Showing Posts For infantrydiv.1620:

Ridiculous reasons for being called noob?

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


The best reason is when you spend the entire game 1v2/3ing and then lose the game and some kitten on your team brags that they have the highest personal score after running between empty nodes or getting ferocity buffs or svanir kills or w/e at inopportune times.


Am I The Only One? [Class Difficulty]

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


I feel more effective on a 60 game d/d ele than on my 2500 game Ranger or 1200 game necro. Maybe it’s because I like close quarters melee/hybrid combat but really, ele (d/d in particular) just feels like easymode with spam heals, close to 70-80% protection uptime, and burst mobility.


why no ranger on teams?

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Because Ranger gets less and less useful the higher up the tiers you go, they’re easy to counter for high-tier players. They also don’t have a portal.


If you want to support your team with healing and boons and do decent power/condi output, D/D ele

If you want to nuke people from range, take Mesmer.

If you want to mongo people down with CDs, take Rampage warrior.

If you want high mobility and stealth, take Thief

Although Ranger has plenty of builds which are fine to solo q or team queue with, ultimately in a tournament where maximum efficiency is required, they fail to bring enough unique utility in a team setting.


sigil that applies burning

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620



Can we also have Rune of the Fireman with sixth bonus, -100% burning duration then?


How to fight Remorseless Quickdraw LB rangers

in Necromancer

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Power Ranger vs Necro in open field is a one sided match up


Who actually enjoys this meta?

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Saying the meta before June 23rd was balanced is pretty laughable. Yeah, I guess if you play Ele/Engi for the past year and a half it was “balanced”.


Infantry's Yearly Ranger Revamp

in Ranger

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


A duration modifier for cripple, chill and immobilize definitely would work well with Predator’s Onslaught. Given how leaps are immune to chill/cripple and how many classes have -33% modifiers for these now, I’d say +33% increase wouldnt be unreasonable.

As for OH Warhorn, I could see it maybe doing an initial blind and then also Revealed. I still just think multiple short duration blinds is not the direction this skill can be taken in.

I’ll add these to the initial changes I posted though, thanks for the suggestions!


Infantry's Yearly Ranger Revamp

in Ranger

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Second half of Hornet’s String chain stuns for 1 second upon damage

I was going to say that’s an awful lot of CC, but then I compared it to some of the other classes and was like “mm ok I guess”.

Still, there is roughly a 0 percent chance that gets implemented.

A 1 second stun on a clearly telegraphed skill is just a slight boost to Sword in general. Mesmers now have a 1200 range instant cast stun that is usable like every 6 seconds.
The 1 second stun, when not dodged would allow Rangers to successfully land offhand skills like Torch 4 or Axe 4.

I’d put the chance of any of my changes being implemented around 2%, actually :P


Infantry's Yearly Ranger Revamp

in Ranger

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Personally I think Warhorn 4 should apply a half-second blind per strike. Rangers currently don’t have too difficult a time with Thieves and applying revealed is generally worthless against Mesmers..

I have suggested the exact same thing before, 0.5s Blind over 16 hits would be pretty much perfect imo. 8s of blind with enough re-application that you can pretty much shut down someone’s damage for the duration. Exactly what Ranger needs on WH imo.

This would be overpowered and complained about and nerfed instantly. 16 .5 second reapplications of blind isn’t the same as 8 seconds of blind, it completely negates someones damage for a long period of time on a short cooldown. Right now the skill is incredibly weak to classes with retaliation, which is why I suggest lowering the total number of hits and then also giving it the additional function of Reveal to make it actually incredibly useful vs stealth classes.


Infantry's Yearly Ranger Revamp

in Ranger

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


I honestly stopped reading when I saw

2. Predator’s Instinct: In addition to the cripple, added functionality: when your pet damages a target below 50% health, it’s F2 skill is recharged, ICD increased to 60 seconds…
…7. Predator’s Onslaught: You and your pet deal increased damage per disabling condition on your foe, 4% per condition

Those would be worse than currently.

Hmm, well personally I consider Cripple an incredibly weak condition and a free recharge on a Pet F2 skill would instantly make this trait 2x better than before. I suppose the ICD could actually just remain 30 seconds.

Predator’s Onslaught is a boring trait, and I consider it basically a PvE trait. Maybe instead of what I suggested it could also have an execute function added for 10% additional damage to targets under 50% health. Right now it just feels really bad in any build other than one looking for absolute max damage.


Infantry's Yearly Ranger Revamp

in Ranger

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Weapon Functionality:
#4: Now applies 3 stacks of Torment + Cripple, Pet no longer applies Bleeds
#5: Now applies 3 stacks of Confusion upon successful interrupt
Offhand Axe
#5: No longer roots player in place, still channeled
#4: Now applies 4 seconds of revealed and 6 seconds of blind, cast time reduced to ½ second. Number of strikes reduced to 9 but spread over the same duration and base damage
#5: Number of Might stacks increased to 3
#1: Autoattack damage increased by 10% on second swing and 15% on third swing
Mainhand Axe
#1: Auto is replaced with a new melee attack chain which applies Bleed, Bleed, and then Cripple on the three part chain. Also scales decently well with power (about 20% less DPS than Sword not factoring in the condition damage)
or Now scales better with power + Cripples foes on the potential third bounce
Fixed to no longer lock players into attacking without access to dodge
Second half of Hornet’s String chain stuns for 1 second upon damage
Utility Skills
“Guard!”: Pet moves to selected area and gives allies within area 3 seconds of stealth and 4 second of protection
“Sic Em”: Recharge reduced to 35 seconds, Reveal duration reduced to 4 seconds.
Signet of the Hunt: Active now applies 20 stacks of vulnerability and 5 seconds of cripple, old functionality removed.
Spike Trap: Recharge time reduced to 30 seconds
Snake Trap: Recharge time reduced to 15 seconds
Spirits: Now move by default OR are stationary but are like banners, indestructible (still can be interrupted)


(edited by infantrydiv.1620)

Infantry's Yearly Ranger Revamp

in Ranger

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Comprehensive Ranger Rework
2. Predator’s Instinct: In addition to the cripple, add 10 stacks of Vulnerability, added functionality: when your pet damages a target below 50% health, it’s F2 skill is recharged
3. Clarion Bond: Now works outside of combat, similarly to Ele/Engi traits of the same nature
4. Brutish Seals: Added 2 seconds of Resistance on Signet activation
5. Steady Focus: Added functionality, Damaging a foe while at full endurance grants you 1 stack of might for 10 seconds. 1 second ICD
7. Predator’s Onslaught: Additional functionality: Cripple, Chill, and Immobilize you apply last 33% longer
8. Remorseless: Added functionality, now recharges Opening Strike upon interrupting a foe as well as when gaining fury.
2. Primal Reflexes: Increase vigor duration by 1 second
3. Trapper’s Expertise: Removed Cripple effect, added Traps now remove 1 boon per pulse from affected enemies
5. Strider’s Defense: Removed RNG proj destruction, using Sword skills now grant a stacking buff on hit which grants aegis at 5 stacks (could be increased to need 5-10 if too many blocks)
6. Hidden Barbs: Damage increase to 33% (bleeding was substantially nerfed last patch)
8. Light on Your Feet: Increase damage bonus to 15-20%
9. Most Dangerous Game, Additional functionality, Gain 1 stack of might for 10 seconds when striking a foe below 50% health, 1 second ICD
Wilderness Survival
1. Soften the Fall: Should be removed, along with the other fall traits
3. Expertise Training: Duration increase to 50%, Condition damage increased to 450, Critical hits from your pet now inflict bleeding [taken from Companion’s Might]
4. Ambidexterity: Added range increase back to the trait
6. Shared Anguish: Removed, replaced with the old Hide in Plain Sight [HiPS is a more interesting, less RNG mechanic]
7. Empathic Bond: Pets now cure conditions, instead of ‘taking’ them [Pets should not be even bigger punching bags, they already die easily enough]
9. Poison Master: Added functionality, Gain 50% of your outgoing poison damage back as healing [to compete with Ranger’s only condi removal traits, this trait needs to offer some other type of survivability]
Nature Magic
1. Bountiful Hunter: Now adds the total amount of boons on you and your pet to the percentage number. Example: Pet has 5 boons, you have 3, would = 8% damage increase.
2. Instinctive Reaction: Added 5 seconds of Super Speed. Increased conversion rate of 12% of Healing Power converted into Power. [This trait is just pretty bad and needs additional functionality]
5. Vigorous Training: Added 5 seconds of 1 stack of stability to this trait.
6. Windborne Notes: Recharge reduced by 33% [This trait only affects two skills]
7. Nature’s Vengeance: Removed pulsating boon, Spirits now grant 5 seconds of corresponding Aura (Fire Shield, Frost Armor, etc) upon activation. [Pulsating boons as currently implemented are boring, Auras are interesting and add extra play to spirit activation]
9. Invigorating Bond: Added functionality, Your pet grants nearby allies a regeneration effect (scales with your healing power) from between 50-200 per second. Radius of 240 or 300 [Ranger needs more supporting GM traits if it will ever compete with meta builds, this trait would actually put emphasis on pet placement and support]
2. Companion’s Might: Removed bleeding functionality, added: critical strikes from your pet now grant you might, 10 seconds, 1 second ICD
5. Two Handed Training: Damage increase to 10% [Greatsword DPS is awful]
6. Natural Healing: You and your pet gain Healing Power based on your toughness (10%) and gain Natural Healing, between 50-150 per second.
9. Honed Axes: Added functionality, Gain +150 Ferocity per Axe you wield. Winter’s Bite and Path of Scars now remove 2 boons from affected enemies


(edited by infantrydiv.1620)

Would type of weapon swapping do you prefer?

in Revenant

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620



Finding your HIDDEN MMR

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Is it really possible to find the hidden MMR that Arenanet doesn’t want you to know about in just 3 QUICK & EASY steps? Not a chance . . . until now! I’m proud to introduce the Tri-step patented MMR formula, the first formula GUARANTEED to help you find that hidden MMR that Arenanet has been hiding from you for years!

Formulated only with esports, powerful, all-natural facts, Tri-Step MMR Formula is the world’s first method GUARANTEED to help you find your MMR, and maybe discover why you’ve been playing with all those terribads and kitteners.

*Great Way To Find Your MMR and Know Just How Good You Are
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Well, then I have a deal for you. Because Tri-Step MMR Formula can help you do all those things and MORE. That’s right, there’s even more. Order today and you’ll receive a FREE The Lord Helseth bobblehead as well as AN OFFICIAL Abjured wall poster signed by an actual former member, Ostrich Eggs!

So, after hearing all this, I’m sure you’re excited to know that it truly IS POSSIBLE to find that pesky, ellusive MMR formula. Well, let me tell you that I have a deal for you. For only 3 installments of 19.99g, I’ll send you each step of the Tri-Step MMR Formula finder AND a BONUS step of how to increase your MMR to extreme levels and find happiness and esports beyond your wildest expectations.


I’ve used 15-20 different products before and never had the results I’ve experienced with yours! I made it through the steps with no problems. I also managed to gain over 250 MMR! I wasn’t as bad or playing mindlessly after using the product. Seeing that hidden MMR really motivated me to get better . It sounds so cliche to say that it changed my life, but it really did. Thank you for offering a product that is affordable and doesn’t have embarrassing side effects! – Prince Vingador

I’ve been using this product for a couple months…the steps is great…it aids with MMR when following a proper game plan and practice regimen. Training for the AG weekly and let me say, this product really helps!! – Cruuk


Give us back the old leaderboard

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


The old leaderboard was much better than the old we have now. The main difference needs to be:

1. Need to play more games before getting to the top of a leaderboard. No one wants to see someone with a 15-5 record in the top 10.
2. Permanent leaderboard decay. No more jumping 50% points when coming back from a 4 month absence.

I agree, add those two changes, and the leaderboard would have been perfect. But even in its old form, it was still better than grinderboards2015


Give us back the old leaderboard

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


… at least until a new league system is implemented or w/e. There’s no point in freezing the boards for an extended period of time. Just put the old formula for the Team leaderboards back until you reveal whatever changes you said would be coming like a year ago… or I guess even starting another “whoever grinds the most games” season would still be preferable to a frozen leaderboard.


Ranger mobility [PvP, not WvW]

in Ranger

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Since Arenanet apparently believes that having useful utilities or useful team support is to be excluded entirely from the Ranger class, I’m making another thread to complain about the fact that Ranger also now has some of the worst mobility in the game.

I find it jaw dropping that a class which seems designed so much around roaming/skirmishing/dueling is continuously denied any form of 25% or 33% buff outside of a worthless signet, or taking a shout trait and a worthless shout (further hampering any sort of utility value or team support). Ranger Warhorn could possibly be an option if the 4th skill was changed, but as it stands, it’s really quite underwhelming. Every other class in the game, except perhaps Guardian, has easy access to 25% movement traits, swiftness outside of combat or substantial vertical ports. Even Necromancer now has a trait for 25% Dagger movement in Blood Magic, as well as having utilities like Spectral Walk and Wurm.

Even Ranger mobility traits are tied to combat for no perceivable reason. For example, the new Clarion Bond only activates in combat, yet Engineers can swap kits outside of combat for a whopping 20 seconds of Swiftness, and Elementalists still gain boons from swapping attunements outside of combat. Rangers’ weapon swap for Swiftness trait in Skirmishing is again, also tied to combat.

Before someone comes here and posts: “Oh, but you have Sword Leap and GS leap”. Well, that’s great. I haven’t done the math, but please, try running with swiftness next to a ranger with one of those equipped and see how much faster you move. It’s even more noticeable now that movement skills are not affected by mobility boons/conditions.

If you guys have any suggestions about this, let me know. I’m pretty much sick of running around PvP about 50% slower on my Ranger than on my Ele, Warrior, Thief, and even Necro feels faster now.


Multiple Spirit Bugs (Ranger)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


1. Storm Spirit daze doesnt actually daze, the daze icon appears, but all skills are still usable (tested 2 days ago).

2. Elite Spirit sometimes does not heal for 320 every second. Had two instances where this occurred, 1 instance where it did not and it healed correctly, might be associated with having or not having the GM trait equipped.

3. Water Spirit allied heal in the radius triggers 1-4 times on a single target, usually 2 times. Don’t know what the intended functionality of this is, but it doesn’t match the tooltip.

4. After summoning, Storm/Sun/Stone/Frost spirits have a 1 second global cooldown which prevents you from activating them immediately. Water doesn’t have this, and I think that’s the way it’s intended to work.


Ranger after patch and suggestions

in Ranger

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Ok Trig, I agree with pretty much all of the suggestions. One thing about Spirits is that I don’t really think they need to pulse boons, since most of them already give boons.

1. Spirits should be able to move. Making them immobile really voids a lot (almost all) of their potential in PvP and WvW. I’d like to see Spirits actually have some type of Aura integration. For example, instead of pulsing boons, the Nature’s Vengeance trait could give Spirits an Aura along with their standard boon or condition. Fire aura, frost aura, magnetic aura, shocking aura. It all works well. The duration of the aura could be balance as necessary (1-2 seconds on most I think)

2. Yes, Shared Anguish is awful design, Hide in Plain Sight is very cool functionality and not total RNG feeling like SA. Definitely most Rangers would prefer HiPS to just replace SA in the same line.

3. I never really used Natural Healing before so I can’t really comment. What I can say is that all the non-minor Pet Stat traits are quite underwhelming (the +condition and +healing ones). Arenanet should consider adding extra functionality to these traits to make them worth it. Maybe Natural Healing could give pets a passive that gives say, 50-70 health per second to allies that are within a 300 radius or something. The extra + condi damage for pets is close to useless until they decide to make an actual condi pet.

3. Yes, Honed Axes is a pretty bad trait as it stands. Given how Mainhand Axe has horrible power scaling, I’d suggest giving +150 ferocity for each axe you wield (a maximum of 300). I think it would also be nice to give Critical Hits with axes a chance to cripple foes, in addition to AoE Winter’s Bite. Please also give Axe 5 the ability to move while channeling.

4. Definite yes to the Forage skill just replacing the F2 slot. As it currently stands, this is pretty much a bug that an enemy can pick up something your pet drops and use it to kill you.


No HoT until I get Home

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Sorry, I felt that it fitted the mood of the many who are telling me they are not buying it….but thanks for the bump.

Your first post would fit much better on Twitter than on a forum :p


No HoT until I get Home

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Why is this newsworthy?


Question about the base game + expac

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


If I buy the expac, can I use the ‘free copy of the base game’ as an alt account, say on EU, and still apply the expansion to my main account?

If yes, that makes it a decent deal.

If no, then yeah, that’s kind of a bad deal for vets.


June 23 Specialization Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


These changes fall far from the mark in terms of balance, active play, counterplay, and overall variety. Sorry, but it’s true.


Is cripple getting a revamp?

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


I think it’s just another condition to spam to hope that your actual conditions dont get removed by all the condition removal spam coming out from warrior/ele.


How do you take GW2 PvP seriously?

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Simply put, you don’t.


Boon/Condition Conversion RNG

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Another poor choice along with the movement changes and how imbalanced some of the traits are looking. The patch is shaping up to be a real disaster.

However, in my expert opinion I think Arenanet noticed how successful LoL and Hearthstone are and decided to create a new hybrid: Stronghold (Moba) + Massive RNG (Hearthstone). Esports here we come Kappa


sPvP Focused Guild?

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Unfortunately, Arenanet has done nothing to incentivize guilds to PvP with members. As a result, sPvP guilds are pretty far and few between, although there are still a few ones around iirc. Most people just play with people off their friends lists, and even teams sometimes don’t bother joining one guild.

If Arenanet would add extra rewards to pvp for pvping with guild members or specific rewards/titles, I think we might see at least a few more PvP guilds being started.


Am I hot or not?

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


It’s definitely a problem. What really gets my goat is that Anet keeps the rewards the same for high MMRs and low MMRs. As if your skill shouldn’t get you anything better.

What’s your goat’s name?


Do you agree more buffs to Warrior? (PVP)

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Fast Hands baseline? I hope this is a troll thread.


3 Changes to Scepter

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


I’d agree with some of this. Necromancer’s base bleeds were nerfed pretty heavily after Arenanet implemented Dhuumfire, and then they nerfed Dhuumfire into the ground without ever changing the bleeds back.

Feast of Corruption granting endurance back would be cool, I don’t know if it needs more life force gain though. Torment on Grasping dead would be cool.

Currently however, it’s basically impossible to know how conditions are going to pan out after the upcoming changes go through. They could be entirely dominant or completely nonviable depending on how Arenanet tweaks the scaling.

I feel like conditions have been mishandled to a large degree in this game. There should be less spammable clear, but autoattacks should also not be able to spam conditions. There should be more 2-5 skills that deal heavy condition damage and limited clear to counterplay those if you miss a dodge.


Goodbye Counterplay?

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Seriously, the condition changes are good, but that movement change is cringe-worthy.


Please add dire stats to pvp

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Conditions do not provide enough counter pressure to stop a train, if any pressure at all before you die to pure dps.

Wow, sounds like you yourself admit a perfect reason why dire could possibly be added.


Please add dire stats to pvp

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Before, I never would have wanted it. But now, given how strong Berserker + Fire/Air is, and Celestial as well, Dire amulet would probably seem almost balanced in PvP…


Patch added queue preferences (update: gone)

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Here’s one LordK4G3 posted on Reddit:

Thanks, looks good. Although I’d like to see the inclusion of ranked solo queue, and the removal of hotjoin would only be good if you could queue while being outside hotm.


Patch added queue preferences (update: gone)

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Anyone have a screenshot of this?


HoT wishlist

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


1.) Braindead and effective non-existent anymore.

2.) ANET stops listening to people like Teef Teef Teef who thinks Hambow (Braindead/effective) takes skill and should come back.

3.) The game becomes FUN.

Hammer as a weapon actually has a lot more counterplay than many of the Meta builds right now. It’s wayyyy harder to kill someone by landing slow, highly telegraphed attacks on them with a Hammer than it is to kill them by spamming an autoattack and proccing 3k Fire/Air combos every 5 seconds.

Hambow was broken for a while, but compared to some of the game right now, it’s a lot more balanced.


HoT wishlist

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Infantry, I think you and me both know that Arenanet will not do anything you’ve listed here.



-Teef Teef Teef Teef, retired best multiclass NA

Yea, BabyRage


How can you tell if you made a difference?

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


I play mostly cele engi/ele role and I love rotating. I never go into 1v1 cele fights unless I’m holding my node or keep get the node, I always outnumber the enemy, peel off in a losing fight and defend the nodes and wait for my teammates to regroup, and put myself in 1v1 matchups where odds are in my favor such as (cele vs zerker defending points). I tend to rez, heal, and peel for my teammates in matches and more often than not I win more than I lose.
However since personal score doesn’t have anything to do with my actual performance in a match, I have no way to know if I made a difference or not. I am always at the bottom of personal score since I mostly rotate to hold nodes to keep the nodes contested to wait for my teammates to create outnumbered fights. How can I really tell if I am making a difference or not?

In all honesty, given the state of the leaderboards and matchmaking, it’s really hard to tell if you are improving at the game in its present state. Stay constructively critical of your own play, and if you are really serious about improving, consider recording your matches, and then rewatch them thinking about: “Did I make the right decision to go to this node? Was I focusing the proper targets? Should I really have gone for that res? Should I have taken this 1v1?” Etc, that’s probably the fastest way you could improve.

In terms of outnumbered fights and stalling multiple enemies, it’s really harder to tell. Are you really surviving long enough to make a difference? Are you able to escape after fighting for a while, or are you getting chased down and killed, allowing the enemy to then outnumber your teammates? Do you think you would be better off supporting your teammates in even fights? You should also consider each individual team composition you have and adapt accordingly. For example if you are playing Shoutbow on a team of mostly zerker builds, you should probably be in the larger fights supporting them and bannering instead of trying to stall enemies on a far node. If your team is really tanky, then maybe you can push three nodes and stall your enemies so that you can get a two cap and then hold it for a long time.


HoT wishlist

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


My dream list of fixes/additions for HoT

-Real leaderboards, this is essential if arenanet hopes for a turnaround for where the competitive scene is headed
-Ranked Solo Queue
-Rewards for PvPing (not llamas or RNG farm chests)
-Better/increased titles, 500, 1000 win titles like “Legendary Genius” or w/e
-A separate queue for Stronghold
-Ability to queue from anywhere again, seriously, being stuck in HotM sucks.
-Add a dueling mode, or a dueling arena to HotM (stick it where the lake used to be, people would love it)

Class changes:

Ranger: Make pet attacks all commands by Ranger, add a few new pet families for the expansion based around animals from the new zone

Warrior: Real Melee builds for Warrior, allow Warrior to stop having to take longbow + CI

Thief: Non-Steal based builds for thief, seriously, the entire profession revolves around hitting a single instant skill that does like 10 things at once

Necromancer: Real sustain from Blood magic (they are working on this finally!), improved Minion AI

Balance changes:

-Make flat passive sigils worth taking for at least a few classes
-Reduce no-counterplay sigils like Air/Fire/Blood, they dramatically lower the need to play well
-Give on-swap sigils a short windup time after swapping


MMR based Leaderboards. Now.

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


I still don’t think using MMR directly is a good idea for a leaderboard, but I fully understand why people would want it: It is perceived as a better indicator of skill most of the time.

Here is why it doesn’t work well:
Random jumps: Glicko is used to make the best match possible. It does this by adjusting quickly which can result in very large jumps up and down before settling.
No Decay: We can’t decay MMR directly, which causes the problem of people sitting inactive at the top of the leaderboard.

Our best bet is to create a system that lives side-by-side with the Glicko MMR. The original system does its thing and makes good matches while the new one can be a new algorithm, or a filtered glicko algorithm to give us more friendly numbers without negatively affecting matchmaking.


Why don’t you examine some more respected competitive games like LoL or DotA and see what systems they use to create a respected system, and then implement it? It’s not bad to copy things that work well.

Even WoW’s system for 3v3 is miles ahead of GW2s leaderboards in terms of accuracy. Yes, people sit rating in their system, but it’s not as bad as “whoever plays the most games in highest rated”. Also, their matchmaking has all of my characters sitting on almost exactly 50% win rates, something GW2 has always struggled with (some people with ridiculously high or low win rates like 35% or 80%, although its probably due to the smaller community).

I also don’t see why MMR leaderboards couldn’t be implemented with a small amount of MMR decay over time.


Worst class of SPVP: Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


all the hate from you :o

you probably think im a pve hero cause i got hit by a rangers longhorn from max range as a necro without protection, vigor, swiftness or ANYTHING

if you think necro is a good matchup against power ranger then i have no words for you

Where did I say you were a PvE hero or say that necro has a good match up vs power ranger? You keep making kitten up. I never even mentioned hotjoin.

Your first post on this thread apparently tries to imply that Power Ranger is a power build because “omg look at how much damage i got dealt”. It’s a poorly thought out and reasoned post, since you yourself apparently don’t even know if it was one or two rangers, you fail to notice that you only got hit for 3 auto attacks.

No, Power Necro has a horrible matchup vs Power Ranger. But obviously you don’t have to stand there and tank literally every spec of damage. And then take a screenshot of that and post it in a thread? What?

Then you say that you got hit from max range while in Clocktower, where it’s extremely easy to LoS a power ranger, or just get away to any number of locations. You like making things up.

By the way, I’ve not played any Power Ranger since they got buffed. I find the playstyle boring and linear. The only reason I’m here talking to you is that people implying that a build that doesn’t even see competitive play should be nerfed need to be called out. Please, let me know when everyone starts rolling Power Ranger instead of Medi Guard, Panic Strike Thief, Shoutbow Warrior, and Celestial Engineer. Then we can have a serious discussion of whether the spec is overpowered or too easy.


(edited by infantrydiv.1620)

Worst class of SPVP: Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


let me just tell you something:

Wow, how’d you manage to take literally ever hit of 2 rapid fires and a maul in 1 fight? Looks like you deserved to get destroyed.

wow a ranger pressing 1111 from rooftop while you are in a teamfight, then trying to disengange, but wait, longbow range from 1500 is hard to escape

btw it was hotjoin

Lol what? You got hit for 3 auto attacks and tanked 20 hits from rapid fire, also managing to tank a Maul, a Point blank shot, and a bunch of pet attacks. You played terribly and deserved to lose.

You seriously cannot say how well/bad he play from the fact he got 20 hits from rapid fire, that’s just basically a ranger using the skill twice over the course of 10 seconds. You don’t know how long the fight lasted. Not saying he played well, but basing the argument on this is silly, too. You don’t know the numbers of the fight, the positioning of the ranger, the actions of other team members, the cooldown usage or trying to dodge/los. Necro isn’t exactly the profession that can go chase after rangers or have plenty of vigor and endurance.

The guy claims he got 1 spammed to death in the above post from 1500 range. He got hit for 3 auto attacks over the course of the fight and a maul, meaning the ranger was also within melee range of him for at least part of the fight.

Since he says he got 1 spammed, he apparently doesn’t even know what different attacks he got hit with.

Furthermore, what does his post prove other than if someone stands in front of a bunch of burst from a Ranger they die? I could post screenshots of myself intentionally tanking a full DPS rotation from Greatsword warrior, but would it prove that Greatsword warrior is even close to good, or viable?


Worst class of SPVP: Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


let me just tell you something:

Wow, how’d you manage to take literally ever hit of 2 rapid fires and a maul in 1 fight? Looks like you deserved to get destroyed.

wow a ranger pressing 1111 from rooftop while you are in a teamfight, then trying to disengange, but wait, longbow range from 1500 is hard to escape

btw it was hotjoin

Lol what? You got hit for 3 auto attacks and tanked 20 hits from rapid fire, also managing to tank a Maul, a Point blank shot, and a bunch of pet attacks. You played terribly and deserved to lose.


Worst class of SPVP: Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


let me just tell you something:

Wow, how’d you manage to take literally every hit of 2 rapid fires and a maul in 1 fight? Looks like you deserved to get destroyed.


What would it take for gw2 to go esports?

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


I didn’t watch much of that video… all I can really say is that until we get this disaster of a leaderboard fixed, Arenanet shouldn’t be giving any lectures on how to build a competitive community.

Grouch, and whoever else works with him, has done a good job creating tournament and events, but that’s the only decent thing happening in the PvP community right now.

Edit: Vee Wee also posted very eloquently the things I’m too lazy/depressed to point out at this point.


Has PVP always been so manic?

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Warrior with longbow??? I don’t get it. How can a big dude with a ton of health and a ton of CC be worthless? Do they not have tanks in this game?

And generally speaking I never follow the ‘meta’ in any game I play. I actually hate the word. But why would you play a Warrior with a longbow, that doesn’t make any sense.

There hasn’t been a competitive warrior build in this game without Longbow/Cleansing Ire in over 2 years now.


Has PVP always been so manic?

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


One of the biggest mistakes you can make in PvP right now is trying to make a build that actually hits people with melee attacks which have a cast time.

The entire meta revolves around instant RNG sigils, procs, instant attacks, almost instant immobilize + cc, stealth bursts, and passive heals which can’t be interrupted.

If you are playing warrior, you have to play with Longbow and Cleansing Ire, or else you are mostly worthless.


Worst class of SPVP: Ranger

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


In terms of the current meta, this is how I see things.

Classes for solo queueing:

1. Engineer
2. Warrior
3. Elementalist
4. Guardian
5. Thief
6. Mesmer
7. Ranger
8. Necro

Classes for team play:

1. Warrior
2. Thief
3. Engineer
4. Guardian
5. Elementalist
6. Mesmer (Mesmer is variable depending on EU/NA)
7. Necro
8. Ranger

People hate Rangers because the class excels at 1v1, but any support it brings is limited or extremely counterable. Examples of this are long pet f2 cast times, killable spirits, limited boon application.

Basically, the best reason I can give you for people hating/QQing about Rangers is people hate getting shot in the kitten by a bow while a pet chews on their leg.


(edited by infantrydiv.1620)

Reached "80" Over a Year Ago - and Now?

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Wow, still not over this bhagwad?


Unstompable bug?

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


When I’ve seen this, it’s always a sync glitch. You can still stomp by moving a few feet in another direction. It’s easy to find out where the player is if you have a ranged attack and can see where it hits.

It probably happens more frequently to necros due to spectral walk is my guess.
