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Condi druid wvw build?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Dunno, I see a lot of lockdown/Chase potential in it, but I guess I’ll see it when I try it out myself.

how do you trigger ancient seeds not rng based?
how do you generate boons for the adept trait in nm?
you dont have any leaps (sword 2 its the same as go running), how do you chase anything that is not a necro?
Also damage is probably crap as your only source of might is the axe. You heal is bad with mich healing , TU will be eaten by just the condis or any burst they land on you.

A burn guardian can and will put on you 16 burning stacks from range. Tell me how that can compete with the melee aoe bonfire.

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Looking for a strictly ranged...Ranger Build

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


for pve stuff Axe-x
for wvw staff-longbow.
Only power builds as the condi in ranger is a disaster, it being had nerfed, not that matters as it doesnt have a real condi weapon.

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in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Yes it’s probably easy win 1 vs 5 if enemies don’t know how to dodge or remove conditions.

which you cant keep up because the amount of conditions some classes pump up is much higher than the 30 seconds cd cleanse the player has access to.

Things like this make the wvw kitten crap.

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Ghost thief needs to go.

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


i still think stealth should not stack. The class weren’t meant to be used overstacking stealth with any possible combo, but to have access to constant short stealth access, so it cant keep being hidden all the time.

i still can understand why Anet hasnt implement this already..

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Arc Divider

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


arc divider need to have less range, more like melee instead the 450.
I saw a couple of times that skill to hit for 15k which is fine if it wouldn’t be because the incredible fast adrenaline generation the berserker has for primal burst. The

the skill could be taking into account the actual “health” bar from the target so in this case the shroud bar.

put usual damage with 25 stacks of vul and that’s +25% damage + under 50% shroud and there we have it.

The zerker should not be able to generate that amount of adrenaline with no investment, and the melee weapons should have a primal at melee range.

Also bigger tells in some massive one hit bursts would be amazing for balance. in all professions.

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WvW eSports

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


ok guys just to show you an example, the promo for borderlands.

It is true the video is unfortunate as it focus in the pve aspect and the fly thru camera is not of any good when the players clash, but you can get the idea from the few glimpses of castle siege and defense. That small bits were the ones that got me excited after the new maps, shame the maps are too big for the amount of players it can hold (some say is a running simulator).

Think that overview camera for Esports, with the skills reworked to remove all those flashes but keep the impactful animations (we understand the bad example that was the fire pebble from the ele), with the siege and all the players fighting over.

In this escenarios you put together the players that like the game, the people that like big battles and the server and country pride. That potentially is many more than the few hundred (200 i think did have the last esport?) they can get with the actual spvp scene.

Not even need to give cash prices, with exclusive virtual prices and titles people would be willing to join.

So under any business view is a win win, now with a balanced and fun wvw were roamers, small groups and zergs can play at the same time would be a great addition with a lot of new opportunities to experiment.

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Condi druid wvw build?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


But like if I were to do wvw on a condi druid/ranger, what would be the mostr optimal build

you don’t, we are not talking about optimal here but to be able to survive (not even win) if you roam (the only reason you would take a condi over healer in wvw).

The problem with ranger\druid is you are stuck with just one build\gameplay.
you may choose WS over NM but the gamestyle is the same, you only bring more cleanses in exchange for tankiness.

If you want condi archer you should try DH. if you want condi healer Rev with ventari\malix is the choice. Druid is not.

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weird ping spikes when condi meta

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Im having this weird ping spikes when i fight condi mesmers, and only happens when i fight those, for example when the do the initial burst.

Does happens to anybody else? Any clue why is this happening?

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Condi druid wvw build?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Quick shot needs the super speed that had been requested multiple times. They increased everyones mobility, having a little more swiftness isn’t helping a kittening thing.

But for a condi wvw build to truly be viable we still need a main hand condi weapon (not kittening hybrid) with a forward leap.

Those are words of wisdom.

i agree with all of that although quickshot needs more than just the superspeed. it need to become a leap so you can combo fields, a directional arrow so its not so wonky to use and could benefit greatly to cleanse immobile as the ranger doesn’t have access to either stability or cleanses immobilise, which is absurd for a single target class were positioning is supposed to be the defining aspect.

Axe mainhand should became our condi weapon, and dagger 5 should give a 1200 shadowstep with ground target in short cd.

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Asking for constructive advice on WvW Build

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


You don’t have to go tank to play something other than longbow. Source: I don’t ever play tank builds and do fine.

We do little enough damage, the tankier you are the more likely you’re going to run into someone you are flat out unable to kill, namely warriors, tempests, and scrappers. Tank druid versus any kind of scrapper is a stalemate, glass druid has a chance.

But glass druid vs well played berserker, DH, or tempest is still a stalemate. We lack the burst necessary to overcome their sustain in the small windows we have where their blocks, invulns, etc. are on cooldown.

You actually have a better chance of winning on bunker because you can take a couple hits to ensure you land things like a 25 might stack maul.

I loved playing glass but the Hot power creep has left us behind. Everyone is too mobile for us to effectively kite like we used to, there is too much projectile hate (and anet removed our unblockable), people fully ignore our cc’s, and we have no way to strip boons.

Yes i agree. Ranger doesnt have any real burst and the pets are still pretty bad against moving players.

going glassy means when the warrior cc chain you, you are dead with the first 18k arc divider that you will eat it up because we lack enough mobility, GS warrior moves faster than us.

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Condi druid wvw build?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Condi Druid isn’t that bad because it’s carried by its immense sustain, but it isn’t really viable since it has no way to deal with resistance spam, and it gets beaten by condi Mesmer/Necro pretty easily, and you take a huge mobility hit when compared to Staff boon Druid..

I really wish they would give SB another buff, particularly the autoattack bleeds and perhaps causing SB2 to take off a boon per poison arrow.

Actually i think SB mostly needs the boost in range. 1200, fixing the quickshot so it’s not so useless and clunky, and increase the immo from crippling shot to 2 seconds so it’s noticeable.

Other than that Ranger in general needs more than just a lazy fix.

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Asking for constructive advice on WvW Build

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


don’t go all zerk if you roam.

I’d say don’t roam if you aren’t going full glass. It’s boring and no one has fun fighting someone in tank gear.

you have to go tank if you are doing anything else than pewpew from distance and hope the other to go full glass or not to have a brain.

Druid got too many nerfs and ranger is not in any shape to fight anything.

you need at least 20k life, 2.9k armor to not instapop against any other class in game. Otherwise their spamming 15k every 2 seconds with 3k armor is going to leave you sore.

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Condi druid wvw build?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


That build is just awful against anyone with half a brain.

@Op, there really isn’t a good condi build for wvw anymore. The last decent one (crit bleed) took a random nerf on the most recent balance patch.
Ranger condi builds really require you to be on top of your opponent and for them to be locked down, but most of the professions either have a passive cc immunity to ignore things like spike trap, or they have stun breaks on a really short cooldown. All the other roaming professions can easily shrug off immobilize.

well said.

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Build vs all acro thiefs (help)

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


ranger\druid is not equipped in any way to have a chance against thieves in general, not after the last buffs.

Just reroll.

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Nerf or remove the condi

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


I will keep this short.
Anet remove or nerf the condi cause in wvw there is no piont to roam or to have fun fights anymore. This is what wvw is now 1 enemy spam a stupid skill. You, remove condi, resistance, heal. Your boons got removed. Heals, restistance, remove condi. CD. Game over. Your scwered.

Either give resistance a longer stack and cannot be removed. Or give more condi removal to other classes and not only DRUID!! Or bring back the good old days where small group was be possible to wipe blobs (with no high condi damage!!). Because now there is 0% chance to wipe blobs

Fix the game… thank god..

it is not only the condi, it’s the one shot philosophy anet has taken the last year. Spamming 15k damage every 2 seconds for 16k life pool is not fun to anybody.
Now this game feels like playing an fps.

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[Straw Poll] Should ANet nerf Trapper Thief?

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


in any case thief is broken beyond believe, anet kept buffing the damage and the defenses now it’s a joke class.

coming from stealth to do massive damage and stealth again or teleport miles away is not a gameplay that is fun to play against. Somebody at anet should have eyes to see it.

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WvW eSports

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


realm vs realm should be the thing, not gvg or spvp. With all the bangs and flashes nobody can follow anything even in 1vs2, so it doesnt matter.

what does matter is big groups clashing while siege is doing it’s thing. Grand hollywood production and such.

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Asking for constructive advice on WvW Build

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


don’t go all zerk if you roam.

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No "no more unblockable" ?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


It was a bit overpowered, your attacks cannot be blocked, reflected or destroyed.
Your pets are affected too, there are some pets that deal 6k damage on two skills even if you get LOS’d you could use your pet and longbow #5. Also when you have traited SOTW, you automatically use the skill at 50% hp or something like that I forgot.

Na, it was only semi-useful in LB/GS power build that was rather weak to begin with. No one is complaining because they nerfed an already useless utility. Ranger has 1 effective build and playstyle at the moment. This did not hurt that build, so know one cares.

1 usefull build? What are you smoking. You can literally play any druid build effectively the only one that is weak ATM is condi druid, but for pvp and wvw there isn’t a trait line that I can’t or don’t use.

Also all of our weapons are used I can’t think of a useless ranger weapon they all have a place depending on what you want to do

dude druid has only one possible build for pvp\wvw and another for raiding.
And that is all. Not even a bag loot for pve.

Sometimes i get the impression anet keeps trolling the players because they read the nosense some people write here…

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Conditions cause more lag

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Yes you are right don’t let ignorant tell you otherwise.

Because the conditions must be calculated from the server side, as the player has to send the new condition damage every tick, the traffic spike is absurd.

So dudes, this game will never be good in zergs because nothing can handle the full traffic from 300 players going full dire.

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hey what about speech recognition

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


from microsofts integrated speech engine(so for free) to write in the chat \say . So players may communicate using the chat in game, you are not forced to use any 3rd party software and Anet can have better control over abusive behaviours (because its registered in the chat)

plus pve would so so much alive when you ca see all that people talking to each other.

F2p accounts could have no access to this to avoid spam bots, and we could have the option to filter only the chats from our party\squad or none at all to keep it quiet when we must.

what do you say?

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skills could be finishers but arent

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Blast: Maul, Ghlyps of equality and tydes, houls from canines, hunters call from horn.
Leaps: quick shot, pounces, charges from pets, lighting reflexes,

any more missing?

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Suggested Spirits QoL/Improvement

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


topic is changed.

I don’t think it is overpowered To have 1 block every 5 seconds that the enemy player can counter as easy as to use tab to select the spirit and hit it twice or three times with the autoattack of choice to kill it. We have 1 second evasion every 2 seconds in the Greatsword auto attack and nobody is complaining.

It will persuade the enemy players to actually play against the ranger mechanic, that actually it is to have more than one target (such the pet is or should be) to have to be worried about. Otherwise i dont see the point of having killable spirits, roots and blackholes ¿?

About the performance, aoes seem to be calculated at client side, what needs to transport to the server is how other players interact with them. Having an additional object having random collisions with many players generate a lot of traffic. Freeing the wisps from aoe conditions and most damage except when targeted should free up bandwidth. Also not having to calculate the collision of a 3d object in a 3d space, but just a 2d ground aoe, should be very performance friendly at client side.

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possible fix to condi meta (and epi)

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


  • make the stack of condition to do less damage the more there are for the same condition. for example up to 5 stacks of burning the damage 100% but after that the player receive less and less damage from additional stacks. Everybody is still doing damage = bags for the kill, still the damage is normalized so it doesn’t get crazy. Some weak conditions (like bleed) could have more stacks at 100 than other more bursty (like fire). Because it’s a percentage of the total damage from the stack condition damage stat still matters.
  • conditions do 33% damage first tick and 66% second tick, and 100% third and following. This is meant to give enough time to the player to handle the cleanses in case of a Epi bomb. It gets 2 seconds to react still gets damage for the attack.
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Still: condi thief trapper?

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Anet is testing if making a situation so absurd the players will shift to the winning build or stay with their own.

I don’t think social experiments are a good idea in this game at this state of loosing revenue and players but well, it is not my company.

On another point the solution is pretty simple: Stealth must not stack anymore.

That’s not the solution, because it breaks thief.

Doing damage while staying stealthed is the problem.

Thief has many defensive tools, learn to use them.

Stealth should be used only as short duration efect to close gap or escape, no as means to fight or reset the fight.
No stacking stealth means no more trolling thieves, Mesmers or druids which is fantastic for the health of this game.

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IS ele no longer viable for zerging?

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


What about roaming? is the ele any good at roaming?
If ele = ok/good to roaming then go roaming build and get many bags

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most headspinning condi burst post update?

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


I only have access to one blast every 20 seconds… What about you BOYYYSSSS?

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Rune of the Guardian #6 killing siege

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


To all the people saying “don’t build or use ACs”, and/or “learn to fight”, etc, you’re completely missing the point.

I have no great love of ACs, or any siege for that matter, but what’s fair is fair, and if this burn on block can kill ACs, Retaliation should as well, or the multitude of other damage on block abilities.

You can’t argue that ACs (or other siege) should take damage from passive traits/abilities, yet pretend that it is somehow justified that only one of them actually does it.

There are a lot of on hit, on block, on evade, on whatever traits and abilities out there…if one works against siege, so should they all…but if not, the one outlier should be brought in line with the rest.

What it must be done is to remove all no sensical siege/tactics in game that the only thing it does is to annoy the player base.
I would nerf the damage from the ACs to the ground and give’em soft CC’s instead because no mechanic in game should do more damage than a player itself does.

It wouldn’t be the first i see a bunker guardian to build a superior balista in his own camp to fight one druid. instead fighting him like a person (not that matters as he went down with the supervisor and all) And simply because that balista does 5K – 10K damage per second. Go figures, love siege wars.

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Still: condi thief trapper?

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Anet is testing if making a situation so absurd the players will shift to the winning build or stay with their own.

I don’t think social experiments are a good idea in this game at this state of loosing revenue and players but well, it is not my company.

On another point the solution is pretty simple: Stealth must not stack anymore.

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Does the ventari overshadow the Druid?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


So after the last changes to ventari revenant that legend it is not anymore an constant healing but a burst healer that can cast up 10k AoE heals every 2 seconds

I’m very interested in this build, can you share it please?

Yep no problem,
And that dude actually is saying he is not even very good at it and it can get even better.

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Suggested Spirits QoL/Improvement

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


So the other day i got myself thing what could be the reason why anet could have removed the lingering light trait and is made the terrible mistake of making the spirits immobile but killable.

So i thought maybe this is because the servers performance limits the there are many players in the same instance (WvW or very crowded PvE instances) .

So what about this idea to bring back the old Lingering light and mobile Spirits which i think is savvy in server processing time:

  • Change them all to be a different coloured Wisps that circle around the ranger at the same fashion of the old lingering light. As those are 2D sprites should not create much overhead in the user pc.
  • As to avoid taxing the server with the extra calculations from the wisp vs allies/enemies instead using the actual wisp a cone area could be used to apply the effects. This cone area size 1/5 of the circle apply the effect to allies/enemies in the area up to 1 target (if 10 targets is chosen than up to 2 targets) and change position once a second (so it takes up to 5 seconds to fully rotate). The wisp animation is made so it goes at the same speed as the turning so it gives the illusion is the wisps who apply the effect. The ranger only get the buff once every 5 seconds, when the cone area is in the initial position and it’s not taking into account for the limit thus the buffs would effectively affect 6 players( or 11).
  • To avoid extra performance hog and as those wisps do not attack directly they can benefit from total immunity to conditions, they are not taken into account into target limits when is condition based.
  • As to extend their life span the Wisps have a damage mitigation of 50% of damage when not targeted. Thus they can be killed easily is needed to.
  • To make the effects easier to manage and simplify its use they will have simplified effects, they will apply the effect once a second to targets in the area don’t already have that buff :
    Defensive spirits:
    - Water (blue) heal for some amount (should be in line with invigorating bond from 1.5K as it’s affects the ranger once every 5 seconds) and cleanse one condition on impact.
    - Stone (brown) block next attack
    - Nature(yellow) apply +25% damage next attack (similar to signet of the wild effect) .
    - Astral Wisp(Green) small heal.
    Offensive spirits
    - Fire(red) apply one stack of fire next crit.
    - Lighting(violet)t apply lighting strike next crit.
    - Frost(white) apply freeze next crit
  • The active are targeted AoE attack which make the Wisp to fly to the target and sacrifice itself to create the effect in a fancy couloured explosion. They could stay the same as now being a 1200 target AoE should regain all its utility.
  • The GM can stay mostly the same, applying boons in an PBAoE radius (600) around the ranger.
    Water: apply regen. (5 seconds)
    Stone: apply stability (2 seconds)
    Nature: apply resistance (1 second)
    Fire: apply 5 stacks of might (5 seconds)
    Lighting: apply swiftness (5 secs)
    Frost: apply quickness (1 sec)
  • The elite could benefit for a reduced CD from 120 to something more manageable as 60 seconds. To balance the Active could res up 3 allies instead 5 in the AoE and the lost passives from the spirit.

What do you think about the changes to the spirits? I know loosing the +10% damage from frost seems like a nerf but after that you could apply extra damage from Storm and Nature spirits, being in the end an increased dps in general (although you would need to use more spirits)


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(edited by anduriell.6280)

CA back to 10s in wvw and other stuff

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Actually i never liked the idea of cosmic ray changed to a cone. Simply because it won’t get rid of the click-fest one way or another as you can’t target an ally an let auto-cast.

I’d like it to be like now but with AoE auto-cast. You pointed at a place and the animation can be a thin column of light similar to one skill (i don’t know which exactly) that cast a ray that create a CC area around it, just in this case only heals. The area get 1 sec pulses that heal up to X allies in it.

Thus we can keep positioning us around without the need to do acrobatics with the click fest that is Cosmic ray.

Also the allies see the place were that skill is continuously hitting to they know were are the heals, thus instead the druid running after the allies the allies may come to the heals.

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New to the game: Is Ranger a good pick?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Condi ranger will most likely get nerfed in the coming months. So it’ll be out of the meta by the time you hit 80/have all the gear

They just buffed it in the previous patch, why would they nerf it now? ANet rarely rubberbands buffs they do.

No, anet did not buff the condi ranger the last patch.

Ending the main source of condition damage is not buffing. And buff with 4 extra stacks of bleed an skill with 20 seconds cd is not making up for.

Condi ranger will be nerfed even more as Anet don’t won’t the Druid to be a dps dealer at all.

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Does the ventari overshadow the Druid?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


So after the last changes to ventari revenant that legend it is not anymore an constant healing but a burst healer that can cast up 10k AoE heals every 2 seconds, plus alacrity and other buffs toghether with the nerfs to Druid could as well made the class completely irrelevant.

Druid is left with a nerfed condi build, nerfed GotL, nerfed heals. In exchange the only got a buff to the GS, which I don’t get why having other weapons, skills and traits with more urgent needed changes.

I mean, I’d like to know what role has anet for the Druid as it seems they keep shifting with no clear objective.
Personally I like the rev to get over the role of healer and actually I really see that class that can shine in that role as the other legends can give such a variety, but the Druid should got an actual new role. Otherwise may as well being deleted from game as its role in any party is completely inexistent, as all this latest changes make the Druid not to heal enough, not to do enough damage, and not to bring enough utility ( GotL got nerfed at a sad 2% by slot which we know even the best druids can keep that only around to 2 to 3 of those in average) which can be quickly made irrelevant with the extra dps the revenant brings as alacrity and buffs.

I mean, honestly, other than the like for the pet thing that doesn’t even work properly and is so frustrating,
what can be the reasons to use a Druid?

And even worst, a point that can make this class completely irrelevant, What could be the reasons for Raids or wvw comps to bring a Druid instead a ventari revenant?

At the end, What is happening within Anet teams that can’t. Come out with a defined role to the ranger (and the engie as it seems)?

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electric wyvern and friends

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


But how they perform vs other players? Can they actually hit?
Because them to hit mobs is not something we should be celebrating , that’s basic performance.

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Ranger Patch Notes: 02/22/17

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


yep meh like changes: our pets will keep instadying in wvw because the complete lack of cleanses and stun breaks. And it is still yet to see if they will be able to hit anything yet.

We got again our damage nerfed and all other classes got buffs in general.

No real improvements/rework in anything. Even the lighting reflexes is all wrong. For an skill that is practically an extra evade should have no more than 20 secs cd.

More bleeds in SHarpening stone will not make this skill desirable or useful and the same goes for muddy terrain.

Seriously 6 months waiting for this….

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Druid/Ranger Fix

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Look, actually druids should be the best choice to run as wvw commander because all the buffs the class is supposed to give and the healing he is supposed to output.
Sad true that it is not: healing capabilities were destroyed when they destroyed the lingering light trait and keep nerfing the access to the healer state.

Well we will see soon but for what I understood the changes will be something forgettable with the most wow thing the GotL to work up to 10 allies but reduced the buff to a max of +10% damage .

So yeah: crappppp

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Any dps tests in wvw?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


/15 chars

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Skill Balance Incoming

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


We felt like the Mesmer is underperforming in pve so we made some adjustments to the skills in pvp/wvw

  • all clones and phantamns has their health pool increased in 500%
  • clones and phantoms damage increased in a 50%
  • trait Alls well that ends well make all wells to apply 5 stacks of confusion per pulse additionally.
  • Trait chronophantasma create an additional phantasm each time one clone is shattered.
  • confusion and torment does 30% more damage conditions ticks 50% faster when Mesmer equip a sword.
  • Gain 12 seconds distorsión when under 50% health.
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Thief and Mesmer in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


The problem with those two classes are not the class itself but the mechanics that can be abused in some builds:

  • highest mobility in game
  • Highest active defense uptime in game
  • Highest damage in game.

Thieves get the same armor rating as an engineer still has a massive amount of damage plus abuse of stealth, which has no counter.

If put together with spamming dodges and evades plus a massive burst that can end most of professions in a couple of seconds you see there is something broken.

No class should be able to have so many defenses and so much damage.

Stealth has counters. You mentioned one of the classes that can counter it in your post.

I will also assure you that stealth is NOT immunity like those invulns. A Good many thieves will die while stealthed.

Only counter there is against stealth is big aoe reveal or a long lasting target reveal.

There are only 2 classes With a somehow effective means to fight stealth is DH and Scrapper. Any other class in this game does not have a real counter against it.

A short stealth from time to time is ok, being able to damage from stealth or stay hidden forever is not.

But if at least the thief should trade mobility/defenses for stealth, or damage for mobility and stealth it would seem balanced. However it is not the case and the only thing that limits the impact of the thief in wvw it is just and only that it is single target.

Exclusively because thieves have to farm bags one by one is the only thing is keeping the amount of thieves relatively low. Otherwise they would be the dominant in any competitive mode.

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Any dps tests in wvw?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


And healing. Dps metters not only show dps contrary to their name.
I just want to be able to fine tune my build, it is worth that extra 200 healing or better to put it in power? Kind of

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Pet issues brought up in 2011

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


So am I a bad if I bring e-wyvern for 3 knockdowns (2 on summon and 1 on F2)?

You have to understand there are different game modes in this game and most of the complains about ranger/Druid are coming from a competitive point of view.

In wvw/pvp wyverns are awful.

In raids it may help but actually smokescale is much more efficient and useful with his 16 secs cd knock down plus taunt every 16. Put that with any dog or pink moa and you have a much better set of CC pets.

And the loss of damage because the wyvern can not simply connect any attack is just a waste


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Any dps tests in wvw?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Now that anet updated the tod to allow memory read dps metters, At least some of them can be used, did anybody test the Druid dps in combat in wvw?
We all know that pve is fairly easy and the laser staff is almost as the loot stick from the guardian but I mostly play wvw.

I haven’t had the chance to test it in wvw. Does anybody has a dps test in real combat in wvw?


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Thief and Mesmer in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


The problem with those two classes are not the class itself but the mechanics that can be abused in some builds:

  • highest mobility in game
  • Highest active defense uptime in game
  • Highest damage in game.

Thieves get the same armor rating as an engineer still has a massive amount of damage plus abuse of stealth, which has no counter.

If put together with spamming dodges and evades plus a massive burst that can end most of professions in a couple of seconds you see there is something broken.

No class should be able to have so many defenses and so much damage.

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Druid/Ranger Fix

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


You can go condi druid, power druid, healer druid, or condi ranger.

That’s only two builds. No matter what method you use on your druid to charge up AF, it’s still there for heals and GotL buffs.

You’re either running heal buff bot druid or condition DPS ranger. You aren’t getting into raid groups running zerk ranger.

also those two builds are only 2 possible combinations, it’s not like you can make and mix your equipment with other traitlines so you can go something different from the 3 lines you must use.

And that about raiding, people tend to forget there are other game modes and the ranger\druid is even more locked up in even less viable builds.

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[WvW] Best builds for duels?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


i use something like this in WvW and i feel comfy in it

You are hard but also can build really fast a lot of power damage. And also is ok for all that condi meta is around .

Dueling i don’t have much of a problem but well i do kill warriors with the dreamer just for fun…

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(edited by anduriell.6280)

Druid/Ranger Fix

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Guys relax, although is nice to see such a passion we are brothers in arms here.

Let be honest here, Druid not ranger, is asked for because of the buff bot. GotL and Empowerment were utilities designed specifically with that in mind, using the only reason why rangers were tolerated in groups in the first place: frost spirit.

that together with the burst heal the Druid has is like the saviour of weak\noobs groups. That together with a good (not the best thou) condi damage to big hit boxes static bosses (mostly raid) make them perfect for raids.

However the same that is right the druid has only one use and one build it is needed for the ranger has none. Nobody would choose a ranger over any other class in game unless is for personal taste.

I understand the bruiser role the ranger was designed for, as an ability to keep dealing damage even when out of LoS (the pet) should have limited access to bursts.

but for that to be competitive the ranger needs to be well designed, skills and mechanics, so it doesn’t become something broken in game like the stealth.
So i somehow i agree with the OP, i’d love to anet to stop for a minute and try to make this class something else than an easy call for farmer bots.

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Rangers opinions on Caudecus fight

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


nah, our pets dont do squat to Cadicus (too lazy to spell it right) but main ranger are used to hardcore(if you play competitive with druid\ranger), so cadeicus (still lazy) that demands some dodging or kitting rekt idiots.

nothing to do there: the encounter is good, i’d like it harder more raid style. Farmers (what anet call casuals) are used to easy farm hit 1 and this is a change of pace.

i go full zerker and i die if i’m not careful enough. Even to simple trash mobs, however o still find it easy as i should be forced to put some tank in there at least the first times.

And i dont play raids, but a lot of wvw.

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The lag in this game is something unbeliable

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Just as quick reminder: The lag in this game as soon as two zergs fight each other is something worrying.

When one of the zergs abuse of the condi meta is impossible to play. We have to stop playing because the game is just not responding.

In such a game like this, where quick reactions matter the most there is no place for the lag, not by any circumstance.

Whatever the reason is: Anet should fix this, this could be the same as if you when to check your email took 30 minutes to get the new email. It is unacceptable.

As i said: The reason of this is from Anet’s part, and most probably on how the net protocols and game mechanics are designed. If you develop a game where the server has to handle that amount of traffic: Not only the player actions but also the effects potency (healing or conditions) needs a very developed structure.

Most probably an interface done in Erlang in an atom equivalent for a server is not going to cut it.

So please, if someone at Anet read this: With all the other issues in game this one i think is very important, at least for WvW.

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simple buffs

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


i only see nerfs there, one after another.

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