Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle
- No FPS issue;
- One disconnection;
- Sound Bug at some point during the Wyvern fight, but went back to normal afterwards;
- The mushroom pads didn’t worked even with the mastery;
- The HoT introduction was a nice surprise, it was good to see our character finally voicing once again;
- An option to leave the mastery system by using Esc as any other window in game would be nice and handful.
As for the Revenant:
- In my opinion the hammer range should be reduced to 900 or 600 units or perhaps add a longer swing animation to make up for it;
- Phase Smash and Drop the Hammer seems to be balanced, have a long casting which prevents the use of blast spam;
- Unyielding Anguish with Mace auto attack gives an easy way to stack torment. It is hard to predict how much you can stack against a player, but I was able to get up to 20 stacks against the mob by myself. Perhaps the torment is a bit heavy here and needs to be toned down;
- Inspiring Reinforcement is too easy to spawn during combat, being able to keep an uptime stability, which will seriously harm the uniqueness of the Guardian to grant stability to allies, with a slight higher cooldown.
- Mobility for now don’t have an opinion, seems ok so far being a heavy class but will only know for sure after the rest of traits and weapons are announced.
From what I seen, the Ele hp only dropped after you hit with entangle, so if you had missed that, would be in a bad situation. Also, it was your pet, with critical hits that managed to get the hp below the diamond skin threshold as you pointed.
I’d take my chances and swap the spider for the jungle stalker for a bit of dps before the fight started. With the pressure and might from the jungle stalker and the marsh drake plus the poison to cripple the heal, would probably make it easier to hit the threshold and remove the condition immunity.
Besides that, being a full condition, without changing pets or build, I guess what you can do is kite around long enough for the pet to deal with the necessary damage.
On the other side, that ele surely didn’t used the profession to its full potential. Would be very hard for you to keep kitting the way you did and pretty much survive if had hit you with chill, poison, burning and bleeding constantly while still immune to conditions.
I will just say this:
*Berserker or even soldier warriors destroy my ranger on wvw;
*Necros destroy my ranger on wvw;
*Shatter mesmer destroy my ranger on wvw;
*Condi nade dire engineer destroy my ranger on wvw;
If the 1500 range was that OP, I shouldn’t die for so many professions…
Let’s take a look at my medi guard on pvp: he stomps power rangers so hard, usually get them downed in less than 5 seconds. Now if on pvp where things are pretty much balanced, power rangers stand close zero chance to win, now please think about WvW. Yes, that’s right. In 2 years and 4 months playing this game, my guardian lost 2 fights for rangers. One was a power ranger way before the patch that outplayed me, kudos to him, and the other was a condi ranger that hit me with a kittenload of bleed faster than I could cleanse.
So please, let’s nerf rangers and make them once again the most useless profession on this game. They are barely viable now, let’s take a step back and let the rangers fade into oblivion.
Anyone checked if can deploy golem siege on wvw? Golems was blocked due to a possible exploit, so would make sense to fix it before reset.
If going to thrown numbers then the same can be said for warrior gs rush, which currently is something very close to 1800 units.
And please, if going to say about those players that stay near the safety of a tower, any class do it. You won’t believe how many warriors, eles, guardians, rangers, necromancers, thieves, I tried to fight that ran to their keep and started to hit me with their range weapon or simply shoot the cannon. There are players and players, you can’t judge everyone because of the actions of a few. However, it was said something about group fight, so that wouldn’t be the case but a rather sniping during small scale or zerg fights.
Well then 5 of any profession will always be painful. If you want to look that way, then take all into consideration.
Have you fought 5 dire perplexity engineers? How about 5 minion master necromancers? 5 celestial elementalists? Thieves? Oh gosh.
I will take the group of 5 rangers to fight any day than 5 engineers or minion mancers.
Tip: the longbow arrow is slow, unless traited with Read the Wind. You can keep moving around, strafe, and that will grant a few misses. Also, a power ranger will have 1 stun break or none, if you CC them, is pretty much game over.
Asking why someone decides to play a power ranger is the same as asking any other class why they play power glass cannon build. You want burst damage, you want to kill things fast, you want the thrill of deadly conclusion if you make a mistake. Great risk, high reward.
Nothing is more boring to me than fighting with a tank that hits like a wet noodle but only wins because outheal and hits with a kittenload of conditions. If I have a chance to burst you down in 4 seconds with my glassy ranger without much room for mistakes, I will take it.
Also, I don’t know what you means “no one wants to fight”. Just because the main weapon is ranged means they don’t fight? Does that means only melee constitutes a fight for you? Sorry to say but there are many ranged builds available for roaming for all classes.
Power rangers are very vulnerable on melee range, if you can’t get to it, you should check your skill rotations.
By the way, longbow have 1500 units range with the trait Eagle Eye not 1800.
So you say you want to rally everyone by just giving them lootbags ok, but as i said i don’t care about that i can’t get these kind of shortcuts atleast let Anet do it good right away i don’t know if you ever missed tp on a edge but you couldn’t get on an edge why didn’t Anet do that it would work for a lot of people. even when you are in open field it sometimes kittens it up. in my opinion remove the shortcuts fine but goback to your old system and not this system its already causing trouble for people and i know i’m not the only one.
Rally who if am solo or duo roamer? Not everyone likes zergs fights, you know?
We both won’t stand a chance anyway against a zerg and if the guild wants to waste their time to kill a single guy standing there instead of actually looking for fights and probably have no loot due to the outnumbered fight, by all means, do it. lol
Also, if the thief is good and trying to pick up the tail, there shouldn’t be enough people hitting on him to make a zerg rally.
The OP complain is how about he cannot use short cuts to get rid of zergs nor avoid choke point with it anymore thus making it a “nerf”. There are other ways to do it, the infiltrator skills were just the fastest and lazy one. In a way, thieves will have to adapt and play using the teleport in an horizontal path, no more advantage.
It wasn’t a nerf, it was a fix, that’s my discussion. Now if want to point out the code needs a revaluation, needs to be checked because often reports a terrain as invalid when it shouldn’t, then that’s a completely different thing and should be reported as a bug.
Are you saying thief isn’t fun and thinking about stopping playing with one because you cannot teleport to the roof anymore? That wasn’t even fair and needed to be patched. Too bad took the devs this long to fix it.
You can still teleport, you can still disengage, you can still stealth, in over all the class mechanics is now working as intended.
If you need to use a short cut to the roof to avoid a zerg, it is time for you to adapt as we all had or just stay still and let them trample you as I do when playing my guardian…
Honestly, I’d say keep playing and enjoy the game. If there is a safety system, I believe it was created within reason.
You will unlock the gem/gold trade soon . I can’t say for sure but it my guess is that happens between levels 13-16. It will take roughly 2 hours to reach those levels.
My alt account has it unlocked and my character is level 18.
Yes, you can add your friend to your list.
The only thing you cannot do is join the same instances.
I stopped running bottom lane events for Vinewrath and use my dps ranger on top. Reason? People stack near the comb and auto-attack there more often than not. Result: close to total wipe. Last time I tried, another guy and I were the only survivors out of 15-17 people and the boss was still at 30%.
When happens to have chain fails and north gets Beekeeper, I give the instructions to players use AoE heals and blast it, use stability during the vinewrath attack, to keep the small trolls away, cc, knockdown, whatever and, of course, lead the bees to the combs because they won’t go by themselves. That usually works out and we beat the boss unless we have only a handful of people.
I’ve also seen Iron fails a lot lately with people standing still in one spot auto attacking. Just like the Beekeeper, almost had a wipe in my last attempt, we were only 3 still alive, boss failed anyway.
Still all things considering, the successful rate is still higher than the failure, however, I did noticed has a higher chance to fail during PST (PDT) morning and weekends for some reason.
But again, the exception to this is if your guild is on the list of tards. And there are a few on SBI and NSP.
What SBI guilds? Do we have guilds?
Sorry but what you said doesn’t apply to SBI considering we have less than a handful of guilds and they are all PvE that ventures to WvW now and then.
Reset day is chaotic but yes, there were SoS guilds, 3 of them in fact, coming straight to our militia zerg. Maybe they felt the thrill or something but it wouldn’t be that much when you have 3 guilds of 20 or more each against 30 pugs. However it is expected and bound to happen when have such lopsided match up.
Since we don’t have a NA thread for latency/lag like the EU, will leave the info here:
Have been lagging horribly since 1h or so before the patch release.
Location: Brazil
Time and date of incident: 20:00 UTC -3 26/02/15
Game World: Stormbluff Isle (NA)
Description: Skill lag; chat lag; often get stuck on a skill animation for a few seconds; my character teleports during a fights, other players characters teleports around when only running about; loading time increased to twice or even more the time than normally takes; game client is taking the double of time to send and check log in info.
Path ping to the map IP:
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
0 User-PC []
2 * []
3 []
4 []
5 []
6 []
7 []
8 []
9 []
10 []
11 * []
12 * []
13 []
14 * * []
15 []
16 * []
Computing statistics for 400 seconds…
Source to Here This Node/Link
Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address
0 User-PC []
0/ 100 = 0% |
1 0ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%
0/ 100 = 0% |
2 7ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% []
0/ 100 = 0% |
3 6ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% []
0/ 100 = 0% |
4 6ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% []
0/ 100 = 0% |
5 26ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% []
0/ 100 = 0% |
6 26ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% []
0/ 100 = 0% |
7 133ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% []
0/ 100 = 0% |
8 132ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% []
0/ 100 = 0% |
9 149ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% []
17/ 100 = 17% |
10 196ms 31/ 100 = 31% 14/ 100 = 14% []
0/ 100 = 0% |
11 218ms 24/ 100 = 24% 7/ 100 = 7% []
0/ 100 = 0% |
12 —- 100/ 100 =100% 83/ 100 = 83% []
0/ 100 = 0% |
13 220ms 29/ 100 = 29% 12/ 100 = 12% []
0/ 100 = 0% |
14 —- 100/ 100 =100% 83/ 100 = 83% []
0/ 100 = 0% |
15 —- 100/ 100 =100% 83/ 100 = 83% []
0/ 100 = 0% |
16 206ms 17/ 100 = 17% 0/ 100 = 0% []
Trace complete.
Frankly it would make my day if you were to actually rage-quit over this and give me all your valuables. But of course you have no intention of doing that, you just came here to whine about something you haven’t even seen in action yet.
You don’t have to believe me, but I regularly solo camps, clear the allies, etc. as a condi necro with rabid gear. Haven’t had a chance to solo a tower yet, but with the amounts of blinds available it certainly is not out of the realm of possibilities.
Lol Any person with half a brain and can dodge can easily cap camps lol…..
I have capped towers solo, soloed fully upgraded camps with my thief so… Yeah try doing that with a condi necro, lets see how far us condimancer get, BTW soloing towers I also mean you as a condimancer ramming the gate (gate or wall at full repair, maybe dealing with a few opposing player 1/2 and having to deal with tower lord’s knock backs… Lol necro with little stability and well blinds Goodluck Xddd……
Done that with my full rabid necromancer, soloed towers, fully upgraded camps and even a tower as well. Isn’t impossible, just takes a little longer to stack the bleeding but if you keep the npc’s cc’ed with fear and the golem’s rush, won’t have a problem and they will die pretty soon once the bleed reaches the max tick. About the knockback from the champ, it can be dodged easily since the animation have a huge telling.
One or two defenders? Shouldn’t be much of a problem if you know where and how to attack as well as which one of the npc’s you want to pull or avoid during the fight. Unless the player can’t take a 2v1 fight which can be build based or a l2p issue.
I don’t think anyone here who has posted has actually played ele on scepter….
Wrong to assume. A question was asked and I answered accordingly.
Yes, scepter Lighting Strike and Blinding Flash can hit the target from behind in the same way as attuning for air. However, only way to do the same with the Dragon’s Tooth is if you are walking, in any direction, which probably need a fix. Yet many might complain because will invalidate the might stacking method of casting while walking.
If we are fishing for unintended effect here, the only one I see in work is the Dragon’s Tooth.
So to sum up, no bug on the attunement. You got hit by Electric Discharge and was lucky enough to proc the sigil of fire, triggering the Flame Blast. Possibly unintended skill effect, which if is the case and needs to be reviewed: Dragon’s Tooth.
I don’t know what exactly you are talking about.
However, if you mean the damage by attunement, it isn’t a bug.
Sunspot: Inflict damage at your location when you attune for fire.
Damage: 122
Number of targets: 5
Radius: 180
Electric Discharge: Strike your target with a bolt of lightning while attuning for air.
Earthen Blast: Damage foes and cripple when attuning for earth.
Damage: 73
Cripple: 3 seconds
Number of targets: 5
Radius: 240
Healing Ripple: Heal nearby allies when attuning to water.
Healing: 1302
Number of Targets: 5
Radius: 240
(edited by azyume.6321)
I only have one question, not sure if already asked here, kinda lost which page I was reading a long time ago.
Why new accounts or low level characters, not sure which one is tied to yet, doesn’t have the liberty to choose how to run the daily?
Been forced to do 1 pve, 1 pvp and 1 wvw is no fun at all and sometimes hard to achieve. Trying to kill that Yak or a sentry with your low level, in my case 8, is close to impossible or takes way too long, depending on the level and assuming the character still lives and isn’t being chased or hunt down, if you can’t find someone to help you.
Agreed with Azaghal. I’ve always been pointing out how much this game lacks tooltip and in-game information about things.
On topic: My first times doing new events, I read the chat but that’s all. I want it to be something new and don’t want to spoil it by looking information about it. Do I die, mess up or ruin the event because of it? No, I’ve been playing this game for too long to know where to look at. It simply means that I missed the achievements on the first try. After I am done with the event, I search up and hunt the achievement.
I’ve commanded SW breach and Vinewrath and one thing I always think about and take it as personal responsibility is to be a real commander when I tag up and give proper explanation, hints, encouragements, shout for help, or ask a few players to leave if too crowded under my pin but somewhere else is not. If one is tagged up, isn’t to display the tag colors, it is to lead, command, but leave the rudeness, sarcasm and snarky remarks for yourself only.
It is a cooperative event, if one wants to succeed, take the matter on your hand and help simply by providing fight mechanics and feedback. The expectation that everyone knows what to do is a gamble that not always works in ones favor. It can be tiring? Yes no doubt. However, want to be tagged up for hours running events? Then shake it off and work towards the victory.
Now if players decided to disable say or map chat, to not read, to not focus or to not follow your lead and yet have no clue what to do, then it is hopeless. Can’t expect much out of it.
Off topic:
Let me make an analogy. You go in a dugeon that you did a thousand times before. At one boss ,4 of you stack on a point while the 5th doesn’t, and because of him you all wipe instead of getting an easy kill. Who’s fault was it?
I’d say the fault is of the 4 that was stacked for the boss and yet wiped. Four players who knows what to do, shouldn’t wipe because of one single player unless it is high level fractals or some boss that spits AoE everywhere (CoE). :P
I decided to limit the fps to 60 with vertical sync. Without it, stays between 80-140 depending on the place. Besides that, events like maw, drops the fps to 10-8, which is kinda interesting because not even 2 zergs clashing, sometimes 3, on wvw makes the fps drop that much.
I will say it again, in no way the population listed as “Very High” is accurate, true, for all servers. It does not demonstrates the real population of the servers, much less the world vs world one. All servers were changed for “Very High” by the end of the 3rd tournament. It is only market, a way to (not) mislead new players while choosing a server.
Do not base anything regarding a server population by what you see clicking the world selection and checking out the population.
Edit: Server merge again… to the post above, can you explain how that will help servers from t3 and below? Most players are based on NA prime time and that’s when have full activity for these tiers. Merging servers that only can field players during the same time zone, will fix anything, will only create queues, which already happens for tier 3 to tier 5. Servers like DH, HoD, SBI, NSP can queue 2 maps during NA prime time, even tier 6 can queue a map.
(edited by azyume.6321)
If a ranger get the advantage to snipe me at 1500 range for 10k, I think it is fair that I can pop up retaliation and see his HP bar goes down almost at the same rate as mine.
They are predictable. Go to some part with elevation then channels for rapid fire, I use stand your ground for retal, I purposely take all every single hit from the skill. I start to walk into their direction, ranger panic and try to knock me back, which I can negate with still stability, dodge or aegis. When get near the ranger, somewhere around 600 range or so, predictable again, they go for entangle to try for the advantage again, which can be dodged if didn’t wasted on the way to the ranger, but it is too late.
Anyway, for me, Torment is more of an issue than confusion can ever be. Take damage standing, take double damage moving.
Stop being a kitten and encourage someone that will dedicate their own time for free and is willing to help the community instead of flaming and complaining and making things toxic?
Why would a normal casual player be offended to see a dedicated player that play the game way more than him and have better gear and more achievements? Maybe it would encourage him to play more who knows?
Would you be concerned to see Anet removing time gates on Laurels now to help other players because you have loged in more or less casually to get them?
a dedicated player that play the game
encourage him to play more
play the game
There ya go. You say it yourself. Play the game! You can’t label yourself a dedicated player if you took such a long break and didn’t played the game. For everything there are restrictions and requirements. We don’t get all we want, when we want, the way we want. Just accept it. Laurels are on this game for a long time now and Anet even changed a bit to reward it more. If there is nothing else that holds your attention on this game, as some said, I am sorry but you should try something else. If all you want is a gear and not to play the content at all, a game with gear treadmill is more likely your thing. You won’t find it on Guild Wars 2.
As I said. every hardcore player I’ve ever known to play MMO’s has always quit more due to time-gated lock outs than have quit due to burning out.
Time gated stuff is bad design.
In GW2 case, they quit because of time gated mats and craft? I am sorry but seems rather silly to me when all the ending product can be easily acquired from TP. Kinda simple here, don’t want to wait? No problem, burn your gold and buy it now.
I am a veteran player, more than 7000 hours, and time gated craft gave me an aim to focus when decided to go for 2 sets of ascended gear. Could have bought all the stuff I need but opted to play the game and enjoy, not making a farm out of it, simply playing the content I like while searching for the mats I needed in order to finish my set.
- I note with a little disappointment that the other fireworks from this event can’t be used in WvW.
Yeah, I don’t know why they’d do such a thing!
It is your fault!! All your fault…
I find it funny that the whole discussion is base off a false presumption.
Majority of dungeon party I PUG through LFG, hardly ever did I experience this “toxicity” that I keep hearing. I also joined a lot of those “zerker only” groups, without wearing full zerker or no zerker at all, only got ask to ping gear 4 times(life time), and the teams were cool about it as long as I know what I am doing.
I bet a lot of complainers hardly ever pug(or dungeon at all) and just unfortunate enough to bump into a group also has no clue what they doing(one reason I avoid all welcome groups, as those more likely to become toxic than zerker/exp only).
You are judging people and the situation and fasely presuming yourself as well. Honestly is no different from what they did. If you look a bit into the forums, will see the toxicity comes from both sides, both have their share of fault. Now would be silly to blame everyone who is part of a group that think similar because of acts of a few. If I would to do that, I’d never join any group at all given to certain posts I’ve read here for the past 2 years, yet I can very well filter and distinguish those who are more louder causing a community problem from others who are passive.
I create and join groups according to time and what I am fancying for that day. Some days I run zerker, others I use knight build, others I test build, in the end, that’s my fun.
If all I want is to chill while running a dungeon, talking to some friends, will see my LFG description as: Ping Nomad, 28kAP, Speed Clear 5 min or something equally silly, so players will know isn’t a serious, zerker, efficient run, but a path where we will be talking, laughing, chilling, enjoying and having fun, because that’s what the game is about.
I can assure that only had one problem so far since LFG tool was implementable. It was a player that thought if he ordered around and asked people to switch for zerker gear, we would all comply and play the way he wanted. My friends and I said: Look, this is a friends run, we never posted about zerker group, so if you aren’t happy with this party, you can leave. However if you decide don’t want to leave because it is half way done already, then please respect. Problem solved!
Well, my character was created before the NPE, so I am not sure if they changed something. I can’t check out with a new character since he is only level 61 and don’t have access to the living story yet.
Hopefully someone can shed some light.
For me, it is like this:
Try instead of quitting the episode to continue with your previous personal story.
My Story → Continue With This Story
It works for me, hope it do the same for you.
Hmm interesting. Apparently CD showed up and with its charm, caused a divorce between GoM and DH.
0,98% of IoJ/NSP/SBI… make it happen, Anet!
Guild Wars 2, even with the NPE, is overwhelming for new players, specially the ones that never played a MMO before. Know why? Lack of better tooltip, a proper tutorial and explanation within the game.
A veteran player won’t think about this anymore, but might I ask how you found out about different tiers of gears, crafting, stats, lack of the usual trinity and etc? You had to ask around or search up for such things right? A new player in the MMO category will have a hard time before they can grasp all that.
When I see a new player struggling around when I am leveling or mapping, I help them and then tell if they have any doubts, to befriend me and ask whenever they want. As it is, I get whispers asking how mechanics, stats, professions and most of all, how crafting works, because looking only within the game, they can’t figure out how to maximize the craft experience without a direct information about it.
No, I learned all of that within the first hour, during beta when nobody else knew what the kitten was going on either. It isn’t that hard.
WASD, right click down, 1-5, shift 1-5 or w/e keys you bind. Game done,.
The bold part is what I needed. Thanks for answering! You just stated you learned how to walk and hit keys… no mention at all about game mechanics or any of the other stuff I mentioned. Fail but thanks anyway.
We already donated to restoring to repair LA, There was a queens pavalion event to raise money for the repairs several months ago (may 20, 2014 event) unless my memory fails me.
Just the contracters who are lazy and slow…or Ellen Kiel embezzled all the funds that should have been used to rebuild the city. That scoundrel.
I’ve never trusted her. :o
*dust off Evon’s button
Guild Wars 2, even with the NPE, is overwhelming for new players, specially the ones that never played a MMO before. Know why? Lack of better tooltip, a proper tutorial and explanation within the game.
A veteran player won’t think about this anymore, but might I ask how you found out about different tiers of gears, crafting, stats, lack of the usual trinity and etc? You had to ask around or search up for such things right? A new player in the MMO category will have a hard time before they can grasp all that.
When I see a new player struggling around when I am leveling or mapping, I help them and then tell if they have any doubts, to befriend me and ask whenever they want. As it is, I get whispers asking how mechanics, stats, professions and most of all, how crafting works, because looking only within the game, they can’t figure out how to maximize the craft experience without a direct information about it.
I rejoined after a year and the game has been vomitting exotics and rares on me, I had 4 named exotics in the last two days which has been quite exciting. I guess whatever random number seed that had been decided for my account that gave me bad RNG rolls got reset or something, I’m raking in the gold now! OP maybe you could put in a ticket for ANet to reset your seed, it might help!
Interesting. Many friends that took a break, when they got back to the game, also reported about an increase of rares and exotic drops during the first week or two. If that’s really the case, is the RNG really working?
Anyway, I’ve got a some exotics over the past 2 years have been playing, most cheap exotics and only one was really worth something, it was Spirit Links from Shadow Behemoth chest 1 year and 10 months ago, which the price at the time was 93g.
As suggested, knowing the LFG limitation, try to join the map a little earlier, it is a small “sacrifice” to do to ensure a spot. If you decide it is not worth the time and would rather take your chances by hopping around, then accept when it fails.
I still remember before megaservers, people would go for Sparkfly Fen at least 2 hours earlier, otherwise would be put into overflow.
7100+ hours and Zero precursors.
Just to throw more info here, already happened to me to stay at the beach for 2 battery events to clear the bloated creeps and I didn’t got the events for defense, even if joined the map 30 min before Teq started and actively participated and, in the end, got only the blue and the exotic chests.
Anet incentives by changing the servers status from time to time, besides the 500 gems from achievements points, as well as free transfer if you delete all your characters. Bear in mind they need the microtransations on TP to keep this game running, they benefit from the transfers as well with the items sold from gem store.
Is it expensive? Yes, but if one don’t want to throw some cash in, can very well take a couple of weeks to run dungeons or SW and raise the gold for the transfer. Not only that, but guilds that value their members and thrust, will certainly chip in for them.
Wait, what? “Nightcappers” time is more valuable? How exactly? Doesn’t PPT and Stomps have the same value? So how that makes a time zone more valuable?
The problem isn’t the points, the problem is the lack of coverage. OP is trying to use a bandage to fix something that isn’t entirely broken while ignoring the real problem. Why all 23 servers, well more if counts the EU as well, should suffer just because your sever have a recruitment problem and doesn’t have a early night/EU/OCx crew?
While talking about this, can you please come to a good point as why the tier 1 and 2 servers will have their efforts diminished when they have plenty of players around to fight, take and defend during those times you judged to be “nightcapping”?
As suggested before, if Anet want WvW more fight centric, all they need to do is reduce a bit the PPT points for all time zones and add permanently PPK. However, even that won’t fix the coverage problem. The game mode needs an influx of players for tier 3 and below
Game itself have been lagging horribly for me, even to the point of getting lag spikes during dungeons and wvw runs and of course, most or all in the party experience it as well.
Honestly I think it is due time Anet make a maintenance on the servers. Shut down for a few hours and clean up. If memory doesn’t fail me, will be one year soon since the last one… Come on, Anet!
If for PvE only, there is no such thing as best since we have megaservers. Servers only matter for WvW since the implementation of such technology.
If you have a guild in mind, or something, try to join their server or in case you decide to venture into WvW, do a research first as which one would suit you better.
I share the ‘pain’ or rather the dizziness. I also suffer with motion sickness and have to avoid playing FPS games unless I am in for a turbulent sickness just a few minutes after started playing.
Some jumping puzzles with the camera spinning here and there really can make one dizzy in this case. I really love JP’s but some I have to stay away from to avoid feeling sick, such as Urmaug’s Secret, Troll’s End, Chaos Crystal Cavern and Antre of Adjournment.
You won’t find them easily during the “Kill the Veteran” daily, well at least for some tiers from my experience. I’d try the wurm first and wait a bit for it to spawn again if was taken down already. In case your server is taking a beating on your own borderland, try the other 2 vets on the other borders.
Overwolf is not a mod, it is an overlay application and in the cases for the ones for WvW, use anet’s official API.
You don’t need to run the game client in order to run Overwolf nor to have access to the applications on it, nothing is modified on the game file, it is actually attached to Team Speak.
Besides that, the ones that show’s HP from gates, walls, siege etc, they are all pen and paper, it is the same as you writing it down then passing away for your friends and guilds, if an_ user don’t type the info out there, there will be none, because the app don’t have that kind of access to give anyone some sort of advantage.
Here it is the official statement about Overwolf:
Actually SBI got to queue homeborder to a point, however, wasn’t enough to compete with 3 or 4 FA guilds with decent numbers plus IoJ. We didn’t had the outnumbered buff, but surely was in terms of pop defending vs attacking.
Anet stated years ago that they raise the pop cap if needed and because of that it is speculated that tier 1 servers have higher cap than the others.
Now for the “Very High” status, if you remember season 3, all servers, including t1 which were full at the time, were changed for that. They do not represent the real population, it was changed only to make all servers ‘equal’.
Could pull some crazy theory here and say the DB being listed as full is anet’s way to try to mend tier 3…
In anyway, would be nice to actual know the regular wvw pop for each server.
Wait, so because people have different opinions from you they are “kittens”?
Anyway, GW2 is game for casual and includes all game modes, get over it.
Also, I have to disagree when someone says PvP is all about skill when in truth is the same builds everywhere, everyone using a bunker meta copied from metabattle and doing the same rotation, never changes. As much as boring as PvE…
Such thing as unlock map completion as account bound or to buy with a character will never be available.
Why? Simply because you need the Gift of Exploration to craft a legendary. If map completion becomes account bound, how would be able to craft more than two legendaries?
In case of buying PvE map, then what? Only need to do WvW map for the gift? Or that one should be available to sell in the gemstore as well? In any case, I don’t think it will have a good repercussion.
I made a rant on this a year ago, which was very lenghty, so I’ll try to keep it short:
- 1 Game mode
- 4 Maps
- Maps are not really different, 3 points, 1 small twist
- It’s not satisfying to win – can’t really explain, whenever I win I feel like “okay, that’s over”, whenever I win in eg.: LoL I feel like “MAN THAT WAS AWESOME!” – even in faceroll matches
- Rewards are pretty bad
- Balance updates are rare
- Lack of customization – meaning gear, runes, sigils, no character/skill swap whithin matches
- No comebacks – 90% of the time if you have 10 – 100 points you’re gonna lose, there’s no coming back (again, in LoL it just takes some better coordination)
- Always the same goal – reach 500 points
- No real seasons, divisions, prizes, progression tracking – expect leaderboard which is… bad
- Few builds dominating
- No real skill – no matter how skillful you are, you are never gonna win 1v2 (given your enemy is decent) – dodge all you like, interrupt what you want, you are not gonna get the satisfaction of killing 2 Soldiers and the Medic with a Scout (TF2)
- Combat boils down to dodging and interrupting
The whole sPvP about conquest rather than fights makes it really boring for me. They should reward the fights and secondly the conquest. The whole idea to be a bunker and stay within a circle is appalling to me.
However, I still play sPvP from time to time, needing constant breaks from the game mode.
About the toxicity, yes, it is really bad. I don’t bad mouth anyone in my team or the other and would like to be treated the same way. If the player can’t control their temper and need to unleash a series of profanities to stroke his own ego, gets reported but that’s only a palliative workaround. For sure would be better if didn’t had to deal with such bad behaviors.
Does Anet even take WvW into consideration when they decide to nerf things like this?
My guardian relies heavily on might, being a support, to have an ok output damage. The nerf will have a significant change in my gear, build and gameplay.
Perhaps the might nerf won’t have much influence in PvE, but sure will have in PvP and, especially, WvW. With the last years nerf, is getting harder and harder to find players using power build and is becoming infested with condition.
Anet addressed the problem with celestial ele, ok. How about the engineer using dire gear and perplexity runes? Why dire gear even exist in first place? It is quite obvious what they have been doing, nerfing white damage and pushing (buffing) more and more for condition.
Now the question is why when condition is broken in PvE. Shouldn’t they fix condition in PvE first?
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