Note: If you get killed by a golem, you are a terrible player.
Terrible players in SS or just OP golems????
Check my stats in golem. If you can live from one please share your build :P
(edited by briggah.7910)
Ops I went off topic with my last post but I will say this, some people do like this and so far I’ve seen people doing it on each of the 3 servers in current match up. Reset for us is in about 30 mins and I’m sure the next servers we will be matched up with will be doing it as well.
I did it a little while ago maybe for 1 hour and will say that if you are not in a golem it will suck. I was hitting players for 6-7k in an alpha golem. Will probably try an omega at reset probably until my golem dies as most pointed out its fun for about that long and its mostly one big k-train. Not a big fan of those tbh..
If anything maybe next time some event like this happens keep it to EBG and leave the other maps alone so those that want to actually WvW still can. Even though EBG is my favorite map since I can always find someone to fight, I’d still suggest it for maybe one map.
I’m high ranked and people called me a EoTM noob yet I don’t even go into EoTM. People just assume I farmed my ranks in EoTM which isn’t the case. Same thing happened to ranks in PvP as people claimed everyone farmed to rank 80 with skyhammer lasers. Some people do farm ranks but not all of us do..
I have a lot of toons and mainly use 3 in wvw. The times I go and try out a toon I’m not so good on I will say I get abused by people through whispers, corpse jumpers, siege tossers, and emote spammers. I become the target for most because I guess they think high ranks drop precursors.
Most whispers tell me to go back to EoTM. How do I go back to something that I only tried when it first came out?
Most people on my own server don’t know my rank and only thing high ranks will get you is more haters.
I just wonder about 1 thing.
If they can look over and kill it, why didn’t you use it to kill them?
This works both ways.
And having a lot of siege is nice, but actually using it is the main objective? Or is it?
Problem is for out numbered servers. We used to be able to hold zergs off with 5 people.. Now that is almost impossible when they build acs outside unless you have people baby sitting towers all day long or sitting on siege waiting for someone to attack.
Good luck trying to grab supplies from the hut if no siege is in the tower while super acs are firing down on you. We used to be able to toss disablers on rams and build some counter siege but now we toss disablers and they build an ac outside to fire all over the inside of the tower.
The fun is in fighting other players on the field instead of waiting for them to come out of their tower.
Everyone’s definition of fun is not the same. I have fun doing it all and there are times where I solo roam or small group roam for weeks if not months. Other times I zerg around and follow a commander or command myself. TBH I have more fun roaming then zerging but that’s just me. What I can do solo always makes me laugh because usually I flip camps (towers too if no one stops me) just to watch a zerg come and take it back.
Instead of waiting for them to come out of a tower why not attack something else to bring them out? If they don’t come out to fight whats to say they are going to show up and open field fight you? They probably won’t either way.
I don’t understand whats your point and how it relates to my suggestion.
You can still zerg if you want. You can still hide behind a tower if you want. You can even assault towers. My suggestion won’t break that.
They are just not important for points anymore.
I don’t see how you don’t get that if towers are worth ZERO points there is no point in taking them or even defending them. People don’t take towers for karma, money or rewards like you keep pointing out. We take them to keep them paper and so they do not get upgraded while also taking POINTS away from you.
You have a problem with k-trains it seems but you seem to do nothing to stop those k-trains.. They have no brakes unless you stop them by wiping them or upgrading and defending your stuff..
Does anyone kill the skritt or do events in the northern parts of BLs? Probably not because they are POINTLESS.
Second, towers are still an option. Towers will still give money, exp, karma for people who captured it. It also gives a safe haven to the solo roamers, scouts, and siege weapons. Towers can be a supply depot for zergs that want to resupply. Those reasons are enough for towers and zergs to still be useful in WvW.
STOP re-quoting the same thing when I’m telling you straight up that if towers are worth NO POINTS they will be USELESS. No one will defend them. Like I pointed out people k-train because you let them. They take stuff to take points away from you because you LET THEM. Nobody is going to siege something that is WORTH NOTHING. Roamers don’t need a safe haven because they are out there roaming. There are enough supply depots already and they are called CAMPS.
Look EoTM is worth absolutely ZERO points towards WvW score and guess what? Its a non-stop k-train.. Your idea will not stop people from doing what they prefer to do and is not a good idea to begin with. Simple as that.
kittens how is PvD and Karma training even fun, no way was this intended as a part of WvW, surely?
I don’t think it really was suppose to be intended to be played this way but then again there are no rules. I don’t find it fun tbh but if there are no fights and no one stopping the k-trains what else is there really to do? I’ve been playing a while and even back when I started they were around but not as much as they are now a days. It was usually on reset day that it happened. Yet we had more population back then so in a way it was harder to do I guess.
The fun is in fighting other players on the field instead of waiting for them to come out of their tower.
Everyone’s definition of fun is not the same. I have fun doing it all and there are times where I solo roam or small group roam for weeks if not months. Other times I zerg around and follow a commander or command myself. TBH I have more fun roaming then zerging but that’s just me. What I can do solo always makes me laugh because usually I flip camps (towers too if no one stops me) just to watch a zerg come and take it back.
Instead of waiting for them to come out of a tower why not attack something else to bring them out? If they don’t come out to fight whats to say they are going to show up and open field fight you? They probably won’t either way.
I don’t understand whats your point and how it relates to my suggestion.
You can still zerg if you want. You can still hide behind a tower if you want. You can even assault towers. My suggestion won’t break that.
They are just not important for points anymore.
I don’t see how you don’t get that if towers are worth ZERO points there is no point in taking them or even defending them. People don’t take towers for karma, money or rewards like you keep pointing out. We take them to keep them paper and so they do not get upgraded while also taking POINTS away from you.
You have a problem with k-trains it seems but you seem to do nothing to stop those k-trains.. They have no brakes unless you stop them by wiping them or upgrading and defending your stuff..
Does anyone kill the skritt or do events in the northern parts of BLs? Probably not because they are POINTLESS.
(edited by briggah.7910)
Just want to point out it is easier to count the name tags then actually players. You can do a ctrl-shift-h to hide everything in say crowded areas to see what its like. Provided some SS of both so here is a question. How many stacked near bank in first SS and also how many in second SS?
Can count a whole lot more with the name tags visible in the second SS.. Numbers are important in WvW IMO.
Haha, yeah I know right, but I would have just been talking to myself.
I know its a funny remark, point is I shouldn’t have to do their job, if they had done it right in the first place.
All jokes aside I think your idea is good.. We all know when we will be kicked from WvW due to a new patch and also sometimes they state on screen that maintenance is being performed which might impact game or something along those lines. I usually only check these forums when I’m bored or find a bug. I’m sure some people don’t even come here as I didn’t start till I was already 1 year into the game..
The fun is in fighting other players on the field instead of waiting for them to come out of their tower.
Everyone’s definition of fun is not the same. I have fun doing it all and there are times where I solo roam or small group roam for weeks if not months. Other times I zerg around and follow a commander or command myself. TBH I have more fun roaming then zerging but that’s just me. What I can do solo always makes me laugh because usually I flip camps (towers too if no one stops me) just to watch a zerg come and take it back.
Instead of waiting for them to come out of a tower why not attack something else to bring them out? If they don’t come out to fight whats to say they are going to show up and open field fight you? They probably won’t either way.
Yes, I was being condescending. Considering you and a couple others have viewed this several times alone if we really wanted to we could debate your number as well. I was using 15 as a sarcastic jab because of the poor way this was handled.
An in game message or message upon log in would have made this a non issue. That is what 5-10 extra minutes at most? Seriously, is that too much to ask? Apparently, for WvW it is, considering their track record. So yes, I was being extremely condescending to him and his upper management supervisors. After all, they screwed things up in the first place, not us.
If a supervisor handled this as poorly in my business he would have been in the office immediately. The way it was handled shows how utterly little they care for the WvW players so yes, when I can I will take a shot at them for it. He is the supervisor, either he doesn’t know how to do his job properly, he is to overworked to care (more than likely), or his supervisors aren’t worth a darn (very possible)… hell it might be all 3.
your sig says ET bro.. the 5 – 6 of you guys could have told each other
1997 people came to the forum to figure out why they couldn’t put away that guild cata that they pulled out by accident.
There is nothing stopping anet from having important messages flash in game as well as posting on the forums. It doesn’t have to be one or the other.
I agree but posts like his do nothing to help. Maybe next time he should created a new thread with a suggestion instead of posting sarcastic remarks which make him look silly. Said it before and I’ll say it again, the way people complain on these forums doesn’t help anything really since most post out of frustration or anger.
Who would you rather help? The person who complains by bashing you or the person who suggests things in a nice manner?
You should take your own advice, your post to him came across as pretty condescending
When you feed trolls they will troll. I was hungry and now I’m not. I’m guilty of everything it just depends on which side of the bed I wake up on. I’m no better then he is but when I see troll replies my troll instinct is to troll back.
1997 people came to the forum to figure out why they couldn’t put away that guild cata that they pulled out by accident.
There is nothing stopping anet from having important messages flash in game as well as posting on the forums. It doesn’t have to be one or the other.
I agree but posts like his do nothing to help. Maybe next time he should created a new thread with a suggestion instead of posting sarcastic remarks which make him look silly. Said it before and I’ll say it again, the way people complain on these forums doesn’t help anything really since most post out of frustration or anger.
Who would you rather help? The person who complains by bashing you or the person who suggests things in a nice manner?
Thanks for the in game message heads up guy, appreciate that you all think we are crooks and exploiters. So, was the 5 minutes to write and send out a world message and have it flash so people knew and could pass it on that much trouble?
Awesome job you let 15 people on the message boards know instead of the tens to hundreds of thousands in your game. Thumbs up!!!!!!
So if they didn’t post here someone or multiple people would create threads and ask why you can’t put away siege.. First thing most people do when they find a bug is come to the forums..
Anet stays quiet = people complain.
Anet posts here = people complain.
Also might want to learn how forums work.. 15 people REPLIED. 1997 viewed this thread and probably passed it along to those that didn’t. Two thumbs down for your forum skills.
I had it happen to me too. Found though after I logged out and back on it was gone. Well actually got kicked from wvw from a patch and it was gone but looks like others are having it happen to them as well. Only happened to me once and not sure what caused it to appear.
Noticed this with revenant hammer skill and thought it was a rev bug.. Well turns out its a ranged bug. Using staff elementalist right in front of a tower lord and I do no damage and get the obstructed message. Screen shots to show what is happening.
you fix that by not placing the AC in sight range
not a hard concept.
No you fix that by not allowing these sort of skills to be able to reach over walls. If you think the camera changes are fine and dandy then no point in trying to explain to you that it makes defensive siege when outnumbered pretty much useless in every situation. If its not an ac behind gate or wall its skills reaching places they never reached before. I’m not saying fix the camera, Fix the LOS or Invalid path. I can’t even blink up steps in my own tower because I get invalid path but people can fire skills over gates or walls and that is considered a valid path? Come on now are you seeing the problem yet??
I’ve been placing siege every where since the change and no matter where I place it an ac outside gate or wall still reaches it. Maybe you know spots and would care to share??
If towers are worth no points why not remove towers? ::shakes head::
Also if you checked the wiki it says sentries are worth 1 war point and yaks are worth 3
Second, towers are still an option. Towers will still give money, exp, karma for people who captured it. It also gives a safe haven to the solo roamers, scouts, and siege weapons. Towers can be a supply depot for zergs that want to resupply. Those reasons are enough for towers and zergs to still be useful in WvW.
Still pointless seeing as wvw is to capture things for points. People take towers for you know the points. Why would you siege or defend something worth nothing?? ::shakes head::
Supply depot? haha that is what camps are for
(edited by briggah.7910)
If towers are worth no points why not remove towers? ::shakes head::
Also if you checked the wiki it says sentries are worth 1 war point and yaks are worth 3
Most commanders tell others not to toss siege. Not all the time do people listen though. Anet made a change where now it tells you what you are building so it is up to you to build the correct siege and not dump supply into troll siege. Before spamming F to build, read what you are building. Also sometimes others toss siege for commanders when he knows those players so in a way he may accidentally break siege that say his guildies tossed for him.
Like you said people will just tag up and break other players siege to troll either way.
Frankly, the huge amount of “beta gear” is just totally stupid since we can’t use it on another toon anyway. what was the point?
Maybe the point of beta gear is to try it out on your beta toon? This is a weekend event and I’m sure for some there isn’t enough gear to try every sort of build out. Better than first beta if you ask me where we all had cele stats and that was it.
Unless Arenanet has some ulterior motive – besides annoying the veteran WvW players – then this is just some random, out-of-touch, spur of the moment event they ‘think’ the WvW population would enjoy. Well surprise, surprise; from all the feedback I have heard from those that actually play WvW as their main game mode this is not the case.
Maybe because those that cry the loudest are always the ones that are heard. You think everyone that wants to take part in this is going to come and post when some negative nancy will try to ruin the fun for them even before the event happens.
This is the thing. As a veteran you should welcome any test or change. If you don’t well you really don’t want WvW to EVER CHANGE. With so many negative post from people claiming they are veterans, it has made me look at those veterans as old grumpy players.
This game is starting to have more old grumpy players than actual veterans, like myself, who will welcome any test, event or change to the one game mode they like to play.
Ok we had a no white swords event. Do people even realise it was NOT going to be an event in first place but permanent untill we raised our torches and pitchforks to make anet realise it was a stupid decision? Guess most have forgotten that.
Nah I clearly remember it happening during the adopt-a-dev thing anet did. One dev was brainstorming on the forums and people assumed it would be permanent thing. Anet even stated it was a test event yet people complained over and over again. TBH if they removed them all together it would make no difference for me as that event showed which servers had good scouts and which servers needed better scouts. When white swords came back I trolled for hours tapping things to drive people crazy again because they lacked scouts. Was lots of fun watching zergs run around doing nothing but checking on white swords..
Even I posted about lag in the past but my ISP recently sent me a new modem since they claimed my old one was slow and outdated. Guess what happened after I changed it? No more lag for me. No more skill lag in 3 way SM fights. Others around me were complaining about the lag yet I had none what so ever. Maybe I just got lucky that night but in a way it looks like my old modem caused me to lag.. As long as I’ve played I always got skill lag in 3 way fights in SM and was surprised I received none after changing my modem.
Do you like haggis?
So a new modem fixed lag for you, it may fix lag for others, but it is not the only cause and solution for lag.
I know this but since this worked for me I figured I’d share it with others.
Seems like a great idea for a fun and crazy week to me. I like the idea of putting crazy twist into WvW for a week to break monotony.
Out of all of the threads about this exact same topic you are one of the only people to post who seem to actually realize it is a game and know that it’s all about fun. Thank God there are still some fun people around on forums <3
Read his post history. He’s just defending Anet to defend Anet.
And? Some people defend games when they enjoy them. Others just stick around to complain over and over again when they should really find a new game to play. Once again this event is making people react just like the no white swords event.. Bunch of over dramatic people QQ’ing over something that hasn’t even happened yet.
Even I posted about lag in the past but my ISP recently sent me a new modem since they claimed my old one was slow and outdated. Guess what happened after I changed it? No more lag for me. No more skill lag in 3 way SM fights. Others around me were complaining about the lag yet I had none what so ever. Maybe I just got lucky that night but in a way it looks like my old modem caused me to lag.. As long as I’ve played I always got skill lag in 3 way fights in SM and was surprised I received none after changing my modem.
All theses AC threads keep getting locked Like I said its not only ACS that can do this and it should be looked into. How is this considered legit???
(edited by briggah.7910)
The only thing golems are useful is to help blobby servers steamrolling structures and make a perma karma train.
Even if they didn’t use golems, wouldn’t the blobby servers still blobbity blob and k-train?
Blobbadons is just disgusting.
It sure is when you are out there solo roaming.
10,383 The title is so close now.. NOT
Sadly, Rangers are normally the easiest prey – even to other Rangers.
If you play a Ranger, you will find that you are normally targeted before all other classes, as most people assume you will be easiest to kill.
I focus rangers first, not because they are easiest to kill, but because nobody likes to take a rapid fire to the back.
Although the rewards are not very good removing them would probably make me not even play anymore. I WvW 99% of my game time and make a decent amount of gold to buy things when I need too and that all came from WvW loot.
If my company put out this level of bugs to our customers , we would not be in business for long.
Whats the name of your gaming company and which MMO type games have you guys developed? Would love to read some reviews and maybe try a new MMO out.
Roaming = Moving around map, scouting, taking things to help your server and looking to cause trouble.
Dueling = standing around waiting to get your fair 1v1 in a game mode that isn’t fair to begin with.
Lost count of how many times I tried to be friendly and pass by people dueling only to have the other enemies try to gank me while passing by. Most fail at ganking me but I succeed in making them find a better spot to duel at.
Not to mention most duelers are the first players to run around in groups and gank solo roamers. So a friendly from your server sees you near a group that most likely ganked them and comes to help but instead you trash talk your own server players when you duel in silly spots to begin with.
Saw it happen many of times. People even tell me to stop attacking some noob that just ganked me with 3 of his friends, danced on me, tossed siege on my body yet I finally find him alone but have to stop because he is running to duel a server mate.
PvP has your fair dueling game mode. Play the way you want to play as long as it is fun. If you duel in silly spots expect others to jump in. If you try to gank people passing by your duels expect to get ganked every single time you are seen.
Since the camera changes EVERYONE can now do it without programs or multiple monitors. It sucks when a large zerg attacks a tower with few defenders as all they do is build an ac outside gate or wall and destroy everything inside.
Add LOS , invalid path to acs or close the gaps between the gates so players don’t mouse through them to fire skills off. You’ve done it to just about every blink skill in this game. Example: I can’t even blink up steps in my own tower because invalid path.
Annoying cheap tactic it is but its not only acs that do it. Engies toss nades over gates, ele do same thing with some of their skills and even seen guardian lines inside our towers.
I’d rather see thieves get fixed so they can’t stealth off of walls. Nothing as lame as fighting a thief that constantly stealths off the wall.
well they disabled one for now
guess they do care a little
well they disabled one for now
guess they do care a little
People have been complaining about Grenade Barrage and Symbolic Avenger since the patch happened. What does Anet do? They decide to add outfits to the cash shop, push the expansion some more, double HP of world bosses and refuse to reply to any mention of these bugs making our game play in WvW incredibly bad..
Well I read lots of forums when I have time and heard about the nade one but I’ve still yet to be one shot by it. Guardian one I heard about today and yes needs to be fixed but maybe others knew about it before. I try to browse forums every few days. People even doing it on my server and to me its just lame so I decide not to play.
About making WvW incredibly bad its actually making people think the are incredibly good but once they patch/fix it they will be first to cry nerf you just wait and see :P
Oh and in-case you didn’t see
looks like its been disabled for now and that post is from 1 hour ago
(edited by briggah.7910)
What is with this “we” and “everyone else” You do not speak for me and never will.
Someone else pointed out that this change is most likely due to the elite specialization that is coming. Anet would want you to go 6 in that elite instead of say keeping it the old way, putting 1 point in the elite to get the benefit of the new weapon type and using some old build with you new weapon type. Now don’t go saying if it was the old way you’d have to put 6 to get the new elite specialization weapon type because that’s the same argument people are having now about not being able to use more than 3 trait lines.
Either way play around with it. I found it is better then the old system but that’s just me.
I liked being able to go say 5/6/0/0/2 type builds. Now it’s 6/6/6. No choice to mix and match and that sucks.
Sorry but your trait example isn’t really a good one (not being mean) seeing as you used 3 trait lines before and now can use 3 trait lines again. If it was the old way you would just run 6/6/0/0/6. Seeing the difference? You actually get more out of your build this way.
Lots of good points and I know I keep using ele as my example but it is a profession that I started to learn not too long ago. Talking about d/d ele’s.
Now I’m sure there were other builds before but from what I saw most ran 0/0/2/6/6 or 0/2/0/6/6 one build gave fury while other gave protection. Since I’m more WvW guy I chose the protection build before this change and never changed it.
Now though I have tried it 2 different ways so far. I went earth/water/arcane since that was the closest to my other build but I also tried fire/water/arcane and that is just as good. While I lose some survivability I gain more damage from what I’ve seen. I also checked the metabattle site and top build is a air/water/arcane build but I haven’t tried that one yet.
That just shows me that it comes down to personal preferences really but before you had to run certain builds yet now you can run different builds and those builds are still viable builds. Also can have trait variations as well on builds but that is more of a personal preference really.
To sum it up I think over time there will be many more viable builds as per before this change there were a few viable builds. Not saying them hybrid builds were not viable before but in many peoples eyes they weren’t. I had hybrid builds as well so I see why some people are upset.
(edited by briggah.7910)
How is there less build diversity? Its a question don’t rage on me. I actually now have 2 builds for my elementalist when before I’d set it and forget it and just use 1 build. I also only tried 2 different trait lines so far. earth/water/arcane and fire/water/arcane. I came up with 2 builds that are just as fun. So I would guess if I tried a lightning I’d actually have 3 viable builds or even try more combos and come up with more builds that work as well. Way I see it is almost all the traits have some use to them and it really comes down to personal preference. Everyone has a different personal preference so it should make more builds being used. Old way most ran same builds because there was a lot of useless traits.
To answer the question about newer players like it over old players well been playing a long time. 2+ years I guess since I have the birthday blaster. My hours played across all toons is 7k+ and I prefer this new system.
edit: Oh and I did run weird builds before hand. like 0/1/2/6/5 and thought it would suck now since I could no longer use those builds. I did find a new build for those toons though and even with just 3 trait lines they seem better than my old build.
(edited by briggah.7910)
Well on my ele I now have 2 builds that are just as much fun to play. It is a lot easier to change the builds as well. Old way I had to skip over a bunch of useless traits and also take screenshots so I would remember my traits. Now I’m finding that even after testing some builds, pretty much most traits just boiled down to personal preferences and even changing one trait the build can still be a good build. Also finding more builds to play with instead of the old way where you picked your traits and never looked at them again.
I’d say its GOOD
Just reset all servers when HoT launches, release 12 servers with new names for all I care and let people choose their new home, everyone can then choose a server to rep for WvW purposes. Populations will be based off of WvW server representation not mega server.
NO! Since I’ve been on the same server since I started I have made many friendships over my time. Also I had to basically earn the respect from others when I started yet now most people see me and follow me around. I make map call outs and most respond to me yet I see others make call outs and only a few respond. Things like that I had to earn and it wasn’t easy to do. I try to be nice and helpful and respond to every call out because that is something I’d like others to do as well. I get a lot more help now since people see me responding to call outs so they will do the same for me..
We have a lot of PVX guilds on my server and pretty much everyone knows each other. I party with many people from many different guilds because well we have been playing together for so long. I would lose a lot of friends unless they all decided to transfer to the same server which probably wouldn’t be the case. Even now when guilds leave us I lose friends and sad part is most just turn around to trash talk the server after they are gone..
Lets face it new commanders have it rough and if you haven’t you are the lucky ones. I had it rough when I started to tag and I didn’t even do that till I was ranked 400+ I had to show people that I knew my stuff and it wasn’t an easy thing to do. People see me now and ask me to tag up but I found the love for small groups and roaming now. I do tag every now and then but even when I do, I’m asked to tag the next day and so on and so forth.
Starting all over with a new server name and new faces would be like starting all over again and to be honest I probably wouldn’t do it.
Please leave my server alone. Thank you. If I wanted to stack on a server I would have transferred a long time ago but I don’t. All this would do is people would stack on servers.
Buy another character slot and you won’t have to delete a toon. If you can’t afford one right now, save 1 dollar for the next 10 days and you will be able to buy one. Or better yet save up some gold and transfer gold to gems and you won’t have to spend real life money.