(edited by briggah.7910)
New player leaving because of HoT. The irony.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
@briggah thanks so much for your sarcasm. Also your ability to huge how much I play and what modes in which I play. You are exactly the type of person that is wrong with this game. You are ridiculously rude and snarky for no reason. Enjoy your high horse must get lonely at the top of your own pedestal. Anywhoo enough of feedin the trolls right. I don’t know why makes me want to stay more the high cost and low regard of the expansion so far as we know or wonderfully enjoyable people like brigah
Actually there was no sarcasm in my last post. Please go and re-read it again. I did mean SORRY because I now see you have other issues. One of those issues is that when you make a statement and someone proves your statement to be wrong, you get all teary eyed and and lash back at that person.
I wished you GL in ESO. Wasn’t any sarcasm there either. All I said was I know a few that have left to play ESO and they have recently returned.
I really hope I didn’t hit another soft spot of yours but you’ve replied to me and said worse things about me than I have ever said about you. So who is the real troll here?
Very little expansion? Once again we have someone with a time machine that has experienced the entire expansion.
3 maps (some small maps) + 1 profession for $ 50. is not realy a joke?
Throw your money if you want.
You know for a fact we are getting 3 maps? If it is a fact and we get 3 maps, from what I heard these maps are not flat maps. They have several levels to them so yes they might look smaller but they have more to explore.
Guess you forgot about all the other stuff like a new PVP game mode. Each character gets its own specialization. New legendary weapons. Guild Halls.
Where should I throw my money? Shall I make it rain??
New player leaving because of HoT. The irony.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
@briggah honestly I am not here to get in to a kittening contest with anyone was just stating my bit. No real need to get all hyper competitive with me. If you feel a certain way good on you. There is no need to dare me to do anything or to insult my decisions. So far I love ESO the community seems nice and the questing is nice and the end game looks promising with regular dungeons/veteran dungeons and raiding.
Sorry, didn’t mean for you to get so upset but if you think PVE players are ignored and get pushed aside, I honestly don’t even think you play this game much or never even stepped foot into the other game modes. Seeing as WvW gets the least amount of updates out of all three game modes.
Good luck in ESO, I know a few that left gw2 when ESO was launched. Seen them all recently come back.
(edited by briggah.7910)
Realize that rather than being happy to get a big expansion that could breath a new breath into a (possibly) stagnating game that has the potential to revitalize the game altogether, you are mad because they said something (a while ago) and they did something else.
Did you see this amount of complaints before the E3? Anet originally promised that all content will be free and they weren’t planning to make an expansion.
Yet, 3 year later, they do just that. And even though they broke their promise, nobody really complains and are hyped for the new expansion. There were some grey spots here and there, but generally, the playerbase was happy.
It’s what followed that caused this uproar.
“You are mad because they said something (a while ago) and they did something else”
Are you saying it’s unreasonable to complain about a company showing how untrustworthy they can be? And then ask me to happily support them?
This is no charity. I’m a paying customer.
Did they actually use the word “Promise”?? or people just took what they said and made it into a promise? I thought the announcement was over hyped for the next Living season. Then I started to read around some and poke my head into forums.
Who asked for an expansion? Many Players did.
Was the free Living story enough to keep the players playing this game? NO
They had to change or risk losing a lot of players.
Side note: My ex girlfriend and many ex’s before those promised me they would be with me forever. People should just stop making promises cause not many can actually keep them.
New player leaving because of HoT. The irony.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
I purchased ESO the other day just for something different this was before the pre release debacle and its almost seeming now like I did it at the perfect time.
Let me know how ESO is seeing as it started as a pay sub fee and changed to a buy to play, I’d say it bombed pretty hard.
They are so focused on making this game a PvP type game that the PVE community is ignored and often pushed aside
PVE gets the most updates out of all three game modes. I dare you to go post in the WvW forums and say the WvW players have gotten more updates than the PVE players have.
$ 50 for expansion + core game free for new players.
And the older players who have kept alive their play?
An upgrade to deluxe edition or if you already have a discount on this expansion.
But no.
ANet creates very little expansion, puts an exorbitant price and laughs in the face of the veteran players.
CONGRATULATIONS ARENA NET, I will not buy this expansion.
Couldn’t just add this to the other 3+ pages of threads that are all saying the same thing?
Very little expansion? Once again we have someone with a time machine that has experienced the entire expansion.
New player leaving because of HoT. The irony.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
I joined in january and stopped about 1 month later, I came back in april and have enjoyed it since
Welcome back!! I too have been seeing players that have quit over time slowing coming back. Each and everyday I see new players as well.
New player leaving because of HoT. The irony.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
I started the game just over a month ago. I find the lack of response to veteran players’ anger to be very disappointing.. I also feel Anet will get away with it because the fanbase loves the game so much. Some are so grateful for new content they are defending Anet’s policy.
However, as a new player I have no deep connection with the game so I need to leave aa soon as possible before I get attached.
It’s not really about the money, it’s trivial compared to my mortgage and bills. It’s more about their disregard for existing customers.
My best wishes for everyone who’s staying.
Best wishes to everyone who’s leaving.
So you are really only seeing the players that make the loudest cry’s.
As a veteran and long time player, I’m happy and will continue to be happy as long as the game keeps offering me fun.
It’s not an expansion, it’s a feature pack.
Feature packs were free, we’ve had a few in this game over the times. On the 23rd we are getting all those trait changes for free.
I don’t know how its hard to understand the frustration of others.
Maybe its because frustrated people usually say stuff that really makes no sense since they only see it their way instead of seeing the big picture?
I get frustrated as do so many people. I say things out of frustration. Once I actually stop and think, I usually say in my head “wow that was silly of me to get so frustrated over something like that”
You have the right to be frustrated but most people that post out of frustration never see the big picture.
So many are still stuck on not getting something free because new players are getting a freebie. Some are stuck on the price and you have every right to be since everyone doesn’t have the same budget. Some are still stuck on not getting a free character slot when the game starts you with 5 and has 8 professions to begin with.
The big picture I see it as Anet wants to bring in more players into this game. A game needs players to continue to grow. Without players it will most likely die. Yes people will leave this game but I’d put money on that they will gain a lot more players then those that actually do leave.
Only time will tell. You can stick around and help this game grow even more or you can leave and be replaced by someone else who will. It is your choice.
That response did nothing to address the concern or reason why some people are angry,and honestly, you don’t have the ability or knowledge to do so. I do agree, complaining for the price is silly, complaining about new players coming into the game is silly.
It is NOT silly to expect a product that is advertised to be delivered.
It is NOT silly to expect some type of compensation for an item that can’t be delivered, even though it was advertised to be included.
It is also not silly to upgrade people that bought the core game 3-4 months to at least a standard edition of HoT. Those players especially deserve to be compensated.I quoted you on you asking “I don’t know how its hard to understand the frustration of others.”
Pretty sure I made it clear that it is hard to understand the frustration of others. Also you sound pretty frustrated and to be honest, not really understanding you.
Are you a new or veteran players? Seeing as you think people who bought the game 2 – 3 months ago should be compensated, I’d guess that’s when you bought the game. If you are a veteran player let those people speak for themselves. Sounds like you heard a complaint and jumped on the complaint bandwagon.
Not sure how much the game was 2 – 3 months ago but I’ve seen it for $10. You mean to tell me they didn’t get $10 out of this game for those 2 – 3 months when a sub fee game would cost $10 per month? TBH not sure what sub fee games cost now a days.. Gave those up when FFXIV burned me.
You are still sidestepping the problem, asking an irrelevant question doesn’t make the problem go away. I am, personally a vet, I am also the one that paid for my friends core game. So no, I am not on the complaint bandwagon, but thank you for deciding it was necessary to address my play history instead of an actual completely valid concern.
Secondly, timeplayed has no relevancy and doesn’t excuse shady or bad business practices.Do these responses sound frustrating to you because I don’t agree with you? I’m curious. Can you quote what I have typed that sounds like itsfrom someone frustrated or upset?
Nope. The whole point of this thread was to show veterans that we did in-fact get more content than any new player that gets a free version of the core game. I said that over and over again and reason why I said what I said in my first post was because there were a lots of threads from veterans saying we got nothing yet new players got a freebie.
That was it. There are a bunch of other threads to talk about pricing and what not. I should have just ignored all those pricing posts in this thread so that is my fault. This thread wasn’t about pricing. Like most people, they missed the point of it and are stuck on the price or not getting something free or even being compensated. Just like most people are missing the big picture.
Doesn’t sound very fair does it? Making you buy something that you already have just so that you can get something that you really need and/or want.
I already bought the game so why should I have to pay for it again just to get the expansion?
I hope this explanation cleared it up for at least a few of you.
Good post! Will only say this though. What if by some chance the expansion is still $50 without the core game included? That was the problem I think on Anets parts. Your account gets upgraded when you purchased the xpac and if you already have the core game well your purchase is for HoT.
If people are thinking they are buying it twice look at it this way. What do you pay when you bought the game? What did you pay to upgrade the game to HoT?
been awhile but mine would be something like
$60 for game, $50 for xpac. That is $110 for both. Now if I thought like others and think I’m buying core twice wouldn’t it be more like
$60 for game, $60 cause i’m buying it twice, $50 for xpac. that comes out to $170
No one ever said “vet players don’t get anything”.
Do you even read these forums? That’s one of the biggest complaints going around. “new players got the core for free and us vets didn’t get anything” “where is my free character slot I spent a gazillion dollars on the gem store and deserve a freebie too”
TBH I didn’t even make it past that statement so not sure what the rest of you post even said..
I don’t know how its hard to understand the frustration of others.
Maybe its because frustrated people usually say stuff that really makes no sense since they only see it their way instead of seeing the big picture?
I get frustrated as do so many people. I say things out of frustration. Once I actually stop and think, I usually say in my head “wow that was silly of me to get so frustrated over something like that”
You have the right to be frustrated but most people that post out of frustration never see the big picture.
So many are still stuck on not getting something free because new players are getting a freebie. Some are stuck on the price and you have every right to be since everyone doesn’t have the same budget. Some are still stuck on not getting a free character slot when the game starts you with 5 and has 8 professions to begin with.
The big picture I see it as Anet wants to bring in more players into this game. A game needs players to continue to grow. Without players it will most likely die. Yes people will leave this game but I’d put money on that they will gain a lot more players then those that actually do leave.
Only time will tell. You can stick around and help this game grow even more or you can leave and be replaced by someone else who will. It is your choice.
That response did nothing to address the concern or reason why some people are angry,and honestly, you don’t have the ability or knowledge to do so. I do agree, complaining for the price is silly, complaining about new players coming into the game is silly.
It is NOT silly to expect a product that is advertised to be delivered.
It is NOT silly to expect some type of compensation for an item that can’t be delivered, even though it was advertised to be included.
It is also not silly to upgrade people that bought the core game 3-4 months to at least a standard edition of HoT. Those players especially deserve to be compensated.
I quoted you on you asking “I don’t know how its hard to understand the frustration of others.”
Pretty sure I made it clear that it is hard to understand the frustration of others. Also you sound pretty frustrated and to be honest, not really understanding you.
Are you a new or veteran players? Seeing as you think people who bought the game 2 – 3 months ago should be compensated, I’d guess that’s when you bought the game. If you are a veteran player let those people speak for themselves. Sounds like you heard a complaint and jumped on the complaint bandwagon.
Not sure how much the game was 2 – 3 months ago but I’ve seen it for $10. You mean to tell me they didn’t get $10 out of this game for those 2 – 3 months when a sub fee game would cost $10 per month? TBH not sure what sub fee games cost now a days.. Gave those up when FFXIV burned me.
TL;DR. The wall of text can’t counter the false advertising claim or the fact that Anet have become cheapskates compared to their former selves, GW1 expansions having 2 character slots and way more content for example.
Like I said to others. Please share with us your data that you gathered from when you went into the future to experience the entire expansion since you seem to actually know that it doesn’t have “way more content”
it’s true that we don’t know for sure that the expansion has less content, but we can’t realistically judge that at all. another issue with the way the pre-purchase is being handled is that they are offering the ability to pay for the full expansion, and have yet to show us what that is. there may be almost no content. there may be more content than the base game. but they could at least give us an idea…
This is just a pre-order. Pre-orders are not for everyone. No date yet to as when HoT actually drops so you still have lots of time I would think to judge for yourself if it is worth it or not.. I’d say too early though to say it isn’t.
well… i know people that bought the game 1-2 months ago like myself
- i dont even know what you mean with face
- i didnt experience the festival events and seasoned events like you did
- i don’t even know what LA is
- i’ve never fought marionette like you did cause that is all gone and done
- sab what?
- i didn’t get to farm aetherblades in zones and have tons of champs spawningThose are just a few examples but so many other open world events that i will never experience even if they do get a “Bonus” free version of the core game.
Just for you, here is your face is funny
Here is another fan video of funny NPCS. this is a favorite of mine
TL;DR. The wall of text can’t counter the false advertising claim or the fact that Anet have become cheapskates compared to their former selves, GW1 expansions having 2 character slots and way more content for example.
Like I said to others. Please share with us your data that you gathered from when you went into the future to experience the entire expansion since you seem to actually know that it doesn’t have “way more content”
Bog Otter makes good points, although he doesn’t mention how Anet already makes money from the gemstore. So I don’t think 50 bucks is a reasonable price, given the small size of the expansion, and that they are already getting a lot of money from us through the store.
Small size of the expansion? So you’ve played the entire expansion? Can you make a list of everything that is in it for all of us that don’t have a time machine into the future?
They have given us previews, and shown us roughly how much landmass will be added. Thats not much.
Keyword there is preview. Also from what I understand the maps are 3 levels of maps. So that is like 3 maps on top of each other.
You also seem to be forgetting new character specializations, new legendary weapons, new profession, new pvp game mode, new wvw map( although i think even without xpac players can access this or it would split community) new mastery system and guild halls.. That’s all I can think of that they previewed but I’m sure there is more.
i have played gw since beginning of gw1. my problem with the expansion is do i let my current account go to waist. because getting core game create new email and start over so i can build new toons. i am on a fixed income and cant see spending $50 on a game i have most of already. all i would like to se would be 1 or 2 new toon slots like all their other expansions so i can build the new builds. i just feel a little cheated with out an option just for expansion at a lower rate then not getting a new toon slot wouldn’t make me feel like i wasted three years developing my toons. i would really like Anet to understand what a lot of players feel. we spend extra cash to buy gems. we bought the game, we get our friends and family to buy the game, we just want something extra if we link our accounts that’s all like 1 simple toon slot for reverent, hell we didn’t get our hall or monuments like they promised and other things, they could at least show us they appreciate our loyalty to the game
You don’t have to start over if you purchase the xpac. Your account gets upgraded and you get e-mails and in-game mails saying so. The expansion would probably be $50 dollars even without the free core for “new” players. I understand some people are thinking they are buying the core game twice but just think for a second if they didn’t include that to new players and it still cost $50 dollars. Would you still feel the same? Maybe you would but I’d bet we’d have less upset players.
Wouldn’t make sense to me to delete your current account just so you can start all over and get the free core version. Your account will be upgraded so all your hard time and work will still be there. Only difference is you can experience HoT faster since a new player will have to start from level 1.
I don’t know how its hard to understand the frustration of others.
Maybe its because frustrated people usually say stuff that really makes no sense since they only see it their way instead of seeing the big picture?
I get frustrated as do so many people. I say things out of frustration. Once I actually stop and think, I usually say in my head “wow that was silly of me to get so frustrated over something like that”
You have the right to be frustrated but most people that post out of frustration never see the big picture.
So many are still stuck on not getting something free because new players are getting a freebie. Some are stuck on the price and you have every right to be since everyone doesn’t have the same budget. Some are still stuck on not getting a free character slot when the game starts you with 5 and has 8 professions to begin with.
The big picture I see it as Anet wants to bring in more players into this game. A game needs players to continue to grow. Without players it will most likely die. Yes people will leave this game but I’d put money on that they will gain a lot more players then those that actually do leave.
Only time will tell. You can stick around and help this game grow even more or you can leave and be replaced by someone else who will. It is your choice.
Bog Otter makes good points, although he doesn’t mention how Anet already makes money from the gemstore. So I don’t think 50 bucks is a reasonable price, given the small size of the expansion, and that they are already getting a lot of money from us through the store.
Small size of the expansion? So you’ve played the entire expansion? Can you make a list of everything that is in it for all of us that don’t have a time machine into the future?
Thanks for keeping me entertained everyone. For those that actually posted on how they feel instead of just calling me some name, I thank you for your input in this in this thread. I understand you guys a bit more now but its getting late for me and I’ll probably be quoted a million times by the time I wake up tomorrow. Unfortunately there is nothing more I can say that I haven’t already said over and over.
Also yes maybe Anet will listen to the complaints and actually do something for those that feel they deserve more but I will say this, the way some of you complain is really not the best way to go about it. Ohh well I just want the best for this game seeing as it has provided me with so many hours of fun. I just wish it could do the same for everyone else really.
-whiteknight fanboy asx-kisser signing off aka Mike O’Brien (No I’m not him)
ps: look for me in some new threads tomorrow for more entertainment
So what you’re saying is your bosses want us to kiss their kitten when filing a complaint about being ripped off by them……um no it don’t work like that.
I want them to feel it so they dread making this mistake ever again
Anet isn’t my boss first of all. Second I’m guessing you are quoting me and talking about where I said “the way some of you complain is really not the best way to go about it” and when I look at the forums, all I see is this:
People refusing to buy the xpac unless they also get something free.
People trying to sign petitions to once again get something free.
People feel they are ripped off.
People saying the are done with this game.
People calling other people names because they have a closed mind and just like to complain.
Now about the boss and job thing that you mentioned.
Tomorrow, go to work and tell your boss you refuse to work because you feel he is ripping you off. Tell your boss you are signing a petition against him. Also say you are done with this job. Before you walk out call him some name.
If that boss keeps you around well you must be one good worker. Chances are you would get fired. You can get away with all that from Anet because they want to keep you around. Please do what I said above at work and see if they keep you around.
Thing is, this is a game and Anet tried to do something good for it by bringing in more players. By bringing in more players it would benefit everyone. More players = more income. More income = more money. More money = More content. More content = More happy players. Nobody sees it that way though.
Im forwarding these threads to all the major YouTube channels I watch, such as TotalBiscuit. I suggest you ALL do the same. This needs to be covered immediately before they ninja-fix the FAQ and alter the evidence (not that it isnt already too late for that lol).
Go for it. I don’t watch any youtube channels besides my own since I’m the only person on youtube that actually posts good content. I have over 100 views on a recent video I posted and all 100 views have been viewed by me
OK I lied. Most my views come from others and I actually watch some of Bog Otter and Aurora Peachy stuff. Bog Otter’s recent video on most of these complaints is exactly the way I see it. No need to watch some raging nerds on youtube who only have one sided opinions on topics.
Well the game was original released with only 5 slots yet had 8 professions. So at release 3 professions were unplayable unless you deleted or purchased new slots. So if you look at xpac as being released with only 1 new profession being unplayable, isn’t that a better deal then getting 3 more that are unplayable? Also some people are making revenant be the only thing that this xpac is about.
There are going to be so many revenants when HoT launches. Why not hold off making one and see if anet has a discount on character slots? They have been discounted in the past several times and that is usually when I picked them up.
Thanks for keeping me entertained everyone. For those that actually posted on how they feel instead of just calling me some name, I thank you for your input in this in this thread. I understand you guys a bit more now but its getting late for me and I’ll probably be quoted a million times by the time I wake up tomorrow. Unfortunately there is nothing more I can say that I haven’t already said over and over.
Also yes maybe Anet will listen to the complaints and actually do something for those that feel they deserve more but I will say this, the way some of you complain is really not the best way to go about it. Ohh well I just want the best for this game seeing as it has provided me with so many hours of fun. I just wish it could do the same for everyone else really.
-whiteknight fanboy asx-kisser signing off aka Mike O’Brien (No I’m not him)
ps: look for me in some new threads tomorrow for more entertainment
oh.. i want to know about MANY mean..
1.veteran already left a lot. by look at this price i dont think they will return ..
2.player having a break ATM will gone for ever
3. exiting in the game like me? Nah…New player? expansion still an expansion cant compare brand new game on the market.
if the original core become rubbish on the shelve . do you think the retail shop will take the expansion?
if the game ONLY online in their website will have lots of new player??They need veteran to survive.
i dont know the MANY come from…lol
let see if Anet will win this time
Well some new players may become veteran players over time. So if you look at it like that they may get a bunch of other players to support this game. I also know many players that have left this game but have seen them slowly coming back to this game. Isn’t that really the whole point in the xpac? To give people something new to come back too while also giving new players as well as old players new content that will keep them in this game.
Honestly wouldn’t you rather have more people supporting this game so maybe, just maybe they will created something that is even better than what they have already offered? That’s all I really see them trying to do seeing as they haven’t made the right choices in the past in some people eyes. Maybe this xpac they will provide us with content that will keep both old and new players in this game for many more years to come.
One point I will stress though is no matter what it is still coming. No matter how many complain and say they won’t buy it, plenty of others have already purchased it and many more will purchase it probably even after it gets released.
(edited by briggah.7910)
So you think what I said was wrong and I think what I said was right? Well geez this will never be solved.
Some players see that new players get a free version of the core game and expect to be given something free as well. Cry babies!So cry babies, perfect.
I think you are wrong;this will be solved:
Either anet corretly handle the backlash & offer something to existing player.
Either they take a good hit in the jaws & lose a good amount of dedicated player base.
Only time will tell.
I think half the people complaining will still buy the expansion in the end. They are just complaining because they see others complaining. Its your choice whether you stick around or not.. The expansion will still be bought by many no matter how many of you complain that it is wrong. It will also bring a lot of new players into this game as well. So in the end Anet still wins.
I know. I don’t what whomever thought that idea up was thinking when they put that idea to paper, but it’s beyond ridiculous. What I’d do is this. If the expansion key is linked to an already existing account then the free copy of the core GW is be replaced with a couple of character slots.
Well I already pre-ordered a bundle pack and have already purchased several extra character slots over time. I won’t need a couple more free character slots. If this does happen I will demand anet step in and compensate me on only what I feel the free copy of the core game is worth. /sarcasm
Cool story.
I want an extra slot for the content I would hypothetically buy since I don’t want to pay a $10 fee for kitten expansion.
Not as cool of a story.
You did seem to forget the /sarcasm at the end of your story though. Not sure if you are joking or are serious.
A side from the “seems like you are paying again” strategy fail.
it’s still pretty fail that you can’t get a core game key just because you already own it while others can.like seriously, why they can get a core game key for free for purchasing the exp and we can’t?..what makes us so different, it feels like we are limited and they are superior
You already have your core game key. Those others do not have a core game key.
You aren’t paying $50 dollars for the core game, you’re paying $50 dollars for the expansion, which is completely reasonable.
Reasonable? It’s an expansion that you can’t actually make full use of unless you a.) pony up another £10 for a character slot or b.) delete a character that you’ve spent the last three years building up so can create the expansion’s much vaunted new Revenant class.
What about all the players that have already bought new character slots to create a name for their revenant so that when HoT does drop, their name isn’t already taken. Should they be compensated because they played it smart and didn’t rely on anet to give us a free character slot? Those are smart players right there.
We have known for a while now that a new profession was coming. You don’t actually have to spend $10 dollars as you can actually exchange gold to gems and never even use real money. I didn’t even farm anything and played normally like I do everyday and can tell you since they revealed revenant, I probably have enough for several character slots. I won’t be needing any though because I played it smart, like many other players, and didn’t rely on anet giving me anything free.
I know. I don’t what whomever thought that idea up was thinking when they put that idea to paper, but it’s beyond ridiculous. What I’d do is this. If the expansion key is linked to an already existing account then the free copy of the core GW is be replaced with a couple of character slots.
Well I already pre-ordered a bundle pack and have already purchased several extra character slots over time. I won’t need a couple more free character slots. If this does happen I will demand anet step in and compensate me on only what I feel the free copy of the core game is worth. /sarcasm
HoT Pre-Purchase Questions and Feedback [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
If you want to know what EXACTLY comes with this expansion I’d say only way to do that is wait till it is released. They have been showing things off to us and the next couple days will be about Guild Halls. From reading those blogs, Guild Halls in itself sounds like a while new game mode to me. For some people the stuff that we do know is coming was enough for them to pre-order. For others it is not enough. They still need to reveal the other professions specialization so its not like they have showed everything off yet. If you watched a few of the streams they sometimes say things like “we can not talk about this yet” and that leaves me to think they have more stuff to show us but it is just not ready to be shared yet.
LOL the only thing change.org is going to change is the site layout every few months or so.
EDIT: BOB is everylasting, does not break or gets old
Well this edit right ruined the whole BOB thing for me. You can’t compare something that never breaks or gets old to gw2 seeing that so many call this game broken as is.
Since BOB never gets old I’d suggest taking BOB to the WvW forums and check out all the past threads about how WvW is completely ignored and we are still playing on the same OLD maps.
The toy2 you bought 3 years ago kept changing and you actually never paid for the toy2 to change. It did it on its own for free and actually became toy3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0. The new players are getting toy0 and missed out on toy2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 yet you’ve had plenty of new toys to play with over those 3 years. For Free.
We all bought Toy2 with the expectation that it would change and update.
Yes we did but over time players found that this just wasn’t enough to keep them playing with toy2 anymore and asked for toy2e to be made.
Stop being a fanboy OP.
You and your kind makes this game more and more unplayable each day.
Stop being a fanboy OP for a day.
See how idiotic decisions you defended till day -3 kills this game.
If having fun playing this game for over 2 years, in which I put in many hours per day because it is still fun to me makes me a fanboy, well I’ll take that nickname no problem. I have support this game from when I purchased it. Supported it along the way by buying gem store items. Supported it again by buying pre-ordering it, and will continue to support it until I find no more joy in this game. That is my choice.
Sorry to burst your bubble but negative comments and Debbie downers is what makes this game unplayable for others. You mean to tell me that helpful players in this game make this game unplayable for you? People that are nice to others in map chats or “fanboys” as you call us that would help you if asked in chats? Those people really make this game unplayable for you? Yet find trolls, name calling and other negative comments made at players is what is keeping you still playing this game? BAHAHAHHA
(edited by briggah.7910)
The toy2 you bought 3 years ago kept changing and you actually never paid for the toy2 to change. It did it on its own for free and actually became toy3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0. The new players are getting toy0 and missed out on toy2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 yet you’ve had plenty of new toys to play with over those 3 years. For Free.
(edited by briggah.7910)
New players have invested no money into the game. They have no loyalty to the franchise or Anet, and have yet to show they will stick with the game long term and/or purchase items through the gem store with real cash.
They invested money into the game by buying the game just like you did when you first purchased it. Who’s to say new players will not spend any real cash in the gem store? You? Do you have some program that watches who purchases what and how long have they been a member for? I’m sure many players that have recently purchased the game have already spent money on gem store items. Some people are just so rich that they would rather buy gems to convert to gold instead of farming or even just buy a legendary seeing as that is one of the longest and most expensive things you will invest in.
If these new players enjoy this game then I don’t see why they wouldn’t (just like most of us) buy things from the gem store. They are new players and to say they have yet to show that they will stick around is just silly. They are new just like you and me were at some point in time. This game has a lot to offer and many people have stuck with it since day one. If so many players have stuck with it for so long how can you even say new players will not do the same thing for years to come?
(edited by briggah.7910)
Veterans keep this game alive by using their time on this game, and buying gems. And you have the gall to call them greedy? Some veterans spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on the gem store. You can kindly go you know what.
haha calling them greedy cause they want something that new players are getting free when they already had free content for a long time yet new players will never see that content.. yup greedy if you ask me.
It was the players choice to buy gems. It was never forced on you. I spent lots of money on gem store items too and tbh the game needed and expansion cause it wasn’t enough for me to keep playing new content every 2 weeks. Players wanted the expansion and although anet said we probably wouldn’t see one. that is what the players pushed for
Yes. This unknown thing that no one knows the full scope of is what players pushed for.
Some people just seem to insist upon themselves being openly not bright.
If you want to pay $50 for what essentially amounts to an Early Access game, that’s fine, but to call people who have a little bit more monetary sense than that ‘greedy’ is an amazing reach.
Wow and another person saying that I’m calling people greedy cause of some price. I’m calling players that think they deserve something since they’ve played this game longer than a new person that is just buying the game that includes a freebie.. You clearly got more freebies then these new players ever will get. Can I make it any clearer? PRICE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT I WAS POINTING OUT. Maybe greedy is the wrong term.. Selfish maybe? Aww new players get a freebie and I’ve gotten freebies for the past few years. Its not fair. I demand a freebie too.. wah wah wah
Oh well everyone seems frustrated and I was trying to make a certain point but everyone is still stuck on the price and what new players are getting instead of realizing that old players have gotten way more freebies.
>posts with a leading title
>gets upset when people actually interpret post based on title
>tl;dr, QQ, etcThose of us who didn’t have paint chips for lunch know that people are, as of this moment, basically paying $50 for an unknown number of beta access weekends. That’s really the only concrete thing in that pricing. The issue isn’t as simple as ‘new players vs veteran players’. It’s a more nuanced position than ‘freebies’, and I’m going to have to insist that you get all the way over yourself. You’re literally claiming some nonexistent level of nuance while generalizing ‘veteran’ players. Like the words aren’t literally right there.
Like I said this post was about content and veterans feeling they need something since new players will get the core game for free. When we have already gotten free content for a few years that new players will never get to play. If it was good or bad content we still got more.
I will stop replying to all this nonsense.. Most of you are so hard headed that you constantly missed the point and continue to talk about the price.
There’s a new thread for you guys to go high jack and complain about pricing. I regret even making this post to be honest now.. LOL
(edited by briggah.7910)
gw1 was a different style MMO.. Things change over time. gw1 is 10 years old. Changes happen whether you like them or not.
You pad full price and have gotten content for years for free. Content that you won’t ever see coming back and new players didn’t experience. What don’t you get about that statement. You got more than any new person will ever get.. OMG
“Content” like what the Karka event?! There was so much LAG…trust me nobody want to see it coming back, ever, EVER.
Holiday Events?Come every year…
Living Story!? You can buy all the chapters on the gem store,and replay those “peace of art” all u want again and again.
Trust me new players are fine. :p
So the marionette wasn’t any fun? Seems players asked for it to come back but instead anet made a new version of it in Silverwastes. The queen’s jubilee came back and was different yet it took place in the same place. Not all the open world content was fun I will agree but it still gave us old players stuff to do and we got unique skins and items out of those events. Also Lions arch before it got destroyed and the events that took place in it. That’s what I was talking about. Wasn’t mainly talking about Living Stories though mainly the open world events that happened for the few weeks in between those patches.
Yes you are right, New players are fine because this game has loads of content to be played. Point was us veterans have had more content that these new players didn’t get to play and won’t get to play even after getting the freebie of the core game.
(edited by briggah.7910)
Veterans keep this game alive by using their time on this game, and buying gems. And you have the gall to call them greedy? Some veterans spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on the gem store. You can kindly go you know what.
haha calling them greedy cause they want something that new players are getting free when they already had free content for a long time yet new players will never see that content.. yup greedy if you ask me.
It was the players choice to buy gems. It was never forced on you. I spent lots of money on gem store items too and tbh the game needed and expansion cause it wasn’t enough for me to keep playing new content every 2 weeks. Players wanted the expansion and although anet said we probably wouldn’t see one. that is what the players pushed for
Yes. This unknown thing that no one knows the full scope of is what players pushed for.
Some people just seem to insist upon themselves being openly not bright.
If you want to pay $50 for what essentially amounts to an Early Access game, that’s fine, but to call people who have a little bit more monetary sense than that ‘greedy’ is an amazing reach.
Wow and another person saying that I’m calling people greedy cause of some price. I’m calling players that think they deserve something since they’ve played this game longer than a new person that is just buying the game that includes a freebie.. You clearly got more freebies then these new players ever will get. Can I make it any clearer? PRICE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT I WAS POINTING OUT. Maybe greedy is the wrong term.. Selfish maybe? Aww new players get a freebie and I’ve gotten freebies for the past few years. Its not fair. I demand a freebie too.. wah wah wah
Oh well everyone seems frustrated and I was trying to make a certain point but everyone is still stuck on the price and what new players are getting instead of realizing that old players have gotten way more freebies.
Veterans keep this game alive by using their time on this game, and buying gems. And you have the gall to call them greedy? Some veterans spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on the gem store. You can kindly go you know what.
haha calling them greedy cause they want something that new players are getting free when they already had free content for a long time yet new players will never see that content.. yup greedy if you ask me.
It was the players choice to buy gems. It was never forced on you. I spent lots of money on gem store items too and tbh the game needed and expansion cause it wasn’t enough for me to keep playing new content every 2 weeks. Players wanted the expansion and although anet said we probably wouldn’t see one. that is what the players pushed for.
I choose to buy gems cause for me it was worth it. I choose to buy expansion cause to me it was worth it.
(edited by briggah.7910)
Someone hasn’t been playing since GW1 I see.
THOSE expansions were full on stand alone games in their own right with 2 new classes for each one AND if you already owned one of the prior games you got 2 free slots to allow you to experience the new classes after buying the expansions.
THIS expansion is not a standalone game (as per Anet), doesn’t have the same amount of content as the core game (as per Anet), is nowhere as expansive physically as the core game (as per Anet), and can ONLY be played if you have the core game already. Yet they are selling it to everyone at the same price as if it were a full game unto itself and brand new players are getting the game we’ve all paid for “for free” and us vets get the pleasure of paying the same amount for less content.
Its insulting.
gw1 was a different style MMO.. Things change over time. gw1 is 10 years old. Changes happen whether you like them or not.
as per Anet? Please link to all your sources where they stated anything you just pointed out. They keep saying in twitch they have more stuff to show yet can’t talk about it.
You pad full price and have gotten content for years for free. Content that you won’t ever see coming back and new players didn’t experience. What don’t you get about that statement. You got more than any new person will ever get.. OMG
(edited by briggah.7910)
Stop being greedy?….after spending over 300$ in gems in less than a year of playing & A.Net can’t even bother to bundle a slot with the basic……please OP.
So spent $300 dollars and can’t afford a $10 slot for another profession??? PLEASE
As already pointed out this wasn’t a topic about PRICES. It was about old players claiming we got nothing but new players get a freebie when we have had free content for years and the new players didn’t get that..
LOL at spending $300 dollars on gem store items yet complaining that you need to spend $10 more dollars for a profession slot. Convert gold to gems or better yet pay the extra for the more goodies that include the slot already.. Seeing as you spent so much money in past whats stopping you now? WOW some people.
People just like to complain is all I really see.
Well the point of my post was to show veteran players that we did in FACT get more stuff then the new players just by playing the game as long as we did. It has now just become another price argument thread.
So to sum up the main topic of my post. Some old players feel we got nothing while new players are getting a freebie. Old players have received more free content over the time and well that was a perk for being an older player.
Have fun talking about prices and missing the whole point..
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
Old players got years of free updates and open world content that new players will never get to play.
You see it as old players got nothing. I see it as old players got way more content out of this game then anyone new coming into this game.
That’s nice and all, but there’s a lot of people, who bought into the game recently in anticipation of the upcoming expansion.
What do those people get?
So you bought gw2 recently in anticipation to HoT meaning that you were already going to purchase HoT correct? Now that veterans seem to be upset since they got nothing new as some are saying, you are now upset as well and think you should also get something new for being a new player?
Are you not playing the game and experiencing what the game has to offer? Did you get every profession to lvl 80? Have you done WvW? Do you do PvP? Did you kill zhaitan? Have you slayed every world boss? Are you working on a legendary? Have you started to craft? Ever done guild missions? Have you got 100% map completion? The list goes on and on and there is still tons of stuff you can do before HoT even gets released. This is just a pre-order so no date is set yet on when it will actually drop.
Way I see it is most new players have bought the game recently in anticipation for HoT and if you didn’t well the game still has so much to offer you as a new player. Yes us older players have received more open world content and well that’s just because we are old players. That was my point in disagreeing with old players saying we got nothing. When in reality we got way more than new players will get yet new players still have tons of things to do already.
Not even sure if OP is a freedom fighter for Anet or just another Debbie downer.
Seems to be pointing out that in hate threads against Anet, we have players that jump in to try to defend them. I wouldn’t even say its defending them. More like they are blowing things out of proportion.
Also is missing a point that we have lots of happy threads on these forums but some troll usually pops in and has something negative to say.
Its ok for people to troll positive threads with negative comments but not ok to troll negative threads with positive comments?
Yup I’m lost.
As a Main WvW Player Why Should I Buy HoT??
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
Access to Revenant, beyond that it will be essentially useless to you.
So all the character specializations are essentially useless in WvW?
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
Old players got years of free updates and open world content that new players will never get to play.
You see it as old players got nothing. I see it as old players got way more content out of this game then anyone new coming into this game.
We did get something, the lower end of the stick.
Because we bought the game in 2012.
Because we supported them for 3 years.
Because we spend additional money with gems.
Because of us, they have the chance to make an expansion.
And because of that, we pay more for less value.
Ye, being a loyal player feels good.
Were you forced to purchased things with gems? No that was your choice.
He never used the word “forced”. You’re casting aspersions. Stop it. His point is valid, yours isn’t.
I asked it as a question It was his choice to buy things from the gem store just like it is his choice to pay for the expansion if he wants.