Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle
^However no one said anything about warrior besides you?
One would think after the change on stability to give CC more importance, things would stay balanced in PvP at least, however the way even more got introduced with HoT, disrupted the balance, making it a bit similar to what we see happening in WvW.
As it happened to me, started to paying attention to a scrapper player, focusing the targets with little to no stability, unleashing a chain of daze when they were at 75% HP until got downed in a few seconds with no chance of reaction or escape.
Hopefully Anet will realize this and make the necessary changes.
(edited by azyume.6321)
I’ve had succeeded the event about 3 or 4 times since unlocked the collection and haven’t got any of the Commendations so far.
Hmm this kind of thread makes me wonder what is the MMR of those players claiming they are wiping entire teams without any effort.
I haven’t tested Dragonhunter enough in pvp to come to a conclusion, however I’ve fought quite a few. Shouldn’t take more than 1 or 2 matches to realize what’s an efficient strategy against the DH.
Revenant is faceroll against Dragonhunter;
Necro and Reaper should never lose to a DH;
Chrono and gs mantra stun or power mesmer wrecks DH;
Medi guard vs DH: only had one go and won as medi so still can’t form an opinion;
Tempest: can be a 50% rate depending on the build on my experience so far;
Engi shouldn’t have much trouble. I tried with a power build and loss of LoS for the DH was a good factor to avoid the True Shots after had to burn the dodges upon traps activation. The DH tried to keep me in range, away from from him, using the LB but using the terrain at my advantage gave me room to land some cc and grenades to finish the job.
Only time I really see a problem with DH so far is when there are 2 or more of them packed together and, at least, one is a medi trapper.
I do, however think the trap cool down upon activation and duration of traps without activation needs a recheck. Five minutes seems fine for WvW, however for PvP, is way too long. Reduce the amount of time the trap can remain without being activated for the duration -10% of its CD and I think will remove the double trap problem which most have trouble with.
I am pretty sure you can do it from Silverwastes dive spot as well, perhaps even lower than that. It is a grantee of 17 seconds free fall.
That’s possibly not considered part of core Tyria but part of the new area. That area is named the Maguuma Wastes, as seen on the dailies description.
I think their definition of what’s Tyria and what’s Maguuma Wastes is pretty loose at the moment unless Anet fixed some stuff. According to the acessory Drake Scale tooltip, it is supposed to be found in Central Tyria only, however I got it as drop in Dry Top.
In anyway, I am not working in any legendary, but I would test the spot if was the case for science.
I am pretty sure you can do it from Silverwastes dive spot as well, perhaps even lower than that. It is a grantee of 17 seconds free fall.
I will just say that comparing things, what Anet is asking from WvW players would be the same as asking any PvP player to win 250 unranked/ranked matches with each character to unlock the elite specialization.
Outrageous right? However not, apparently, for WvW players.
Regarding reaper, is good on group fights, but not so much on 1v1 due the fact the skills are within melee range only. My core power necro still beats reaper on 1v1 on my experience so far. Perhaps in the future when the specialization is more refined, reaper might have a better chance against the odds.
I dont see how anyone is complaining about the cost, unless you are looking for instagratification and want it now now now.
Farm for the bat wings (I got my 4 in under 8 hours)
Farm ToT for the bottle ( 3,000 bags I got my bottle)
Time sink as you get time to finish the rest.You do NOT need these shoulders right now……
It is not a matter of wanting it now, however if you look at the circumstances that’s what players that will pursue such skin will have to do. Also, you cannot compare your experience to others when the drop come from RNG. What took you one day, might take other player an year or even never.
We are currently during the Halloween event where the ToT bags are plentiful and yet the Unopened Endless Bottle of Batwing Brew is 500g with only 25 listed to sell. Once the event is over and, as said by rhapsody, with the maize balm nerf, the tendency of such items price is to keep going up.
Can a dev check if the coordinates for the teleport to Hoelbrak using the Hoelbrak Teleport Scroll is correct?
It is currently landing you next to the gate to Lion’s Arch:
The other scrolls, as far as was informed, puts you in a convenient place near the bank on the city while this one not. I’d be nice if it actually would teleport to somewhere between the bank and craft stations.
Why remove Courtyard from unranked? The map was the only reason I play the category when get sick of Legacy of Foefire.
We need more maps to select on unranked not less. With that I’ll voice with the others to bring Raid on Capricorn back.
it sounds like op wants to be able to brute force his way into objectives without regard to the existence of defenders, simply because he assumes his group will outnumber them.
Does this look like fun and brute force?
Tell me step by step what was i forced to do to finaly flip it and if you anwser correctly, you can allready see the pain im talking about.
Didn’t watched the whole thing, skipped through it, not that matter anymore since the Alpine borderlands is gone but, with such zerg, could have built 2 trebs on top of the wall to clear all the inner siege and supress while working on the gates. That would force the defense to react and, probably, go out to take down your siege and fight.
I’d say about time.
Market is saturated with Halloween mats. IMO was a bad idea to include exclusive hard to get items from ToT only with an awful RNG then try to remedy it by allowing to generate the bags with the Maize Balm without any real sink to the mats.
LF gain should be nerfed with Dagger.
It’s too fast and easy.
Don’t laugh.
It’s a very serious and delicate matter.
Look how Warriors have it tough compared to Necros.
Necro’s LF doesn’t decay while Warrior’s Adrenaline goes poof almost instantly.This is wrong. Super wrong.
So, Anet should do this:
- nerf LF gain from Dagger #1 skill
- implement the same decay system to LF like it’s with AdrenalineNow this will be balanced and no complains~
/solution based on feedback from experienced and veteran players across whole board in the time of one year
So long as Necros get access to blocks/invulns/evads/vigor like every other class.
Shroud is their defensive mechanic.. if it evaporated like adrenaline, they would be unable to survive.
Let’s not forget the mobility. I’d trade the current DS for a decaying one if we had all those stuff, specially mobility.
Yes, it is the players fault for not researching first and, in no moment, Anet stated we have to buy from them only.
There is a reason the retailers list is on display:
Have to remember it is a pre-purchase and items/bonus will be included into your account at the moment the key is redeemed. That makes harder to deactivate and invalid the key only since there are so many things tied to the account. Surely can be done, but can expect a long negotiation with the support to get a roll back to that account.
I’m actually more worried about the badges cost now.
- If you k-train EoTM, you have tons of badges.
- If you use supply traps, siege disablers, and actually scout/defend/upgrade stuff on maps that actually matter, and if you needed to use badges to buy gear because you were too poor from not k-training… you don’t have tons of badges.
Badges are just a terrible k-train currency. Defend all you want, you won’t get badges. Can I convert my thousands of Yaks Escorted into Badges please?
Oh hey, remember golem week? Anet made sure to reduce the number of badges to tie the players into wvw or eotm for longer. Whoever said the event was a badge sink because anet had something prepared for HoT deserves a badge!
I get the feeling that this game wants me to lose or something. Game after game… lose.
Too many wins still.
Just delete dungeons altogether and make the vendor sell the items for the legendaries for 20g each. Problem solved.
How on earth nerf reward for an old content is a good thing is beyond me. If don’t want players running the content made by yourselves, which took development, time, money because don’t want to fix, patch, adjust and balance, just remove and be done with it like it was done with the Raid on Capricorn.
Tengu have a city, however it is locked. No other race is allowed to enter it.
The walls to Dominion of Winds were built to separate them and their scouts will shoot at first sign anyone who tries to trespass into their city.
In my opinion, the only way to make Tengu a new race, is a new content focused on Primordus and his minions breaching and attacking Dominion of Winds. Which no doubt, will be heartbreaking seeing their second home under attack and, hopefully, they won’t flee but fight back this time.
No one ever played PvE during the new shiny events? It is toxic as kitten and surpass PvP in any aspect. So my vote goes for that.
No one remembers the Scarlet’s Toxic Alliance Invasion maps? Or even the Marionette? The last one was the stage of several abuses and grieving. Let’s not remember SW Breach not long ago. Players pointing fingers and talking kitten in map chat for several hours no end.
I lost track of this thread 20 pages ago so apologies if was suggested already.
Here’s my suggestions:
1) Template Build
Gives the option to incorporate one template build per character for all 3 game modes.
2) Trahearne Mini
Really why isn’t this a thing yet?
3) Remaking Story
An item that allows you to wipe your personal story and start a new one with no rewards for the ones you already completed. Example: If completed 2nd act but haven’t started the 3rd, will not get a reward for acts 1 and 2 but will get from act 3
Yeah, got some from my pvp tracker and all of the geodes went to the wallet. Thank goodness!
We need less clicking and not more.
Scores are more balanced for me since latest patch however…people aren’t and that can’t really be changed. lol
One wouldn’t believe how many dragon ranks are around in unraked that apparently have no clue of what to do: go fight off of the points when belongs to the other team; 3 of them go home at the beginning; keep charging and die to that build that is obvious a hard counter to theirs and hardly listen to any advise or tactic. All is doomed!! :P
So yeah, as pointed out, team comp and skills could be the reason of the blown outs match ups as well isn’t just the numbers fault.
I am under the impression that Zealot’s Defense, sword #3, at 600 units range only hits 6 times instead of 8. Can someone confirm?
Matches are still bad for me. My ratio has been dropping lately.
I feel like am fighting against high win dragon ranks while I keep getting a team with new players. My latest match up, a player on my team actually said they were new to pvp while if not all or most of the team we were facing were dragons.
Two good matches out of ten isn’t really encouraging.
Sadly I didn’t got a screenshot but I’ve already seen a yak actually inside of a tower attacking the quartermaster and then it moved to the lord. One fierce hacker yak that was.
You know there are some middle values between “stupid sustain” and “not enough sustain”, right ?
Point me one build that is in the middle with sustain that doesn’t use cantrip or water trait please.
I’m not saying there’s a build that has that value yet, i’m saying it exists and D/D ele can be brought to that value through some nerfs …
The point is d/d only have the sustain because of:
1) Water trait
2) Cantrip
3) Celestial amulet
Nerf 1 and 2 and you will kill even more the other builds. Nerf d/d heals and the few other players out there that doesn’t use celestial will get a massive nerf.
Nerf celestial and problem solved for ele. However will create an even worse one with other professions. It is a moot point. Unless anet redesign the core making eles not dependable of arcana and water to actually be able to live, whatever they do will cause more harm to the builds than any good.
Edit: As an example: Blinding Ashes. The nerf was directed more towards d/d complains but actually hit s/x builds more than the first.
(edited by azyume.6321)
You know there are some middle values between “stupid sustain” and “not enough sustain”, right ?
Point me one build that is in the middle with sustain that doesn’t use cantrip or water trait please.
Next time use another profession for it. Can’t say you use ele because can’t spam skills when the class have 10 more weapon skills than any other, excluding engi.
Seems people are ignoring the post, so I will quote to perhaps they can actually think about it when asking for nerf on sustain.
Jesus christ some of you are ridiculously bad at understanding LOWEST HP + LOWEST ARMOR = INSTA DEAD WITHOUT SUSTAIN FROM WATER/ARCANA LINE
Why dont some of you ppl use common sense and logic as to why anet hasn’t nerfed the ele sustain.
if they nerf the sustain you might as well ask them to delete the kitten class because it will literally die when breathed on.
What you need to ask is if anet can fix their rotten core mechanics that have pidgeon holed ele in PvP since day freaking 1 by forcing them to take water/arcane line.
Water/Arcane are pretty much required in ANY ele build that wants to survive longer than 5 seconds. The only ones that don’t use water/arcane are the burst eles , which, if you haven’t noticed, get downed in < 5 secs when focused upon
If anet would actually give other VIABLE OPTIONS other than water/arcane, ele’s might change. until then, you aren’t going to see a change in ele sustain.
Want to nerf ele sustain? Fine, but will need some serious buff since ele will be pretty much a paper without it. It is the same thing as people asking to completely remove stealth from thief, aegis from guard, confusion from mesmer, cc from warrior and etc.
Problem is people don’t really know how to fight a d/d ele. I have fought some with my staff ele and won. Why? Because I keep a track on their attunement rotations and when they move out from water is the perfect time to cc and bomb them out. Will always kill? No, but when the ele move out of the point and give you a free cap, your job is done regardless since it is a conquest mode.
Besides let’s not forget not everyone uses celestial on a d/d and that’s a cripple on the sustain. I’ve had a pack of 3 or more players chase me thought the whole match while using /s chat to say how cheesy I was and how deserved to be be zerged down for using a broken build and being bad at it since couldn’t live against 3. Well guess what? Hard to live against 3 when you are using barbarian amulet with strentgh runes and air/fire/earth! I’d down one of them before going down myself tho.
As long as people judge and have no real clue about class mechanics, this sort of threads will keep showing up. IMO the problem is and will always be the celestial gear. Anet didn’t pondered how much ele would benefit from it. They can’t nerf celestial because it is useless on other professions besides necro and engi and would be useless for those two as well if nerfed. If they nerf ele too much, will render the other builds completely unviable pushing even more players towards celestial d/d.
(edited by azyume.6321)
Telling that pet attack for 9k+ is normal is just proof how bad you are. Pets need to be brought down to spirit weapon and turet level. If they want to do awesome dmg then cure is to make their hp glas canon of 10k. Simple as that.
Before you embarrass yourself more..
This is easily achievable without might.
Remorseless is 25%
MoC is 50%
100% Crit on Opening Strike
Full Beastmastery 300 points to pets statsDog is now at 2200 power, 1800 precision, 350 ferocity.
Easy 9k on squishies.
Jeez.. I wish people learned to play other classes’ mechanics.. before claiming stuff they “know”
This is even possible pre patch
Not sure if was in this context OP mean it, but people have been asking for a long time now to make the ranger less dependable of the pet. A companion with limited commands with poor AI shouldn’t be adding an extra damage of 9k+. The pet need a nerf or a way better AI and the ranger baseline and traits a buff to make it more skill based.
It’s all good though, shortly thereafter we went to their home BL and ninja’d their WP’d WK with 9 people and I think they rage quit because their population dropped to almost nothing and everything was pretty much an easy take from there. Can’t mess with that Mag Swag.
Are you new to the tier or something?
Doubtful anyone “rage quit”. Should know that most pop are under Atlantic time and a heavy percentage go sleep/end raid around midnight. So props on the PvD.
As pointed out, if only want the core game, can still find it for very cheap price from retailers. Anet doesn’t sell only the core anymore, Guild Wars 2 price is now USD49.99 and any suggestion have to be based on that.
Doesn’t make sense to charge 800 gems from free accounts to upgrade when the other costumers need to pay full price.
Only way I can see this to be relative fair is to give an option to free accounts to upgrade to HoT for 4000 gems, personal purchase, no gifts. However will be likely a waste of time and resources since will be the same gems/price for both products (4000 gems = USD50.00).
Bad idea. We don’t need more stealth, specially in the middle of the map that can give you access to any keep fast.
As pointed out, if SMC is tier 3 is because the match is lopsided or was done during a dead time zone to the other two servers. Last thing needed is to give advantage to the dominant server.
If could vote, I’d say no to the fountain buff, unless you know, give the other servers the tool to group up and make the dragoncall dance so can summon Claw of Jormag right on top of SMC with that, almost endless, fear and ice chilling breath.
There are 3 options regarding transfer. Pick which one suits you and your guild mates better:
Anet was very malleable to give out those options instead of simply requiring to pay with money for transfers.
“T3 is a bad example as it’s mostly matchfixing baddies that fall apart when they’re up against any real competition.”
Interesting take on T3.
Maguuma proud here and I don’t remember any “match fixing”…. and I can promise you, Mag has no “baddies” that will shy away from any competition.
Bring it.
Stop hiding in T3 and lets fight. You really think mag doesn’t advertise their matchfixing? You must be a pretty casual player most people know what’s going on there.
LOL Do you even know you replied to a member of one of the tops PPT guilds from Mag that will paper pretty much all 4 maps every day and WP and siege the kitten of keeps if have the opportunity?
What’s with all the nerf’s threads?
When finally the kind of “zerker is the bane of gw2” topic settles down, another one rises asking for nerf. The only thing that those threads have in common is that people really think that nerfing traits/skills will make the game more challenging and fun. It won’t, it is a 3 years old content with a poor AI, a nerf will not fix nor change that fact.
Despite the game having no trinity, some professions still have their peculiarities. If might and vulnerability is too easy to obtain then I will preach that the passive bleed, poison, torment etc you get from auto attacks are also too easy to obtain.
To add up more information, make sure your server isn’t full before he deletes his characters.
Scavenger’s Chasm isn’t hard but is long if you have no knowledge or guide.
Mad King’s Clock Tower is my favorite, isn’t hard as well but requires fast jump barely giving you time to stop for a few seconds for a better positioning.
Troll’s Revenge is probably the hardest due to the fact that is long, at some point falls = death and can be very misleading regarding the correct path.
Before that, the only jumping puzzle that I would find “hard” was Dark Reverie. Hard between quotes because the path per see isn’t difficult but there is this one jump near the end which is death if you aren’t exactly on the right spot.
D/D ele can literally do everything and then some. It has no weakness and only 1 psuedo counter build. The psuedo counter build doesn’t even win consistently enough against to even call it a counter build really.
A smart player would take into account their own strengths, weaknesses, the enemies strengths and weaknesses, and adjust their play accordingly. D/D ele has no weakness, so they never have to adjust the way they play.
Ok I have to ask. How a weapon set makes a profession OP? D/D isn’t OP, it has weakness, have only one ranged attack which can be reflected. Long range weapons have advantage over it.
Now if you are talking about builds, that’s completely different.
Have been trying to play with my alt account, which is low rank still 10-ish and can say that have been fighting players of rank bear, shark and dragon.
I don’t have much problem since am an experienced player, however at that rank, there are still lots of new players that are starting to get the hopes of PvP and fighting those other players of high rank is making the matches one sided.
On the other hand, please bring back Solo Q. I am tired of, on my main account, queue alone and get a team of complete randoms against a full guild team or premades with 3 or more.
I too saw this change coming and also wondered why it didn’t happen sooner.
Although, I would have to question the effectiveness of this restriction on keys generated through F2P accounts. A F2P account can be deleted each time a key is farmed, thereby circumventing the weekly restriction. What this restriction will cause is an increase in F2P account generation and deletion. I can’t imagine what that database churn will look like!
The weapon skin/gold would be stuck on the free account, as they have no way to transfer them to another account. So doing that would be pointless.
Unless/until you acquire enough items of value to offset the cost of buying the game at which point you pay to unlock the full game and liquidate.
True on both points. I edited my earlier post after thinking about it a bit more.
Since F2P accounts can buy/sell items on the TP, can they sell their ‘lucky’ skins? Again, I think it would be pointless because of the gold restrictions.
So all in all, a good change for anet’s bottom line without a huge impact to the game world.
Free to play accounts cannot buy/sell any of the black lion skins nor precursor. They can only buy and sell from a very small list that contains a couple of gear from each tier. I might be wrong but think the Primordus set are the most expensive one they have access to.
Modified the command line from -assetsrv to -clientport 443 and it finally worked by downloading at max speed and patching fast.
As pointed out, the key drop chance is incredibly low. Even if is increased, in my opinion, there won’t be any impact at all unless it is a really nice boost.
In my 8k+ of game play, I’ve got 3 keys from drop and 2 keys from map completion. On the other hand, I get roughly 10 bl chests per week.
Restraining the keys on personal story will deal partially with the key farmers but will throw a burden on the other players as side effect.
As pointed out, hope it is very explicit in-game that you won’t receive the full reward for completing the first chapter of personal story and need to wait for x days/minutes for it or to continue at your own risk.
It is an old bug, it is going for more than an year and half.
I think this is one of the latest thread about it:
Can’t finish download even after a repair or using a specific IP.
At first try, the initial 50% was downloading normally but speed dropped drastically after, 50KB/s to 200 KB/s then it got stuck at 99% at 0 to10KB/s.
Third try now after the repair and speed is incredibly low 1 to 8KB/s with several minutes reporting as 0KB/s
Actually, who I am is who I am. That’s whether I’m playing a game, or working, or on the forums. What you see is what you get. That’s it. Me.
I don’t cheat at cards, and that’s just a game. Just because something’s a game doesn’t mean I have to change my behavior.
If you think it’s okay, that’s your call. It’s not okay for me.
NFW you’re a ranger IRL? How I become an elementalist for reals?
It’s a community yes. But it’s a community based in fantasy with no consequence. If people are having so much emotion tied up in the game that is a separate problem and not a cause for the argument that good or evil (or the lesser versions if you don’t believe in absolutes) can exist in a video game. (Before you say it, it could exist in real life and have influence in a game but that is getting too deep for this discussion.)
And people take my argument wrong. Despite the fact I believe my action in game has no real consequence that doesn’t mean I have to be a kitten.* I never said I was acting the same way in this event either (as OP), in fact I am just not doing it. But if other’s want too, they shouldn’t be called selfish in a video game, not seriously anyway.
*Just like an atheist can have morals and be nice even though he or she may not believe in a a heaven or hell…
How did you managed to twist what Vayne said? It is very clear he is talking about personality and not profession much less a fantasy. That’s him, real life or game, he acts the same way because it is his personality and don’t think needs to change or act differently just because it is a game.
Seems like you want to separate one thing from other, real life and game, but you cannot impose your way into others. Some people are comfortable enough being themselves in a game, on a forums, on the internet, and want to keep that way. You should respect them for being true to themselves despite the hostile environment we might stumble upon.
That wouldn’t be fair, unless an exclusive server is designated for free accounts, because those accounts cannot transfer. They would be stuck forever on those servers unless they upgrade the game.
um, you can receive items in mail, not sure on gold though as I didn’t try it but I definitely received the armor and weapon set I sent myself.
Can send, to a free account, gold and items, however a free account cannot do the same. Also, you can buy and sell on TP from a limited selection list, those items are crafting mats, excluding the Rare, and some selected gear from each tier.
Honestly, doesn’t seem worth at all to play with free account if you already have the paid game. Unless you want try something different, but if so, keep in mind that whatever you get as loot/drop will pretty much only be available for your account, something like the betas items and you will see yourself selling stuff worth of 1g+ for merchant price.
Funny this thread.
We all bought the game and have the same rights to play it, no one owns any map nor is the holder of the truth. There is plenty of space for variated game modes, players who have problems to accept we are different and find fun in different things are the ones who starts these non sense infights and brings out the toxicity.
Interesting enough I see PPT’ers being toxic in map chat almost daily and have yet to see any GvG guild doing the same.
My advise: If your border is queued up and some havoc/ PPT guild is hitting up and don’t have the numbers to push them back, then change maps and retaliate them back. Sometimes being proactive is much better than being defensive.
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