Showing Posts For hobbes.6178:

Tequatl can be defeated...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: hobbes.6178


I asked for it, and had a blast wiping on Tequatl all afternoon.

Really? that’s awesome. I personally think wiping on something all afternoon and only getting it to maybe 70% health is about as fun as punching myself in the balls with a knife. But hey to each their own I guess.

Tequatl can be defeated...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: hobbes.6178


This is what we asked for.

I never asked for this.

ANet was kind enough to make it optional.

And even kinder to make achievements for doing it…

Tequatl can be defeated...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: hobbes.6178


It’s hard for a lot of people to change their mentality when they have been zerging down “bosses” for just over a year already.

Even if people start trying to play better…if you have 100 people at Tequatl only 60 at most will actually be trying. The rest will either be A: Dumb/new to the encounter and do not know what to do or B: know exactly what to do but don’t feel like trying and hope that other’s pick up their slack so they can pick up their loot and leave.

Extremely hard world bosses will most likely never work. Hate to say it ArenaNet but if you want to make very hard content you are going to have to make raid dungeons. Trying to rely on others to learn a fight is about as fun as abortion. I hated how easy Tequatl was before, and I THOUGHT I wanted a much more difficult fight…but I regret ever thinking that now.

Make raids. I know the Manifesto video said no but get with the times. Raids are what players are going to start wanting. Mark my words.

EDIT: I do not mean WoW style raids…surely there can be a much better way to implement hard PvE encounters for friends/guildmates to tackle and try to overcome. Tone Tequatl down for the general public, but maybe make an insanely hard version of him for say….20-25 players to try to defeat. Raids is probably not the best word I could of used to describe…but I know its a word you can all relate to.

(edited by hobbes.6178)

Sword/Sword/Longbow Condition WvW Movies

in Warrior

Posted by: hobbes.6178


Corruption perhaps?

Sword/Sword/Longbow Condition WvW Movies

in Warrior

Posted by: hobbes.6178


What sigil do you use in offhand weapon?

Please make more content like this!

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: hobbes.6178


Or the eat/mine 250 of something and the wander around and kill 300 of stuff…ESPECIALLY when you have to do it in Ascalon, Shiverpeaks, Maguuma etc.

ArenaNet…take notes. What you did for this content is what players want. I know there are some people that will say they had fun eating 250 pieces of candy and killing 300 holograms but they are either A: lying or B: flat out stupid and run nothing but CoF P1.

This is the way all future content should be, make it like this and improve on it where you see fit. The days of eating a ton of pointless stuff and killing a ton of pointless stuff is hopefully over. Now is the new era of content worth downloading! WOOT!

Please make more content like this!

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: hobbes.6178


Bazaar of the Four Winds is flat out awesome and fun. Please please PLEASE make future content like this! All previous events was flat out awful and poorly designed (no offense…tis the truth though) but the Bazaar is awesome!

Still a bit bummed about the RNG…but I think we have all grown to accept that you guys will always do this. But this time you at least gave us FUN stuff to do which kind of balances it out.

Bazaar of the Four Winds is by far the most fun I have had in this game thus far, thanks ArenaNet!

(edited by hobbes.6178)

Weeping cache bugged for anyone else?

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: hobbes.6178


Cannot get the Tears of Itlaocol door to open on my server…seems to be bugged. Has been bugged out every time I try it. Has this happened to anyone else?

Yet another achievement gap due to buggery…love it!

Big Boom in the Big City

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: hobbes.6178


Do they plan to let people get this achievement again? Someone mentioned they might due to buggy overflows causing people to miss it plus the fact it was a holiday weekend.

Just looking to see if that is true or not. Also ArenaNet…is there a reason you made this achievement only 3 days and not during the course of dragon bash? I just seems a bit odd is all.

Request: 'The Big Boom...' achievement

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: hobbes.6178


To be honest if you really wanted the helm you would of made sure you could come on for like 15 mins during 3 days, it is not like it was miss leading. Both the launcher and the website both stated the days it would be possible to get well in advance (about 6 days). You missed it oh well, the helm is horrible and it is just wasting bank space atm, wish I could sell them.

My Grandmother died of cancer on the 15th and I had to fly out to Chicago and just got back today. Even though I knew fully well in advance about the days sometimes real life gets in the way and prevents us from logging in for 15 mins during 3 days.

I know I will never be able to get this achievement and frankly I don’t care, I got a lot of other stuff to care about at the moment. But sometimes temporary stuff in an MMO can be really unfortunately timed for some people. Just because you got the helm doesn’t mean everyone should of been able to get it just as easily. Life sometimes gets in the way.

I also missed out of some Southsun achievements…real life is unfortunate sometimes. Also I am a completionist so it really bugs me to see gaps in my achievements. Oh well.

(edited by hobbes.6178)

Crabtoss Achievements

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: hobbes.6178


How long are we able to get these? I leave for business for a couple weeks and hope I dont miss out on them =(

Game keeps crashing right at end of dungeon

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: hobbes.6178


Right before the end of a dungeon, when the thing pops up to accept your tokens and stuff, my game always crashes. It causes me to miss out on the tokens and silver, and has done this on my last 13 dungeon runs. I am literally forced to stop running dungeons until I can get this resolved, any ideas?

Yes I have repaired the game files, completely reinstalled etc.

5/10 T3 Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: hobbes.6178


Been very sick the last few days…but can someone clue me in on something: I thought Maguuma had a commander named Zero Xcel? did he transfer? still pretty sick and lazy and spraying 9 foot ropes of diarrhea out of my butt so don’t feel like back tracking this thread.

I love world events! however...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: hobbes.6178


I can never freaking do them. Whenever I waypoint to an event my camera gets bugged at waypoint and I cant see my character or where he is going, sometimes I try to look at the minimap and guide my character to a spot and try to attack but it never works.

I have literally not been able to participate in the last 27 events I have tried to be a part of (yes I counted them). Can someone please tell me what causes this so I can start to enjoy a huge aspect of this game?

EDIT: After making this post and alt-tabbing back into game a guildie said Teq was up, I instantly waypoint and guess what happened? 28 baby! I dunno what the record is but I am sure I will beat it.

(edited by hobbes.6178)

Alright, I give up...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: hobbes.6178


I am not really sure how it triggered, but I had all 7 items (believe me I had all 7) on 4 characters and the 5th character slot I was constantly making alts and playing through SAB over and over and trying different things.

Also, the fact that I am an extreme completionist also played a part. I would spend 4 hours trying to get 1 buggy vista instead of waiting for them to fix it in a week. So any achievement that I am 6/7 in really gets under my skin.

Like the diving locations achievement…36/37 or something for like 2 months because certain servers had a certain pair of goggles bugged…god that grated on my mind for the entire two months.

Alright, I give up...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: hobbes.6178


Well, I figured it out….sort of.

I was logging onto my characters to double check their items, and I logged onto my Elementalist and instantly got the achievement upon logging in…not sure how or why that happened but I guess my ele was bugged or something? who knows…I got the achievement though so YAY!

Thanks for the help guys, appreciate it.

Alright, I give up...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: hobbes.6178


I have obtained all of those items.

Alright, I give up...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: hobbes.6178


You need to get Moto’s Breath from a scroll at the end of the jumping puzzle in zone 3.'s_Breath

Yes I have obtained that. I have obtained every item I assure you.

Alright, I give up...

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: hobbes.6178


I am stuck at 6/7 Minor in Ehancement.

I have all the items you can get on 3 different characters. I have made numerous alts to get the free candle in zone 2. I have beat SAB many many times on regular and infantile mode on a few characters and even alts.

I am stuck at 6/7…and I have tried everything I have found on the internet to fix this.

So…any suggestions? Could someone from ArenaNet possibly suggest something? Considering this is the only title in the game so far that I actually like and want…kind of sucks.

Please keep in mind that I have tried everything I could think of and everything I have read on forums. Please don’t be the “Try restarting your PC” guy.

(edited by hobbes.6178)

SAB, Minor in Enhancement stuck at 6/7

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: hobbes.6178


I tried all my alts, ran them all to the store in zone 2 for free candle, even played two of them fully through and got every single item. 6/7 still.

SAB, Minor in Enhancement stuck at 6/7

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: hobbes.6178


Any suggestions for when the candle on an alt doesn’t work?

Leg Specialist + Arrow Cart = Enemy lockdown

in WvW

Posted by: hobbes.6178


I have been abusing this for so long, I love it. Hope they never fix it.

3/1 - 3/8: TC/DB/Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: hobbes.6178


I just drank a giant cup of Mountain Dew after not having caffeine in about a month. BRING ON THE WvW!!!!

I actually don’t drink coffee…and I am not sure why. My parents used to drink a TON of coffee growing up, at least 3-6 cups a day. They would just make coffee and sit on the deck and chat.

Entire family is heavy coffee drinkers but it never stuck with me. Only way I like coffee is with a ton of cream and sugar and I figure at that point it isn’t coffee anymore. I do however love coffee flavored things IE ice cream and candy etc.

Anyways go Maguuma WvW castle stonemist catapult balls.


in WvW

Posted by: hobbes.6178


So Kaineng get all their points when everyone sleeps? .. with full maps Kaineng was really weak.. I’m a little dissapointed

This is a 24 hour game with players from across the globe. Are you saying you’re disappointed with your own server’s lack of night-time coverage, or are you trying to imply that points shouldn’t count when you’re asleep?

Eh, it’s just a bummer is all. Maguuma has always had a rather weak night crew, it’s a tad disappointing when we are able to stand toe to toe and have some great fights on reset night/during the day and then to log on at night and see us getting stomped. Honestly Maguuma is used to it and the majority of Maguuma knows there is nothing we can do about it. Just wish we could get a couple of Aussie guilds or something =).


in WvW

Posted by: hobbes.6178


Party at Kaineng Garrison!

(deleted - old post)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hobbes.6178


Absolutely ridiculous and absurd. It is things like this that really make me question ArenaNet. If only I was in beta and was able to abuse early release tricks/precursor saving to be rich right now =(. Oh well, the legit/uninformed players pay for it now I guess.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: hobbes.6178


You know at first I had respect for Maguuma, but seeing the amount of spies they is ridiculous.. I mean even after winning by so MUCH. You resort to spies to still make the game easy.. thats crazy…

Spies are not something you use only when you’re losing. While the majority of our mumble community frowns upon it, it’s a valid tactic regardless of what place you’re in. We’ve been spied on numerous times, and yes, even while losing. We know what to say when we want to keep something secret, we know who to PM and talk to when we’re on a secret mission.

Honestly, at this point, I would guess the spies are there out of boredom. If anyone really cared to resort to spies to win even harder, then they’re the 1%.

I mean WaR, ILL, SM, GOON all these guilds and outnumbering us at least 4 to 1. Yet they know where we are, when to hit, where we placed our siege. I mean at least fake it and pretend to not to know..

GOON does not outnumber you. Don’t lie. It’s not hard to know what to hit when it’s the ONLY thing on the map with swords. We also have roamers and scouts everywhere and we communicate to each other when we find enemies. Shocking, I know.

I’m not saying GOON outnumbers us, but you guys were there. Also to have a 90% accuracy to know where we built everything and for 90% of your people to go straight to that location… I mean come on.. When you guys just took the Garrison I saw this happen. And I dont care how coordinated you are, unless you have a spy telling you, you will not have a 90% accuracy on that.

You just run straight there and wipe it, while the 5 random nubs were going to the Lord.

When you play the same maps over and over the “unique” siege placement spots eventually become widely known. There is no element of surprise in WvW anymore, everyone knows every tactic these days.

The same maps over and over and over and over…and your wondering how people sniff out your tactics? “How did they know we were going to send a crew to run supply? SPIES OMG”. You can’t honestly sit there and tell me you are that stupid. I am literally going to assume your post was a joke.

Also, spies aren’t as common as people think. Everyone likes to think they are everywhere at all times and there are tons of them around but its simply not the case. One stealth cap mission gets sniffed out and everyone just immediately jumps on the spy bandwagon. Maguuma commanders constantly ask people to stick around at a freshly taken keep to watch for retaliatory attacks. I have volunteered to hang back many times and scout around to watch for any stealth cap crews. One time I sniffed out a golem rush and said something on Mumble, the zerg shows up and we clean them out, next day I see on the forums that people said we have spies because we knew about the golem rush. Just because it’s possible to spy, doesn’t mean everyone actually cares enough to do it.

28/12 YB V EB V MAG

in WvW

Posted by: hobbes.6178


Here’s footage of the ehmry bay player who was using a speed hack.. Wksim [Nevr]:

I already sent a link to, tho wouldn’t hurt for others to report him.

His character could have tourettes, don’t be so quick to judge.

What makes a "good" wvw server

in WvW

Posted by: hobbes.6178


In terms of winning? Coverage. The ability to maintain a consistent zerg in WvW at any given time.

In terms of fun? Find a guild you like and WvW with them. It’s that simple.

12/14 - YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: hobbes.6178


People actually get bothered by /laugh and /dance? Heh…its just emotes…

The same thing can be said with verbal insults, or whatever, in game or forum. After all, they are just “words”. Right?

Exactly! glad to see we are on the same page.

12/14 - YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: hobbes.6178


People actually get bothered by /laugh and /dance? Heh…its just emotes…

When will free server Xfer will stop?

in WvW

Posted by: hobbes.6178


Someday A-net will realize that WvW is what makes this game. Hopefully that happens before they kill it….

I highly doubt that will ever happen. Anet is literally slowly killing their game…for me at least. Everything is just growing so stale…never thought I would say this but I actually miss raids in WoW now, they gave me a reason to log on and bond with fellow guildies.

Oh well, Planetside 2 is like WvW on steroids and is F2P…slowly making the switch day by day.

12/14 - YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: hobbes.6178


I am just glad for Wintersday because I needed a reason to log in. Anyone else getting extremely bored fo GW2 lately? Hell I am 4 clovers away from my legendary and I don’t even have the desire to log in and finish it.

Anyways, good fights, numbers and zerg skill balls apple juice cervix blah blah I am better then jesus etc etc stonemist.

You broke my longbow...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: hobbes.6178


You should see what they did to the pact greatsword…it looks god awful now.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: hobbes.6178


After numerous tickets I finally find this thread. Anyways here is the problem I encountered.

I purchase a heavy Dredge Breastplate of the AForge for my Warrior from the Sorrow’s Embrace dungeon merchant for 330 tokens of the moletariate. Shortly after purchasing the breastplate I equipped it and drooled because it looks so awesome. I disconnected shortly after, which is fine it happens, but when I came back online my BP was gone and my chest slot was naked. I searched my entire bags, moused over every item, checked my bank, even checked my alts just in case. No breastplate. On top of that, my tokens were gone as well.

So now I am sitting here missing 330 tokens of the moletariate AND no breastplate to show for it. I really hope you don’t tell me you can’t do anything because this game is honestly holding my interest by a thread (WvW only stays fun for so long). I really hope you can help me out.

While I would like to help you, this is not an account issue. It happened on your account, sure, but it’s not related to inability to access the game, a compromise incident, etc. I really encourage you to contact Support by filing a ticket through the “Ask a Question” tab on that linked page. They will be able to assist you. For tips on what information to provide in a ticket, please read this post.

Oh I tried that! Yep sure did! When I try to request a password it never sends me the email. Ugh this is so annoying…never had to jump through so many hoops for a simple answer to a simple question. Whatever happened to the good old days when you just typed your problem in game and a few hours later someone actually messages you about it…./sigh

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: hobbes.6178


Maguuma…..Gees if your gonna create an assault distraction on a wall….at least for the love of god put the Catapults outside of Clusterbomb and other AoE Range from The wall or have a tonload of suprressive fire on the wall seriously when 3 people can route 20 your doing something seriously wrong.

You really missed the point of that.

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: hobbes.6178


Mag – 3rd time fighting you in a row. Unfortunately your general server kitteniness and boastful attitudes really make it hard to respect you guys. But there are guild there that i find deserve their earned respect despite the unusually large average of trolls. (Maybe the only just troll the forums) But im looking forward to fighting you even still.

Look at your own forums. You gaiz talk mucho kitten there. Don’t act all self-righteous.

Good ole Always a good read there.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: hobbes.6178


After numerous tickets I finally find this thread. Anyways here is the problem I encountered.

I purchase a heavy Dredge Breastplate of the AForge for my Warrior from the Sorrow’s Embrace dungeon merchant for 330 tokens of the moletariate. Shortly after purchasing the breastplate I equipped it and drooled because it looks so awesome. I disconnected shortly after, which is fine it happens, but when I came back online my BP was gone and my chest slot was naked. I searched my entire bags, moused over every item, checked my bank, even checked my alts just in case. No breastplate. On top of that, my tokens were gone as well.

So now I am sitting here missing 330 tokens of the moletariate AND no breastplate to show for it. I really hope you don’t tell me you can’t do anything because this game is honestly holding my interest by a thread (WvW only stays fun for so long). I really hope you can help me out.

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: hobbes.6178


I think the lesson that people need to learn is that Maguuma has two u’s not one.

Unresponsive Jumping @ Dec 3rd Patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: hobbes.6178


They did this to prevent wall jumping, but it is affecting people in jump puzzles now.

Unresponsive Jumping @ Dec 3rd Patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: hobbes.6178


Yep same here, its utterly absurd. Of all the MMO’s I have played ArenaNet is the only company that consistently creates new bugs with every single patch. They fix an Elementalist ability and Garrison gets bugged in WvW…like…how??

I refuse to assume this was intended. There is just no possible way an ArenaNet employee did this and thought to himself “Perfect!”. Nobody is that dumb.

Did the patch break jumping?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hobbes.6178


My server has tons of people in the EB jump puzzle but no one is attacking each other because no one can get anywhere.

Did the patch break jumping?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hobbes.6178


Anyone else? I am not the only one…

WvW is Losing it's "Fun"...

in WvW

Posted by: hobbes.6178


It is nowhere near what it was made out to be? Welcome to Guild Wars 2 dude…NOTHING was near what it was made out to be. There was way to much hype for this game and it was impossible to live up to. Personal story? People heard this and thought FF7/OOT type of story and you would have your very own story unique from everyone else. In reality? it was just side quests that everyone else on the server has options to do. You could literally never do a single story quest and the game would never change around you. Home instance? I thought it was SO cool when I heard about it…have never stepped foot into mine…ever.

There was way to much hype for GW2 that it just could not live up to and now it is boring for most people. Luckily for me I was not a complete idiot and didnt fully get consumed by the hype. People always think of the best possible scenario of implementation and then in reality they just get a very basic concept inside an MMO. GW2 is good, but its far from great. Once you accept that the game becomes more fun.

Not everyone's a hero, what did your Sylvari dream?

in Sylvari

Posted by: hobbes.6178


Mine dreamed about new maps for WvW, a better looting system for badges and better rewards for the badges.

Looking for dedicated dungeon group/guild

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: hobbes.6178


Looking for some people that run dungeons often that could use an extra. Without going into detail believe me that I am a smart minded player that knows how to stay out of the fire. For what its worth, even though they are technically very different games, I was a very active raider in WoW and was good at it (not to toot my own horn).

I was in a dungeon group not to long ago and they were a bit to “serious business” for me. Scheduled times and if I chose to go out with friends on a Saturday night instead of run dungeons they got pissy and they were just really awkward people in general.

So if anyone is out there that is looking for a guy that runs dungeons quite often but accepts the fact that I might chose to go to a bar with friends on weekends then hit me up in game, I could be your man.

11/30 Crystal Desert vs Ehmry Bay vs Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: hobbes.6178


I just ate mac and cheese with barbecue sauce mixed in….not bad.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: hobbes.6178


I opened a ticket a while ago about an item disappearing from my bags. I recently purchased the Dredge Breastplate of the Forge from the Sorrow’s Embrace dungeon vendor for 330 tokens of the Moletariate. Shortly after purchasing and equipping the breastplate I disconnected from the game, brought me to the character select screen. No big deal it happens, especially in LA. However when I logged back in my BP was no longer equipped, my chest slot was naked. I checked my bags and could not find it. I checked my bank…I even checked my alts even though I knew it wouldn’t be there but I checked just in case anyways. When I could not find it I assumed it didn’t register me buying it, however when I looked for my tokens they were not there.

So, basically, I am out 330 tokens and no Breastplate to show for it. So what happens now? Touch luck and try again? or can I get the BP or tokens replace? Hope you guys give me good news, because Planetside 2 is getting better everyday…and I spend A LOT of money in the gem store.

Item disappeared from bags?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: hobbes.6178


Would love a definite answer on this…I have opened 3 in game tickets so far and posted here…have yet to hear anything from ArenaNet. I understand they are busy but would kind of like to know.

11/30 - Crystal v. Ehmry v. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: hobbes.6178


Personally I don’t know how much longer I can take WvW. Its so rinse and repeat. They need to make changes to WvW very soon because I am playing Planetside 2 more and more each day, and eventually I will be consumed.