- bonding with pets don’t bring the F2 skill from the pet. That’s bad as for example players use the drakehound for the immobile effect. Same for the Wolf or the spiders. We need those. If i bond with the bristle i need the spike barrage. And the smokecloud from smokescale can be a lot of fun in wvw and make that class more competitive in pvp\wvw . Henna F2 right… why can’t we get a clone of us? That would be fun too.
- some stances last for too short and have ridiculous cooldowns. Bear instance for example last 4 seconds in a 25 cd, 2 condis per second, it would need to be around 8 seconds so it can compare to some sort of TU for condis. Grifon instance could have the CD easily halved, it’s mostly a might generator and 25% vigor gain in 45cd. The elite needs better and more impactful effects. A second strike one second later is really lame for a 60cd.
- i thought Anet learned their lesson with the glyphs. 360 radius for sharing anything is too small. They should increase GM trait leader of the pack radius to 400\450. And remove the halved duration, we are talking here full duration is 8 seconds at best.
- 90 secs for Eternal bound is bad. The healed hp is going to be eated in 2 thief autos and that’s literally half a second. 60 seconds would be the magic number i think.
- still i did not see any pet which brings anti-projectile support. The trent thing brings more healing which is very welcome, but a pet which could make a bubble like the guardian shield could be very useful too.
It’s also a massive telegraph
This is the reason why it’s very likely to stay. GuildWars 2 is about optic indicators, not debuffs/buffs in healthbars.
I’m actually fine with it being flashy on activation, as a tell, but not persist.
At least allow us to turn it off client side.
probably you cam do that now lowering your graphic settings.
Anyhow i agree with you all although i like the effect overall.
What about the massive aura to last for the first 10 seconds and after that just a no aura? I mean if Anet decided you need to telegraph you are bonded with the pet the may put some very gentle green aura. Personally i would remove the aura after x seconds. Too much clutter already on screen and i don’t think enemy players would mind too much as is implicit if you see a souldbeast without the pet… You where it is already.
Irenio pls make it happen!
and actually… could they please stop adding new powercreeping pets which make the old ones underpowered and obsolete?
i’m kind off completely bored of being forced to play with the same two pets all the time because the core ones are so underwhelming.
At least they could have a look and add the pet’s skills and mechanics to the balance patch.
in the premiere from twich i could see:
- Still static spirits. Such a shame in a class which goes to even more mobile gets something so counter intuitive.
- Dagger offhand no rework. When irenio said something about the cripple thing with the dagger i died a little inside. That skill is not something i would feel proud to show off. Ever.
For the rest we will see next weekend .
Here you have little children: the rifle warrior, more damage (3k crits autos) plus extreme Usain Bolt speed with GS and lets not forget all the imunities as usual, range is close enough 1200 vs 1500, in a heavy armor class plus an small AOE and the most important thing: no trench coats
This can oneshot even guardians or revs, not only glass thieves like the OP’s video shows (although is so much fun to watch )
Now i’d like to see the core ranger to excel just at one thing. Just one thing.
Lets not forget ranger was the only class which was always insta-kicked in dungeons parties.
Either you don’t WvW or idk something because gunflame was nerfed. That vid is from 2015.
shush Justine don’t tell them about the bug which double hit the target.
Now seriously, although is not the 20k this video shows the rifle warriors can still murder players. The autos are still 2.5-3k and that skill still hits for 10k.
I guess it’s not used anymore in wvw because the single target thing and because stun warrior is more effective 1v1.
Here you have little children: the rifle warrior, more damage (3k crits autos) plus extreme Usain Bolt speed with GS and lets not forget all the imunities as usual, range is close enough 1200 vs 1500, in a heavy armor class plus an small AOE and the most important thing: no trench coats
This can oneshot even guardians or revs, not only glass thieves like the OP’s video shows (although is so much fun to watch )
Now i’d like to see the core ranger to excel just at one thing. Just one thing.
Lets not forget ranger was the only class which was always insta-kicked in dungeons parties.
@Fluufly ok whatever you say.
@Shadowpass Thank you for that new build! i’ll try to make it up and let you know how it goes but probably i swap TU for WHaO and Guard for QZ.
I find troll unguent highly ineffective without an LB as it doesn’t heal enough to keep up with the incoming damage even from the autos. As such even during the effects of TU simple bleeding ticks can do more than the 1.1k of healing. Also in 20 sec cd make it significantly worst than WHaO. Don’t you agree?
In my opinion TU would need a shorter CD more in line of WHaO, and apply also resistance and protection to be of an actual use with any other weapon which is not pewpew from 1.5k
no please.
We need some stats sets to be changed so there is no more condition tank, and to get some kind of bunker stat to mitigate condition damage and duration.
still i dislike the amulet system as boring.
stick to the pewpew LB like fluufy does and expect others to do the kills for you.
I’m the one who told you condi was viable in the first place, after you whined in about a three dozen threads it was utter garbage. Condi is and always has been fine in WvW. Nice try, toots.
Also I almost always solo roam, so I have no one to blame but myself if things go right or wrong.
Fluuuufy how you are saying this seems like the ranger didn’t get any condi buffs lately. When i said condi builds were trash at that time it was the truth.
Also it was another times where the trailblazer \ dire wasn’t abused so much and you were much more effective with a pure power build. And power weapons are the beest designed overall.
So changes in the average combat plus buff to condis made the condi build now viable. Nice try there fluuf.
Once again you pretend cleanses do not exist.
once again you are pretending cleanses are effective agaisnt the condi spam and the lag doesn’t exists. Kindly stop defending something all the community is telling you here and in reddit is utterly broken.
Luckily balance patch is coming soon and i hope Anet has taken seriously the condi problem and addressed it properly. Hopefully nerfing the dps they can output overtime and the broken stat sets.
Personally i wouldn’t like Toughness to diminish condi damage as you are overcharging one stat in favor of all tanks.
Tank sacrifices his other stats to become tanky. So, why he shouldn’t be?
Sure let’s make trailblazzer/Dire builds even more tankier.
Or go Soldier’s in a high power coefficient class like warrior and that could be a really bad joke.
To make sure we don’t repeat the trailblazer/dire drama the condition damage reduction should be applied to another stat which combinations doesn’t make absurd builds. Stats/boons which reduce physical damage must not reduce condition damage as well.
It is true a warrior could go Cleric for power/toughness/healing but then it would miss the extra hp needed to actually make a Juggernaut.
lets nerf necros out of a roaming spot
cuz learning animations is hardRunes of the Reaper.
“You are all Weaklings”
[Swap Weapon] – Sigil of Geomancy. Sigil of Hydromancy.18 Bleeds. Zero activation time. Learning GW2 is hard.
L2 cleanse.
when a condi reaper farts condies like chill, weakness, vulnerable, cripple, 20 bleed your condi removals remove weakness and vulnerable and bleed still persist. L2 cleanse is just ameteur thing to say.
Also do not forget you cleanse those and you instantly get them back because the spamming application of conditions.
While your cleanse is on 30 seconds CD.When classes (not only the Reaper) can apply 3 different types of damaging conditions in an ranged AA with 1/2 sec CD in this game you can’t keep up with the cleansing.
Gw2 wasn’t designed for the condi wars. To fight the actual game state all the cleanses should apply resistance from 5 up to 15 seconds for each one.
I would rather see Toughness decrease condi duration by 33% or protection decrease condition dmg by 33%.
Yes i was going to the extreme there.
Actually is been talked for healing power to decrease condition damage and duration (1% every 100 points?).
Personally i wouldn’t like Toughness to diminish condi damage as you are overcharging one stat in favor of all tanks.
Same as is happening to Resistance which is overtunned to compensate somehow the broken balance.
lets nerf necros out of a roaming spot
cuz learning animations is hardRunes of the Reaper.
“You are all Weaklings”
[Swap Weapon] – Sigil of Geomancy. Sigil of Hydromancy.18 Bleeds. Zero activation time. Learning GW2 is hard.
L2 cleanse.
when a condi reaper farts condies like chill, weakness, vulnerable, cripple, 20 bleed your condi removals remove weakness and vulnerable and bleed still persist. L2 cleanse is just ameteur thing to say.
Also do not forget you cleanse those and you instantly get them back because the spamming application of conditions.
While your cleanse is on 30 seconds CD.
When classes (not only the Reaper) can apply 3 different types of damaging conditions in an ranged AA with 1/2 sec CD in this game you can’t keep up with the cleansing.
Gw2 wasn’t designed for the condi wars. To fight the actual game state all the cleanses should apply resistance from 5 up to 15 seconds for each one.
In the last AMA in reddit Karl pointed out the skill balance is coming soon.
What do you think what changes will come to the ranger and druid?
(edited by anduriell.6280)
We’re aware of a bug where loading screens can sometimes take 2+ minutes to complete; more often after playing in WvW for a while than elsewhere in GW2. We’re working on a fix in such a way that it can be selectively tested on Live, since it affects a vital area of GW2 behavior (loading screen timing), and is rare/difficult to reproduce in a testing environment.
In the meantime, if there aren’t queues in the maps you’re playing in, there’s a possible work-around. Switching maps— either by exiting WvW or just moving to a different WvW map momentarily— appears to get your client “unstuck” from the long loading screen behavior.
hello Chris it’s good you acknowledge this.
As i seen the long loading screens appear also when the the game behaves erratically:
- NPCs models aren’t shown. Lords, guards only show the name tag but the model is not there. Still are affected by weapons and damage.
- Players models go back to default models. Some backpacks are still shown but any other detail dissapear.
- Self skills and most effects are not shown in game. For example ancestral grace animation changes to the player to run really fast.
- This always happens after some time of gameplay. It may be because some windows memory operations (defragmenting, compressing or freeing space)
My take on this is the game at some point mess up with the graphics library allocation and it takes that longer to load because it can’t find such graphics\models. As such it takes longer because it waits for each loading object to retrieve the error loading\not found code.
If that is the issue at hand should be enough if this error is detected to rebuild\reload the graphic\models library on the fly instead trying to load something is not there. It will take long once but after that it should go back to normal.
You know, I’d like to live in that magical world too, where conditions are not spammable by literally pressing any button on keyboard, ain’t covered by the tons of trash ones above them, and on top of that condi user is built as tanky as he like, because he really needs only ONE stat to do the damage, or invest into trailblazer and start hitting like a truck while still keeping all these sweet tank stats. Oh, and even more funny, you can do a lot of this damage as ranged, and even ignore projectile reflects!
Please, go ahead and tell us that this requires same skill as playing glassy power builds.Pwer builds are equally able to spam attacks .
If, as example , I am on my power warrior with AXE I can spam the AA and apply damage just as easily as I can apply a condition using my condition warrior Sword using its AA.
If I am on power damage Necro I can spam the AA and apply damage with my necro Axe just as often as I can use the AA on necro scepter to apply a condition. All other weapon skills on those two classes are on cooldowns.
If I am on my warrior using axe and a target eats the full damage not mitigating any of the attacks, he will take more damage then if a target ate every attack of the AA chain on the sword Condition warrior. Further to that once damage applied it impacts for the full amount directly and not predicated on staying on the target for a period of time so as to reach its full damage potential.
The full chain of AXE power on the AA , which is just as spammable as the full chain on a warrior condition AA will apply a lot more raw damage then will three stacks of bleeds . I have died to the full chain of a warrior using Axe power. I have never died to three stacks of bleed.
Yeh sure, as en extreme example do please explain to me how can you keep hitting someone which got inside an structure with your power warrior.
Then 10k damage ticks\second for 6 extra seconds will be still ticking although there is no LoS between us which got applied just hitting buttons from 1 to 5 from a condi reaper
Explain me how that requires any skill.
Hey man still not trying to be mean to you. And the guy you’re recommending this build to has argued vehemently on these forums that condi druid is unviable in WvW roaming.
Condi druid lacks in 1 area, pick one. You can do reasonable damage and lack mobility, or you can have mobility and lack reasonable damage. You probly shouldn’t solo roam on condi druid, but it’s totally fine if you have friends.
Yeah I know. I meant be nice on this thread lol. A lot of the people here are new to ranger or want to learn more so I don’t want to scare them away.
I definitely prefer power druid as opposed to condi. You are right about the damage vs. mobility problem. Though, if you are interested, glyphs on condi druid is actually very strong in PvP for fighting and supporting on points as it has a lot of mobility, cc, heals, condi clear, damage in an aoe. (haven’t tested in WvW or post ancient seeds nerf).
Problem right now with power setups in wvw you are fighting against traiblazzers tanks which will chew your hp with condis and your LB won’t make a chin in their armor.
Either way i’m starting to seeing my build (or a variants of) within the ranks of Desolation’s druids and i have to say overall is more dangerous than the power setup. Not as strong as an chrono or reaper aids nothing can compare to those, but interesting overall. I dislike the axe clunkiness, with those precast animations of over a second but SB is even worst.
With this i am not saying Druid or ranger is made for condi pvp, or even performing optimally . I agree the destruction of the throwable traps and mobile spirits broke all the condi builds the ranger could have.
But if you are bored of playing for the last 3 years the same\similar power build, this one is more fun as you have to get into combat instead pewpew from afar and more risky as well for the same reasons, you need to be good or better stick to the pewpew LB like fluufy does and expect others to do the kills for you.
Yes, I have to nuance my rant. Drakes indeed never use their other two attacks, I started using one today for a while and that is how I came to my post. My Moa never uses Harmonic Cry, just Frenzied attack.
I think my cats use both Bite and Maul. I have not tried other pets but obviously this is a very broken part of our Pets.
It would indeed be best if we had some control over these other two attacks: if Anet does not want to put them on a hotkey, then maybe they should allow people to disable them. And when enabled, the pet should just fire them as soon as it is off cooldown.
Enabling/disabling can only be done out of Combat. This does not seem like too hard a fix.
I agree. Having full control of the other pet skills would be nice. As for some of the other pet skills, defensive pet moves will trigger when certain thresholds are met. Some things to note since you mentioned Moas, but I’ll list some additions:
- Moa’s Harmonic Cry – Activates when the player is under 75% health or the pet is under 90% health.
- Bear’s Bite & Drake’s Chomp – Activates when the pet is under 90% health.
- Bear’s Defy Pain – Activates when the pet is under 25% health.
- Devourer’s Retreat – Activates when a foe is within 200 range of the pet and sometimes when the pet is under 25% health.
As stated before, Drakes are bugged, but when they are fixed – 90% is the health threshold in which they are supposed to use Chomp. Obviously, it would be nice to have these extras listed on the in-game tooltip.
i don’t think having those skills under an underperforming AI is a good idea.
i’d like them better to have them in F3 so i can choose when to cast them.
F1 to become a switch to attack my target\come back and if you keep the button pressed for a second\2 seconds to become an AoE to guard an area.
Some skills are too situational to have them be managed for an AI.
Yet the condition damage output by those wearing Dire and TB is compromised by a build facing them that has high condition cleanse. High condition cleanse need not mean one gives up all damage output….
I stopped reading there. There is no amount of condition cleanse which can keep up with the actual conditions spamming from some builds.
Heck the other day i was fighting a warrior which could apply even confusion.
The only thing that work now is permanent resistance uptime and that boon is very limited to some very broken builds. So right now condi spamming is a problem.
The rest of the players can just hate the actual balance this game has with instant oneshot kill builds, permanent evasion and stealth builds, condi spamming builds, permanent stun build.
I think the OP has a point and is this player it taking an spot in the map another more productive person could have.
Maybe there are no queues right now in that map but who can say if there is an attack to the Garrison in that map they wouldn’t need that spot? Here in baruch we have many of those and most of the time we got queues on map with only around 30 ppl around the commander.
AFK Farming deeply affects WvW as there are limited spots in each map.
So any type of activity which doesn’t help the game mode as such AFK farming should not be allowed.
An easy way to fix this type of behaviour is to disable the reset of decay timer for 30 minutes if you are killed by the same player. So you reset the decay time first time but next one you don’t. Same for NPCs, Thus a guy killing over and over the same guards/player will not give enough decay timer to avoid the reset of the participation.
This easy solution would cleanse SM duelers and AFK farmers instantly from WvW.
Duelers have EotM and Obsidian Sanctum for such entertainment.
The real problem here is the survivability.
In general, I think players have come to expect that a build should be either tanky or damaging but never both.
If I come up against a glass cannon power build I know they’ll output insane damage but they’re also kind of fragile – so I respect the risk:reward payoff.
Most forum complaints about overpowered classes stem from their survivability combined with their damage (thief damage with perma evades, condi trailblazer everything, rev hammer from range).
High damage plus high survivability = forum complaints.
So it’s not the damage that is the problem here, it is the combination of damage AND survivability.
High condi damage should have low armour, evading thieves should either have less evades or less damage, zerk hammer Revs should have their range reduced or their hammer damage values inverted (closest hit does most damage).
It’s all about finding that balance between survivability and damage.
Condi is a problem because armour like Trailblazer and Dire allow you to combine damage AND survivability. That doesn’t mean condis are broken though, it’s the stat combos that are broken. It’s the evades that are broken (thief). It’s the range that is broken (rev hammer).
There is a serious problem with the servers and how the manage the spike traffic, this happens very often although not every single time:
- when a blob gets in or leaves the map server my connection suffers high ping for some time, with effects like rubberband or disconnections.
- When a condi blob gets in combat (no need to be 2 blobs, just against another medium size group) and they cast all the AoE bomb i suffer a ping spike or disconnections.
- When a condi blob fight is close by the lag makes the game unplayable.
Do please fix how your servers manage the communications as it is clear it’s not working and it’s not prepare for amount of data you are sending in wvw.
Reduce the traffic between the clients ans the server as it is clear they can’t manage the spike traffic this game may produce. My guess is the clients are sending too much data to the server and some of that probably is not necessary.
I get spikes of 3-5MBytes \ second (not megabits) when 2 blobs fight. My connection can handle that spike but multiplying that for 300 players in one server it maybe too much for the available bandwidth for the servers.
Also consider moving more calculations to the client side instead the server as it seems the new condi meta is causing the servers not to be able to process all the info is provided.
Hi, just in case some dev read this forums from time to time, and just to keep all together somehow i’ll post here the wonderful comments and ideas people share here as improvements to the core class.
- Axe#5 not to root the player so it can move freely.
- Axe#4 increased ground target radius to 90. Transform in free projectile so it can ignore pathing issues. Increase the pull distance.
- Shortbow increase range to 1200 (i would go as far as 1500) .
- Replace the spot of Vigorous Training with Spirits Unbound so the ranger get back a support role in groups.
- Rework Spirits to sprites so they can ignore pathing and reduce the screen noise.
- Rework effects to be more straightforward and easy to manage.
- Activate ground target for active effects.
- Allow the ranger more builds by moving Emphatic bond to BM traitline and guarantee cleanses to Water Spirit.
- Sword#2 and skill Lighting Reflexes to get an directional arrow so the ranger can choose the direction the skills moves the player.
- Rework Dagger offhand to be an adequate melee weapon which allows the ranger to keep up with the target. Dagger#5 to become a ground target leap with small AoE on land so it becomes a close gap/disengage . Dagger#4 to daze/stun if it hits to overcome the clunky animation.
- Allow the pet to have access to the same cleanses and evades the ranger applies. Thus avoid for the pet to be used as source of epidemic and increase the surivivability of the pet without buffing it.
- Fortifying Bond to become baseline for the core ranger. That minor trait will be reworked to share 1 random boon the pet has with the ranger in a interval basis.
- Signets to be reviewed as CDs and effects are too lacking and seriously under-powered compared with the rest of the game.
- Muddy Terrain to remove the delay in triggering the skill once cast.
- SotP to regain the pulsing effect for fury and swiftness. Or to have the CD reduced and moved to utility skill.
- S&R to regain the lost range of 1200.
- Traps to be reworked to apply relevant effects.
I think this is all. If you know of anything else, please feel free to comment.
I would be fine if as profession mechanic we would have something like the permanent stow and the ranger to get some buffs when the pet is stowed this way. So we can have the pet stowed or not depending on the situation.
I just hope this is not like a energy/timer which doesn’t allow the SB (SoulBeast) to have the pet permanently stowed at all times if the player chooses to. I would hate to have another hateful clunky gated mechanic.
I would be fine if the skills were to be like the Revenant’s ones so we get something like instances managed by upkeep and energy. I like that mechanic from the Glint instance.
Either case, and i’m never getting tired of remind this, i hope they fix the core ranger so it becomes a competitive class for all the content within the class limitations and role.
They should remove any rallying from ambient creatures, hostile or not.
If i have to choose even guards should not rally if killed.
I started at southeast spawn on DBL. Spawn tower was ours, camp was not. I flipped the two nearby sentries while I waited for the RI to finish on the camp, then I flipped the camp. I proceed to flip all three Air Shrines. Someone else on my team had already flipped northeast camp and the two nearby sentries. I went to flip the east Earth Shrine. After killing all of the guards, I got attacked by two defenders. I managed to down one of them, but not get the kill before I died myself. I was already in a state of decay when I respawned. I had no nearby objectives to flip, so I lost more than a tier by the time I could get to something to stop the decay. Explain to me how I was not participating.
You did not participate for at least more than 10 minutes. In 10 minutes you can go from one corner of that map and back. The situation you expose is unrealistic.
The actual timers help you realise that playing a running simulator does not help your server and actually you are damaging it as you don’t contribute but you are occupying one spot in a very limited amount of those. You constantly dying you are not helping. You trying hard to kill and fail dying in the process, you do not helping your server but the enemy’s.
I roam a lot and sometimes i go with the zerg if there are big battles going around. Either case i’m always out from the squad and i play solo most of the time. I don’t have any problem with the timer. Ofc i’m not a try hard and i don’t try to solo 1v3 or i run around DBL just because the map is beautiful (because as much as inconvenient for solo roamers i have to admit the map is very pretty ).
Sometimes the timer catch up if i’m Afking in a tower but then i can recover the participation easily.
Again this decay timer although rough, is the best thing ever happened to WvW.
Also can we change Remorseless back to: Regain Opening Strike when you Stealth? This would open up more possibilities (seeing very few rangers using sword, off-hand axe, or GS) for ranger builds.
I don’t remember Remorseless having ever that functionality. Not that is needed as Ranger outside from the combo LB#3, Smockscale, CS it doesn’t have any access to stealth.
It’s from before no-skill bunker druid was introduced with HoT so you probably wernt around back then.
You know we missed you around here… Since you left us for the yolo hamreventant you spend most of your time complaining in the WvW subforums.
Oh what I complain about? Condi reapers?
Almost anything about everything?
I noticed that hunters shot often does fail for seemingly no reason. Even on downed enemies in PvP.
that’s the obstructed feature. It happens a lot with Axe MH, even when you are almost on the target at extreme close up distance.
Which frankly is ridiculous when you see this bug affects only to the ranger’s weapons as i don’t see this happening when i play HamRev or DH .
Also can we change Remorseless back to: Regain Opening Strike when you Stealth? This would open up more possibilities (seeing very few rangers using sword, off-hand axe, or GS) for ranger builds.
I don’t remember Remorseless having ever that functionality. Not that is needed as Ranger outside from the combo LB#3, Smockscale, CS it doesn’t have any access to stealth.
It’s from before no-skill bunker druid was introduced with HoT so you probably wernt around back then.
You know we missed you around here… Since you left us for the yolo hamreventant you spend most of your time complaining in the WvW subforums.
Any kind of random damage done by you after you stealth will reveal you. That means Barrage, traps and anything which could do damage.
Also keep in mind the revealed debuff. Some other classes got surprise access to it: Spear of justice from DH is a good example. Engie and Warrior have reveal AoE.
Also blocks, evades, distortion, blind, obstructed (that happens a lot even on even terrain, Anet’s faults on that), immunity also will prevent the stealth to trigger.
That if there is not like a weird bug wich removes the effect if the target is more than x units…
PS: you better used to this, as ranger has a lot of weird clunky mechanics RNG based mostly for almost any effect and you don’t have much control over it.
Hamrev is fairly broken from the beginning. And Armour doesn’t mitigate power crits at all which is a problem with instagib 15K skills like backstab or CoR.
Also CoR ignore LoS as it goes thru doors or walls. And all those +50% damage rev has in low CD actually break the game.
Cool cool .
PS: Justine you need to learn to play better with hamrev…. Those videos don’t do any justice Justine…
You never disappoint.
I know.. Right? But seriously… Don’t use hamrev in melee… Swap to SW/AX and with Axe3 + SW2 you would have downed that warrior with your reventant. You have died in all the videos because you don’t swap and try to use the HamReventant in melee.
And put some marauders in there… Seeing you full zerker is painful to watch.
I’ve been playing WvW during the weekend around 16 hours.
Only legitimate reasons i found the decay catch up to you:
- Defending(1) an structure is not being attacked.
- Escorting(1) dollies to a full supplies tower/keep.
- Looking for duels(1) in EB.
- Scouting(1) in own keep/closest towers to spawn in home map.
(1) : Afkers in disguise.
As only improvement to WvW I would give small number of skirmish tickets for the ascended armor with every single skirmish chest as the actual number is too low (you need at least 2 week for the chest piece + lots of lots of gold )
And balance. The classes balance.. For the love of god the broken builds this game has are painful to watch.
We do, it just takes practice to use it properly.
OP is asking for an player controlled Blast in F2. Tail swipe is like anything with pets a nightmare to coordinate and make it actually works.
If we could have more control over secondary skills like brutal charge or the tail swipe i would agree with you but right now the l2p issue like the old crazy sword#1 is getting old.
Hamrev is fairly broken from the beginning. And Armour doesn’t mitigate power crits at all which is a problem with instagib 15K skills like backstab or CoR.
Also CoR ignore LoS as it goes thru doors or walls. And all those +50% damage rev has in low CD actually break the game.
Cool cool .
PS: Justine you need to learn to play better with hamrev…. Those videos don’t do any justice Justine…
(edited by anduriell.6280)
Also can we change Remorseless back to: Regain Opening Strike when you Stealth? This would open up more possibilities (seeing very few rangers using sword, off-hand axe, or GS) for ranger builds.
I don’t remember Remorseless having ever that functionality. Not that is needed as Ranger outside from the combo LB#3, Smockscale, CS it doesn’t have any access to stealth.
Maybe i’m being silly here but i think in it’s actual state SotP should become a normal utility shout with reduced CD to base 40 secs (32 traited) with reduced duration for the boons ( 10 secs fury and swfitness, 6 stability). S&R should be moved to elite and increase the range to 1200 as right now is useless for any game mode (900 is better than the actual 600 but i foresee still is too short if you want to save anybody as you can’t retrieve him from the actual damage). Increase the CD to 75 if needed but the range for this shout define if it’s usable or not.
Another interesting change to S&R would be if the pet is revived same as Lick wounds does. Thus it can be used to revive allies and in some niche cases to revive only the pet as well.
(edited by anduriell.6280)
Regarding condi or hybrid roaming builds I want to add some input too since I tried out a lot.
They really forced SB for hybrid builds with the nerf of sharpened edges. But SB is still garbage. You may catch people by surprise a few times, but it still can’t hold up to LB in WvW. Anet also tried to make axe viable, what a joke.
http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJATWnUqA1Ci9CCOsActgFDB7ZLEDyZMBgRXDAOr+VTrl480A-TVSFABAcEAIa/h10FgwFA4Q1fY7QAk8DAoPlgVp8jUABO0C-wThis one was great until the SE nerf. Dunno if it still works. Only build that could hurt this one was a niche weakness spam thief. If you want to annoy a certain dh roamer/streamer, give it a shot.
Hi! updating the modified build from @shadowpass. I gave a shot the one i posted, @beatthedown you are right. SB is complete garbage against other players the flanking requirement simply doesn’t happen and the range is too short for the effects. If only we could get the 1500 range in SB i think the weapon would be ok.
Yesterday i’ve tinkering with the modified build i posted and i end up with this one:
In my plays the build did strangely okeish, it has good cleanses for the condi meta and can deal some damage. I do like to roam or go along with the zerg but not in squad thus the builds i play must have good surivavility plus an ok damage.
This one can achieve that and is not expensive to make.
Strong points compared to standard shout ranger:
- Rune of durability gives almost 2 secs of resistance once every 20 secs. That’s a free immob card every once in a while. Kindly keep in mind that condi is the rangers bane as we don’t have cleanses for that (albeit all the other weakness like lack of stab, lack of boon rip, lack of burst damage in general, lack of condi application, pets put ranger in combat, etc…) .
- 22K hp and plenty of cleanses, good for condi meta.
- up 800 heal p. which is good for zergin druid. Also for survival when you need to fill up.
- Regen and mobility with shouts + runes.
- Deal at least 3 conditions on target (poison – torment – bleeds) which is good to make Ancient seeds immob have some covert conditions.
- Axe + bonfire helps to tag for goodies.
Not so strong points:
- Low armor, ridiculous-joke attacks like backstab is going to take at least 15k.
- Very low damage with staff.
- Not possible to kite as it has low range with axe.
- Burst output is completely absent. Broken builds like aids chrono or permastun shield warrior are going to be inmune to this build.
I was really really painfully bored of the power LB/Staff set up. Would be good if this people at Anet would open more the viable builds….
It’s technically not possible for the attack to deal such a high crit.
i love this thread shadowpass!
Any advise for a condi build for wvw (it doesn’t need to be full condi) roaming with a decent AF generation?
Yes I would love to know of a decent condition build too please, if there is anything viable?
Thank you!
__________________________________________________________________If you want to go with survival utilities, this is a good condi build with decent AF generation. If you are looking for something different in terms of utilities/traits, let me know.
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!
Best of luck!
Thanks! I never thought about shaman!
I changed a little bit to accommodate my style. What do you think?
In this build I see possible problems with lack of damage.
I should be able to apply 3 different conditions every 5 seconds(torment, bleeding and poison) which should make Ancient seeds to work from time to time instead like never.
I hate the absolute lack of damage from the staff but it’s the only weapon with a reliable mobility skill. Sword#2 or GS#3 without ground target at wonky at best. You can use that mobility skill to pass thru the metaball zerg back to your commander for example.
However i’m afraid the build will lack enough dps to kill anything. What do you think?
balance team is a myth or doesn’t read any forum posts.
i love this thread shadowpass!
Any advise for a condi build for wvw (it doesn’t need to be full condi) roaming with a decent AF generation?
??? You’ve spent years of your life roaring about how condi is garbage in WvW roaming.
yes i couldn’t find yet a good condi build but i’m too bored of the power setup im using and with the increasing condi meta everything you fight is a bunker. And i havent being playing for the last months.
Maybe any of you is using a hybrid\condi build which could works in wvw for roam with decent af generation and mobility which also have some access to cleanses.
Let’s try not to derail the thread now will you?
The old s/t a/d build is absolutely viable. The only problem is mobility. AF generation is a piece of cake.
SB is pretty good these days too. I even went so far as to make an ascended short bow. :O
I would love the SB to be viable in WvW however for me still feels like it missing range and utility to be an actual weapon.
How is axe after the buff? better for pvp or that buff was more oriented for pve? Still cunkly?
Traits and armor setup?
(edited by anduriell.6280)
i love this thread shadowpass!
Any advise for a condi build for wvw (it doesn’t need to be full condi) roaming with a decent AF generation?
This game is so imbalanced that is a pain to play. Even in PvE at some extent.
what about: while in stealth thieves consume 1 initiative \ second, and less initiative less damage dealt in power and condition damage. Thief without initiative may still be in stealth and deal attacks which don’t require initiative but the damage should be like a wet noodle even in dire\marauder when it reach 0 initiative.
Right now dagger autoattack being doing 8k \sec (2k crits in spamming no cd AA able to 4 attacks per sec) it’s simply ridiculous having in mind it can attack with backstab for 15k + dagger AA for +8k and go back into stealth.
So each AA consume 1 initiative and the less initiative less damage dealt thus the thief will actually have to manage the risk versus reward when fighting other classes.
Additionally the thief could gain new sources of initiative when some specific circumstances are met like interrupting an enemy.
Gw2 specifically moved away from targeting skills to make the game less tab-target kill. It requires dodging, group healing thats effective requires coordination. Combat in Gw2 is so highly rated because failure is always an option.
Yet there are a bunch of tab target skills that can be dodged anyway, so moot point. Group heal and non heal support was designed poorly from the onset, intentionally, and it shows. Yes, gw2 has some good combat elements, but it has nothing to do with having “failure is always an option”… you can die in any game…
1 – Desert Bl is bigger and ppl cried…alot. Ppl wont spread out..they will stay in a blob and will simply slow the pace down. If you want to work in smaller more effective groups….join a wvw guild.
Umm dbl has tons of structures… I’m talking about maps with less structures (I said open area objectives) to take… these are 2 different things
2- If you want to understand how nearly any class can be built for “support” I reccomend joining a wvw guild.
I’m fully aware, that’s not the point, so you should reread what I’m talking about
3- Gw2 was specifically designed to get away from tab targeted aoe skills..however if you play with your options you can find snap to target aoe targeting. The Aoe cap basically makes stacking effective damage reduction. So aoe all you want, 10 Aoes wont make a dent in 30 ppl. To learn more about of aoe intensive some classes are and how aoes are used in wvw I reccomend joining a wvw guild.
I’m fully aware about the aoe skills here. I don’t really care about original designs, I’m talking about changes going forward… Snap ground target or aoe caps have nothing to do with this. And you’re wrong if you think more aoe skills won’t make a “dent” or difference in combat
You are missing a lot of key points.
mostly i agree with you except in the tab target skills. If your toon always hit makes the game skill less and braindead as you only need to smash buttons.
If we are looking to a fast paced combat where skill is required tab target must disappear and something like action camera must be forced on to players where no skill is auto target to the tab selected enemy. Then we can talk about flanking and skill.
Until then this is mostly a smashy buttons no thinking too casual with no deep mechanics game,
If the squad becomes full and properly built support class favor being in the squad than gankers then sure. Although I see no reason to kick them if it’s only half full.
Problem is not only kicking but if you put the druids in a group with the other rangers and thieves they won’t have access to other stab/resistance(from revs) than self. Which means they won’t be able to get in front line to heal with the water they provide.
To show numbers: with 500 healing power you are missing 4.5K direct healing plus the blasts.
Not possible if the druid is bounced from side to side with no possibility to escape because of the stun spamming crap is going on in this game.
Currently legend 1,
Running different menders variants. Druid and ele are the hardest classes to play currently in ranked (solo or duo).
One thing you all should try to do though, is to move away from escape/cleansing Sigils. Druid does not mesh well with them because their cool down gets procced by celestial avatar use(which already removes all conditions). Especially 18second cooldown sigils will suffer hard from this
I see, so a change of sigils to on-hit will be a better use of the slots.
I’ll be trying my hardest to contribute as Druid, although I do find my impact on the game isn’t sufficient at times. I think I still have much to improve in terms of familiarity with the class until I can really see what limits the build.
that’s because you pewpew the wrong classes at the wrong time.
you are welcome,
Spirit build was a great build – and not used often, I think buffing the spirits to move ONCE AGAIN would be a great way to reintroduce some build diversity among rangers.
Keep it up boy, this is probably the 100th time this was suggested again.
I agree with you that it would improve spirit gameplay, but keep your hopes low.
still they don’t listen, we will need to light the torches. However the last patches notes were really humorous, weren’t they?
sorry i just can’t stop laughing… such completely disconnection from not only the class they designed but also from the forums.
With the ranger\engineer we have the same problem as the one in charge of the game economics and i’m starting to think also the one in charge of the structure.
It must to be replaced ASAP.
i’ve been laughing all the night, my friends ask me was going on with me at the pub… Not that they play gw or whatever.
this happened when i read the patch notes.
Every single time.
(edited by anduriell.6280)