I’m not sure if this has been brought up before, but a thought just occurred to me. On a brand new revenant, will legend swapping be irrelevant since utilities skills are locked behind a level wall? I mean, the legends are what determine the utility skills, so until the player starts leveling, the legends won’t matter? If this is the case, it’s kind of sad to see that the thing that makes revenants revenants won’t even be a thing for the first several levels. I know that leveling isn’t that hard and won’t take that long, but it’s sad to see it like that. That’s like a ranger not having a pet for the first few levels. I do hope that there are some changes to the NPE coming with HoT if this is indeed how it’s going to be.
I have tomes and scrolls to level one up to 80, but I plan to play at least one without tomes or scrolls. However, if the NPE is going to be this bad for the revenant then to hell with that.
Have any of you heard anything about this? I’m curious and would like to know more.
I’m just going to leave my signature as it has been for the past couple of years.
Does Dragonhunter have movement increase?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Zera Allimatti.2541
Poor guardians will never have a passive movement increase…
Hi ANET! Zera here with some feedback for BWE 3.
Mastery points seem to have been disabled for the beta weekend event, so I have no feedback there. I guess that in and of itself is feedback enough.
Elite Specializations:
This is by far the most significantly changing specialization of all the professions. This definitely made the ranger feel like a completely new class to play. It made for an entire play style shift on every level. From positioning, to preferred pets, to weapons used; this changed it all for me.
- Healing: It is strong, quite noticeably for me at least. It was enjoyable to see so many green numbers! I had very little trouble putting out enough heals to keep my allies up, and with the right traits reviving an ally was really easy. The variety of ways I can heal those around me is just great. I can use the pet F2, warhorn 5, staff skills, glyphs, dodges, the trap heal, and even pet swap! More options are always a plus. I went with Cleric stats so that I can at least TRY to do enough damage to tag creatures while still providing strong heals. The damage is understandably low. I could see the druid greatly benefit from a new stat that majored in healing with a minor in power and either precision or ferocity. Hint hint wink wink.
- Staff: The staff feels quite at home with this spec. The skills feel appropriate, but I must say that skill 5 was hard to figure out. Does it just do healing to allies that are in the small field while enemy projectiles fly through it? Or does it convert enemy projectiles to small healing bolts? I couldn’t figure out how to use it properly. Maybe I’m just dumb, but I did not understand how the skill is supposed to be used.
- Celestial Form and Glyphs: I found this approach interesting. Dual-purposed glyphs, depending on the toggle of the celestial form, can make for some decent utility variety. Do I want to pull or push foes? Do I want to heal myself a lot or heal my allies more than myself? I like options! I would like to see the celestial form skills viewable in the Hero panel outside of being in the form. It’s a little annoying to have to kill things to gather ‘energy’, then activate, THEN be able to read what my skills do.
- Traits: I can’t say too much on this, except options options options! I love it! I am very glad to see Natural Stride make a return from GW1, and it functions in basically the same thematic manner! You get nostalgia points for that. The traits do a fair job of lending themselves to the variety of ways to provide heals and support.
I’ve never been much of a healer in this game or even in GW1. I was always a damage guy, so my perspective is a little skewed, but I can’t really think of ways to improve on what you have now, and I can’t really tell if something is over/under-powered. But I did hear that druids made for a lot of Q_Q in PvP and W3. I took the druid for a little spin in W3 and it felt really good and fun to play. At one point someone used a smoke grenade (the artillery barrage) on our catapult users. I got in there and spammed my heals and significantly mitigated the health loss (healing spring was so good at that moment). They still took a lot of damage, but I prevented anyone from going down. I like to think I wasn’t the only druid there, though. If it really was just me… then maaaaaaaybe a slight reduction in healing is in order. When one player can do that much health loss mitigation to a large group of players in a scenario where they are supposed to take a lot of damage, you might have a problem. We’ll see how things go in the first month or so after release.
Overall I really like the druid. Let’s just hope it doesn’t turn the game into a “Always kill the druid first!” type of game. I don’t think anyone wants that.
I’ll keep this one short. I noticed that the traits in the DH line go one of three ways: the top row for traps, the middle for the bow, and the bottom row for the virtues. You kind of have to pick one of the three and go in a straight line. It doesn’t feel like they lend themselves very well with the original specializations or to each other. I mean you can make it work, but it feels a little forced at that point. Mixing and matching feels a little like a hard compromise. You can make your bow a little better or your traps a little better, but it’s hard to improve both well enough to be happy. One trait adds knockback every 10 seconds, one adds vulnerability on cripple, and one adds crippling on knockback. You kind of need all 3 for any sensible synergy. As I said before in prior weekend feedback and about the other elite specializations, options are good, and the options feel limited for the dragonhunter trait line.
I’ll keep this one short as well. Thank you for the increased attack speed in berserk and thanks for the reduced cooldown on primal bursts. I went from barely being able to do 3 bursts to at least 4. At one point I think I hit 5 (weapon swap helps a lot). Arcing Sear (primal greatsword) is improved from what it was before, but unless I misread the skill, it is now simply arcing slice without granting fury. It said in the skill description that there is a fire field, but there was no fire field that I could see or interact with. Did I miss something? Maybe it was bugged, I’m not sure. I did not play berserker much at all this time around. I was way too curious to see how much of a game changer the druid was going to be. I got the gist of it in the prior weekend beta, and I already gave plenty on feedback on it. Like the druid’s celestial skills, I would like to see the primal bursts in the hero panel so I don’t have to enter berserk just to see what my skills do.
Daredevil: You fixed the dodges! Yay! That was my only real issue with them. I played it again for a bit yesterday and man I love that triple dodge. It saved me more than once from Diarmid’s whirling death blossom of kthxdie. I’m good with where daredevil is now.
Chronomancer: As I stated in my prior feedback, I don’t really play mesmer and can’t provide good feedback on it. However, I will reiterate that the F5 skill sitting on top of F4 stands out like a sore thumb. Would it be at all possible to shift the entire mesmer shatter bar a few pixels to the left and bring the F5 skill icon down so that it is next to F4 rather than above it? It just looks very odd.
I had a lot of fun with this one. This is another one that actually fits in with the other trait lines.
- Hammer: Yes, yes, yes. The skills on this thing are great damage wise. Rocket charge just felt a little bit clunky. If you have no target selected you go in a somewhat straight line, but if you have a target selected you bounce around a target, but nowhere near as effectively as you can with the revenant’s relentless assault. That skill is much more chaotic than rocket charge, yet it has so much more control with keeping on target(s). The second hit on rocket charge almost always missed for me. Other than that I like the hammer. I like it both thematically and functionally.
- Gyros: While they are very interesting and can make for some fun situations, they feel very squishy. The mesmer’s clones and phantasms seemed much more durable (but then again most foes hit like a truck). The function gyro is great, though! I love being able to revive an ally or finish a foe from a distance while I keep on fighting, as long as it isn’t quickly destroyed, of course. The variety of gyros feels ok, and the fact that they do something different as a tool belt skill makes it doubly so. Variety is good!
- Traits: The traits in this line are also fun to mess with. This one feels pretty good as far as different combinations go. Each one is obviously a trade off, but none of the trade offs really felt like a ‘loss’ to me. The only one that felt a little odd to me was Impact Savant, the third minor trait. It feels like it should be combined with Expert Examination, but maybe it’s just me.
That’s about it for my feedback. I wasn’t on all that much this weekend.
I wouldn’t say I condone their actions. I have a more apathetic stance on their behavior because it has absolutely no effect on me at all. These ‘abusive’ and ‘offensive’ players have no power over me and never will.
If you have good amount of gold in your bank you can start playing the TP and let your gold farm for you
Really surprised your haven’t received a forced account name change. Someone might get offended. Not me, of course. I think it’s fine, but all it takes is for that one person to take offense. Here’s to hoping it never happens and you can keep your name as it is.
What? What is the point to this thread? Has there been an explosion of QQ threads of people saying mean things in map chat I missed?
Probably the thread from yesterday where someone said something to someone who got upset and had to leave map, etc etc etc. The point about blocking was made at that time but I guess the OP decided to make a brand new thread about it for anyone who didn’t read the other thread.
Yes, I’m genuinely under the impression that many don’t know of the feature, so I’m just kindly reminding everyone.
Meh, I’m still waiting on ascended runes and sigils.
What? What is the point to this thread? Has there been an explosion of QQ threads of people saying mean things in map chat I missed?
No, not an explosion, but there was a post where it truly seemed like the OP had no idea that the feature existed. Given the recent influx of new players, I’m assuming a lot of them don’t know the feature even exists. This post was for them.
Also, ArenaNet, you REALLY need to revise your kitten word swap feature (no I actually wrote kitten, not a so called obsenity). In this post I was saying that life is difficult on everyone, but used the word hard instead of difficult and your over-zealous censorship made my post seem offensive when it wasn’t at all. I had to change it to ‘hard for’. Please reconsider some of your censorship. It’s only offensive if you make it so, and you are making it offensive. Please stop making non-offensive words offensive.
I recommend limiting the word swap to actual vulgarities like kitten and kitten without including slang terms. IF a slang term is deemed offensive, THEN take the appropriate action against the poster (like an immediate temporary ban or something along those lines so they get the point). I get that you are trying to avoid the possibility of anyone ever being offended (it’s impossible, I’m afraid), but let’s stop splitting hairs here.
Hi everyone! Zera here with a public service announcement… err reminder I guess.
If someone says something in chat you don’t like and you really don’t know how to cope (you have my pity… life is hard for everyone), there is always the handy dandy block feature. It works! It truly does work! There is no need for you to suffer while you game (I personally don’t understand the suffering, but hey to each his own).
I’m not justifying “offensive” chat or “victim blaming” (I’m using quotations because these things are entirely subjective), but let people be terrible. ArenaNet will deal with them accordingly. You just worry about enjoying your game. Block and keep playing.
You don’t have to leave a map. You don’t have to feel down. You don’t have to consider doing something sad. Simply block the person. You don’t even have to announce it in chat! Simply right-click the player’s name in chat and select ‘Block’. All your problems will be solved! It’s that easy! Use this life hack now and save yourself from an unpleasant game experience. Everyone deserves a peaceful chat. The more people you block, the more peaceful it will be for you.
Seriously, though, use the block feature. ArenaNet was smart enough to add the feature for a good reason. It literally makes the “offensive” player cease to exist in your game personally. You can thank me later.
And now, back to your regularly scheduled programming.
Absolute apathy. Most are probably a scam anyway.
I was reading a post about how many hero points a player needs to unlock elite specializations and the unique weapon skins. I saw 170 and I also saw 250 in other replies.
If this is true, then does HoT have at least that many Hero Points available? Before we had hero points, we players would spend our skill points on things from Miyani like Augur stones and Eldritch scrolls.
Most of my characters had spent the majority of their skill points for ascended crafting and such. One of my characters currently has 170 skill points but can only get 22 more from the world. Another is also at 170 and can get 33 more. They’re both at level 80. Since all characters get the same number of hero points from leveling, and get an additional 213 from world completion hero challenges (214 with krait node in home instance) shouldn’t my two different lvl 80s have a different number of hero points but consistent with their world completion? Each of these characters had a different number of skill points on them when the Hero Point updated came through.
IF 250 actually is a requirement, does HoT have enough Hero points available to give out? What about other players who already had map completion, had nearly 0 skill points on them once the Hero point update landed, and can’t get any more hero points at all? How do they get to 250 or even 170?
I’m thinking I just misunderstood something, so can someone please clarify?
Remember: group healing is NOT meant to be covered by one player. Group healing is supposed to work with multiple players. You have the passive area regen from elementalists (while attuned to water) and guardian’s virtues. You have the necro’s vampiric auras, warrior shout heals and condi cleanse, revenant Ventari specs and engie utilities. What is ideally supposed to happen is you get some combination of these classes to supplement and augment each other’s support abilities. Combine that with skilled play (like dodging and timely use of the self-heal skill) and you have all the healing you need. The Druid is looking like nothing more than a really strong support spec while still being able to dish out some damage. The key thing here will be synergy. THIS DOES NOT MAKE IT A DEDICATED HEALER. I’m pretty sure it’s meant for those situations where the small passive healing of the group just doesn’t quite cut it. Plus if you add in the strong damage mitigation that protection and frost auras provide, the small passive healing of the group can be plenty for an encounter. I remember when the game first came out a lot of the LFG requests for dungeons often included “need guardian for path X”, nowadays this isn’t the case because smart people know better than to have to rely on a specific profession for a specific role. I imagine raids will be the only place where a druid will be extremely useful, but still not required. As long as the raids do not require a specific number of support roles then it should all be fine.
Meh, it was great bringing zergs to their knees while it lasted. I will probably still use the skill. I mean, on the high end I was able to average nearly 5k per strike with mild might. 2k per strike is still very good. 3 targets down from 5 is where the pain really sets in… Oh well, at least I have the glorious memory of downing half a zerg that was PvD-ing. We were outnumbered almost 3 to 1. My nuking allowed me to down half the zerg, giving our small group the opportunity it needed to push out. The XP and the bags were kittening epic. We were able to push them out of our keep because of a well timed use of my aoe bombs. Make no mistake, I will still be able to do it, it will just be a little less beautiful, because frost bow is usually the last in my chain anyway. Staff ele has plenty of aoe damage, frost bow was just the cherry on top.
Do you like the name Scrapper?(Lore)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Zera Allimatti.2541
Scrapper is much better than ‘Forge’. I like it. A forge is an object. Next you ‘forge’ fanboys will be wanting the chronomancer renamed to ‘stopwatch’, tempest to ‘cloud’, daredevil to ‘Ben Affleck’, and Herald to ‘engagement ring’.
OP, there’s a reason might is easy to stack: solo players need to be able to buff themselves, too. Your suggested changes would effectively further discourage solo play. The fact that everyone is able to stack some might is important, and if people needlessly overlap redundant might then that is the party’s fault. But you act as if there is such a thing as too much might.
If you don’t coordinate with your party, you will easily get to 25 stacks of might when you could easily delegate that to one or two of your party and the other 3 help stack other useful boons. In an ideal world, the entire party will be able to buff each other with ALL of the boons in the game through coordination and build variety. Since more damage is the answer to everything in this game (for now), raids will be the answer to your issue. Raids will, in theory, force players to play a variety of builds besides might stacking.
Again, ideally the full spectrum of boons should be covered by the team of 5 players, but since people mostly focus on might and fury, you end up getting way more than the game allows.
Depends on what you are doing, if you are changing just based on aesthetics then you won’t even be level 10 to get the key.
If you are just playing and later you noticed you don’t like your character, then 1 week sounds reasonable.
If you are F2P then you don’t even have an issue, just make a new account.
The amount of new players affected by that change is really small, and even for that small small group it is just an inconvenience.EDIT: Also, with the old system, an undecided player that made the first PS arc several times was more rewarded than a player that sticked with your character and kept playing, now you’ll get that 1 key and the other characters you keep making that week won’t be rewarded again and again.
You’re right, of course, but I wanted to sugar coat my idea of putting another nail in the coffin that is key farmers by adding the ‘new player’ clause. My usual blatant self isn’t very much liked by ArenaNet so I thought they might like this wording more.
How does it hurt new players?
You think regular players creates a new character and complete the Personal Story more than once per week?
They can, yes. I did it a lot shortly after release back in 2012, rerolling several characters because they just didn’t feel right. My thief, for example, was remade 4 times before I finally settled on it. The 3rd one was at lvl 60 before I decided I didn’t like it. People change their minds sometimes, and the way it is now they might miss out on their due rewards just because they decided to reroll a character.
This recent patch is obviously an attempt to cull key farming, but it kind of screws over the new players. How about instead of punishing the legitimate players, you punish the actual key farmers. I propose an alternative: remove the periodic BL key rewards from personal story until the very end. Then, when you give the player their Pact Token to get those weapons in Caer Aval, you also give them 5 BL keys for completing the story. Alternatively you can have the weapon NPC at Caer Aval offer 5 BL keys for the Pact Token. This way key farmers would have to level a character to 80 and complete the story before they even have a chance to get their keys. This would provide more incentive for new players to finish the story. This is how you get your player base to play: provide incentives to finish something they started. I know, 5 BL keys is probably going to eat a lot into your profits, but it’s just an idea.
I don’t know, maybe I’ve gone soft, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to give the new players the shaft like this. Don’t let the actions of a few key farming drones be punitive to the rest of the players.
You will never be as cool as Kirito. You only have to watch the first minute and a half of the video below :P
Chances are we’ll never get an answer of how Rytlock managed to make his way back, just like it was never explained (and probably never will be explained) how he got Rurik’s sword.
I imagine not since Halloween would distract players from the expansion… or the expansion will distract players from Halloween content. Either way, forcing players to pick one or the other is not a good idea. Even if they did bring the Halloween stuff, chances are it will be a rehash of old content, as the last 2 years were. Either way, I will be doing very little of the Halloween content, if any at all, because masteries need leveling!
My fear is that we won’t even get to see Mordremoth, much less fight it, in HoT. Additionally, that even after we beat Mordremoth sometime in the next year, we’ll get another year of filler content before another Scarlet ex machina scenario where one of the other elder dragons (some of which have been awake and active for centuries) finally gets off its kitten and does something.
I only recently hit 151%, and I’ve been playing since the headstart. I don’t expect to hit cap until maybe 5 years from now, primarily because MF is a myth and I’ve noticed no difference in drop rates.
I just made my own thread. It’s probably better that everyone make their own posts for feedback. It would be way too much reading in one massive thread if they bunched htem all up.
How would it be way to much reading if the exact same amount of posts are in seperate threads ?
It makes sense that feed back is contained to 1 thread so they don’t miss anything.
Because perhaps some players might provide some REALLY good feedback and it would be easier to refer back to a specific thread rather than a specific reply in a massive thread. Sort of like cataloging.
I felt the first 2 levels were at a fine pace. That’s plenty enough to be able to enjoy gliding and bouncing mushrooms for some much needed mobility. Once you start leveling tier 3 is when you begin to realize that this may take a while. Then you reach Tier 4 and holy skritt you need like 2.4 million xp for it… yeah it’s going to take a while. BUT with XP boosts and chaining events as best you can to get credit in as many events as possible (plus redoing map exploration on multiples characters for more free XP) it shouldn’t take too long. Just long enough to feel satisfying and keep you playing.
I think it’s fine as it is now. Unlock at lvl 80. That’s just one more reason for people to push through that horror that is the NPE. If they got the elite spec before 80, they might not bother reaching 80. By reaching the level cap, it gives players a chance to really get a feel for the profession (assuming they don’t cheat level with tomes and such) so that they can really appreciate the differences the elite specs provide.
I just made my own thread. It’s probably better that everyone make their own posts for feedback. It would be way too much reading in one massive thread if they bunched htem all up.
While I agree that it is a very hard decision to sacrifice a trait line that you really like in favor of another that enables you to use an exclusive weapon or feature (I’m looking at you, Berserker! I can’t have fast weapon swap AND faster adrenaline gain without sacrificing some might and damage!), that is what makes it elite. It is supposed to be a hard decision to make. If they simply gave the players the new weapons without them being tied to the trait line, people would just use the weapon w/out the traits that go with them. It is supposed to feel like a whole new profession. Dragonhunter, for example, feels like a very different class from the default guardian, for me at least. That longbow with those traps made me feel like a ranger of sorts without a pet (which is what I always wanted from a ranger). The bottom line is that it is more options for the class, just another way to play.
Smokescales feel a lot more manageable now. Their mist mechanic is an interesting change… I just wish more players would actually read the creature description and stop trying to melee inside it. I had to constantly remind other players to lure it OUT of the mist, because NOTHING goes through for a hit, not even AoE. Once it is out, though, it’s an appropriately difficult foe. Relentless assault still hits hard, BUT at least now it can be interrupted by a skilled player. So, thanks for that.
Mushrooms are still kittens, but I might also feel that way because I lagged often (I am stuck on hotel wifi all weekend).
The Hylek can hit quite hard… some of them get 5-digit-K damage with their base attacks, and the elites were hitting for 7-10k with their auto attacks (they were upscaled). Once we got several players in to help us out it was manageable, but people got downed A LOT. It seemed that the heavily armored frogs with the huge hammers would affect an appropriate area with their side swipe. If you stand behind him and slightly to his right you are ok, but if you are behind him and to his left, you got hit. Since he swings from his right to left, it makes sense that his left side is more dangerous than his right. If this was an intentional mechanic, nice work and use of physics!
The mounted mordrem that charge into players… I LOVE SEEING THEM GET EATEN BY THEIR MOUNT! It’s hilarious and awesome. It’s like “Dude you kittening suck at killing these guys! They’re killing us! Let me show you how it’s done by eating you and then proceed to thrashing about at these guys!”
Mastery and progression: The mastery points themselves were fun to get. It really made exploring fun. The amount of xp required is a little daunting, but I understand you don’t want players to have all their mastery tracks maxed in two weeks. Maybe I just wasn’t doing enough chain events (I was mainly focusing on the Berserker and how it played) but for me, at least, progressing felt sluggish. I felt I wasn’t getting enough xp (I deliberately did not use XP boosts because this is how a new player is likely to play). Other players said it felt fine, so maybe it’s just me. I can’t really recommend any changes to it. I’ll just have to kill things faster.
That’s all the feedback I have for today. Sorry I didn’t play enough with all the specializations. I hope you find this useful.
Verdant Brink exploration: This new section of the zone felt a little harder to navigate than the first section. Maybe it was because of the lack of waypoints anywhere noteworthy on the west side of the section, or because of the extensive verticality, but I found myself really dreading when I died in some parts of the map. It’s not that I died that I dreaded, it was the long trek back. I imagine that as we level our masteries we will have access to more ways to cover long distances on the zone with relative ease. I remember reading in the masteries that one will enable us to access certain ‘shortcuts’ or something along those lines. Bouncing mushrooms and gliding are a godsend. I can’t wait to unlock the rest of the masteries for faster travel. The mastery points were appropriately tricky to obtain. It was fun exploring and finding ways to get to those pesky points.
Events: The events this time around felt surprisingly polished. I noticed no issues of stuck NPCs or events that wouldn’t progress. Maybe I just got lucky, who knows. The rest of the event feedback is in the spoiler.
As apathetic I am about Faren (why is he still alive?) and the rest of the nobles (Seriously what the kitten are they doing there? They’re nothing but a liability on the pact! I get it, they are entitled, arrogant kittens that wanted front row seats to the fall of Mordremoth, but come on! They were even concerned about their kitten luggage!) the events themselves flowed naturally and progressed well. The exception is the fight with the Legendary Wyvern at the end of the chain. The boss’s break bar did not scale appropriately with the number of players attacking. The break bar would die so fast that the boss never get more than 2 wing flaps up into the air before it came back down for another burn phase. The bonus damage during this phase is nice, thanks so much for that. Now if only ALL the enemies with a break bar received more damage when their bar broke, that’d be great. If they did receive more damage, I didn’t notice a difference.
The even chain with the ruins of the Mellagan’s Valor and Shashoo felt polished with two exceptions: Blighted Diarmid and the Airship Salvage event prior to the assault on the Blighted Tree. Blighted Diarmid would sometimes not attack. It would just wander around slowly without actually doing much, if anything at all. When it didn’t bug and it actually attacked, though, holy kitten was I hurting. With my play style I am often doing a lot of damage, so much so that bosses like to focus on me. His whirling death spiral attack hurts…. a lot… no amount of dodging can save me. If Shield Stance or Defiant Stance are on cooldown, I’m kittened. The world’s deadliest game of jump rope is an interesting mechanic, though! I liked it. The airship salvage event did not scale very well with players gathering. One time it took 4 or 5 of us about 20 minutes to gather up the necessary amount of salvage. The commute back and forth would be fine if it scaled more properly given the number of players. Additionally, when more than 5 players are doing the events, the number of veterans, elites, and champions located up there with all those frogs is ridiculous. There were about 7 of us all together spread out through the event’s staging area and there were too many champions and elites to safely gather salvage without getting one-shot by an elite. (12k auto attack? Come on! We don’t have Protective Spirit in this game! Tone it down a little! Save that kitten for the raids… oh wait I bet the trash mobs in raids do like 20k auto attacks. Just tone it down a little geez) We had to frequently stop gathering salvage to gang up on the elites and champions. They were picking us off with too much ease, and it felt like they respawned too quickly. Somehow they were upscaled to lvl 84 despite our low number of players at the time. Also, THANK YOU for letting us throw the salvage at the NPC for him to collect with ground-targeting. Please make the rest of the gathering events in the game like this.
I would also like to add that as much as I hate Quaggans, you guys finally made one that was actually tolerable. Shashoo impressed me with her ability to rise, adapt, and overcome. The higher ranking folks all got killed in the crash, leaving her in charge. Trial by fire, she held her own and pulled through (with my help and the help of her team, of course). And she at least attempted to not speak in the third person, which I think is great. If more quaggans were like her and did not refer to themselves in the third person, I might actually like some of them. So yeah, more quaggans like Shashoo. No more ooooooooo ooooooooooo please.
Daredevil: This specialization was surprisingly fun to play, with great damage, added versatility from utility skills, and a hearty play style. It makes survival easier, which is great considering many creatures in Verdant Brink hit like a Boeing 747. Thief isn’t my main so my feedback may seem short.
- Physical: Physical skills are awesome! The options really lend themselves to the spec. I feel Channeled Vigor is a great heal for the spec. With either a better heal or more endurance gain, it makes for some strategic use. I do my best to avoid unnecessary dodging to make sure I always get the benefit of the big heal. Plus it forces me to learn to play better while I dodge less. I know I know, the spec is all about dodging, but I have a feeling that the PvP community’s feedback is going to nerf it somehow because apparently it dodges TOO well. We’ll see. Bandit’s defense saved me from a bad situation many times. Great skill overall. Fist Flurry is such a great opener for engaging a target adjacent to the one I just killed, and it leaves Palm Stike ready for an opportune moment! Impairing Dagger’s slow condition made fights with Boeing 747 attacks a little less harsh, providing chances for myself and my allies to survive. The rest of the conditions are nice, too. Distracting Daggers are also very handy. I found myself really appreciating them against the Mordrem Thrashers that attack with tentacles in the ground. Sometimes it’s hard to find where it’s coming from. Impact strike is just… wow. In PvE it’s obviously great for the break bars, but PvP and W3 are where it truly shines. Proper timing makes it so an enemy player is barely in the downstate for all of maybe one second before being finished off. No mercy, no quarter, kthxdie. I love using it. I hate being the victim of it. I will definitely appreciate this skill when we encounter more creatures in PvE that need to be finished.
Staff: I had a feeling that melee staff would be a fun weapon to use, but I will be honest: I think enough professions have access to the staff. I was hoping to see one of the elite specs get rifle since it, among other weapons, see less play, but I digress. The staff’s skills are great for the spec. With a great heavy hitter, a ranged blind, an evade, weakness, and not too shabby auto attack, it’s plays quite well. I found myself using it almost exclusively. Sometimes I would switch to sword/pistol for more break bar assaulting options and lengthy blinds, but I mostly used staff. Overall the weapon feels good for the class, and I will definitely be using it. Some people complained that the animations were not “Chuck Norris” enough, but nothing ever satisfies them.
Traits: That triple dodge is so useful that, combined with the added maneuverability of the grandmaster traits, I foresee an incoming nerf of sorts. We’ll see. I LOVE it in PvE. Despite that I try not to dodge too often, I love the wiggle room this gives. Speaking of which, I’m sure it has already been brought up, but the delay of the dodge is quite noticeable. The dodge feels like a skill being used rather than an actual dodge. It needs to be immediate, and it isn’t. Unhindered combatant feels like a super short Rush, complete with the character stopping all movement for a split second to use the skill. It needs to be just WHOOSH GO! I’m not sure if it’s a limitation in programming or animation, but something makes it feel like there is a delay that shouldn’t be there. It needs to function more like Bounding dodger because that dodge’s effect is immediate despite the short channeled skill bar seen while used. Lotus training has the same delay as unhindered combatant. I’m not sure what you guys did differently with Bounding Dodger, but whatever it was do it to the other two. The remaining traits feel good, with options for more endurance, damage, or survivability. The best part is that I don’t feel like I’m being penalized for not dodging too often.
Herald: Although I did not play with this one too much, it was fun for me. Boons, delicious boons. Sorry for the low feedback on this as well as the lack of feedback on Tempest, Reaper, and Chrono. Most of my attention went to the Berserker. I’ll leave the feedback to those who main those professions since they will probably be more well versed than I.
Glint goes so well with any of the other 4 legends it’s not even funny. It allows one to wander around with Glint active while being out of combat, all the while giving themselves a lengthy boon of their choice in preparation for the next engagement. If the player is so inclined they can do two boons at once. If the boons are at a satisfying duration the player can open with the consumption of said facets and jump into the fray, laying down damage or support as needed by switching to one of the other legends. If not, the player can stay with Glint for as long as necessary for boon upkeep, then switch to the other legends as needed. From a boon standpoint, it wouldn’t make sense to not use Glint. Plus it creates further incentive to use boon strip in PvP.
Shield: Healing Phoenix, ‘nuff said. It makes for some good active support of allies similar to the dragonhunter’s F2. I like it! Crystal Hibernation (insert GW1 nostalgia squee here) would be much better if it didn’t root the player. The rooting is my only real complaint with the skill, but it’s a good skill for self-upkeep.
Facets: These boons are just fantastic. Even without Facet of Nature active, boons are plentiful. The active effects of these facets also add some nice variety as far as conditions go. Each one can make for a good opener or mid-fight condition addition. As I said, Glint just goes well with any other legends. This play on boons is very interesting, and I can’t wait to see what other players do with them. We might even need more boon strip at our disposal, who knows?
Shiro: Thanks for letting us evade with Relentless Assault. It made for a lot more survivability where it was needed. It makes a well-timed use that much more rewarding.
I’m back with more feedback, ArenaNet! I will try to be as thorough as I was with my feedback for the previous beta. And I’ll use spoilers this time because last time my feedback was just a huge wall of text with some formatting for easier reading. Sorry about that.
Berserker: This will be the lengthiest of the specializations because warrior is my main profession. I rarely PvP. I mainly do PvE with some W3. Keep that in mind.
- Torch: The abilities were fun to use. Mobile fire fields are awesome, not much else needs to be said about that. I definitely see myself using sword/torch instead of sword/sword on my condi warrior. Torch skill 4 is a great follow-up to savage leap.
- Rage utilities: These are far too useful on the berserker (I mean that in a good way). That extra adrenaline has proven to be a godsend for the berserker given my playstyle (more on that in a sec). Sundering leap has proven to be the most useful of the bunch. Wild blow also helped me remind other players that “Hey, stacking them up makes them easier to kill since all melee is a cleave.” Outrage has such great synergy with headbutt that it’s perfect. Shattering blow is also great for the reflect, but it was a little hard to get the timing right (maybe I just wasn’t very good with it). Headbutt is awesome! Instant full adrenaline is the best opener for this spec! Blood reckoning was surprisingly not as effective as I would have liked, but that is probably because of the difficulty getting creatures grouped up that I will mention below. I can see how it would work great as long as the player is able to maximize the number of targets they are hitting.
- Traits: Unfortunately for me, the berserker spec is not very conducive to my playstyle (I know I know, it’s not all about me). I don’t play the meta so I doubt many will be able to relate. My playstyle has me swapping between GS and axe/shield every 5 seconds and spamming burst skills to upkeep the 20% damage boost from the Berserker’s Power grandmaster trait. This combined with the might on GS crit, adrenaline in combat, adrenaline from the passive of Signet of Rage (never activate it!), bonus adrenaline on crit, and run faster while wielding melee has me nicely set up on three exclusive trait lines. My utilities (on my regular character, not beta) are two more signets for the passives, FGJ, and I use Defiant Stance for a heal. It’s not the meta, but it’s the way I have fun playing warrior. Changing out any one of these trait lines severely hinders my play style, and the berserker doesn’t lend itself to that very well. Maybe I just played myself into a corner. It makes for some VERY hard choices. Do I want to gain adrenaline faster or do I want to be able to swap weapons fast enough? I can’t have both without sacrificing might on crit and Berserker’s Power. Without fast hands I reach full adrenaline before I can use the burst again, wasting precious seconds unless I weapon swap. Headbutt is a must for that adrenaline gain. Signet of Rage’s passive adrenaline gain feels too slow to be able to enter berserk fast enough.
Throughout my time in Verdant Brink, players have proven that things either stay spread out too much or things get killed too quickly. Everyone has been ganging up on one creature at a time since each creature has like a billion health and requires everyone’s effort to bring it down in a timely manner before it downs too many of us. Their break bars make it REALLY hard to coordinate bunching up creatures. When I wasn’t in a zerg taking on a hearty foe, I found myself entering berserk when the target’s health is too low to really use berserk efficiently. When it’s me against one creature, I kill it before I can reach full adrenaline. In the event I don’t, I get full adrenaline, enter berserk, kill it with a burst, and then I just glow red for a few seconds while I let berserk die off unless I immediately run to engage another target (wasting precious seconds in berserk).
I might have just been unfortunate, but the majority of my targets ended up being isolated. Obviously Berserker was made to take on multiple foes at once, but with other players either failing to group up foes nicely (I tried to do it myself with wild blow but I can only do so much) or just killing things too fast as zergs tend to do. I found myself spamming burst skills on a single target, making the awesomeness that is the new primal bursts skills a lot less fun. Decapitate deserves more foes.
- Burst: Some of these skills got me really excited. Decapitate in particular is one I really liked (on the rare occasion foes were bunched up nicely). Some didn’t make much sense to me.
GS’s burst is the main one I didn’t get. Replacing fury gain with 2 stacks of burning feels like a nerf. Condi warriors would not use a greatsword, so why give them such a paltry amount of burning? Sure, an expanding fire field is nice and all, but there are already numerous ways to make a fire field. It kind of feels like berserker is trying to replace ele for creating fire fields. I would have preferred something like “swing so hard that you ignite the air, creating an explosion that damages nearby foes”. I want to like it, but can’t.
Axe and rifle bursts are fine as they are. The trick is getting foes bunched up to use it efficiently (player positioning and strategy, it’s a good thing).
Longbow’s wasn’t bad. Multiple fire fields are neat, I suppose, but I feel ele already has it covered. The only real way I see this being useful is in W3 when trying to buff zergs with might. Several smaller fire fields has the potential to buff more players (5 players per field, 5 fields per burst) than one huge fire field. I see the potential but it would require some player coordination.
Mace’s is a very nice alternative to the long stun. Long stuns are great, but the added versatility with the 4 conditions (plus 1 second daze) is like a breath of fresh air for condi warriors. Options are nice.
Sword has great synergy for condi warriors that use longbow as second weapon. The more burning the better since moderate burning stacks do more damage than high stacks of bleeding. Definitely going to need a way to have longer burn duration, though, because I couldn’t seem to get to 8 stacks of burning with the skill. It stayed at 4 stacks even though the skill says 8. Maybe it’s a bug.
Hammer is also great. It’s just plain an extra (and viable) option. Do I want to stun my foes, or do I want to play a little more defensive and knock everything back while I heal or revive an ally? Options are good
Spear was also a little underwhelming like GS. The pull is too short of a range to really be as useful as it can be. When I think of a berserking brute with the spear underwater, I imagine creating a burning maelstrom that pulls things in every second while you lay waste to it, not a sad 300 range pull with some mild burning. I’ll stick to the aoe stun of non-primal, especially since NONE of the rage skills can be used underwater. Adrenaline gain feels even slower in underwater combat because of this.
Harpoon Gun’s immobilize is useful, but the burning is negligible. How about an explosion that blinds or has a host of other conditions in addition to burning? Considering the primal bursts are the only real way for a warrior to actually apply burning underwater, it would make sense that they were to cause a more substantial burn. Maybe it’s just me, but I say increase the burning or scrap it in favor of more damage options or control options.
Might I make the suggestion that the berserker trait line allow warriors to keep their adrenaline while out of combat like warriors used to be able to all those years ago?
Strange ascended weapon on berserker
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Zera Allimatti.2541
It’s also odd that only the warrior gets access to their specialization specific weapon skin.
Pretty sure ArenaNet wants more constructive feedback… you’re not helping at all. Give specific examples of what you don’t like so they can consider changes. Did you not read the post about what they were looking for with feedback? They specifically said the kind of feedback they want from us. It doesn’t matter, ArenaNet has your money, but at the same time I kittening care that the game isn’t boring. Give good feedback man.
Trust me OP, puggers aren’t that bad. If I didn’t rely on pugs as much as I have I never would have gotten dungeon master all those years ago.
You WoW fanboys should be glad that you don’t have mounts. THEY WILL kittenING EAT YOU! If you pay attention to those mounted dudes, when you get them down to about 50% health the mount forcefully removes the rider and he kittening eats him! The remaining HP is for the mount itself. Actually, on second thought. ArenaNet, give the WoW fanboys those mounts so that they get eaten. Then prevent them from ever respawning and their character being unable to be logged in to ever again.
THIS CAN BE THE EQUIVALENT OF THE DHUUM BAN FROM GW! Make this happen if you can ArenaNet
Subjective… purely subjective… To get kicked there need to be a consensus by at least 3 people (in a group of 5). If you join an elitist party (your own choice) and get kicked by them they have every right to do so. If you join a regular pug and there is that one guy that is adamant about doing the dungeon a certain way and he requests to kick you, he needs the approval of 2 others. If he is alone in his thinking (which they usually are) you won’t get kicked.
Just do what I do and choose not to play with those people. They’re not fun people to play with anyway. Trust me, I’ve tried to give them the benefit of the doubt but all they ever proved was that they don’t know what a game is or what fun is. All they see is increasing their amount of gold (to what end, I wonder, because being rich in a game is about as noteworthy as breathing in real life). These people don’t have fun with the game. Don’t play with them.
While I am a proponent of not taking offense to things people SAY, it’s what people actively DO that people should take offense to. This is one of those things that it is okay to be bothered by it. You can block a player and you will never have to deal with their ‘verbal abuse’ ever again, but that doesn’t work for player grieving like what the OP brought up. Sure, you could just wait a few seconds for the portal to go away, but everyone quickly rushes in, spams F (default interact key) to loot and go about their way, but with the spamming people will loot and the hit the portal (sometimes portal takes priority it seems). It’s too easy to fall into a portal trap.
But fear not! I have a solution! If you look at your keybinding settings there is a way to bind ‘loot’ to a different key from interact. Spam THAT key and you will only loot without interaction. For example, I have my loot set to F and my interact set to R. It works. Mesmers have no portal power over me.
I hate when people stand in me
Press an arrow key. Done. Death The Kid at least does something about the asymmetry that bothers him. Be like Death The Kid, do something about it and press an arrow key. You’ll be glad you did.
Of course there will be lots of RNG. The ability to make legendary armor will likely be locked behind a crafting recipe, which will be locked behind the RNG of a container, and that container will be locked behind another wall of RNG of a boss chest. Like legendary weapons, legendary armor will be set up so that no matter what, some will NEVER get it because of RNG.
I doubt they will have any major Halloween event going on this year. ArenaNet might think it’s too much of a distraction from the expansion. If there is an event, I’m willing to bet it will be limited in scope or just a rehash of prior years’ content.
When it comes to players standing on my character, for me it’s ZFG (Zero kittens Given). If someone is blocking the view of my character and I want to see my character, I simply move. There is no etiquette on this and there shouldn’t be because it’s not a problem. I think you’re trying to split hairs at this point OP, making an issue out of something that isn’t an issue.
For anyone who is for some odd reason (it makes no sense to me but whatever) offended by another player that just happens to park their character where you are, as long as you don’t let it be known that you are bothered by it, it won’t be done deliberately. If you let it be known that you are bothered by it, you WILL get swarmed by all the bored players around you, that I guarantee you. There is no such thing as ‘personal space’ in the context of the game, so please don’t think you are entitled to such because you are not. Do as I do: don’t let it bother you and simply press an arrow key once. Problem solved.
No. GW2 brought Angry Joe to me. Before his review of the game I had never heard of him. I’m glad I discovered him, though, because his reviews can be quite entertaining and informative. The bulk of GW2’s player base (myself included) came from a little game called Guild Wars. The rest are from a little place called it does not matter because they’re here now.
I get that you’re a fan of Angry Joe like I am, OP, but it’s a little silly to suggest that Angry Joe is the reason GW2 has half the player base it does now. He definitely helped bring attention to the game, but he is not the only one who did so.
If there is a head-start, it is likely they will announce it at PAX tomorrow. Otherwise, I find it unlikely for there to be a head-start this time around.
I agree that it’s unlikely, but I still like the idea
If they were going to do a head start, it would have been listed as one of the bonuses when purchasing it.
You are right, but I still think it would have been awesome timing. Besides, who says they can’t add it in later? It would boost sales, that’s for sure.
I hope not. Will mess up with my vacation week in taking off work. Coming out on a Tuesday or Wednesday would kinda stink
Yeah I understand what you mean. But remember, the core game was officially released on a Tuesday. Those who did not get the head start started on a Tuesday.
So with the October 23rd release date (exciting!), a thought occurred to me. If you guys do a 3-day head start for it like you did with the release of the core game, it would be on my cake day. I’m not going to beg for a 3 day head start, but if you did do one it would be awesome because of the day. Sure, it would be on a Tuesday, but the core game was officially released on 28 August 2012 (a Tuesday).
Here’s to hoping I can have my cake and eat it, too.
(edited by Moderator)
Marvel has the trademark for the comic book character DareDevil. It does not have ownership of the word daredevil. You cannot copyright a single word or small phrase (like that fool Taylor Swift who tried to do it with ‘shake it off’).