Showing Posts For YojimboJones.6243:

Famous Quotes for the Engineer.

in Engineer

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


We’re going down down and i’m getting a frown
But sugar we’re going down swinging (a prybar)
Spec 30 points into bullets
See a guy on a wall just magnet and pull it!

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Banners and Idiots

in Warrior

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


in world pve and wvw, yes this is annoying. But in dungeons I always go out of my way to explain the finer points of banners to people. Alot of people dont’ know #5 is a blast finisher and once you tell them it is, you will see people going out of their way to pick it up and slam it down in water fields for a heal or fire fields for might.

As for educating the masses….good luck.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Warriors and Protection

in Warrior

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


A good Warrior will hardly die, I’ve been focused by 20+ and walked, not run, walked from a side citadel entrance to a tower. relying solely on regen and shouts haha.

Clearly we all need to be running this man’s build. If he can casually stroll through a mob of opponents without breaking a sweat.

Please post something more constructive, if you are assuming people in these forums don’t know how our traits work (adrenal health, healing shouts) then you are not giving us much credit. Also I’m pretty sure Mending is one of the best healing abilities in the game for pvp. 5k+ and curing 2 conditions (more if traited) and on 25 sec cooldown.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Axe/Mace - Longbow for leveling?

in Warrior

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


Been using this a while now, sure more an 80 build but yea axe/mace is awesome with double vulnerability and this build is pretty epic

Also been using this for dungeons, incredible damage and party buffs. And the longbow is seriously one of my favoriate warrior weapons. Never thought I’d enjoy using ranged so much on a warrior class.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Engineer Condi Guide by Vöz

in PvP

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


Do you plan on posting follow up vids of the build in action in tPvP? Build looks promising but without some in game action to back it up whos to say how strong it is vs static discharge?

Yes, I plan to upload some footage in a day or 2. I am just doing a few tournys to get some highlights to show with it.

Cool! Look forward to seeing how it works out. As it is now I run tankcat as a bunker engie with some success. And I’ll be honest, the static discharge build looks way too swingy for me. Either they die in 5 seconds or you do. That’s not really the kind of pvp I enjoy.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

why is spvp disjointed from the game

in PvP

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


Loosing all of your pretty skins is a small price to pay for a battlefield that is evenly balanced (in terms of gear) and being able to spec and build however you like between games to test things out. In fact, I often use sPvP to test out possible pve/wvw builds so I don’t ahve to drop 50+ gold on armor/runes/weapons/sigils in pve just to realize that I don’t enjoy playing that way.

Can you name another game that gives it to you so easy?

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

The Backstab-combo is broken, not Backstab itself

in PvP

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


Why do people complain about backstab when Killshot can hit you for over 10,000 damage?

Don’t quote me for truth, since Warrior (as of yet) is the one Profession I lack.
But – iirc – folk leave Killshot alone, because it has a pretty wicked cast time and c/d.

If backstab is “easy” to avoid, like many thieves claim it is, than Killshot is the equivilent of a semi truck rolling towards you at 5mph, from 50 feet away. Blowing its horn the whole time. Oh did i mention the semi truck is covered in neon lights with Hulk Hogan dancing naked on top?

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Engineer Condi Guide by Vöz

in PvP

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


Do you plan on posting follow up vids of the build in action in tPvP? Build looks promising but without some in game action to back it up whos to say how strong it is vs static discharge?

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

change Moa back please

in PvP

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


Everyone complaining about moa. Do yourself a favor and fight the NPC mesmer in the Mists, he will turn you into a moa and that’s a good way to read what all the skills do, see how the attack damage isn’t actually all THAT bad. (if someone moa’s you and they are at 10-15% hp, you can easily finish them with the moas attacks)

Also shows you what the animation looks like to pratice dodging it.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Request-Plush Griffon sewing pattern

in Community Creations

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


If someone begged the devs you might be able to get them to post a picture that shows the skin of the in game 3D model. that would be a good starting point for making a pattern, expanding the skin here and there for seam allowances.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Increase the size of boon symbols on enemy

in PvP

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


I also think some steps could be put in place to improve the visible effects of buffs. For example, a chaos or fireshield has a very cool and very obvious graphic. Huge glowing red/purple dome of magic that says “hey, back off bud!” And the shield effect for Ageis is also quite nice. But as far as I know, stability and protection, 2 pretty important boons that make you rethink the way you attack your opponent have no visible graphics.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

WvW: Guardian vs Warrior

in WvW

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


Speaking as someone who has played a fair ammount of WvW as a warrior, you dont’ have as many get out of jail free cards as other classes. So don’t expect to spearhead a Zerg vs Zerg assault and not just get destroyed…unless you are on voice coordinating with other heavies.

If you are the type that enjoys running with small groups for camp flipping and small scale pvp then it’s a great idea. you can trait your warhorn to give your group of 5 almost perma swiftness, and the kind of burst damage a warrior can do lends itself very well to small skirmish combat.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Free Jedbacca

in WvW

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


What kind of bug is this, that auto bans someone for using their bank as intended? Incredible…

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

would you play paids more if. (please reply)

in PvP

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


So you are pretty much talking about a swiss where everyone gets to play everyone? As someone who frequently plays magic the gathering, this is simply how all 8 player drafts are done. I think it’s a fantastic idea!

You would run into the issue of a pug giving up hope after round 1 or 2 and one or more people dropping out, so then you would have to award byes to the odd numbered team. Enjoy sitting around for 15min in the mists twiddling your thumbs waiting for rounds to start. lol Still, a good idea.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Idea about Heartseeker

in PvP

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


I can’t remember anyone complaining about assassins in GW1, even tho they would push 3 buttons and enemies would die.

You’ve made this comment a few times lately, and each time I have resisted the temptation to eat you alive. Well, I’ve decided I’m gonna bite.

No one complained about assassins in GW1 because they sucked. A new player with 0 experience of the assassin or even their own class could accidentally and unintentionally counter them without even realising it. The combo system was severely flawed. A single block, a single miss, all it took was for one skill to fail to land the assassin was shut down until the whole combo came off cooldown. The system made the assassin incredibly predictable, making them vulnerable to interrupts and +CDR skills which could go on to shut them down for up to a whole minute. Assassins were just laughably easy to counter.

Of the 8 skills you were allowed to take, an assassin had to find a res, 3 combo skills, you usually needed a 5 stage combo in order to get any good damage and to keep the foe locked down, backup lead skills incase you are shut down, increased movement speed / gap closer, attack speed steroid and survivability. It was an impossible feat and even if you did succeed by some miracle, you still didn’t bring anywhere near the same utility a warrior did.

It’s also important to note GW1 had monks. Do you think people would complain about thieves in GW2 if we had a monk stood behind us healing us for half of our health in a quarter of a second while the thief tries to burst us?

The thief and assassin can not be compared on any level, so please stop regurgitating this statement.

On topic: I haven’t had much trouble with HS specifically since its nerf ages ago. I somewhat agree with Recently with regards to the initiative system being the root of many problems, but I’d like to point out the initiative system transfers the opportunity cost from “If I use this now I won’t be able to use this later” to a cost which affects the entire weapon bar. Theoretically, thieves have to make decisions about how to utilise their damage: all in one go leaving nothing left for defences (eg Cloak and Dagger) or spread out in sustained damage? If they want to relentlessly spam the optimal skill until they run out of initiative fine, but they shouldn’t expect to be able to CC the counter burst. Sadly this doesn’t come across very well in game.

Well written post. Playing an assasin in GW1 was fun in PvE, and not too terrible in Random Arenas, but I wouldn’t have dared to try Team Arena or Heroes Ascent on a sin.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Suggestion for Steatlh

in Suggestions

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


Sounds like a good idea to me. Probably tough to impliment but a way, like OP said, to reward you for actively trying to smoke out the theif, and a way to put some actual skill and forethought into how and when a theif uses stealth. And how they behave while in stealth. None of this “lol see ya later bro” mindset. +1

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Asuran Racial skills

in Asura

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


I think Radiation Field is actually pretty solid, for a racial ability. 60second cooldown is about on the border of playability, but in some situations it’s very good. WvW tower assault/defense it allows you to apply a long duration AOE to scare people away from the wall or make attackers back off.

And for classes with limited access to ranged AOE abilities like Warrior or Guardian it works well. I have not tried pain inverter or technobabble yet, but I’m sure each has it’s on unique uses and will unlock them eventually.

The first tier golem however is fairly dissapointing. The cooldown and duration are fine, especially compared to something like Mistfire wolf, but the damage is pretty wimpy and the golem seems to get 3shot by normal pve mobs and 1-2 shot in dungeons. And pretty much just ignored by players in WvW, or quickly burnt down in AOE. I’ve yet to try D series but I don’t expect a whole lot.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Pro Tip to Dungeon Runners:

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


I agree with this tip completely. I often play with a ranger friend and would give her a hard time for not carrying around a melee weapon. Some enemies reflect projectiles, such as the jade colossus creatures in the Jade Maw fight in fractals. If you are ranger that means you are only dealing pet damage, and not even that if you are using ranged pets.

There is a big difference between people who just pick a build/weapon set and use that for EVERYTHING in the game without ever sawpping weapons(and major traits, utility skills) and people who do.

As a warrior I’m constantly swapping things around to suit the situation. This game differs from GW1 int that you can swap things around alot outside of combat, and you are hurting your performance and the performance of your group by not taking advantage of that.

If you don’t want to because it’s too diffiuclt to remember to switch back, or you are too slow to do so, well…nobody ever said being good was easy.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

The Engineering Gang

in Community Creations

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


lol nice work. I reconize some of those terms, MUX= multiplexer. But the diagram on the right looks like straight up electrical, with the ground terminations.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Plushie quaggan plushie

in Community Creations

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


Awesome work!! On such short notice too… I was thinking about trying my hand at a plushie griffon this weekend but it’s going to take alot of trial and error. >_<

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

TPvP Tank Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


I Will Avenge You could do it. It was taken out since it had a rallying effect identical to auto attacking an enemy while the warrior using this shout killed it. Maybe have it grant so much protection to allies based on the number of downed allies in the area?

The retun of IWAY? I like how this man thinks.

Seriously though, protection seems like the perfect boon for a warrior in this game. And if you want to bend over backwards to get 80-100%+ boon duration so that way you get a 10 sec protection every 15 seconds AFTER you are crit, I bet that still wouldn’t put a bunker warrior on par with a guardian. Or Ele, or Engineer. But it would bring us alot closer. Still leaves us vunrable to conditions and kiting as we ever were.

Anyways, seems like we are getting off track. I’ll probably try out the OPs build in the next couple of days to give my imput.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Guild Wars 2 holy trinity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


Theif-Guardian-Mesmer. With ele being an honorary 4th. Frankly, those three classes can all do fantastic things in world PvE, dungeons, Spvp, Tpvp and WvW. Other classes do other things, sure, but none match the power and evasiveness of theif. The durability and support of Guardian. And the just plain wtfbbq aoe stealth and aoe haste and aoe teleport and 3 clone army of mesmer.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

TPvP Tank Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


Retaliation is a pretty sweet boon, but I think that grandmaster trait would be better off with something like:

Gain 5 seconds of protection when struck by a critical hit. Cannot trigger more than once every 15 seconds.

Under constant fire that’s 25% uptime on protection (a bit more if you have + boon duration). And fits in with the idea of a defensive warrior much better than retaliation, in my opinion.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

"Crack Shot" still not 100% working

in Warrior

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


Harpoon gun is fine, during really long underwater boss fights like Fractal Jellyfish or the 2 honor of the waves bosses it’s good to use so you dont get slapped. Or even in regular under water combat it’s good to use while the spear skills are on cooldown. Hopefully this gets resolved, seems like a quick fix.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

I love my hammer...

in Warrior

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


I love the hammer too. And I agree the change to hammer shock was awesome! Although part of the problem with making it a damage oriented weapon is that it’s main trait is 20 deep in the defense line. The only other trait that seems to synergize with hammer skill are unsuspecting foe (lets face it, with the slow swing speed of a hammer you are probably only getting one MAYBE TWO attacks in after an Earthshaker) and distracting strikes. Which is an intriguing match for hammer, seeing as how we have 3 abilities to intterupt in hammer. But to make the confusion deal more damage we need condition damage, not something you gear for when using a hammer…

Another thing is that the main 3 attack combo does not add any condition/effect. Every other weapon we have adds bleed, weakness, uses multiple attacks (like axe/longbow) vunrability, etc. In guild wars 1 there used to be a hammer ability called Belly Smash with a simmilar animation that would inflict blindess. would be nice!

All and all I think it’s widly understood that the hammer is a weapon that compliments support/controll builds best. Unless someone cares to post a build that proves me wrong.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Scorpion Wire range too far

in Suggestions

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


ranger longbow is 1500 (traited – 1200 without)
warr longbow is 1200 (900 without trait)
scorpion wire is 1200 (according to the wiki… so it wont be pulling anyone at max longbow range)
spectral grasp is 1200 (AND it chills <3… i love this skill in wvw, its massively useful for picking targets out of a zerg for a group of your side to focus down)
theif max range is 900… in wvw against zergs they need some sort of a gap closer
; i dont see why this is an issue

(before crying that im a thief that doesnt want it nerfed; my thief is lvl 19 -and has been for a long time- i have a lvl 80 warr,ranger,necro and ele and i dont want it nerfed because i dont see its range as an issue – if it is pulling people through objects then it obviously needs to be fixed)

So steal, heartseeker, infilturators arrow, signet of shadows and pistol abilities are not enough gap closers for you? Are you serious?

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

(edited by YojimboJones.6243)

Multiple Spec Load-outs

in PvP

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


This sounds incredibly unfair. As it is right now you can already swap all weapons and armor/amulets out of combat, making for near instant stat reallocation. But to change your build too? So you mean to say you could run up and see a bunker guardian, ignoring him to sit on his spot. And then see him run up into a team fight later thinking “oh lol hes just a bunker ignore him” and then get blasted down by a complete 180 burst build?

It’s like bringing 10 people to a 5 man fight.

we should already be thankful that we can swap major traits around out of combat. That’s a level of versatility thats rare in an MMORPG. Normally you always need to respec to change such things.

In pve and wvw I frequently find myself swapping major traits to suit the task at hand. People take this for granted.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

(edited by YojimboJones.6243)

Arenas in gw2

in PvP

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


I would like to see this. If anything, its alot easier to get 1 or 2 friends to play with than 4.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

1v1ing an Elementalist

in Warrior

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


Stay out of churning earth. Stay out of fire aoe’s. If this means you have to engage them at range then do so. If you are not packing a ranged weapon well, you should be. :P

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

The norn Animal forms

in Norn

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


I’ve wanted to roll a norn to turn into an awesome bear form ever since seeing the concept art for Eye of the North, with the big bear behind Jora. I even chose bear as my spirit animal. So i’m constantly “feeling bears power”. However the transform was very underwhelming. This was my dissapointment at lvl 30.

Flash forward to today and I’ve found a use for one of the forms. Lately in WvW i’ve been running with “gank groups” basicly mobile small teams that focus on flipping camps and disrupting supply lines and taking out stragglers. And mostly these teams are theives and mesmers due to their ability to stealth and hit hard and fade away. Well let me tell you that the snow leapord form has the best escape in the game. Transform, #5 stealth, then #4 dash to a range of 3000+ away. Nothing in the game can catch you. Granted it’s on a 240sec cooldown so it’s only for emergency use, but it works perfectly. Hearing my teammate on teamspeak go “what the hell was that?!” after I flew by was priceless.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Night as dark as u like

in Suggestions

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


It saddens me that more areas are not dark. I really enjoy the mechanic of the darkroom in the Eternal Battlegrounds jumping puzzel area. And also the need to carry a torch around in the Snowblind fractal to light bonfires.

As someone who has played D&D and various other video games that play up the issue of lighting/visibility (think Amnesia:The Dark Decent, or Doom3/Halo/Aliens vs Predator where lightning was required for survival and navigation) I really like the idea of walking around with a sword in one hand and a torch in the other, always weary of what threats lurk just beyond your field of vision. Of course they would need to give all classes some way to see in the dark. Engineers have flamethrowers (a very fun way to light up the dark XD), several classes can use a torch offhand. Some items provide lighting like Mad Memories complete edition. Warriors can shoot flaming arrows to light up breifly, etc.

Kind of a long rant but yes, MOAR DARK PLS.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Powerful Banners...not so powerful

in Warrior

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


The trait itself suggests the devs designed (low) dps banners as a possibility. Why even have it exist if banners are pure support? Why even have damage for banner 1 and 4? Just look at it:
- tactics and discipline have 3/5 support skills 2/5 damage skills
- strength and defense have 2/5 support skills 3/5 damage skills
This pretty much says you can go either dps or support with banners

You could change powerful banners to pulse a weak aoe every 5 banner skill uses.

Now THIS is an idea. Personally I like banners. They are clunky but provide great support. Even without the healing trait they provide a decent aoe buff and group speed+charge plus variable #2 ability. Changing the banner damage on summon (which we can all agree is very weak and even if it did like 4k dmg would still be on a patheticly long cooldown) to a pulsing condition, something like weakness or stacking vunrability would be pretty sweet. And gives you incentive to throw one down in the thick of the fighting.

That makes it so not only is the banner inspiring to you and your allies but
demoralizing to your opponents. Flavor win and usefulness win!

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Engineers should be able to fix siege!

in Suggestions

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


If Engineers were able to repair siege then every profession would also need a unique WvW type skill.

You are right in that Mesmer’s already have a highly valued role in WvW. And don’t forget that Elementalists can use that wind shield to block trebuchet shots. If you have not seen that in action, I assure you it makes treb wars a joke of a thing.

However, do you really want to end up like those classes in WvW? Locked into always performing a specific task?

Commander: “You idiot engineer! Why were you running around spamming grenades when you could have been repairing this balista! Also when you are done with that go repair the north wall, then the east, then shine my shoes.”

I’d rather see some other kind of passive bonus like using supply to build seige/repair walls is 10-20% more effective for an engineer. For example using 10 supply counts as 12, etc. Not a huge boost but a little something helpful and flavorful for the class.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

5 War Dungeon Run

in Warrior

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


I’m down to do a 5war dungeon run. I’ve done a 4 warrior + ranger run once in CoE and it was fine. Made for some very entertaining Alpha fights. Warriors all clumping together adds perma uptime on fury through FGJ, huge might stacks, if multiples are running shout heals then you are looking at strong area healing as well. One of them running hammer to ensure lenghty uptime on weakness increases survivability. I feel like a 5 warrior run is alot stronger than something like 5 theifs or 5 mesmers.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

I am starting to hate my warrior...

in Warrior

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


Normal Banner and Warbanner CD :

Untraited : 120s / 240s
Traited : 96s / 192s

A banner stays for about 90s and regen buff stays even longer so it’s 100% Aoe regen uptime if you have one near you.

Abilities ?

Precision banner can give almost 100% uptime group fury, real 100% with some runes

Might banner does pretty good damage, banner autoattack actually hits harder than most weapons and it’s funny xD

The purple banner gives you extended boon duration

Pretty cool overall

Some good info there, also some notes on proper banner usage for people who don’t use it often:

If using it where you will need to often be moible, as in Orr farming or WvW, you can drop the banner using the weapons swap key instantly. or you can use the #5 ability to drop with a cast time that produces a blast finisher. (summoning the banner initialy also produces a blast finisher). When it comes to the #2 ability some are handy whilie others are useless. personally I like to use the Banner of Strength as the #2 gives vunrability. So when running up to an opponent I lead with #4 rush, let that attack hit, smack with #2 for vunrability then drop the banner to commence regular attack rotations. Also don’t forget to spam #3 for group speed buff.

Banners ARE clunky, but useful when used correctly. Warriors are a fantastic support class. Even if their controbutions are not as obvious and flashy as an Elementalist or Guardian.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Burst Forth!!

in Warrior

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


No mention of the longbow burst skill? Combustive shot is one of my fav warrior abilities. It’s our only combo field, 4 sec duration pulsing dmg and stacks of burning. Plus if you immedeatly follow it up with arcing arrow you grant 3 stacks of area might.

Longbow is clearly ment to be good for medium range control/aoe and performs well in that regard, especially it’s burst skill. Not to mention it offsets the adrenaline drain with an impressive ammount of attacks that build adrenaline quickly. If fighting multiple foes, you nearly always have enough to fire another combustive arrow at 3 bars as soon as it’s off cooldown.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Should condition warriors receive a buff?

in Warrior

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


My thoughts:
The main issue isn’t the duration, or damage of our conditions so much as it is other mechanical failings. Look at the other classes that can condition damage well and you’ll notice one of the biggest things they have going for them: Number of condition types available. This basically allows them to act as a buffer for each other when it comes to the rampant condition removal being thrown around, much of it passive from the other classes (something warriors could use on our healing signet for instance).

Take an engi, ranger or necro for example: Quick access to bleeds, burns, AND poisons. The poison is a big one btw because of how it reduces healing AND deals damage. It’s one of the biggest things to aid condi builds going for them (confusion mesmers don’t need it because of the way confusion works, punishing the player for taking any action with a big damage hit compared to the other condis). Warriors have access to a few conditions, but they are spread out amongst multiple MH weapons and traits, they also completely lack poison in order to make their conditions matter.

TLDR- Warrior condi spec has some basic design flaws imo where it lacks both in condi types available, poison being a very important one, speed of application and damage mitigation besides “block with face”. Bugs and ability functional flaws hinder the longbow as well.

This post pretty much says it all. Although I might add something to the conversation. If you are having an issue with having your conditions cleansed, you might want to consider adding more? Warriors CAN apply confusion, through the distracting strikes trait, and vunrability through a offhand mace #4 ability or through Rending strikes trait. Rending strikes or offhand mace is a reasonable way to get vunrability on a target, along wtih cripple from sword #3 and your opponent needs a full cleanse or 3 removals to get it all off.

Anyone who has played competitve WoW arena knows that you need to stack less meaningful conditions/bonuses to eat your opponents cleansing before they get to your more valueable ability.

Something to consider. And for the record I don’t think it’s a good idea to give warriors access to poision. Frankly our class is pretty well off. we are about 75-80% of where we should be now, only lacking in some bug fixes and build varity. We don’t have any CORE issues, like other classes.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Live Stream cancelled

in PvP

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


Was really looking forward to this, along with many others I’m sure. Oh well, hopefully we will have some info in the next 24hrs.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Ascended ring YaY 5 more silver!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


Not salvageable? That’s unfortunate…I suppose Anet has not decided on a proper loot table for ascended quality items yet. After all, what do they drop? Orichalcum and ectos? That’s the same as an exotic. Would have to be something a bit nicer. Hmm.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Fun facts about Asura!

in Asura

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


In that forth pic, the 2nd Golem looks like M.O.X. from the first Guild Wars!

I was kinda hoping to see M.O.X. around the game world in GW2, seeing as how he could have survived all of this time and would be one of the oldest “living” golems and a cool carryover from GW1. Alas, he is not.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Map-Stuck is back

in PvP

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


This has been happening to me with increasing frequency. Although one minor saving grace is that if you are in a tournament and it locks up, you can close GW2, and when you log back in it will place you back in your game/map. Instead of bumping you to heart of the mists like if you were in a hotjoin game.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Dual Maces vs. Hammer

in Warrior

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


Hammer is pointless atm, even off-hand mace outclasses it. Much easier to stun lock with a Mace main hand.

I wouldn’t say hammer is “pointless”. Granted my view is not from a tpvp standpoint but for hotjoin and free tournaments a hammer warrior is a decent point defender. your #4 straight up gets people off your zone. And you have a burst stun ability along with a powerful knockdown ability to work with. using #3 and #2 every time cooldown is up ensures 100% uptime on weakness and about 70% uptime on cripple. Add the versatility of whatever 2nd weaponset you want. Using mace/shield means you get 2 more stuns a daze and 2 blocks to work with.

Why compare mh mace to hammer when you can use both for a heavy control playstyle? Rotating cooldowns until your opponent is either dead or too frustrated and runs off.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

The high damage utility Warrior build.

in Warrior

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


@ jkctmc.8754
(it’s only us talking in this thread anyways LOL)

Your idea of the banner being attached to us is interesting, and has alot of flavor, but seems too much like an “all upside” kind of ability. I think banners are fine as they are now. Clunky, for sure. And randos picking them up in WvW is annoying but otherwise they work pretty well.

Defensive + condition build? I’ve definatly used 30 in tactics for healing shouts and quick breathing fore sword + warhorn with longbow in 2nd slot. Bleeds work well in dungeons because mobs live long enough for you to see return on your high condition damage, this is especially true on high HP bosses (all of them). I liked that build okay. Right now I’m running 10/0/30/30/0 with a hammer and longbow and like it alot. Hammer is great for controlling trashmobs (aoe immobilize/cripple on 10 sec cooldown, aoe pushback, aoe STUN? yes please!) and while not that great against bosses the damage is still decent.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

[PvE] Warrior Guide - The frenzy machine.

in Warrior

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


Some of the best information from the OP is about movement/targeting options. Hes not just giving you a build, he’s showing you how to play in an effective manner. That much is worth the read even if you don’t enjoy the build or playstyle.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Banner Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


Alot of good information from nakoda.4213 in here.

As for regen banners vs healing shouts, I think there are pros and cons to both. The beauty of these builds is that you can swap between the two depending on what is needed. If you know an area/boss is going to do lots of conditions and you really want to be using shake it off and FGJ with heals, use that. if it’s more of a tank and spank and you think banners will be better (including battle standard, 60 sec duration pulsing FGJ) then use that. Just swap your skills and major traits.

Last night I ran fractals with another warrior with a simmilar build and he was using healing shouts while I was using regen banners. That’s pretty solid support, at the expense of DPS sure but lets face it, dungeons in this game are not a DPS race. Hard to kill something when you are dead.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

The high damage utility Warrior build.

in Warrior

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243



Thanks for the respones, and critique.

I will give your ideas a try, and see how it feels. I’ll have to find someone to carry the extra banner, which I hope isn’t a problem.

Something I’ve learned with banners is you do not use the number “5” ability to drop the banner. It seems bugged, but insead use the green arrow to the left to drop your banner, it drops it instantly, and allows you to go directly into combat as needed.

5 will drop the banner for me. The trade off is you can drop it instantly by clicking the green arrow (or better yet, clicking your weapon swap key, ` by default) but if you click 5, you have a short cast time, and it will produce a blast finisher. Handy if you are conviently standing in a combo field when you are ready to drop it.

This is something everyone should know about banners, because if you have someone in the back who can produce a water field (eng, ele, ranger) then they can pick up and slam down the banner in addition to their field to get an extra 1-2k area healing out of it. They also blast when they land.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

The high damage utility Warrior build.

in Warrior

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


I like your build, and have recently changed from healing shouts to banners myself for my support build. However, if you are going out of your way to keep permanent might/fury on yourself and allies, what good is signet of rage doing you? If you are traited into banners then you might as well use Battle Standard as your elite. The instant rez can be very handy, plus if you drop it near the back of your group, it will give pulsing fury/might/swiftness to them while you rush back in to melee and keep them buffed with dicipline.

Also, I don’t think frenzy is doing enough work for you. in wvw sure you can use it to burst the hell out of someone but mobs in dungeons have a bajillion hp and you would probably be better off with either another banner, like strength, or shake it off, to help cleanse your party of a condition.

On top of that, Battle Standard looks awesome.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Separate premades and randoms in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


I remember this becoming a huge issue in World of Warcraft. Doing battlegrounds where your side was a random assortment of people doing casual pvp or grinding honor for gear, and facing a full raid on teamspeak who would just steamroll. From what I remember they eventually found a way to pit premade vs premade. Clearly ArenaNet does not have the resources of Blizzard but it would be a very welcome change.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Art of Soup (freebies and cheap commission available)

in Community Creations

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


Finally a new Guild Wars2 commission…

I like where this is going…

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Event lag [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


Just mirroring the same as what other people have said. Unbearable lag. Unplayable content. I thought things were bad on my computer, at least players/monsters started to show after standing in the same spot for 40+ seconds. But my girlfriend was playing behind me on her worse PC and could only see spell effects. And both of us had 5-20 sec lag on skill activation.

I feel bad for anyone who is doing a free trail of this game and this is one of their early experiences with Guild Wars 2. Please take all of this feedback into consideration going forward ArenaNet.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry