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in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Mesmers are kinda broken right now the same as DDs. They can build very tanky but keep a massive burst in case of the Mesmer in confusion stacks.
It does not matter if you clean up those as the Mesmer can keep applying them just for being around and ven if you cleanse the 20 stacks of confusion it will be able to keep 6-10 on you at all times.

If you can’t kill them at the spot with the pewpew just avoid them, when something is o broken it is not fun to be waste time with it.

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Remorseless improve/QoL

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Predator onslaught need also an extra to make it work as in pvp it’s impossible to keep those conditions on the target because the rangers lack of options to apply them.
There is an adept trait that could work if instead 30 seconds cd the OCD would be in line with the cripple duration it applies.

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Fortifying Bond

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Yep basically that: FB should become baseline together with the increased pet speed and damage from BM.
Pet is something we are forced to use so at least you should not be forced to pick 2 trait lines to make the pet a minimal effective.

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Epic power ranger roaming VIDEO

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Yeah, I agree wvw is full a baddies.
However your build using WS instead NM is nice

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Remorseless improve/QoL

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


i agree. Also there is no need of so much unblockable as the problem here are also de immunities. Warriors have around 12 seconds immu plus 4 seconds shield block.
I would make remorseless to apply extra damage when we are under fury, like 10%. Also an increase of movment speed of 33% when we are under fury (like under swiftness)
So in resume: with remorseless while under the effect of fury the ranger would get: 33% movement speed +.10% damage.
This way we can we can stop using bunker traits to have what should be basic mechanics access (ranger needs the extra speed to make up for the lack of damage)

The interrupt thing should be linked to active abilities and not passive.

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New Worlds

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


From my point of view this is a systemic problem not based in the player population but also how the system rewards the numbers instead the skill set and the player organization:

  • for the hundred time: reduce dramatically the damage to players from all the siege.* This only benefits the bigger blobs as they have more supplies. The siege should apply CC to incapacitate players so they are not able to damage but it must not do more damage than any AA. That way the siege will benefit al group sizes and will depend on the organization.
  • Modify effects to affect players around a target over time. There is an skill in game from a vampire something that affects players around the target. We need skills like this to avoid staking blobs in one spot. While this is not done we will have pirate ship or melee train.
  • Some boons should not stack in duration or potency. They are too strong to be designed to act 100% of the time.

Once we solved the problems with the binary blobs (melee train or pirate ship) and players are somehow rewarded fo using more coordinated way to fight closer to a raid than to pve open world we may think about balancing the population:

  • the average population during at the end of a encounter (2h) will be calculated to find the difference multiplier of the points. The math could be like this: (lower population population server / higher population partcipation server) * 100 and that will be the extra percentage points the lower population server will get. Participation could be the total amount of wvw reward track points the total players of that server have earned during that encounter.

You as company can not control the amount of players that goes to each server and making smaller pieces will not balance anything as the players will quickly shift to fill up any server that are defined as the strongest because they have the wvw home guilds. My suggestions will make the game will reward better the difference of player population between servers without the feeling that they did nothing and got everything.

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[Build]Godlike Shout Trooper Updated!

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280



But yeah…I better go with my power Mesmer again that I can’t play. Dueling wit druid is just pain right now because of a certain zerker Warrior build that can outheal you. WvW is really a joke...snip.

only warrior? Just yesterday i fought for 20 minutes running in circles for an very annoying and pretty bad ultrabunker meditrapper with sword\shield and scepter\focus (so you can decide how bunker he was going) until i could burst him down.
Completely lack of skill should not be that rewarding, F1 , circle trap, pull, symbol, and shield bubble to push you off while healing.

like a typewriter and impossible to burst down simply because it can heal better than the druid.

And chrono bunkers? with enough confusion output just walking around to kill anyone and immunities to walk thru an enemy zerg.

scrappers with tonics are also bunkerish as a nightmare. Hell even dire DDs full stealth mode can melt anybody just jumping around.

The only difference between a Druid and any other bunker build is that the druid don’t have enough burst and have to wear down enemies. People complain about the pet, but all those other classes can go full bunker still do double our dps even with the pet.

And it is not because the druid it’s just healing, that it should be fine, but it’s because the ranger base it’s in pretty bad state.

The pets needs to be a reliable source of damage or they should became our burst and utility and buff the ranger damage all across all the weapons. In any case i’m not asking for going full damage, but at least being better balanced with thw other classes.

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Give Rangers more alternatives

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


yeah and that’s why every single druid (there are no rangers anymore) goes as bunker as they can.

Our DPS is really bad on mobile targets because of the lack of cleave and aoe and our pets can’t hit those targets reliably and they are melt under conditions or CC. And you have to go full glass (one trick pony) to do a normal dps.

however this sub forum is full of brilliant suggestions written by people with great ideas so i’d advise to anyone just to read around.

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Weird Build (Condi and stuff)

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


You do realise Condi druid is now the best condition dps in the game? And it includes Shortbow with axe/torch

When i read things like this i realise how delusional some are…

Now, back to the topic: For PVE fo vipers if you use the shortbow. SB is an hybrid weapon so you need to do as much power dps as condi to be effective. Otherwise the total amount of condition damage will not be enough. I’ve tested this already.

For WvW/PvP just don’t. We are locked into WS or a rune set to be able to cleanse conditions, without them you’ll melt against almost anything as everyone goes for it, with maybe the exception of engineers or thieves.
So because how this class is designed you need: precision, toughness, vitality and condition damage (plus some healing) and there is not any amorset that give you that, and the possible combinations just don’t work.

So for now just forget about condi druid for pvp/spvp.

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Thanks for the NERF

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280

anduriell.6280 this video was to let arena net see how was the heal OP and pet dmg OP as well how poor thief is i am looking to see thief buffed soon

Uses Sic Em in duels, says how poor thief is… Okay…

Sic’em doesn’t work as you can’t tag the thief when you should and the reveal is too short to be useful when the thief is bursting you.

For a 45 seconds CD shout 5 seconds reveal is just absurd. A lot of veterans are asking for a AoE 1 target reveal and reduce CD to 25-30 seconds.

You can even take the damage component out, as the pet is kinda really bad (useless) at targeting something as fast as a thief.

Thieves die to pets, not staff, tho

to be specific they die to the bristleback spike barrage if you time it right smae as for the chronos. Otherwise they die to staff.

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Druids healing more manageable now?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


about the condi cleanses:
having them locked in one traitline isnt a good desing to begin with.

Now im talking about the base ranger:
move EB to beastmastery traitline as GM and make it cleanse one condition every 3-4 seconds instead 3 every 10 so the ranger has an actual choice.
Rework the water spirit to also cleanse and improve somehow the healing.
bring back the trait of mobile spirits.

the trait to share yhe boons with the pet from te ranger made baseline, so we arent forced into NM.

That should give enough choice to not tobe locked into the 2 traitlines and the rune set.

Now for the two traitlines about dps: the power one should bring more utility to be able to inflict damage more consistenly. A trait to give signet short unblockable attacks sounds fine to me.

The condi one should also bring more utility reestrucuting the traitline so there arent conflicting traits in the same spot, and also rework some effects so the role its better defined.

A ranger/druid should be able to choose one buker lines and one dps without loosing basic functionality.
otherwise we are being forced to choose the option that sucks less

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Druids healing more manageable now?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


I remember there was a massive thread here on how OP the druid was in small scale fights.
High damage great mobility insane healing daze invis pets all in one build.

Are they more balanced now in the current patch?

Not really. With like 400 healing power I heal ~6.5k casting lunar beam + rejunvenating tides.

The balance came with the 15sec hard cooldown on Celestial Avatar.

That and the nerf to ancestral grace.

But I doubt either of those nerfs were enough to make any of the bunker druids change their builds (maybe they had to add a bit more healing gear). My fear is that all these nerfs accomplished was to force a lot of glassy druids to pick up bunker gear to compensate.

Wrong. Bunker Druid does not have enough condition removal to face condi mesmers now. That and the AG nerf reduces ability to mitigate endless drones. I switched to GS/SB Demolisher, but think Druid makes a good target now.

It should definitely be the first target in a team fight. Low stability up time, limited condi removal and stun breaks. Good target. You should be able to 1v1 a good one with relative ease if you run a condi heavy build.

You might want to get in a bit more practice vs condi mesmers, or spend a few weeks playing one. With trooper runes, blocks, stealth, and a full cleanse every 15 sec you shouldn’t be getting overwhelmed by condi’s.

Condi mesmers are definitely strong in a 1v1 but it’s a pretty even fight.

The problem is the confusion itself and how is applied. After burning is the strongest condition and mesmers can apply a lot of those just for standing there.

Another problem is how confusion works. Because you get full damage on autoattacks you probably will instadie if you are using a sword or shortbow.

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Thanks for the NERF

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280

anduriell.6280 this video was to let arena net see how was the heal OP and pet dmg OP as well how poor thief is i am looking to see thief buffed soon

Uses Sic Em in duels, says how poor thief is… Okay…

Sic’em doesn’t work as you can’t tag the thief when you should and the reveal is too short to be useful when the thief is bursting you.

For a 45 seconds CD shout 5 seconds reveal is just absurd. A lot of veterans are asking for a AoE 1 target reveal and reduce CD to 25-30 seconds.

You can even take the damage component out, as the pet is kinda really bad (useless) at targeting something as fast as a thief.

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My view on the last balance

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Yesterday a could play a bit witht he recent changes to the druid, mostly toying with the healing power and how it affects the avatar.
We got effectively nerfed, the druid with 600 HP heals for about a 20% less than pre-balance patch.

Obviously Anet decided to nerf the sustain of the class, which i find find.
Also nerfed the hability to spam stealth with the Celestial Shadow. That’s the only reason why they increased the CD from avatar.

I couldn’t test out much the wvw side of the changes (CotW or the Shortbow) but mostly for my tests:

  • CotW is a much needed change for all those blocks in game, thus is getting ridiculous. Because the buff goes to the pet instead to the ranger i would increase the buff i 2 seconds so the pet has time to do it’s thing.
  • Shortbow needs more utility in the weapon set. The condition damage increased is a right call, and the inmmobilize in the hunters shot makes that skill to fulfill it’s purpouse of a catch-up skill.
    Still is a solo sustained dps weapon but because the lack of burst it needs some utility to evade/mobility. Add the leap (i would go as far as 600) option to Quick Shot so it can be used to combo fields which could bring so much needed disengage / utility slot.

What about make the hunter’s shot also to shadowstep to the enemy if it hits?

Now about other weapons:

  • Sword needs a means to cleave/follow enemies. That could be simply achieved with giving the hability to choose the direction of the leaps in Sword#2 with the direction you can choose to go, and remove/reduce the cast time on the skill.
  • The changes in WhaO or GS aren’t uncalled for and not needed. GS needs more than just a buff in DPS of 10% in maul, and WhaO is not the main reason why some Druids are so good. Maybe is just because they are simply that good
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SOTP nerf a bit uncalled for

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


25 might, pulsing stability, fury, swiftness, and regen,

That is pretty much baseline for every class at the moment.

And that’s the problem they seem to be trying to address…. very very very slowly…

Starting with ranger….

Anet is live testing stealth and stability nerfs with the ranger. And will stay only with the ranger.
Remember this words.

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How to work druid in? (WvW)

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Too early to get anything but theorycrafters with no experience with the ranger. Wait a week or so, so veterans can test the nerfs

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Prepare for baseline healing nerfs

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


i still agree with the necesity for the druid to invest in healing power to heal, but again: i hope the actually make the effort to choose those extremely bad stat combinations (with healing they are pretty bad) and reward the investment.

And the core ranger needs a boost in dps and utility. They nerf the boonshare but they will buff the dps and utility of mesmer and rev. Why they won’t do the same for the druid?

Problem is, and remember what i am saying, if they don’t buff the core ranger it will force druids to became even more bunker. So the cheesy neverdie ultrabunker druid will become even more obnoxious because the players will not have a choice (again). We will find a way.

Can they actually fix the core ranger before keep making the wrong choices so players can actually have some gameplay diversity and not to be forced into one build?

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Prepare for baseline healing nerfs

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


I don’t believe it will be a significant change, but probably more of a shave i.e 10% less base healing 10-15% more healing power contribution.

As it stands now, the issue people have with druids in PvP is that they are too bunkery. And what amulet do the bunker druids use? Mender’s. If they wanted to target that build specifically, then they would be nerfing the healing power contribution and not base healing.

However, in the post, Gaile states that while base healing will be nerfed, healing power contribution will be “enchanced significantly”. This implies overall healing will be increased for those who spec into healing, and therefore could end up making bunker druid stronger if we go on just these changes alone.

This is a pve nerf not pvp.

PVP Druid mender, meaning they could possibly get a buff, which make no sense.
Why do they have to nerf a pve spec and cut build diversity?

we just know they are nerfing the healing, for all what we know they could be buffing the core ranger utility and damage. Let’s hope so.

bringing back mobile spirits would allow the ranger to have another way to access to boon and free us from BM and have a choice over the bunker GM we all use.

sharing boons baseline with the pet would free us from the NM line.

Not having all the condi cleanses in one trait line would make the ranger to be able to experiment with more builds and free us from WS.

i hope they do something in this lines, because just nerfing the healing because pvp QQ would be a shame and bring the druid to the pre-hot ranger state.

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My Re-Balanced Celestial Avatar Form

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


those could be the worst ideas in this forum in all the time i’ve been around… And i saw very bad ideas here….

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Prepare for baseline healing nerfs

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


So any idea what inspired this brilliant idea?

I’m not too aware of the WvW or PvP issues with druids aside that PvP Druids are now what Scrappers used to be.

However, as far as the PvE meta goes, there were 3 viable Druid specs: Power, Condi, and Full Healing. Newer groups still benefited from the Full Healing Magi druid, while more experienced ones could use Power and Condi druids on a case by case basis. Lots of diversity there. In my mind right now, I am simply perceiving this as a threat that will eliminate the viability of Power and Condi druids in raids.

Is there something else I should be understand here? Something broken in the game that warrants this?

those nerfs in general are biased from wvw \pvp.
the druid is indubitably from pvp, but actually i don’t think it will fix anything, as they make the druids even to play more obnoxious builds.

the mesmer\revenant is because wvw. the melee blob train with full bunker but overbuffed was getting ridiculous.

personally i don’t think this will fix either too. Unless the boons quickness, protection and resistance stops stacking in duration you only need more mesmers to replicate the problem.

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Nerfing condi to the ground

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


the same we have armor to decrease power damage we need a stat to decrease condi damage.
It’s silly some player can drop 2k burning 5k confusion on you for 10 secs just for looking at you and you can’t equip to counter that.

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Prepare for baseline healing nerfs

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


personally i like that you have to invest in healing if you want to heal. I would take down the base healing and increase massively the contribution from healing.
For me that could make sense.

However ranger and druid need more options, doing that will probably hit very hard in the zerker and condi builds, making them irrelevant and also forcing druid players deeper into full bunker.

If Anet’s skills team doesnt do anything else to balance the class in general while nerfing healing, giving more choices as increasing utility, dps or condi application, they will not solve anything and this patch will be a disastrous joke.

With the ranger it always the same: we will end up choosing the options that suck less. Destroying dps builds will push even more players into even more cheese. My advise for that team is not to do that.

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Ranger/Druid Not part of Current Meta

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


…bubble bubble…

yeh sure. Whatever you say. Just try to actually play with the class in wvw so your comments have some sense.

Here i’m talking about a player that goes with his guild, team or zerg.
Pets die while you have them in passive, not attacking, just from the random AoE from a group bigger than 7 enemies. In the ranger forums it’s already explained why so i’ll not repeat myself.

15-20k RF to enemies only happens to pve mobs. You’ll never reach that against another player. Not even half most of the time. Again this is a wvw forum, i think you are in the wrong place.

And last and foremost: Druid to heal does no damage mainly because there is no stat combinations for healing and because the damage from the druid skills and weapons sucks bad and there is no way to increase that.

Dude seriously just play with ranger\druid in wvw and you will see it’s not as easy as it seems. At least to be able to defeat anything other than the doylaks. You would’t be the first i met that try out the druid for 2 hours and go back to their thief\ele\revenant.

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Tired of Stealth

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


i suggest to give all the classes to be able to build to counter stealth effectively.

That’s no good because damage from stealth is often enough to swing the coming fight entirely in the thief’s favour before it even begins.

Same as the players do for mobility, if you take the choice to build against stealth there should be the option for every one.


i can only say if you die from the first burst from a thief you certainly deserve to stay dead. What do you do? just eat it all with salsa? Do you stay on top of a trap thief just to be killed by condis?

Crits and how they ignore armor stat should be also addressed but this thread is about stealth i think….

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Rumor for Ranger's next Elite Spec

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


The new elite simply needs more pets.
DH and all the new skills to call more pets, pets everywhere. On the castle walls, behind closed doors, pets in upper floors, send pets to hidden spots. And a lot of them, we should be the only rangers in Tyria we don’t have an adult pet.
Well, Us and the sad charr that comes around in our adventures… What was his name? Nevermind, Who in their sane mind would go to HoT with a carrion devourer as pets.. WHO!!!!

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Ancient Seeds

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


In PvP this trait destroys necs, but its generally bad against anything else

It only destroys BAD necs. Really really noobs no-knowing what i am doing necros.

I fought against a lot of necros you can not pin down with this one time trick. More everyday, when they move from the last season ultimate DPS to something more durable with some cleanses.

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Ranger/Druid Not part of Current Meta

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


…lot of bubbly booble no sense…

for all the sense you write most of the time i’m pretty sure you don’t play this game from really long time ago.

Yeap, ranger and druid need more group support skills and traits, as i’m pretty sure it won’t get a boost in AoE dps.
And pets sucks in group fights as they keep dying and you can’t do anything to keep them alive.

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Tired of Stealth

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


non stop stealth is a problem in this game, but thief can’t get the stealth nerfed as the vanilla class would be destroyed.

Instead i suggest to give all the classes to be able to build to counter stealth effectively. Same as the players do for mobility, if you take the choice to build against stealth there should be the option for every one.

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Duration Increases

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


traps needs more work than just more dps. Frost trap has no real use other than a gimick build and the other traps are really weak.

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Ancient Seeds

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


actually i can see the reasons why:

  • you can kill the roots with a couple of autos.
  • if you are with swiftness the roots are too slow to affect you.
  • you can escape with one cleanse.
  • resistance makes you immune to the roots.
  • condition reduction over 30% makes you immune to the roots if the caster doesn’t have any condi duration.
  • you can blink out of them.
  • you can teleport out of them.
  • you can shadowstep out of them.
  • stability also negate the effect of the roots.

So yeah, druids use ancient seeds not because that trait is amazing but because you have to choose one and that one is the one that suck less. What’s the alternative? the one designed for raids? or the nerfed to oblivion lingering light?

As long as the roots do the same you will still be trapped on them because druids will keep using that trait how is supposed to.

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Ranger/Druid Not part of Current Meta

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280



Actually the boon problem just happen to any heavy boon class in game. Herald, mesmer and guardian also suffer of this problem. But as many people in the forums already said would suffice to make the strongest boons (resistance, protection and quickness) to not stack in duration to fix this. The bunker druid has 3 sources of protection + runes: when dodge, pasive by the GM trait, shout protect me and runes of durability. All of them are very short in duration, 3 seconds, and have long CD (20 seconds). So by each the procs are balanced but when you can stack you may get almost permanent protection.

So nerfing the strongest boons in game to not stack should fix thus boon share meta, thus the bunker druid.

the bunker druid does neligible damage with the weapons, being the pet the only source of damage. But the problem with the pet is more complex than just nerf it, because the pet is the main mechanic of the ranger and is supposed to make up for a 30% of our total dps (in reality not true). If Anet decided to nerf the pet may as well get rid of them for good.
I give some ideas a while ago

Other than that players must realice the ranger is the worst dps in game and has no real defensive skills. So if you do less damage than your enemy so you can not pressure him to retreat and your pet is a very unreliable source of damage you are always forced to go bunker.
And there is no other choice when druid is about.


wvw isnt all about damage, that only work with pugs. if the ranger could get the pet mechanica actually to work, and give back the support traits and skills and the Druid their group oriented skills and traits the Druid and the vanilla ranger could have a place in a zerg.

Druid is almost there with lunar impact and rejuvenating tides but it needs a bit more, Druid more in line of the heal and cleanses for the group and ranger in terms of group buffs.
I don’t think a plain dps increase would help the class to be wanted. Give the rangers the domain over the spirits and the druid over the life. Lingering light was so good in the betas….

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Can WvW get some profession balancing?

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


it is simple: in a game that has WvW mode the balance decisions must come from there. the more players involve in player vs player the more important is that game mode in balance.

And then after balancing the professions in wvw, PvE should be balance from those. Not the other way around. You make mechanics based in the limitations the classes have, not buff the classes from the mechanics from one game mode.

because that make absurd situations like skills as Coalescence of ruin that can instantly kill another player every 2 seconds from 1200 (which because of the limits of Anet’s gameengine can be clutted and not even seen in screen)

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Ranger/Druid Not part of Current Meta

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


I swear if I ever hear a ranger or druid complain…
Nearly every class scales rather badly in zergs, so what?
And the moment my class isn’t as useless as it is now against bunker druids I will personally dedicate my life to kill each and every druid I see.
I’m not sure what’s the most OP class right now, but I guess it’s druid. Berserker is pretty bad alone – 4 people to kill one druid, 6 people letting 2 berserker run free cause we’re unable to kill them. GG, anet, GG. (yes, I just rage quit wvw) (because of a druid).

And if I ever decide to become a commander I will kick each and every druid and ranger out of my squad. Because I can’t understand how people can have fun with these faceroll builds – “Oh i’m such a pro, killed them with my faceroll build!”.

oh you again with this song. Look, reroll a druid so you understand the class and stop writing things like 7k-8k staff auto.

back in topic as i said, ranger and druid had a very interesting choices of skills and traits that made the class a team player, focused in support. But the skills and class got gutted in some later on nerfs that left the class as a solo by myself kind of play.

Reverting those points would make the vanilla ranger morw wanted (mobile spirits) and allow the druid to have a build for groups\squads (lingering light and verdant etching)

the ranger\druid will still lack damage but i at least it would have an spot as group support.

The also pet needs to be traited for it’s survivavility thus doesn’t have access to evades and cleanses\stun breakers so it doesn’t die instantly at the sight of an enemy zerg.

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Ranger/Druid Not part of Current Meta

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


…I’ve even had comments asking me how the h_ll did I survive when others died…

it’s pretty simple to answer that. if you keep yourself to the deepmbackline using your pewpew lb at 1800 most probably you wont get hurt.
And because you are in the same block as necros and eles even the hunting thieves will choose other targets over you.

So that’s why you survive. That or you go with the tag plus ultra tank cheesy build that deal no damage. Either case your impact in the enemy zerg is minimal.

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I’m all in for Team Irenio!

(edited by anduriell.6280)

Ranger/Druid Not part of Current Meta

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


and yep. Thing that could be easily solved with reverting the nerfs to lingering light(druid) so it can heal more consinstenly, revert the nerf to Seeds of life(druid) so we have a reason to use the glyphs and bring back Spirits Unbound trait and revert the nerfs to the spirits (ranger)

Those utilities\traits were designed as group support and when someone at anet decided to gutted them they completely destroyed the group builds for the ranger\druid.

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Astral Force question

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


And reflected projectiles.

ours? Why is that? or did u forget the \s?

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yeah the shortbow needs rework

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Could the skills be better designed? yes i agree, they could. But let’s be realistic, devs don’t read this forum or even their own post asking for opinions as they have proven a thousand times already. You must be new.

But if you are happy throwing away your ideas here, don’t let me interrupt you,.

Lmfao. Yeah sry anduriell you kinda had that comming

yeah Justine just seems to have fallen in love with my avatar. i don’t even really keep track what he says or not…

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[EU] Server merging is a disaster

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


meanwhile Baruch Bay won’t be paired because Anet’s rules.

Which make us one of the lowest population server with only coverage for night capping.


You were always doing night cap even when your server were highly populated

Yeh i explained before why: In spain workers have a shift from 8-9 to 7-8 (yeh most of us don’t know what is to work 35 hours a week).
So after work you go to have a beer with your friends or go do the food shooping and you arrive about 9-10 at home.

It is not that we don’t realize we play very late, but unfortunately this is how it works in spain.

So the day you can log in early, before let’s say 8, you are outnumbered and you can’t even roam because of the ganking squads.

If we could get paired with other server that play during the day maybe that could balance the population flow in baruch thus more people would play during the afternoon/morning.

Right now, we are locked in night capping, because even if you log in early there is no allies in the map to be useful.

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I’m all in for Team Irenio!

sic'em rework

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


so what about this idea for sick’em

  • range 1200. when cast the pet(must be alive) goes to the closest stealthed target and reveal them while attacking. Reveal 10 seconds. 25 seconds CD(20 seconds cd traited).

Pet does not get the buffs in damage or speed thou. the reveal duration is followiing this reasoning:

  • all reveals to be balanced should apply a 1/2 ratio between duration and skill CD.
    so 5 seconds reveal should have 10 CD. This is to avoid depending exclusively permastealth.
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yeah the shortbow needs rework

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


i like the shortbow, unfortunately that weapon is really bad for pvp.

it only has attacks and no utility. Only skills worth mentioning are poison volley and concussion shot. Even those are pretty bad as they need massive set up for just get it working.

Definitely with very little damage and no utility is not worth the trouble to bring it around, even S\W has more utility and damage. The warhorn has at least a blast finisher and provide some boons (wh4 still is pretty bad thou that attack could benefit from more utility instead damage)

What do you think?

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Ghost Thief yeah! good call anet

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Honestly, this thief build has so many hard counters, they’re almost a non-issue (aside from near perma-stealthing.) Any class with AoE, GTAoE, PBAoE, or channeled non-target DPS hard counters this thief. These thief builds are a non-issue outside of their excessive stealthing and the runes are a non-issue.

….. I feel like you don’t know what hard counter means

Or perhaps you don’t understand my usage of it. Hard counters are strategies or things that are in exact opposition or of prevention to something. For example: Flamethrower Engineer running condi cleanse and F5 anti-stealth; firstly this engineer can hit and damage said thief while thief is stealthed (#1 doesn’t require a target); can cleanse conditions negating the damage this thief could do; and can remove the thief’s stealth. I do run (I have multiple engineer alts) an engineer with a specific build similar to what I’ve described purposely to combat thieves that generally results in these specific types of thieves coming out of stealth in a downed state. Engineer is not the only class/build capable of this.

[off topic]
what you think “hard counter” means is irrelevant, the actual meaning is this one:

which is not what you are saying.

what you describe it could be described as soft counter like plaguing AoEs everywhere and hope for the best.

Please refrain yourself of thinking your ideas are the total truth and we all must accept them.

now going back to topic.
Every single class in game should have a trait or skill that denies the stealth in a hard mode.

the actual reveal durations vs CD is ridiculous. The balanced ratio would be 5 seconds revealed for every 10 seconds CD. So Gaze of Darkness with 20secs cd should apply 10 seconds revealed.

Warrior needs a reveal on hit with a melee weapon (on short CD\short reveal) and necro need this as well, maybe a pbaoe on long CD (but also long reveal if it hits).
Ranger needs the sic’em adjusted so it’s possible to use it in permastealthed targets, now it needs first to be able to target(impossible if the target doesn’t stay visible for more than a second) it and the reveal is too short for a 40 CD skill.

Thief(and mesmer) will have to relay in actually playing the class to it fullest (thief with mobility and dodges, mesmer with clones ) to become good. Now it is just ridiculous how much stealth this classes have and how little other classes can do.

This changes also will affect other classes with shorter stealth duration but also problematic like the bunker druid. Being able to reveal them and keep them revealed will break their rotations and positioning.

So i think this change would be good overall although we all know all the bad stealth theefs would QQ everywere.

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(edited by anduriell.6280)

[EU] Server merging is a disaster

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


meanwhile Baruch Bay won’t be paired because Anet’s rules.

Which make us one of the lowest population server with only coverage for night capping.


I’m pretty sure you are still doing better than Kodash :/

Probably because the nobody like night capping. Personally i don’t enjoy doing PvD for hours.

but if you log in before 8-9 there is not enough people in maps, because here in spain we work up to that hours. (6-7, grab a beer with friends and arrive home)

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

The State of Siegeplay is Embarrassing

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Do you except the same people that buffed AC damage by 80% despite everyone wanting lower damage to actually fix siege issues?


Bring on the new cannons instead, at least we can have something to laugh at… Still crossing fingers that they are going to be mobile.

good one! The damage one superior arrow cart is okeish, but put 10 of those together and it will melt anything, even enemy moral.
same for ballista. Why that weapon that is point and click does 10k damage to a 3k amored player with protection?

Porblem! If you are a blob defending an structure you can build those 10 superior AC. But if you are just 3 players youll be lucky if you can finish building one before the enemy breach in.

The siege should not do primary desing to damage players. It’s primary function should be disable enemy blobs so they can not enter in so there is no point to build more for moar damage.

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[EU] Server merging is a disaster

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


meanwhile Baruch Bay won’t be paired because Anet’s rules.

Which make us one of the lowest population server with only coverage for night capping.


Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Far Shiverpeaks (EU) - WvW rank 1?

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


If you check the position history of FSP you will see the server rising in ranks since about 4 months ago. Thats when linking started. However the original (native) population on those servers is so low they don’t play much of a role.
Instead a caravan of bandwagoners using the 500 gem “exploit” simply joining the current FotM.
Guess how many known players from deso and sfr are on my server now since we got linked….

i asure you, quite a lot must have moved as i can see a lot of condis mesmer pu, perma stealth s\p thieves, boonshare for a ton and melee train blobs with a guardian\zerker rate of 80% which only happened before when we were matched up against desolation.

This week at least Far shiverpeaks has blobs in 3 maps, as the player from kodash said the only non FS occupied map is kodash because of the DBL.

Not that i’m complaining thou, their blobs are hard (maybe because the boonshare meta) but we handled to beat their s*t out from time to time (yesterday from 8 to 22 in their map for example ) which is very rewarding, shame it’s impossible to roam because of the gank squads.

Personally i like better this way although they are wining because the massive population those 3 linked servers have.

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Ghost Thief yeah! good call anet

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Counterquestion: Do you think classes base mechanics should be nerfed because of a rune or that any class should be able to completely destroy regen, condi remove, burst, defence of another class?

With no mechanic to deal with invisibility, it is completely unfair to condi bomb other players while remain invisible and that must be addressed. In other MMOs that could be considered an exploit.

There is no other mechanic so broken in this game, Anet has to sell a trick\trap to counter it in wvw and that’s simply wrong.

Againts invisibility there is nothing realiable. No class can trait for that and when the thief get invisibility + extreme mobility + extreme evasion + almost immunity to CC + massive dps it has simply too much.

Invisibility should be addressed and most players are already fed up with this. Not only limit the amount of time the thief can stay invisible without revealed for some seconds, but also each and every single class should have an utility or trait to counter stealth reliably.

Thief already have a massive dps and ridiculous access to evades to not to need to focus only in stealth.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Let's hear your pet names!

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


wolf – juvenile wolf
smockescale – juvenile smokescale

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I’m all in for Team Irenio!

WvW overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


this is because the game is designed to stack but there are no means to counter stacking.

We need some player skills in game to work as Single target AoE.
Similar effects to Vampiric Infection from the Vampire Beast Crawler. Target is affected and for a short time foes around the target are also affected.

Good case could be Druids Astral Wisp. If that wisp would apply burning all the enemies it cross then the zerg wouldn’t be so kin to stack and more about making small squadrons.

Thief, Druid,Engi, Necro, Mesmer would be good classes to give some skills that has that new mechanic. It does not need to deal only damage but any kind of utility, mesmer could rip boons, necro could corrupt boons, Engi rip them or apply CC…

once the staking problem is solved the meta will change to a more natural and fluid combat were the squadron would be organized in small groups instead a massive hit 1 blob that is making the people to get bored and deflect wvw.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

(edited by anduriell.6280)

Ghost Thief yeah! good call anet

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


And I honestly can’t remember when I saw the last trapper thief. That was a while ago. So maybe 1% of the remaining thieves are running it, but yeah, let’s nerf thief!

far shiverpeaks[EU], desolation[EU], gandara[EU] and Riveside[EU] have plenty of them.
just today i had the pleasure of being annoyed for at least 3 of them.

Obiously you don’t see them because they are perma-stealthed but they were there for sure.

That mechanic need to be addressed as a whole, all classes should have a mean to build to deal with stealth and permanent indivisibility while dealing damage should not be possible.

there are a lot of complains and videos im reddit and here, it’s time for Anet to take action.

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I’m all in for Team Irenio!

boon duration etc

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


protection, quickness and resistance should not stack in duration.

those boons are simply too strong where there are enough numbers, they escale exponientaly.

it makes the facerolling melee train possible, and that meta is even worst than the pirate ship, simply because you only hit 1 and go and back.

Those boons should be careful applied and not “drop’em as much as u can” style is right now. they make pve content absurdly trivial and wvw extremely frustrating if you dont follow the boonshare meta.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!