Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle
I’ve played for perhaps an hour on the new map and decided to log before could feel extremely sick. I suffer from mild to severe motion sickness so I steer away from FPS games and others that are too bouncy or camera shakes or move too fast or too much, like per example, The Witcher 2.
- What triggered the motion sickness or made me feel worse:
- Proposed suggestions:
Medical information background (in case it helps):
I suffer from Chronic Rhinitis which attacks my ears as well and had a severe case of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) a few years ago which lasted way too long because the docs weren’t really sure on the diagnosis back at the time. As consequence, now the BPPV can be triggered easily, be from my own fast head movements or of others around me as well as images shaking and constantly rapidly moving scenarios at the background.
I take the recommended medications for its corrected period and duration over the period of a month when I notice my ears are acting “funny” before the real dizziness hits however, that helps to not let it get to the severe stage yet doesn’t exactly get rid of the dizziness, only soothes it.
Even under the medication during my period testing the PoF demo and yet it didn’t stopped me from feeling mild dizziness during the game test.
where is the info on the change to outnumbered. i don’t see it listed here on the forums anywhere.
Outnumbered is now applied each scoring tick (every 5 minutes). Swapping to a map right before a tick will no longer grant an Outnumbered pip bonus. Instead, you must play on an Outnumbered map for an entire tick to earn the bonus.
To add info, currently there is a bug on the outnumbered buff thus not working as intended. Despite being on display to players, it won’t count nor give +5 pip bonus to majority of players.
Just put a cap on it.
Say once you’ve reached 400 pips gained from that buff you stop receiving them.
No legitimate player should ever come close to 400 pips gained by being outnumbered so it shouldn’t be a problem.
You still need 1450 to cap for the week so that’s a good number to put a maximum cap on that buff, and require the players to contribute if they want to finish their tickets.
Odd since I legitimately play, and have well over 400 pips from outnumbered. Outnumbered makes up the majority of my pips since I am only receiving 3 pips (1 for level, 1 for WvW score, and 1 for getting wood).
i can see it making up the majority if you’re getting 3 pips per tick, but i seriously doubt the claim that having over 400 from outnumbered is legitimate gameplay.
Below is my final from last week… i played 73.6 hours in WvW and never broke 300. If you’re getting over 400 for outnumbered, then you’re actively farming it.
Don’t try to make of your personal experience as truth fact to all players. What you can experience may be completely different to what another player experiences.
As you can see, I have barely 10% of your game play this week, played 2 days only so far and already have 215 pips from being on an outnumbered map. I am a solo/duo or trio roamer and usually pick the less populous maps to avoid being chased over by blobs and so the outnumbered buff flashes frequent depending on the time zone.
Time zone, server, way of playing and other factors have huge impact thus creating different experiences to a variety of players.
Oh really, so If i play spvp, and I’m rank 80 because I put in so many hours, and your rank 1 cuz you don’t play spvp. I should technically get my legendary backpiece 4-5x quicker then you right (and I mean quicker as in i get 3-4x the amount of rewards then you do for doing the same thing you are)? Oh waitttttt thats not how that works right…… even though i put all that effort in prior right?
Guess what?? You do get the The Ascension faster than a new player. Wanna know why? Let’s list:
1) Players only have access to Ranked mode once they are rank 20 or higher;
2) Veterans of the PvP mode knows how conquest format works;
3) Long term players are aware of builds, skills, game play and, hopefully, map awareness;
4) Veterans have a higher chance of landing on gold or higher in divisions thus gaining more pips for winning a match;
5) Players have been rewarded with a tracker which can give gold, mats and clovers, necessary items for legendary creation
By the time a new player starts playing Ranked games and, perhaps, winning PiPs, veteran players will be, at least, 1/3 ahead of them on the making.
Lol this is hilarious. Ur comparing player skill and what a player can do to a hard coded mechanic put in by anet, u realize this right?
You just said a bunch of untrue statements. I’ve corrected you and answered your question according. Now, what the kitten your last response has to do with your previous question??? Don’t bring pvp in comparison if you can’t handle the truth.
Please, use real facts next time you try to bring up an argument. Now it is just silly and you are shooting at any direction trying to make your pledge, if can really call that, relevant.
Oh really, so If i play spvp, and I’m rank 80 because I put in so many hours, and your rank 1 cuz you don’t play spvp. I should technically get my legendary backpiece 4-5x quicker then you right (and I mean quicker as in i get 3-4x the amount of rewards then you do for doing the same thing you are)? Oh waitttttt thats not how that works right…… even though i put all that effort in prior right?
Guess what?? You do get the The Ascension faster than a new player. Wanna know why? Let’s list:
1) Players only have access to Ranked mode once they are rank 20 or higher;
2) Veterans of the PvP mode knows how conquest format works;
3) Long term players are aware of builds, skills, game play and, hopefully, map awareness;
4) Veterans have a higher chance of landing on gold or higher in divisions thus gaining more pips for winning a match;
5) Players have been rewarded with a tracker which can give gold, mats and clovers, necessary items for legendary creation
By the time a new player starts playing Ranked games and, perhaps, winning PiPs, veteran players will be, at least, 1/3 ahead of them on the making.
I’ve been on CD for maybe a year now through all types of fluctuations and i stay because i love it. It’s home. both my self and my guild even if we are small have poured our hearts into CD. Tonight a blanket statement was made by someone i respect that’s a major voice on CD even if that respect only goes in one direction. That if you don’t use TS than your not an asset because you aren’t really helping. I’m sure a lot of people feel that way. I know its a big help in wvw. But it was really the first time in a year i felt like wow kitten my server.
Even if we were roamers which we aren’t we are a small ops guild of seasoned vets that responds to all major calls from tags and larger guilds for aid. I feel like that’s a pretty big kitten you to people that put in time and effort but don’t use TS. I guess i just needed to vent because if I didn’t i was gonna seethe about it until i moved my entire guild to a new server.
I was Rawrr im a Turtle, are you talking about the commander and his guild who ran from every zerg fight ?
That was a PvE commander if i ever saw one, we took the walls down at Bay just so he could run to hills to take that keep which was owned by a different enemy and they said it was part of there plan ………………………………..
Dude fluffy was making jokes all night and they didnt respond to us after they ran from the tower fight.
Im sorry you were upset and im glad you get to vent. I think i was more in shock after he rallied EBG players to CD already zerg and he took 50+ people to bay 2-3 times and he wiped us each time and he/she with there guild were already half way across the map.
Ive been on CD since Pre Launch and this was a first for me, hilariously frustrating stuff.
Honestly, taking away the fact that people probably felt frustrated with such commander, it was one of the most hilarious thing I’ve seen happen on CD.
I was roaming, giving zerg positions on map chat and keeping Briar’s wall damaged throughout the night and would occasionally join said tag just to see the tag make a turn and leave his peeps to die in any sort of fight/encounter they would have. I was imagining he on TS saying something like: ZERG! RUN! SAVE YOURSELVES! Do not fight, ruuuuuuuuuuuuun
Funniest thing is that said comm would only communicate in team chat to auto promote himself to try to look good to make up for the people who left his squad because of his ways and nag about TS.
Oh, by the way, I was there when he left Bay for Hills. I had a gigantic question mark above my head, asking why would he leave bay to hit undefended paper hills which anyone can flip, he don’t need 40 for that and so jeopardize pretty much the best chance we had to take bay back.
Hey OP, just laugh and ignore. Keep up with your gameplay, you have been doing it for an year. Take it as one of those funny things that happens once in a while, don’t take it personally.
(edited by azyume.6321)
MMORPG: Will players who have transferred, either to be with new guilds or friends before this update, be locked out from rewards? On that note, what about players who transfer after this blog post but before the update hits the servers?
MB: You have to be on a world for an entire match to be eligible for skirmish rewards. That means if you transferred on Thursday, you would have to remain on that world the next day, Friday, and the entirety of the match that started on Friday to start earning skirmish rewards in the match after that. Therefore, any players who have transferred after the 26th will not be eligible for Skirmish rewards until they have been on that world for an entire match.
These transfer restrictions are important because we want to incentivize world loyalty and community.
You are looking at yourself only and forgetting about the big picture.
Engineer and Elementalist agaisnt 2 or 3 necros is very risky play. Necro hard counters engi. Also, with that amount of necros, counters the ele as well.
You would have had better outcome if left the engi at far fighting against the DH’s and you at mid fighting off those necros. I’ve noticed times that your ele had to defend home solo, if he was a support build, it ends up hurting your team.
Yes, there is.
There is a chance, slim but still one nonetheless, to drop ascended pieces from the chests from the reward track.
Hello everyone.
For everyone that voted no, I am posting for you exactly what you voted for. Alot of people blindly voted no (cause others told them to and said arena net was trying to get away with something) thinking that it would still allow them to switch builds, during a match. If you read below there will be no switching of anything once the second timer goes off and everyone is pulled back to home base. Your no vote only will allow you to switch prior to the second warning bell.
No, I want to be able to switch professions up until the round begins.Players can adjust team composition during match warmup."
Voting YES would of allowed them to use class distinctions in MMR and even create a leaderboard (which would of been pretty cool) tracking people via class! It would of opened up an array of possibilities. No matter what you do you aren’t switching during a match anymore you can vote No or Yes all day. Thats what I think alot of people don’t realize.
I had a guy argue with me that alot of times you get into a match and realize you need a DPS instead of a Tank build so he had characters of the same class set up so he could easily switch. He didnt know what to say when I pointed out to him that during a match regardless of what he chose, he wasn’t switching to anything else.
In order to improve our match making system we needed this and I am pretty saddened to see that people really don’t understand what we are votiing on and selfishly and foolishly think they can fix the match making system themselves instead of working with the devs to improve it.
You may think your stellar at PvP and you may think that you switching classes fixes things because your MMR is high. But more and more people will leave as things continue to stay the way they are, and you will fine soon, you will be playing with no one.
You can cry all day now, when you get stacks of the same class on your team because there is no reason if they can’t lock class switching for them to fix stacking in the matchmaker.
Hard to take such argument as valid when in, the end, you start to throw insults just because people have different opinion from you.
Anyway, want to know why I voted no? Simply because Guild Wars builds are made of rock, paper and scissors. How can you state that the matchmaking will be better when the builds won’t be taken into account?
It will continue to be a blow out because if you see the other team with a comp which completely shuts your down, you won’t be able to do absolutely anything besides feeding and keep asking for Anet to implement the surrender option.
@ Evan Lesh
If YES wins:
- Make sure to create a Build Templates option in the pvp build panel so we can adapt to our team composition without changing class completely;
- Increase build diversity. Right now we still have 1 viable build x class (max 2 with certain classes);
In my opinion this game is not ready for a change like this yet.
Also add a surrender option because if the other team completely shuts down your own team composition, might as well surrender as soon as possible to move to the next game.
I think if no wins, there should still be something about locking swapping to another profession after a certain amount of time. Maybe at 45 secs?
Evan already stated the profession will be locked regardless of the out coming. If no wins means the profession will be locked on the 10 seconds period before the match starts.
To remove class stacking, You would logically have to lock professions. I’m not sure why people are not seeing that.
Now, I realize that anet may not yet perceive the need to remove stacking. A couple of weeks of solid DH matches might make that clear to them though.
Yes, to remove class stacking, profession lock is a requirement. However, if you are voting expecting that to happen, that’s one heck of assumption.
No Dev stated their goal in the long run is to remove class stacking. We have to act accordingly to the info we have.
If people vote by the perceived assumption that that’s what will happen and, in case it doesn’t happen, there will be lots of disgruntled players who placed their hopes in a wrong assumption.
Unless Evan post in this very thread about their future plans for the matchmaking algorithm, as being the removal of class stacking their ultimate goal, all you gonna do, so far, by voting yes is to remove your ability to switch professions before the match starts and ensuring profession MMR.
You should stop people from changing class after pressing “accept” on the queue
This is what the poll is for.
You said that it would not be possible to change class once the 10s countdown starts, but before that there is a whole min where people can change build/class freely and I’ve thought the poll was used to decide whether or not people should be allowed to change class during that minute.
You are correct. Once the final 10 second countdown starts, there is no reason to swap characters, so we’ll lock that down to prevent exploits. The 90 second warmup is the period during which characters could additionally be locked if the poll succeeds.
Worth to quote this because, as 90% of pools so far, it is badly worded and people are misunderstanding what it is been pooled.
For a simple way to understand, the pool it is NOT ABOUT PROFESSION STACKING!
The pool is about:
A) NO! I want to be able to swap professions until the timer reaches 10 seconds before the match starts;
B) YES! I don’t want to be able to swap professions once I hit the queue button.
Now think about it and choose well.
(edited by azyume.6321)
Drop the Daredevil, you can’t carry with that profession. Play with a Berserker, Dragonhunter, even marauder Scrapper.
You need to create opportunities where you can fight and survive being outnumbered while your team outnumbers a point elsewhere. That way you have more control into your hands and will also reduce the risk factor for your teammates.
As much as it is commendable your attitude, OP, many times we have to deal with people like the one in the screenshot below.
There was a player who decided to try experimental builds in ranked matches, one that he had no clue how it works since he was pretty much perma downed the whole match.
When someone questioned his build choice, we had an interesting dialogue where he said that pretty much gave up playing for rank because of necros and guardians (detail he was playing a warrior so both professions shouldn’t really be an issue for him) and decided to farm troll because of the way the reward system works.
forum bug…
We just gotta get good any carry ourselves. If you manage yourself, you will manage your team. Because: strength of the team is each member and the strength of each member, is the team. (Yes, it’s from Paladins. Who knows this quote, knows what I am talking about
But what should we do in situations when one (so called “carry”) is tanking 2 or 3 enemy players, and the rest of the team still manages to die and not take a single cap?
You stop tanking and go help your teammates. Those things also happened to NotHelseth during the streams. What he did was to disengage from far, got to mid, win the cap, push back to far to wait for the respawns. If your team can’t get the point by themselves, you force it and take it for them to hold while you tank elsewhere.
My plan is to set the respawn time to default (15 seconds) plus the maximum amount of bleed time they could have suffered on disconnect. This should be the most fair for everyone. If you accidentally d/c, then you want to get back in as soon as possible.
If there is respawn time left on reconnect, the player will be killed.
Can you please not implement this until you fix the getting stuck into wall bugs?
How is it fair that your buggy game forces people to get stuck into a wall, and then punish them again if they try to log out and escape?
Second this, came to comment on this thread exactly about this. The respawn fix will hurt when you need to relog due to being stuck on walls. Not that it happens frequently but should be looked into to be fixed as well.
In other words; It’s not noteworthy for an esl level player to rise out of bronze. They are clearly undermatched. We expect them to rise whether they get favorable matches or not.
A bronze level player shouldn’t break the barrier to silver. It is simple as that.
Why people keep disregarding proof players keep posting about them climbing from bronze/silver to gold and even platinum and saying Helseth is taking advantage of other players?
If you don’t belong to certain a tier, you will move up or down to the place you belong. If you can’t break from bronze, then I have bad news: You belong to bronze.
Now for those who play eles and engies…I wonder how well such an experiment would work.
I’ve been playing mostly scrapper, marauder with Perfectly Weighted and Mass Momentum traits granted, only switch to another professor if my team is already stacked with them, and I had no problem to “carry” on my up.
(edited by azyume.6321)
Check the leaderboard then perhaps explain what exactly is the joke. The top 4 EU only have 300+ games played each.
First of all it is about 400+ if you can count at all.
Second – you can see most of people in that list streaming or queueing with someone who streams every time they play, and that happens almost every day. Helseth, Drazeh, Zan, Misha, Sind, Obindo – they are all active players just like most of the top 250. The whole point of PvP is to play it and if you’re not doing it (on eu) you will be quickly pushed down by active players.
What exactly your post has to do with me asking the OP what is the joke about the EU leaderboard? Second, you say I can’t count, but, you know, I mentioned top 4 and ROM doesn’t have 400 games played yet…
Check the leaderboard then perhaps explain what exactly is the joke. The top 4 EU only have 300+ games played each.
Your scenario makes no sense. You are worried about tempest and berserker with cooldowns but somehow completely neglect that the thief will be the one suffering from it the most after a team fight.
Often times is better for the thief go decap a node while recovering from the low hp, which can get them one shot, and recover the cooldowns, go back to +1 or down a really low target than stay in a team fight and be deleted in 1 second because have no sustain.
Remember that a dead thief have 0 damage.
Nice one, Ross. I’ll follow you:
On my previous 10 matches, there was only one the matchmaking predicted we would lose it. However, if you look at the score, 500 – 435, we definitely had a chance to win and if we had done something different could have won.
The other 2 matches my team lost, we even in one we were predicted to win. All 3 of the lost matches we could have won if had done something different, reacted, adapted and changed tactics faster.
In the past, there was also only one match I can remember where there was absolutely no way to win. My team got to face top 150 players, being of them a duo with Aeroxe and another player from the 30. I lost 7 rating points on that one if not mistaken.
You can definitely climb out of bronze if you don’t belong there.
I’ve got placed into Silver due afk’s during placement matches, got up to Gold T2 then took the train back to Silver T2 while was duo queuing with a friend who had lower rating than I did. Since then, I’ve been soloing and made may way back to Gold T2 once again. The only problem tho, at a certain point, the system believes you are at the tier you belong and takes a while to adjust. You will have to play and win a considerable amount of games, compared to before, to start to make a steady progress.
Not incorrect. You’re making assumptions about how I play is the problem, and again, are assuming rankings are a proper representation of the player’s abilities.
Realistically, it’s simply that I choose not to play a profession that is capable of carrying matches like the condi mesmer can. Power’s a step down but understandable for him of all people to play. It’s a handicap to prove everything is okay, without denying him the ability to carry a given game well enough to advance steadily.
As far as me, I’d love to see your thoughts on how solo necros can decide games on their own. Really, I’d love to. Please go make the thread in the necromancer section for the whole necro community to see, too, as maybe you can prove everyone wrong about the necromancer.
Basically, you’re indirectly confirming that most of the progression is related to profession/build choice which for 90% of all PvP matchups is out of the player’s control; a la randomness for who’s online for matchmaking to also potentially randomly-pick between, since 9/10 players in every PvP game are added without you being considered aside from rank and rank alone.
A given Necromancer shouldn’t be carrying, that is, unless its opponents are strictly terrible enough to allow it to happen, in which case, why are they all in the tier they’re in? It’s a direct contradiction to the point you’re trying to make.
I want to make it clear that I don’t think of much regarding “Elo hell”, but am only stating that Helseth’s climb proves nothing in either direction.
Except he did played matches as power mesmer and even with weird builds with amulet and traits that made no sense at all as sub goals and yet he still kept his average winning rating.
Some fights he had to be extra careful for not having proper condition cleanse, other’s he didn’t had enough burst to kill quickly yet his impact on every match is undeniable. Because at the other hand yet at using those builds still managed to win 1v2 fights like he does with his proper build.
(edited by azyume.6321)
You have to react to your team. If they are pushing to far and dying because they are being outnumbered, you go and push with them. Make the fight less unbalanced to increase their chances of surviving.
Other thing you can do is be good enough to fight outnumbered for a while to give your team breathing space to cap another point.
It is great when your team also knows when to push to win. I’ve had a match, both teams with 400-ish score but the other was 30 points ahead and the only way to win was to 3 cap and not die for a few seconds. I pushed to far to do 1v1 while the rest of their team was in respawn from our fight from mid. At first my team was standing still at our points but they noticed and reacted to me coming to help. By the time they got there I was already doing 1v3 and barely managed to stay alive. With their help, we got the cap and 3 kills which was more than enough to ensure the victory.
@Moonsinn.5382: 3 DHs on enemy team? LOL.
Daily Guardian anyone? You can thank Anet for introducing daily profession win into PvP.
A friend wasn’t progressing either. After playing different professions for a while, he went back to his main, the one he finished the profession achievement first, and suddenly it started to count towards the progress of League Dominator.
Not sure if it is a workaround, but try to play the 6 matches with your previous seasons main profession.
I use this guardian meditation build on my alt. It works fairly well if you know how to play it.
I usually go cap home then help at mid where I try my best to avoid the big chunks of AoE since don’t have the protection of shield of courage.
Oh I love that they buffed burn guards, in all but a single match today there were 3+ DH of regular or burn variety. GG ANet, way to take a class that you admit is overpowered and over represented and buff them further. Your playtesting group must be outstanding!
-players demand more build variety from anet
-anet gives more build variety
-players complain about the build variety
Spotted the Guardian player!
More build variety is great, making another OP build on the most played and most winning class (according to ANET) is just bad design. Not a difficult concept to grasp I would think.
So how exactly buffing core Guardian virtues makes the burn variant of Dragonhunter OP? Mind explaining to us this magical trick?
I would have a kitten aswell because 3 thieves= loss 99% off the time.
Fought a match against 5 thieves, being one D/D condi, one P/D and three staff. With all the mobility, they were everywhere and melt the others from my team pretty fast. I managed to put up a fight as playing with scrapper, but by the time we took on those 1v2, was more than enough for the other 3 thieves kill the chars from my team who would split and turn my own fights into a 1v4.
I’ll take 3 good thieves on my team any day instead of 3 DH.
Not enough full parties play to keep an entirely separate 5-man queue healthy 24/7. However, that doesn’t mean teams shouldn’t have a structured place to participate in PvP. This will be part of the the discussion around the followup poll regarding solo/duo queue.
had 4 games today with 3 Dhs on the opposite team and 2 on mine. This is not funny anymore
1) Guardian daily
2) Don’t you play Revenant?
Actually for BG has to be a different signs showing which side or even map go to for k-trains, to be spawn camped and, of course, for roam once the server get those roamers it has been desperately in need.
That’s been happening since pretty much HoT release. For us with higher ping, mine is between 160 and 170ms, is easier to notice those small spikes. Whenever I stay near someone stacking boons the ping increases going to 200 or 210 ms. It is quite visible whenever am near a herald revenant.
My wild guess is the calculations for boons, highly increased with HoT, is causing some delay.
A 3-way in smc usually increases my ping to 240-300ms and fps drop from 80 to 20.
Main: Eredon Terrace → Stormbluff Isle → Yak’s Bend (kitten tier 1) → Eredon Terrace → Crystal Desert
Alt 1: Fort Aspenwood
Alt 2: Eredon Terrace
Alt 3: Stormbluff Isle
Never moved the alts and probably never will.
It is probably some variant of the old troll perma evasion build from 2013.
My guess is that the build is something close to this one:
Option 1 would put hosts and links into equal footing, however, it will destroy the ones who still take pride over their world.
Option 2 doesn’t seem appealing to me. There are still players who, even if really small pool, who plays solo and some of them don’t represent any guild. Besides that, giving the information of which guild has taken the objective, gives the perception that it might diminish the efforts of other players who are attacking the objective with such guild at the time, giving only the recognition to the latter.
Option 3: In my opinion it is the best one, however the item 3 saying the link servers will not be displayed, diminishes the value of implementation of such idea. I’d take the idea which players has been giving on the forums since links happened, such as cited by Jim’s post, which consists of server color – world server – wvw rank – guild tag.
Ex: Green ET Silver Soldier [PPK];
Blue BG Veteran [KLF];
Red FA Gold Invader [XSD];
The WvW UI could use some polish, however, even still if players can’t check it and identify or find confusing which color they are and which worlds represents the other 2 colors, not sure if there is much to do to help there. Would be a pity to not implement such idea only because of such players.
In case people don’t know: Only Test of Faith and Fragments of Faith don’t have a cast time. All the others traps have a ½ activation time.
Fragments of Faith being a stun break doesn’t make sense to have a cast, while Test of Faith is actually the only insta cast trap.
Well of Power, Rumble, Well of Precognition, Bypass Coating and Headbutt say hi.
The first two of those were designed way before HOT to follow the concept of: stunbreaker with a cast time and with a bit of added stability to counter CC spamming, such that the additional effect of the skill had a chance to cast (NOTE: they belonged to classes designed to be weak to focus). This is the reasoning the developers stated in a time where the amount off CC going around wasn`t at the high level that HOT brought. Even Well of Precogniton was initially conceived in an environment preceding extensive “in practice” experience of final HOT spec designs. And the same reasoning for its cast time+stability was stated by the devs in streams during the BETAs.
The particular design aspect of stunbreaker with a cast time shown by Well of Power, Well of Precognition and Rumble make perfect sense “in-void” because all of them have a very potent after-effects (for their respective times during the game`s history); Necro well is an AoE condi-to-boon conversion for allies (plus combo field); Rumble is a short-range AoE attack with a good damage modifier (for that time) and a blast finisher (potentially crucial for a glass turret build using it); mesmer well was AoE invulnerability for allies (now aegis pulse) and endurance restoration (plus combo field). On the two that have 1/4 cast times, the natures of the respective classes (at the time) and of the skills allowed enough counter-play for the those short intervals; in other words, the skills were very predictable short-range, short duration AoEs on classes that were weak to focus.
In the case of Bypass Coating, it is still a very potent after-effect that is shared with allies, its effect radius is the same as wells (according to tooltip), and non-traited CDs are close (30-45 seconds range) between all 4 skill. So it doesn`t have 1 second stab on cast because… reasons? Because devs wanted to give wide access to stability for scrapper in other forms and it would`ve looked sketchy?
You might think it is odd that I added Headbutt in the list, but it is still an atypical stunbreaker. It respects the design of stunbreaker succeeded by a potent after-effect, similar to the other listed skills. Even though the stunbreaker part is instant, it is followed by animation lock (can be broken only with weapon swap), thus it puts you at a form of disadvantage (not to mention the self-stun) as trade-off for the after-effect. In terms of other design aspects, having very potent single target effects with a big tell on a short-ish CD is in the foundation of the warrior class of this game; does it really have to be a way better Skull Crack given to all other weapon sets, though ?
TL;DR This game has had non-instant Stunbreaker designs in a working, viable form for quite some time now. Of course the amount of CC HOT introduced is a problem for that type of design
Are you really comparing oranges to apples?
You are wrong about the non-instant stun break predominating before HoT. Check out this nice list of Stun Breakers. Out of 49 utilities skills with stun break among all professions in game only 4 (Bandit’s Defense, Stomp, Well of Precognition and Well of Power) have a cast time.
Sorry, hard to consider your post when it is heavily based in a false argument.
In case people don’t know: Only Test of Faith and Fragments of Faith don’t have a cast time. All the others traps have a ½ activation time.
Fragments of Faith being a stun break doesn’t make sense to have a cast, while Test of Faith is actually the only insta cast trap.
One could argue a cast time for Test of Faith won’t make much difference since when you activate it, you are inside the trap already so won’t receive any extra damage from crossing the blades, but, at least for me, it doesn’t matter if this trap gets an activation time or not.
Anet could reduce the radius of the traps, however, I think in the case of the Test of Faith is going to be a buff instead of a nerf since it will reduce the size of the “safe zone” inside the trap. It will be easier to push, pull and accidentally cross over the swords.
The trait is broken but it is kinda funny the way it is. Also, combining it with the BurrTheKing post surely reminded me of Presto.
So here’s a question:
If the meta is balanced except for Dragonhunters and yet Power Berserker, Druid, Scrapper, Power Revenant, P/P Thief and Tempest and Chronomancer (the good ones) can counter Dragonhunter, where does that leave the meta exactly?
pp thief = lootbag, good try tho
Thanks for not answering a genuine question and to add to your reply: and so it is the tempest in overall. Perhaps the meta isn’t exactly balanced as people claim?
So here’s a question:
If the meta is balanced except for Dragonhunters and yet Power Berserker, Druid, Scrapper, Power Revenant, P/P Thief and Tempest and Chronomancer (the good ones) can counter Dragonhunter, where does that leave the meta exactly?
Squash forum bug!
Do you never get tired of your nerf DH threads?
Anyway, you play DH and I’ll play Rev. You can guess which one will win but I’ll give you a hint, not the DH. The so OP profession has a hard counter! Who would have thought!
Revs aren’t even our biggest weakness. Any decent ranger/engi can kill us with ease.
Sorry man, but I played guardian for more than 4k hours over the past 3 years and 9 months. Unless the Dragonhunter is a mender bunker, which the Rev will eventually kill, any other DH will die to a power Revenant. Gimmick full trapper you can count down, they die roughly in 20 seconds, once all their defenses are down.
Plz, plz, plz guys elighten a noob about this issue! I’ve recently picked up rev for pvp but I’m even ‘noober’ on it than on other classes so I ofc get obliterated by anyone who the game gives me as an opponent based on my MMR. Including DHs… so what guidelines can you offer me (strategy is enough, I’ll figure out the mechanical part by myself)?
If you started playing Revenant just now, you will want a bit of safety to engage fights. For that, I’d recommend to use Retribution over Invocation. An interesting build to start, while the opposing team have dragonhunters is this one:
Hardening Persistence, Eye for an Eye, Versed in Stone and the Leadership rune, which will increase all your stats, should give you a good margin to deal with the unexpected.
First thing to do is try to recognize the build the dragonhunter is running: power symbolic, mender symbolic, full trapper or meditrapper and if using long bow or not. If the DH is using long bow, you want to close the distance as soon as possible but still do it carefully, remember that you get stab on dodge, so that will help you in case activate the trap Test of Faith, which a good guard will try to push and pull you across it for damage.
Another thing to keep in mind: keep a close eye to the DH animations or simply hear the fx sounds to know when they are laying down traps.
If is a full trapper, just let them drop all traps in the point then use staff #3 or #5 to activate them all. Mist of Surge will take you out of the danger zone, away from the PoB and ToF range. They will only have heal and the F 1-3 skills now.
Start to peel the guard, I simply auto attack a few times with the sword which will hit hard enough to make their health drop below 40%. From my experience that’s usually when the majority will use Wings of Resolve (F2) to run away from you then they will drop Purification for heals. That’s a good time for you to use staff #2 quickly to activate Debilitating Slam to daze them and interrupt the Wings of Resolve or simply let them heal up and use Shield of Courage while you auto attack with staff or sword again, the latter is recommended since it is faster.
Try to manage your energy and keep the boons up, save it a bit for when you see the DH hp drop to 40% or less, because that’s when you are going to take advantage of the traits with damage increase. Hit F2 twice for the boons from One with Nature, use the Elemental Blast to force them use the dodge in case still have one, then start your simple combo which will be devastating if lands perfectly: Burst of Strength + Surge of the Mists. If the opponent somehow dodged part of the Surge of the Mists, swap to sword to finish them by using Precision Strike with Impossible Odds (too fast and too close, they won’t dodge nor block unless aegis is back up).
If you decide to to interrupt the Wings of Resolve using Surge of theMists, you can make a different combo with Chaotic Release + Burst of Strength + Precision Strike.
If you are out of energy, so can’t block, can’t dodge, Crystal Hibernation is on cool down and a DH spammed their trap on you, remember to use Infuse Light heal if you hp is low and abuse of all their damage for a full heal or swap legends to Assassin Stance and use Riposting Shadows to evade the traps.
Do you never get tired of your nerf DH threads?
Anyway, you play DH and I’ll play Rev. You can guess which one will win but I’ll give you a hint, not the DH. The so OP profession has a hard counter! Who would have thought!
Revs aren’t even our biggest weakness. Any decent ranger/engi can kill us with ease.
Sorry man, but I played guardian for more than 4k hours over the past 3 years and 9 months. Unless the Dragonhunter is a mender bunker, which the Rev will eventually kill, any other DH will die to a power Revenant. Gimmick full trapper you can count down, they die roughly in 20 seconds, once all their defenses are down.
Do you never get tired of your nerf DH threads?
Anyway, you play DH and I’ll play Rev. You can guess which one will win but I’ll give you a hint, not the DH. The so OP profession has a hard counter! Who would have thought!
That ele build is going to melt in WvW. There is no sustain at all. I’d go for something more like this if based on condition:
The drawback is the healing which can be changed of course.
Edit: Earth Shield is great for defense and bleeding damage. Best way to use it is while attuned to earth, which with this build, will buff the stats to aprox. 3000 Armor and 21k HP.
(edited by azyume.6321)
I run a shout based power reaper in pretty much every game mode, decent condi clear, good damage and sustain, just not very mobile. Got legend with it in Season 1 and 2, and been playing it since HoT launch.
You would be amazed how many people GS5 can catch off-guard, especially those ledge plinkers in Foefire
This build is quite nice for solo q, I use my own variant of it. If having problems with marauder at first, can run the paladin with staff over greatsword variant until you get the feel about the reaper survivability and then switch to marauder once you feel comfort enough about it.
As for fractal, you can run a power or condition build.
I use something like these when playing with randoms:
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