Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle
Ah, the illusion of choice – at the end of this match there will be only 50 rating points between IoJ and HoD with IoJ losing 22 pts and HoD gaining 20. If it keeps at this rate, HoD will be in T3 in 2 weeks.
What choice and what illusion?
I am only giving a comparison about how many players the servers can field, which in the end is what it matters, not the rating, not the glicko. HoD is simply sucking up Mag’s rating, and as it is, the server doesn’t belong to tier 3 as well as any other server in silver.
If HoD goes to tier 3, unless they make a good recruitment or some miracle, will be back down to tier 4. They can’t field the numbers the other servers can. We, as in HoD, SBI, GoM, DH, can queue up EB and, maybe, just maybe, another border during reset and small EB queues during the week. In no way, we can compete with servers that have potential to queue up every map.
So, the problem isn’t the glicko, if SoS drops to tier 3, they will still have enough players to make lopsided matches. The problem is tier 2 and its 4 servers, not tier 3 and no other tier below. Tier 3 will be broken until one tier 2 server implodes because I doubt the other servers will be able to recruit enough to keep it in par, thus making 6-ish tier 2 servers.
What i do not get why don’t most of the come T3 worlds (not SoS or FA or even DB they are more on the lines of T2-T2.5) get ppl from T4 and lower worlds to come to T3. Part of wvw is comunitly and if you cant build one then your world will die or simply be crushed by the odd T worlds.
BTW sry to IoJ and NS FA really dose not want to be in T3 though you guys are giving good fights so we are pushing ppt (ppk when we had it) to push back up to T2 where we will get some what stomped lol.
No, thanks. Tiers 4 and 5 are actually stable.
If HoD and GoM get a just a few more fresh blood, a match up with SBI/HoD/GoM will be very balanced and a tough one.
Why should us leave our tiers, which are actually good, to try to “fix” something players had broken themselves by stacking in one server when they knew there was no room for 4 tier 2 servers? Ruining other tiers in a vain attempt to “fix” anything will cause more harm than good as history have been pointing in the past 2 years and half.
If the amount of trash talk I read in PvP maps are any indication of behavior, I will flatly say no for dueling. If not, I’d rather dueling to be far away from PvE. Last thing I want to see is players fighting each other while I am exploring the maps.
I’d suggest to make a separate OS arena megaserver and have the duels there. Make everyone friendly and only the ones which queued up and accepted the duels red for each other.
The whole point of the game, playing any game, is try to win by playing your best. its not fun for anyone else participating as foe or ally when one player doesnt even try.
This is objectively wrong, and you are stating it as if it was a fact. It’s not. It’s a subjective opinion.
For me, the whole point of the game, any game, is to have fun. It’s sure as hell not going to bother me if someone calls me a bad player because I’m not doing a certain thing because I wouldn’t enjoy doing it. In fact, I might laugh a little.
To me by you doing what you want to play the game the way you want. Makes me not happy and not have fun in a game I really like to enjoy. If you wish to do this check in in team chat and say. I’m only on for a few hrs or in the middle of studying and or kids home. I’m going to roam and escort yaks or what ever. Maybe even see where you might be needed and if that fits in line with your idea of fun . Last thing main group of daily WVW players want is a rogue player that seems to be working against the main group or commander. I’ll be up front we talk badly about those not in voice chat. Or not connecting very well with main groups synergy. I’m okay if you only want to get on coms and or play by the suggested server rules on reset night. That’s when we need everyone the most.
Oh What? So are you saying YOU can play the way you want and have fun, but others can’t because you want them to report to you or the commander otherwise will spoil your game?
We have different individuals with different view of things, different definitions of fun. No one can impose anything and demand anything. It is a game, not a job. No one is paying me to take up a job position and subject myself to their authority. Why should I bother with boring stuff which will only frustrates me? For the greater good? Well then I’ll tell you those players which feels have a heavy burden on their shoulders by doing what they don’t have fun because of a greater good soon enough will feel burned and quit the game.
So, let’s go to the question: Do you want players to have fun, enjoy what can still be enjoyable from WvW, and play the game continually or do you want to dump a heavy burden on them and in a couple of months have less players fighting for your server?
Anyway, people tend to think if we “rogues”, as were called, don’t do what they consider we have to do, we are doing a disfavor for the server. However, let me help broad your view of things: we “rogues”, roamers playing the kitten way we want, do help the server. We flip the camps, we roam after fights, we engage and sometimes keep them busy fighting over a camp, a tower, or just open field fights, or even group up to duel and have fun with players from other servers and while WE are doing that, you have less players from opposing servers trying to flip objectives. Kitten right?
I am with Ark here, play the way he plays, the day, the way, when, how, which, etc I want. If I want to command; I will, if I want to roam, I will; If I want to flip camps only, I will; If I don’t want to chat in map or team, I won’t; If I don’t feel like joining TS, I won’t. If I want to go after a zerg and try to take the tail by myself for the “lolz”, I will do it; If I have to jump right in the middle of a zerg to have fun, just a friend and I, for a friendly competition of who will be the last one standing, oh for sure I will do it.
You can label me, call me of whatever you want, but in the end, I will be the one still playing the game because I am having fun. I won’t be frustrated, I won’t be mad, won’t be burned, won’t quit and will still be playing for my server, on my own way.
Check out in this thread: Ingame GM’s, do they exist? for Michael Henninger’s information about how to report hackers and how they deal with it.
Nice joke bro. Theres 1 troll in our server who has goten id say up to 500+ reports in WvW for simply trolling the living crap out of our server and saying very ridiclously offensive things that should be banable in every MMORPG. But yeah, anet doesnt care.
People are just amazed how he is still not banned for what he talks about and how he trolls us.
I even recall someone video taping him and anet just didnt do nothing about the recording. Its just sad.
Did you even read the thread? If you are sending material and info to “”, you are doing it wrong. That’s the team that analyses the exploits and try to fix them, no actions are made besides that.
Use the report tool under botting or send a whisper to GM ProHeals with the necessary info. You may think it is a joke, but not just me but others can very well assure you that hackers are being dealt with, specially after the creation of cited thread.
Check out in this thread: Ingame GM’s, do they exist? for Michael Henninger’s information about how to report hackers and how they deal with it.
Perhaps I am wrong but I always thought about the idea of “playing how I want” coming from the fact that you can play the game using any profession, build, utilities, weapons and etc. You can play your character whatever you want from start to end game.
Now if talk about something more specific: I do think the new daily takes away a bit of the liberty from players. Dailies should be a general quest, like was before. I can’t see the reason why only a certain fractal level would count towards daily when you have a range of 1-50, with same content, changing only the difficulty; or even why do we need to play with a specific profession on PvP.
6,806 hours – no precursors.
RNG is RNG, doesn’t matter how old the account is. I’ve seen a guy in his third day playing dropping a precursor inside the Tower of Nightmares.
If the scavenging hunt is a no go, I’d personally like an increased chance as the account gets old to drop a precursor, if none have before, as an one time thing. After you get your precursor, back to the ‘horrible’ normal RNG pool.
The Maize Balm was a terrible idea. It is way past the time to go. Such thing to be used in open world will always cause grief to one side or another.
Now let’s put my side into this: had to wait for more than 30 minutes to complete a heart quest, couldn’t get a different IP, because players were farming ambient creatures, exactly the ones you need to complete the quest and due to the bad escalating system, no enemies were showing up as an alternative…
(edited by azyume.6321)
Funny, do you really think your server is overpopulated?
I go into those megaservers and ask what server you from I always get an answer ‘Jade Quarry’.
If anything your server is overpopulated with inactive players, unlike a T1 PvP, PvE, WvW, PvX server like Jade Quarry with high population of active players, its not too late to join a REAL server.
Don’t bother transferring and transferring go to a real server…. Jade Quarry.
You don’t hear things like this instance is being taken over by BlackGate or Tarnished Coast for Tequatl daily, Jade Quarry runs those, just like how we run T1 WvW, and recent statistics SHOW top tier PvP’ers are going to Jade Quarry as well. If you cant beat the best, JOIN THEM.
Also, the guild chatter too, several guilds 490+ active members on Jade Quarry. Does your server have several guilds like that??? NOPE. Puny servers.
Good thing there is such thing as a savior to WvW called Edge of the Mists, to save all your puny servers by allowing them to teamup with Jade Quarry and reap the benefits of winning alongside with Jade Quarry.
If you teamed with Jade Quarry in EotM, don’t tag up unless you Jade Quarry, only follow Jade Quarry commanders. You just be wasting your time if you following some puny server commander. Let a server that knows how to run raids do the commanding.
Wrong session. This isn’t a recruitment thread. Here let me help you by pointing the right sub-forum:
Another condi bunker cheesy build… nothing to see. Move along
If isn’t a bug, for sure is an event made to fail. Makes no sense at all.
First time I saw that ‘new event’ I was with my level 40 ranger and there was another player there. Suddenly we got swarmed by 10 veterans. By the time we killed like 1 or 2, four more players came to the event and that’s when those 10 vets became 30+, 10 elites and 2 champs. We all died expect for a warrior that managed to run for his life and never look back.
My issue with the Nebo defense event is that is so crazy and, somehow, the next event on the chain, to reclaim, spawns so fast and is so incredible easy. The events need some tweak and balance.
Superior Sigil of Hysteria
30% on hit to make a player in an area of 900 units to laugh hysterically for 15 seconds. Actions and control of affected character are disabled until the laugh effect wears off. (120 seconds cooldown)
No, they can’t queue, except for a few hours on reset night. That’s BG right now. The thought that the #23 server would change that and create insane queues is just wrong. The only thing that would change for people on the #23 server is that they would have people to play with on all timezones.
The queue fallacy must go. That’s no true anymore for more than a year now.
Your idea that no other server can’t queue is because BG doesn’t have a queue during off times? Because doesn’t have a 24/7 queue? By the way, no one said insane queues, that came from you. I said queue and a queue is a queue, period.
Let me put more clearly then: The ones that enjoy 60-80 people fighting (aka blobbing) already are in tier 1. The ones that doesn’t like that type of fight, that enjoy small scale fight, including small party and single roaming are part of bronze and silver tiers. If they didn’t wanted to transfer to tier 1 on their own, why should they be forced? Since you are so adamant into forcing people into your play style why can’t we revert the situation then? How about deleting tier 1 servers and scattering the players across all other servers? For sure KN and AR will be thankful for another 10-20 players they will get from this…
Every time someone from t1 suggests a merge, comes to my mind that their player supply is gone, they can’t recruit anymore and are desperate. I am sorry, but that’s what sounds like since they are trying to meddle into something that have nothing to do with them while still trying to boost their numbers.
(edited by azyume.6321)
You are aware that some servers in bronze, once they have high morale, they can queue, right? Silver tiers can have queues as well. That wrong idea that only t1 can queue have to be dropped, but, of course, none of those leagues can queue all 4 maps.
That comes back to my previous statement, merge a server that pretty much only have a crew during NA prime time with another that is already stacked, won’t add absolutely nothing besides annoyance. Players on bronze can play whenever they want during their own time. Why should they be forced into a queue because people want more numbers to their servers?
Server merge makes no sense at all. If want fairness, reduce the servers to 15 or 18, make a count of player base and shuffle them equally into all those servers. However that will never happen because it will take the freedom of players to choose their server, as guild, friends and community. Any other way think about doing this will be flawed, one server will always dominate and have higher population.
The funny fact is that 99% of the time is always that player from tier 1 whom suggests the merge and the players from bottom servers always rejecting.
Superior Sigil of Brawler:
30% on critical hit to transform you and the opposition into a brawler in costume for a duration of 2 minutes. (Cooldown: 240 seconds)
Superior Rune of Loot (6/6)
(1): +25 Power
(2): +35 Ferocity
(3): +50 Power
(4): 5% chance of monster drop loot bag
(5): +100 Power
(6): 25% of chance of gaining swiftness when you are struck while bellow the health threshold; 100% of chance of dropping an item from your inventory as a loot upon death.
(edited by azyume.6321)
Gold league servers don’t need more numbers. Why should merge bottom with top? Also, merging servers that are active pretty much only during NA prime time will accomplish exactly what? Queue? I am sure the ones in bronze don’t want to be stuck in a queue for who knows for how long. If they did, would have transfered with the others that had done it so long ago.
Once you can get past this drawback, too many players on during the same time and limited slots, then perhaps can take merges into consideration. I mean, if we disregard the sense of community, the will of players to solo roam and have small scale fights.
Transfers were the problem and still are the problem and also will be the problem with server merge. There is absolutely nothing stopping players from stacking in one server. That’s another thing that needs to be revalued before even thinking about merging.
Since you started yesterday and if don’t want to pay for the transfer, you can simply bank all your items and delete your character. This way you can transfer for free for any server of your choice, being NA or EU.
I will be bold and say the transfers are starting to break silver ties. There goes the slight balance and variety that many liked.
We have two servers, BP and HoD, which doesn’t have coverage to compete with DR and yet would probably crush GoM. At the top, we have DB, they had more players and coverage in the past but still the matches weren’t complete roflstomps as they are now, they were competitive. So that makes DB as a tier 2.5 server, which doesn’t fit with the tier 3 population.
So we have 2 servers isolated in the bottom, which can compete among themselves but a 3rd will ruin and have an overstacked server on top which will crush any other they are matched up against.
Unless you reached the cap or is close to, not worth to worry about, it is a long way before it happens.
I’ve skipped a few dailies and hardly do all 12, usually stick with the minimum. I’ve been playing for almost 2 years and got 5,280 achievement points from daily. At that pace, will take me another 2 years to reach the cap…
Not worried about it. AP only gives me nice shinies, chests, and that’s all. Besides that, only gives an idea to others that I’ve been playing this game for more than 1 year at least, which honestly, means nothing.
My guardian is a full knight and with exception of 2 times only, both chars were tanky necros, he never fails to get aggro. I like the aspect that I have to hold my own with a target on my character’s head. Besides that, he have a decent crit chance and damage, but not optimal of course. For WvW my guardian uses soldier’s gear with trooper runes and usually he is the link, the tank, in the party bringing heals, protection and cleanse.
My warrior run a full zerker gear with strength runes but rather tanky traits, his comp is focused on party buffs: Empower Allies, Forceful Greatsword and Phalax Strength. That will give the party pretty much fury and might uptime and allow the other members to go with full DPS on their own.
My elementalist uses d/d and have full zerker gear as well. Air specialist with 4 points in Arcana for faster attunement and 4 points in Water for condition cleanse.
My necromancer use Rabid gear and is traited for maximum condition. However, I can’t use him on any party, unless the players aren’t worried about efficiency or time and just want to kill things while chatting.
I have other classes as well but will only cite those four and say that between them, I like my elementalist the most. I take him to run new content, to solo new things with him and have a ‘feel’ of how hard or easy they can be and how long it will take me to complete the tasks, events. The silverwastes is a good map for me to work on my skills, specially when engage several creeps, when 2 hits from them, if I am not paying attention, is more than enough to down my ele.
When I want a relaxed dungeon run, I use my guardian; when I want a speed run, I use my warrior; and when I want a bit of challenge, I use my elementalist.
When someone ask on map chat which gear they should use or which is the most efficient, I simply explain the current meta, since they will have to know when decide to use the LFG tool, and then ask which is their play style. According to their answer, I point to the gear which they would feel better, comfortable, playing.
It should be simple as that. This is a game and everyone have a sort of different definition of what is fun. Find out which one is yours and try to stick with like minded for better quality of life.
(edited by azyume.6321)
I wasn’t exactly zealous over this, in the end, somehow, completely forgot about it before I could complete it. I have tried with different foods, the ones I am missing, and none worked so far.
By logic, since you unlocked the the tricks or treats collection during the Halloween event, you should as well be able to progress and complete it afterwards given all the necessary items are widely available for use and purchase.
I don’t really mind if it was a timed achievement, only want to make sure the way it is now, no progress, is working as intended and not a bug.
Yes, I meant the Trick and Treats Collection, thank you. Pardon, was in hurry and didn’t searched for the appropriate name, used a general one.
The Halloween Collection, Tricks or Treats, at least for me, is currently locked. My progression stopped at 10/19.
I just want to confirm if the collection was only a temporary content, available only during the event, or if is some sort of bug.
Thanks in advance!
(edited by azyume.6321)
Check out SBI website:
There are some guilds like HERO, Nite, IMG, KWBH, CaLM, AW, ORR and SBI. I am sure you will find one that you can fit just fine with your kind of play stile.
That’s odd. You can try to post on the support tech sub forums.
There are number of things it could be. Be sure your drivers are up to date.
I remember there was this game that wasn’t working like yours and I found out it was the screen resolution, somehow the pre config choose the wrong one and I had to manually change for the native one.
You could check it, just for the sake of trying:
Navigate to your Guild Wars 2 folder. By default, this will be C:\Program Files(x86)\Guild Wars 2.
Right-click on “GW2.exe” and select “Create Shortcut.”
Rename this shortcut to “Guild Wars 2 Windowed.”
Right-click on this shortcut and select “Properties.”
Edit the “Target” line to include -windowed at the end. Note: Please make sure -windowed is outside of the quotation mark at the end of the string. For example:
Correctly Formatted Example: " C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\GW2.exe" –windowed
Incorrectly Formatted Example: " C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\GW2.exe -windowed "
Once you have completed the steps above, click “Ok” to save your changes.
Remove or redo your video for safety purposes.
Try to repair the game client:
Repair Instructions for Windows®
If you are having problems running Guild Wars 2, the data archive may have become corrupted. Please follow these steps to verify and repair the archive:
Locate your Gw2.exe file.
Right-click on the file and select Create shortcut.
Rename this new shortcut to Guild Wars 2 Repair.
Right-click on Guild Wars 2 Repair and select Properties.
Locate the Target line and add –repair to the end. (Example: “C:\Games\Guild Wars 2\gw2.exe” -repair)
Click OK.
Double-clicking Guild Wars 2 Repair will begin the repairing your game client. The game will launch when it is complete.
Note: Keep in mind that the verification and repair process will run each time you double-click the Guild Wars 2 Repair shortcut. If you would like to play the game immediately without repairing the archive, double-click on Gw2.exe or another shortcut without the -repair command.
Check your anti-virus as well, it could be blocking the game.
If the game still can’t work after that, I’d suggest you to submit a ticket to support or if you wish click on support on top of the page and then on “submit a ticket” on the right top side of the new page.
ET still keep strong with the tight-knit community and is getting ready for a tier 6 match up. If you want to be part of that challenge for an expanding and climbing server, search no more.
SBI is a great server. It has PvE events, PvX guilds which offer their good force to help in WvW, as well as good commanders and players whiling to roam, report, scout, defend and siege. However, at the moment, lacks centered wvw guilds to work with our militia and help to burst those zergs.
If your guild want to try a different environment, with plenty of space to grow and help a server, please consider SBI.
How about player damage to wooden walls as well? Bring it down! Just need a few axes and fire, nothing else.
Everyone’s been using the white swords as a crutch to aid in defense. In order to counter the white sword defense you either had to drop enough siege to quickly knock down a wall/door before white swords popped, send a “tagger” to pop white swords on the other side of the map, have a “blocking” group to prevent defenders from getting in the keep. All of these required having a much larger attacking force than defenders.
There was no way to ninja a keep as a small team because the white swords and the fact that you had to go through two walls/gates meant that you’d get attacked before you could even get to the second wall/gate. So even if you had equal but small numbers on a map you were severely handicapped by the white sword mechanic.
Is that the type of balance you want?
Who says that will bring any balance? I am betting it will cause exactly the opposite, more imbalance.
Can’t ninja anything? Are you from t1? Otherwise I’ll tell you any other tier have a chance to ninja anything even with white swords. Besides as stated, that’s PvD, simple as that. You are taking an objective with zero opposition and we have a very good example of what that leads to: ktrain (EoTM). WvW don’t need that, leave it for EoTM. The game mode should be taken more seriously and encourage all aspects such as offense, defense, scout, upgrades, siege and fights (as much as open field as for an objective).
That’s, once again, another change that only may affect for good the servers from tier 1 and perhaps tier 2, but I have my doubts. While it can benefit perhaps 6 servers, the others 18 might suffer from it.
If one have trouble to visualize, think about a server that have 10, perhaps 15, players and still scattered between home map and EBG. This new update requires scouts, so please, how will those 10 guys scout 20 different objectives? Not to mention that you have no reward from do it and might spend hours without even seeing anyone… yeah boring, doubt many will do it.
White swords are not a crutch, in fact, I know many guilds that uses that to know where they have to go to find a fight.
As stated, your group or guild can’t take a keep? Try out other objectives like camps and, depending on the situation, towers. Two towers and one camp will give you exactly the same PPT as a keep or, yet, if you flip all 6 camps, will get more points than a keep would give, if one still plays for PPT.
If you don’t have enough people to cover every tower, you don’t have enough people to hold anything on the map.
Wrong. Lack of people is different from lack of defense. You can have a handful of players in a map and still be able to hold your side or could before this, non sense, update.
I’ll guess you are under Oceanic time. SBI have a few guilds during that time zone, like AoD and Kiwi, you can try to contact them, in case they are recruiting, to enhance your experience.
I’d recommend you to check the forums before transfering:
The thing is there aren’t many servers with off hours coverage. For silver league that will be Dragonbrand and now, apparently, Isle of Janthir. For gold league, Yak’s Bend, Sea of Sorrows and Jade Quarry.
The question is if you want to fight, even if outnumbered, or want a possible high chance to pvdoor. Sorry, but putting roughly the situation. Perhaps YB or SoS, while matched up against one another, can give more balanced fights.
Edit: Hamster is correct. Thanks for the output! SBI amazes me about what the players can do, when in truth, it is pretty much a militia, server. There isn’t a dominant guild or commander since the departure of Bannok. The militia working together with a couple of guilds was what was keeping SBI in t3. No doubt that with a few guilds to back up, the server can be as competitive it was before the tourney.
(edited by azyume.6321)
Fractals 39 was a nightmare with people lagging, dc’ing, creeps exploding and the 3 worse combinations of fractals together. The whole party was experiencing it.
Lightsabers? No!
I’d love to drive (or attempt to) a M35 Mako on GW2! Need that!
Don’t run Teq every day, no chance to do it more than once; all events were successful; I usually run with my warrior, kill plenty of creeps, attack from the start to pretty much near the end, get xp from kills, usually by myself, but hardly been getting the any medal, be bronze, silver or gold, still get chests tho.
The problem is for 4 times didn’t got a full reward. Same mechanic, same thing done on all runs yet different rewards. Despite of most of my teq runs be solo, I also do it with a party on occasion. At least 2 of the times when I didn’t got all chests I was with a party and I wasnt the only one missing the reward. Another player in the party missed the exotic chest while I, at the time, missed the rare, yet the 3rd player got all 4 chests.
Throughout the year, I’ve been noticing the light, small, changes made in this game concerned about mobs and bosses. Yes, if I compare the game now with what was it 1 year and half ago, the amount of CC used by mobs have been greatly increased.
I was in the labyrinth 2 days ago with my warrior, right in the center, where some skeletons and mummies were together. I didn’t had stability equipped since I was in a party were there was a guardian. I stood behind to rez an uplevel that eventually got killed and the mobs re-spawned while I was half way through the rez. Between knock backs and pulls, I counted 11 with a short interval where I felt pretty much like a ping pong ball.
As many players in this thread had voiced their opinions, I will add mine as well. The amount of CC used by mobs don’t make the game more challenging. Being stunned, knocked down or back and be pulled can hardly be considered as a challenge. It is just annoying, simple as that. Spam stability is the answer for that and requires nothing besides an utility.
I, as well, would like the mobs to have better, smarter, AI and actually provide a challenging fight. Enough with the CC. Mai Trin has zero CC and she provides a much better challenge than 20 mummies together pulling and immobilizing you. The Horror is also a good example as a boss can be challenging in a way without rooting or disabling the characters.
TL;dr: Smarter AI and less crowd control.
Experienced this as well. I’ve participated on every defense and for 4 times now I didn’t got the full reward. All the times when I missed the chest was the rare or the exotic one.
My last attempt to Teq I decided to test it out how would turn if I skipped the defenses, though I only tried one time so far, but I did, in fact, received the exotic chest, needless to say I missed the other 3 chests from the events since didn’t completed them.
One thing I noticed is in the last couple of months, I think since September patch, I hardly get the medal from the defense events. I am unsure if am not contributing enough with DPS as sometimes I go alone, so I don’t meet the requirements, or there is a problem with the game recognizing the data you are sending about participating on the event. In case of the later, might the reason why it is not giving the reward chests properly.
One thing is to say the old system was confusing, perhaps the fact you couldn’t just enter the number of gems you wanted, would have to do math or play with numbers until you find out how much need to pay; and another thing is simplifying the UI with only options to buy gem packs that will result in left overs once you use them.
It is quite obvious were this is heading and, as a costumer, I can only say it is an abuse. The system offers only numbers of gems to buy which there is no product available that costs the same amount. If one stop for a moment and do a simple math, can see that whatever you want to buy from gemstore, using the new gems packs, is broken. You can’t round a number to buy without left overs.
I like to have control on what I am doing, I like the old system, just need a simpler way to enter the amount of gems you want to buy instead of amount of gold you need for gems, and with the current system, I have 0 control over my actions (gems wise).
Wouldn’t feel so abusive if you decided to sell exclusive packs which costs exactly the amount of gems you need to buy items from store. Example: 35, 50, 80, 200, 500, 600, 700, 1000 gems. Because those are the prices of some of the items being sold in the store.
The current gems for sale: 400, 800, 1200, 2000 will always make players short on gems or with left overs. It is clear the system was designed for that and as a costumer, I don’t want to be stuck in a loop hole where I can never get out of it, I will spend my money over and over and won’t be able to round up my left over gems to make use of them.
Personally, I would like the old system back with a minor change as I have stated already. However if it is ‘impossible’ to revert back, then change the gem packs for ones that cost the exact same amount as the items being sold.
Experienced only in WvW as well.
Some times tho, even if you waypoint again the bug won’t go away. I found that you need to emote, /laugh /sleep /sit, first and then waypoint to be uh bug free.
Adding my voice into this discussion.
Not only Anet decided to follow the path like Bioware did with their points, which you pay with real money but you ALWAYS have left points which you can’t buy anything! Just a waste of money for buyers, since they always need to buy more points until they spend a large sum, enough to have left over points to buy something. It is clear the path anet is choosing here, specially with the gems price being so high now.
Not only you are tied to buy a certain amount of gems as well pay absurdly amount of gold for it.
Come on, give us options. If want to introduce such system, give the option to buy 50, 100 and 200 gems at least. There are items which cost 35 gems. Now we have to buy 400 gems to spend only 35?? And while at it, the price is way too high….
Considering the delivery problems during seasons 1 and 2, my guess is that anet wanted to play safe and haven’t identified yet the cause of lost data during past tournaments.
You can see in this post Season 1 Rewards that until 2 months ago, some players haven’t yet received their rewards from the 1st tournament, which started October 2013…
Weekly rewards should reduce the chances of having problems delivering them. Although in order to do that, the players must take action and do their part: complete the achievements and in the following week talk to the Battle Historian. Anet had stated what would require of players with the announce of the seasons plus the weekly emails.
I haven’t found a way around all the shiny explosions. Depending on the party comp, I grab my guardian and face roll things. No use to try to play timing your dodges and attacks/skills if you can’t see the enemy or their attacks.
I won’t endulge in complaining. I don’t like it. Instead I will give you a tip I discovered which made my life 10x easier on this issue (proud owner of several legendaries, discovered every map solo): if you have an iPhone, get this app called “War Reports for GW2”. You won’t actually have to enter WvW, or even turn on your computer, to see if the POI you need is under your realm’s control. If it is, hop in and go get it. I think the app even has an alert function.
You’re welcome!
Nice one!
The website versions for the ones interested:
Good ol times when people would shout out in LA that we had captured EB Green Keep or SMC. haha
You don’t need the explorer achievement for 100% of world completion. I’ve got my star around April last year and was still missing 3 places for explorer in Maguuma and Far Shiverpeaks, which I eventually finished in March this year.
Sometimes I think it is funny when said players which verbally abuses an uplevel in WvW dies faster than the guy running in all greens/blues. A level 80 which leveled running EoTM karma training and never saw a fight can die from a fight just as much as an uplevel.
lostsega, try to guide your friend in wvw. Give him the ropes, explain the dynamics, fights, objectives, siege and etc. An uplevel can be very useful to the server if they know what they are doing. Snowreap gave good tips, take them into consideration.
I use my 2 uplevels in WvW and never had a problem with them because I know my limits, what I can and cannot do. I can’t join the front line of a battle, as well can’t solo camps and towers. However, I can stay in the far back, using range, hitting the light classes while being extra cautions and rotating my camera for possible thieves around with the intention to gank me. I can as well help other players take camps or can, with patience, solo merc camps. I can use siege, can run supply (300 points well spent), can flip sentries, can repair damaged structures, can build siege, can scout and even engage other uplevels in a fight.
I am unsure if every merchant in Sparkfly is near an area with events, which make them unavailable from time to time. It is worth to check out:
Porgotl Grounds [&BLIBAAA=] however it is on far north
Brackwater WP [&BM4BAAA=] which might be contested if the event is up but if I remember right, it is a short event.
Honestly I wouldn’t mind as long as the player already have a level 80 for the same profession they are trying to insta level 80.
Why? Because the leveling can help you get a rope of the profession. Some might question and say can do that as a level 80, however I’ve seen my share of those players that tries to play and understand their classes inside dungeons. I wouldn’t mind if was told before hand but as time pass and you see that player dying non stop inside the dungeon and notice they have no clue of how to play with the profession, nor at least the basic to stay alive.
To clarify- I swear i think the only people scared of being kicked as party members are those that are incapable of making it and terrorists.
You are wrong. Besides since when “terrorists” are afraid of anything? Your own statement makes no sense at all.
If it is too hard for you to understand, let me explain clearly: We, as players, want to put a stop on the abuse of certain players. Said players are causing griefing by kicking everyone minus themselves and their buddy, of course, to give the spot of players, who played the whole dungeon even got the last boss to 10% and deserve their reward, to their own guild mates or for path selling scam.
(edited by azyume.6321)
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