betakeys SW- dont forget about your other GM
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
So you want to beta new content, which is most likely PVE content but you don’t want to PVE to gain access to it?
I’ve played every game mode and PVP is the most toxic out of all of them..
They did mention something about adding a new currency to the wallet to buy things like bloodstone shards from the vendor so I would guess this new currency would be used to buy the manuals to make super siege..
This needs to be addressed and not buried. OG is grossly OP compared to the other 2 factions. It would be nice to get some kind of response about this, but I won’t hold my breath.
Maybe the other 2 factions are actually playing the real wvw with their friends and server mates instead of running around with a bunch of randoms fighting nothing but empty objectives..
Really they need to stop designing WvW based around home servers and institute some type of guild alliance system with a strict cap on how many players can belong to each alliance. (say a couple thousand at the largest tier with smaller tiers having less people)
This way there is a set hierarchy that can set standards for membership & decide who is in & who gets removed.
Anyone who does not want to meet said standards or does not belong to an alliance is simply tossed into a different type of WvW composed of other randoms each week, much like EOTM is now.
Doing this would create a much wider variety of match ups, and makes WvW much more about strategy since numbers on each side will be allot more even then they are now in many cases.
Making WvW rewards more linear (like Spvp tracks) would also go a long way towards getting people intrusted in WvW. As it stands any rewards you get are by random chance & you often spend more then you can make in WvW.
I like part of this, and hate other parts. Reward track would be interesting, and would provide more incentive to get into the game, strategize, and coordinate.
Hate the idea of being able to game the system completely and stack an alliance. If they could guarantee that the alliances would be fairly equal the idea would be less repugnant to me, but if they just let people pick their alliance then you get a situation worse than what you have now.
Really hate the idea of “tossing” non-aligned players into EotM-style WvW. Exclusion is a terrible idea for the health of the game. Too many good/great players would be relegated to lower levels of the game until they get “called up to the bigs”. The result would be guilds/servers cannibalizing other guilds/servers in a feeding frenzy.
Now if you’re talking about having 6 matchups of equal size each week then I could get behind that. I think having this option with an “opt out” option to allow roamers/duelers to have their smaller matchups would be okay.
The last part of what you mentioned is basically what I meant.
Alliances would be between guilds & have a strict cap on the number of players that could belong to each alliance. This would ensure more or less equal numbers & make coordination & skill much more of a factor then simply steam rolling the enemy with numbers.
Anybody that doesn’t belong to an alliance due to whatever reason or anyone who wants to opt out is simply in a randoms group like EOTM.
As for alliances tearing others apart, isn’t that what already happens now.
As is now everyone that is intrusted in WvW has transferred to prime servers, while everyone who realizes the flaws in it’s design or cannot be bothered to pay to transfer is stuck on a dying world.
ANYBODY that suggests that WVW should turn into any sort of EoTM should uninstall this game and never return to these forums with ideas again..
- If not enough members want to join wvw, guild can not enter this week match.
So my casual guild with over 400 members with a handful of wvw’ers would never be able to play wvw for the entire week because not enough of my guild signed up??
LOL worst idea ever.. Delete this thread
PvErs Guest. WvWers Transfer.
PvErs are Casual. WvWers are Loyal.
WvW’ers are loyal yet they transfer off servers when times get rough? Bahahaha
Wheres the loyalty for your server when you transfer? Only thing you are being loyal to is the gem store to buy all them transfers
Stab was changed because even BAD players stacked it and became good.. Now after the change they find out they are actually BAD at this game so they quit.. So they changed stab to get rid of BAD players.. Well done in my book.
Hi all – we’re aware of the problem and working on a solution.
Working on a solution to a problem that is over a year old.
That’s terrifying to anyone who knows computers, programming and databases.
Lowering the people in WvW isn’t a solution – it’s just crowd control that will make it harder to rally people and make for larger queues.
Why aren’t you allowing real computer professionals into your beta testing pool again????
First off did you even read all of these posts? Lowering the cap was NEVER the solution, it was something he tried per what players ASKED him try.
Second I’ve been getting bad lag spikes for about 2 weeks.. NOT YEARS. Last night after the patch we had a few 3 way battles and I had NO LAG SPIKES or Skill lags.
So if you ask me those lag spikes are gone. Something that has been only happening for a few weeks.
After the last patch I received little to no skill lag and we had lots of big fights tonight. Those bad lag spikes seem to be gone and I didn’t notice many players even complaining about the lag.. The past couple days that’s all that most players have been talking about.. For me it was 10x better than it has been for the past week or so.
Hard to believe cap has been raised in Piken Square/Drakkar Lake/Elona Reach. There is q everywhere which we never had on work days. EB Q +40. Normally we had only that on a Friday.
Maybe its spring break for some players
No where did he say lowering the cap was the solution.. I recall players asking him to lower the cap before he even did to see if that made a difference.
Trial and Error:
A method of reaching a correct solution or satisfactory result by trying out various means or theories until error is sufficiently reduced or eliminated.
Now instead of just lag spikes I’m getting lagged till I DC. Tier 6 NA
Ok i have only one more question , why only GW2 have problems like this, any ESO or WoW or other mmo… only we have skill lags, lags and others things..
LOL what? WoW had the worst lag ever..
Looky here
Ever heard of stun-breaks, dodging or having an oh skritt button??? Ya didn’t think so..
Wait just a minute.. You’re complaining about 15 lines of warding and 11 static fields LOLOL What they running all guardians and eles?
Another over exaggerated post from another player that can’t seem to live without having stability up all the time…
I bet you dont play melee class, right?
Bet you are wrong video has nothing to do with the topic, and btw (just a friendly advice) try to avoid showing.
First off you said “I bet you don’t play melee class” Video shows you that I do.. Second, what is in the video that I should avoid showing?? Avoid showing others that the stability changes are not that big of a deal? That is only reason I linked the videos.. I use them for myself so when this game is dead I can look back at all the fun I’ve had.
Large scale zerg fights from reset night AFTER the stability changes..
The thing about stability changes. before, stability wS a crutch. You messed up? Well I can rely on stability if I make a mistake. Now you can’t make a mistake. It delegates the good from the best.
However, 20 man fight guilds pose zero chance against a blob of 35+. Numbers make a massive difference now. It encourages zerging.
Smaller groups against bigger numbers have to change their tactics.. Can no longer stack up, buff and push in.. How bout trying to cut their numbers in half? Maybe try and bait some of the players that don’t stick to the commander to get the m to chase you.. Maybe follow the bigger zerg around and try to pick them off as they move. Flank any chance you get to get rid of some of the squishy players and then push when you are ready.. This whole stability thing ruined this game is a BIG JOKE
Ever heard of stun-breaks, dodging or having an oh skritt button??? Ya didn’t think so..
Wait just a minute.. You’re complaining about 15 lines of warding and 11 static fields LOLOL What they running all guardians and eles?
Another over exaggerated post from another player that can’t seem to live without having stability up all the time…
I bet you dont play melee class, right?
Bet you are wrong
Ever heard of stun-breaks, dodging or having an oh skritt button??? Ya didn’t think so..
Wait just a minute.. You’re complaining about 15 lines of warding and 11 static fields LOLOL What they running all guardians and eles?
Another over exaggerated post from another player that can’t seem to live without having stability up all the time…
Here is a clip of some small scale fights AFTER the stability change.
(edited by briggah.7910)
Been getting lag spikes this this since the last wvw reset
Been getting lag spikes like this since last reset..
This was a game bug years ago.. Oh look I found the link
Also read the comments on that video.. Over 2 years ago players were laughing about it and trying to get it put into the game as some sort of emote
Just have fun with it till its gone!!
Messing with up-lvl in wvw
Bobbleheads made me laugh histerically airplanes are just stupid.
Airplane mode made me laugh histerically while bobbleheads were just stupid…
See what I did there?? Everyone has their own opinion.. Can’t please everyone
This annoys me as well.. I get it immobilize makes it so I can’t move but if I’m hit with it while in the air not only can I not move but I also can’t cast any spells.. Its like I’m stunned or dazed until it either wears off or I’m dead.. Needs a fix.
I did post about the issue the first day it started happening. Never heard anything back. I hope your post gets more traction!
I hope so too. Now that I know this bug is there it is kind of annoying. This one doesn’t effect game play so I can see it as not as important but would hate to see bugs like this make it into the next patch or still there several patches from now..
Not sure when this started but preview weapons on Norn, Charr and Asura do not display correctly the first time you right click and preview.. Norn and Charr get a smaller preview of the weapon while Asura get a much larger preview. You have to click wielded weapon or preview twice to see correct display. Also if you preview a different item while the preview window is already open it displays correctly.. Human and Sylvari seem to be not effected by this bug..
Also made a little video to show you what is happening
Only ran into a few little things..
Revenant Mace skill 2 puts down a fire field but has no tool tip stating this.
The 3 skill on hammer sometimes makes my camera look more down or not where it was when i fired the skill off.. Looks neat but would be nice if it went back to what ever camera angle you had after the skill goes off..
The event with the bombs, after placing bombs on the mounds that get destroyed, after the mounds are gone some bombs are just floating in the air. I saw them in a few spots in both tests.
Mastery System wasn’t what I expected. Not sure why we have to equip a mastery just to level it up instead of just leveling up and gaining a pool of points that we can distribute later into any mastery we want. IMO it would be much better with the UI/features of the wvw abilities.
Other than those little things everything else seemed good to me.
Since this is the stress test feedback, I ran both test for the full length of time and had no crashes or disconnects. Left all my game settings the same and didn’t notice any difference or have to adjust anything. Basically hoped right in and started to play. Overall I think it went well and it was a lot of fun.. Looking forward to whats next!!
wonderful, GW2 is even worse than any other MMORPG when it comes down to forum attitude. Now you even have to imagine how you will be disappointed by something new and still unknown to you? Oh man, I really pity the devs around here.
Your attitude fits right in here on the forums..
(edited by briggah.7910)
Fights are fun. PPT is not fun. I play the game to have fun. I don’t speak for anyone else in that regard but if I did I’d say that other people play the game for fun as well.
You like having waypoints in your keeps? Them fighting guilds didn’t give you those waypoints..
And honestly for those who have no idea who NS, Agg, or Syn is….have you been hiding under a rock?
Not hiding under a rock.. More like don’t care about what group of 15-20 players can spam skills on another group of 15-20 players..
Sincerely, all WvW players.
Actually not every wvw player agrees with you. So do us all a favor and speak for yourself from now on.. ty
I really wish they would develop these things using real wvw players to test at an early stage (and not just fanboys) and throughout the process, and then have an open beta testing so real stress can be put on it and bugs discovered and cleaned out before it goes live.
Oh you mean like the Sneak Attack event that removed white swords??? That was a test event and more than half the wvw community went into an uproar. Even some players stated they were quitting the game over this TEST event. So in a way anet tried to have us test things out. The outcome was players QQ’ing even before the event took place.
thought the voices were in my head
found out I’m actually saying them
Thought the voices were in my head
found out I’m actually saying them
AHHH the voices in my head
Skyhammer has lasers, floors that open up and edges that players can knock you off of.. Didn’t see any of that in the stronghold video.
Briggah please. No one does 25v25 GvGs and hasn’t for almost 2 years. You act as if you actually know somehting about the nature of GvG and its community, but you make statements like that it and completely proves the opposite. This is a pretty common mentality a lot of outsiders have to GvG. They act as if they completely understand it lol.
PVP has a 10 vs 10 deathmatch map called courtyard. Guess 10vs10 isn’t enough right? Let me guess you want a 15vs15 game mode then?
Have you seen what a couple turret Engineers can do on that cramped mess of a map? Or any decent premade for that matter. Its barely passable for 5v5s and many do not enjoy the sPvP build restrictions.
Anyway, you’re probably not going to hear a lot of GvG requests anymore because after all the PvE focus , silence and general bullkittening the community, so many have gotten annoyed and left the game entirely. This also means less people raiding/zerg busting, since GvG guilds often emerge from and regularly participate in these activities. WvWvW is poorer for it.
I hear you, I stick to wvw cause I can mix and match my stats. Thing is people leave this game for many reason and most of those reason they blame on Anet not updating or from lack of updates.. GvG has been going on for a long time now without anet stepping in.. Why on earth would you even want anet to step in and do something about it? Especially when most put the blame on anet when parts of the game get no updates? They would probably make something that not all GvG players would agree on and then you have a whole new game mode to worry about, a whole new set of problems that new comers coming into this game mode will see, and a whole new section on the forums for people to complain when that game mode never gets any updates…
(edited by briggah.7910)
Briggah please. No one does 25v25 GvGs and hasn’t for almost 2 years. You act as if you actually know somehting about the nature of GvG and its community, but you make statements like that it and completely proves the opposite. This is a pretty common mentality a lot of outsiders have to GvG. They act as if they completely understand it lol.
PVP has a 10 vs 10 deathmatch map called courtyard. Guess 10vs10 isn’t enough right? Let me guess you want a 15vs15 game mode then?
Im very doubtful of this. Ive played WvW in multiple dif tiers pretty consistently and id say its at least half and half. Some guilds GvG consistently while others rarely will.
There are really two types of guilds in WvW. People who do PPT and people who go for fights(usually end up being up for GvG’s as well). There is one important appeal of fights in WvW, and that is that you almost always have a chance to win a fight even if you are outmanned. This isn’t even remotely true with PPT. PPT is a population/coverage game. It will never be fair until the devs fix it. Which I hope they do. Because of that, even a lot of PPT guilds resort to developing a better open field comp.
Then, once guilds become more frequent open field brawlers, then tend to start looking at GvG. To say that the GvG community is small in WvW is sorta laughable. It certainly has a significant place. For example, if you go to T2, most of what you see during primetime are guilds running around murdering each other.
From what I’ve seen most GvG guilds move to Tier 2 to get into the tier that was considered the Fighting tier.. So out of 8 tiers in NA one Tier is considered the fighting tier. I don’t think there are many guilds if any that GvG in tier 8. I could be wrong but even if they do GvG down there it probably only happens one or two nights out of the week. I’m currently T5 and we had some GvG guilds in the past and they only did GvG one night out of the week. Several of them get cancelled cause it wasn’t their CORE group or someone else gets sick and calls off the GvG. I’ve seen more GvG get cancelled then I have every seen actually fighting it out in my tier..
Life Give You Choice!
Do Life Take Away Life From You Because Other Have More Choice Than You! No!
The game gave you choices for each of its game modes. It doesn’t need another game mode that will mostly likely die. Life has many choices but some people are forced to take choices they don’t want to take.. Not everyone IRL gets into the best schools. Not everyone IRL gets into the college that they want to go to. Not everyone IRL can afford to wine and dine. Not everyone IRL owns a car. Not everyone IRL works in the job they want to.. Is that their choice?? NO they are just trying to get by since they don’t have the same choices as others since lets face it life isn’t really fair.
Since anet stated they won’t support your type of game mode, just like IRL you will have to settle with that and try to just get by and continue to have some sort of fun.
Take all the WvW guilds and then compare those with guilds that actually do GvG. There are a lot more WvW guilds than GvG guilds I would bet.. How long does fighting the same guilds over and over again go on before it becomes stale and boring.. How many actually GvG fights will you get in a day since most Guilds have different time zones and play at different times. You will still only be able to enter this GvG mode that you guys want when the other guild agrees on a time and can actually get people to go there.. I read forums. I watch GvG get canceled because the driver has a belly ache and cant make it.
The biggest problem going by what players talk about on these forums is population problems.. Making another game mode or even a spot for you all to run into each other will help kill off WvW even more.. So after you guys help kill WvW even more by pulling more people out of WvW. Your GvG mode be the next game mode to die off when you fight every guild that considers themselves a GvG guild over and over and over and over again.
So if your GvG map or mode that you want will help FIX population problems then I’m all for it.. If this GvG map or mode will take more players away from WvW then I’m not for it..
Guild vs Guild is your guild play against other guild; not server vs server; wvw, not pvp vs pvp.
many player do not play wvw; are you going to blame pvp? many player do not play pve; are you going to blame wvw? many player play pvp; are you going to blame pve and wvw? I research Guild Wars 2 have gvg; did gvg take away more player from pve and pvp?
Every player log in game have Choice to chose what game mode want play; arena net do not Force you chose and there is no 1 game mode in Guild Wars 2.
Example; more people take car to work; are you going blame train, bus for take away people? If there was only take car for work and no choice to chose train, bus than it is car for blame. It is not hard to understand; very easy.
Where did all these GvG guilds come from? Were they not created for WvW or started in WvW? They were started in wvw and now you guys want your own spot not in WvW.. I don’t know many pve/pvp guilds that have turned into GvG guilds. I know way more guilds that consider themselves a WvW guild than I do that actually consider themselves a GvG guild.. You guys are very very small compared to every other game mode already in this game.. Point is anet said they are not going to support your type of game mode. So you have 2 solutions
First solution: Keep making posts about not having a GvG mode. You guys are the smallest population out of every game mode and are starting to turn into the biggest QQ’ers on these forums.. This solution will only make you look sour..
Second solution: Keep gathering the way you have been and continue to keep your made up game mode thriving.. Keep doing what you are doing cause you seem to be having fun doing that.. This is the solution you should take.
Most will do the first solution..
so gvg is smallest population? so let me use example; so just because small people take bus and train to work; take it away from them? because they do not take car like other more people to work? so just because small people take bus and train to work; they have to be punish for not have car? If that were happen; what would happen to economy? what would happen to transportation? what would happen to financial market? so just because gvp is small population; take away privilege from them? so just because gvg is small population; take away choice from them? so just because gvg is small population; take way their value? If that is arena net model for Guild Wars 2, If that is arena net vision for Guild Wars 2; good luck.
Too bad this is a game.. I can point out a tons of ways how LIFE is not fair for some people. I’m talking about this game not how many people take a bus to and from work. So its not fair that anet won’t give you a spot to have 25vs25 death matches? Guess what LIFE isn’t fair so that is just part of life. You can move on and try to make something out of your life or you can constantly QQ because you feel it is unfair..
to sum it up. Anet won’t support your game mode.. You can either keep QQ’ing over it or you can continue to do what you have been doing and find some joy in GvG’ing
(edited by briggah.7910)
Exploiting is the new “IN” thing I guess and the number of players doing it has grown over the past month. I’ve seen several players from my server doing this but after they were caught they transferred off of the server.. Thing is they don’t use 3rd party programs but an exploit.. How do you report these type of players?
It was said to report speed hackers by using the botting option. Then a GM has to get that report and actually try and find the player to monitor them.. Its easy to catch the speed hackers this way since it was stated that the devs have to see it with their own eyes pretty much. Not hard to look at a player and tell if they are speed hacking or not..
Problem is the people exploiting only do it when no one is around watching them. If someone catches them and reports them for botting, chances are they won’t get caught. Since after they exploit into something they will move on like nothing ever happened.. Once the report comes in a dev may follow them around a short time and not see them do anything wrong..
Anet just needs to fix these exploitable spots in certain parts of their maps.. I don’t get why that is so hard for them to do..
When company give player choice is good; in return…company grow and player base grow. When company take away choice from player, player base leave and company life cut short
The company doesn’t want to support your type of game mode.. The type of game mode that was created by the players.. It was never a choice to begin with so they are not taking away a choice from you..
Take all the WvW guilds and then compare those with guilds that actually do GvG. There are a lot more WvW guilds than GvG guilds I would bet.. How long does fighting the same guilds over and over again go on before it becomes stale and boring.. How many actually GvG fights will you get in a day since most Guilds have different time zones and play at different times. You will still only be able to enter this GvG mode that you guys want when the other guild agrees on a time and can actually get people to go there.. I read forums. I watch GvG get canceled because the driver has a belly ache and cant make it.
The biggest problem going by what players talk about on these forums is population problems.. Making another game mode or even a spot for you all to run into each other will help kill off WvW even more.. So after you guys help kill WvW even more by pulling more people out of WvW. Your GvG mode be the next game mode to die off when you fight every guild that considers themselves a GvG guild over and over and over and over again.
So if your GvG map or mode that you want will help FIX population problems then I’m all for it.. If this GvG map or mode will take more players away from WvW then I’m not for it..
Guild vs Guild is your guild play against other guild; not server vs server; wvw, not pvp vs pvp.
many player do not play wvw; are you going to blame pvp? many player do not play pve; are you going to blame wvw? many player play pvp; are you going to blame pve and wvw? I research Guild Wars 2 have gvg; did gvg take away more player from pve and pvp?
Every player log in game have Choice to chose what game mode want play; arena net do not Force you chose and there is no 1 game mode in Guild Wars 2.
Example; more people take car to work; are you going blame train, bus for take away people? If there was only take car for work and no choice to chose train, bus than it is car for blame. It is not hard to understand; very easy.
Where did all these GvG guilds come from? Were they not created for WvW or started in WvW? They were started in wvw and now you guys want your own spot not in WvW.. I don’t know many pve/pvp guilds that have turned into GvG guilds. I know way more guilds that consider themselves a WvW guild than I do that actually consider themselves a GvG guild.. You guys are very very small compared to every other game mode already in this game.. Point is anet said they are not going to support your type of game mode. So you have 2 solutions
First solution: Keep making posts about not having a GvG mode. You guys are the smallest population out of every game mode and are starting to turn into the biggest QQ’ers on these forums.. This solution will only make you look sour..
Second solution: Keep gathering the way you have been and continue to keep your made up game mode thriving.. Keep doing what you are doing cause you seem to be having fun doing that.. This is the solution you should take.
Most will take the first solution..
(edited by briggah.7910)
Take all the WvW guilds and then compare those with guilds that actually do GvG. There are a lot more WvW guilds than GvG guilds I would bet.. How long does fighting the same guilds over and over again go on before it becomes stale and boring.. How many actually GvG fights will you get in a day since most Guilds have different time zones and play at different times. You will still only be able to enter this GvG mode that you guys want when the other guild agrees on a time and can actually get people to go there.. I read forums. I watch GvG get canceled because the driver has a belly ache and cant make it.
The biggest problem going by what players talk about on these forums is population problems.. Making another game mode or even a spot for you all to run into each other will help kill off WvW even more.. So after you guys help kill WvW even more by pulling more people out of WvW. Your GvG mode be the next game mode to die off when you fight every guild that considers themselves a GvG guild over and over and over and over again.
So if your GvG map or mode that you want will help FIX population problems then I’m all for it.. If this GvG map or mode will take more players away from WvW then I’m not for it..
Even a better solution right here!! Go read this thread posts over and over again until you realize that there is no point in even creating topics like this anymore.!!! Problem solved