Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle
Actually I’m pretty sure the stability rework was made for WvW. If I recall correctly they said stability shouldn’t make you able to cross an entire army of people without getting hit by cc which is purely about WvW.
That could have been their main intention but was nowhere near to what WvW needed. It is far from being balanced, it only induced the pirate ship meta which was finally the nail on the coffin to many guilds, making them quit entirely.
The stability change was more balanced to PvP than ever was to WvW. Anet couldn’t make it so to work to WvW because would kitten PvP and e-sports off. It is just a big fail.
Now with the new defiance bar and the new content, raids, which requires you to stun the bosses to not die from AoE and to actually kill them, the elite specs have a kitten ton of CC, thus making PvP stab just as a joke as it is in WvW.
I think Anet forgets they make such changes, they release new content which completely invalidates them and this will keep happening like a vicious circle until the game modes are separated from one another.
How will they fix both bunker meta in pvp and pirate ship meta in wvw? Reduce power creep? PvE is affected. Reduce CC? Raid is ruined. Increase condition to make up for power? PvP and WvW gets kittened. I don’t see the light in the end of the tunnel.
Here’s the advice I’d given to my friends many moons ago:
Never soloq on weekends and holidays;
Never soloq when the Call of the Mists buff is on;
Never ever, double don’t!, soloq when the Call of The Mists buff is on during the weekend.
The reason has always been wvw. Basically pve heroes that farm gear in a pvp environment. They have to work less this way, they kill 3 birds in one shot
Do you really truly believe that? Since when Anet balanced anything according to WvW?
WvW have been getting the short end of the stick since the begin. The most recent change that made major impact: stability.
Per chance anet fixed that? Of course not because they are fine in PvE and PvP, or actually was in PvP until HoT. Now PvP is getting a taste of what WvW has been suffering with and players been complaining since the change.
Regardless if Dragonhunter is OP or not, (which actually wasn’t discussed) the original poster does have a point, DH is a power creep. Looking at it as balance perspective, there is no trade off. Feels like anet gave all the candy and forgot to include the sugar rush, the penalty, from eating them all.
The Longbow damage is too high and have way too many defensive (support) skills. Using such ranged weapon should put the user in a vulnerable position in a melee combat, which doesn’t necessary happens with dragonhunter.
I’d modify the longbow skills to be more on par with ranger and warrior:
All professions elite specs need an extended overhaul and to be toned down to the core specs, making them as closer as possible to warrior and thief, which in turn needs some small tweaks.
(edited by azyume.6321)
Diamond Skin is only effective on elementalist and tempest because of the low health pool. The profession needs all the healing because of that low HP, which in turn makes it easier to keep the health above 90%.
I think the initial concept of the elementalist got scrapped a long time ago. The profession was supposed to have a good dps to be on par with the low HP, the attunements and the lack of a second weapon.
It is close to impossible to play tempest anything else besides a support bunker, unless the other team isn’t using chronomancer, revenant, scrapper. In a team fight, the tempest helps with healing and damage mitigation but once the DS is broken, requires a focus of 5 seconds, they go down pretty fast and that’s when condireaper outshines it.
In my opinion Anet should dump the profession and start from scratch with a whole new design. The fact it traps you into water/earth/tempest or water/earth/arcana in the past, as the only way to have a sustain is problematic.
I have more than 9k hours played on this game, even complaining here and there still could find fun in some things which kept me playing. However can’t do that anymore, wvw is dead and pvp is a joke. Now I get on to talk to friends or to solo or duo a fractal or a dungeon and sometimes, even knowing better, every few days I try a couple of pvp matches then log off.
I went back to Mass Effect 3, playing insanity mode for the giggles while running the co-op multiplayer now and then with friends. Even with all the bugs Bioware didn’t fixed, still is providing me way more fun than GW2 can right now with the game in such a bad, dire state.
I really do hope Anet can listen to the player’s feedback, they can take the blindfold pushing them so hard for the HoT sales and e-sports which is making people quit the game daily frustrated to what GW2 has became specially if compared to 2012 and 2013. It is quite obvious the change of aim, specially with HoT.
That along their broken builds, they can do things like ‘tank’ all the way to the lord in less than 1 minute in stronghold and take it down without anyone being able to do anything, as their broken builds literally have no viable counters.
How is that possible? Genuinely curious.
3 bunkers, 1 bruiser and 1 hybrid.
Chronobunker, tempest and druid together. You can have a team of dps only or even necros to try to corrupt their boons and they still stomp pass you due to their insane support sustain combined together.
Stronghold is even more broken than conquest at the moment due to that. The players pushed the fun and variety away from the game mode to ensure they can farm pugs with their premades.
The worse thing is, because of their exploit of lower division player, amber and/or emerald, if their win and your team consists of ruby/diamond, they get 2 pips.
Hey Anet! When a low risk build, aka bunker, have high reward and a high risk build, dps, have low and I’d argue say 0 reward, something is definitely wrong and broken.
(edited by azyume.6321)
Not the conventional minionmancer build, however it works and is very forgiving for a starter player. From there can start to tweak a bit on the sustain, changing things here and there as you learn the mechanics of both your profession and the others.
(edited by azyume.6321)
The thing is celestial isn’t even viable anymore, the ele melt 5 seconds after DS is broken, you can survive a bit longer with staff tho.
The current meta forced the elementalist go with bunker specs like soldier, sentinel, cleric and settler’s.
For the amount of points the lord gives, definitely needs a buff and, specially, a better AI.
IMO should be a mix between the stronghold lord: defiance bar and downed state; and the stonemist lord: knockback and heavy AoE.
In one match, on the first announce of the lord being attacked, I ran from mid with swiftness to the base only to find a minion reaper attacking the lord which had only 10% of health. Or the game lagged or was way too fast for a bunker to chew all that hp in such short time.
Yes, playing for personal score does matter, however the reason you got it wrong because it is usually responsible for a team loss!
When players are so focused on increase their personal score, they tunnel vision and have 0 awareness.
Here let me give you a nice example:
Legacy of Foefire map, I am playing my scrapper and my team decided to do the classic home + mid intro. We got home capped, far was capped by blue team and we had a 3v3 fight in mid until the other 2 came to add.
My team started to die on mid and the thief went to decap far to try to even up things while the others respawned. It turned into a 3v2 fight in mid in favor for blue team since they had sent someone to decap our home and another to fight the thief at far which would grant them 3 cap if successful. At this point, the other guy on my team fighting at mid also died and I was the only one holding the still neutral mid and if I left the fight to defend home, they would get full control and faster rotations which surely would make them push with 3 or more to our home then snowballing to mid.
One would think those guys after respawning, would retake our home or far or both and hold them or, at the very least, help me fight for mid after securing one point, but oh I was so wrong. The thief couldn’t stand on a 3v2 fight because of the AoE’s so he went to do 1v1 on home and my team decided to do a 3v1 at far leaving me to my luck alone in mid. I was so focused on not losing that fight that I managed to stay alive even against the odds hoping my team would get the 2 caps.
They surely did but moved to mid and once again, they died in a team fight. They kept doing that the whole match, 3 men capping far then dying at mid. I didn’t had time to type when was under such heavy pressure in still a neutral mid, tried to ping in the map for them but to no effect, they ignored. They didn’t even bothered to hold far even having the numbers for it nor to help the thief secure our home. They would cap far, come and die at mid, rinse and repeat.
At the end of the match, I had a score of 40 and died only once on the very last minute when blue team finally made a full push at mid while I was the lone defender and couldn’t disengage fast enough. My team minus the thief accused me for losing the match due to my low score. Would you agree with them, OP?
As to legitimately earning my victories; I do luck out from time to time and get an easy match. So does everyone else. For the most part, I’m playing hard and I resent the implication that I want or need an overwhelming edge.
You are still ignoring my main point; ANET broke it’s own rules specifically to nerf Mesmer. This is a continuation of a long standing pattern of being very harsh and restrictive on the class. ANET over nerfed Mesmer by adding a shield block duration reduction.
Should this pattern continue, we may see a return to the bad old days (after the glamour nerf ) when a Mesmer wouldn’t even bother to engage a warrior or necro.
You seem to think you are a rather good player. Two responses to that;
1v1 me. I want to see if your skill matches your bluster.
If in fact you were good enough to be that condescending you’d be wise and / or gracious enough to realize that not everyone is.
Did you per chance missed the part where Anet nerfed demoniac Revenant to claim anet broke any rule just to nerf the chrono?
If it is game breaking, needs to be fixed or hotfixed as soon as possible. If you can’t understand why it was needed, here have fun watching those:
Perhaps missed the queue hours before or even disconnected during the match?
Here’s the dishonor formula:
<Dishonor disabled=“1” stack-duration="15m"** timeout-duration=“30s” timeout-exponent=“1.5” timeout-rounding=“1m”>
<Penalty reason=“Abandon” stacks=“10”/>
<Penalty reason=“QueueDodge” stacks=“3”/>
<Penalty reason=“Banned” stacks=“1000000”/>
**stack duration isn’t updated on wiki yet. It shows 15 minutes but it is 4 hours as corrected by Evan Lesh
Otherwise, it is worth to check out if the system is accusing false reports.
The first offense is a 3 minutes penalty. If you are having a 30 minutes time out is because you missed a lot of queues. Every time you miss a queue, the other 9 players miss them as well and have to be reintroduced. Sorry to say it, but you are making them waste time as well and being penalized with longer queues.
Every time I go to Divinity’s Reach, after a few minutes, happens a random disconnect to the character screen and a rollback to Lion’s Arch.
Thanks for the change to well of precog Anet!
Wait what? How tempested forced DH out of the meta? It didn’t, it wasn’t tempest but demoniac revenant. Which forced, as well, reaper and tempest out (I’d argue the pro league was stubborn to bring tempest, only to die repeatedly, when scrapper fits way better in the meta).
Rely 100% on the longbow is very silly, can’t say the projectile reflect from earth attunement, which can happen every 24 seconds is the reason. The reason is the lack of sustain of the DH and guardians in general against a profession with high damage and condition at the same time.
Who cares if was rage quit or unsportsmanlike? There is no balance, there is no chance to come back once the first node is capped as both EU and NA proved.
It would be another boring 14 minutes of bunkers fighting with a predictable result in the end.
That only shows how bad and sad is the state of PvP right now.
Oh and by the way, if I understood correctly, with the nerfs to Rev without touching the source of problem of the chronobunkers, Anet is buffing them even more. Would the meta change to 1 rev and 3 chronos now? Gosh, I really hope not.
See how this guy mentioned nothing about OP Tempest perma sustain + damage reduction + immune condition + perma reflect? (Not to mention to the whole group)
That guy is an Ele main. Don’t trust him lol..
He cries about 2 WEAK PVP weapons because those 2 actually hurt Tempest.
How’s 2 weak PVP weapons ruining the game more than Tempest, Chrono and Mallyx Rev?
The funny ironic thing is Tempest is being demolished in PvP and can only stand a chance if have another supporter, like chronobunker, to help a support tempest. If you watched the ESL yesterday would see all tempest died at some point and some even repeatedly.
We will only see the Tempest at its full capacity when condi Rev gets nerf. Until then tempest will be a bad sub in for shoutbow war with low hp which just melts away in a group fight.
Can we at least balance them separately then? I’m tired of getting screwed over in the vast majority of the game because a smaller section can’t think around something.
Think around something? You should watch today’s ESL to check how broken Demoniac Revenants and Chronobunkers are.
Besides, PvP got screwed up because of the PvE new defiant bar. The amount of CC breaking up the PvP is nowhere near balance.
Anyway, IMO Echo of Memory don’t need the nerf, but well of precog need to be changed to prevent capture point contribution at the very least.
People claim bunker mes is more OP because they can’t 1v1 them… That’s stupid. It’s a bunker, it’s not meant to be 1v1. Of course it will stall the game forever. It’s designed for that.
That’s the thing tho, the majority of the chrono aren’t even using a bunker amulet and runes…
(edited by azyume.6321)
Here’s my contribution since keep seeing that happening time after time:
Support specs, please, stop pushing far solo and go to mid help your teammates. A tempest dueling far from the team isn’t helping, it is actually harming the team. Unless the point is yours and are doing a 2v1, but still, support is better at mid.
From my main, a scrapper for this season, perspective, Bunker Chrono.
I can do 1v1 against condi Rev and win. I can do 1v1 against power Rev, requires a bit more on my part since the attacks hurts a lot but still killable.
I can do 1v1 against bunker Chrono and will kill the bad ones but the good ones? No way, sir. They won’t die the whole match unless can do somehow a 3v1 before their teammates adds to the fight.
Colin already answered on Reddit a week ago:
“Yeah I agree that really should have been more clear, I think we felt it was and clear that HoT was setting up the first season and obviously it was not.
In regards to balance – balance is NOT driven by our PvP Pro League, the pro league is a marketing effort that has almost zero impact on our dev team. Drawing parallels between the two is at best disingenuous.
As for viewers when it comes to the marketing side since you commented on it…pro league week one had over 400,000 unique viewers (non view bots) watch for a reasonable amount of time. That’s beyond awesome and a huge return on the investment. Are we LoL? Hell no we’re not. But PvP has been steadily growing for the last 2 years and it keeps growing faster and faster. Rather than knock it- let’s all get behind it and root for it. PvP was DoA when Gw2 first shipped, it’s amazing to watch what it has grown and turned into, how freaking cool is that?
And while we’re at it, get behind rooting for WvW and PvE to grow as well; we’re all in this together, it’s silly to knock things that are working. We have plenty of other stuff that we can make better to focus our energy on trying to improve”
So buckle up and endure this awful meta until next balance patch or, like some has been doing if can’t take it anymore, take a break.
Happened something similar:
Queue popped, got disconnected to the characters screen. Returned to the game and noticed that half of who was online on my friendlist dc’ed as well.
The option to accept the match was still on screen so I accepted and immediately got another disconnection to the characters screen again and so did those friends again as well.
When went back to the HoTM, it showed that the match was about to begin so I waited about 15 seconds and nothing. I was already thinking that got stuck on the matchmaking since nothing was happening when the message that I abandoned the queue showed up and received a two minutes and half of dishonor.
So the majority of players consists of solo queuers. When they created a pre-made of 4 with the last one a lower rank to be able to farm faster their progression and now to actually have a queue, they obliterated the ones with a decent MMR chances to progress solo.
What we have now is people stuck in emerald, saphire and ruby because they are still being farmed in a way or another. So yes, by bypassing the matchmaking system they created a loophole which created the situation we have now.
I believe there must be more players unlucky just as me, who solo queued, got farmed by pre-mades to the point that saw your decent win/ratio turn into trash and now is stuck in a hell hole with new players with only way to get out is to repeat the pattern (get 3 or more friends) that actually put me into this kitten situation.
I’ll be honest, fell asleep during the second match between Car Crashed and Rank 55 Dragons and missed the other matches. I tried to watch a bit of the NA ones but only managed to pay a bit more attention on the last group. it is incredibly boring
What? No love for EZ PZ? They surely tried to run with more diversity but was forced to change comp.
Are you sure the game favors good players over bad farmers? Because from what I’ve seen, experienced and read about, it is actually the opposite. Low MMR players are having it way more easier than high MMR ones which have been struggling in emerald or sapphire.
Unless you mean, of course, premades of 4 or 5 against solo queue players. Then yes, the system favors them.
A win within 5 or 10 points – all the losing players don’t lose a pip
A win within 10 or 20 points – the top 4 losing players don’t lose a pip
A win within 15 or 30 points – the top 3 losing players don’t lose a pip
A win within 20 or 40 points – the top 2 losing players don’t lose a pip
A win within 25 or 50 points – the top losing players doesn’t lose a pipFurther, any player who has more than 3,4 or 5 “Player Top Stat’s” doesn’t lose a pip
This formula would possibly be adjusted for the higher levels by reducing percentages and increasing the Top Stat requirement.
This would give a visible forward bias – and ensure closely contested games, and should reduce the negative behaviour.
The problem then would possibly the positive collusion where the winning team may back off a little to allow the losing team to catch up and thus limit its losses – but this is at least not outright nasty to everyone concerned
The problem on tying the pip loss to personal score will be unfair to bunkers and defenders. They sure are great assets to the team and fights but the score will be subpar compared to bruisers and others that shift around more frequently.
How do you expect them to react to losing?
By accepting it is a player vs player game and there are lots of variables into the matches? So if they lose, they should react by getting better analyzing what happened on the latest match up and how to improve. Unless of course the other team was a premade of double rev, double bunker chrono and druid/tempest.. then as solo queuer have to accept the game is broken until the next balance patch.
Spitting curses and raging non sense won’t help at all. That sort of people spend way too many time pointing fingers to others and hardly pays attention what they are doing themselves. How are you going to improve that way?
The toxicity has been increasing lately. When people have the need to use the team chat as a toilet to flush down their kitten, I block because don’t want to spend my time with such negative person, as well if it is really bad, report.
Some people are so set into thinking it is always the other fault. That way, I had a teammate say I made us lose the match because didn’t killed the bunker tempest who was only wasting time on our control point since couldn’t make a dent on my own tempest. Came a rev, couldn’t do any substantial damage on the bunker, I told him to leave, he refused, so I left and he almost died for that ele. I came back healed him and said to get the kitten off the point, he refused to leave again, so once again I left and he died.
He started raging on team chat that it was all my fault. Apparently he didn’t know which was our color since accused me of leaving the point when it belonged to the other team, which is untrue since I captured myself before the tempest came. Also even if was, I surely wouldn’t waste my time with a bunker. If he had stopped to think for a moment would know the problem wasn’t exactly where and who he think it was and could take as lesson to improve his own awareness and rotation.
With reaper around, people aren’t expecting some core skills to come into play.
I have always be fond of the old school power necro, so when I get bored of the current meta, play a power well necro. I have to say, those wells cause some wreck because they never see it coming, specially when go rez someone. Lich form is another nice surprise but, as stated, it pales and have a huge cooldown in comparison with gravedigger, even tho you can get a full party cleanse and boon corrupt.
GS power reaper works nice on stronghold but in conquest is a bit harder to pull off. With the amount of cc and conditions, the staff is needed for some control but with that you lose the mobility. Perhaps it is only my experience but I find it a bit easier to run dagger/warhorn and staff as power reaper. On the other hand, gs reaper is great in a group fight bringing the vulnerability, blindness, pull and gravedigger.
Not as bad, no, but definitely there is something…
I think thief and warrior are close to a good balance just need some small tweaks so, I say, nerf the other professions to their level. Enough with power and cc creep.
How many of you are in a team? They’re forcing you to team up.
I am doing hard mode (perhaps am insane as well). All matches but 2 were solo.
Every time I get close to the second tier in emerald, get a losing streak which put me back at the start. I must be masochist to keep doing this….
So my question is:
Does that classifies as an exploit?
I mean if does, it is not like those teams are breaking the ToS rules and probably the ESL as well, and are passive of punishment which will directly influence on e-sports. Right?
I find the DH nothing compared to the bunker Chronomancer. If you are unlucky enough to face 2 of them and extra unlucky if there is a druid and 2 Heralds comp, the match will be decided the moment one of the players on your team dies.
One would think after so many experiences with players exploiting the negative aspects of an event, Anet would actually be careful to not repeat the same mistakes. Yet here we are once again with a system exploited through failure for better rewards.
The league is a disaster, it should be nullified and put on pause until Anet develops better codes and a working, not punishable like the MMR and 50% winratio, system for a leaderboard, as the division should actually be. Right now you need to pass through 3 systems to rank up: MMR, Win ratio and Division. That’s borderline insane and incredibly frustrating, Anet. Change it, do something before you start to lose players in mass. I’ve already friends quitting this game because they can’t handle this failed league coupled with the lack of balance.
^Lol for both, but yeah that’s a good picture of it right now.
League is broken because of the MMR. The 50% win ratio makes it excruciating long and frustrating specially if you are solo/duo player;
Ranked Stronghold is ok, but need some tweak and adjustments but it doesn’t counts for league;
Unraked is the same but with a long queue now since most are trying out the new stuff;
If don’t have HoT, good luck trying to be competitive, only a couple of professions can pull that.
Herald/Mallyx Rev is broken undying condition spam god and will see at least 1 of them on each match; Bunker mesmer everywhere; Reapers also prominent as well as the die hard Scrapper.
Naw I doubt it would take 100 games for anyone to eventually be carried through 15 wins or even less when receiving extra pips for a win.
it was an example, that skill are required, even more in div 2, and 3 you need skill to progress.
“it was an example, that skill are required, even more in div 2, and 3 you need skill a pre-made to progress.”
Fixed that for you.
Sorry but you can have all the skill in the world, when the system flags you to lose, specially in solo queue, have incredibly high chances to lose. We have been seeing that happening by matching solo/duo queuers with full pre-mades being some of them made of pro players. That’s the system denying and hammering you down. Would be skill if Anet had reset the MMR at the very least or remove the 50% win ratio. It is incredibly frustrating to have those sort of matches and lose 1 or even 2 pips and see your progress lost.
My tl:dr from this thread: Please Anet, do something to Warriors!
This game turned into a condi spam (looking at you Rev!) once they got shut down from competitive scene. If you want conditions to keep on rampage like this, we need the shout warrior back! Tempests are trying to fill in the role but due to low health pool and amount of CC in game right now, is quite easily to eliminate them from fight on early stage.
Why can ranger pet still run around and even rez ranger when i killed it?
That was questioned a long time ago, even got some great suggestions like this one:
“there should be a long cooldown between bringing out a pet after it gets killed. Realistically, after a pet dies the ranger should have to dig kitten and bury the pet in a cardboard box then morn it for 5-10 weeks before buying a new one from the pet store” styx.7294
So if the ranger pet refuses to die and the ranger can’t properly grief, seems ok for thief steal from air. It is a thief, never underestimate what and how far one can go to steal.
I played solo all my games so far and I am on emerald division.
Important to add that got matched against a guild team once, but I think they are beginners or trying new builds since we had an easy victory.
Besides that, got matched against a couple of 3-man guild groups, one of them was the big defeat at Legacy of Foefire, my team couldn’t connect and that gave a higher edge to the other.
As well, if my memory don’t fail me, the only time had a pre-made on team, I found myself sided with an ESL competitor 3-man team.
I am wondering about higher divisions though. I have the nag feeling as you advance, higher could be the chance of getting matched against full pre-mades.
Edit: If you look at the scores, it is pretty much loopsided….
Add me to it as well. Got a forfeit at Battle of Champion’s Dusk for I don’t know what exactly since I participated through the whole match, no disconnect, nothing to justify it.
Forfeit is because someone on your team deserted and you lost. This is to separate it from a full defeat.
Don’t really remember anyone deserting during the match, but the fact could have been missed during the heat of the battle. In anyway, thank you for the reply, much appreciated.
Add me to it as well. Got a forfeit at Battle of Champion’s Dusk for I don’t know what exactly since I participated through the whole match, no disconnect, nothing to justify it.
(edited by azyume.6321)
We all know that the removal of “visual noise” is only for the benefit of PvP Tournaments, and so it should not apply to PvE players at all. All we are asking Arena Net to do is to restore the full special effects for all professions & elite specs to PvE.
I play ALOT of pvp and i can tell you that these visual nefts an not AT ALL beneficial to the pvp players. The guards elite trap is basically invisible and makes players who are immobolized think they are free to move. The new aura nefts makes pretty much all of the auras invisible so this is basically a buff for ele and will make fighting them even more annoying. not to mention the kittened egg shape that they are now…… i mean WTF.
Wrong, the visual nerfs aren’t for PvP players benefit but for the E-sports viewers. Have you tried to watch the matches without a profound knowledge of skills and class mechanics? It is a kitten mess, can’t see what is going on, much less understand. People have been complaining about that expect among other things to make GW2 ESL tourneys more friendly and easier to watch .
Anet is set on making of GW2 an E-Sport game. They will keep pushing changes to promote that.
IMO they need to separate the 3 game modes: PvE, PvP and WvW, but that would require much more work to balance each one. PvP right now is a cc spam wars mostly because of the new defiant bar on PvE and now PvE is losing its shiny aspect to appease the PvP.
I’m not sure you peeps really take the time to think before you post…
Please explain to me how on a megaserver side with more people you would…
“Lose defenders”?
“Lose scouts”?
“Lose team framework”?
More people means more roles filled, am I right or am I wrong?
Do you all know what team speak is? Isn’t it possible to get your megaserver side coordinated through voice communication and map chat?
Getting on the same map is possible and the devs keep working on squad and guild functions. They are continuously developing systems for this stuff and looking at pushing up population caps for maps, but most of you aren’t even paying attention to things that have and are happening right under your noses.
Edit- I would also like to remind you peeps that there are 4 wvw maps that all count toward objectives. Individually and collectively there is a lot of room already on these maps, but again, the devs will look into things.
Team Speak is usually a community effort. People donate to make sure the whole server can use it. Now, even if is a free program, please who is going to put the effort make sure people join the voice chat with a bunch of randoms every single time? Who is going to administrate it?
What’s the point of defending something which has no association? Oh yay green.. who is green? Who is by my side? Who is fighting with me? Who am I fighting? I prefer to know my “comrades and enemies”, gives a touch to the whole scene.
Similarly I see no point to scout or roam. I sure won’t do it for a bunch of randoms against another bunch of randoms which the score will be completely meaningless for me. I won’t care if green/blue/red wins but might pity the ones who gets red..sometimes even blue because we can see how well EoTM is balanced!
If I want fights only play GvG with my guild, if want fights and cooperate with my server I go roam/scout/defend; if I want a small organized conquest, play TPvP.
There are mega servers for PvE, PvP and EoTM already, so leave WvW alone.
You said no one gives suggestions but we have been doing this for 3 years through countless threads and even the CDI, which Anet ignored most of it and the ones they abide, grossly changed for their own view of what should be by implementing stuff that have been severely annoying and bleeding players.
We asked for server based cities – no answer from Anet;
We asked to remove or change the cost of upgrades for karma as it was the initial intention – Anet abides but put an automate system which hardly anyone asked for and now there is an uproar saying this has been killing WvW;
Players beta tested Desert Borderland and gave lots of suggestions including what they thought players would dislike – Anet ignored and implemented it anyway
Suggestions about the outmaned buff was made, not to empower but just to give a slight incentive – Ignored
Suggestions about server loyalty with unique skins and tokens to be traded for shinies or wvw tools – Ignored
Suggestions about how to reduce siege creep, specially golems, to reduce the cap and damage to incentive more fights – Anet releases masteries making them even more stronger, the last straw was golem;
Players suggested more tools for commander tags, including different colors – Anet releases 3 more colors at the price of 100g each. Community protested they went back and changed it for account bound tag with all available colors for 300g.
Leaderborder: winner go up, loser go down for more match variety. Some agree, others don’t – Nothing from Anet so far
Those are only a few I remember from top of my head. This forum has lots of good suggestions, including Jimmy’s thread which even a dev participated at some point then disappeared.
(edited by azyume.6321)
You guys realize the dev’s reply is 11 months old and at that time you could queue up solo even being in a party right? As well there wasn’t an option to join party, only to invite to party even if was a full party, would get an error message in that case. He was right to ask, because wasn’t as clear and obvious back then as it is now.
Psh, I use my super pro “Fashion Collector” title to let everyone know I’m a pro. Titles mean EVERYTHING!
Hehe My guardian uses The Be-All and the End-All because DH too stronk, so people can fear my title and traps!
Really, it is a 3 years and half game, regular PvPers already achieved some or most of the titles depending on how many professions they play, which only means they have been playing long enough to achieve that. Why so worried about tittles? It has the same weight as some people uses Achievement Points to measure a player skill in dungeons before, none.
AP and Title doesn’t mean knowledge nor skill.
If people stop piling up expectations over this kind of silly things, surely will be able to enjoy more the game.
(edited by azyume.6321)
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