(edited by briggah.7910)
We did get something, the lower end of the stick.
Because we bought the game in 2012.
Because we supported them for 3 years.
Because we spend additional money with gems.
Because of us, they have the chance to make an expansion.
And because of that, we pay more for less value.
Ye, being a loyal player feels good.
Were you forced to purchased things with gems? No that was your choice.
I’ve only experience a month or slightly more? I consider myself to be a newbie veteran. I purchased the core thinking it was needed. I was misled and lied to. It’s not a matter of being greedy. I also see that older veterans who bought the game will need to spend more than just $50 to experience the expansion in full. Either that, or they grind madly for that character slot. Is it fair older players needs to pay $60 instead of $50?
Nobody has to spend $10 for another character slot seeing as you can convert gold to gems and if a veteran players doesn’t have enough gold for one more character slot well not even sure what to say about that seeing as most have already purchased many extra slots to have one of each profession. Its no difference, if you want to play another profession and have no slots well you’ll need to purchase one.
The point in this wasn’t about the prices or anything dealing with that. It was more about veterans claiming we get nothing but new players get every thing we got just by purchasing HoT when that is clearly not the case. So many open world events that new players will never experience. So in a way veterans have gotten way more content then any new player will ever get.. That was the point of this.
So many posts saying us veterans didn’t get anything and new players are getting the core game for free really makes me think how many of you are actually veteran players.
Us veteran players have gotten to experience all the open world events since release with new patches every few weeks. These new players won’t get all that the same way we did even if they get a “bonus” free version with buying HoT.
They won’t hear while afk’ing at the bank in LA the asura and char that say “Your face is funny”, “No, your face is funny. It’s like a little raisin”
They didn’t experience the festival events and seasoned events like we did.
They won’t see LA getting destroyed and how we fought over it while scarlet attacked it.
They won’t get to fight marionette like we did cause that is all gone and done.
They probably won’t see SAB seeing as people still riot about it to this day.
They didn’t get to farm aetherblades in zones and have tons of champs spawning.
Those are just a few examples but so many other open world events that these new players will never experience even if they do get a “Bonus” free version of the core game.
Stop being greedy and thinking its all about new players when new players will have missed out on a ton of content that is no longer available. Veterans have the memories of all that has happened since launch of this game to this date while new players will never experience those events.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
Geez us veteran players have gotten to experience all the game for 2+ years with new patches every few weeks.. These new players won’t get all that the same way we did even if they get a “bonus” free version with buying HoT.
They won’t hear while afk’ing at the bank in LA the asura and char that say “Your face is funny”, “No, your face is funny. It’s like a little raisin”
They won’t see LA getting destroyed and all the events that lead up to it.
They won’t get to fight marionette like we did cause that is all gone and done.
They probably won’t see SAB seeing as people still riot about it to this day.
They didn’t get to farm aetherblades in zones and have tons of champs spawning.
So many other open world events that these new players will never experience even if they do get a “Bonus” free version of the core game.
Stop being greedy and thinking its all about new players when new players will have missed out on a ton of content that is no longer available.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
$50 is a lot considering how many games you can buy on steam with that amount of money. The expansion pack should have cost $10—20 for the existing players and $30 for new players. I feel really sad about this.
How long do those steam games last you? Are you still playing Goat Simulator for hours on end?
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
I despise playing Mesmers, Necros, nor Engineers. I had no reason to buy a chr slot.
If I had to buy a chr slot after recieving 5 chr slots to pick and choose from the 8 professions, I’m fine with that.
I like the look of the Revenant.
I have to pay 50 bucks for a game just to get the Revenant, and then 10 dollars more to make a Revenant. I am not okay with that.
GW1, added 2 classes, gave two chr slots. They added another 2 classes, they gave another 2 chr slots. They added no classes in EOTN, yet they still gave away, 2 more chr slots. I sometimes question if it’s the same Arenanet that is making GW2.
You can convert gold to gems so no you don’t have to spend $10 dollars for a new slot. Start saving some gold for a new character slot if you want to play revenant.
Guild Wars was released in 2005 and to be honest I wasn’t a big fan of it. So if gw2 was much like gw1 well I wouldn’t be playing this game as much as I do. This is a different game and the reason it is different is because it changed.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
I think you’re missing it entirely. My point is that when people like me, who have paid thousands of dollars to these guys HAPPILY and would continue to do so happily start getting up and getting jacked, it says something.
When your most loyal fans start saying “Too much!” then you have a problem.
Also, I call BS on your blast statement. :P
So you spent thousands of dollars and can’t cough up another 50? LOL should have maybe spend hundreds instead.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
You have to buy more character slots to play every profession as is. If you haven’t bought more character slots well then you have deleted one to try another one. Just because they make a new profession doesn’t mean they have to give you a new character slot for it. If you had a character slot for every profession then yes it should be included but you get five character slots when you buy this game yet have eight professions to choose from. So now its nine profession to choose from. You’ll still need character slots if you plan to play every profession.
everyone was fine with 5 slots for 8 professions….most players expected to have professions they didn’t really enjoy, which I also weeded out as I made new professions for each slot….I can’t stand playing Mesmers, Necros, or Engineers.
The problem is now I have 5 level 80’s and unless I put out 10 bucks to play the Revenant, I have to delete a chr that I have hours upon hours on, over the last 3 years.
Essentially, I have to buy the expac for 50, and then buy the class/chr for 10 bucks, like this is some type of MOBA.
Or you can convert gold into gems and get a character slot for 100gold. You don’t have to spend any real money.. Start farming since you now know you will not be getting a character slot.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
A loyal gw2 player would already have bought several character slots to make one of each profession. I’m sure a loyal gw2 player can spare another 100g to play another new profession if he wants too.
So the amount of buyable features I have bought is what makes me a loyal GW2 player? Not the 50 bucks that I spent at launch?
If you’ve been playing since launch and still only have 5 character slots well you are missing out on three other professions. Not saying this couldn’t be the case but honestly you don’t have 100g to buy another character slot and been playing since release? Honestly? Really? Seriously?
And no not stating that what you buy with gems makes you a loyal player. More like if you are so loyal you will continue to buy stuff to experience more of what the game has to offer.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
You have to buy more character slots to play every profession as is. If you haven’t bought more character slots well then you have deleted one to try another one. Just because they make a new profession doesn’t mean they have to give you a new character slot for it. If you had a character slot for every profession then yes it should be included but you get five character slots when you buy this game yet have eight professions to choose from. So now its nine profession to choose from. You’ll still need character slots if you plan to play every profession.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
Well I won’t be “quitting the game,” but I won’t be spending any money either. I’ll just login for dailies and events until Anet decides to lower the price. Who knows, maybe i’ll lose patience eventually and just stop playing entirely. I don’t see that happening too soon.
With the trait changes come next week it really is going to change the way this game is played. Really this is a pre-order which gives you access to every open beta until release. Some players like to do things like this and well others would rather wait and see the final product.
If you think price is too much maybe just wait till it is released. I just watched the Guild Halls video and well that looks awesome and that is only part of the expansion. I’m sure after it is released they will have a sale but who knows. If they have a sale after release I’m sure some would ask for a refund seeing as they were forced to pay more for a pre-order.
Basically it is your choice if you pre-order or not just like it is your choice to keep playing this game or not. The game will continue for others no matter what choice you make.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
A loyal gw2 player would already have bought several character slots to make one of each profession. I’m sure a loyal gw2 player can spare another 100g to play another new profession if he wants too.
Character Slot for Heart of Thorns? [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
Well have you made a character for every profession yet? If so you would have to buy another character slot to do this. Seeing as revenant is a new profession well I guess you’ll need to buy another slot for it unless you buy deluxe or ultimate version.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
The price of living goes up. Minimum wage goes up. Gas prices go up.
See a pattern here?
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
1. Sells base game for $10-$20 (for at least a year until HoT) 9 Dungeons, Entire “living breathing world”, Countless hours
2. Sells Expansion for 3 – 5 times price of base game 1 Dungeon, an area, Maybe 40 hours max
3. ????
4. Profit
So HoT expansion to you is a max of 40 new hours and that is it?? LOL I guess you’ve played the entire expansion already to say something like that. Or maybe you are just assuming things and well we all know what people that assume things are called.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
Yea I’m not buying it for $50 either. I bought it for $99 and got 4000 gems and other goodies. After playing for over 2 years, play for many many hours per day and still having fun, I’m looking forward to the future of this game!!
You won’t buy it for $50 but you will for $100… As Shakespeare once wrote, “false logic!”
LOL That first part was sarcasm and yes I didn’t spend 50 bucks I payed 99 for it for all the extras. That was my choice.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: briggah.7910
Yea I’m not buying it for $50 either. I bought it for $99 and got 4000 gems and other goodies. After playing for over 2 years, play for many many hours per day and still having fun, I’m looking forward to the future of this game!!
What you want instead is a buff to smaller groups.
Example: You tag up as commander. 10 people join your squad. Now you get a “commanding presence” buff which give those 10 people and you a small boon. If you want to give that buff to the other 20 people in your zerg… Those need to be in 2 different 10 man squads. It doesnt force a split, but it encourage more commanders on the field and simple tactics of a zerg (you, red commander, go right with your 10 man buffed squad!).
Well your buff idea would hurt smaller roaming groups that are less than 10. Also whats to stop people from just joining a squad just to get the buff and then they go off on their own? They’d be buffed yet the people they encounter wouldn’t.. Doesn’t sound fair.
Your logic is as silly as arguing that having a commander is unfair. Shall we remove the commander? They seriously hurt single players engaging 50 man blobs.
The point was to encourage splitting your forces rather than punish sticking together.
You have to draw a line somewhere. 10 people sounded like a nice figure. Could it be multi-stage buff? Sure. Maybe it gives a certain percentage per member in the group. Of course the buff would be given in a range around the commander as well. Have a little imagination. Because that’s all it is, an idea that’s never going to happen.
And the debuff idea would hurt 20 people engaging 50 people. If those 50 people are scattered they have no debuff, while the 20 will need to stack to survive… and thus get debuffed. Doesnt sound fair.
Wait what? I didn’t quite understand your point and see flaws in it so my logic is silly? Also never did I state commanders are unfair. I also disagreed with the debuff idea. Do you even read posts? Your idea and the OP idea is exactly the same. You are punishing certain players.. OK I get it they have to be near a commander to get the buff right? Well what if the players are stacked away from the gate? Five players come to try to get into the gate and they send five people to stop them? Those five will STILL be buffed since they are somewhat near the commander yet the ones trying to get in the gate won’t be. If they actually have to be stacked on commander to get the buff well that’s one useless buff..
When I’m on my mesmer people say I’m crazy because numbers are nothing to me as I try to pick players off.. I have no problem dying and do jump into 10+ groups solo at times since I’m a slippery little mesmer. Yes at times they get me but I’ve picked off players this way without being caught many many times. If they can’t catch me I’m one annoying mesmer. Your BUFF idea would ruin that for me. Lots of people joke with me and ask if I’ve solo any zergs today. Not once have I ever solo’ed a zerg but its because I’m not afraid of numbers and they’ve seen me picking off larger groups one by one.
Also buffing or debuffing are both SILLY ideas to begin with. Maybe you haven’t but I’ve been in groups of 5 – 10 players and wiped groups 2 – 3 times our size and we didn’t even need a commander to do it. Not everyone likes to run a commander tag so your idea of say 20 people in a squad buffed would be unfair to the 20 players not in a squad that are engaging them. UNFAIR
(edited by briggah.7910)
What you want instead is a buff to smaller groups.
Example: You tag up as commander. 10 people join your squad. Now you get a “commanding presence” buff which give those 10 people and you a small boon. If you want to give that buff to the other 20 people in your zerg… Those need to be in 2 different 10 man squads. It doesnt force a split, but it encourage more commanders on the field and simple tactics of a zerg (you, red commander, go right with your 10 man buffed squad!).
Well your buff idea would hurt smaller roaming groups that are less than 10. Also whats to stop people from just joining a squad just to get the buff and then they go off on their own? They’d be buffed yet the people they encounter wouldn’t.. Doesn’t sound fair.
When stream went down they did say something about getting the rest of the videos up there sometime this week.
All info for all the changes has already been posted
Thanks for getting this up quick since stream had issues.. Really looking forward to all of these changes.
Upgrades are changing and will be automated.
Group play doesn’t mean you have to zerg. And running a group of 10 or 100 it’s still group play. And just because you’re allowed to play that way doesn’t mean it should be encouraged. It takes away from the WvW experience if you can only muster 10 people on your server and there’s 20 people who will wipe you every time. (Extremely simplified)
Why shouldn’t it be?
What statement from Anet are you using to support your argument? I came into this game, with the distinct impression, that it was specifically designed for large battles that me and my 40 guilds who are logged in, can all participate in, simultaneously.
This idea that large forces need to be artificially broken up, has no merit to support it, in my opinion.
Why does it have to be all about what Anet wants is my question? As a player who has been in top tier and low tier WvW servers and part of large guilds and small guilds the largest complaint against WvW is that the zergs are too mobile. On top of that, if they had meant for the game to be huge battles why did they put a 5 person hit cap on most skills? And further more, why would decreasing their speed mean that there still wouldn’t be a large zerg to fight head on? It would give low tier servers a chance against high pop servers by allowing for more strategy and high pop servers still get to bash their heads against each other
Maybe because it is Anets game. Also not sure what WvW you’ve been playing but I’ve never heard anyone complain about zergs being too mobile. That’s a new one for me. With the waypoint changes they talked about, it will also help out those low populated servers. Instead of the zergs just wp’ing into a keep when timer is about to reset, they will now have to run from there spawn waypoint. SM is a different story.
Also some people like to zerg. Others like to roam or small group play. Seems you just want to punish people who play a different style then you prefer. If zergs are too mobile, why not try and get rid of swiftness instead as that would effect everyone and not just those that prefer to zerg. That was a bit of sarcasm right there but really zergs being too mobile is a major problem for many players that WvW? Seriously???
Never get why people horde stuff and then spend the time to double click them. Only problem that I have is my bags fill up and I have to salvage while auto running. I don’t even think I’ve ever had over 10 wxp things in my bags at once but usually when I refresh my food or bags are full I use them at that time to clear space. I don’t even use the luck recipe as is because like I said I use those up after salvaging to clear my bag space.
If anything they should have a consume all for things like this that stack.
Seeing as there are lots of builds out there and the video shows 1 ranger getting killed, no offence but that tactic will not work on everyone. Even with players using the same build it still comes down to the players skill. If you can dodge pretty much every lethal attack and land all yours, you will win. It all comes down to player skills IMO. Will also point out that some builds will just counter another build.
Well ambient creatures are white creatures that get one shot. Not once have I every rallied of an ambient creature and pretty sure that is not possible. I will say that I do rally off of other creatures and its usually when I’m in an outnumbered fight and well the enemies are just spamming skills and I focus the creature.
Some people hate the rally mechanics as is but I like it. If I’m able to rally off a creature it is more the other players fault for spamming skills when these creatures are around instead of going in for the stomp. Some classes downed skills are more OP but even after I’ve downed players and they rally off a creature, I have no problem downing them again and getting the stomp off.
Well you just burn chill etc.. the person on the siege not the siege it self. Think of condi dmg as a type of anty living targets and why we cant put normal vulnerability on things like walls and doors.
I don’t really play many condi builds but here is an example that will take a condi build forever to destroy let say a flame ram.
Zerg takes a tower with catas, hops over the wall after capping leaving the enemy rams still on the gate. It is not very fun to sit there with a condi build and basically do no damage to the rams. I know the guards will attack rams on gates but even sometimes the way they are placed, the guards will ignore them. Rams are not really a problem to take down on say a power build but a condi build will sit there forever trying to destroy them.
Also, can you please stop going on a witch hunt after the dude who argued with you and posted screenshots. You’re starting to look like an insane middle aged man going through a midlife crisis with literally nothing better to do with his time then try and get some other players banned. It’s kind of weird and melodramatic. No offense.
And you are doing what with me? No offense. You are saying the same thing every other defenders have been saying and it doesn’t change the fact that they are breaking a game rule and doing things in-game they shouldn’t be. End of story. Hope they get banned.
WvW isn’t for everyone.. I will say though that I’ve found the love for it and it is pretty much the only game mode I play now. TBH I don’t play it for rewards. Although I’m mostly solo/small group roaming, It is the only place where I can still play with people from my own server ever since megaserver came into play.
The player who posted those pictures wasn’t using the exploit for ill means or doing any enemy players any harm. He was proving the point that, while it is an exploit, it is rather benign on the list of glitches that need potential fixing. Honestly, the problem is if Anet bans players who find glitches and and report them with evidence like he did, then nobody will ever want to report glitches that are exploitable that they discover.
Guess you missed that part where it clearly says in the rules
“Report hacks and exploits and do not use them yourself.”
Also his screen shot shows his dead body inside the Citadel.. Doesn’t show how he got into it so it is not evidence as you claim it is. The point he is proving is “look I can exploit into Citadel and Anet won’t do anything about it”
The only thing that I got from this thread is that someone needs to chill. And he sounds like a “special” person too. It is probably very fun to play with him. Not.
Good one.. You probably wish you could play with me cause I’m a legit player.. I don’t need to exploit into things when I’m bored. Saw exploiters come into my server and it caused lots a drama between guilds. So YES I hate players that exploit. They ruin the game for others. Sorry you don’t feel the same way.. Hackers/Exploiters have ruined many games for me over my time of gaming.
Harmless or not it is still considered an exploit. If you guys want to to “Chill out” stop defending people who are doing things in-game they are not supposed to be doing.
(edited by briggah.7910)
Yes it is an exploit and it should be fixed (one wonders how this is possible in the first place). But why are you people so eager on punishing someone for a “petty offense” as you would punish a “capital crime” (figuratively). Such an undifferentiating “law enforcement” system would cause an outrage in the real world.
Once again not going to compare real life to a video game but it clearly is stated to “Report hacks and exploits and do not use them yourself”. If anything they should get the temporary account suspension because this is an EXPLOIT and you shouldn’t be in there to begin with.
If these players got the temporary account suspension, I bet you they would stop doing it. You think people would still do this if they found out they would lose access from the game for some period of time? Reason why to this day players are still doing this is because they are getting away with it.
Oh well I spoke enough on this subject. No point to keep stating the same thing over and over when someone new quotes me and tries to compare real life laws with a game rule.
Temporary account suspension should be what happens to players that break into Citadel. Happy now? I didn’t say ban.
It is to the point that personally, I’m leaning toward alliances despite my original dislike of the idea. However I still know what affect that would have on the communities that already exist, how it could damage them and cause many to yet again rebuild anew.
When I hear of alliances all that comes to my mind is EoTM and TBH I can’t stand it. Not only does it have to do with it just being a k-train but also the fact that its like every server troll all rolled up in one match up. LOL not saying our server doesn’t have trolls but man the way people talk in chats there and backseat command etc etc just gets to me.
Yeah sorry, I confused you with someone else. I really am sorry
No problem LOL but besides the tier you mention, my server has jumped tiers a lot in the past. We currently bounce bronze/silver so even with what you said it gave me more stuff to chat about
However, I believe we can all agree that the servers issues are all because of anet. Why are some weaker servers full and lowest tier server costing 1.8k gems? All these naturally led to guild shifting out to avoid stuck in that dung hole.
Yes, total agree with this point. Since meagserver has been around the status of servers should be based on WvW population. Since really WvW is the only thing that keeps server communities now and it does make getting transfers to servers harder if they have a high pve population. I think DH is FULL status but been hearing they have been losing WvW guilds making it tough for even new players to join that server. Been seeing lots of new faces on my server since the HoT announcement but unfortunately, DH isn’t getting any new players either with full status.
When I was saying its not anets fault for stale match ups or population imbalance I was more talking about when guilds decided to leave servers. IoJ for example, lost a lot of its players and I just don’t see that as being anets fault. I guess in a way it sort of is since they just allow transfers but if they didn’t allow transfers and players were not having fun on their current server, well they would lose customers all together.
(edited by briggah.7910)
RoF has been rank 19-22 for the past 2,5 years with only one short exception when they were 15-16, that was 1,5 years ago and then you were silver. Your server is currently T7.
The situation on NA is different than on EU, btw. IoJ was rank 9 a year ago, now they’re 19 maybe 21 next week – similar stuff happened to quite a few servers over there.Sorry, I had to say it because you always claim to be in another tier and you always tell how your server makes it frequently to silver.
Oh I agree, and not really sure how EU TBH. No need to be sorry either. Most of what I say is just my opinion but I’ve been around a long time. Over the past year we lost a lot of guilds. Most were some roaming guilds/wvw guilds and even pugs as well. To this day people are still leaving. My follower list shows that.
It sucks when servers die but most of those servers that do end up dying don’t seem to make it back up unless they get mass transfers. That is the hard part in trying to rebuild. Maguuma has done it and it took a lot of those guys recruiting on several forums. They should be proof that if you want something and work for it, it could happen. Is it easy to do? No way, just don’t give up and expect anet to fix a player caused problem.
I’m also on GoM. I usually don’t say what server I’m from since most people hate us LOL but I’ve played a lot and faced many servers over my time. For me this is the server I belong too. Through thick and thin we always seem to recover a lot faster than most of the other servers.
Yikes. I’m tier 6 and don’t have any lag issues. I will say that last match up we were t5 and we had a 3 way server fight in SM and yes I did get skill lag.. Like others pointed out, that has been happening for as long as I’ve been in WvW but being on a more lower tier server, that is the only time I really get skill lag.
Also I once had bad lag /skill lag for the entire week and someone here suggested I type /ip and let them know the last 3 numbers of the IP. After I posted that info it looked like (IIRC) ip 161 and 162 were bad. The servers on those IP’s seem to be causing the lag issue as the week after my lag was gone and I was on a different IP.
Not sure what the outcome of those ips were but I do recall the dev here moving EBG map to some new hardware to see if that fixed it but then had to go elsewhere to work on something else.
I think anet is doing patching/working on HoT behind the scenes and it causes lag for some servers. I recall a few times in WvW getting horrible lag for about 1 hour and then all the sudden the “New build message” popped up, which makes me think whatever patch they were working on caused the lag issue.
I worked with computers in the network department for many many years, I took care of all the upgrades/updates etc etc and there was times where I would be testing something out, in its own separate domain, in a different building but my boss would call and ask what I was doing because others were calling in complaining that there computers were running slow/sluggish. Every time I got that call I indeed was patching/updating something or remoted into a server only to find it doing some sort of update.
I was mainly trained or learned by trial and error so maybe our network wasn’t the best and I’m no way by far a network genius but just from what I’ve experienced, patching and upgrading behind the scenes cause computers and servers to act flaky.
(edited by briggah.7910)
INC wall of text
While I do agree they should have more test events to try some things out, its just that the tiers are so out of balance that one thing that would help the lower tiers would hurt the higher tiers. IoJ isn’t the only server that this has happened to, in a way it sucks but lots of people left my server to go to IoJ, called our server a dead server, trash talked us on troll forums and now we are ranked higher then they are. So in a way what goes around comes around. Players caused the issue.
Lots of us in the lower tiers are happy so something like an alliance, which has been suggested by players, would actually probably make lots of the players that still are in lower tiers quit. I’d be gone if I couldn’t play with the same players that I’ve been playing with for over 2+ years. I also feel the lower tiers are more relaxed. We still get have zergs/blobs but its mainly around prime time. If alliances made zergs on maps 24/7 well I’d quit all together since if I wanted that I’d transfer to a higher tier. Not saying higher tiers are 24/7 zerg fights but my server made it to T3-T4 over its time and I’ve had more fun when we are in lower tiers.
As for map cap size, well there is a red thread talking about the lag issues. The dev in there was very helpful and he actually was doing tests with the map cap and lowered them. If you read it, a lot of players were mad at this, most of them players were in the higher tiers, claiming they could no longer get onto maps and maybe had a total of 2 big guild groups on a map. No one is really sure if the map cap was raised back up or not but some players were not happy.
The one test event anet included us in was the no white swords and ppk test. OMG the QQ’s from players even before this event happened was just sad. Players stated they were quitting, it will just become a zerg k-train, and small group roaming would be dead.. Well it wasn’t like that at all as I found more smaller groups roaming trying to take things and to be honest it showed which servers actually had good scouts and which ones lacked them. Most lacked them so they QQ’ed about no white swords.
The only fix would be to get more players into WvW and keep them there. Maybe the new map will do this but we will have to wait and see. Lots are already claiming it will just be EoTM map yet all we have seen is a few videos of it. So again players are complaining that it will become a EoTM map and if it does it’s because all those complaining about it will turn it into one.
I feel WvW is the way it is now because there are still people like me that have been playing WvW for 2+ years and any major change to it would ruin the fun. I’m still having fun after playing one game mode for so long. I still play everyday and have fun everyday yet at times it can be frustrating. That is all just part of WvW to me though.
You should be playing WvW to have fun and no other reason. Thing is everyone has a different definition of what fun is so when they are no longer having fun, they transfer off servers to try and find that fun again. I think its hard for anet to fix this problem cause I see it as a player made problem.
Most say they transfer off servers to find better fights but I see them transfer to a server that usually always has a long winning streak or is always winning. Not always the case but lets use the tiers as an example and what I think would be the servers that would receive more transfers.
T2 FA. T3 SBI. T4 HoD. T5 Ebay. T6 GoM. T7 FC. T8 BP.
I guess over time we will see if my server prediction of which server gets more transfers actually becomes true but in the end the players are the cause of the population problem.
Players caused the issue and a fix for one tier would hurt another tier. Only fix would be to get more people in WvW and keep them there.
Oh look what i found
things to note from that thread:
Report hacks and exploits and do not use them yourself.
Those who fail to observe the Rules of Conduct usually will have an administrative “mark” placed on their Guild Wars 2 account that results in a temporary account suspension. However, in the case of an extreme breach-such as using a game exploit, attempting to hack the servers, or acquiring a large number of marks and moving into a “frequent violation” status-the account will be permanently closed.
What does the last sentence of my post where I made it into the citadel say? You keep bringing up the rules as if I’m not aware of them, I can’t keep spelling everything out for you in simpler terms.
edit: you’re just quoting me without even reading my posts at this point -.-
I quoted you above and did read your posts.. No need to re-quote it again. Well if you read the rules and understood them, well you would know that you shouldn’t be using game exploits and instead you should report them.. I put those in bold just for you. Maybe you missed that in my post just like you missed it in the rules that clearly states “do not use them yourself”
Anyways not going to go back and forth with someone who clearly broke a rule of conduct and is just trying to defend himself.
I’m also aware that this is a screenshot of me exploiting and posting it on the official GW2 forums.
Good job admitting that this is an actually exploit. Funny how 5 hours ago you posted a video on how to do this and it took you 1 hour to actually figure it out and get inside. Ban please. Not only ban for admitting to exploiting the game but also sharing how to do it with the 1000+ that read this thread.
ummm I didn’t follow the video at all, the jumping spot is pretty well known if you play WvW, and I’m pretty sure the spots in the video have been fixed so I used the spot shown in OP’s screenshot which everyone already knows about. Anyone who made into high school can figure out how to make the jump just by looking at those pics. And I never said I didn’t know how to get into the citadel, I said I suck at making the jump… seriously reread my comments again.
Also ban for what? a harmless exploit where you will get one shot and where the enemy is invulnerable. Not everything has to be to the extreme right or extreme left, yes I get that this is an exploit and an account suspension is reasonable but a ban would be an extreme measure for something that is pretty useless. You can’t just go down a slippery slope and assume everyone will start goat jumping into towers and keeps and start frantically banning people. Might as well start giving jaywalkers a life sentence if we go with your logic because they broke the law and the law is the law or start arresting people with rifles because they might go shoot up a school.
Oh look what i found
things to note from that thread:
“Report hacks and exploits and do not use them yourself.
Those who fail to observe the Rules of Conduct usually will have an administrative “mark” placed on their Guild Wars 2 account that results in a temporary account suspension. However, in the case of an extreme breach-such as using a game exploit, attempting to hack the servers, or acquiring a large number of marks and moving into a “frequent violation” status-the account will be permanently closed."
Still you USED an exploit and posted a screenshot of it here.. Doesn’t say anything about HARMLESS EXPLOITS being ok.
Not going to talk about real life and compare it to a game cause that’s just silly
I’m also aware that this is a screenshot of me exploiting and posting it on the official GW2 forums.
Good job admitting that this is an actually exploit. Funny how 5 hours ago you posted a video on how to do this and it took you 1 hour to actually figure it out and get inside. Ban please. Not only ban for admitting to exploiting the game but also sharing how to do it with the 1000+ that read this thread.
Reason why I say they should be banned is because it is an exploit. You shouldn’t be in there so stop exploiting into it.. Also pointed out that since they know this exploit they probably know the other ones that actually get you into objectives without using siege. Whats to stop them when they get bored of dying to legendary defenders and they exploit into objectives when no one is around?? NOTHING since it seems ok by many of you as this is something you do when you are bored..
Yes Anet should fix these but players should also stop doing it as well. Ban them all.
Because of the absence of these features for so long I think the WvW community now looks at the difficulty of managing these as one of the things that separates the skillful from the newer player in WvW and not something lacking in the game.
I don’t think having a few people only look at the map as something that is skillful but as a boring thing someone is required to do. Why do people need to even be dedicated to looking at the map? Because the devs have neglected that aspect and you guys seem to be complacent with having a few people just stare at a map for several hours. That sounds like kitten work to me, not something “skillful” players do. Please, can someone indulge me with how “skillful” it is to look at a map and relay information?
Nobody stated that you have to stare at the map for hours.. Why do so many people twist words around on these forums.. I stated you have to keep an eye on the maps all the time and by that I didn’t mean have your map open staring at it. Meaning that every now and then push the M button and zoom your map out. You can also still be in auto run when you do this so you don’t have to be standing still. Look at the maps and if you see a camp flipped in another BL well its either a roamer or a group. It takes no more than 5 -10 secs to scout the entire map if that. If you see no swords on your stuff then no need to go scout those objectives.
Also sentries and yaks show on maps as well.. If a sentry is moving well someone is attacking it. If a yak all the sudden disappears well something killed it. Like I said you need good communication first of all. One person shouldn’t be the only person that checks the map every few minutes. I also check the map to see what enemy objectives have swords on them as well. If my side of map is fine I go and scout to see what is happening over there..
Its like the people that complain that scouting is boring yet their definition of scouting is sitting in a tower waiting for someone to come attack it when you should be scouting the movement of you enemies. How do you do that? By looking at the map and finding them before they hit an objective. Sentries, yaks, camps and mercenary camps are all good to capture and use them to help you scout.. If you flipped ogres or see ogres get flipped well its obvious someone is up there and they will most likely hit your camp next.
I’d state that you guys are having a problem because its a learn to play issue but people hate when others tell them they are playing the game wrong. So I won’t say that
(edited by briggah.7910)
Well you must keep your eyes on the map all the time. If you have a waypoint in your keeps and you can’t waypoint to it, its either under attack or someone is tapping it so they can attack another objective nearby making it take longer for you to stop them.
Also white swords do pop up on things that are under attack but it takes good communication and scouts to find out what is really there. I mostly roam so if I see swords on our stuff or a camp flips, that is the direction I go to. Good call outs are the number of players that took something and where they are heading next..
As for a raid UI, In my other guild players used to say they wished you could have more than five players in a group. I still use the Icons for my party group but there is a way to turn on simple which makes it take up less of the screen.. With the amount of buffs from banners, food, guard stacks etc etc. We sometimes laugh at each others buffs since the buff line is huge LOL
Not every one plays at the highest resolution so in a way if they did have a raid UI it would clutter their screens more.. I even get annoying at the UI on the top right of the screen at times, since sometimes I lose my mouse cursor on the screen, only to find out its up there in the way of me clicking that part of the map to use some skill. I basically have to adjust my camera angle to hit that part of the map since if you mouse over that UI your skills that use ground targeting will not go off..
(edited by briggah.7910)
It cracks me up to still see these posts about EOTM only being a k-train, just shows you haven’t visited the place in awhile. That pretty much went away over the last month or so and the k-train is about dead. EOTM is a killing field most of the time now with the benefit of nice PVE rewards on the side. I still split between WvW and EOTM but find that I enjoy the free for all battles on EOTM better. Maybe it is just more fun to see your personal hand in slaughtering a zerg or catching roamers who are sloppy because they are used to killing up levels and not wvw oriented players.
Haha Sorry but its still a k-train, Up-lvl leveling map. A friend of mine just a few days ago talked me into finally going into EoTM again because him and a friend had alts they wanted to level.. I was a guardian so he told me I was to protect them. LOL
Rarely did we engage in a zerg vs zerg fight and most of the players I did run into were very very easy to kill. At times I had a pack of up-lvl’s trying to beat on me but in the end they all died. The zergs we did run into died so fast and didn’t put up much of a fight.
Almost every enemy player I ran into was low ranked and not even bronze ranked yet.. I died a few times but it was from getting feared off some edge. People were calling out zergs on the map and the commander was cool enough to ask the players what they wanted to do such as:
You guys want bags? Champ loot? Karma? wxp? exp?
And maybe 2 people said bags.. The rest of map said “I’m just here for wxp and exp” or “Karma please”
He actually said once “Sorry guys but I want some bags” and we went and slaughter the other zerg in probably 20 seconds. I didn’t even get many bags since they all died so fast..
All we did was run around and PVD stuff since that’s what the map voting on doing. Also the skill level of players on this maps is crazy low so if you have fun killing unskilled players feel free to call it a killing field. I’d bet 100% of the groups you run into normal WvW would give you a much better fight.
You also won’t get better at killing zergs that are most likely half up-lvls but if this is what you are having fun doing then go for it. Even normal WvW pugs zergs are harder to kill compaired an EoTM zerg.
I have videos from when EoTM first came out:
3way zerg fight:
It is nothing like that now a days since most players in these videos were not uplvls and from what I’ve seen a few days ago EoTM is full of uplvl’s. Either way having fun is all that matters but the reason why people say what they say about EoTM is because it is true..
(edited by briggah.7910)
Well I use one on my staff guardian.. Mainly because I play a more tanky/support build and since staff hits up to 5 players, I like to see green numbers pop up when spamming my 1 skill hehe I also combine the green numbers with the staff 2 skill and also empower at times, so yes it may be a small heal but the numbers do add up and in larger groups I see a lot more green numbers.
That is just my opinion though but ever since I’ve created my guardian I never replaced it with anything else.
WvW needs more players on a lot of servers. I get that some people just don’t enjoy this game mode but it is never the same thing and you never know what to expect.. Might run into zergs beating down on doors or find small roaming groups. Might even have epic battles to overtake the castle in EBG.
Since no new living world content has been released this is the perfect time for you to try other game modes. I’ll admit when I first tried WvW I had no clue what I was doing. Probably died a million times and actually went back to PVE for months before stepping into WvW again.
I found the love for it though and that is where 99% of my play time is spent now. So all I’d suggest, even if you tried it and hated it, try WvW again LOL you may find it different this time around and like I said lots of servers would love to have more players in WVW.
Well they did add a timer while you are dead (at least in WVW LOL been a while since I’ve PVE’ed) and I do find that sometimes when players die they afk to grab a snack or bathroom break so maybe the timer just expired. Also if they open the map to pick a waypoint well they just don’t see you coming..
I also find some people waypoint right away when dead maybe cause they are somewhat embarrassed that they died to a pack of wolves or boars LOL
In WvW fights I usually waypoint right away for a few reasons:
If in a large fight and you tagged many players, the loot bags come to you if the players die. If you stay dead and wait for a rez chances are you may not get it and all them loot bags will be scattered around you.
Its also faster to just waypoint and run back. It really is. Unless of course you are across the map but if you want those loot bags it is best to waypoint as soon as you die.
This was added to try to stop players from using blink/shadow step to get into objectives in wvw I believe. I see it sometimes but I’ve never had the problem with lightning flash. I use it all the time to get a distance from my enemies when multiple ones are chasing me down.
You can still blink up most small hills and terrains as I still use it all the time to get away from enemies and get the high ground advantage. Places like the bridge at duri, not the bridge itself but the cliffs next to it, can be blinked back up if you fall down. Also the small hills by the grub still work and the hills by anz near the dredge tunnel work as well. Several other places still work as well.
Of course if you target a tree or something else you may get the invalid path but from what I’ve seen most still work.
(edited by briggah.7910)