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[WvW] Pets for Melee GS, S/A

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


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[WvW] Pets for Melee GS, S/A

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


If we are talking about WvW then the perfect combination is drake/spider
Drake is a tanky pet that against zergs can stand alive enough to drop the f2.
Spiders does have a a longer immobilise and a ranged attack.

Birds are just useless: too weak and the swiftness is mostly useless as well. The bird spend like a couple of seconds doing that when actually would be better attacking.

Cats are good dps but also too glassy. They die too fast, even before 4 each the target.
Bears.. please don’t. The brown bear first run towards the target and then do the F2. So only good when you are in melee and nothing more. Dps is a really really bad.

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Roaming Rangers Nowadays

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Well all this ranger setups are not wrong, but aren’t efficient either.

Dude just go with 6 2 6 0 0 build and make sure you get yourself
~ reflex
~ signet of stone…
~ 3rd utility is optional HUNT/RENEWAL/MUD
~ ELITE RAO ( dont bother taking Entangle, every person that is not kittened will simply dodge or stealth to avoid it)..

Let me explain why mud terrain is ok, but not so awesome as every one advertise it as viable, every skill that ranger has is basically CASTING from 3/4 and up to 2 seconds. It’s so easy to break rangers combination. so i always avoid mud terrain, i rather have 25% speed and 150% extra damage on your pet, it’s is just insane, who ever will get close to you, will either get feared or stomped hard. 3rd utility is always nice to have rune as Hunt Or Renewal.
If you decide to take Renewal for condi removal, you can change wilderness XI rune for XII to get 50% reduced damage when under 25% HP.

And almost always use Troll Unguent. when you drop below 80-85%. I almost don’t use heal as one, because i benefit more from TU then Heal as One, because when you take 50% HP damage to heal up again it’s mostly to late already.

Key of this build is s/d, you’ll be very very squishy with this build, but on the other hand u’ll be extremely pain in the kitten because you can dodge and kite every incoming damage if you can time it correctly.

Enjoy and feel free to kick some butts

You have like 40% crit chance… Would be better to mix soldier/berseker armor set to avoid been so glass?? The 201% ferocity will not do much in this cases…

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Build all in one for WvW & PVE

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Hi i’ve got this new build following the advises in other thread i posted some time ago.
Because the improvements i began using the torch that proved reliable now.

What do you think?
Isn’t great a powerbuild that at the same time is a tanky one???

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new to with ranger vs a theif

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


I can’t say about the PvP specifics, i don’t like that mode. But in WvW i use LB and SW + Torch.

If your problem is you get killed fast because of condis try to use a tanky build. I would advise some condition clear also.
Otherwise usually is when the thieves use almost permanent stealth. For that Barrage + Bonfire will keep them at bay.
I would tell you to use sic’em but actually because in WvW usually you realize too late your are fighting against a thief i wouldn’t recommend.

For that a Pew Pew build with more than 17K hitpoints should suffice to take down a thief.

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Pew pew Ranger eliminates most build choices

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


To be honest, ranger is just really unbalanced in 1v1’s. The quality of the ranger depends alot on the enemy build, for example gs warriors/thieves/dd ele can easily use gapcloser skills to get close, however there are also alot of builds/classes that do not have such ability, for example caster ele’s and powernecro’s, apart from the fact that the ranger often hits atleast 25% off the enemy his HP before he is able to react. Then when the ranger is still at 100% hp and 1900 range he is able to burn down the enemy before he can even attack incase he’s squishy builded.

I’m not claiming that ranger is OP in any way, i’m just saying that whenever a class gets an unfair advantage, in this case a very long range, it can be frustrating for enemy classes when they get beaten by some1 abusing this unfair advantage. It’s the same reason why we all hate thieves :P

You are wrong. At everything.
Make a ranger and be happy.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
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Is the ranger good?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


The ranger is still not wanted in any group like dungeons, fratals. Not because the bearbows, but because the class has no support. With other classes you can give some support with ranger you can’t althought there are skills for that they are broken.


It’s called offensive support. FrostSpotter is the second highest flat damage buff your party can get, and the ranger is more than viable for dungeon and fractal runs.

All the other classes do “offensive” support. But they do it better plus they provide real support to the group. Even without the frost spirit they do much more damage than the ranger.
What good is the ranger for then when you can have in that spot an ele or engie?

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Is the ranger good?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Actually you could level up any class in a week within WvW

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Pew pew Ranger eliminates most build choices

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


I know you. You re the warrior who kept saying that eviscerate is fair. Enjoy getting stomped by a ranger man. Next time use your OP eviscerate

Well obviously you don’t know me as I have nevered stated anything about eviscerate…but lets compare eviscerate to this. Does it track through stealth? Nope. Can you hit people from max range? Nope. Does rapid fire require you to engage a target for an extended battle to build up energy to use it? Nope. How many dodges stop an eviscerate? 1 How many stop a rapid fire 3. If I get out of range of a warriar can they use it? Nope Can I get out of range of a ranger…. Nope

So really thanks for showing common ignorance and allowing be to rofl stomp you in this post to demonstrate the lack of counter arguement you made.

I am really feeling good about this post! Thanks!

Oh come on people, are we again with this? Do the rangers go to your sub forums to kitten about the clones or eviscerate?? Seriously if you got owned by a ranger you are very bad/noob player. Realize that and overcome your own limitations.

Now. I see a lot of threads saying “Ranger OP this” “Ranger OP that” mostly from players from other classes that got owned by a ranger. Pleasssseee as the guardian stated is really easy to avoid Rapid fire. Maybe not all of it, but what do you want, to be immune to damage? Isn’t that too lazy?

Ranger is a class unbalanced that’s right. To the hard side. The ranger class after the necros is one of the most difficult to play in PvP and WvW.
We already stated that Pve is dead easy, and even in that case, rangers have it harder than the other classes. Dry Top and Silver Wastes is especially difficult for the ranger while for my guardian is like walk through the park.

Ranger actually would need more burst damage skills like the class is intended, to became actually an attack (not necessary melee) class. Right now is in the middle of everything and nothing does it right.
It has burst damage but the eles and thiefs are better by far. It does dps with the sword but then again guard and warrior overcome the ranger by far.
It does some stealth but thief and mesmer are much more better than the ranger.

So at the end ranger is, again after the necro, the most difficult class to play in GW2 because it falls short in all categories.

I know that you play warrior and you want only an “smash all buttons game”, but that wasn’t intended by Anet. And the rangers mechanics tend to balance that.
You just can not go straight like a bull (I’ve kill some guardians that way.. ) and you have to be aware what kind of enemy you are playing against. Other players are not NPC you know….

If you want any proof of this I’m saying just think on this: There is not any ranger within the higher ranks in PvP or WvW. That should suffice.

So then again, before post this kind of things that are just so repetitive and boring AND everyody knows that you are someone owned by a ranger you should play and level up a ranger. THEN you will understand and actually appreciate when a ranger is capable to kill a warrior. Even a PewPew Ranger.

Most of the times would be like the guardian said: they will kill themselves.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
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Dual Wield Longbows

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


If you combine the two longbows into a single greatbow, you should be able to shoot bears.

Think about it:
- wut? lol dude, bearbows aren’tAAAAAIIIIIIEEEE!!!!

This could actually be a legit idea for a legendary! Who wants pansy ponies when you can have bears mauling peoples faces!

Better YET! When welding a longbow and a bear as a pet we should be able to shoot the bear with the bow!!!

So at least the bear could get to one enem and do some damage before became usseless again!!!!

So then when someone says something like “Meh a bearbow..” you can do a bear to their face!!

Also the sword#1 AA should take longer when the kick. M.Bay showed us tha we love slow motion when the kicks. So slow motion should be. And the sword #3 should do like 3 rotations around the target, just to be sure it get dizzy enough.

Of course GS#2 should be longer as well. So we can appreciate the bear animation. Like 3 seconds long should be enough for everyone to see.

Any more ideas? we should send Anet an email with this suggestions for the next patch!!

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Read the Wind vs Armor Piercing

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


My Ranger is your typical glass cannon build. All zerker gear, Runes of the Ranger, Long Bow/Great Sword etc… My build is mainly for Long Bow with the increased range but instead of Read the Wind I have been using Armor Piercing.

What I like about this is that during WvW I can deal a boat load of damage to multiple targets (granted it would be nice if they all lined up in a row for me). I did try Read the Wind but I wasn’t impressed by it. Am I missing something? Can someone tell me if I should revisit my thinking on this.

I agree with most it is said here.
My mix is Eagle Eye + Piercing. With LB#2 and air/fire sigil you can have som fun againts Zergs.
Because you are far from the battle itself you wont be noticied until you download your Lb#2 most of the times. If you shoot it at a zerg is glorius to see so many numbers.

High cricts is mandatory over 70%.

To avoid being killed by retaliation Troll unguent + omnoberry pie should sufice. Also try to have at least 17K life to avoid being too glassy. We don’t have many heals and clearing conditions.

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I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Is the ranger good?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Hey everyone, I was wondering with all the patches, is the ranger a viable class for pve, pvp, and wvw or is it still not up to par on what it could be and people still don’t allow them into dungeons and etc.

Well that depends.
The ranger is still not wanted in any group like dungeons, fratals or PvP. Not because the bearbows, but because the class has no support. With other classes you can give some support with ranger you can’t althought there are skills for that they are broken.

In PVE with any class you will be fine. The enemy AI is as dumb as our pets, so most of the time you will only need to use the LB (And that’s why a lot of new rangers only know to use the LB, because there is not need to learn to use melee weapons in PVE)

In WvW at least (i don’t play PvP with the ranger) you’ll need the suport. The class lacks sustain damage, healing and suport. There are skills for that but they are broken like ours pets.

Spirits are too nerfed to be usefull. The trait to make traps to use ground target is broken. Shouts too nerfed as well and very lond CD. Even our weapons skills are broken like the sword.

Yes you can make up for all this broken mechanics, but you have to really like the ranger. Othrwise i would advise you to use other class, for example playing with a guard is lke playing in easy mode compared to ranger (although the guards ranged weapon is very “weak” compared to the sustain 2k damage you can do with the guard and greatsword + perma healing by trait + skills).

If you are planing to play with a ranger within a team i would say no,the rager is still broken.

Otherwise the class is ok if you like to play hard mode.

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(edited by anduriell.6280)

Sword Auto attack

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Im new to the game, what do I need to do to learn to play with the sword?

Turn auto attack off from the game options. Learn how to use your #2 and #3 skills. One is almost instant, the other has 1 second delay. Learn boss animations to know when they’ll hit.

Im new to the game, what do I need to do to learn to play with the sword?

To avoid it. Although you won’t be able to comply so.
Sword is the best DPS weapon for ranger IMO. But the leap and the lock animation is simply really annoying.
Most of the times you will realise that you can’t even MOVE AROUND your target when you are in sword AA. I’m not saying even roll just MOVING. Welcome to the static fight where the only thing you can do is watch the monitor.

And the LEAP is the most annoying thing. If for any mysterious reason you are in the leap stage of the AA and your auto target system choose another target than intended, and that happens a lot because the double click most of the times is unresponsive in this situations, you are going to have a hard time traveling fast and far away from your target.
LEAP is a great skill as long as you have control of it. I would change SW#3 for LEAP anytime. The same leap don’t need even to change the skill.

The LOCK animation with the SW AA is just an insult. Anet stated a lot of times that the combat should be dynamic where the players should be able to dodge and move around to be victorious. SW AA just breach that game policy becoming an static and boring combat.

But because is the best melee weapon the ranger has you will be bound to use it. So welcome to our broken class.

Your inability to play with the sword or move around with it, does not make the weapon or the class broken. If there are people who are doing fine with it, maybe that should tell you to learn how to deal with it. Sword has evade attacks in 2 out of three skills. Coupled with 2 dodge rolls are more than enough to evade any boss attacks. Throw a dagger for the extra #4 evade, and it becomes easymode/thief-like evade spammer.

Also, you CAN move around with it. You can use #3 to move behind the boss, or #2 take a step forward, and #2 again, which will also move you behind the boss. (Not that there are any PvE encounters where you need to run in circles around bosses anyways…..)

Maybe i’m not an expert but probably i have a couple of hundred of hours with the sword. So yes, those “tricks” you are sharing with me are apreciated but already known.
The problem with the lock animation is you character is unresponsive when you hit SW#2 or #3 when in AA. You ahve the same responsivness with your ranger in those moments as you have with the F2-F3 for our pets.

If you disable AA you will have to wait until the 2 chained skill goes away what makes you loose DPS and that with the ranger is a death sentece. Once you get in the animation chain there is nothing to do but watch.

This make moving around, dodge or executing any other skill unresponsible having you to wait up to 1 second to be able to execute the command, making you hit the skiil button like mad if you don’t want to miss the oportunity window.
You can watch your animations to know when to hit the skill button but that works 65% of the time.

As i said this class has most of the skills broken beyond usability, making to play the ranger even more difficult that actually should be.

Playing with a guard for example is an easy mode game comparing with the ranger.

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more melee options?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


What!? Trappers are out now?

I’m honestly asking, I’ve been in and out the game, I remembered it being pretty strong on PVP and WVW, on PVE… the cap on conditions…

Sorry, AND TRAPPERS. Traps are awesome, although there are a lot of problems with Trapper’s Expertise trait that fires before touching ground messing up the stealth but traps is also a way to go for the melee ranger.
You see, this class is completely broken, all the skills has bugs and issues that break their usability.

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I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Are you going to buy HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Willing to buy but first i’d like to experience/see what the community says about HoT. If is exactly the same all than Gw2 then no.

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I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Why i 'quit' and can HoT bring me back...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: anduriell.6280


I will never understand why people think publicly announcing their departure deserves attention.

its feedback. If i would be a dev i would actually welcome this (heck i dunno about a-net but atleast I would)…cause i sorta can see what people like and dislike and can collect that info to have something to work with. Sure…1 guy leaving the game or complaining about a certain issue is like a water drop on a hot stone, but lets say (seriosly random number) 500 people “complain” about the same thing you will start to see a pattern that can\could be used as a guideline for the future. A well written and explained “im leaving” topic is just as valuable like a suggestion reply in a CDI imo. Also you can easily skip these topics by just not looking at them

I guarantee you no dev is going to read 3 essays worth of “I’m quitting” thread.

No, that’s why exists the job of helpdesk/consultants. He/she should be the one that decides if there is an actually something to send over the developers.
I’m a dev as well and this kind of input is very valuable, to detect bugs and misconfigurations but also to improve the program. Some people even could give hints to improve the software that could lead to the company’s growth.

Not having anyone to fill that role and ignoring this kind of topics will lead your company to the same point that WoW stands now.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Fix pets

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


I can’t find many pets, seems that ANet have deleted most of them.

No just put some effort into it and you will find them, nothing in this world is free.

To send us for an scavenger hunt and be rewarding shouldn’t be so limited ranged of pets skins to choose from. I mean pet skins because most of the pets are actually the same with same animations, they difference just when they are different families.
Anet could have given us a lot of more pets to choose from it’s not like they could make an actual difference anyway. Also because of the poor mechanics they have shouldn’t take too much to add new pets to the pool.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Let's Speculate: Role of Druid?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Sic’em works, you just need to apply it before the target goes in stealth, it also has 2000 ranger. LB3 apply stealth only when the arrow stuck the target, much like C&D.

Thank you saving me to suffer that skill. So Sic’em DOES NOT work.
Having to use it BEFORE the target uses stealth when the skill is for REVEAL stealthed targets is just the definition of broken.

Your mistake, the skill is not ment to reveal, always read the skills carefully guys, it say REVEALED, which is an effect:

Revealed “ You cannot stealth." — In-game description.

Ok, so this shout is less than useless. Could be a waste of a precious skill slot as well.
6 secs of “ You cannot stealth." it is just a joke for the perm-stealth thieves (the only class that actually uses stealth).

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
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Why i 'quit' and can HoT bring me back...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: anduriell.6280


@Pandaman, seeing these things are decided upon not by one random Anet Employee I did not snipe, but i will admit that by that sentence my frustration/disappointment of these thing was reaching emotional levels… but also, i wouldn’t know how else to formulate that part…

That is why I ended my feedback the way I did, i have already ventured into some other MMO’s and some show clear lack in certain area’s. It may well be that GW2 is ‘the best’ MMO out there in regards to what i want in an MMO, this would mean i would not have to settle for less than ‘the best’ but i would have to settle for what ‘the best’ entices.

Actually this is a problem with the core mechanics of the actual MMOs. Because they use the same “respawn at the same place” mechanics they encourage the players to farm.
Because the content it’s actually fully scripted once is being done it misses the excitement of the first time. So when you’ve done once they only thing that could make you go back is to promise more prices.
This always degenerate to lazy players that only are looking to maximizing the reward intead enyoing the game. Perfect example of this we have it with triple trouble, if the encounter seems a little bit hard the players will dissapear going for easier world bosses.With this roten mechanics the first to leave are the core players. Then eventually the casual players stop loging in to end up with the farming players leaving because there is not enough player base to get the bigger rewards.
I think because of the “loggin in rewards” we are in the second stage already.

As i pointed a couple of times in the forum already i think this is an easy task to fix. In HoT making the morden enemies to behave like an actual army, leting an RTS engine to take over the morden. Instead making them respawn, let the RTS to make the units in the forts and make them travel to conquer other locations.
To giv addional deepness to the world the same engine should handle over the allies. So there could be like an actual fight between factions where the player can take part and feel like he is playing in an actual living world.

Not any more spawning, if you clear a zone is nice to see it cleared for some time, like an special reward especially if your help make possible for the allies to stablish a fort or advanced outpost.
The events should be linked to a mobile enemy, not to a place like are now. So players could get involved with the NPCs for information of the whereabouts of some kind of enemy or be called in help to deffend a city under siege.

That’s about history progressing. About the players the ability to customize the skills in sort of variety that could be learnt or adquired not only as utilities but also different weapons skills.

This would ask more involvement from the programming departament but also could give a new oportunities for the gem store. Instead useless outfits and minis, who wouldn’t like to have an skills with diferent apperance so your character not only would be unique with the looks but also within combat?

Same as the skins the could sell skills with the same effects as other that could be learned but with a differents skin.

For all of this i only see good things and the only drawback is that they would have to get actually involved with all the team to make this possible.

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I’m all in for Team Irenio!

(edited by anduriell.6280)

more melee options?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


A lot of people have been hoping for hammers because of GW1. Thematically I think that’s a bit weird since we’re supposed to be these dexterous scout type fighters, but then again we also have a 12 foot long 2-handed sword option.

My guess is the staff will be AoE. I’m not sure why people don’t think rangers have support, it just needs to be traited for. Full spirits was the PvP meta for a very long time, and we also have pet boons, “Guard!”, spotter, MT, etc.

After the nerfing within the spirits they become completely useless. Shouts with the right traits could be nice in paper (there is Master trait that gives regeneration + swiftness with every single shout). Unfortunately the healing is too low and the shouts CD is too high for the effect they give. Also most of them are broken.

It’s proven that right now the only playable builds for ranger are signets and survival. Any other is just people talking while they don’t play anymore with the ranger or they play only static world bosses.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Let's Speculate: Role of Druid?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Sic’em works, you just need to apply it before the target goes in stealth, it also has 2000 ranger. LB3 apply stealth only when the arrow stuck the target, much like C&D.

Thank you saving me to suffer that skill. So Sic’em DOES NOT work.
Having to use it BEFORE the target uses stealth when the skill is for REVEAL stealthed targets is just the definition of broken.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

more melee options?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Most probably the staff will be a replacement of the longbow. Looks like they will cut down the range, and by the video it looks like an energy blast (damage) .
My bet is that druid will be a support class, that the ranger lacks of.

If you are looking for a pure melee class, Why don’t you try a warrior or guardian?

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Sword Auto attack

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Im new to the game, what do I need to do to learn to play with the sword?

To avoid it. Although you won’t be able to comply so.
Sword is the best DPS weapon for ranger IMO. But the leap and the lock animation is simply really annoying.
Most of the times you will realise that you can’t even MOVE AROUND your target when you are in sword AA. I’m not saying even roll just MOVING. Welcome to the static fight where the only thing you can do is watch the monitor.

And the LEAP is the most annoying thing. If for any mysterious reason you are in the leap stage of the AA and your auto target system choose another target than intended, and that happens a lot because the double click most of the times is unresponsive in this situations, you are going to have a hard time traveling fast and far away from your target.
LEAP is a great skill as long as you have control of it. I would change SW#3 for LEAP anytime. The same leap don’t need even to change the skill.

The LOCK animation with the SW AA is just an insult. Anet stated a lot of times that the combat should be dynamic where the players should be able to dodge and move around to be victorious. SW AA just breach that game policy becoming an static and boring combat.

But because is the best melee weapon the ranger has you will be bound to use it. So welcome to our broken class.

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I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Druids! Skills/utilities you'd like to see

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Nah, most probably they will get rid of the longbow because the community complains, and give more support and sustain abilities. New fantastic weapon will be staff.

It is still missing the classic support class “healer” so i guess druid will be that one. That’s not actually bad, the druid could use the pet to avoid direct fight against aggro or other players while shots support spells all the time. Although i hope the fix the shameful pet’s A.I. before that.

If they do this the pet has to be an enemy to have in consideration not like now that is just a joke at best.
If not this will be a complete failure.

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What i would love this expansion to be

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Maybe it’s a little bit late for this but id like to share how this game could improve a lot.
First talking about living world. Right now the game is fine, has the standard system of respawn plus updates in maps. That’s fine for a grinding farming mmo but when i brought this game i was hopping for more.
The enemies, at least the smart ones, should work as a unit. In a similar way than a RTS engine works, the enemy should have cities and forts where it obtain new units. Then send them in groups, small or big, to different objetives: patrol an area, conquest another location, create new forts so they can keep expanding.
Events should be linked to an enemy instead to a place, so players should begin to listen the rumors of the NPCs, and actually interacting with the game. Then they should look for more people to defeat this enemy will also help to create guilds and make a better experience.

For this all cities in the expansion should be able to be destroyed the same as in WvW, although not so fast. So the enemy could send siege troops and th players would have days or even weeks to defend the location, failing would destroy it and became an enemy one.
Players could aling wit one side or another, being possible then even to have wars between players withing the PVE enviroment.

I’d like the skills and weapon skills to be customizable. They player could be able to change the the skills for another ones learnt or brough so i could customice the way i play in the game. Maybe using the same system as traits works now.
This would open the door to give the players new skills from the gem store, same effects as an existing free one that th player could learn but cooler animation (skin).

So with this we could get two things: A massive real living world where the players will find always new challenges and an hability to customize our characters to fit our game style making them really unique.

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New Necro Minion models

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: anduriell.6280


mmm… i think the specialitation will get rid of the minions so don’t count with it. Actually they are having problems with too many objects in the game at the same time (minis hidden due raising player population anyone? ) so this new specitalitations will fix that.
“You want a GreatSword? So give up your minions and wee give you an strong attack. "

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Let's Talk About: Specializations

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: anduriell.6280


I think within druid they will add more sustain and group support to the ranger. That class is seriously lacking that abilities.
However i’m not convinced with this new system.

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how can you guys stand it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: anduriell.6280


just yesterday I had an opportunity to GvG one of the top 5 guilds in the game, [SYN]Syndictive, and in the first round their necros dropped 7 of my 15 players, in less than 10 seconds. I’m fairly certain it was only the necros, because it was instantaneous, and it hurt like hell. Elementalist damage takes time to ramp up, (ice spike, meteor shower, eruption)their melee was moving away from us, and we were melting. We got baited into a well bomb, and it was GG.

For your description i’m pretty sure it wasn’t the necros. Most probably eles with some help from the necro to add some condis/fear, but necro can’t take out anything that fast.

Seriously guys, when will you stop giving excuses for a poor developed class and lack of interest from Anet to fix it?

I play with a necro, ranger and guardian and the first two are cleary undeveloped. It seems the resources available in Anet are dedicated to create a new outfit for the gem store instead giving this class an spin. And we got unfinished classes in beta stage.

Indeed if you are an experienced player and know how to “reposition” (AKA play better than) you will kill noobs. We are talking same skill players, you are dead against any other class, even the ranger and believe me, that class isn’t that great.

Even after the nerfs to the guardian that class is much more viable to play with than the necro. If i would be in the place of Anet i would do a reshape all the skills tree and classes same as they did before, when the changed all the skill trees.
Hell, even i wouldn’t mind to have to start from scratch with new clases if that is what it takes for get them fixed.

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(edited by anduriell.6280)

Return of the Spirit Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Unfortunately i used to play this build before swap to pewpew ranger. I kept using it after the nerfs for some time, you can see a couple of my post around asking why the spirits became so crappy. So i guess i lived the pain of thinking of me as a bunker when my foe is as experienced as me.
About the nerfs on might i wouldn’t be so sure it will help the spirits. The problem of this skills is that they are too nerfed, so much that they are not good at all. Mostly will help condi rangers, because less power = less damage. Although our pets will be crapier than ever when it comes to attack.

Cut down the CD for passive and nerf the healing/damage so it can triggers more times. Maybe even nerf the effect depnding in how many ppl is affected by the passive effect and put a limit in how many allies can be affected (same as other proffesions)
Make the spirits pemanent until killed and increase the CD in case of dead by trait another thing it would help.

As i said, most ppl players plays with pewpew ranger and that can’t be wrong.

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Return of the Spirit Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Spirit ranger is one of the tankiest builds on this game. It can compete vs a nunker guardian. The build was nerfed because of how versatile it was before. Getting it buffed again might result to more uncalled for nerfs. The build can buff the whole team and rez more than enough allies to secure victory at the first part of the game. The build is not meant to go completely undefeated but as something that can put up a good fight.

Amn, that’s why our class is in the meta.
Come on, stop already all this. If you play ranger you know this class only works sometines as support class if you are very experienced player, you can’t kill a guardian unless your are very skilled payer and the guardian is a noob.

With the last buff in LB is true that now we can get notice because we do some noticeable damage from 1500 but that’s not like you are going to take out a guardian, warrior or anything else except a necro for that matters. So the only use as a ranger in PVP or WvW is to kitten enemies from afar so the rest of the players have it easier when it comes the real battle.

This class has not sustain. Does not have real DPS. Pets are a liavility for everyone no only yourself. Has no ultilies or group support.

I like ranger because of the mechanics, you have to use your very few good skills in a very smart way or even in PVE you are going to have a hard time. But that doesn’t mean the class is playable means i like to suffer.

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Pet sort order changed?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


They did some changes in the pets in general. First the order changed, that’s right.

Then they did an annoying change when you cast the pet’s skill, and that is if you have it as avoid combat, as soon as you cast the pet skill even if it’s an ulitiy skill, like the heaing from the fern hound, clearing conditions from the brown bear it attacts the foe you have selected.

This is anoying in some pets, like the fern hound, that cast the skill and then run away although you have it set as avoid combat. Others make the pet skill competely useless like the shout from the brown bear that FIRST run to attack you foe and the cast the skill. So if you need to clear condis for yourself you are out of luck.

I wondering who is messing up with the pets in Anet. If it’s to fix them i’ll be glad to hear about what’s going on…

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Return of the Spirit Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


We agree power/condi ranger is much more selfish than an spirit ranger. However 35% change of firing the skill when hit is not the same as “always”.
So first spirits depend that you are in combat. Then there is the durantion: 60 secs with 30 secs cd.

Then the cooldown of the passive effects 10 secs cooldown:
Stone spirit: 3 secs protection.
Water Spirit : 800 heal.
Sun Spirit: 2 secs burnin (600 damage)
Storm spirit: 8secs swiftness.

This cooldowns with such a short effects make the spirits less than usefull.
This way you only get 6 chances and that doesn’t mean you will get all of them, most probably you will get like 4 passive effects trigers before the spirit is gone if you are lucky.

So: or they cut down the cooldowns or extend the effects but right now i think those spirits are a waste of skills space.

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Return of the Spirit Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Although would be nice, I don’t think spirits is the way to go yet. The cooldowns with the passive effects are too long, having in mind that the buffs are to short. I think the spirits should have the cooldowns cut short for them to be actually usefull.

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Ranger in WvW after balance patch

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Excuse me? I posted about the way I play and you took that as a reason to insult me? Go away.

Actually i see for your posts you have a warrior and a guard so i guess you are one owned by a very noob power ranger pew pew.
I myself i’ve killed some guards/warriors that just stood there while i pewpew them with my LB#2. Gosh once i took all the life from a siege gollem by myself from 1500 killing it (of course i needed a lot of AA and LB#2 to do it) because the golem guy didn’t move at all.

Don’t worry, ranger is so difficult to play that only can get better…

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what you think about my build for wvw

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Your sugestions are great, thank you.
But with LR the problem is not where my character is facing is that i use that skill to avoid to stay when i’m hit with inmobilize or stun, because siting docks when i’m in the middle of an enemy zerg is not a good idea.
Protect me would work as well for inmobilized?
I try to swap some trait for shared anguist that would take the impeding conditions from me, but im not sure would work for that. Usually when i die is because i get in the middle of a zerg and i get inmobilized.

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Swoop leap = death!

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


signet of stone will not save you from lava.. believe me I’ve tried

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what you think about my build for wvw

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


The builds provided here look solid, but they use all ascended. I don’t have ascended gear, only a long bow.
There is one, but the crits are about 26%. The good thing about my build is that you can get consistent high damage with medium armour and hit points.
So it’s not like you die at first blow. If you handle with the GS you can give some fight before go down.

I would say this build is for long, medium range with support for melee when fighting engies, eles, necros, mesmers and thiefs. Warriors are a no go, and guards if you can kitten them hard before get too close.

Although i’ve been thinking about change troll unguent for healing spring to have something to clean condis.
Any advise for breaking stun and impeding conditions? the skill lightning reflexes is very unreliable, some times simply takes me in the oposite direction i wanted and push me futher inside of the enemy zerg.

Also, any advise to fighting thiefs that abuse cloak/invisibility?

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(edited by anduriell.6280)

what you think about my build for wvw

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


i don’t know, i don’t suffer much with condis. i have around 18000 hit points, and with troll unguent i can get the life lost. in Pve and dungeons i do feel the condis that i can survive with the healing but i could see any poblem with them in wvw.

Jewels i cant remember now, but probably somethng with assasin stats.
No food, lately foods to increasy magic find, but i quite new about foods, i recently discover its ultility so i don’t use them much.

I use ranger runes because of the precision bump, better crits, and because while i have an alive pet i get + 10% damage. I don’t know about any other rune that do that.
Pets are useless for combat an if i don’t get within an enemy zerg usually they survive. Indeed as soon as i get inside an AOE the pet is gone.

I have trouble to survive zergs AOE because its like raining fire all around, also thiefs beause i’m not good enough. With this build i’m be able to get down some guards (i guess not very good players), ele, engi and necros are easy. Thiefs as long as they dont get close, all the invisibility that they use its a kill for me yet.

i can get swapped by a zerg but 65% of times that happened i could survive enough to get out. other 10% i would survive if it wasnt because trying to use LB#3 (invisibility) with a dead pet (that follows you with no cloack so every body knows where you are).

This build in numbers is around 71% crit, 1000 – 2000 damage LB#1, 8000 -18000 LB#2 thanks to high crit.
Rune of air hits almost every 2 seconds.

With silvary hound once i could survive a canon in WvW 1v1.
I dont know what else to say, the build is solid for me, however i know it lacks in some areas. As i said any advise would be very welcome.

Jim, what skills should choose for improve condi removal?

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(edited by anduriell.6280)

what you think about my build for wvw

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


This build is fun to use in wvw, manly because of how it’s build. Crits around 70% and damage from 1000 to 1900.
Very fun against zergs as long as you keep the distance. I don’t put pet because mostly they are just a liability and die really fast so i try to keep them close.

Any advise would be very appreciated to improve this build.

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Why the Ranger hate.

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Look at all the condition removal, healing, stunning, etc these meta builds bring to the field.

yep, i have to agree with that. The only utility skills that the ranger can offer are the spirits , but they are so nerfed that are impraticable.
So you end up with a class that has no utilities for the group (the pets die almost instantly), that actually has not a good constant DPS neither a good survivability. so Ranger players end up being the last to die (if they are very good) just to die alone at the end. Understable that other players preffer a guardian/warrior/ele in a group of limited spots.
Would be nice to Anet to actually put someone to work in fixing this class once for all. Right now it seems they have just one employee to do all the work.

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Can we just get rid of pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Yes I rememe the dhuumfire thing. Then I used to play a necro and i rembembe that time when playing the necro became survivable. Then they nerfed it and now you see very few necros around.
It seems that Anet are only interested in warriors/mesmer players. Most of the problems stated within this forums should be easily fixable.
They would better spend time in making new minis that fixing the broken classes.

Although I’m trying, i don’t really enjoy playing with warrior/mage type classes, simply because they are present in every single videogame.
necros and rangers classes are more interesting although Anet dumbed them down too much for casual gaming. That is opposite to any mmorpg game that needs to spend a lot of time in the game. This is not a COD.

So at this point just looking for any other no-farming no-pay to win mmorpg

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Can we just get rid of pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


The bad design within how the pets works runs deeper than I’ve read here.
Pets are a liability for you and for the group, all the time. No exception.

The other day, playing with a guardian in WvW i fought a ranger. That is rare because usually they stay far away but in this case i caught up with him.
The point: he tried to use LB#3 (that’s Hunter’s Shot) and he was hidden because of that. But because the pet followed him all the time, and the pet does not hide with that skill it wasn’t of any use.

Someone would say: Ah, but that’s not the intended used of that skill. Is intended to use when the foe is far away, so you shoot and hide while you send your pet. Seriously? Are we 9 and the foe, if its a player, wont see you as soon as you send the pet? What’s the point of that? With 3 seconds you wont be hiding much…

Pets die quite easily, even if they stay with you all the time. AoE skills kill then really easy.
Because they don’t stay close they might give your position up if your are hidden around a corner.

Maybe it’s only me, but the idea of a pet is a helper in battle, a friend for the ranger. Right now it’s just a disposable exchangeable weapon for that class.

As i said, pets need much love, and they are getting none from the developers.

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Why the Ranger hate.

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


At the end:
The skill is ok as it is now. This skill is so useful (not powerful) that can be and it is used in the wrong way.
I think it should stay like it is, the ranger has more important problems than a ranger pushed me off the cliff with a PBS from miles away.

Before meddling with the only ranger’s skill that is actually useful in other ways than a pew-pew i would complain about the pets… They are the biggest handicap of this class and they should be fixed (not get rid off) to make the ranger class enjoyable to play.

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Is Serpent Strike bugged?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


That could be caused because you have selected other enemy than the one you want to hit.
The auto target is being behaving funny this last days, is better if you use the “choose the closest target” or pick it up manually.

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Why the Ranger hate.

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


The actual problem is when PBS is used to reduce the effectiveness of your own teammates.

That’s a false assumption, used a lot to justify the hate. Actually any class with knockback/fear ability would hurt the team performance if used wrong.
It’s not the first time i’ve been chasing a foe with my GS because the warrior/guardian decided that smashing all the buttons it’s a good strategy.

I’d support keeping the knockback but reducing its range to 300 or less, and cannot be increased by traits. It’s called Point Blank Shot. Let’s have it function like that.

Actually i do agree with you. Most of the uses of PBS are for keeping the distance between me and the enemies. But if you reduce the distance of PBS (it’s already 900) the knockback effect should be incremented at least in 600 units to keep being useful.
It would hurt my ability to help others (like stop stomping, or pushing foes over the edge) But this solution if they increment substantially the knockback distance would be something i don’t think the ranger community would complain for.

Although i think it should be still affected for the trait Eagle Eye to increment distance to 600. This trait only affects LB, wouldn’t be fair to stablish that this trait wouldn’t affect only PBS.

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(edited by anduriell.6280)

Why the Ranger hate.

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Don’t you like being killed by PBS in edge of the mist? Simple enough : Became a ranger so you can kill also this way!

Ah no. But you don’t like to play with an underpowered class.. you are happy with your warrior and you want the rest to be warriors also so every one is the same.

Sorry i play ranger because for its uniqueness. Period.

The only thing I really despise about the ranger is how unusable is the pet. But other than that is ok, missing more impeding condis with the weapon.

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Can we just get rid of pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


I think the problem that presents with the pets are an overpowered ranger. A net has the same trouble with the necros and it’s minions and look! There are the two classes with the most problems and bugs in the game.
as I said before, I think that design the pet like an swapping weapon was a very bad idea from the start.
I think the ranger should be able to have 1 pet (yeyes I would love to have pets as Pokémon, many many) and that pet grow up (level up) with the ranger.
Instead charming a juvenile pet we should start by a pup and grow up to adult.
We should be able to customize more the pet, it’s looks and abilities and the pet should be able to hit moving targets and be stronger and not only a swappable weapon for the ranger, with a couple of more states, like avoid combat or attack only my attackers.
also I think would be a good idea to make the ranger take care of the pet, that if the pet die should stay dead the same as any player, until resurrected or rally to WP.

This would make the pets more useful and also more important for the ranger. Also enemy players would have any pet in cosideration when engage a ranger.

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Why the Ranger hate.

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Point blank is one of the best skills in the game… used properly.
But lately you can see a lot of trolls just playing ranger to use LB#4 all the time, I guess with the hope that anet will nerf it down.
its one of the skills that are actually useful not only for the ranger but also for the team.

I can say anyway that warriors, guardians and mesmers abuse with the push back skills as well, a lot of times I’ve been running after a mob with my GS after a mesmer pushed it away.
But that cases are also blamed on any ranger around, so look like that the ranger has a cool down of 1 sec in between LB#4.

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Point blank shot doesn't push back.

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


The #4 ability from the Long Bow doesn’t work the same as the knock back from the warriors or mesmers, they can push back champions but the PBS (#4 from the longbow) doesn’t work with anything more powerful than a Elite.
What most of the times when fighting a champion is a problem, because they mostly fight in close distance and the ranger does not have the power or the armour to stand a chance at melee with one.

Why is that?
Shouldn’t the ranger be equivalent to the other professions?

It’s hard as it is to play with the ranger: crappy damage because of the pet doesn’t work, mild healing not good enough to keep the player alive, elite skills don’t worth a thing (actually i would love to be able to choose one of the others in the elite skill slot), elite traits that are completely crap (seriously, one elite trait to make the arrows flight faster?), medium armour is not good enough for this kind of profession with all this nerfs.

So just thinking, what the other rangers say about this?

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Excited about new pets and skills

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


quote=4625947;Theodore.6415:]Sorry, But there is a new expansion coming out??? Could someone post the link?[/quote]

There is none that I know of.
However my sugestións:
- more variety of pets mechanics. The pets attack is a failure, so i would ask to get rid of it. Some pets attack others for support. Like the regeneration skill from the silvary dog. That could help to make ranger more fun to make.
-pets improve with experecience: better health and more pet skills to choose from to be active. So the ranger won’t be swapping pets all the time.
- ranger only have one pet. Once it’s dead it stays the same as any player. Needs to be resurrected or go to a way point same as any player. This could make the ranger take care of the pet and have it notice.
- because of all this ranger damage shouldn’t be split any more. It’s not fair that any other classistance have much better dps/ condI builds. Also pets should have better stats to be able to survive.
- pets have 3 states: avoid combat, guard me, aggresive.
About skills:
Spirits should be converted to spirits hability. It summoned one that get the skills of the spirit signet.
there should be a trait that make them stay until dead.

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