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Fixing zerg and night time WvW problems

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


Just remove PPT full stop…….only award points for capping/defending, killing enemy players… get more points for taking upgraded stuff and defending upgraded stuff etc etc…..

This makes more sense to me; eliminate the ticking element altogether

Well still the server with the most players will win.. More players = harder to kill by smaller groups. So if it was just ppk and points when you take/defend an objective, unfortunately the server with better coverage would still win. I still hope they add ppk to the scores but when they did the test last time, it made more people run from even fights since if they died they would be giving the other server points, only to come back with more players.

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Borlis Pass invaders attacking citadel

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


They are bored and what they are doing is harmless. The Legendary Defenders would tagged them if they got near to anything.

Harmless maybe but its still considered an exploit.. should be banned.

What happens when they get bored next time and start to exploit into objectives? Seen it happen to a guild that was leaving our server. Before they left they got caught by several servers, myself included, exploiting into objectives only to leave and probably do the same thing on another server. They even bragged about it in map chat “PUGS be mad” and “learn2glitch”

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(edited by briggah.7910)

Borlis Pass invaders attacking citadel

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


Well look what we have here.. Few days ago a SBI player posted a screenshot of himself in the enemy Citadel and claimed he did not use hacks and was just having fun. That post got deleted and is no longer on these forums. Others told me to chill out cause I said he deserved a ban.

Now seems others are doing it the same exact way he was doing it. In my eyes its an exploit and although you can’t capture Citadel like the chat states, they can destroy golems stored there. They deserve a ban. Once they learn the other exploits whats to stop them from actually getting into objectives and capture them.

Anet has fixed the ground in QL so I don’t see why they can not fix the ground at these areas that these players are using to exploit into things.

To the SBI guy that was just having fun, You think this guy is having fun sitting in his citadel making sure these players don’t destroy their golems. I stick to my statement that anyone using any exploit should get banned..

lol this has been happening since the first week of beta. if you think everyone learned how to do cause of a recent post then lols.

Nope not saying that at all but 2 days ago someone posted about it and here we are today someone posting about it

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Borlis Pass invaders attacking citadel

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


Well look what we have here.. Few days ago a SBI player posted a screenshot of himself in the enemy Citadel and claimed he did not use hacks and was just having fun. That post got deleted and is no longer on these forums. Others told me to chill out cause I said he deserved a ban.

Now seems others are doing it the same exact way he was doing it. In my eyes its an exploit and although you can’t capture Citadel like the chat states, they can destroy golems stored there. They deserve a ban. Once they learn the other exploits whats to stop them from actually getting into objectives and capture them.

Anet has fixed the ground in QL so I don’t see why they can not fix the ground at these areas that these players are using to exploit into things.

To the SBI guy that was just having fun, You think this guy is having fun sitting in his citadel making sure these players don’t destroy their golems. I stick to my statement that anyone using any exploit should get banned..

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(edited by briggah.7910)

ENEMY Vets in FRIENDLY camps ***AGAIN***

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


Well just played for a few hours and it is not happening on my server which is NA. Also you should post a screenshot as that would help any devs reading these. While we are on the point of NPCS spawning in camps that are breaking the game as some are saying.. Well bats and other NPCS spawn as well to try to kill yaks all the time and pop swords on camps. Doesn’t break the game just makes it annoying to find NPCS attacking instead of actually players that I want to kill.

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Commander focus meta needs fix

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


Someone once told me that there are not bad soldiers, just bad leaders hahah So if your commander keeps getting sniped he might want to find a different tactic.. In my current match up I know who the driver is yet it is a guild group and I will say he is hard to snipe out because he realizes that I’m on to him and then they start to turn the focus onto me.

Guild group commanders I find harder to take out. Not saying it can’t be done but they usually have a good front line around them making it harder to get too. I still try though.

Pug commanders think everyone will listen, stack and push when in reality that is not the case. Pug commanding and guild commanding take two different tactics if you ask me.. I’m mainly a pug commander but have tagged along with many guild groups over my time. The guild groups do much better yet some of them don’t do too well when they pug command. Others do extremely well in both guilds and pugs..

Not going to explain my tactic of pug commanding since I think that is something you need to learn but will say this:

I’m about to hit rank 4k pretty soon and when I tag, I can tag for 8+ hours if I want.. Not once in all my times of pug commanding have I ever been sniped out. I’m usually the last man standing but that has to do with my tactic and the build I use. Once you learn how to pug command you will never have to worry about being sniped..

Now if your guild commander is getting sniped we’ll he needs to find a new tactic. Also a lot of players will focus ele’s and necro’s but I don’t see them guys here complaining about being sniped out from the back line..

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When Will We See Another WvW "SEASON"?

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


I would like to see something like the PVP buff “call of the winds” or what ever it is called for WvW even if it happens during a PVP tourny. We got the one time dolyak buff after the last season but since then I’ve seen the PVP buff several times yet it is useless to me since I’m in WvW. I’m high rank and have nothing to spend my extra points on but even adding extra wxp to that buff would make me happy.

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ENEMY Vets in FRIENDLY camps ***AGAIN***

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


Being outnumbered is bad enough, but when your own camps are hit by enemy veterans the enemy has an opening they would not have had if the program was working *as intended*.

The program is not working as intended in WvW and that’s not the only problem with the only mode of the game that matters for many of us.

Sometimes a yak that has extra guards that is far away from the camp when it flips will re-spawn at the camp and cause swords. I’ve even seen friendly yaks spawn while waiting for a recently flipped camp but the camp guards kill it fast and it is usually a one time thing. This could be what has happened to you.

The last vet guard bug which they DID fix had vet guards re-spawning at every objective on the map causing swords to pop up on everything. If this is back, I am not seeing it on my server. Last time when they were trying to solve it they asked for info such as which map, color on the map and the objective that it was happening at.

What I would do is type /bug in-game which opens the report window. Also when you do this be at the location it is happening in since there is an option to take a screenshot. Then be as descriptive as you can in your report.

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(edited by briggah.7910)

Fixing zerg and night time WvW problems

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


Wow what a bunch of bad responses. Briggah…you must not understand something…The system encourages not leaving the map empty…please read careful and comprehend.

Aeolus.3615 again please read and try to comprehend.

Nozzle…horrible idea. That would encourage zerging even more.

Trinnitty…earth calling Trinnitty….hello! Really alt accounts? That has to be the dumbest thing I have ever read on this forum. Really someone is going to buy an a second copy …..AND….a second computer….AND…be able to control both…running bots to keep from being kicked…AND…count on many other people doing this extroidinary amount of work to get a PPT advantage? Eat some more brownies.

I asked it as a question and you stated yourself

“If there are NO players on the map the PPT contribution from that map should be zero”

So I took that as we have nobody on our BL and the enemy comes and flips it they will get no PPT since my server had nobody on the map. Might want to be more clear before you call responses BAD when you post idea is BAD to begin with..

Now you are saying:

“My system. You cap the entire map and ALL of your side logs off. Well you have nobody on the map. You get NO PPT as you are not actively holding a map. So really its the opposite of what you said.”

Wow thanks for clearing that up.. Thats even a worse idea then what I assumed you meant in your OP. You do realize that ticking 0 ppt doesn’t happen very much unless you are greatly outnumbered.

Lots of players spend time upgrading during the late hours so that when they do go to sleep it makes it harder and takes longer for the enemies to take objectives. With “your system” we will gain no points from our stuff and basically tick at 0 if nobody is on even when we hold stuff? VERY BAD IDEA

You also stated:

“If you have 4 or 5 defenders then you get a greatly reduced PPT. Once you have 25 people on map you get full PPT.”

Which would hurt the lower populated servers. I’ve held our stuff with 4 – 5 defenders from a zerg so why should I be punished PPT wise because my server doesn’t have 25 people to match the 25 zerg trying to take our stuff. Ever heard of back capping when you are out manned to keep your PPT stable???

You are complaining about zergs but want to have zergs on the map to be able to get full PPT.. BRILLIANT

Looks like your opinion is the only opinion that matters so keep coming up with more ideas that would break this game mode.

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(edited by briggah.7910)

Stonemist Revamp?

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


Atm,sm in T1 is nothing but a place where zoneblobs gather to create massive lag for everyone,and afterwards they all complain, why is it so laggy ?.

LOL that happens in most 3 way fights even in the lower tiers. Last week our server was T5 and we had some massive 3 way skill lag fights in SM.

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Fixing zerg and night time WvW problems

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


The first linkage should be to total number of players on the map. If there are NO players on the map the PPT contribution from that map should be zero. If there are few on the map then the contribution is reduced. If there are say 20% of maximum then full PPT can be awarded. This prevents the zerg showing up…flipping all the items and then leaving. If they leave then as soon as there population goes down they lose their PPT.

So what happens if your idea gets put into play and nobody ever goes to any maps? With your solution I don’t see anyone ever even going into BL’s anymore. If players find out that if nobody is on a map and it doesn’t impact score, well those maps will be even emptier than they are now. I think more match rigging would happen to be honest. We could just raid prime-times and all log out and keep our current tick.

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This Community is the worst.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: briggah.7910


The community in this game is immature, racist, a disgusting bunch of the worst people I’ve ever seen.

So you run into some bad apples and call the entire community immature, racist, disgusting and worst people you’ve ever seen? You are no better than they are with a comment like this.

If the chats are so bad you can make a new chat tab and select which chats you want to see.. If I were you I’d make one for just your guild seeing as you find the entire community toxic.

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Reset queue while being outnumbered.

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


Yes, we’re green, and no one crashed, it’s new reset.
And yes, we have the outnumbered buff and we have a queue.

Weird. At least you won’t have to repair your armor.

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Reset queue while being outnumbered.

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


Currently on Gandara-Seafarer’s Rest-Far Shiverpeaks reset we (Gandara) are outnumbered while still having a queue on the border. This shouldn’t be possible. Same thing happened last week facing SFR on reset.
Does this happen often? Also would like a reply from devs.

Never heard of this happening? Do you actually have a queue and still have the outnumbered buff? I don’t even think that is even possible… If you are outnumbered in fights maybe half the people are afk at the spawn or elsewhere on the map? If you have a queue on map and still get the outnumbered buff then I would guess something is wrong and should be looked into.

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Lack of official merchandise- Ideas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: briggah.7910


Quaggan hats!

haha I actually don’t have the hats in game but would probably where one IRL :P

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Lack of official merchandise- Ideas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: briggah.7910


Hey guys,

Thought I would post a picture of some of the merchandise that already exists out there (all be it pretty rare)

Gw2 T shirt, Bandana and Shattered Figurine. I also have all the art books but those are nothing new. I would love to see a white Hoodie with the red GW2 logo on it or maybe a beanie.

Is that a charr attacking the shattered box? :P

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Stronghold Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: briggah.7910


For future stronghold matches (if you ever plan to play another one), I suggest killing enemy players to prevent them from gaining objectives.

Oh I tried to kill the players but like I said they would rather run back into the keep or just grab the supplies and run away. I hate to chase after people that won’t fight back. I’d rather them fight me LOL

The first beta was much different but seems like this one, most just wanted to rush lord asap and move on with the match. I guess that is the point of it but I just noticed not many fights were to be had. I don’t think any matches I had the 2nd beta lasted more than 10 mins.

It can really be a fun game mode if people defended more instead of the rush gate with bombs to see who is the fastest at killing the lord. May have just been my matches that were like this and I do plan to try it out when it does get released..

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Siege Overkill Screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


Oh, I’ve got a few…

Ahh so that’s how Kaineng took our stuff while we were sleeping the last time we fought them. LOL JK glad to see you guys are still having fun!!

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Siege Overkill Screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


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Siege Overkill Screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


This isn’t mine, but I remember it well. This is Vizunah at it’s best >_<
They also built a ton of ballista inside mendons with 15 vs about 40-50, and your usual Golem Rush late at night/early morning.

Oh I actually found one of a golem rush we had. I remember at some point we had the entire lords room of SM filled with golems. Took a while to refresh them all haha. Just wish I had captured that.


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My WvW Project.

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


TBH I don’t think many guilds leave servers to harm them. If they are not having fun where they are, well they look for bigger and better things. They think that when they leave though, that they are the only ones that leave but many people look up to the dedicated WvW guilds (yes we do guys!!) and have built friendships with some players. Once players find out that so and so guild left it starts a domino effect of others doing the same thing.

Anyway, from everything you’ve said it seems you are not out to harm any servers. Will also point out that with mega-server and guilds being on any server, sometimes when others see guild tags from their server on other servers they get accused of being spies!! Good luck with your report.

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Siege Overkill Screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


One of the last screenshots I made of my first server. Good times.. =)

LOL chat is pretty funny as well!!

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Siege Overkill Screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


That many catas on hills is common but spending 600 supps on something that 100 supps would do twice as fast… thats dedication. At least I only drop a few catas as rams by mistake sometimes, lol.

Think we’ve all had DOH moments and tossed wrong siege before LOL My server is a lower tier. Mostly we stay in top bronze/ low silver but that was first time I saw so many guild catas.

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(edited by briggah.7910)

Suggestion for a more Competitive WvW

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


Only good thing I can think about having random people whisper me, is that I get a target for the rest of the matchup, and any future matchups. Sadly they tend to not remember the reason I focus them and play the victim.

HAHA I do the same thing and also spread the word to my friends so if they find them I can get there and kill them over and over.

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Siege Overkill Screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


There’s no such thing as overkill in EotM.

LOL I haven’t done much EoTM but that is a real funny SS.. Thanks for sharing LOL

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Siege Overkill Screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


I was browsing my screenshot folder and figure I’d share these here with you all. To me these are pretty funny and at the times when I saw them, they made me LOL Feel free to share any pics you have of funny ways the enemies have taken your stuff. If your stuff gets flipped fast this could be the reason why


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Supply drain trolling?

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


TBH it doesn’t look like troll siege as omega golems are rather pricey. Three gold last I checked. Now if they built a bunch of trebs I would agree with you haha. Like others pointed out it might have been a prep for a map golem rush.

If you haven’t heard there will be changes to the way things upgrade and how the supplies are used.

Below is what troll siege usually looks like. Note I wasn’t the one building them.


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(edited by briggah.7910)

Stronghold Feedback

in PvP

Posted by: briggah.7910


Beta’d the first stronghold and had some fun.. Tried the second beta and well its just a zerg race to kill lords now. Completed many matches within the first 5 mins and every time I engaged a person they ran off to grab supplies or run into the keep if they still had gates. This mode is more PVE if you ask me seeing as the whole point is to kill the lord and like I said not many players fought back.

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Suggestion for a more Competitive WvW

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


WvW is a lot more relaxed in its competitveness, so it shouldn’t get as kitteny as PvP can be.

It’s more relaxed because the enemies can’t trash talk you unless they know how to. I can spend 1 hour if that in pvp before the toxic chat gets to me. Even if they are not talking to me it still makes me not play much pvp. I can also spend all day in wvw and maybe get 1 or 2 hate whispers a week if I’m lucky. I’m happy the way it is.

I’d rather have Anet fix it so people can’t get my name ever when I’m in WvW. Been playing WvW for over 2 years now and I’ve gotten maybe 10 good whispers if that.. They are slim to none yet I lost count of how many people trash talk me or try to get me to go and pvp to prove who is better after I killed them in WvW. If I wanted to pvp and trash talk I’d play PvP. I like to play with the people on my server and not care about who or what I kill.

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My WvW Project.

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


Not sure how big your guild is but please don’t stack on a lower tier servers and help it move up just to leave it to try another server. I’ve done a lot of WvW and when guilds come and go on servers they tend to do more harm than good. My server was always bronze but at some point we were on a roll and we actually made it all the way up to T4 or T3. Been awhile.. Once we hit the wall, guilds started to leave us and well others followed them..

We had to rebuild morale again and we started to move back up in silver but soon we hit that wall again and well even more guilds left us. Most of the people that stuck around are still out there trying to just have fun but if all those other guilds didn’t leave us we probably could be a solid silver server but now we hop back and forth in bronze/silver. The coverage difference is horrible.. We steam roll bronze when we all play yet get steam rolled in silver it seems.. It mainly is the night capping since most wake up to fortified stuff and just go play another game mode.

It’s cool you want to check out each tier but just from what I’ve seen guilds that come to servers, take and brainwash others (lol) and leave us. Us server pride guys (which is almost rare now) are stuck with having to try to rebuild again. Over time some get tired of rebuilding and well leave the servers if not the game completely.

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(edited by briggah.7910)

WvW needs more task for small groups

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


I would like some small missions like Stronghold, where we summon units by running supply to a certain location.

Not trying to be mean but if you liked stronghold go play stronghold when it comes out. I beta’ed it both times and had fun the first time and well this time around not so much. Its just a zerg race to lords and we completed a few matches in about 4 mins and fought basically no one except NPC’s. Actually that was how most of the matches went and would have actually been more fun but most people are stuck on the “zerg” tactic..

There are lots of things to do as a small group, it is just that people think you need zergs to do everything.. Yes it sucks at times getting zerged down but that is all just part of wvw. I’m usually in a party with 2 -3 guildies (new guild) sometimes we have 5 and we can actually pull the enemy zergs from maps by hitting their big objectives elsewhere. We always laugh at how many people they send for just us and if you think about it, you are helping your commander out if he is on another map since they sent the zerg after you. We’ve busting in keeps as a small man group and have wiped larger groups. Not all the time but it really can be a lot of fun if they keep sending smaller waves of enemies at you..

Also there are events in EBG. Dredge, Hylek and Ogres, that help you take and will defend a camp when you capture them. I used to come here and say “break out of your zergs people” but for some people they have fun zerging and really we all just play games to have fun anyway.

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Commander focus meta needs fix

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


I think the commander focus meta needs a fix.

Possible solutions:
1) Make it possible to hide your wvw rank
2) Give the commander an anti focus buff which gets stronger the more people are ALIVE in his his squad. Like 1 stack of defiance and 2% damage reduction per living player in your squad.
3) Give commander immunity to projectiles and moa if he has at least 10 people ALIVE in squad.

The pirate ship meta is boring enough, but if the opponents spend so much effort focussing your commander it makes the fights even less enjoyable (for him and the rest of your people).

Not hard to find the driver of a zerg. I find them all and it has nothing to do with anyone’s rank.. I get moa’ed just roaming around so why not try and get moa’s removed from game since you seem to have a problem with them.. I’ve give you a tip how to live when you are moa’ed. Turn around and press 5 to sprint away.. Use 2 to leap. All your suggestions would break WvW. Also I’ve yet to see this pirate ship meta so many complain about.. Sounds like you guys are just scared to push to me..

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WvW Passive Upgrade System….[DISCUSS]

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


As someone who has played a lot of WvW I have to say I’m looking forward to these changes.

With these supply/upgrade changes no longer can server trolls build useless siege that hit nothing and stop your upgrades from happening.. No longer will server trolls be able to order guard upgrades as soon as a zerg is attacking an objective instead of using that supply for siege..

The wp changes sound interesting but will have to see how it plays out.. With the current system it is really unfair to the under populated servers to have to wake up to fully upgraded keeps and as soon as you start to try to take it back with a small group, a zerg just spams the wp when the timer is about to expire and BAM you are not getting that keep back..

I understand that some fear that they will still wake up to fully fortified stuff but are not seeing that now the enemy will NOT have the wp advantage and will have to use the spawn wp to actually get to you. Giving you a better chance to get inside instead of hoping that a zerg doesn’t wp in while you are trying to bust down the gate.

As it is now you can take a fortified tower with 1 super ram in a couple of minutes. That is 5 players with 10 supplies each. Here is an example:

I tossed a super ram the other day with my group at the southeast tower in a BL. We built the ram and I started to ram it. The rest of my group ran to the southeast camp which we already owned, to grab supplies to also build a regular ram. By the time they returned to me, I had the gate down to 25% so we didn’t even build a regular ram.

For people saying that these changes will kill small roaming groups you are 100% incorrect. With the example above all you will have to do is split into groups of 5 and you can take back most of your stuff pretty fast. If a zerg does come to stop you, they will still have to run to you from their spawn. If you are split up on the map, chances are they may stop you from maybe taking a few objective back. If you are attacking more than one objective at a time well you are doing it right.. If you Zerg each objective you are doing it wrong..

That is just my opinion but the thing is, people have been complaining forever that we get no changes. We are finally getting some and still people are not happy and we haven’t even tried it yet. (think about the QQ’s from the test event with no white swords) Now don’t go saying this isn’t what we asked for because if Anet listened to every suggestion from players WvW would be long dead and gone for me.

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Mastery UI

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: briggah.7910


I didn’t get into this beta but was in the first and I suggested that they use the UI like the WvW abilities.. It looks nicer, is easy to follow, you can put you points where you want them etc etc… I’m really hoping that the mastery UI gets changed as from the first beta, not only was it confusing but took up half my screen when it was open.

Also I still don’t understand why we have to equip a mastery to level it up.. Why not just have a pool of points (like the wvw abilities) where you can just level up, save your points and distribute them later. Not feeling this mastery system at all.

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New upgrade system will kill off WvW

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


It will turn into a big freaking karma bonanza train.
There is no point in defending anymore, why should we defend it will be upgraded anyway.

LOL it won’t upgrade if another team takes it. So you will still need to defend. WOW really you made a post like this???

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(edited by briggah.7910)

HoT changes greatly encourage Zerging

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


Everyone is forgetting that camps = points. Everyone is forgetting that to win a match you must win the PPT game.. Feel free to not roam and not capture enemy camps. If you want to just give the other server points, stop roaming.

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Character colision in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


What happens if a bunch of trolls block your path??? Doesn’t sound fun at all.

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What happened to testing of changes/features?

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


Then during the no-white-swords debacle, it was said that new features would be tested in WvW for short amounts of time. The result: no-white-swords ended up being the one and only such test.

Maybe it is because so many people complained about the TEST event even before it happened. Some players even said they were quitting because of this test event. I’m starting to see why anet doesn’t post much in this section. No matter what they try to do people will not be happy.

Oh look.. People were not happy with the test event and you are not happy because we don’t have any other test events..

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WvW Passive Upgrade System….[DISCUSS]

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


The real issue here is that this change will destroy servers with poor off-hours coverage.
Previously servers with poor off-hours coverage would lose all their t3 structures during the night, but at least they would be paper in the morning since no one on the enemy server would bother to pay for upgrades.
Now, all those structures will upgrade automatically, meaning a losing server will log into wvw and all their structures will be tier 3 enemy controlled.
This change will only aggravate the population imbalance problem to the point that it will break wvw for some servers.

This. This right here.

This. This right here. Already happens in WvW. You are lucky if you only wake up to paper stuff. Lost count on how many times I’ve logged in only to see everything upgraded by another server.

Really… so a night cap crew in the more desolated servers who know they are going to be unopposed for virtually the whole night, is gonna waste time and GOLD upgrading stuff even though they know there is going to be no one around to flip it until their shift is done ?

Sorry not buying it.

You don’t have to believe me.. My own server does it to others as well. Just because it doesn’t happen to you doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen on any server.

Also every time I roam around enemy maps if we have something I stop by that tower and start upgrading it. Why? Because I’d rather have them flip it and hopefully it will be at 0 supply when they do.

Here is a screen shot from awhile back.. You think we just upgraded the keeps? LOL everything was upgrading/upgraded but ya it doesn’t happen to you so I guess I make this stuff up.


Player Vs Everyone
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(edited by briggah.7910)

WvW Passive Upgrade System….[DISCUSS]

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


The real issue here is that this change will destroy servers with poor off-hours coverage.
Previously servers with poor off-hours coverage would lose all their t3 structures during the night, but at least they would be paper in the morning since no one on the enemy server would bother to pay for upgrades.
Now, all those structures will upgrade automatically, meaning a losing server will log into wvw and all their structures will be tier 3 enemy controlled.
This change will only aggravate the population imbalance problem to the point that it will break wvw for some servers.

This. This right here.

This. This right here. Already happens in WvW. You are lucky if you only wake up to paper stuff. Lost count on how many times I’ve logged in only to see everything upgraded by another server.

Player Vs Everyone
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WvW Passive Upgrade System….[DISCUSS]

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


What is the point in spending hours trying to starve a keep of supply and making coordinated efforts to bust WP’s if they can immediately get them back? People are just going to avoid them and K-Train the easy structures.

Keeps are worth a lot of points. Feel free not to attack them and just let the other server have the points for them.. Oh wait nobody plays the PPT game anyways..

Player Vs Everyone
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Auto-Upgrades Overpowered-Countering?

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


Here is a counter.. Take the objective if you don’t want to see it get upgraded..

Player Vs Everyone
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Hero Panel Dye Preview Failing [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: briggah.7910


Same thing is happening to me. I change one dye color and my preview changes more than it should. Only way to get it back is to relog. First SS is my normal dyes, 2nd is just changing 1 of the dyes on any item.


Player Vs Everyone
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in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


If people don’t defend supply camp, because they are useless, you will have less people to fight in roaming…. And because it’s useless to try to cut ennemy supply line, you will have less people roaming…
Roaming is very important if you play server, when you want to protect your supply line, or cut ennemies lines.

If you remove this part of the game you will only find player who want to fight, just for the fight. But this will reduce a lot the people doing this. This mean less fight…

Did they say they are removing PPT from camps?? Calling them useless is completely wrong. So if you don’t want to defend or attack any camps then you are just giving the other servers points.

Player Vs Everyone
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WvW Bug following update 19/05/15

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: briggah.7910


If you see any other problems, especially things like NPC guards or dolyaks misbehaving, spawning too often or not enough, etc. please post here with the map (Red Borderlands, Eternal Battlegrounds, etc.) and objective (Garrison, Bluelake, Godslost, etc.).

Eternal Battlegrounds, Red keep, Veloka Slope, enemy npcs keep respawning outside at the gates and also are respawning inside Veloka tower on the wall..

Player Vs Everyone
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Clear glicko score - allow free transfers

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


Tell me, why would a T1 or T2 wvwer want to leave and go to a lower tier? smaller fights? less coverage? sounds boring to me…

People who play in high tiers love what we have and there is absolutely no reason for us to care if some one down in T6 has a bad matchup, and even less reason for us to want to join in on that bad matchup.

T1 players have offered up how we would balance wvw many times, delete all but the top 9 servers (3 tiers) and give everyone from those dead servers free transfers to one of the 9, there by buffing the bottom 6 to a state where they might be able to compete with T1.

But apparently people like ghost town wvw and didn’t want all of wvw to be fun and active like T1/T2 and so they hated on what T1 players would like. Which is fine, it’s their prerogative.

^ this. merging/deleting the bottom servers and offering free transfers really is the best option. we have too many servers for the playerbase atm.

I vote we delete the top 3 servers, not cause it is the right thing to do, but just because they want lower tiers to be deleted..

Player Vs Everyone
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How do you leveling your alts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: briggah.7910


In the past I used to do the personal stories, crafting and also WvW to level up my alts.

Last 2 toons I made I used scrolls and tomes but if I had to do it without them I’d probably do the same but go into EoTM.

Player Vs Everyone
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Version 2.3 off how i want to change WvW

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


No tick points only points for active play, kills is worth 1point stomp 2points + 1-3points if you have bloodlust.

RIP small groups and solo roamers. All this will do is make players blob more than they already do. Also whats the point of even having towers and keeps if they don’t impact the score? Why would you even try to defend against a zerg if what you are defending doesn’t impact the score? Why try to engage a larger group when you will most likely die and give the other server points? Why even try to take a tower? Why even have towers anymore? Why even play???

Player Vs Everyone
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Step It Up Arenanet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: briggah.7910


I used to eat, sleep, breathe FF until I bought FFXIV.. That game failed horribly and just took money from their fans.. They recreated it into a realm reborn, I got closed beta access but it still wasn’t enough to convince me to pay a sub fee for that game. Seeing as they robbed me with the first one.

So while you might think it is a better MMO, It was the ending to all FF for me.

RIP FF you died after FF11

Player Vs Everyone
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(edited by briggah.7910)

RNG Conspiracy Conundrum

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: briggah.7910


It’s common knowledge the RNG is completely dependent on how much money you spend on the Gem Store.

Bull Skritt!!!

I have over 7k hours played and the only pre I got was venom and it sold for 30g then.. When I worked on my legendary I had everything done but the pre for months and finally threw in the towel and bought gems to convert to gold so I could finally finish my legendary. I’ve wasted more gold in the MF trying to get any pre and have never gotten one out of there either.. I’ve purchased several finishers, toys and countless other things from the gem store.. I farmed for a portal to beta over 60 hours before realizing that I was just never going to get one..

It is what it is but I can tell you some players are just luckier than others and it has nothing to do with how much money you’ve spent or how many hours you’ve played.

Player Vs Everyone
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