Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle
You lost 3 gold? Well lemme tell ya something, Eredon Terrace isn’t a WvW server, so no wonder why you lost gold. I play on JQ and lemme tell ya something, these commanders are blinging. Just looking at them you can tell they got the gold in the bag.
Don’t be blaming that theres not enough people either, just bad commanders on ET so nobody follows you guys. As they say, no such thing as a bad student, only bad teacher.
Did you ever really played WvW? Because your replies makes me believe that you haven’t.
Well let me tell you something, besides JQ and BG no other server is fully committed to WvW! Shocking, right? You can’t judge the other 22 servers based on 2 servers only. So what? JQ commanders are hording gold? Let’s make a call for all WvW commanders to come here and say how much “profit” they are making daily and compare that with the PvE’rs. Then we can discuss if is a fair price 300g per tag color, which would be used tactically and not show useless rainbows across the maps.
So yeah, if you want to compare with PvP as you wanted, you aren’t getting champ bags but also aren’t spending gold. You don’t need to gear up, don’t need runes, don’t need sigils, don’t need trinkets, don’t need nourishment, don’t need siege, don’t need superior siege, don’t need to run upgrades. *rinse and repeat
And to conclude once again you are deluded. Not to complain there aren’t enough people? How many your JQ can field? 160? Maybe more? Maybe less? Well other servers can’t field that much and a new info for you right here from tier 6-8 servers: we also can’t field that much. Let’s take ET as example so you can understand better: Monday we had a total of 20 players in EB. Interesting right? FYI they were following the commander! It is easy to judge assigning false faults as an offensive way to to prove a point and ignore the facts.
Serious? PvE have been having updates, new sets of skins, stats, new content every 2 weeks regularly something that is exclusive to PvE and when Anet finally announce they will do something different for PvP which is in a dire need, you complain? You should know that besides PvE there is also PvP and WvWvW game modes in the this game and they also require maintenance from Anet to keep players interested.
PvP players deserve their own skin, their own gear It is a game mode they are conquering and deserve a reward just like you get when you play PvE. The same can be said about exclusive items for WvW as well.
I will have you know that my wife had around 6,000 badges of honor and she never played WvW. We’ve both been playing since the three day head start and that is how many she had before I took her elementalist in to EotM to work on her monthlies while she is in school.
Maybe it should be 3,000 gold AND 10,000 badges of honor so it is well understood that they know what they are doing. Or should we up the badges to 100,000?
I know that something needs to be done to remove it from being a status symbol and make it a Mark of Competency.
People don’t realize that these are account bound so they are saving money. Too many spoiled people on these forums I swear. Also about badges, I rarely play WvW too and guess what, I have over 6000. Those people that play WvW religiously and nothing else, “I don’t want to do fractals, I only WvW”, those guys. I’m quite certain they have 100,000 by now or more.
Also, WvW commanders aren’t poor and I’m more than confident they could get 300 gold in no time. They just like to have an abundance of gold in there bank that’s why they whine.
No, you are wrong. How much gold you made yesterday? I can tell you that instead of making gold, I “lost” 3g during my 4 hours playing WvW yesterday. So yeah, don’t come here claiming knowing things when you say yourself you barely play WvW. To that point, I can also add that the real hardcore players also won’t have this unholy amount of badges since they don’t spend hours per day farming in EoTM and they actually use their badges to exchange for siege. I don’t farm in EoTM, actually I avoid that place, and am sitting at 4k badges right now. Most of them I got from player kills instead of flipping things non stop in a karma train.
To conclude, @ Ravion Hawk, I really hope you meant 300G instead of 3,000G. Otherwise that is a illusion that any WvW player is hoarding gold somewhere. I can, for sure, tell you that most players, the ones that don’t or hardly PvE, have about 10% of less of that amount.
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Making the arrow cart as useless as the cannon and the oil isn’t the solution. You want an easy way to take down the siege and for that, put them in AoE range to do it so. If want to look at things as they weren’t meant to be, AoE should never be able to hit the top of walls as it does now, just as shouldn’t be able to hit players and siege from the other side of the gate.
It is expected that a tier 3 tower/keep to be harder to be taken, have to play smart, use tactics and take your time instead of wanting to rush things if both servers have something close to even numbers as have been happening a lot lately. I’ve already spent more than 3 hours attacking a fully upgraded Hills with proper tactic. It was challenging for us and we had fun.
That said, as much as you can use siege for offense, they can use for defense. If they decided to not take the risk of the fight and be safe trying to protect their tower/keep, it is their right to do so.
Besides that, you are looking as a server that can field great numbers and forget about the others that don’t have such coverage. For the ones lacking coverage, yes, siege is the only way to stop the other server from taking their stuff. And yes, two people and a fully upgraded tower or keep with siege properly placed, is enough to stop a zerg if they lack creativity. Have done it before, more than once. Another guy and I stopped 30-ish players from taking our EB keep a few times.
If you are alone, always use the elite Summon Flesh Golem. Do it the moment you set foot out of spawn point. Besides that, always charge your Death Shroud before venturing further into the map, kill the ambient creatures or moas, wolves, anything that is near the spawn.
I dunno what gear/traits/weapons you are using but for a safer fight I’d recommend specter/dagger as main weapon and staff as secondary.
Hit the thief with bleed, cripple, weakness and blindness, from scepter/dagger skills, try to stack them the max you can. Weakness and blindness are the type of condition that can save your life if a thief have any of them on and try to backstab you hastily (assuming it is a dagger/dagger thief). Usually by the time you unleash the attack sequence, the bleed will eat away his health to the point he will desperately stealth to cleanse or get out of combat. That’s when you swap for staff and use the marks. If he use Shadow Refuge, drop a Reaper’s Mark (#5) and Chilblains (#3) right in the middle of it as fast as you can and drop the Mark of blood (#2) on your feet. He won’t heal properly and when he come to attack, will be hit with bleeding and you will regen If he hits you with conditions, can also drop the Putrid Mark (#4) to give them back to the thief as a gift.
Honestly at this point the thief will be pretty much half dead. You can enter death shroud using the Tainted Shackles (#5), Life Transfer (#4), (Doom) #3, (Life Blast) #1 and Dark Path (#2) if they try to run away, sequence.
If you miss a few attacks, it is fine, you can terrorize that thief. You can use as utilities Spectral Grasp and Spectral wall. lol it is hella funny. Land the Spectral wall down near the thief and then use the Spectral Grasp to pull them. If you do it right, he will be feared at least twice. While he is in fear, use all your marks right on the thief feet and he will be dead, no doubt.
For a third utility you can use signet of spite, just be careful to not miss when you activate it, or spectral armor for a stun breaker and faster DS recharge. I, though, personally like the well of darkness against dagger/dagger and dagger/pistol thieves so we can start our own blindness spam war.
Oh, by the way, use Consume Conditions as the healing skill.
I find that is a good way to start fighting thieves until you are comfortable enough to try different things and don’t rely so much on distance/safe condition.
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Hmm so agree that is a casual game, which anet made sure to stamp everywhere to attract more players is bad? Easier to accept that fact than just ignore. I am doing nothing to the term, I just made a statement. You saw it the way you wanted and got offended over nothing. It is a casual game with a good chunk of casual players, the maps, the events, the world and the Living Season are a good proof of that. But that doesn’t add anything relevant to the threat, isn’t about that it is about EoTM and WvW.
One way to try to balance things out would be to reduce a bit the offensive reward and make the defense the same one, although it is way more complicated than just that and can be easily exploited, even with bots, probably one of the reasons anet never implemented.
If a guild has a tower or keep claimed on a map, every member of that guild on that map will get an automatic gold reward every PPT tick = 50 silver for every upgrade and guild WvW buff active. The guild itself gets the same amount added to the guild bank. Those guild WvW buffs become unlimited range and apply throughout the game except spvp. Add 2 new WvW guild buffs: +10% gold find and +50% WvW experience earned. The WvW status map would be upgraded to show the claiming guild’s banner and name. To reduce the chance of “claim-griefing” a minimum claim requirement can be put in place… something like 5 active members within the last 24 hours for a tower or 10 for a keep, activity being defined by an amount of achievement points earned which a bot could not get.
No, this wouldn’t work. Not only we would have guilds claiming everything on all maps without buffs, as well excluding and denying the chance for small guilds to make a contribution to WvW by granting their own buffs.
Besides that, the +50% of World Experience is way too much. Not even the outmanned buff gives that much, current +25%. We also have the WXP booster, which you have to buy with gems from TP, that gives the same +50% buff. Anet won’t give guilds something that might hurt their market directly; And the 10% of gold find is already available for guilds through banners: Guild Gold and Magic Find Banner and Guild Heroes Banner. With guild banner, guild buff plus account bonus given from achievements, again it is way too much.
Guild Banner: +10% of gold from kills
Guild Buff: +10% of gold from kills
Achievements: + 3% of gold from kills
Total: + 23% of gold from kills
With that kind of booster, I am sure people will go back to the old PvD in WvW again, killing every NPC and creeps for the gold. Not to mention the ones doing in EoTM would be very happy that their farm will become more effective.
In my opinion the issue with WvW is not lack of rewards, but being a gold sink with the amount of gold you need to spend to upgrade structures. There a lot of upgrades and each one is expensive on their own way. I’d suggest to lower the costs of upgrades and include karma to make up for it, but of course, nothing exaggerated. Something a casual player is able to afford since, let’s face it, Guild Wars 2 is a game for casual players.
I am against emotes as a grief, I only use them when it is a very funny situation like once I had a whole zerg chase me down in EB, hitting me with all kind of CC and miraculously my slow guardian made inside a tower. I think it is funny a when a zerg change directions to chase a lone guy.
Besides that I think I used twice during an extremely pathetic situation. The last time I remember about, another guy and I we were alone trying to “defend”, which was more like stay on top and watch the zerg break down the gate, our paper EB keep and somehow while players worked on the gates, the zerg got an AC and a balli up just to hit us. We didn’t had siege, didn’t had supply and there was a zerg making orange swords, we of course wouldn’t bother to try to defend. Anyway, that baffled me. I was so surprised and finding comical and yet pathetic the situation that I typed /laugh.
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ET usually have a strong reset as well strong NA presence. I am unsure about the last week match but, PPT wise, we have been on the lead for weeks now, even against t7 servers during reset.
What we need right now is a guild, at least one, that can cover after midnight EST until our SEA/OCX guilds can get online.
i have stopped playing in wvw since anet refuse understand that eotm rewards are better than wvw.not only rewards but the fun from the fights too !
i prefer to see wvw die than involved again to a system that is outdated and less rewarding than the new one. i care less for my server every day that is passing .
the last weekend i logged most in eotm and i had real fun and good fights and rewards. i went only to my home border to kick some guilds enemy a…s . but these new wvw guilds are so easy to fight against them and i logged off .the only only real challenge that have remained in wvw borders are the godcondition roaming classes that spam poison on every hit ….
anet you should close home borders now …. do not keep alive a dead system or fix it a.s.a.p. !
I am sorry, but there are fights in EoTM? I haven’t been able to see one single instance so far that actually fights. Well the closest I saw of a fight was red going to blue keep but commander got away from the keyboard for 1 min (apparently you can’t use the acronym as it becomes kitten) and then green blob passed and killed everyone since they had at least twice the numbers.
People don’t use cheesy condition builds in EoTM because it is not required, they don’t need that to K-Train. The moment that fixes happen in that game mode that actually makes players stop avoiding each other, it is easy to assume many will change their builds to the current meta.
To conclude, I think it is safe to say we play in WvW for fun and not rewards. If one is after rewards only, they are in the wrong place. I personally think it is extremely boring play the game day after day running after a random loot. I don’t want and don’t care about that. In game gold won’t make the game fun for me, at maximum will give me more skins which I, again, don’t care about it. Yes, the reward system in WvW is bad, is broken when is about server wide, but it is still a fun mode to play and that is the reason why people still play it.
I play defensive and roaming styles and with an organized zerg burst guild during reset. Defensive play style indeed is not even close to the rewards you get from being offensive, although, in my perspective, the only thing needs a fix right now is for an equal wxp for defended events.
I’m from NSP. We have zergs (~25ish, sometimes bigger) in NA primetime during weekdays, and pretty much all day on weekends (maybe not first thing in the morning). Weekday mornings and afternoons a typical pug group will be 10-15ish, plus some smaller groups and roamers. Our OCX coverage is weakest, total number of people in WvW (all maps) will be 10-ish in that time period (~4 am to ~8 am Eastern), but there are unlikely to be any groups of more than 5. .
Interesting. Unless you mean multiple zergs of 25-ish during NA prime time, that’s pretty much similar to ET’s population right now, except instead of 10-15-ish during the mornings, we have 5-10-ish players.
@OP: you didn’t said the period you play. Since you said is rare to find fights while roaming, I’ll assume you don’t play under NA prime time since it is the period the tier 8 servers are most active. During other periods is more likely to find Emry Bay small roaming teams and havoc squads around the maps. With that in mind, you might consider a server that is active or fight another that is also active during the time you play.
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And the point of doing that is? Why don’t you go through all 580 of them and drag them up too.
I can ask you the same thing: what is the point to make a post to complain about something you don’t care? And btw it is 581, however, they are not threads but pages.
Anyway, if you reeeeeally need to know, it is a good thread with valid arguments and suggestions which if implemented would make our WvW achievements better. With that in mind, there is no reason to make a new thread about the same subject when you have one right here full with good and helpful content.
TL;dr: I still can voice my opinions, just like you did. I, for one, would like to see an improved achievement system for WvW. I can choose to stay in silence or voice and vote for whatever subject if I think they are for the best.
Time to rez this thread again!
It has been over a year now. Many new living story achievements yet nothing for wvw. :/
I’ve completed the world map with my main character during the famous “weeks of hell” match ups with SF and FC. ET was rolled by SF day after day, all 4 maps usually had only one color: green; and even against all those odds, even when there was a high chance to be killed as soon as got out of citadel because they didnt just capped our things and would go somewhere else, they would stay there and fight, kill, defend and siege our own stuff, I still got 100% of WvW map.
Perhaps things were different back then or different for us as a community and guild, but I remember very well the shouts in map asking for bodies for a SMC attempt or even Lowlands Keep and that was enough to gather players on the tag for the assault. I also remember the shouts in the guild chat saying we were trying this or that and many would volunteer because they needed the POIs and Vistas for map completion. Besides that we would announce which towers and keeps we had in map and players/members would start a run against the clock to reach those destinations before the other server could recap their stuff.
Under those conditions, took me 2 full months just to map the green side, playing wvw for 2-4h every day. Yes, if you think about it, 2 months is a long time but if I look back, I will remember that I had fun doing that, even with the small frustration of being roflstomped everyday.
My advice is for you to try to involve more with your community and with the guilds and will see that many things can be accomplished when you are not there on your own just waiting for people take what you need.
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That is the only way to counter the meta: sacrifice dps using runes of Melandru, food and traits to reduce the condition duration. Have you thought about everything they have to give up in order to do that?
Isn’t fair to the other classes for the conditions have a sort of soft cap or buff because a few other classes can be traited to be more efficient to counter it. As it is stands, you can be pretty much perma immobilized already. With that in mind, immobilization should never stack and the +40% of condition duration food needs a nerf. Those should be the fixes in order to balance things.
1.029143 Ferguson’s Crossing/Sorrow’s Furnace
Woot! ET is rocking! 2 matches in a row which had 1% of chance to happen.
And my wish came true! Now I just wish I can win the lotto or perhaps wish for NSP and DH for the next match.
Anet will never split the maps in two. Map completion is also on WvW for a reason, it is an endgame content, they want the players to go out there and experience it.
The problem is when the PvE player go to WvW alone, will, usually, have a bad experience. They aren’t expecting the hardships of that part of the game nor are aware of the mechanics and just want to grab whatever they are missing and get out. Besides that, there is a problem that Anet recognized before by implementing the color rotation, with population and coverage imbalances, which can make map completion difficult.
The best thing to do is re enable color rotation. Both PvE and WvW players win with it. PvE players have a chance to finish their map while WvW players to experience fighting as another color instead the same one over and over again.
WvW colors used to be a rotation before the Season 2 but apparently now it went back to the old scheme of colors tied up to the previous match plus general score.
Tiers 7 and 8 matches are “messed up”, there was 1% of getting those matches, yet they happened.
Right now what gives an impression to be an even match on T7, is actually KN working during off-hours, the server is know for the SEA/Oceanic coverage and lack of NA coverage. EBay can be a strong opponent for KN, pushing hard during NA time while losing during Oceanic, they can keep a close ‘ppt’. But not in this match since SoR is included in it.
As for Tier 8, the only even match we have is AR/EBay/ET. Our numbers during NA prime time are very close, can find the zergs mostly in EB fielding from 15 to 35 players. Home borders,are where the roamers and small guilds/teams like to play. I usually see about 10-ish players defending home if a keep isn’t being targeted. Off hours is pretty much a wasteland for all servers and after midnight the numbers drop to half or so unless they decide to pull an all night.
Edit: Except on reset day, of course.
(edited by azyume.6321)
DR / DH /SF are still considered Bronze league right ?
Yes, they are at the top of the Bronze league.
I haven’t seen DH for a while so cant really say anything about them, they used to have a strong Oceanic crew before, way back in season 1. But you said you played on lower tier before so you probably have an idea of what is a “zerg” for those servers, which, with exceptions of course, consists on 20-ish to 30-40-ish people zerging. And sometimes, in tier 8, depending on the match and time, what people call in tier 1 a roaming team, can be also called as zerg. lol
If you want constant fights that doesn’t require you to keep moving between borderlands and as much as would like to fight alongside of another skilled player in ET, perhaps you should try to contact people from those 3 servers and get the info you are looking for.
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Thanks for your words, Alysia.
We also enjoyed and had a blast during the match ups with AR and EBay. They were pretty close to balanced during NA prime time.
I, for one, am glad that AR is having as much fun as ET.
No Kaineng plz…
Oh looky, ET have still, even if small, a chance for SF and SoR or even FC and SoR.
Edit: which they are, sadly, higher than a chance for the epic bro trio, SF/FC/ET.
Nob have the entire server respect by being one of the oldest and solid guild on ET, with good helpful members, a ‘fashionista’ stylish leader and outstanding commanders.
If you are under SEA/Oceanic time and love to have an outnumbered fight, would like to hone your skills and make a good impact, consider Eredon Terrace.
It seems like doing world bosses would be a lot easier now since people will always be around. If I’m wrong, apologies.
World Bosses now is just a zergfest, 70+ people auto attacking, nothing else. Easy? Sure Mind numbing also? Yes! It is so laggy, fps so low that you can simple afk during boss that when you return will be done and your #1 will ensure you get your loot.
They are called World Bosses for a reason. They should be scaled, with better improved AI for a large amount of people there. The way they die for a zerg spamming #1 is just.. well lame and take the experience away from players.
(edited by azyume.6321)
With this change, mega server, we are losing the very same thing what kept many people still playing this game: community and server identity.
I will dare and say many were comfortable with the server they chose to call a home because they know the community and know where to find players. Now we lost it, we lost the same thing that would define us as a player from server X, just as we lost that community bonding, a place where many would hangout and talk, recruit or even make pleas for WvW.
I know and understand anet is trying to save money and yet help those players that have been asking for a way to get rid with the deserted maps for so long, however, as someone that chose ET as a server, which I did exactly because I wanted a small tight community, a place where we pretty much know almost all players.
As I know it is an open world and events are supposed to be done with many players, one helping each other, but I liked the fact ET had only a few doing them, because it added to the challenge to solo or duo an event. I am not saying because I want things my way, but for me, it takes the will away to play when I get to a map which is so full with people, so laggy, my fps drops to 8-10 when usually is 130, and there is nothing else to do besides afk while auto-attacking because can’t keep up with anything under these conditions.
I think right now the mega server is lacking balance, less players per map (lower cap) and better AI. A ‘zerg’ shouldn’t only gives higher HP for bosses, they should have more attacks, be smarter, so the zerg will have to work their way out. However at the same time I know some players don’t want to put effort into doing events, only wants what is quick and easy so they can move on to the next.
What I can say so far is: balance for maps and events, a recheck for allocation of players since for many times I got a different map from my friends and guildes. At some point, only a few were able to run a bounty because we got different instances from each other and, also important, a place where we can keep our identity, a city where we will be separated and be able to hangout with our friends and server mates.
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Sadly with the skins unlock now, the precursor prices are exaggerated high.
What OP complained and as a long time player I can also relate is everything is random, pure RNG. I’ve seen people with 2 weeks play dropping precursors while head starters still have the small hope they will drop one day.
In my opinion, I think anet should give older, yet active with many hours of gameplay, accounts a slight higher chance for better drops (precursor), to keep their interest and spark on this game, just like we get increased luck, xp and karma from achievement points.
I, for once, would be happy to get a precursor or a good drop if I think about and compare with my 5k of gameplay. Rage: My luckiest drop so far was Spirit Links from SB about 14 months ago. haha
(edited by azyume.6321)
I share the pain.
I was minding my own business on homeborder when I saw those white swords on a camp named lowlands. As my good commander once taught me: if you see swords, go scout. So there I was going with my poor slow guardian, trying to run all the way from the ruins and when I got to the said camp, I met with NOT 1 or 2, but 3, YES I said 3 (!!), rangers attacking it. At first I frozen out, I mean it would be 3 pets hitting me (stalker, spider and dunno I think was a fern hound the 3rd). D :
I fought internally with myself and thought I’d give a try since the vet from the camp was still up, he certainly could protect me from those horrendous pets. However as soon I got within the circle the vet died (talk about luck), so I tried to run since I had pet aggro but failed. The pets not only were evil but also disrespectful to my corpse, they spammed /laugh and /dance.
After that day, I always flee in sheer terror when I see a ranger. Doesn’t matter if it is WvW or PvE, the pets causes me grief, torment and horror.
“FULL” is when there is a lot of people ONLINE at a time period. Full doesn’t just mean its full. it means that there is a limit of how many people in the server are online and no one can transfer there because of the mass online people. —-snip-—
Ok then, by your logic, please explain to me how tier 8 servers are very high? If you walk around the maps, specially during Oceanic time, will see there isn’t enough people on to make them as one.
This isn’t true. If you have reinforced gates, you can reach that structure from any point on the map (not including extremes of the map where you shouldn’t be anyway) from when it has white swords (contested) to when it gets capped. Even faster if you have a scout and can start moving before white swords show. The only way they can cap it faster is if they have a giant map blob of over 60 people and just build 5 rams, in which case you won’t be saving it anyway unless you got an equal sized zerg (which should have scouts so that you wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place)
Not sure how are things are on more stacked server but at the bottom, fully upgraded keeps can be capped pretty easily. It is Omega Wars! We can’t disengage, wp and run to a keep that is being attacked by 8 omegas, 2 rams, 5 mesmers with TW and, of course, it is t8, we don’t have coverage.
IMO, there should be a cap for golems. Omegas are expensive, sure, but they are an overkill when half of the other server “zerg” is made purely of omegas.
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Welcome Cylocx and friends! We are happy to have you with us.
I’m sorry, but the max we had was 20. There was 15 of us in TS, maybe a max of 5 pugs with us. The max of Omegas we had was 5, which was the same amount you used to defend garrison. I will say the event was pretty fun. But we wondered when we wiped the first time taking your garrison, you didn’t push to retake Bay? At any point during the night? We loved the prolonged fight at garrison and give props for fighting hard. And we expected the same fight at Hills, to our disappointment we met only a 3rd of the same opposition. We were gonna stop with the keeps, but we decided to take everything and spent the next hour and a half doing so. By the end we met more opposition from AR than ET in your BL.
Well this is going to be another I say, you say argument. No point on keep going since neither of us have screen shots of it, but we were all there, what you fought was ET’s whole population, minus 3 or 4 that was trying to hold EB, so we all know how many GoM and ET was at ET border attacking and defending.
Why we didn’t retake Bay? Because as I said, that was all our peeps and we couldn’t spare anyone to retake bay when you kept coming and going from Garrison to Hills with omegas. At first we splited and retake the north towers while you were busy, but you kept returning to the north towers, probably for karma, not even 1 min after the RI went down.
Not only that but when our commander decided to give up on the fight and drained Hills supply to make omegas to fight your omegas at Garrison (and of course, lose the fight), two others and I stayed at Hills defending from 6 persons from ASH. They came 3 times knocking on south gate and we repelled them. After the 3d try, we had 0 supply, couldn’t take the camp back and about to lose Garrison also. That’s when I left WvW and probably what our defenders also did after losing Garrison.
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PPT is what wins the match. Fightin’ a zerg is what makes it fun. We took the ET borderlands because ET was bragging about having waypoints on their keeps and being able to keep them unlike us. We changed that by taking over their map with a 15 man zerg. We faced roughly the same amount of oppositon from ET.
Excuse me, I was on ET border when GoM zerg first showed up. I’m sorry but 15 man don’t pop orange swords on every objective they do. GoM was rolling with 30 people and omegas. I lost count of how many omegas you used to take the keeps from our mighty ~15 defending home border (and probably less defenders after I left WvW).
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Dunno about now, but on ET’s match against HoD, they could pull easily 25-30 on early morning on EB map. It was hard for us to keep up, DR put one heck of a fight also, which led to our defeat.
(edited by azyume.6321)
Good luck SF, HoD and GoM on the next match up.
I, personally, will be rooting for SF. Go spread the bro-mination, big bro!
ET has Jeknar. He’s our resident Brazilian.
Hey, ET have more brazilians… not that I am important as Jeknar anyway. :P
By the way, great fights in EB early morming yesterday DH. We gathered a small team and decided to coordinate our defense. We were able to repel a few DH attacks and a couple of SF attacks.
I was about to say that despite the odds SF and ET are having in this match, certainly still can be fun, but won’t do it anymore. I won’t say I lost the respect for YB server, but I’ll say I lost the respect for all mesmers in YB. It’s pitiful that you need to resort to exploits at this point of the match, where you can easily have twice or thrice or even more of our numbers.
I have been running WvW for 2h now and keep seeing at least 2 mesmers jump down from towers and keeps to kill us. I’m sorry for bluntness but that only shows a pathetic, sad, side of you.
For the ones that are keeping the match clean, I thank you and sure hope can still find you in the battlefield.
I also want a rematch with an ET Mesmer from SOL, I think it was SOL, but not 100% on that. We had a good 1v1 near SS camp in IoJ BL. I lagged out at the end of the battle and reconnected to you bowing over my corpse
Hope to see you at fight night whomever you are!
If the mesmer is from SOL, I’ll find out who is it and inform you want a rematch.
Also, thanks DDLG, warrior and thief, for the brief duel we had yesterday near Champs bridge in ET border. Unfortunately WoS decided to end our duels, but I’m looking forward to find you guys on the field again.
Good Game all!
oh man SF is such a joke now
Eh, it’s no different from the time when HoD was enjoying the Southsun beach. There is no reason to call a server a joke because of that since we all know that SF have way more people than the ones currently playing in wvw. Just like, in my opinion, there was no reason to make posts asking HoD to come back that time.
All in all I’m happy with ET players, we have been improving and from the posts I read, we have been able to be a little more competitive against HoD. It’s a happy time for us.
I’m proud of ET. I haven’t see a reset like that in quite some time, it’s reinvigorating, a morale booster.
To be honest, I got in wvw thinking would be another reset where we would be crushed, would have to fall back and desperately defend LongView like we did before, but it was a nice surprise to see that we actually had the numbers to fight HoD and SF at the time and still keep our stuff.
I really do hope we can still field the numbers throughout the week, which will make things more competitive for all of us, bringing out the join and fun that wvw can provide when you are not outmanned wherever you go, including your own border.
Indeed, also was a good fight at bay on ET border. Not only that but I switched characters and ran back to bay only to find fergs from WZ guild throwing a party at the hills on bay outer. They had set a keg, a banquet, fireworks and a banner while we were fighting you off bay. lol
That was one the funniest things I had see so far.
(edited by azyume.6321)
hahah CC takes no skill. I like rainbows and sugar plums.
Oh my! Never thought I would agree with someone from PAXA.
Nah, just kidding.
But I do like sugar plums, they are pretty!
Anyway, crowd control need skills, need to be perfectly timed in order to be successful. Narsil, if you have a guardian, grab a hammer and try to use it against a player that is dodging, walking and have stability on and see for yourself if you can lock your target relentless. The hammer attacks are slow and you need to use it smartly to not be wasted.
Shout out for Jesse, the pink Yarr Sylvari, you are cool, man! I think you spend few hours riding your broom with sunglasses on ET border. That was classy! xD
Great duel! I think it was the first time I fought a thief for that long. One FC that I was partying with was getting impatience and telling me to hurry and kill you or just die. lol
Also my thanks to HoD HD thief that we dueled by the windmill. Astonishing skills, you should be proud!
And sadly, thanks to PAXA’s guardian and elementalist and 2 others that I could not catch the guild that stomped not only I but a ET fellow at the windmill while we were talking to the HD thief, setting the next duel round. That was incredible awesome of you!
Eh, I’m starting to like the gifs.
Not cool to walk the whole map because we don’t have WPs. lol
I came to add my thank you for GoM for your nice, superior and noble attitude helping us complete our maps.
I got at the lowlands with my low level mesmer when you were already knocking inner. A nice mesmer ported me up and so I was able to get the vista. I stood there, on vista, watching the control pad flip then I ported back to ET spawn point.
I can’t say for all but for me and I hope for the majority, the poi and vista is a morale booster, an incentive to continue fighting for ET. That’s something that we really need after all the transfers and the, unfortunately, southsun living story.
@Your Big Horse: great video! It’s fun to watch, some scenes are hilarious.
Now I miss my good old hammer.
What’s all this I’m hearing about GoM being all scaredy cats at dueling? While this might be true, you guys are obviously trying to A) duel the wrong people or 2) trying to DUEL THE WRONG PEOPLE. I spent over two hours yesterday on ET bl trying to find ANYBODY to fight. I wasn’t even being picky! I let people come at me in 1v2 to 1v5 scenarios (for a 1v1 I had to actually invite someone to my party and ask for it, a really nice ET guardian btw). Each and everytime I (no offense but I’m not exaggerating) started wrecking the group, they all turned tail and ran away. sigh
PEOPLE, IF YOU SEE A [ASH] SYLVARI THIEF, PLEASE FIGHT HIM. HE WILL NOT KILL YOU (I really don’t btw, I always play merciful but only when I’m roaming. Also there’s the exception of 1vX fights where I have to kill some players but I will kill everyone EXCEPT the last player so he can rez his mates). ENGAGE IN HONOR COMBAT WITH ME. ’TIS ALL I WANT.
To be honest, unless the person actually invite me for duel, I usually just ignore thieves. It’s not fun to fight someone that only become visible to backstab me.
So far from all thieves I fought only 3 did not used that “stealth spam” and we had an equilibrated match. The others just run, get out of combat, full hp, then hit me.
Couple of days ago, I tried to fight an asura thief in Startgrove and he also fight like that. For twice I got his hp to 20%, but he ran and kept away until he was full hp again. After 7 tries, I gave up. I mean, what’s the point? :/
Don’t you dare try to break up our relationship, FC! Ç_Ç
Good luck all in the next matchup!
It was a good week in overall. Had tons of fun and I can’t say frustration since ET is aware of the low numbers. I’ll look forward to our next match together.
On a side note: even our Lake Lord Champ left his post to welcome you all:
It was just a joke, we don’t have the numbers to take Lowlands. So when we returned we just knocked Durios gates. Although I can’t say it’s not the majority wish for map completion. How about you SF let us borrow Lowlands for 10 min? haha
Shout for the team of 7 (?) in bay in SF border trying to take back the sentry in front of the workshop. SOL had fun and I hope you guys also had it. The end of the fight was a bit tragic, since we were only 5 defending the sentry and camp, but that happens and it was good fight though:
(edited by azyume.6321)
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