Showing Posts For insanemaniac.2456:

8/2/13 - FC/SF/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


“we can’t move up because of numbers/coverage.” Yeah I’m sure that’s it.

allow me to present anecdotal evidence and claim your entire server is full of bads:

No one is mad. Not any reason to be mad, but all I hear on these boards is how AR needs to look within to fix it’s problems, and how it’s an AR problem. Maybe your servers could use a bit of the same. Fact of the matter is I can do more with less than 10 AR players than a 40 man SF zerg. We had under 10 people retake and upgrade our corner of Eternal yesterday and hold it for a very long time. It isn’t about being mad, there are legit ways SF can improve, and that goes for FC and AR as well. However, a double team decided at the beginning of the match up isn’t one of them.

SF has the numbers, sure, but they are horrible in open field horrible in setting siege, terrible at defense. SF doesn’t lack anything but ability to be a viable contender in the T5 area.

FC you guys lack coverage/bodies(not by much though), and could work more with your PuGs. I know we are starting to do that more on AR, but they are few and far between.
Throwing bodies at a problem may work in t8, but anything past that and you are just a farm fest. That’s just the reality of WvW.

i didnt say u mad… i said your post is crap

ive been where ar is. done that. had my 10 players. been up against 40 sf with them. i personally am not responsible for any double teaming, and have been vocally against it when i see it happening, because frankly its a tactically terrible decision on our part. and yet several of our commanders dont listen… ones who like zergin around and have a respectable enough reputation to get followed by pugs and ts people alike.

calling an entire server bad because a commander (and im assuming those werent just people inexperienced at wvw) was lazy enough to throw a golem in front of a gate against minimal defenses? lame.

JQ: Rikkity
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8/2/13 - FC/SF/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


“we can’t move up because of numbers/coverage.” Yeah I’m sure that’s it.

allow me to present anecdotal evidence and claim your entire server is full of bads:

JQ: Rikkity
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8/2/13 - FC/SF/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


this update was good enough that we forgot too

i hear our map chat is getting kitteny and aggro

JQ: Rikkity
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8/2/13 - FC/SF/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


i just watched a zerg of SF bang their heads against a reinforced gate until they dps’d it open.. while only 2 anvil actively defended the tower

so congratulations anvil for your fine defense capability
and congratulations SF for having the collective functioning brain capacity of a chia pet

Why are you so upset? Is it our fault your server is afraid to wvw? Nope.

is this not an sf guy berating his own server for drooling on their 1 keys?

JQ: Rikkity
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25 Perma Torment Easy

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


new build: 20 sec icd
no other changes


JQ: Rikkity
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8/2/13 - FC/SF/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


welp, they added some pve content im actually kind of enjoying. we’ll see how long it takes…

JQ: Rikkity
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New Runes/Sigils

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Possibly a Sigil that boosts Torment duration. Maybe even one that inflicts Torment, since there are Sigils that inflict all the other damage conditions.

Where is fear duration sigil?

Since when is fear a damage condition?

since necromancer?

JQ: Rikkity
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New Runes/Sigils

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


15% Torment Duration and AoE 2 Stacks of Torment on Heal (no cooldown)

must have an icd…
too op

JQ: Rikkity
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8/2/13 - FC/SF/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


definitely get a server voip

if defending isnt worth it, dont. successful defenses are great for morale, but 5 v zerg without hope of backup is demoralizing. get everyone together at one objective, be it offense or defense, so you have the solidarity and companionship of people who want to be there. dont worry about ppt. at all. stay for the fights. you dont need a tag to do things, you need someone willing to take charge and lead. a tag is just an excuse to ignore map chat. make sure the people who only want to see a tag are in a party and have a target called on your leader.

JQ: Rikkity
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8/2/13 - FC/SF/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Its almost impossible to coordinate when theres no tag to say, stack on, Move to, retreat to. a whole group of people can find someone with a tag but not when were all spread out trying to find one name.

judicious use of poor mans tag

now if yall arent on a voip then all you can hope to do is stall the enemy out for like an hour+, provided you have reinforced gates and some supply to start with… but its an hour with the keep in your name.

JQ: Rikkity
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8/2/13 - FC/SF/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


because 20 people are completely useless when no tag is present !!!!!1

JQ: Rikkity
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8/2/13 - FC/SF/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


There’s defending in this game o.O?

you would know o.o

JQ: Rikkity
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8/2/13 - FC/SF/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Curious, why doesn’t FC use those numbers your sporting right now and go get your BL back ? Personally don’t care, if it wasn’t you taking AR it would have been SF, I’m just trying to figure out the thought process ?

you say this assuming our commanders have any sense of what overall goal theyre working towards, solid notions of how to work with other commanders while not just blindly following a single tag, a sense of the value of upgraded objectives and how to defend them without just maphopping #fergzerg out of whatever theyre karma training, and … well i had 1 more thing, maybe ill remember it by the time the wvw meeting rolls around.


sorry i think thats a chip on my shoulder ?

but well grind your zerg to dust in a lagclash thats anything less than 3v1!

JQ: Rikkity
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Exploit due to Anets options - Arrow Carts

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


find anet employees in game
follow them until you see them defending an objective with a “safe” piece of siege
kitten them over with this exploit

these steps are the only way anything will ever be done because the people who matter dont read bug reports and they ignore forum threads with bug reports until the bug happens to them.

JQ: Rikkity
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Vigor on Crit

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


gosh who wouldve thought classes are different

JQ: Rikkity
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Let me play in T1

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


be willing to pay 30g / week to transfer in to a t1 server.

play t1 all the time.

some weeks youll get lucky and save 30g.


JQ: Rikkity
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8/2/13 - FC/SF/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


oh i know what this thread is missing…

wtf happened to filthyrat?

JQ: Rikkity
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Do you punish bad's?

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


today i 1v4’d some uplvls after sniping their 5th. they had it all. 2 scepter guards, signet warrior, an engi, entering my ogre camp to pve, food….

maybe i shouldnt be happy
but i am

JQ: Rikkity
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Engi / Necro

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


in zerg, engi can be front line tank (bomb or ft sorta build) or back line dps (grenade spam 11 11 11 1 1111). both roles can spec to have a few blast finishers (p/s, healing turret, rifle turret, rocket boot, supply crate, BoB…), a front line build w/ ft or bombs has fire fields and water field access. rocket boots and elixir s are great escapes. rifle provides great single target cc. power grenade builds kitten badly placed and open field siege, often times people dont expect 1500 range skills and so you can waste tons of enemy supplies and effort if they dont know youre there.

engi roamers can be very fast with practically trivial permaswiftness and rocket boots. i solo unupgraded camps with ease. yesterday was the first time ive had a chance to really try at an upgraded camp, and i could drastically improve my technique from the ~7 minutes it took me… but soloing upgraded camps draws attention. bomb builds can solo tower lords, im too bad to be able to with grenades.

in small groups, grenadier playstyle is unignorable and must be focused or theyll all die to your aoes… so it becomes a game of cat and mouse kind of… except the mouse has a kitten stick of dynamite to ram down the cats throat when the opportunity arises. bunker builds that use tons of blasts can live forever and can be an integral component to the teamwork needed to take on larger forces. condi builds are legit, engi has good access to condition spam.

as for necro… they say wells in a zerg. tag it all. tons of damage, tons of bags. condi burst / terror builds are a pain in the kitten in small scale. camps are easy solo for all pet classes. i dont play it myself, mostly because of soulbound wxp.

JQ: Rikkity
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Tactics, strategies and the winbutton.

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


4 months mang

JQ: Rikkity
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Golem problem.

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


There is not much good counter siege to Omega Golem rush^^;.
Most Ac’s have to be in range of their missiles to be able to hit them.
Best thing to do is to have Sup.Trebs set up behind gates so you can hit them over the walls without the Golems ever hitting your trebs~

2-3 reflect walls
quit hittin yourself

but youre right, it aint a siege based counter

JQ: Rikkity
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August 6th - End of Defending and Upgrading?

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


having more than 15-20 golems is a mistake… theyll bust a paper gate in seconds anyways and wont require extra mesmers.

JQ: Rikkity
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What should we go against Zoom Hack?

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Pretty sure there are orange swords inside your keep.

how can i respond to this without being an kitten

idk, halp ???

JQ: Rikkity
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8/2/13 - FC/SF/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


wheres ar :/

this reset is lame w/o you guys

JQ: Rikkity
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Why insist on Super Adventure Box?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456



sab rocks


JQ: Rikkity
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What should we go against Zoom Hack?

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


What about the tiny vertical gap between door and wall on the sides? You can target skills through that, maybe AC as well.

while you have a point, those slits are only in the spawn side gate, and it looks like the attack is from the north inner. and enemies dont have access to a spot where you would only need to look through 1 slit without other obstructions to view the courtyard.

JQ: Rikkity
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What should we go against Zoom Hack?

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


none of the inner gates in that keep have gaps over them

JQ: Rikkity
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Does anyone else get bored of WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


only get bored when matches are severely imbalanced… this is about the first week fc has had an extraordinarily bad matchup in a while

JQ: Rikkity
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7/26: DH/IoJ/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


what is everyones most memorable battles of this match up

the ones where dh cheats to break my keep defense setups

no really

on top of the oily, slimy, sinking feeling of unfairly losing the objective being defended under my direction…. gaming psychology 101 says it takes 4~11 positive events to forget it happened. and with how many more people dh has, those positive events dont come fast enough.

this matchup was bad enough being on the outmanned server… but salt in the wounds.

JQ: Rikkity
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So the cof 1 nerf is coming next week

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


i bought my stacks of molten cores months ago… anet y u take so long??

JQ: Rikkity
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New Siege Machine - The Cannon!

in Suggestions

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


um…. catapult? that costs supply to fire? and has its damage table rearranged a bit?


Your missing the point. A catapult cant really hit inside the walls of a tower/keep unless you can get elevation. Well you can sometimes play tabletop football between the top of the gate and the arch above it on some towers but thats still a very limited aim zone and depends more on positioning of the cata to pull off. what the OP is proposing is something that you could choose how high to lob the projectile instead of just a variable power seting. AKA you could fire it mostly flat and get a tragectory similar to a full powered cata or you could have it lob upwards at a steep angle and land in the cortyard or on top of the walls to hit siege that is out of reach of your player based AOE.

i didnt miss the point at all

a cannon wouldnt add any functionality that isnt already here. anything the cannon could accomplish can be accomplished by a cata or a treb, without needing to switch users every 10 shots.

soooo… meh. ok its an original idea and might add a little spice to wvw for a few days, but once people settle down itll just compete with the currently existing siege for inventory space and usage.

dont pour more water into a full cup.

JQ: Rikkity
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Don't Introduce RNG to WvW Supply!

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


please dont…

RNG isnt as bad as stat creep, but its still poor design overall.

the other abilities sound good. RNG sounds lame.

JQ: Rikkity
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New Siege Machine - The Cannon!

in Suggestions

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


um…. catapult? that costs supply to fire? and has its damage table rearranged a bit?


JQ: Rikkity
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Why is "blobbing" so looked down upon?

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


In the real world, there is synchronization and formations spread out among the landscape at various tactical locations.

formations get you killed

theyre so 1800s

JQ: Rikkity
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Why is "blobbing" so looked down upon?

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


anyone can drool on their keyboard until their drool pushes 1… and kill you cuz their blob is bigger than yours

JQ: Rikkity
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Minis needs to be not auto depositable.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


its lame but not unbearable that you need an invisible bag to keep your minis around when you deposit. it IS unbearable that they get put away on map change, and thats why i never bother to carry any minis with me.

JQ: Rikkity
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any class cannot solo supply camps easily?

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


While on my Ranger it is really easy to solo camps beacuse you have a tanky pet and you can go full zerker without any problem I’m wondering how you solo a supply camp with a zerker static discharge engineer. Has anyone done that and can give me tips? Or do you need a condition engineer + lots of kiting to solo the camp?

i do it in ptv or rabid armor + celestial trinket (on engi). my rampager set doesnt work so well… but then i try to kill all the npcs at once, drawing off 1-2 npcs makes it easy to kill but takes a lot longer.

not much kiting involved, i just drop supply crate when everything gathers and grenade spam. on a good pull i can have the npcs down by the time the x shows up. drawing off the scouts first means i dont need to use crate, but as i said it takes longer.

i havent really had many opportunities to cap 200 or 250 supply camps, but the few times i do i just die. id stick to pet classes for those.

JQ: Rikkity
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We shouldn't lose bloodlust stacks when

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Because you changed maps. It takes like 2 minutes to get 25 stacks, not a huge deal.

Or are you not running double stack weapons :O

are they still glitched to only give 13 stacks worth of power/condi while showing a full 25 stack?

JQ: Rikkity
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Each update further seperates WvW...

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


It would have been so easy for them with this living story too…

Achievement: Kill 20 Kiel Supporters in WvW while supporting Evon Gnashblade
Achievenemt: Kill 20 Gnashblade Supporters in WvW while supporting Ellen Kiel

hire him anet

JQ: Rikkity
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7/26: DH/IoJ/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Lol again we faced higher tier severs they never cried zoom hack just quit it already.

…well at least you dont deny it when you say shut up and take it.

JQ: Rikkity
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7/26: DH/IoJ/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Just going to put it out there for 3 weeks against BP/KN/YB/SBI there was no zoom hack accusations so keep that in mind before you start screaming hacks. Well since IOJ is already pretty much asking for a double team I figured I’d give it a go… hey FC I think IOJ is your biggest threat so lets go ahead and focus the all week.

ive seen ioj like 3x in maybe 6 hours of play since reset… and you want me to think theyre a threat? hmm.

JQ: Rikkity
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7/26: DH/IoJ/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Well, this isn’t going to be much fun.

Sorry FC, still rooting for you guys. But you might want to defend your entire BL / Corner of EB over SM next time. You get pushed out and we get focused on entirely by DH. You had the numbers to do it for sure. I was trying to ninja SM from you with 20 when out of nowhere you had 75-100 people hit us from behind lol. Really though, we were hitting DR pretty hard for a few hours. I was hoping you might capitalize on it, but choosing SM over your entire BL . . . :\

DH, what are you guys doing? I understand it’s fun to come out strong on a reset, but you do realize that you’re going to make both FC and IoJ just want to give up, right? I’m not to keen on an essential 1v1 with DH because you demoralized FC enough to where they don’t show up at all. You keep going at this rate, and nobody is going to be in WvW. Do you really need to capture all of EB, all of FC’s BL, and have half of our BL? If you keep it up, I think you’re going to have an entire week of absolutely nothing.

Also, if you’re going to spend 2 hours throwing hell down on our EB keep, at least charge the thing. We had outer gate, 2 outer walls, and 2 inner walls down. On top of that, you easily had 3x our people. Even then, you had 2 trebs and 3 catapults hitting right around the choke points. And you wiped all our siege. All that and you sat there long enough staring us down for the blasted thing to fortify, only to start trebbing it into oblivion again.

On a more positive note, CORE had some good fights with you in your BL. Not sure why you hopped maps after we wiped you once though :\ . Or why you had literally 10 people in DRBL at reset. . .

seriously don’t know how it’s even possible that we lost our whole BL when we had several guilds dedicated to it and at least 40 people.. even with a queued DH we shouldn’t have lost EVERY keep and tower

shoulda been there, was pretty ridiculous

i go towards a camp and get swarmed by 20-40 dh when they were holding everything in the vicinity, AND we had major fights going on elsewhere in the map. wtf were they even doing there? idk. happened several times.

BUT GUISE WE HAD SM!!!!!!!!!!!!1

JQ: Rikkity
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I think it's time to end RNG matchups

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


people have always complained about curbstomps.

people no longer complain about stale matchups.

fixing curbstomps is an issue that wont be fixed by removing rng matchmaking, but stale matchups are an issue that would be reintroduced.

lets move forward, not backward.

JQ: Rikkity
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I think it's time to end RNG matchups

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


No thanks, also Devon said they are increasing the probability range as he doesn’t believe the range is large enough to provide people an incentive to transfer down. Ie t1 wasn’t very random.

Also you’re in SoS no server below t2 can even compare to our oceanic coverage so it would become incredibly boring for us.


JQ: Rikkity
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Difference in tiers, and NA and Europe

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


as for your other question… the difference from top to bottom is mostly population. go higher tier, find more people.

the skill level of specific guilds may be a bit higher, but its mostly because larger guilds get bored and transfer when they think theyre the best thing to happen to a server since the transistor and they want to be winning because of that.

JQ: Rikkity
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I think it's time to end RNG matchups

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456



JQ: Rikkity
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Norn Elites Need Mobility Nerf

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


make a topic in the appropriate place then instead of derailing this one … ?

JQ: Rikkity
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Norn Elites Need Mobility Nerf

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


town clothes are so out of the way that no one cares about them… unlike elites, which are a key that you can press in combat to get whats supposed to be a powerful effect.

town clothes look terrible.

JQ: Rikkity
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If WvW boxes would guarantee exotic...

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


make anything overpowered enough and you too can dictate the actions of your playerbase

JQ: Rikkity
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ANET Fix Your Towers

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


its not that your 1 and 2 are false, its that theyre mishandling 3 by assuming the playerbase is too dumb to be a volunteer qa team.

I wouldn’t say that the playerbase is too dumb but I would say that non-professionals (and even some professionals) underestimate how much effort and detail go into providing a qa report of sufficient quality that it is actionable.

im inclined to agree, but i think theyre missing out on a huge opportunity to crowdsource leads to bugs they can only find by actually playing the game a LOT. when they get a response like this where a dev herps around and like 10-20 people say this bug has been known and reported for months with no action, theres a very real disconnect going on. its not like 1-2 people claim they saw a thief jump around too much while invisible and call it a bug or hack and get stifled by 5 others who use that build.

you can send a qa person to look into this lead. instead of locking and deleting posts mentioning the exploit, forward it to the qa team and have them pm the OP for info to reproduce, or get in game and meet up. THEN lock and delete.

its just handled so poorly, and is probably partially the fault of the CC team who get told “DELETE ANY THREADS TALKING ABOUT EXPLOITS” instead of “MAKE SURE THE QA TEAM HAS A COPY BEFORE YOU DELETE”… and partially the fault of some upper level manager… and the fault of no one at all for never adding 2 and 2. /speculation

JQ: Rikkity
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