder, whiffing 2 or in a crowd and you can be in a WvW of hurt.
Oh, and there are WvW/PvP generalizations, you’re supposed to beat this class, lose to this one, blah blah. It’s all about who you run into, what spec they’re in, you’re in, a lot of things. Personally, I beat most rangers and necros. Bursty thieves give me problems. Guardians usually sorta laugh at me and walk away while I plink at them. D/D eles make me wanna… do unhappy things to happy things.
All you can do is learn and keep playing and you do get better. Most people usually get better. Mostly. WvW is a different beast, because you can set yourself up to be a killer one-on-one burst beast rawr or someone who has options for when the entire zerg looks your way, and anything in between really.
When you do get owned, get over it (however long that takes) and then figure out what happened and why. That way leads to improvement in your play.
Play. Experiment. Check forums and blogs. Learn. Take all you see on forums with a grain of salt. Salty salt from the tears of whiners.
Sorry, TC ranger west of your BL garrison, but I like living way too much. ^^
I like your yaks too, but your friends not so much.
This isn’t a good picture of me, you usually see me running away.
(edited by WyldKat.4712)
Kain dislikes how FA often stabs our backs when we fight against TC.
Oddly enough, FA BL is the only map with a queue at 6:10 pm EST. <(O.o)>
My ideal condition removal would involve mooning the person who put them on me. The next best thing is Shadow’s Embrace, from the trait, giving me really good results but I’m P/D Condi so I get into stealth A LOT.
There’s no must take trait/skills, but dealing with conditions is something you have to consider in your setup. It’s give and take, like everything with a thief.
It’s more of a when instead of a how. But clicky is how. It’s not very queuey either if it’s not Friday.
I mean, I think dodge rewards the people who stay level-headed, can see what weps you’re packing, and see your moves coming, by letting them dodge the burst hits.
sPvP I run with 3 Krait runes, 3 Afflicted runes, 2 Sigils of Agony on my P/D and a Sigil of Corruption on my SB.
That gets you to +50% Bleed duration with decent Condition Damage. Just remember to swap out to Shortbow when it’s safe to get more CondiDmg on stomps or when you know kills are coming.
So you have something to dodge, that’s why.
In a nutshell, it helps to have someone hanging out to peek over the wall to see what’s knocking. Everything is fine as is. That is my opinion.
As long as they didn’t try to combine the golems into some mega-mecha…
1. Purple: Angry, chilly, but purply.
2. Cats: Nice purry fuzzy happy!
3. Pie: Crusty and mysterious sweet.
4. Begin its defense with Shadow Refuge, Caltrops, and Choking Gas and go from there.
Totally squishy.
For the most part, it’s stealth, or evade, or burst kill for survival with a healthy dose of picking your spots.
“Don’t think, feel! It is like a finger pointing a way to the moon. Don’t concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glowy. Do you understand?”
Seriously, this sounds like something that only you can make the call on. Go with what looks best to you using preview. There’s no wrong answer. Um, there’s a preview thing working with the Trading Co now, right? Or use the one in PvP.
I guess if you had a guild/group on voice comms, or absolutely knew help would come when you call incoming, it might work as a WvW camp defender.
No thanks to dueling; I don’t believe in fighting fair. Thief. ^^
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