Stop giving away the secret to finding thieves while they are in stealth!!! I actually laugh when I see classes that use stealth yet still have minis on. I just decided to turn them off when I’m on a profession that uses stealth.
Yes a fix would be to stealth minis as well and I agree it is something that should be done seeing as you spent your gems on something that you can only use with classes that don’t have stealth. Well you can still use them but it is easier to be followed like you pointed out.
Will say that minis take up resources. If you do lots of WvW you will notice at times all minis get hidden when there are lots of players around. Lots of people complain about the lag in WvW and are probably following around zergs of players that use minis. Not always the case but some seem to forget that the more stuff that is on your screen, the more your game has to do to see them.
Not saying they should remove minis from WvW but I’m sure if they did players would notice a difference. They removed toys from WvW and I’m still sad about that LOL
I mainly play 3 profession in WvW and after this change I messed around with my mesmer. Had tons of fun with him so decided to play my elemenetalist. Had the same results, it was tons of fun. Then jumped on my guardian and well same results again LOL So really its hard for me to pick a BEST when each of them is a different play style for me yet I get the same feeling playing each one of them.
It seems the only way to really be able to enjoy the game is by studying the trading post. Just playing the game gets you nowhere.
What? I use the TP to mainly sell things I don’t need or buy things I do need. Going by your title, No Anet never logged into my account and stole things from my inventory or took my gold.
I made my own Mystic forge conduit when Guildwars 2 just started and kept it since as a way to save my money. If I had checked the price more often I would probably have sold it. In my mind it was about 600-800 gold but it seems it actually had been worth over 1500 gold. With the way they made it obtainable again now it lost all its value completely.
Well I never got the first one and tried to gamble for parts for this new one but decided its not worth it and I’ll just have to wp to towns to use the forge. Also how did it lose its value completely? Did you not use it the entire time you had it and are not using it to this day?
If this is Arenanet taking down high value items none of them are worth a thing now, we already know that legendaries and precursors will be easier to obtain in Heart of Thorns
Easier? No one knows just yet how much it will take to get one of the new precursors so saying it is easier really isn’t a true statement. I also heard (not sure if true) but you can only do the precursor thing once for each of the new precursors and they can not be sold (not sure if true just things I’ve heard) So its not like those that play way more are just going to farm precursors and sell them to make tons of gold
Meanwhile the players having these high value items will be robbed of their money.
What are your opinions? Is it fine if they just decide something should not be worth as much as it is?
I don’t see this at all. You’ve had this item for longer than any one that gets this new one. It was your choice to sell or keep it. Then again you are saying you feel Anet is robbing players but seems you wanted to rob players and lost your chance to do so since you kept it.
Well we have WvW which is my favorite game mode out of them all.
Also if you didn’t watch the Guild Halls stream, it has an arena which is basically a big sandbox. They said you can fight teams or you can even fight everyone making everyone hostile so you can have a free for all or a last man standing. 1v1 1v3 1v1v1v1 hehe They also mentioned that it is a map so the number of players that are aloud in each map can reach pretty high.
I’d say for now Guild Halls is going in the direction you asked for.. Maybe not an open world fight but it does look like a place for guilds to gather and fight it out with others.
Lions Arch is pretty much the only town I go to so in a way all those other towns are pretty boring :P
he only people who like this are those running OP meta builds.
OP meta builds? LOL meta totally changed a few days ago. Now people are coming up with new builds. I created my own builds so not sure if they are meta or not..
I prefer this new version as well. I’m actually having more fun trying different builds.. Also almost every guildie in my guild said same thing at first.. This isn’t cool, this sucks but after actually playing and trying out builds they changed their minds and also agree that this is a lot better. Some are actually crafting/trying new gear to try out with their new builds as well so I say give it time but mess around with it.
Here’s a hint for those struggling in towers and keeps: Stand outside your tower and keep before you place siege and use the adjusted fov.
Well we shouldn’t have to struggle trying to defend a tower when the other team builds one ac and destroys all of our siege both on the walls and inside.. If anything our siege should make the attackers struggle more but that is not the case..
I’m just frustrated since I walked yaks, built siege to prep for an attack and they just came and AC’ed everything down. I’ve been building siege in spots I don’t usually do just to try to counter these guys but seems no matter where its placed they still reach it.
We’ve been outnumbered but even the other day before they used this ac tactic, we held off the same group with 5 defenders using siege. Past few days since they been building acs its a different story though. I can see an outside ac being able to counter siege on walls but being able to hit siege inside is a bunch of bull-skritt!!!!
It is actually a big deal to many of our wvw players. One of the better features of GW1 from other games at the time was the ability to come in and play pvp only if that is what you wished to do and not have to do PVE at all. And while they did that for the small arena pvp in this game, they did not do the same for wvw. If you only enjoy wvw, you should be able to access everything that is beneficial for wvw players in wvw. Including armor, runes, weapons, sigils siege food and utilities.
Some will never have access to that content due to not wanting to do pve at all. People play games to have fun, and if it isn’t fun for them why do it? For many WvW players, PVE just isn’t fun. Games should not feel like you are doing chores.
I understand what you are saying but main reason I like WvW is because I can mix and match my gear. I wouldn’t like it much if it was like in pvp where you pick a rune, sigils, amulet and that’s that. Lots of people mentioned that in these forums. He mentioned not being able to finish back packs. Back packs that most likely came from PVE events. I don’t like everything that PVE has to offer skin wise but when I do see one I like I do a little PVE to get it. That’s where I don’t see it as being a big issue. If they actually did separate WvW gear from PVE gear well I would need more bank space then game allows to carry gear for each game mode.
You should be able to attain everything you need to play wvw in wvw.
You actually can. I’ve geared several alt using badges and they still use exotic gear which I purchased from the vendors. Ascended is for those that want the highest stats but will say no matter what gear a player has, player skill > gear
(edited by briggah.7910)
I just deleted my little ele and remade her since I knew that would be the outcome. Really stupid decision on Arenanet’s part. Should have just reset everything and let us spent points as we want.
yea i am being honest here when i say that i haven’t really seen anyone be like
“YES!!! my character is autobuit!!! earth specc i always wanted!!!!”it’s too bad really!
Actually I used 2 in earth, 6 water, and 6 arcane before patch. Now I use 6 in all of those.
YES!!! my character is auto-built. Now I get to benefit from the other traits in the earth trait line. Of course I had to tweak it some.
About resetting traits. Took me maybe 5 mins to tweak my build and hope back into WvW. If they reset everything it would have took a lot longer.
Also I’m level 80 so maybe that is why I think it was a good choice. I have 9 level 80s now and to be honest I never worried about my build on most of my alts until I hit level 80. Same with gear. Once I got to level 80 is when I decided which traits I wanted.
Some people these days think the world revolves around them I guess.
Seriously, as a hardcore WvW’er doing a little PVE won’t kill you. Your gear comes from PVE unless you buy with badges and since you can’t salvage those you better be sure you get what you want before you dump expensive runes into them.
Yes it is a 24 hour game mode but most know you get better rewards in PVE so the amount of time you spend in WvW to get your gear, maybe you could do PVE for half that time and farm enough gold to buy what you want. That way you can jump back into WvW.
OP you probably didn’t get a response because it is not as big of an issue as you are making it out to be. I spend 99% of my time in WvW and having to do a little PVE didn’t ruin the game for me.
Ok now I know I said everyone can do this but now even I’m getting annoyed. The server in our current match up is doing it at every tower now and they bring a zerg every time. I even built acs on top of hut to try and be out of reach but no they still destroy them. Was at klov and they built an ac outside of gate and destroyed our treb(which was on the side of hut in the back), mortar, 3 acs which were on all different sides including the one on the hut. They also outnumber us and the other day we held them off with 5 defenders with siege when they didn’t use an ac outside but they seemed to have learned this new “cheap” tactic and use it every time now making defending pretty much pointless if they build an ac outside.
Needs a fix. ADD LOS or invalid path to acs or something. I get invalid path trying to blink up stairs in my own towers. I usually always defend anet as I find ways around things but seriously this needs to be addressed and not ignored..
Things we know:
1- We are 100% sure that we destroyed the game.
2- We reached the objective so with spaming 2 o 3 skills you kill 1 or 2 enemies in 2 sconds without losing health.
3- We bugged all skills and traits.
4- We found the most OP builds ( yes more than before patch ).
5- We are not interested in feedback of gw2 users.
6- We dont test anything before launching patches because we dont have testers.Thank you anet because you continue destroying your game patch after patch.
LOL actually I had a lot of fun after the patch.Yes certain times I’d die so fast and not even seeing what hit me. At least with this red post Anet sees it as a problem. I’m guessing you would rather have Anet stay quiet, not say anything and just patch the game at some point and hear people cry NERF NERF NERF
At that point you’d make a thread demanding some answer from Anet because lets face it, most think Anet never posts in these forums or even listen to the players. If you think every change made to this game comes from Anet and only Anet, all I have to say is LOL to that.
Anet stays quiet = People complain
Anet talks with us = People complain
Twisting others words around doesn’t quite make your point that no matter what, you are not happy in this game anymore. Might be time so move on. From what he has said I can agree 100% pretty much.
WB might die too quickly, but let’s face it…they take no skill or effort to complete anyway.
Most of the time I’m alt tabbed during those fights and I still get gold medals.If a guardian managed to put 8k ticks of burn on you…you deserved to die, and should have been downscaled to lvl 1 so you can start the game all over again.
But still, burn might be a bit strong…who knows, it’s all new for this game. People were used to stacking tougness and protection(which now helps against condi dmg, if you didnt know) and run around like headless morons. Now they’re like, OMG you have to cleanse the condis or you actually die? Really? Tough life.
Not every build people play actually has condi cleanse. With you logic you are forcing people to play builds that will need a ton of condi cleanses to actually be able to live. Wasn’t the point of this patch to open up more builds for players?
Before patch certain condi builds were a weakness for me, by weakness I mean I had trouble winning the fights but could turn the fights around and win. Now after patch they are no longer a weakness but a total doom as I’m pretty much getting instant downed if more than one player is attacking just me and don’t even see any red damage numbers on my screen.
I already posted somewhere else but now reading this I know why I’m getting instant downed without seeing red number damages. The condi ticks are so high is what is causing this.
It has happened a few times to me. I’ll be in a fight, I’m winning the fight, I down the player and are mid stomp when BAM!!!! some condi player/players come and hits me while stomping and I get downed. Since I’ve already been in a fight my health is not 100% but I’ve had over 50% health a few times and a condi player has come in and downed me mid stomp.
Also if I’m getting downed mid stomp while my health is low, how am I suppose to cleanse the condis that are being put on me? Seeing as it happens so fast and I don’t even see it coming. Sorry do not agree with you “tough life” statement
Are you going to address how you forced characters to train into builds using their hero points without their consent? :o
I’m happy they set a default build. I use 3 toons mainly for WvW and every skill and trait I unlocked was already there. Just had to tweak it a bit but would hate if they were reset and I’d have to figure out which skills and traits to unlock again. I have all level 80s though so maybe that’s why I liked it. Didn’t spend any of my hero points.
Well I enjoyed it. As a main WvW player I spent a few hours just running around and listening to the NPCS and looking at everything. Probably missed some stuff as well but I’ll be back to explore some more. I think the art and everything is great. Before patch was talking to a friend and I said I hope its better then the old LA and in my eyes it is.
Didn’t zerg much seeing as its not prime time on my server. Did a bunch of roaming though. Couple weird things happened as I get instant downed and don’t see any red numbers on my screen. Happened twice fighting a thief and also a ranger. I downed ranger and was mid stomp and all the sudden I was down too. Was probably his #2 skill but saw no damage on my screen. Same thing happened when fighting group with a thief, mid stomp and thief instant downed me with no damage numbers on screen.
Also ran into a new condi trap thief so if you thought they were annoying before just wait haha Did run a small group of 5 and ran into a few groups of 5 – 8 and we won but been doing small groups before patch and getting same results so hard to tell. Lords in towers seem to drop faster as well.
Nobody is forcing you to pre-purchase but if you want the bonuses that come with it, don’t complain later when you don’t get them.
yup game crashed when turning on tag and turning it back off
If talking about traits? Did you even try them out lol I tried the 3 toons I play in wvw and not going to lie they seem more OP. Also guildie came online, messed with his traits and said this sucks yet after playing for a bit turned around and said OMG I FEEL OP NOW.
I didn’t lose anything, all my skills and traits I unlocked were still there. LA looks better than every if you ask me..
Once again you can’t make everyone happy. I think so far this is one of the better updates from Anet.
My ISP sent me a new modem since they claimed my old modem was outdated and slow. Installed it yesterday and had some massive fights in our BL, today roaming wvw and haven’t seen much lag. Not saying you guys are not getting lag but for me it seems fine.. Also things to note, you can actually play the game while it is still downloading in the background. I got less FPS while mine was downloading and the new LA was a tiny bit laggy but after my download was done and my FPS went back, everything seemed fine.
Sorry guys I thought of making a Screenshot thread for those that wanted Screenshots but
An Error Prevented Saving:
You cannot create a topic because you are being punished.
ps: Dont forget to jump into the mystic forge
(edited by briggah.7910)
Love it so far.. Still exploring but the art and everything is beautiful!!!
Saw NPCS chatting about LA as well
Citzen: Not sure how I feel about this giant… lobster thing…
Citzen: It makes me feel kind of hungry.
I think since I already pre-ordered, was happy with my order, got suspended from these forums for saying things to people that called me names and not complaining like most so called “veterans”
I deserve more than just another free character slot then anyone who is still complaining to this day. LOL
Anyways not trying to lose my access again.. All I know is this just proves that no matter what, you can not make everyone HAPPY.
(edited by briggah.7910)
And why are these sites actually making topics to talk about the rage from players? Is it not so they get more views to there sites and actually make money from the ads they display?
I don’t agree with briggah.7910 very often but for some people a first impression is a very important thing, and it can define your feeling towards something forever.
I don’t agree with some Random person at times but do agree with this
Doh I spent too much time in these forums and missed the Guild Halls on twitch. Going to go watch it now :P
Mentions ArcheAge and Warlords of Draenor, but doesn’t mention the $40 Heavensward. Alright.
Ff14 is never used in any kind of comparison because of the gigantic flop it was and how many people lost money initially buying it. The script gets flipped on it so often they just let it be
uhh no one lost money buying it. you got upgraded to ARR free, and kept charachter progression in the new version.
I lost money because I paid for a bunch of months since I didn’t wanna whip out my CC every month. Game was so bad I don’t even think I lasted the first full month. That was my own fault because that was the choice I made. It opened my eyes though and I found better games that do not require you to pay a monthly fee..
This will only be available to use when there is a beta event going on. I don’t think there is a beta even at this time so you will not be able to use that yet.
I got into first beta and once the beta event started I was able to use the beta slot to make a character and play during the beta event.
After the beta was done I still had the beta slot but could not use it. When the next beta came out, which I didn’t get into, my beta slot disappeared.
Ohh I’m just going to jump right in and believe anything the media says.. If anything the media just brainwashes people or makes things seem worse then they really are.
wait so I gotta pay extra for another copy of the game ? why cant they just sell the kitten expansion alone for like 30-40 bucks ?
No you don’t pay extra for it. If you have the core game you pay for the expansion. If you don’t have the core game you get that for free yet still pay for the expansion.
Benefit of having the core game is you had experienced what the game has offered up until this point. You also get to jump right into HoT when it launches.
Benefit of being a new player is you get the core game for free but start at level one and have to work your way into HoT.
Mentions ArcheAge and Warlords of Draenor, but doesn’t mention the $40 Heavensward. Alright.
Ff14 is never used in any kind of comparison because of the gigantic flop it was and how many people lost money initially buying it. The script gets flipped on it so often they just let it be
Only A Realm Reborn is doing incredibly well and Heavensward, which is cheaper than HoT by the way, comes out next week. Stop thinking of the original FFXIV.
Yet I played every FF game up until I got burned on FFXIV so that was the end all of FF games for me. Will probably never play another FF again due to that.
I even got closed beta to a realm reborn, got into every beta, but they still burned me. I played ff11 for over 4 years and got nothing for getting burned on a realm reborn.
Some fans stuck by them but I can tell you as a long time fan of the FF franchise, FF will never be the same for me.
Sad thing is people are feeling the same way about this game..
ONE bad experience with the original FFXIV MMO and you’re now hating on the entire FF franchise. Sad thing is that people can feel that way without actually giving the games a chance.
Correct. As a long time fan who felt he got burnt so bad that it changed my whole outlook on the entire franchise. I also stated I got into every closed beta and played the open betas to a realm reborn. So I did give it a chance. To me that still wasn’t for me to throw money at another game and also pay a monthly fee on top of that. FF11 will always be the top FF game for me at that time seeing as I did play it for so long. It stopped there for me though and FFXIV was what caused it for me.
So I gave up on one franchise and found another. Another game that has given me more hours the of fun than any paid sub fee or even free to play game, has ever gave me. That game is called Guild Wars 2. I thank Guild wars 2 for saving me tons of money where if I didn’t find this game I would probably be playing another MMO and throwing monthly fees at it.
I tried many other MMO type games after I left FF. Aion, D&D, LoTR, Everquest, Lineage and WoW. WoW stop after lich king for me. Even bought D3 and also the expansion on top of that yet I got bored of that game pretty fast. Thing is this game hasn’t bored me yet and don’t really see me getting bored of it anytime soon.
(edited by briggah.7910)
To be honest I lost track as to why people are mad. All I know is there are a lot of mad people out there and each of them have their only reasons as to why they are mad.
Chill out, we'll get a lot of free stuff...
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
The funny part is that the main thread about this has 4100 posts which 4000 are players complaining about this vs 100 that think is a fair price.
Numbers don’t lie.Seeing as everyone doesn’t post here and pretty much only those that want to share their opinions do. I’d say numbers do not matter.
You really think people want to make happy threads when they are constantly de-railed/high-jacked by someone else and then it just turns into a flame war?
When or if anet releases that amount of copies they have sold of HoT. Numbers will not really mean anything.
Really? number don’t mean anything? example of 3 players
1 player buy HoT = $50
2 leave because they think is not worth OR
3 players buy at $29 or $39 each.
Do the math genius.Yes numbers don’t mean anything unless anet gives us a number of how many copies they sold.
So say the first day they sold 10,000 copies of HoT but have 4,000 threads of complaints. Which number is greater then?
Unless you know for a fact how many copies were sold you can not use numbers of threads to make your point. For all we know they may have sold 5 copies or maybe they even sold 50,000 copies.. We just don’t know.
Was that really hard to understand?
they sold 10000 at $50 each = $500k OR
they can sell 40000 copies at $39 each, you and I are assuming but looking at the forums you can see people are not happy and 4000 vs 100 is a HUGE difference.Like I pointed out not everyone is going to come here and make a happy thread. Some players probably don’t even come to these forums. I’ve been playing for over two years yet my oldest post is from one year ago. I basically played the game for more than a year before even coming to these forums.
yeah people don’t make happy threads but 1500 post on REDDIT and 4000 post on a single thread here must be something right? plus all the articles about how players are raging about this.
I for one don’t even go to reddit. Those people I find are in their own little worlds. Not all of them so don’t mean to offend anyone that uses it.
I’ve also read a thread about someone that purchased HoT already but then from reading all the rage has had second thoughts. Now what was his reason for having second thoughts? Did he actually agree with everyone’s point or was it that he has seen so many people complaining that he felt he should just complain as well?
I think lots of people are complaining because so many others are complaining so why shouldn’t they complain.
Yeah now I know why you haven’t post anything in a year, read all the posts and find out why we all raging about this price thing.
Some people are just happy and don’t need to share their opinions to stay happy. The rage is real that is no lie, but for someone that enjoys the game there really is no point for them to jump into the forums and share their opinions when the few of us that have shared our opinions are now getting flamed on.
Those that have their troll shield enabled will get away with sharing their opinions but not everyone has that ability to ignore those types of players. I’m guilty myself of feeding trolls. If anything I think there are a lot of people just sitting at home with their popcorn either laughing at most of this or maybe even doing the opposite and thinking that they actually play in a game that is full of so many angry players..
Mentions ArcheAge and Warlords of Draenor, but doesn’t mention the $40 Heavensward. Alright.
Ff14 is never used in any kind of comparison because of the gigantic flop it was and how many people lost money initially buying it. The script gets flipped on it so often they just let it be
Only A Realm Reborn is doing incredibly well and Heavensward, which is cheaper than HoT by the way, comes out next week. Stop thinking of the original FFXIV.
Yet I played every FF game up until I got burned on FFXIV so that was the end all of FF games for me. Will probably never play another FF again due to that.
I even got closed beta to a realm reborn, got into every beta, but they still burned me. I played ff11 for over 4 years and got nothing for getting burned on a realm reborn.
Some fans stuck by them but I can tell you as a long time fan of the FF franchise, FF will never be the same for me.
Sad thing is people are feeling the same way about this game..
Chill out, we'll get a lot of free stuff...
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
The funny part is that the main thread about this has 4100 posts which 4000 are players complaining about this vs 100 that think is a fair price.
Numbers don’t lie.Seeing as everyone doesn’t post here and pretty much only those that want to share their opinions do. I’d say numbers do not matter.
You really think people want to make happy threads when they are constantly de-railed/high-jacked by someone else and then it just turns into a flame war?
When or if anet releases that amount of copies they have sold of HoT. Numbers will not really mean anything.
Really? number don’t mean anything? example of 3 players
1 player buy HoT = $50
2 leave because they think is not worth OR
3 players buy at $29 or $39 each.
Do the math genius.Yes numbers don’t mean anything unless anet gives us a number of how many copies they sold.
So say the first day they sold 10,000 copies of HoT but have 4,000 threads of complaints. Which number is greater then?
Unless you know for a fact how many copies were sold you can not use numbers of threads to make your point. For all we know they may have sold 5 copies or maybe they even sold 50,000 copies.. We just don’t know.
Was that really hard to understand?
they sold 10000 at $50 each = $500k OR
they can sell 40000 copies at $39 each, you and I are assuming but looking at the forums you can see people are not happy and 4000 vs 100 is a HUGE difference.Like I pointed out not everyone is going to come here and make a happy thread. Some players probably don’t even come to these forums. I’ve been playing for over two years yet my oldest post is from one year ago. I basically played the game for more than a year before even coming to these forums.
yeah people don’t make happy threads but 1500 post on REDDIT and 4000 post on a single thread here must be something right? plus all the articles about how players are raging about this.
I for one don’t even go to reddit. Those people I find are in their own little worlds. Not all of them so don’t mean to offend anyone that uses it.
I’ve also read a thread about someone that purchased HoT already but then from reading all the rage has had second thoughts. Now what was his reason for having second thoughts? Did he actually agree with everyone’s point or was it that he has seen so many people complaining that he felt he should just complain as well?
I think lots of people are complaining because so many others are complaining so why shouldn’t they complain.
What if the standard addition included a character slot but instead of $50 dollars it was $60 dollars? Would that make you guys happy? Probably not
Don’t be silly.
A character slot isn’t worth anything. The 10$ is simply what they choose to charge for spare ones. Which is fine.
But including some for the new class doesn’t mean they have to jack up the price.
Vote with your wallet.
Lots of silly people around so it is hard to not be silly. Who is to say they jacked up the price? I feel Anet feels their expansion is worth the $50 dollars. So if they feel it is worth the money why should they charge less for it?
Didn’t say they should charge less for it. Said they don’t have to jack it up to 60 to give us a character slot. Reading comprehension will take you far.
Hooked on phonics didn’t work for me obviously.
Either way my post was silly because i see a lot of silly posts going around.
Chill out, we'll get a lot of free stuff...
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
The funny part is that the main thread about this has 4100 posts which 4000 are players complaining about this vs 100 that think is a fair price.
Numbers don’t lie.Seeing as everyone doesn’t post here and pretty much only those that want to share their opinions do. I’d say numbers do not matter.
You really think people want to make happy threads when they are constantly de-railed/high-jacked by someone else and then it just turns into a flame war?
When or if anet releases that amount of copies they have sold of HoT. Numbers will not really mean anything.
Really? number don’t mean anything? example of 3 players
1 player buy HoT = $50
2 leave because they think is not worth OR
3 players buy at $29 or $39 each.
Do the math genius.Yes numbers don’t mean anything unless anet gives us a number of how many copies they sold.
So say the first day they sold 10,000 copies of HoT but have 4,000 threads of complaints. Which number is greater then?
Unless you know for a fact how many copies were sold you can not use numbers of threads to make your point. For all we know they may have sold 5 copies or maybe they even sold 50,000 copies.. We just don’t know.
Was that really hard to understand?
they sold 10000 at $50 each = $500k OR
they can sell 40000 copies at $39 each, you and I are assuming but looking at the forums you can see people are not happy and 4000 vs 100 is a HUGE difference.
Like I pointed out not everyone is going to come here and make a happy thread. Some players probably don’t even come to these forums. I’ve been playing for over two years yet my oldest post is from one year ago. I basically played the game for more than a year before even coming to these forums.
What if the standard addition included a character slot but instead of $50 dollars it was $60 dollars? Would that make you guys happy? Probably not
Don’t be silly.
A character slot isn’t worth anything. The 10$ is simply what they choose to charge for spare ones. Which is fine.
But including some for the new class doesn’t mean they have to jack up the price.
Vote with your wallet.
Lots of silly people around so it is hard to not be silly. Who is to say they jacked up the price? I feel Anet feels their expansion is worth the $50 dollars. So if they feel it is worth the money why should they charge less for it?
So bogotter make a video about the debacle.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
Not even sure what you mean here but old players got to experience the game for all those years and new players will never get to experience it like we did.
So what they get a free core version of the game. They still do not get the same thing we have gotten over the years even if it is free.
They still have to start from level 1 and work there way up to HoT yet us old players can jump right into HoT.You agree that all of that happens by these players choices ?
They didn’t play the game by their own volition ?
Do I owe these players anything for my 3 years of playing ?
I don’t even know why I keep replying to you since you have already stated that you will not be happy unless you also get something for free.
Chill out, we'll get a lot of free stuff...
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
The funny part is that the main thread about this has 4100 posts which 4000 are players complaining about this vs 100 that think is a fair price.
Numbers don’t lie.Seeing as everyone doesn’t post here and pretty much only those that want to share their opinions do. I’d say numbers do not matter.
You really think people want to make happy threads when they are constantly de-railed/high-jacked by someone else and then it just turns into a flame war?
When or if anet releases that amount of copies they have sold of HoT. Numbers will not really mean anything.
Really? number don’t mean anything? example of 3 players
1 player buy HoT = $50
2 leave because they think is not worth OR
3 players buy at $29 or $39 each.
Do the math genius.
Yes numbers don’t mean anything unless anet gives us a number of how many copies they sold.
So say the first day they sold 10,000 copies of HoT but have 4,000 threads of complaints. Which number is greater then?
Unless you know for a fact how many copies were sold you can not use numbers of threads to make your point. For all we know they may have sold 5 copies or maybe they even sold 50,000 copies.. We just don’t know.
Was that really hard to understand?
Chill out, we'll get a lot of free stuff...
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
Thank you very much.
Also I think that you shouldn’t hang up on that one-map-idea.
Look at Guild Wars 1. Maguuma Jungle is HUGE. Why do you think we should only get one map with this? We also know relativly sure that every expansion brings a new dragon. So there wouldn’t be a point to save the rest of Maguuma for a later expansion, which again means that at some point of the Living World you will get to explore everything in Maguuma.
And I say it again: It’s huge.Instead of paying to get everything at once now, playing through it the next 3 weeks and beeing finished they keep up your motivation and your playtime for a long period of time. That’s very nice.
All you have to do is to trust them because you know that Guild Wars 2 is an awesome game and will stay an awesome game.I’m definitly looking forward to it. And I’m sure you will like it as well once you understand this.
Yet the content they are giving us will take one day to do depends on how long it downloads and when it’s released. It’s not much of a story, nothing to do or explore, and I thought gw2 was never gonna have mounts? Anet starting to copy wow.
Not sure if sarcasm….. and how did you get mounts out of this?
It’s not sarcasm. Each living story they introduced to us as “content” has been a day or less worth of stuff that was all buggy. Anything you ride or glide with is considered a mount.
I play gw2 for wvw and the new map is not living up for the fights yet for ppt. So no I will not be buying this loving story for $50 unless it’s like $20.
While most living story stuff did take a day or less to complete, you are also forgetting that during those time, most of those had open world events that lasted until the next release. A lot people farmed those events for the entire two weeks to make gold or get items that only dropped during those events.
Chill out, we'll get a lot of free stuff...
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
The funny part is that the main thread about this has 4100 posts which 4000 are players complaining about this vs 100 that think is a fair price.
Numbers don’t lie.
Seeing as everyone doesn’t post here and pretty much only those that want to share their opinions do. I’d say numbers do not matter.
You really think people want to make happy threads when they are constantly de-railed/high-jacked by someone else and then it just turns into a flame war?
When or if anet releases that amount of copies they have sold of HoT. Numbers will not really mean anything.
If I buy the standard version could not play with the “Revenant”, because I have not a free slot, this is right?
If you have no character slot free well no you won’t be able to make revenant unless you get another character slot.
Seeing as most of us had to buy extra character slots to play each profession as is, it really isn’t such a big deal as many are making it out to be.
Would it have been nice for anet to give us a slot to make a revenant? Yes it would but if you look at it like that it would have also been nice of them to already have a character slot for each profession.
What if the standard addition included a character slot but instead of $50 dollars it was $60 dollars? Would that make you guys happy? Probably not
So bogotter make a video about the debacle.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
You also said I didn’t get anything for free which in fact I did get free stuff. They even have given away free black lion keys over the time. For all you know I could have gotten a black lion ticket out of a chest, bought a skin and sold it on the trading post for lots of gold.
Great for you.
Can you answer that in all honesty ? thx.
Yes I can, I did in-fact get a BL ticket from a free key but I bought a skin with it and didn’t have to buy the skin for lots of gold on the trading post. I actually have another ticket as well in my bank waiting for something that catches my eye.
Whats old player played during 3 years ? GW2.
What old players want to buys ? HOT
What new players buy ? GW2 + HOT
What new players played during 3 years ? NOT GW2 by their choice.
Does the year of playing GW2 (NOT HOT) for older player has any relation with new player not buying the game before and playing to get stuff ?
Not even sure what you mean here but old players got to experience the game for all those years and new players will never get to experience it like we did. So what they get a free core version of the game. They still do not get the same thing we have gotten over the years even if it is free. They still have to start from level 1 and work there way up to HoT yet us old players can jump right into HoT.
Chill out, we'll get a lot of free stuff...
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
You’re the one who came in telling people to calm down, trying to force your own opinion on others. I simply told you to mind your own business. Don’t make this personal because you don’t like your own medicine.
Not sure who you are referring to since you seem to be new at forums and can’t quote people, so I will reply. You have no right to tell anyone to mind their own business when these forums are open to everyone to discuss things. Don’t make it personal? You made it personal by telling me to mind my own business. Don’t dish out what you can’t take from others.
So bogotter make a video about the debacle.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
Actually I did get freebies, I got free updates pretty much every 2 weeks,
Anet promises at game release.
Free Living stories that new players will need to buy with gems,
Anets promises for LS2.
Free open world content that isn’t coming back,
Anet promises for LS1 (they were still experimenting).
and since you mentioned the gem store. I got lots of free stuff on there as well because at times they give away free stuff to players. Maybe small free stuff but it was still free..
So now it’s only small free stuff not 2 years of content; we progress at least.
Actually someone else pointed out to me that in-fact Anet never used the word promise. People are taking what others have said and turning into a promise. If of course you can find a video or an official post from anet that I for myself can look at and hear/see them say “promise” I will agree that they broke a promise.
You also said I didn’t get anything for free which in fact I did get free stuff. They even have given away free black lion keys over the time. For all you know I could have gotten a black lion ticket out of a chest, bought a skin and sold it on the trading post for lots of gold.
(edited by briggah.7910)
Chill out, we'll get a lot of free stuff...
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
Mind your own kitten business then. People who don’t think it is worth it and who feel ripped off and who in general don’t like anets shady practices lately are voicing their opinion. If you don’t want to be told you’re wrong then stop telling people not to voice their kitten opinion as well.
Wow mind my own business? Last I looked this is a public forum where people discuss things. If you don’t want people to jump into the discussion keep your opinions to yourself. Are you not voicing your own opinion and I’m voicing mine? So since me and you don’t have the same opinion you have the right to complain yet I have to mind my own business?
Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed and it wasn’t me.
Chill out, we'll get a lot of free stuff...
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
As it is it is barely worth $20. They literally haven’t told us anything about it. All we know so far is about 1 map with 3 “levels” aka 1 map. One really kittenty open world boss fight. The Wyvern was easily defeated by a bunch of celestial Revenants who didn’t even know how to play the class in the first beta. Guild Halls which should have arguably been in the game since launch. And masteries which we also don’t know much about….
You can’t say what it is worth unless you have played the entire expansion. That goes both ways. Is it worth $50? Maybe to some it is since the game has provided them with hours of fun.
Again this is a pre-order for those that think it is worth it and want to jump right into HoT when it launches. If from what you have seen so far and you think it is not worth it then don’t pre-order it.. You are not being forced to pre-order. That option is there and it is up to everyone to decide for themselves if it is worth it or not.