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Adding Rune of the Lynx to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


I think more speed in game is in general bad idea as it hurts the build variety.

Any runes that gives +25% should be removed as it is a powercreep and instead give all classes a couple of different ways to achieve speed. I never got the lack of swiftness in the necros, even while in combat for example.

I mean, come on at least some minor trait that guarantee long swiftenss on kills.

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Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Saying bad ranger skills and traits shouldn’t be changed because other classes have bad skills and traits is a pretty stupid argument and I can only presume its being used to derail the thread and troll.

Yeh I agree. My point is, if we forget all about the new specs, the core classes had all an spot in the content, all but core ranger (still remember the reddit outcry when even they were being kicked from dungeons runs.. just for being rangers)

Which is an actual problem when you try to balance a new spec: the new spec not only needs to bring a new way to play the class but also overcompensate for lack of the core class.

Which is simply imposible to balance if you want to keep the new spec competitive with other classes in game.

Anet needs desperately to actually make core ranger competitive with the rest of the core classes otherwise is going to happen what always happens with ranger: nerf to the oblivion and half baked gameplay.

And actually most of the nonsense in this class is pretty simple to fix: remove clunky mechanics or artificial difficulty gates.

For example: why do we have the only two sources of cleanses locked in the same trait line? Why can’t I choose to carry empathic bond(that needs improving nevertheless) and wilderness knowledge?

Why do we have an skill that is simply a cleanse for inmovilice in 40 seconds CD?

Why all ours stabilities have over 1 second cast and such awful CD times?

Why short bow is yet in 900 range when the weapon was designed originally for 1200?

Why axe in general is so bad designed?

Why all those precast animations present in all the weapons that make the skills clunky at best?

Why the nerf in the speed of sword#1 chain ?

Why dagger is so bad?

Why do we have absurdly telegraphed animations for the only 2 burst available for such a low damage?

This class seems designed with the feets, we need somebody to grab a pen with their hands and actually rewrite what the core ranger is supposed to be competitive at as right now is like a pain to play with it because all those extremely pigeonholed uses the skills and traits are designed for in opposite to an open design where the player can actually build to their play style.

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Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


You have spirits that with all their drawbacks are still considered staple in at least 1 game mode. Go take a look at what garbage skills and traits other classes have to deal with. Heck add “weapon” to “spirit” and you get a joke skill type.

Sure, the class has issues that could be fixed, like every single class in the game. In the meantime, it’s top dps and top support.

You are talking about raids and this is not the raids subforum, that is not even a full gamemode and it is said that not even a 10% of the playerbase do it.

Spirits for pve, pvp and wvw are completely useless, and ranger is not top dps and not top support in any game mode. In raids is only wanted as buffbot.

Meanwhile ranger has useless traps, useless spirits, 3 of 4 useless signets, 2 of 5 shouts nerfed to the absurd, 2 of 6 useless survival skills, clunky\incomplete\absurd mechanics in all the weapons, a complete mess of traits and trait lines which don’t allow any mix and match, complete lack of stability and reliable cleanses for immobilized, wonky pet mechanic, lacks of reliable burst unless goes kamikaze and it is the only class in game which forces players to do pve scavenger hunt all around to be able to get the pets. o In other classes is enough to use the tomes and the proofs of heroics to have it ready to combat.

I play with other classes and with the exception of the engi which is another class with a lot of wonky, weird and overly complicated mechanics which make the class unfun, there no other profession in game so unrewarding to play.

So yeah, Ranger needs a full overhaul or any new spec will be nerfed to the oblivion like the druid has been or completely useless like the core ranger is.

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[Suggestion] My Spirits Rework Idea

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


yep nice idea.

Although personally i like the spirits not an aura but to be another body: it offers some cover against some projectiles and aoe, and i like the petting zoo effect. And the counterplay of being killable should allows to be buffed a bit so they are not completely useless.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Strongest roamers are PvP veterans?

in PvP

Posted by: anduriell.6280


PvP Wings are NOT a mark of skill any more than WvW Rank Tiers are.

A good roamers needs,
average experience, a carry build, map awareness and determination.

Any thing above and/or in addition to those things will just make your play time miserable with opponents who will logout leaving the map dead, hide in walled objectives or outnumber you with 2:1 ratio.

hey i like my rank of silver sergeant general commander…

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Rifle Thief: how does it make you feel?

in Thief

Posted by: anduriell.6280


I agree is going to be a disaster. But hey who said there is going to be balance in this game… it hasn’t been for 4 years, why start now?.

But hey, then the meta will shift to camper meta!!!

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(edited by anduriell.6280)

Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Yeah, poor ranger having to struggle with being the best class in the game

still i think is important to solve the issues with the class. The ranger has the most awkward, clunky and completely disconnected skills and traits in all the game.

For example: we have the spirits that are immobile now with actives of just 300 pbAoe and an with HP of a couple of hits. For a class which has to move constantly because the lack of stability and more importantly, specific skills that cleanse immobilized
(only one skill does that and being LR it can send you off a cliff easily) , that makes no sense in any logic mind.

Sword#2 takes over a 1 second to activate. in this game were most of the skills are instant or have very low cast time makes that skill mostly useless to avoid attacks, skill that also because the lack of control can make you fall off a cliff.

and the list goes on…

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(edited by anduriell.6280)

There should be more Ranger pets

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Actually we need less pet’s and more skins.

at the end most of the pet’s are actually that and i wouldn’t mind to find some pet skin like the mist wolf for 400 gems.

Rework pets by families and give 1 of each to the ranger level 1. And let us choose the active from a selection defined by family. in F2

It would be good to be able to choose also a second F skill with a list of “utilities” based on the family, combo fields, knockbacks… in F3

attack my target should become a switch to rotate between attack my target and return to me, when hold should show a ground target to make the pet Guard that area. in F1

And the rest how it is now. I think if we as players could have this way more control over the pet such as path (using the guard function), or being able to call the knockbacks when needed would make them bearable.

But this has been said for hundred times from before even HoT and no changes were done.

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Rifle Thief: how does it make you feel?

in Thief

Posted by: anduriell.6280


rifle thief will get just one dodge instead the 3 from DD. Probably most skills will have a long casting.
That spec it is meant to static long range massive damage type they say. Which i think is fine as long as they are not like rifle warrior: 3k damage every second + bursts + insane immunities and regen.

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Ancestral Grace Backpieces

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


not only backpieces, also armor set

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100% Boon duration

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


no need for the sigil: 102% boon duration

You can replace the NM traitline for the oil from the new map that gives you boon duration based in 10% of one stat.

just avoid the cristal as it uses healing power.

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ancestral grace shows armor and backpiece

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: anduriell.6280



it really bugs me out because you use so much this skill to move around.

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Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Fixing core ranger issues won’t sell more games/expansions.

This franchise has always been about powercreep to make the new expansions more attractive, nothing new here since the original Guild Wars. Time in between expansions are mostly to tone down the powercreep they earlier introduced, just to let things start all over again when the next one hits.

Apparently, it works to some extent. So even though I hope for improvements just as much as anyone else here, I don’t think they’ll ever come, at least not in the way we would like.

I partially agree with the statement. This technique works as long as the game generates a lot of hype so new players are catch by the illusion. Old players usually fall once or twice in the same lie, after that the company built some resentment in their costumer base.

unfortunately that’s not the case of GW2, not anymore. The amount of players in WvW and Pve Open world is being visibly decreasing in EU, you can judge that for the amount of available squad for metaevents/farms.

For example 2 weeks ago on a Sunday afternoon i couldn’t find more than 3 instances for the leather farm in lake doric.
1 full instance and a couple with a bunch of players in Silverwastes.

I couldn’t imagine that happening in 2014 when the wvw maps had long queues and there were always people to do the meta events in Tyria.

In any case they can’t expect to fool the same costumers again, and they don’t have new ones. The F2P effect diminished greatly with the years and the disaster it was HoT at launch.

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Poof, no druid...Already submitted a ticket

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


They are testing next expansion spec: the no-ranger.

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Legendary Armor and WvW [Merged]

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


- What about replayability? if you get all the armors you will probably get nothing else to do

That’s the crux of it. If they introduced more ways of obtaining the same set, they would undermine a serious reason to play the content. In case you haven’t noticed, all recent legendaries are bound to specific content. Armor to raids, backpacks to PvP and FotM, gen 2 weapons to HoT maps. The devs are using the legendaries to create a reason for players to play specific content.

That’s actually the point. You are supposed to play that grindfest that are raids because supposedly you enjoy the grindfest.

I play, well.. played, WvW beause i enjoy the game mode. Good rewards are meant to allow players to stay in a competitive state and have the most adequate build for their gamestyle.

You are stating that raiders play Raids but they despise them so they need massive rewards to keep playing, right?

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Remove activation time for Hornet Sting

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Most ranger’s weapons are badly designed.
For example GS#1 chain, the last attack, where it evades it extremely clunky. I don’t think i’ve ever consciously try to use that attack.

All the Axe’s mainhand aftercast… Axe#4 projectile disappearances because terrain (not even walls) and now such a extreme small AoE.
Axe#5 being an static skill in a class that is not tank, thus needs to stay moving all the time….

Sword#3 not being able to hit anything. Gs#5 short range. Dagger in general is awful.

Shortbow still a pretty terrible weapon being used only for filling the gap between torch CDs.

Is like being the class designed as a middle ground between mobility and active deffenses from the thief and tankiness from the engie, but the weapon skills were designed with the devs feet for something as static as Guard with many passive block and deffenses.

SB is somewhat decent now i would say after the bleed on autoattack buff.
Warhorn is tge only ranger weapon that doesnt feel lachluster, just hasnt that much use.

I have to agree with dagger, especially the number of hittable targets are bugging me. I would give both daggerskills a cleave to hit multiple targets atleast. I would also like to see a shadowstep on dagger 5 but thats debatable ground.
Axe 4 could need a ground target like phoenix of ele has, with the same mechanic.
Axe 5 just needs movement like all other “spin” moves have, just to bring it on the same level.
Greatsword has even as a defensive power weapon dmg on the low site and dmg buff could have some uses. Hilt bash still bugged.
Make Axe 3 AoE on default and fix traits.

Weapons of ranger had an identy crisis till launch and are still on it. Actually i am.not sure if ranger has the most flawed weapon and utility skills that need some love, on the other hand we have a lot of pretty good ones.

IMO Sb is pretty terrible even with the testimonial condi buff. Nobody uses it unless is as a filled between torch CDs. It is better than before, sure, still damage is pretty low to be used in PvE and The weapon skills are so bad for pvp/wvw than almost seems to be designed with the feets. Range should be increased to 1200, although i begining to think 1500 should be the number as that weapon lacks any burst and the condition damage is coming almost exclusively from bleedings and needs time to build up (thus the range). Also another choice to fight thieves that burst and try to teleport away.

Sb#3 being a ground target 600 shadowstep that grants superspeed if hits so the ranger actually has some control about when to hit from the ide or the back would be very welcome. And some torment and confusion in some of the skills would be amazing so the player is not forced into SM traitline.

Dagger needs more than increase the targets, the Dagger#4 is a complete waste of skill, i can’t think of any replacement that actually could work.. I agree Dagger#5 needs the shadow step ground target.

Axe#4 needs also to pulls for the full range, not 300. The reflect in Axe#5 should increase to match the other reflection skills abide the mobility , not 150. Axe#1 needs t be replaced as the last nerf destroyed it’s utility (build might), i would make the axe to work as the guardians lootstick works (cleave 600, plus grant 1 might for each enemy hit up to 3) and remove the projectile from it. And Axe#2 needs to have no such as pre-cast animations, it looks like it want’s to throw a Frisbee. .

But yes, there are a lot of fantastic threads in this subforum with brillant ideas and none were taken.

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Anet should fix the ranger b4 next expac.

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Otherwise the new and any future spec is going to be a complete disaster the same the druid is outside from being the old role a raid buffbot (which the ranger fulfilled with the old dungeons as well).

What do you think? Nex spec has any chance to be grandiose although ranger is a complete mess than seems to be designed with their feets?
Wouldn’t be too much (aka future batenerf) to have in one trait line the DPS, Mobility and Self-sustain the core ranger lacks?

Wouldn’t be better to make the core ranger to fulfill the roles off-dps(mobility,limited self-sustain) and off-suport (shouts, mobile and working spirits, spotter, some pets), with mobility and range, and then focus the new specs to fulfill the new roles correctly (druid as full support/off-tank and soulbeast as full DPS/off-tank ) instead overcharging one traitline which makes the class OP or complete useless?

PS: Before someone comment something about it: This tread means to be about the core ranger, Druids fulfilling the old ranger’s role as buffbot but now in raids instead in dungeons is not something is worth discussing here.

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Remove activation time for Hornet Sting

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Most ranger’s weapons are badly designed.
For example GS#1 chain, the last attack, where it evades it extremely clunky. I don’t think i’ve ever consciously try to use that attack.

All the Axe’s mainhand aftercast… Axe#4 projectile disappearances because terrain (not even walls) and now such a extreme small AoE.
Axe#5 being an static skill in a class that is not tank, thus needs to stay moving all the time….

Sword#3 not being able to hit anything. Gs#5 short range. Dagger in general is awful.

Shortbow still a pretty terrible weapon being used only for filling the gap between torch CDs.

Is like being the class designed as a middle ground between mobility and active deffenses from the thief and tankiness from the engie, but the weapon skills were designed with the devs feet for something as static as Guard with many passive block and deffenses.

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A diferent wvw smaller client for SSD use

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Can we have a gw2 client/folder for wvw/spvp only so it take less space and we can put it on SSD driver without wasting space with pve useless data.
I also want a option to turn off pve updates/downloads that we never use so i dont waste time downloading it.

This option effectively already exists.

Switch to the “On Demand” setting in the Streaming section of Options. To avoid downloading extra content you can place your characters in a smaller map, and set yourself to auto-login and auto-play. This should basically cover what you wish.

hey that’s nice to know!

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WvW Condi Druid build help

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


So what is this condi ranger build that is supposedly top cake?

The only 2 builds i know of are the trapper which is not that good and Justine’s longbow build which used to be good but anet ruined it in the recent balance.

dude, you should know if you read the forums that ranger is not dps class and druid even less so. And ranger has never had an option for condi, Justine’s build was more like one trick pony against extreme glass players.

my guess is Ranger is supposed (for how the weapon multipliers are ) to be something like off-dps \ off-support \ balanced by the weapons range.

Anet failed miserably thou.

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WvW Condi Druid build help

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


guys i don’t understand your english.
You ask anywhere in reddit and everybody agree condi druid is top cake! most dps! immortal!!

easy wins because druid carry all the zerg! ( Irenios words ).

hamrolf rev is still easier than druid. No druid however competent is, goes full glass with druid.
hamrolf rev can pull that build out because the insane dps it can bring.It’s like fighting a riffle warrior, if you get crits of 4,5k AA every second plus 15k every 2 seconds it is impossible for a ranger to have enough time to kill anything. But again justine knows it just he just wants everybody to go for the faceroll hamrev.

But of course hamlol rev can’t carry as much against a theeth or a perma block and stun guarrior.

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SoulBeast next spec? i hope with double sword

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


If this were a shapeshift spec I think I’d finally take some actual interest in ranger.

one of the grand master traits seemed like a shapeshifting thing… Although i have to say, shapeshifting mechanic in this game has been a complete disaster, as the skills have been always a joke because they are useless or completely broken.

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SoulBeast next spec? i hope with double sword

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


just quick update from reddit: still in testing but apparently mostly DPS and petless.

Taking some notes form an old CDI thread:

Something like when you stow the pet you gain the “aspect”, so rangers would get buffs based on the pet.

I hope they go for the perma-stow option. It is simpler and get rid of the pet when having it around is an annoyance (zerg versus zerg, exploring map, some pve instances).
And if they buff all the pets utility and reliability the pets wouldn’t need to be perma-stowed all the time.

My answer for most of the synergies and pets effect, when the pet is stowed the effect is applied to the ranger. example: Sb#3 makes the next ranger’s attacks also to cause bleeding. Protect me! would cause taunt towards the ranger, which if this is a DPS spec that is what the Soulbeast actually wants. Not very difficult to adapt.

And i hope sword off hand instead dagger mh.

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(edited by anduriell.6280)

WvW Condi Druid build help

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Yeah, but do you have any tips, something you would change and why?

nothing man… Haven’t you heard? Condi druid is top cake now, top dps.

You should have an easy win with that.

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Skill To Have Spirits Follow You?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Removed from the game. As to why, your guess is as good as ours.

I’ve seen Spirits following people after the change as recently as a few days ago, so something is amiss here.

Why are you lying? They’re not moving, even with the spirit trait.

It was in Lake Doric and yes, the Spirit WAS moving with the Druid.

you keep ignoring what we already told you, that’s a racial elite, and now go to play with the ranger so at least you know how the class works.

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SoulBeast next spec? i hope with double sword

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


i just i would love anet to actually listen and try to share\discuss the aspects of the new spec or this class, as opposite to other classes Anet dev team seems completely lost when ranger is all about.

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I’m all in for Team Irenio!


in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


…Its just qq, condi isnt broken, people just dont know how to play against it. It does 0 damage when resistance on(list your resistance sources) …

And what are those sources of resistance? Because on how this superpro player is saying it seems every single player in game has access to 20 seconds of resistance every 30 and 20 seconds full immunity every 30 again.

Like we all play guarriors or something…

The devs need to get rid of soft condis from auto attacks, and make toughness a condi damage mitigation stat as well.

i can’t agree there. toughness should not mitigate both type of damage or we are in risk to create supertanks with strong damage mitigation to everything.

i say to use healing power to mitigate condition damage (duration not affected) a 1% every 100 points.

And condition damage should do less damage by stack the more stacks a player has on him. So 1 stack does full damage but 10th does (for example) 10% of the full damage.

“Weak” conditions like bleeds or poisson could have less damage reduction and bursty conditions like burning, confusion or torment could have much lower softcap.

So while a 10th bleed stack could mean a damage reduction of 50% for that stack, it could mean a reduction of 90% for burning.

Thus there could be some softlimits to condi bombs and not be an instakill.

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(edited by anduriell.6280)

Search and Rescue

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


How about a different direction,
- Reduced the cooldown to 20 or 30 seconds base
- Pet enters a defensive stance for a small amount of time, ie it stops attacking
- Pet will pulse heal to downed allies while in said stance, 3-5% every 1-3 seconds for 10-12 seconds. Not sure where the limits should lie, I imagine something akin to reapers transfusion trait.
- Pet takes reduced damage from condi and power, ignores movement affecting conditions, but can be hard cc’ed out of the stance.
- Healing range is about 180-300 from the ranger. Again not sure of how much is too much.

The idea behind this change would be to bring it alongside the necro transfusion trait. It heals a total of 18% over 9 pulses quite quickly. While this change would result in a higher heal over a longer period of time. The short cooldown makes it more enticing for healers to bring, while the pet still remains vulnerable.

What about this:

  • pet’s take the ally closest to your target and teleport to you.
  • The pet ressing is not like full speed like now, but while on combat, so it takes longer for the pet to resurrect alone that it would be done for another player.
  • range go back to 1200 or remove it completely.
  • CD in 60.
  • goes to elite slot.
  • strength of the pack reduce CD base to 45 seconds and reduce effect to 6 seconds instead 9. Goes to the utility slot.

Now we have a reason to use S&R because is useful and the ranger gets a half decent way to get stab. With all the CC all the classes are spamming right now the absolute lack of stability cringe my gears….

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SoulBeast next spec? i hope with double sword

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Remove the link.

I like daggers as weapons. I played it a lot before HoT and would like to see some improvements. Maybe we get it if we get mainhand dagger.

I don’t know… maybe if they fix the ranger’s weapons skills in general… Otherwise i won’t keep my hopes up.

But yeah, vanilla ranger would need a deep overhaul to fix all the bugs and incoherences with the class before i even consider buying the new expac. I’m ashamed to admit i preordered hot, but after the big fiasco that is druid for me ( i despise raids ) im wary Anet is going to nerf the heel out of the new spec if is any good, because it has to be OP to cover for the completely useless ranger state.

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SoulBeast next spec? i hope with double sword

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


in base from the leaks in reddit.

Apparently we are getting a new somehow imbued ranger. Shame it seems we get dagger mainhand, although i would like more sword offhand as for aesthetics , never liked it when the daggers are all handled upside down.
Also dagger offhand is a horrible weapon…

What do you think?

[link removed?]

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I’m all in for Team Irenio!

(edited by anduriell.6280)

Quality of Life changes

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


snip… or better just finish druid beta status


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I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Search and Rescue

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


S&R was destroyed by the incompetent that nerfed that skill, same with most of the double nerfs this profession suffered.

Range and CD wich made the skill absolutely trash to any gamemode (even raids..)

But exactly that is being going on with the ranger from launch.

I’m sure that random appreciates it.

~ Kovu

That’s the idea to change the general perception of the profession.

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I’m all in for Team Irenio!

(edited by anduriell.6280)

Skill To Have Spirits Follow You?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Removed from the game. As to why, your guess is as good as ours.

I’ve seen Spirits following people after the change as recently as a few days ago, so something is amiss here.

Why are you lying? They’re not moving, even with the spirit trait.

Maybe he’s referring to the Sylvari elite spirit that moves? Lol

Ye that skills is really similar to nature spirit… But it is actually better as it even attacks!

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GS 4 vs Mantra Interrupt

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


No it’s good stuff, I just wasn’t super interested in the topic.

i see you still are sore. No worries it will cure in time, or do you need to call up big bro again even here?

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Followup: My 2k hours Ranger Talk.

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


i agree with everything it is said in this post.

But guys Anet devs arent known for listening sensible and helpful suggestions in the official forums, only the mods circle this places.

Better to take this to reddit, seems those are the official support forums.

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I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Our Pets and conditions

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


gñññ… i wrote somewhere else like a hundred times: when the ranger use an stunbreak or a cleanse same effect should be applied to the pet as well.

And that is just common sense.

An now that we are at it: the boons the ranger get should be shared with the pet as well. The minor Fortifying boon should become baseline for the ranger.

Fortifying boon should make than once every 5 seconds one boon applied to the pet should be shared with the ranger. Just make the trait to ignore the copied boons by the baseline effect. Or not, it’s not like than other than swiftness and might the ranger has access to a lot of long duration boons.

And the friking mobile spirits trait so NM doesn’t disgust me anymore.

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Quickness on pets still not working

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Especially lame when you cast strength of the pack (no CC is going to stop my pet)
Pop Sicem (40% movement speed) and still people just run away.

Is there a reason a pet cant jump over a ledge, just like I can?

That in my profession has a name: Bad Programming Skills.

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I’m all in for Team Irenio!

How do you play frontline healer in WvW?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


You are going to have “fun” with that build.

Good luck.

Ps: i’m sure most people here don’t roam or zerg in EU T1-T2.. otherwise i can’t explain it….

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

LS5 and WvW

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


we wvw player love to do pve… No need to improve wvw if we get the LS.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Reminder about Forum Etiquette

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


i actually kinda hate this thread and everything is on it.

Could we please let it die by not answering it anymore?

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I’m all in for Team Irenio!

AC destruction hitting DH

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


that build is great and damage for AC is absurd.

ACs damage should be nerfed to the underground. Where Dante ended up if possible.

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I’m all in for Team Irenio!

A Quick Update on DBL

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


I’m aware of Tyler’s posts, which if you read them don’t ever promise a 3rd borderlands map. I just wanted to clarify that nowhere in the polls did we say anything about creating a 3rd borderlands map, even though that is stated as a ‘fact’ over and over again on the forums.

relax McKenna, don’t need to be so defensive although i understand… in my opinion you are doing good with the general content of WvW. You are getting flamed because the general discontempt from the general WvW state, that actually the most grave thing is balance. Nothing to do with your works as right now actually.

Once balance is addressed and we as customers and player don’t feel cheated by the game mechanics, and all seems fair and the other teams that affects this game mode actually communicate and the forums mods are updated to version 2.0, you will notice how the general salt in this forum dilutes…

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incoming damage target cap

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


come on people use the brains, it is pretty simple to design an algorithm to manage “caps” in incoming damage, but i’ll not repeat myself again.

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I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Do please involve more the main villain.

in Living World

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Dis just an advise, but for me (and i guess a lot of players) i actually don’t care who lazarus is. Maybe the obsessed RP players or something.

Personally i see it like only as a reason to log in for a few hours and done, go back to play other games.

Why? because if you play the game outside from the living historical thing there is no more white mantle and more importantly nothing at all about lazarus thingy going on in the open world. Is he living under a rock or something?

Do you want me to care who lazarus is? Do it better, more interactions between the Living word thing and the actual living world WOULD BE AMAZING.

i care more about the anomalies that appear from time to time that about who the kitten lazarus is. He is just another plain baddie we have to beat. Or not i don’t care anymore.

Make the game feel alive and do impact the actual world like scarlet did and i will care. otherwise is another cartoon villain with no deep and no interest from me(at least).

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I’m all in for Team Irenio!

GS 4 vs Mantra Interrupt

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


I’ve played mes and ranger— Ranger MUCH longer, so I asked an expert. A friend of mine who has played Mes since release.

His explanation is, well, pretty simple. “The mesmer has so many attacks so quickly that the block doesn’t really matter. Mirror blade will cancel the block and everything else (all the clones will hit).”

Only ranged attacks will take multiple hits.

Thanks for the explaination! Still wondering if it should be like that since this does not work with block skills from other classes. ( Maybe I’m wrong )

All in all GS4 is a trainwreck.

yes and yes.

and please do ignore shadelang, his post reminded me when people used to say “deactivate auto attacks” for the sword when that skill was a complete trainwreck as well. I wish for some day the skills from ranger would actually work as intended instead the complete incompetence mess are right now.

Did we get the fix in GS5 or still has a range of -3?

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I’m all in for Team Irenio!

(edited by anduriell.6280)

Shortbow/Staff build ideas?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Builds for what exactly? Which gamemode do you prettend to use the sb for?

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I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Done with WvW

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


I run beserker pretty exclusively during my wvw time, though I concern myself with guild groups and am built to zerg surf for bags. Generally in the off 1v1 while doing silly stuff like trying to get veteran daily, I am able to stalemate and flee or win, if it is too hot I can generally succeed in fleeing.

So sayeth the… thief?

Well duh…

Beserker as in warrior

yep zerker is the only profession that has one build for all: tank, dps , CC and cleanses.
Those 16 seconds total of full blocks\immunity helps a lot.
And that 4 seconds CC instacast with no tells in 19 seconds CD when channeled with primal or 100 blades for 15-20k is simply a game winner.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

(edited by anduriell.6280)

Reminder about Forum Etiquette

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Gaile starts a thread reminding people that trashtalking is against the rules and to try to stick to the topic.

The thread quickly devolves into people trashtalking ANet’s communication policy and trying to discuss whether WvW is abandoned or supported, whether there’s too much moderation or not enough dev communication, and, of course, discussions about condition damage.

And people wonder why the devs are reluctant to offer the occasional quick comment.

We try to compensate the lack of build variety on the forum?

Nah, Gaile started a thread politely telling off the costumers about why they complain so much.
Such costumers defensively are trying to explain her why the complains.

Perfectly normal here.

PS: the people that whine about the complains look even worse than the complains itselves.

No. My post was about player-to-player communication. That it nearly instantly devolved into a broader topic is not surprising, given the past. But let’s be clear: I am not “complaining” about player complaints. I am asking players to be kind to one another, and stop insulting one another with comments like those I mentioned in my initial post. (Which are actual quotes, in the top section.)

WvW combat should happen in the game. It should not take place on the forums in rude posts that insult other players, individually or as a group. This isn’t an opportunity to talk about skill balance – the WvW team does not handle that. This is not a chance to discuss (complain about, argue for) communications from the studio. This is about asking players to not engage in rude commentary towards others.

And that is what this post was and should be about.

I see you answered a moderated and deleted comment where i got some infraction points for it.

Thank you very much.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Done with WvW

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


this, let’s call it “game”, has some serious balance issues that make this “game” not fun at all. Thus is not a game.

Don’t get all work up, luckily new RvR are coming out, as someone pointed out Crowfall has some interesting things, and Camelot Unchained is another future option.

If you get fed up with the lamentable state of the competitive mode just log in for the daily chest and log out.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Suggestion: Special WvW Tokens

in WvW

Posted by: anduriell.6280


I meant to post this earlier but I have been busy for many many weeks, actually forgotten all about it.

Anyway, WvW team should consider adding a special WvW tokens (which can be weekly capped) to the WvW itself. We can earn these special WvW tokens from special WvW reward tracks and those tokens can be used to purchase ascended boxes just like pvp shards, raid shards and fotm pages.

Then make these WvW reward tracks earnable only in WvW and not EOTM. Doing these will kills three birds with one stone. You will make the WvWer slightly happier by giving them a option to get ascended gears that cost less. You will make WvW more rewardings. Finally, the increased rewards can appeal to more people to try out WvW.

i have like 700 wvw ability points sitting in my toon. i have all wvw masteries topped up so i can’t do anything with those.

You get 1 ability point for each new level. If we were able to buy elonian leather, deldrimor steel, damasks or spiritwood at 1\2 points each we wouldn’t need to get the full piece in any track.

Just make those ability points and abilities account wide and all problems fixed.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!