The massive aura plus leaves and all that crap should last for 10 seconds or so, after that diminish the thing and leave just the aura like when used SotP but softer
Change the aura color depending of the archetype would be also helpful and cool.
… Go for the Eyes, Wilting Strike and Beastly Warden DO proc on the Soulbeast F3 skill, but at the end of the cast. But yes, Live Fast doesn’t trigger on Pet F2
What? At the end of the cast? Crazy. The taunt would be great to ensure you get your Worldly Impact to hit, but no it taunts after… lol
i pointed it out yesterday in the feedback thread and then i went back to wvw in my druid.
yep, taunt from beastly warden, weakness fro whiting strike and quickness from live fast are applied after the cast instead doing it before like it works with the pet.
Which makes those traits mostly useless. The long cast from F3 in beastmode would benefit greatly from live fast quickness and the other traits are too obvious to explain.
eh guys we got a the new FartCloud with PoF! everybody congratulate! I’m sorry i can’t unread that is forever with me.
my impression is very very meh and i foresee if they don’t correct all the lack of synergy and low effort work they did we are going to end up with a kitten disaster.
We need the class to have some work put into it and less “it was so difficult to implement a pet stow which doesn’t trigger when entering combat”
Entering\exiting beast mode should counts as weapon swap like the avatar from the druid.
And we should be able to swap pet in beastmode so we can proc on swap traits.
That way we have all the CDs on sight, it doesn’t change much from the mechanic we are used to and the Sbeast get fluent combat at least when talking about the pet managment.
The rest is so bad i don’t know were to start. From the stances being mostly useless, like one wolf pack affecting only one attack in multiple target aoes (like sword AA hitting 3 targets the stance only triggers to one enemy or barrage.. barrage is so sad with the stance…), to have a very underwhelming effects (grifon instance…. and vulture instance is not far behind..) to have traits bland and not really in level of the other new specs. Not talking about the bugs here as those are to be expected and that’s fine.
Traits like beastly warden, wilting stike or live fast triggers after the beast skill is cast when it should be before like it works with the pets so the long cast beast skill itself can benefit from the effects.
We should be able to choose strategically between pet out or not, and we should not to be forced to include that mechanic in a brainless rotation but to decide if we need more bodies and multiple target ( pet out ) or we need to be just one body to concentrate damage and avoid dead pet (merged). They can keep their “differentiated cds from beasmode to pet” although we all know it is done like that because otherwise it would require somebody programming that.
BM minors should apply full benefits when merged as we are losing the extra body and extra attack when we merge. That could make out for the lack of damage if we get BM
And pet skills when merged should not be another extra low damage single target attack, we can do that with the weapon. The skills should be significant and not watered down from the pets, but to scale with our stats. The Call lighting from the jarcanda in beastmode is really sad compared to the pet one. The gap must get much smaller.
For example shapen spines from bristle in beastmode is a very underwhelming skill. It should work like a buff which for 30 seconds (in 30 seconds CD ) your attacks cause bleeding (or have a chance on hit) without the charges (is 1 stack for 5 secs..). The skills must be significant and there aren’t that many so it should be easy enough. That would empower condition builds. Same for carrion it should have an skill which does the same but for poison.
Then traits like predators cunning would make sense to be there as it would allow a very specific gameplay.
Enough with the low effort work. It is really sad seeing such a low effort development taken to production. And even sadder to think a part of that is being payed by me.
All the Stances need the ammo technology. To Reduce the actual CD i don’t think it would be the perfect solution but applying 2-3 charges depending on the stance would make them actually useful. The range for leader of the pack seemed surprisingly barely ok, i guess to share the instance we don’t need much range as usually you’ll like to be close to your allies.
TD;RL; The impression this class left in me is a really bad development and lax of guidance and objective, where the visuals are ok but the development lack polish and professionalism. To me it look more like a hobbist designed and made this in a weekend at home while hangover which halfway thru he decided to change the direction of the development than a profesional development done by a company with over 300 employees . As jcbroe I work as well in the business, not as game developer but in development for corporate software for many years now, so I’ve seen a little bit of everything and i’m afraid i already know what is going on here.
I think Anet is intentionally killing trait synergy between different specializations to make future balancing a lot easier.
Which only happens to the ranger. I don’t see same crap going on with other classes.
I hoped they didn’t go with the low effort philosophy in this one. But well…
Otherwise i can’t understand why weaver with +50 different skills is fine and seems fun and we have Soulbeast which is so uninspiring and underwhelming.
I mean, come on , for a melee class (not only by the dagger but also because there a no ranged effects/skills in beast mode) the instances are too short and the buff too meh for the CD they have.
All stances should need ammo mechanic of 2-4 charges (depends on the instance) where the CD are around 5-15 secs between charges and the last one is the full CD as shown now.
Otherwise i foresee they will be used only: doylak only for the stab and maybe moa so that stab can last longer is not corrupted/stripped away. And in any case the SB will a be a really disappointing melee class and we will go back to the pewpew ranger without any real melee option to keep up the pressure.
Yeah, would take Soulbeast simply because of the better utility selection…
(Better heal, better utility, better elite)
I think WHaO will be still used more than Bear instance. Simply because it’s better. Traited with WK+runes you’ll cleanse 3 conditions on cast, it’s a great boon sharing utility which is mandatory for the ranger to do some damage + sinergies with the heals from WK and most importantly has reduced CD .
If you are in melee you’ll need more than just a heal every 25 seconds (no CD reduction available) .
Unimaginative is fine, as long as there’s synergy and functionality. Both traits you draw attention to lack both, so almost anything is better.
I’d like to have Twice as Vicious similar to Always Angry. “Gain Twice as Vicious (10s: +5% damage and condition damage) when exiting or entering Beastmode.”
I find the trait layout bad. While other specs have minor traits revolving around their new functions or thematics, our minor traits have nothing to do with entering, exiting, or remaining in Beastmode.
Instead, Soulbeast has a bonus with Fury which is found more on core Ranger, and another minor that procs on disabling foes, which is found on power/defensive/Druid setups. No one else finds that the least bit odd?
Fury seems fine. Soulbeasts that pick “Live Fast” have plenty of fury uptime, and I’d much rather have Twice and Vicious than have it apply when entering and exiting beast mode which would be useless if you want to stay in it. Meanwhile, a good number of weapon sets have at least some way to disabling. (Greatsword 5, Greatsword 4, Axe 4, Shortbow 5, Longbow 4), and a fair number of beast skills as well.
We are not saying only when entering beastmode but also when entering beastmode.
but hey guys, taking an existing mechanic like is stowing your pet and remove the trigger “on combat” seemed to be so hard and difficult. You know, enough to mess up with actual functionality in the game.
Yep please.
enough of this filler traits which should be baseline but instead you have to waste a trait for this. We need more inspiring traits and skills.
You guys might not be understanding my point.
There are all these traits that give and share boons to/with the pet. Then you go into Beastmode, and you WASTE these boons on your pet that you’ve built, and the pet comes back out of Beastmode boonless.
You’re shoehorned into a trait to even partially refund the boons that are otherwise wasted if you intend to use Beastmode, and realistically, those hard caps you receive are a bad tradeoff for “destroying” a fully booned pet.
Even moreso, in raid situations where you can expext to be fully booned as well as your pet, going into Beastmode removes those boons from the pet. That is a DPS loss, period.
The elite takes synergy the class has without it and punishes you by removing that synergy and gameplay effect.
It’s not okay, it’s not a wait and see situation, it’s functionally counterintuitive gameplay.
I got it and you are right: it is not right we get punished for using the game mechanics.
But we already have that with the ranger-pet boon sharing: Why are we forced into NM to be able to share our boons with the pet?
I’m even more worried about the fact we can’t hot-swap pets in Bmode. We could get the unblockable attacks from the lesser clarion bond (or how they pretend to do with the actual horn otherwise, do we lose that effect at all?) but also miss the oportunity lesse QZ would give us.
The animations of going in\out seems to waste a little over a second and with skills that last roughly 3 secs it seems a lot.
1. You dont to need to run all spirits all at once
2. Its more of a zerg thing than a roaming thing.
3. It would give HUGE QoL in PvE.It’s kittening pointless. The “huge” QoL for PvE is barely relevant, the uptime is large enough as is when it actually matters. Boss fights.
I never said all. I said 2-3. The point obviously flew far above you head. Or are you really going to trait yourself for spirits, and only bring one with you? I can tell you right here and now that that build wouldn’t be anything better than what you can run now. Zergs? Mobile spirits alone aren’t gonna do anything worthwhile in zerg fights. Run shareable stances with the soulbeast instead.
For every spirit a ranger would run in a pvp enviroment, the fewer stun breaks and other useful utilities he or she has, the more the reasons to gank that ranger first the other players get.
Seriously. This begging for mobile spirits is getting ridiculous. There are easier ways to improve the static spirits as they are now, like giving them ground targeted summons and active skills, improve their passive effect range, make the improve health from the trait baseline etc.
Lazze although i agree in some degree with you, the spirits at first sight don’t seems like the most optimal choice let me share some ideas just with the actual effects (which i think some need to be reworked)
Lets say we have two new traits: mobile spirit(Adept) and the GM for aoe extra boons. We are saying here we have the actives ground targeted.
And then we grab the dodge cleanses just because. All this in a wvw scenario
So: you can use storm spirit for the swiftness(mobility) and the active to trigger the AoE daze so you can proc Ancient seeds with whatever.
Sudenly you don’t need BM to keep the swiftness and can go for another more offensive traitline.
Another example: You take WK and stone spirit. You even choose another GM in NM as you can trigger more oftenly protection for the extra heal. Also you have access to another CC.
Here is another: you proc sun spirit and go with an hybrid build WK-NM. Sudenly using LB to inflict conditions has more sense (just from utilites\traits you’ll inflict poison, bleeds and burning + sigils)
And all that having access to another elite which you can use while moving. And getting the extra boon duration and more importantly the boon pet sharing thing.
You see? You don’t need to carry more than one spirit which doesn’t hinder your survivality but actually improve it. As it is not about having the best builds but having more options available to experimentation.
Spirits would need a rework\redesign anyway because the effects actives and passives are kinda underwhelming. But at least it would be an step in the good direction.
Obviously it wouldn’t be a low effort task anyway.
My main concern is that its going to be heavily “requested” for nerfs simply because people wont know how to deal with the potential options it may present. Black Bear’s Endure Pain and other bunkering strats becoming prevalent would also get people whining about “too much sustain!!1”. =/
Can you imagine how heads would explode if “bearbow pew pew” becomes “meta”?
Now I just need to go take a long shower for using the phrase =P
I actually think it will, even for WvW blobs.
MMS Black Bear + Owl is 15s of power damage invuln, great cleanses, massive engage/disengage, a second heal, and roughly 12s of unblockable piercing attacks from 1800 range with longbow with great boon sharing and condition cleansing if all the traits work as they suggest. It’s basically the best you can do against guardians. This makes pin-sniping trivially easy and makes for a VERY tanky backline that if engaged on can pretty much just tank through the damage and fix a lot of the condition cleanse issues a lot of other backline has.
There’s some serious power in this spec. I think people are too fixated on the loss of meta BM bunker and the low damage coefficients on the BMode skills to really recognize the gains in utility this has.
It might not be a super aggressive PvE DPS spec – druids will probably still be better for organized raids – but to say the very least, it looks kitten ed strong for the PvP formats.
Out of curiosity, why is it that everyone seems to be saying Owl over any of the other birds? I’m guessing it’s something to do with the classification or F3 or extra stats or something but I have no clue of the details.
I mean, I’d be picking it because my norn ranger has always felt a deep connection to the sacrifice Owl made… but I should probably have some other reason in case the decision gets challenged by a nosy passer by/would-be party member =P
yeap you are right. As somebody said “all wvw players are actually RP players” or something like that.
Bear is too short (4 secs) in a 25 seconds cd. Doylak is exactly the same and also it will not avoid the inevitable boon strip\corruption we are going to suffer as soon as they see that gigantic animation. The enemy will not need even to look at our bar.
Maybe, at most you can add a second or two. The 30 second cooldown stability with no cast time alone on dolyak is already better than any other stab skills we’ve had.
But you can’t be taken seriously. Wanting a permanent uptime on them like glint rev, lol. Balance out of the door right there.
yehyeh.. obviously applying minor effects when in upkeep mode and the cool one when active.
I’m not worry about balance because i know the balance team will balance the skills anyway.
But again… if the final numbers are those i’m afraid the “i told you so” will come sooner rather than later.
Even less reason to use soulbeast over core ranger…
Atm it seams like dagger is at same line whit shortbow when it comes to dealin damege.
Pet skills have pitiful damage and thous extra stats are nowhere near enough compensation for giving up pet.
Stanses are not that impressive. Effects are sure nice but short duration combined with long cooldowns and no cooldown reduction trait.
yeah.. stances with those duration do need to have the new ammunition thing. Although i would have loved the stances like the revenant glint: keep as long as you need them.
It is not like they are even something to have in mind.. 1 stack of might every second, strength sigil does that already.
Bear and Dolyak are very good. Moa has some potential. The elite comes off as a gimmick.
Bear is too short (4 secs) in a 25 seconds cd. Doylak is exactly the same and also it will not avoid the inevitable boon strip\corruption we are going to suffer as soon as they see that gigantic animation. The enemy will not need even to look at our bar.
(edited by anduriell.6280)
So, the guild chat video, while not verbally adressed, visually showed that entering Beastmode counts as a weapon swap.
Such a hype killer.
There a lot of cool combos and trait synergy. Not to mention the ability to actually get/maintain boons is wasted by Beastmode.
It makes the traiting options so, so weak. I just don’t understand what ANet was thinking with these traits based on what they just highlighted.
- PvE DPS improvement over current condi core ranger, but in optimal conditions going into Beastmode will be a DPS loss, so you’ll be taking the traitline just for the daggers and passives.
- PvP dueling will be strong, but it always has been. Less team support than Druid, more damage. Ultra ultra ultra shoehorned into pets, as always.
- WvW Leader of the Pack makes or breaks this elite spec in WvW. If no boons are shared, it’s worse for party comps than taking Druid.
Sorry if you guys think I’m being hyperbolic, I’m not trying to be dramatic, I’m just disappointed in how overall poorly designed the spec functionally seems so far.
Discuss (I guess, not much to say, the ball was dropped).
Also i hope the damage done i the video was in char with magi amulet without scholar runes.
oh hell no, marauder amulet with rune of the ranger. And if he did that damage with the best amulet there is i don’t want to think what can do with less power\precision\ferocity…
And with the condis coming from the dagger is not going to be great either… 5 secs is like really crap to has to be in 120 range.
Dagger did around 800 crits… i saw hits as low as 365. By far none the damage from the sword and less targets (2)
The skill F3 which blast around is like a weak maul: around 4.5k.
I really hope that is not the final damage because for someone which has to get on the target and without the deffenses warrior, guardian or thief has this is going to hurt.
We desperately need that pet swap while in beastmode otherwise we loose all the “on swap” skills when we need them the most.
Oh My God this is going to be fun… To watch. AhAhAhAh…
(edited by anduriell.6280)
Soulbeast mode, for lack of a better term, doesn’t look like its something that is intended to be camped. What I mean is you may start a fight with your pet out and dps’ing, swap to SB to use skills and swap back out or maintain it for an attack chain. The same way we swap weapons might be the better way to look at how to use this. SB provides more play options, not to just sit in it, similar to what weaver will be for ele.
I guess we will see soon, but that doesn’t sound exciting at all.
lb#4 + furious strength + twice as vicious.
i play mostly wvw and pve openworld and static spirits are a no use to me or anybody else. Keep in mind most of the player base don’t play raids or pvp with rangers.
For obvious reasons i need those to have the option to be mobile and that could work also as an weak alternative to glint rev.
Actives as ground target would be great also.
Spirits would need am small rework also, and traps i can’t think how to make those work just that they are so sad.
Scratch that:
rework trait trappers expertise to:
traps don’t reduce CD now. Traps apply revealed (3 secs) on trigger. (no need for more immob in the game it is already too much as it is now…). Traps now apply boons to the ranger for each enemy\ally hit.
all durations are 1 sec and 1 stack for application.
- healing spring apply regen and stability for each ally affected.
- Flame trap apply might and vigor.
- Viper nest apply fury and might.
- Spike trap apply protection and vigor.
- frost trap apply swiftness and protection.
Healing spring: reduce base healing in 50%. Now the area heal up to 5 allies 600(0.3)\sec and cleanse 1 condition sec. Reduce CD to 20 secs.
Flame trap needs to last longer: trap last 6 secs. burning per pulse 4 seconds. Increase effective radius to 300. CD 15 secs. Role is mainly offensive.
Viper nest: CD 20 secs. trap last 3 seconds. Increase poison duration to 8 seconds. 1 stack\sec the trap. Immob 1 1\2 seconds\pulse. Role is soft CC while apply poison to weaken enemies.
Spike trap: CD 30 secs. Trap has 3 pulses in 2 seconds interval. Trap apply Knock down 1 sec, 3 bleed for 10 secs each pulse. Role is hard CC and active deffense. To make this very visual the animation of the spikes coming up could be played each pulse, like traps in pve.
Frost trap: CD 25 secs. Increase effective radius to 300. Trap applies chilled and weakness (6 secs\pulse). 3 pulses interval 1 sec.
(edited by anduriell.6280)
serpent strike is terrible to hitting other players, i only use it when i’m immobilisized so i can evade the damage incoming. That skill needs a redesign so it can hit moving targets more reliably or bring another kind of utility instead just an extra evade.
Dagger what needs is a gap closer and an stun with the effects already in place. A gap closer in dagger 5 because otherwise the melee ranger lacks the mobility compared other classes like warrior, guard or almost anything. A ground target leap would be the best, we all like the staff exclusively because the reliable and precise mobility it gives.
It needs the stun because the melee ranger needs an stun as active deffense due to lack of blocks and very limited access to damage immunity. GS has it, LB has it, Axe OH almost has it.
I guess I’m just not seeing your point. if you want trait synergy for F1-F3, just take the BM line for reduced pet ability cooldowns (Pack Alpha). the SLB train line fills in the other gaps of the core ranger, such as unblockable attacks. in other words, we already have traits that synergize with the new e-spec mechanic, but theyre in vanilla.
I just think you and a few others are vastly underestimating our F1-F3 abilities. all of the F3’s are quite powerful, and many F2’s are OP…such as Defy Pain, Swoop, and a few others. You need to play around with the different pet combinations.
also, take a closer look at our stances. 3 are very powerful, and 2 are niche. there is a ton of synergy with our weapons.
lastly, you’re being completely biased and not looking at the weaknesses of the other e-specs (I’ve read all the posted trait lines).
Until next weekend we don’t know anything for sure, even then It can be nerfed/changed (look at lingering light) before even the release.
I get you are excited and probably new to the ranger but this white knigthing is tiresome. And there is no princess involve here.
I just ask for that. No need to get out and in, no need to change anything.
Give the actual CD to the unused F4 when in beast mode so we can’t spam it.
Guys, the wording on this trait has changed. Those of us who thought nothing was given back when removing the +300 toughness from the pet were wrong. At least, I believe so anyway.
The previous wording was “Your pet’s command [F2] ability” but after the patch it is “Nearby foes are blinded by Beast abilities.”. Each of the other traits that work with the F2 specifically state the “command [F2] ability”, so I believe this trait change will make it work with any beast skill while in Beastmode.
What do you think?
Beast abilities are the F2 command. I’m not sure if it includes also other skills from the pet other than the AA.
If they do the trait would be fine with the change.
There is an another new stats combinaison with main power & healing power and minor precision & condition damage.
Griever (i think is call that) is not coming until the expansion i think . In siren’s landing there is no recipes and such for it.
I’ve been trying to build around the new EB for WvW.
as far i can reach -65% condition duration, which is really bad if you don’t have any other means of cleansing. need the at least -50% / -50% in WvW like is PvE so we can get the cleansing done to be worth it.
Most of the skills for any class in WvW works as PVE version i don’t get why we can’t have that here.Also it would help a lot if the trait was also moved as if we go for EB the WS traitline doesn’t work well with any build. I don’t get why we keep that trait in there.
Where would you put it?
BM would be the best choice as it has the pet aspect into it. NM should be good as well although i’d prefer the spirits to be reworked so the water may cleanse conditions.
I theory crafted another build based into condition duration:
I think this one could work. Weapons set and sigils up to your choice.
What do you think?
(edited by anduriell.6280)
I’ve been trying to build around the new EB for WvW.
as far i can reach -65% condition duration, which is really bad if you don’t have any other means of cleansing.
We need the at least -50% / -50% in WvW like is PvE so we can get the cleansing done to be worth it.
Most of the skills for any class in WvW works as PVE version i don’t get why we can’t have that here.
Also it would help a lot if the trait was also moved as if we go for EB the WS traitline doesn’t work well with any build. I don’t get why we keep that trait in there.
(edited by anduriell.6280)
food and utility nerfs in boon duration will make that imposible. You always can go minstrels but then players will simply ignore you.
I’m going aggressive with pewpew marauders and it seems to work just fine as roa and in zergs (using staff as secondary weapon) . The actual improvement, the signet of the hunt + trait makes the ranger a pewpew machine. And when pets are fixed it should be fun to check the pewpew pet as well with unblockable. It is nice when all the enemy zerg lines up for your PBS.
Condi right now has gone down back to the toilet, all buffs have gone to power, and the harsh nerf in stability + cleanses + annoying weirds skills makes the ranger ridiculously difficult to use as melee as other classes seem to have a lot of more access to CC.
If we get back the 1200 range for SB maybe condi could make a comeback…
What nerfs? 16% from NM + 20% from dura rune + 33% from sigill are enough boon duration. You don’t need any gear/food.
I used to use:
Boon duration Food 5 20% (dumplins plus might on crit)
Bountiful Utility item 6 ~15% ( magnanimous oil )
6 ascended trinkets 20%
Ascended Weapon 8%
dura runes 20%
Total: permanent ~80% boon duration. i used to have 18 secs swiftness with WHaO which was nice for keeping the mobility/regen up .
And replaced concentration by a better sigil like air/fire/bloodlust/strength/malice/bursting/force instead.
Also you you could use any stat you want in your armor set like Dire, Zerker or Zealot.
Also you weren’t not locked into NM which is a boring bunker traitline.
BM + Shouts + runes of trooper + armor with concentration = ~75%
and you still could use SK or MM which would be fantastic now and keep the all time mobility.
Now you are telling me i’m locked into NM + concentration sigil to get the same results. In my opinion that’s so much worst.
(edited by anduriell.6280)
Change the topic of this thread to “Pets still not fixed”.
Don’t they have people at Anet that plays our class enough that they should be able to tell it’s still not working right??
i haven’t test it yet however in my experience a lot of developers are like it’s fixed enough when the problem it doesn’t seems easily fix (in like 5-10 mins to input 2 hours ).
The teleport to the target if that is happening probably has to do with the soulbeast. I think i saw in the videos when the SB separates from the pet, the pet is positioned at the foe’s position. Which is good for the SB but awful bad for any other aspect of the ranger.
Maybe the devs are trying to do good here improving the responsiveness of the pet making it teleport to target on swap but that’s something we didn’t ask and it can be a mix bag of feelings here .
But if it’s not the case, and the devs are just messing with the stow/reveal routine instead creating a new one for the soulbeast mode:
Is it that difficult instead using the stow/reveal rutine to copy/paste the relevant function and create a new method for the merging with the soulbeast?
Why the heck would they touch (and break) the stow/reveal routine from the ranger?
(edited by anduriell.6280)
Dolyak Stance won’t have a cast time and is actually a stunbreaker as well and removes immobilized and has a pretty good cooldown.
The downside is that you’d have to buy the expansion. Which is stupid.
Anyone who wanted to stay competitive in pvp/wvw would have bought it anyway. What happened with HoT is going to happen again. This balance pass was them setting up the pins.
Hell, SB looks like it’s going to be very solid performance-wise and a lot of fun to play besides that. I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t buy the expansion. It’s even 20 bucks less than HoT was and looks like it will have a lot more content.
we don’t know anything, i’m amaze the people sings the same song as two years ago with the druid.
IMO Soulbeast is going to be useless And you know why? because it will be an spec which will need to play like the thief actually does now but without all the mobility and stealth that class has. So mark my words: i pretty sure soulbeast will a be another disappointment.So let’s focus in what we have now: core ranger is without stability and that’s wrong. If team irenio wants to remove the stability the class should go for the original archer design.
It can’t be that we have to get ridiculous close with the shortbow or the axe but we don’t have any access to stability. And i can swear the CC has gone thru the roof with this patch with all the new condis.
I’m marking your words. Is three months after release a good time to check on these statements?
lets say 6, it was the time it lasted with the druid.
IMO Soulbeast is going to be useless And you know why? because it will be an spec which will need to play like the thief actually does now but without all the mobility and stealth that class has. So mark my words: i pretty sure soulbeast will a be another disappointment.
Why would a core ranger perform better than a Soulbeast?
Why would you compare Soulbeast’s gameplay to a Thief?
Just curious.thats just what he does. all of his posts are irrational whines.
Yup, i’m not the one who is repeating like a parrot something is going to be good although nobody could test it yet, . And although we know the beta will show a op spec i know better than expect it to last long.
Which either case doesn’t invalidate the core profession is totally locked into WK if you want to play competitive, no build diversity i see.
look here is a cookie for being good boi…
Now that protection gives you additional regen and shout builds got a few nerfs, we will see a
whole new level of C A N C E R in WvW.You mean something other than Trailblazer condi?
Condi is probably still crap. Maybe with Soulbeast it could work.
What I’m referring to is a tanky boon-regen-kiting build that could work very well for roaming. A very boring playstyle that Anet seems to like…I’m not saying that the other buffs/nerfs were bad. I can think of a quite few new builds that could work aswell. But having access to perma protection gives you an additional 330 HP regen per second (WITHOUT HEALING POWER) seems pretty powerful. Needs some testing ouf course.
food and utility nerfs in boon duration will make that imposible. You always can go minstrels but then players will simply ignore you.
I’m going aggressive with pewpew marauders and it seems to work just fine as roa and in zergs (using staff as secondary weapon) . The actual improvement, the signet of the hunt + trait makes the ranger a pewpew machine. And when pets are fixed it should be fun to check the pewpew pet as well with unblockable. It is nice when all the enemy zerg lines up for your PBS.
Condi right now has gone down back to the toilet, all buffs have gone to power, and the harsh nerf in stability + cleanses + annoying weirds skills makes the ranger ridiculously difficult to use as melee as other classes seem to have a lot of more access to CC.
If we get back the 1200 range for SB maybe condi could make a comeback…
I’ kinda tired of repeating the same every time: EB must go away from WS trait line.
Simply it can’t compete with Survival Skills in any situation. We need that trait to actually be useful and cleanse/transfer/whatever and it must be in another trait line.
right now if you want to cleanse your only choice is WS.
This is a complete disaster. Seriously the balance team should begin to play their own game…. But well what can you expect from someone which ship an update which breaks the ranger in the most obvious way (and i’m talking about the pets…. 3 days and no fix yet)
Yep it’s game breaking bug. What i don’t understand is why it is not fixed already….
this may just be the last straw for me. May not be that needed for the most of you, but considering how many times I can usually get back up to 90-100 every minute, it meant the most for my roamer. Been a dumb, downhill, degrading few years for main rangers. All my accounts, some hot, will now be resting in peace… Cess…
The new trait is good, but you have to invest in healing power. You can’t go now full marauder.
Not everyone has the same typical playing scenario, seven. I’m absolutely sure you can imagine a situation where you’re in combat for well over 1 minute. And since you can’t choose what conditions are removed via passive nor active condi clears, removing 1 stack of vuln covering 10 stacks of bleeding is useful. In that hypothetical situation, the old SoR removes the vuln so you can clear the damaging condition with a light field blast, saving your condi wipes for more emergency situations.
There is no reason to post so aggressively because you prefer the new SoR. Everyone has a different experience.
here i have to agree with fluuf. The nerfs to the signets have been atrocious.
I would like more for the balance team to simply had given us more ways to play the game. Instead they decided to put all the cleanses in one GM so we are definitely locked there with the new condi meta. Only access to stability in one skill in the hole class. And let see if they can fix the pets in a timely manner.
Such a disaster of balance patch.
Dolyak Stance won’t have a cast time and is actually a stunbreaker as well and removes immobilized and has a pretty good cooldown.
The downside is that you’d have to buy the expansion. Which is stupid.
Anyone who wanted to stay competitive in pvp/wvw would have bought it anyway. What happened with HoT is going to happen again. This balance pass was them setting up the pins.
Hell, SB looks like it’s going to be very solid performance-wise and a lot of fun to play besides that. I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t buy the expansion. It’s even 20 bucks less than HoT was and looks like it will have a lot more content.
we don’t know anything, i’m amaze the people sings the same song as two years ago with the druid.
IMO Soulbeast is going to be useless And you know why? because it will be an spec which will need to play like the thief actually does now but without all the mobility and stealth that class has. So mark my words: i pretty sure soulbeast will a be another disappointment.
So let’s focus in what we have now: core ranger is without stability and that’s wrong. If team irenio wants to remove the stability the class should go for the original archer design.
It can’t be that we have to get ridiculous close with the shortbow or the axe but we don’t have any access to stability. And i can swear the CC has gone thru the roof with this patch with all the new condis.
Lesser QZ does indeed work with WK. so when you swap pets, you get instant 2-condi cleanse. if you swap to a bear, you get a near-instant 4-condi wipe, which is not bad.
edit: holy kitten, i didnt see Soften the Fall includes the use of a healing skill. with WK traited, now you can wipe condis with WHaO >.<
Mmmm what?
We are still locked down into WS but that doesn’t sound bad.
i read the notes (as im in eu and i can’t play yet) and they seem mostly a massive nerf to the ranger survivavility:
- nerf bark skin
- nerf SoR
- Instinctive Reaction
- Natural Healing
- Companion’s Might
- Predator’s Instinct
- empathic bond
with various buffs i see them really meh except the one for SoH.
Is that all?
do we have just WS trait and survival utility to cleanse conditions?
No spirits? not traps?
You have to be smart in wvw if go to travel around, you just can go blind into that ganking group (which call themselves roamers) and not to expect to be ganked. Either you have the right to complain, the map is big with different routes, use the smarts to avoid unfair situations.
I roa solo alone 60% of the time. I get ganked or surprise gank every now and then. Is it annoying? It is. But mostly because those gank squads are usually composed by maraurder thieves, trailblazer mesmers or thieves and alike. Fighting against broken cheesy is never fun.
But if you use the map, keep an eye for possible gan.. i mean roamer groups, you’ll have a lot of fun. It is surprisingly rewarding when you alone cap a tower because the zerg is busy somewhere else.
And just out of curiosity.. But i’m pretty sure all those who defend ganking is alright are thieves or mesmers mains. Just saying, it sounds like it….
but do we know for sure it will affect the ranger?
I agree with the majority of what Shadelang has said, it is well said, but he left out an important point. A well played Ranger/Druid is amazing to watch and insanely frustrating to fight. We have all the tools at our disposal, you just need to learn how to use them effectively, as he said, few take the time since you can also play it as a brainless bearbow bot.
I love playing Minstrel Druid healer in WvW, in open field it is not awesome, you won’t get lots of bags, but it really comes into it’s own when you are trying to bash open a gate, you are virtually invincible, you can put down some very serious PBAoE heals, tons of long Regeneration applications at near 500/s heal and condi removals on those operating the rams and then when pushing though the choke.
Do a good job and people will notice.
Heim you don’t need to go full minstrels to do that. You only need to have around 800 healing power, staff and regen from shouts.
When designers play “Attached” effects on a creature, the effect is actually rotated 180 degrees the wrong way due to a code bug. So artists and designers would manually rotate the effect to work. But since there are already thousands of attached effects, fixing this bug would break all of those effects.
Granted, with some work you could probably make a clever python script to find all references to all attached effects and manually do some kind of fixup along with the patch, but it will still break for people working in different code streams than the main one that you do your fixes in.
If the code can do operations with the name from the effect, just use a prefix to detect the ones don’t need to be rotated so artists and designers no need to spend additional time rotating those effects when they design new ones. Something intuitive like fix_name_resource should be enough. if you handle only numbers just put something is not used.
So if you detect the new prefix in the name of the animation you apply the fixed code otherwise you apply the old flow. Because the name of the of the resource should be something they should be able to define it can be all handled transparently by them.
(edited by anduriell.6280)
Yeah it’s already been heavily discussed.
A few things though:
Merged mode is on a toggle, so you can camp merged mode, while dead or alive you need to build up the Berserk Mode, so there are ‘counters’ to that, while the Soulbeast ‘equivalent’, can’t counter that other than try to kill to proc it and kill again
Also, the 90s is from the PvP area, it’s highly possible it has a different CD or Effect or Coefficients in PvE
I do agree that if it IS the final version for all game modes, it’s a little underwhelming… With that CD, I’d add some 2 stacks, 3s stab, and maybe 1.5s Resistance or something
Shprtening the ICD to 60s would be good actually. Dead or alive has half the ICD but a berserker can be in Berserker mode very fast and often. Which is more or less half the uptime beastmode has.
^this. Increase the healing part to a roughly 5-6k so the player may have time to react and that could work.
I don’t think anything else would be needed and could make a great addition for a roaming build.
I am not. I have my reservations about how it will work. I’m afraid after the firsts months of nerfs it will end up being a subpar and underwhelming class which players will keep tweaking to make it playable like it did happen to the Druid.
After the balance due next week depending on the final competitiveness of the core ranger I will see if I’m allowing myself to be excited.
Could you please turn the drood’s pet back into the pet it was? It’s not ok, if the main dmg source is not the player itself, but the bot pet.
Yep that happens because the source of damage from the druid is the pet, that’s how that class work in pvp. And even then those pets can be perfectly ignored as they damage is about 900 per impact without boons. When it connects because most pets can’t even hit a moving player.
This sums up to be a a serious L2P issue from the Op. Just asking myself out of curiosity if this is not more than a pro raider trying out wvw and found out it’s not as easy as pve mobs. Or a baddie theef which got eaten by a porcine or something like that.
Next please.
We’re still missing info on a 4th stance, aren’t we? Realization I had.
Which instance? I think we got the info of all 5.
Using voice to text? From microsoft or google? And show those messages as /say or /squad so it can be seen visually? Or would it be too much clutter?
Well, the fact that the ranger doesn’t have a pet near him is enough to tell he’s activated soulbeast
Here’s the thing, though. If that Soulbeast is hiding in a zerg, I don’t have the time to search through a sea of other players for its pet. Visual transparency is important here.
Just like the Glint aura beneath Heralds. Yeah, it can be annoying and even an eyesore, but it’s important to see for others to know without having to click on that person.
The player sees it and can automatically tell, and it becomes more apparent in larger groups when it’s harder to discern differences.
if the core ranger is in a zerg you will not see the pet or even if it’s from him anyhow. Probably you even won’t be able to see the ranger period.
Then you look for the indicator in the status bar where it tells you if he is going offensive, deffensive or any combination anet decided to implement. We get that fancy indicator in the status bar nowadays.
Either way there is no need for the eyesore effect pemanently. And we will have yet to see if some effects like increased movement speed will not be linked to soulbeast mode. Will you be happy to enjoy that fantastic screen clutter aura in JP in pve? all the time because you need the speed? Will others?
It’s 50% shared duration. Not 100%. I’m going against the notion of increasing it to 100%, let alone the shared radius from 360 to 600.
Just keep in mind this when 6 months after the release we will be whining about the underwhelming instances. I’m seeing them already lacklustre and i haven’t played with them yet.
just saying.. but did you realise SB doesn’t have any access to swiftness or a movement skill? remember we won’t have access to celestial stride anymore.
Go back to the lacklustre signet of the hunt? This is going to be terrible in a thief d/d like gameplay…
We’ve been requesting that for the whole time with revenant, with this ugly pink aura on the floor, and annoying sound it produces. Guess what ? It’s still in game.
I’m glad to see glint’s meta go just because of that particular reason.
I just hope they won’t do the same mistake with soulbeast :/Reducing the aura size, possibly. Otherwise, keep the aura as persistent as long as Beastmode is activated. It’s a tell to other players and should be kept that way.
Well, the fact that the ranger doesn’t have a pet near him is enough to tell he’s activated soulbeast
near him or eating your lungs.. one or another is a clear indicator the soulbeast is in soul beast mode.