Showing Posts For flog.3485:

I love ranked!

in PvP

Posted by: flog.3485


Man you are playing at 4am….How can you expect quality games ?

Triple Trouble: I think it is too hard

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flog.3485


Having participated in TT yeasterday night in EU, I can say that it is not impossible to do it. Commanders are kind to explain each and every phase of the world boss and actually we did great, even though I personnaly wasn’t on TS. Burn phases were good except for some people who kept attacking the wurm once we reached the 15% threshold. Apparently, the event failed because of amber, it is pretty common from what I was reading in chat


in PvP

Posted by: flog.3485


Now let’s ask the obvious question: do you know how to rotate in the game? Or are you considering yourself a good player because you can only easily kill opponents ? No matter how skilled you are at killing, if you don’t rotate accordingly, you won’t win. Of course, I am only being curious because personally I kinda feel like most players will complain about no being able to win games simply because they got used to bad habits in rotation due to the fact that the previous seasons mixed in pre-teams and pure randoms.

DC/Crashes should NEVER take away your reward

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: flog.3485


You can get crystalline ore without doing the meta. I went my Mesmer not long ago and I got like 12 by running around the entire map by opening noxious pod. Edit: As for your crashes, I can’t really understand I don’t get them. Do you have the 64 bit client ?

(edited by flog.3485)

Seeing it already

in PvP

Posted by: flog.3485


Teams of team in a team game. That is the best to properly balance PvP due to the fact that most encounters in conquest will result most of the time in 2v2 and 1v1 to cap the nodes

nerfing Echo of Memory is a bad move

in Mesmer

Posted by: flog.3485


I did mean Phase Retreat. I couldn’t think of the name. I never use staff. All this time I thought it broke stuns also. In any case, i stand by my suggestion.

So you offer a suggestion on a weapon that you admittedly barely/never use? Wow…….that is heavy

Yeah, I am offering an opinion on a weapon I don’t use.

Ok……..Good luck and have fun……..

I am. And you can keep your fake pleasantries.

Sure. But let me just point out that players on forums never complain about phase retreat but rather feel like Moa and portal are OP. Furthermore you still haven’t answered the fact scepter is barely used in PvP because most people will take sword due to the evade frame. Added with the fact that you “forgot” phase retreat had no stun break, you might understand that I am having a hard time taking your suggestion seriously.

It’s not for you to take seriously. It’s for the devs to make note of and consider.

And i haven’t answered because your posts are full of spite. Me and you are cut from different cloths. There could be no true exchange of ideas between us because I don’t respond with spite. When I ask questions and respond to questions, it’s usually to inform or share an opinion. Never with the intention of belittling the person. I know video game forums is where toxic individuals like to shine with foul words, tasteless humor, poisonous attitudes. It’s not my thing though. I like to make suggestions that I think will improve the game and the builds I like to play. I’m not here to indulge you in toxicity. A back and forth of meaningless pettiness. It appears courtesy is a lost art in this community and I’m just not feeling it. And this is for anyone who feels like the shoe fits.

And in any case, I still stand by my suggestion. And I fight against plenty of condi mesmers that run scepter in Spvp.

Ok. I am sorry that my post came off as full of spite. It was never my intention but you have to understand that you proposal of nerf based on your misconception of phase retreat triggered me badly. I agree to some extent on your concern of phase retreat based on what Azukas wrote. However due the increasing amount of CC’s in the game I don’t think it is a good solution to nerf phase retreat now because we shouldn’t be toning down core Mesmer abilities but rather bring down in line the abilities of elite specs

nerfing Echo of Memory is a bad move

in Mesmer

Posted by: flog.3485


I did mean Phase Retreat. I couldn’t think of the name. I never use staff. All this time I thought it broke stuns also. In any case, i stand by my suggestion.

So you offer a suggestion on a weapon that you admittedly barely/never use? Wow…….that is heavy

Yeah, I am offering an opinion on a weapon I don’t use.

Ok……..Good luck and have fun……..

I am. And you can keep your fake pleasantries.

Sure. But let me just point out that players on forums never complain about phase retreat but rather feel like Moa and portal are OP. Furthermore you still haven’t answered the fact scepter is barely used in PvP because most people will take sword due to the evade frame. Added with the fact that you “forgot” phase retreat had no stun break, you might understand that I am having a hard time taking your suggestion seriously.

nerfing Echo of Memory is a bad move

in Mesmer

Posted by: flog.3485


I did mean Phase Retreat. I couldn’t think of the name. I never use staff. All this time I thought it broke stuns also. In any case, i stand by my suggestion.

So you offer a suggestion on a weapon that you admittedly barely/never use? Wow…….that is heavy

Yeah, I am offering an opinion on a weapon I don’t use.

Ok……..Good luck and have fun……..

nerfing Echo of Memory is a bad move

in Mesmer

Posted by: flog.3485


I did mean Phase Retreat. I couldn’t think of the name. I never use staff. All this time I thought it broke stuns also. In any case, i stand by my suggestion.

So you offer a suggestion on a weapon that you admittedly barely/never use? Wow…….that is heavy

nerfing Echo of Memory is a bad move

in Mesmer

Posted by: flog.3485


He’s probably talking about Phase Retreat.

Yet phase retreat does not break stuns…….LOL

nerfing Echo of Memory is a bad move

in Mesmer

Posted by: flog.3485


I am a bit too in loss with your post: how do mesmers “break stuns with a very short cd” ? As for the scepter comment, that made me laugh actually : almost nobody uses scepter in PvP anymore. Instead we use sword due to the evade frame…..Edit: what is also funny is that the nerf on echo of memory contributes to reduce the spamming of illusions and therefore conditions

(edited by flog.3485)

Season 5 looks terrible

in PvP

Posted by: flog.3485


More discussion? WTH… Do you Anet realize how the pvp population has dissipated with this super long delay in season 5? With all the new games being released in time for the holidays I doubt you will get the population back. When is the tentative release of season 5. tell us already.

Lol… has already been announced: December 13th

Pre Cursor crafting is a joke!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flog.3485


Anet never said that crafting was going to be cheaper…../thread

High mobility needs to be nerfed

in PvP

Posted by: flog.3485


I would only agree with the number 4 suggestion: it kinds of provide the same unfair advantage of rezzing quicker under the effect of celerity

Not even close, it’s more akin to Stomps under stability/invuln, since it downs t allow you to stomo faster and it does absolutely nothing for rezzing.

Oops sorry, was a bit too vague with what I really wanted to say. At some point the devs recognized that rezzing faster with celerity wasn’t healthy for the game and I believe that being able to do this “I am able to a secure a stomp while proccing the animations away from the target” is also a bit too good for the health of the game. Am I wrong for thinking that if you proc it away then other players have no way to interrupt the rez?

The Rez can still be interrupted it comes to player timing (i.e. Guardian Downed two skill, Rev, war engie and Necro all just have to wait and time their cc affect and it will hit them on the return) so no it’s not the same. While Invuln and stab make it a lot harder to where you can’t in most cases interrupt it. See the difference? Teleport stomps can be countered by the downed player, stab and invuln stomps can’t yet stab and invuln stomps are more prevalent.

Oh ok, so it can still be interrupted on the return, I thought it wouldn’t. Thank you for correcting me. I am all against the OP suggestion then

High mobility needs to be nerfed

in PvP

Posted by: flog.3485


I would only agree with the number 4 suggestion: it kinds of provide the same unfair advantage of rezzing quicker under the effect of celerity

Not even close, it’s more akin to Stomps under stability/invuln, since it downs t allow you to stomo faster and it does absolutely nothing for rezzing.

Oops sorry, was a bit too vague with what I really wanted to say. At some point the devs recognized that rezzing faster with celerity wasn’t healthy for the game and I believe that being able to do this “I am able to a secure a stomp while proccing the animations away from the target” is also a bit too good for the health of the game. Am I wrong for thinking that if you proc it away then other players have no way to interrupt the rez?

High mobility needs to be nerfed

in PvP

Posted by: flog.3485


I would only agree with the number 4 suggestion: it kinds of provide the same unfair advantage of rezzing quicker under the effect of celerity

A Plea for a Raid Story Mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: flog.3485


I don’t mind a story mode for raids but it should never be developed at the expense of another living story update imo

Loss of player control.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flog.3485



Two people figured my main problem out: Super annoying CC in narrow spaces, corridors and bridges.

One of the first HoT annoyances was a steep, winded walkway up to a rock/boulder that lead to a bridge. That path was filled with like 10 caterpillar things that knocked me back and forth. I literally could not proceed there. That was one of the moments where I really yelled “Bad game design!!” at the screen and shut it down. That was on my Engineer (with Scrapper being unlocked but I hate that “Elite” trait and the Stilson wrenches – but no skill points to spend in so far as I just entered the jungle).

Not sure how that works out with thief / daredevil, but being bounced back and forth is not a challenge at all. Especially when every (!) thing is attacking you; I’d rather have mobs that decide not to attack you when you’re posing a threat to them (e.g. comparing your stats to a mob’s thresholds – numbers too high? Better don’t attack the player).

Or projectile-blocking enemies. As Engineer, trolololol. Until I could come close to them, I died already. But oh well, that is probably another “challenge”, a “git gut” problem or “trait misconception”.

And as an engineer, you don’t have access to blinds, you have no invisibility skills, you can’t block attacks, you have no stunbreacks, you have no blocks. Can’t you even time your dodges to evade the cc skills of these caterpillars ? Can’t you even use the hammer skill number 2 or 3 (forgot) that does a leap attack to evade? I found it really hard to believe that.

Loss of player control.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flog.3485


Done. Oh and you’ve got dodges as well.. almost forgot….

Don’t forget flight.
Jump off a ledge and fly. Chill doesn’t slow you in the air. AND you escape combat.

I completely agree with your post and would like to add, dodging in 99% of what you need to not get rooted. On a quick berry run, there’s usually, maybe 2 spots I find myself stuck fighting. The rest of the time, you can dodge your way out of stopping for anything.

Heaven forbid we get “chilled” in the frozen tundra.

You need to sacrifice skills on your skill bar so you can avoid annoyances… and I don’t like that.

Perhaps I’m crazy, but the need to sacrifice one skill for another and balance out your build is part of game balance. Not having enough of that is part of what caused the zerker meta. If a boss could one-shot a warrior in full zerk and did that attack more often than one could possibly dodge or endure pain, you’d see toughness used as a stat more often. I’m not saying they should do this, I’m simply saying that I disagree. Giving us reason to leave an all-damage spec is absolutely crucial for good game balance.

Yes, I completely agree with you. My point is that CC in PvE is simply an annoyance and serves no other purpose other than to annoy. And if you want to avoid that annoyance, you need to sacrifice skills in order to do so. If CC actually made the game difficult, then I would be totally fine with sacrificing some skill slots to avoid it.

As it stands, CC does not make the game more difficult and literally only delays your travel time, which bugs the crap out of me.

Here is the crutch though: if you make the game so hard to the point where cc is so hard to you absolutely need to run stability then players complain that they need to run a specific build to survive. As it stands now it pretty much boils down to skill: if you are experienced, if you understand the patterns of mobs, you will run with barely any stability and/or condi cleanse because you could just some blocks, press your evade bar or apply some blind, while those who struggle can take some cleanses, stability at the expense of some damage.

PVP is dead - Long live DH meta

in PvP

Posted by: flog.3485


Why not just nerf the radius of traps ?

That would certainly make it even easier to outplay full trapper dh by good players but it wouldn’t lead to less complaints on this forum.

I suspect that the people who make these threads would still dive right into the traps with no defensive cds to escape and then strafe the aoe field. They will probably jump right on top of the dh, fail to get out of the aoe, and then come post here about it.

I guess you are right…Players better learn how to rotate in the game based on knowing which class counters another class. I guess it would be easier to achieve this with solo/duo queues. Edit: I kinda suspect that some players also struggle with PvP and classes in general simply because they have subpar keybinds

(edited by flog.3485)

My two cents: Open world dueling

in PvP

Posted by: flog.3485


This competition already exists in the game : it is called vwv, guild arenas, PVP and custom arenas in PVP. Why add it in pve if the game grew on a cooperative environment ? What benefit could that have if most on people on forums disagree with it ? What is the point of delaying other regular source of content of pve for some PvP in these maps? Imagine the nightmare it would become in terms of balance. I tell what the real problem is: people want PvP in pve because the PvP side of this game is currently getting stale.

Reduce CDs on our elites

in Mesmer

Posted by: flog.3485


Sure, a build does not only revolve around the elite skill, but its certainly also a part of it. And what Ori is suggesting here is to optimize them, so they can be better integrated into builds. I really fail to see what’s wrong with that.

In the end, yes maybe he is right. I think I just hate the idea that we will spamming more skills than what we have now and I also fear these changes will snowball with the skills of other players interacting with us. Personally I only use my elite skills when elite and veterans span or when I am soloing a big density of mobs to give me a bit more sustain. And in that regard I find the long cooldowns appropriate. But anyway, I am just filthy casual :p

PVP is dead - Long live DH meta

in PvP

Posted by: flog.3485


Why not just nerf the radius of traps ?

Reduce CDs on our elites

in Mesmer

Posted by: flog.3485


@ OP So in short you want to faceroll the content even more easily in pve ?

No, I want our elite skills to feel like true elite skills. Right now they are underwhelming, and its almost entirely because of their ridiculously high cooldowns. If you look at the uptime on quickness/stealth that TW/MI give us, its less uptime than our utility and weapon skills can give us. If you look at SoH, you can use it so rarely if you aren’t running chrono that it begs the question of whether its even worth it to use if you aren’t running chrono.

This is about making our elites feel and function as a true elite skill should. Right now they are barely better than regular utility skills imo because of their cooldowns.

Besides, the CDs I proposed are all higher than the CD of CS anyway (with the exception of my preferred 60 sec CD on MI), which means we still wouldn’t be able to use them more than once every 76.5 seconds without alacrity anyway. I don’t see how reducing the CDs to what I proposed actually makes PvE any easier. All it does is make the skills feel and function as true elites. Being the best skills we have at whatever they do. Because, quite frankly, its pathetic that WoA has more quickness uptime than our traited TW. Its pathetic that TP has more uptime on stealth for us than MI does. This means these skills are just not at all elite.

Ok I see, thanks to for better explaining your stance. Still I don’t like your idea because I don’t think it suits what the game tries to achieve: your build doesn’t revolve around which elite skill you choose , your build revolves around traits, utilities, amulets, earrings, trinkets, runes and armor. It is not like GW1 where you had multiple elite skills per weapons and points to specialize in.

Reduce CDs on our elites

in Mesmer

Posted by: flog.3485


@ OP So in short you want to faceroll the content even more easily in pve ?

A Suggestion For Raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: flog.3485


And when everyone can choose the path of least resistance, all complainers will go up in arms to forums, screaming “there is no content, there is a lack on rewards, there is no endgame, they need to hire more developers to add more rewards, blablabla….”

No. Nothing would change for the worse for most players. They can’t get Legendary Armor now because it’s locked behind content that won’t do, this would allow them to do it. Having items that they cannot reasonable progress toward is of no more value than already owning the item, and at least already owning the item gives you a toy to play with.

Nobody is talking about just handing anything out. The alternative paths should be designed to take up MORE of the player’s time than earning them through whatever the existing means are, the existing methods should ALWAYS be the shortest possible path. So if anything, this would add MORE player investment than the current options, because any goals they’ve previously abandoned as being eternally out of reach, they would now have a long and time consuming path towards actually achieving it.

Hmm you are talking about a population of players that are mostly casual. I tell you what is going to happen if you extend the farming too much: nobody would ever complete it because most of them will just look at the release of other items dropped in the game and decide to go for these items because in the end a legendary armor is just another skin to acquire in regard to what the game is about. Worst case of scenario: they will just take a look at completing the content with other newbies and other experienced runners at their casual pace of gaming. And why would they act like that: because the game has never forced anyone to rush the content and get a gear as fast as possible. Anyway Anet also needs to also be very cautious about what ingredients and currencies need to be farmed just to make sure that it doesn’t break the balance of the economy….I really don’t see them delaying other content just to make sure that a very optional armor that is no way required needs to be dropped in game to everyone at the expense of breaking the economy in the game.

A Suggestion For Raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: flog.3485


Mate, that is only your opinion….In fact many players already do that (you know the fact that " He should be allowed to move to a part of the game that he enjoys without being locked out any cool rewards") since rewards locked behind a content already exist since the beginning of the game.

Just because something exists in the game doesn’t mean that it’s the best way to go. My point is that players shouldn’t have to play content that they don’t enjoy just because they want a specific reward OR abandon a reward they want because the content it’s locked behind is too annoying to stand. Nobody benefits from forcing that choice on anyone.

I really don’t see how any Anet can make sure that everyone has access to everything by taking into account all preferences and all levels of exeperience of all players without trivializing their content so much to the point that no one will care about the content.

It doesn’t have to take into account every possible player, just every player of THEIR game. If a player can already actively complete most content in the game, then that’s a fair baseline right there. If a player can complete no real content in the game, then obviously the game is just not for him and he should find something else, but if a player can complete most of the available content, then clearly the game as a whole is within his wheelhouse, and so any activity within it should be able to be compared to any other.

Just as different parts of the game offer amounts of loot relative to the challenge/effort required to complete them, this standard could be applied to ANY item. and no, it would not be perfect, because nothing is, but the current system isn’t perfect either, so “perfect” is not on the table.

Then why change the system if you provide a “solution” that is not better than what we currently have ?

A Suggestion For Raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: flog.3485


I answered your other question several posts ago, but you ignored my answers

Where is it?

And now that you added this part it gets better:

Just because something exists in the game doesn’t mean that it’s the best way to go. My point is that players shouldn’t have to play content that they don’t enjoy just because they want a specific reward OR abandon a reward they want because the content it’s locked behind is too annoying to stand. Nobody benefits from forcing that choice on anyone.

How is adding the legendary armor in a pvp/wvw reward track going to help with raid accessibility? Or adding it on dungeon vendors for dungeon tokens, or adding it for any other thing you can come up with.

Now you answer mine, why do you believe that adding easier raids might "reduce Raid Accessibility,” if not for the fact that some people would choose to play easier raids instead of the current ones, if given the opportunity?

It’s called path of least resistance, you can look it up.

And when everyone can choose the path of least resistance, all complainers will go up in arms to forums, screaming “there is no content, there is a lack on rewards, there is no endgame, they need to hire more developers to add more rewards, blablabla….”

A Suggestion For Raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: flog.3485


Again…..WROOONG. No game will ever grow if they never put incentives( i.e. rewards) for players to participate in the different contents they develop.

Again, you can lead a horse to water, but you shouldn’t hold his head under until he drinks. They can offer unique incentives to get players to show up at new content and give it a shot, but these rewards should be “door busters,” something you can get relatively quickly. Anything that takes hours of time or extreme levels of skill to earn, you should be able to get through multiple paths so that you can enjoy the experience. Yes, they want to get the dedicated PvE player to give PvP a shot, but if that player does give PvP a fair shot and decides that it’s definitely not for him, then they have no interest in keeping him there anyway. He should be allowed to move to a part of the game that he enjoys, without being locked out of any cool rewards.

If people don’t like the prospect of raiding because they know they don’t enjoy it then they simply don’t play the content. It is as simple as that.

No, it’s not as simple as that, and never can be so long as “don’t play the content” means “don’t get to experience that story at all,” and “never get that reward, even if you’d really enjoy it.” You can’t eat your cake and have it too, you can’t have BOTH reclusive content and rewards tied to a gameplay mechanic AND claim that people can freely choose to “just not do it if they don’t like it.” The two concepts are mutually exclusive.

Mate, that is only your opinion….In fact many players already do that (you know the fact that " He should be allowed to move to a part of the game that he enjoys without being locked out any cool rewards") since rewards locked behind a content already exist since the beginning of the game. What you can’t accept is that some content of your preferred game type has rewards that you can’t acquire because you found out that you can’t complete the content. I really don’t see how any Anet can make sure that everyone has access to everything by taking into account all preferences and all levels of exeperience of all players without trivializing their content so much to the point that no one will care about the content. /thread play the content you can complete and get the cool rewards attached to that particular content. I do this and frankly I am having a lot more fun than in core tyria

A Suggestion For Raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: flog.3485


WROOONG…I would say. All we need is this: people who like to raids should have some raid updates, people who like to go fractals should have some updates on fractals and people who like open world should have some living story and/or living event updates. So far this is have been getting recently and I can’t see how they can perform better than that, given that they also need to support PVP and wvw as well. There is your diversity. No more and no less than that.

That’s all well and good, so long as they stop providing incentive for players who don’t like one or more of those play type to play the type they don’t enjoy. So long as they continue to put rewards and scenarios that people might enjoy behind only one type of content the “to each their own and that’s fine” argument just does not apply.

Again…..WROOONG. No game will ever grow if they never put incentives( i.e. rewards) for players to participate in the different contents they develop. That was the main criticism of gw2 at its beginning (lack of rewards for partipating in a content) and that is what now they are doing with HoT and post HoT. Your ideas of tiers for raids goes directly against what I just quoted from you: you know, incentive players to get into raiding by providing multiple tiers. If people don’t like the prospect of raiding because they know they don’t enjoy it then they simply don’t play the content. It is as simple as that. They play the content they enjoy and get the rewards associated to that content. If you put all rewards accessible to all players regardless of the content they enjoy, then Anet will never have enough manpower and/or resources to retain players and those same players will complain on forums the content is burned too much quickly and too fast, which is exactly why they move away from the 2 weeks limited in time world living events.

A Suggestion For Raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: flog.3485


But getting back on track and away from food thoughts, I find it highly toxic for the game to be against the diversity of content and challenge.

Agreed, so they should have both easy and hard versions of the raid to increase the amount of diverse content and challenge.

WROOONG…I would say. All we need is this: people who like to raids should have some raid updates, people who like to go fractals should have some updates on fractals and people who like open world should have some living story and/or living event updates. So far this is have been getting recently and I can’t see how they can perform better than that, given that they also need to support PVP and wvw as well. There is your diversity. No more and no less than that.

What happens when Raid armours are done?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: flog.3485


After legendary armor? Hmmm here is what needs to happen after that: legendary runes accessible by playing wvw

Bring back Countryard!!!

in PvP

Posted by: flog.3485


Deathmatch will never work in GW2 because we have :

-Super tanky specs that may require focus from several sources ( scrapper-dh mender-druid mender)

-Stealth ganking
-Super rezzing
-Massive aoe dmg on low cd, instant and with teleport
-Massive condi aoe bombs

I kind of disagree. I mean these offenders exist in the game because in the end the conquest maps require all these elements for a team to be successful at capturing and holding nods. Don’t you think that in the format of death match all these issues will disappear because if all teams play tanks, neither team will win because they failed at killing their opponents whereas in conquest it really does not matter because they did not fail and capturing and holding a nod? I feel like also editing my previous idea as well: no class stacking or more precisely, a restriction of class stacking to one class per team duplicated to a max. of 2

Bring back Countryard!!!

in PvP

Posted by: flog.3485


Personally I just think courtyard should become a 5v5 only team different queue. Here is the rule of this specific queue and map: only one downstate and one rez ability allowed per player in the map with a 6 minutes timer and the first team that goes down has lost. For pvp centric guilds, it could be awesome to queue as a guild and for those who miss the trinity system and are bored of conquest, they could play as one player becoming a healer for example in the perspective of supporting a team.

When stat swap utility on non raid armor?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: flog.3485


Why would a casual go into swapping stats if the game barely requires a player to switch stats in general………..

Useful when switching between open world pve and WvW. Sometimes also for manipulating aggro in story instances for achievement reasons (had to do it the hard way few times already).
And, unlike hardcores, casuals will not mind having suboptimal runeset on such an armor.

People usually don’t use stat switching, because they have no means to do so. Not because it wouldn’t be useful to them.

But if you are into wvw, don’t you think you also need to change runes ? And if so, don’t you think it is also cheaper to just get another armor only for wvw with a few changes of trinkets and earrings ? Personally when going into wvw I don’t switch armor stats. I still have my exotic set with ascended earrings and trinkets and only change my weapons (not stats) and traits and the same happens for personal story achievements….I kinda feel baffled by your stat switching adjustment comment. I guess it is also a matter of what classes you play

When stat swap utility on non raid armor?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: flog.3485


Stat swap will be for nothing since you still keep the runes in your armors and they need to be overwritten. So who overwrites runes all the time, especially if they are like 10g?

the casuals who cant get it will use it since they dont care if the runes they use aint optimal 100% of the time

Yes. It’s ironic, but the stat swap option of legendaries is far more useful to casuals than to hardcores. This is one of the reasons why some raiders seem completely baffled by non-raider insistence on having legendary armor acquirable by means available for casuals.

If you can get it, you probably don’t need it. If you need it, you probably can’t get it. An overall bad design.

Why would a casual go into swapping stats if the game barely requires a player to switch stats in general………..I consider myself being a casual player, I played most of all content with only one character and I have switched stats only once so far for a weapon in four years whil not playing with any legendary.. I tell you who benefit from stat swapping: the more hardcore player who have a lot time to play and therefore want to try different things because they have the in game resources to do so and the raid leaders who play raids in regular basis and who can lead in order to adapt more easily to their teams. Anyway, even with stat swapping on armor what players really really to switch, even in open world whether you play condi or pure power or a mix with high crits as well true is trinkets, earrings and accessories which are account bound so……

Bitterfrost: Explorable content locked in BLC

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flog.3485


Yeah nothing to see with this item….It is just a ledge with a tree on it. There is no additional vendors, It doesn’t block me off of map completion, it is not like if getting to this ledge was the only way to travel the map fast (ie. accessing the ley line) and we already have access to all thermal tubes.

Why are people so afraid of raiding?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: flog.3485


My problems with raiding in this game are many. For one, I’m not comfortable with the idea of having to use weapons that don’t fit my playstyle. Second, I don’t care for not being able to have a main and sticking to it; you’re encouraged and even expected to be able to play multiple.professions. I don’t know about everyone else, but my joy in this game is picking a style of play and immersing myself in that class entirety. Raids don’t allow that, or more accurately, the community is against it. Third, I prefer smaller group content, whereally I can (haven’t yet, but I’m still looking) more intimately get to know everyone I am playing with. In raids, you become more of a cog in a wheel, a number or necessity rather than a person. That is just not cool.

Just chiming in to share my opinion about these sort of issues: do the same as I do, don’t play them, play what you enjoy, the builds that you like with the weapons that you crave. Furthermore, be hyped about the fact that the next episode of the LS is up tomorrow where you can play the way you want. I mean, raids will never be a requirement you need to fulfill and the main attraction of this game will always be its Living world filled with dynamic events

A Suggestion For Raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: flog.3485


how about instead of making raids easier, you set up the training room to allow players to select the mechanics that they want to work on (for instance, VG blue and green circles). and let players play with it. the way the training room is set up its already enough to teach the players how each mechanic works and get them familiar with it that way. or creat instanced portions of the fight like starting players at the first split of VG. then have it stop once the split is done. because as is the whole “attempting it to fail” approach isnt helping new players learn the stuff. as a player whose raided since launch, i feel like its become a hostile place for players that are just looking to start off. inexperienced players have to lie to get into raids anymore. and thats a toxic place to leave your new players in. fix the raiding lfg to split out exp parties and inexperienced parties. and fix the training room to let players experience the raid stuff they need to know about beforehand.

+1 to this Anet should implement this feature in guild halls for the next expansion. Something similar to taimi’s game room in LS3

(edited by flog.3485)

A Suggestion For Raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: flog.3485


It was never a plan for Raids. They are, and should remain, the most difficult content in the game.

In that case STOP PUTTING CORE STORY content in a part of the game designed to pander solely to the small elite minority!

What core story ? You don’t need to play/understand raids in order to play the LW episodes…Personnally, I don’t even know what happened in raids

New streamer had issues

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: flog.3485


What a shame if his 300 viewers didn’t buy the game and anet went bankrupt as a result.

Yeah, except there was more than 1000 viewers during the stream….

New streamer had issues

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: flog.3485


Right, because I wouldn’t be lost at all if I insta level boosted a character in another MMO without ever trying it before and then going straight for max level content.

Of course you wouldn’t get lost because other games just scale numbers for world maps their difficulty is found in raids, dungeons, and PvP. Your going to be hard pressed to find anyone outside of this game blaming the guy over open world map style questing.

The difference between this and other boosted games is while in wow you get boosted you get the gear and enter the map and your good you can learn and make mistakes even spamming a single skill to get by can work in open maps. In Gw2 you boost and get your gear and your stuck staring down pocket raptors and your mistakes are that some skills are completely and utterly worthless for the content.

Gw2 isn’t as user friendly as the other games the recent poor earning reports aren’t simply do to people quitting out of dislike for HoT but also because retention rates for new people must have also dropped as well.

Dude, the guy didn’t even face pocket raptors…..All he played was the pre-story of HoT and HoT fist step of story. During that time, he didn’t even need to switch weapons in combat, he complained that he was being cc’ed, though he had jalis stance activated until someone indicated in chat that “the road he was building” (his own words) was granting stability……He complained he had to discover the world of tyria though many of us spammed in chat that he could use the PvP lobby to go into lions arch to have access to portals to greatly reduce the time he would have to spend walking from one point to another. So, I’ll say it again: he was lazy

(edited by flog.3485)

New streamer had issues

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: flog.3485


Well, let me give you my input on this, I was watching the stream as well.

1- He’s not an experienced player, yet he thought it’d be a good idea to boost a Revenant to 80 and try to play on HoT maps, or as he titled his stream, “HoT End Game”;
2- I tried to help him with the Revenant, about his build and weapons, what each legend focus on, but he ignored chat;
3- A lot of viewers sent him stuff to help, like gold and items… He ignored most of it, even though some were “screaming” on chat that he should look his mail box;
4- He decided to try a world boss but got angry since he had no waypoints to other maps (well, I wonder why), so he complained about it, I was in group with him trying to explain about the “Teleport to Friend” and how he could use it to get to a World Boss with my help, he ignored chat;

It was at this point that he left the game, complaining how overwhelming it is for new players, which should not be boosting up characters and trying HoT maps in the first place, even though he himself called it “HoT End Game”. Don’t get me wrong, I like Peon’s content, I watch his YouTube videos and I like them, some are serious some are funny, but in my opinion his attitude was bad and left a bad impression about the game to a lot of non-GW2 player viewers.

Just my opinion.

I watched the stream as well and I have to agree to all of what you have said…..He was so lazy x)

Bring back Countryard!!!

in PvP

Posted by: flog.3485


Why not make the map 5v5 team queue only with no downstate and no rez?

Scepter #2 and Sword #4 suggestion

in Mesmer

Posted by: flog.3485


I agree these skills are fine as they are…The trick is to know when you want to blind/interrupt or block based on what you are facing as opponents or foes

[Suggesion] Jumping Pazzle Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flog.3485


Personally I don’t think it is a good idea to increase rewards… if you do this then all players that don’t like JPs will complain that they need to do them to have the rewards. Jumping puzzles don’t offer much in term of character progression and therefore it should stay as an external feature for people who enjoy them and the thing is they don’t need rewards to enjoy the JPs. Furthermore, it basically boils down to a matter of luck, but I actually looted some pieces of exotics out JPs. I also remember someone saying here on forums that they got a precursor out of completing a JP so….

New Mastery Idea: Climbing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flog.3485


Maybe they could add the zephyrites skills as masteries that you earn through xP and story…..Anyway there is already some rumors about raptors that you ride so who knows..

Guild Wars is such a GREAT game...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flog.3485


I agree that guild wars needs its own subforum. Seriously how hard would it be to just add a Guild Wars 1 General Discussion? It feels like Arena Net is trying to write gw1 out of history. They haven’t peeped about the future of the game since 2013. Even a nice little recognition of gw1 would be amazing. Every now and then put something new on the gw1 website or briefly mention the status of it.

I regularly play gw1. In fact gw1 is my bread and butter – while gw2 is something I play for a week after a patch comes out for it. To me gw2 is a so-so mmorpg with some nice innovations and deviations from the genre. Gw1 is a unique tactical mmorpg.

How is Anet trying trying to write out the original GW out of history? Look at the recent events: other dragons from the past that are now active and included in the story, the return of Lazarus, the plots of the white mantle and the leaks about the second expansion in crystal desert, the return to the fire island and bloodstone Fen…If Anet really wanted to write out GW1 then the obvious way would have been to close down the servers which would be really dumb since now the story is tied to events from the past. GW 2 was at first a continuation of what GW1 set up: the creation of the sylvaries and now the story goes back to its roots, which is awesome.

Why hasn't condi chrono been touched?

in PvP

Posted by: flog.3485


Hint: mesmers have always beeen good as a dueling class. If a player can’t sustain himself because of a poor amount of condi cleanse then this player shouldn’t try to 1v1 a mesmer but instead rotate accordingly to support his team. And no the ultimate goal of PvP In GW 2 is not to kill players but instead cap points and rotate accordingly. An advice: don’t try to cleanse yourself as soon as you see the first condies being applied, wait for the big burst….Second advice: play the class to learn its weaknesses and strengths.

Legendarily Ugly Armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flog.3485


I like the out of combat version just fine as a standard armor style, and I like bits of the in-combat version too, although some of the spikes are a bit much. The nice thing is that we won’t be locked into an “outfit” version, so we can just wear the bits that we like, and leave out the bits that we don’t.

I say that hypothetically, of course, since the only current way to earn them is by raiding a lot, which makes them a complete non-factor in my playing of the game, but I retain hope that they’ll announce more options for earning them.

Personally, I wouldn’t want the leg armor to be accessible through other means but let’s optimistic, if Anet developed the tech for pieces of armor to have an animation, don’t you think it would be possible for them to realease skins in future LS updates that have a combat/off combat animation tied to it?

I think that we will be lucky if they release an armor set at all in LW3, let alone an animated one. I only have issue with the envoy armor because Anet releases armor sets at a glacial speed. If they released armor sets more frequently, I wouldn’t mind if there was a larger amount of exclusive sets than just this one.

I don’t know, I just expected more than 3 sets for every weight in an expansion release.

I never wanted to imply a whole armor set in one LW update. That is the thing we should be suggesting giving an armor set or a piece through multiple LW updates or even they could implement a recipe that make an armor set have an animation for example.