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ANET Fix Your Towers

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


I’m operating under the following assumptions:

1. The Anet team wants to put out the best product they possibly, reasonably can;

2. They are competent at their jobs and they know their product and code base better than anyone on this forum;

3. Like most companies they are working with limited resources and they are using their best judgment in light of 1 and 2 above to allocate those resources.

In short, I am assuming good intentions of the Anet team. Some people here do not or believe that there’s a “simple” solution that the team is too stupid to recognize. I personally have found very few simple solutions in life. YMMV.

the resource limitations are getting in the way of the teams ability to perform. anet has a few overworked codemonkeys without enough time to test the content themselves and not enough budget to have a qa/testing team. theyre so busy coding the next big thing that they dont have time to play or read the forums. 1 persons job description was changed to include “assuage forum denizens’ concerns”, and he complains he doesnt have enough time to do his job and also be on the forums.

its not that your 1 and 2 are false, its that theyre mishandling 3 by assuming the playerbase is too dumb to be a volunteer qa team.

JQ: Rikkity
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ANET Fix Your Towers

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Tower gates get glitchy, people complain.

Tower gates remain glitchy for a while, people complain.

ANet dev has the glitch happen to him, reports that on the forums to us plus the fact that they were able to gather and have some real data to pass on to getting it fixed at a high priority… people complain.

There’s a very distinct point here where complaining has no further value.

if we keep complaining, anet may realize that tossing devon up to be the forum kitten isnt quite enough to keep us happy. the complaints here are that we arent being listened to despite anets claims to the contrary.

JQ: Rikkity
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a new dolyak escort thread

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


imagine a 50 bot zerg walking back and forth between pangloss and ogrewatch, specced for aoe swiftness and trained to shoot but not chase.

when they can prevent that, theyll re-add escort rewards

JQ: Rikkity
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Norn Elites Need Mobility Nerf

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


asuran radiation field is useful

delete pls

JQ: Rikkity
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Roamers are MUCH More Valuable Than Zergers

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


No. I said ‘The battle is largely over who holds the keeps and a few strategic towers’.

Choke points in a map give a server control of larger regions, which contain other towers and camps.
Quentin is a good example. When blue holds it, it’s very difficult for green to move troops into the Eastern section of the map and if they do, blue has little difficulty in clearing them out again.

Good Commanders know that it isn’t enough to look at a camp or tower that’s ‘the wrong colour’ and just try to take it without considering it’s value strategically.

youre kidding right

there is absolutely no cost to walking past any tower in this game.
there is no way you can stop a zerg from doing anything but building siege next to your tower.

the out of combat healing is too strong a mechanic for terrain to matter.

good commanders know taking a tower is about asking how many upgrades, supplies, defenders a tower has. besides waypoint proximity, location and terrain dont matter.

JQ: Rikkity
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Rallying in WVW is too over the top

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


in the case of a 1v1v1, i found the trick is to pick the class you have an easier time fighting to allow to rally. additionally, dont stomp the more troublesome opponent, just keep his 4 on cd. the more time you have to let your cooldowns reset, the bigger the advantage you have. the 2nd guy is gonna come up at 50% hp (or less…). you can aim to be at 80-100% hp. if you cant win THAT fight…

i walked in on a 1v1 hod v nsp (not at the windmill = fair game) this week too, and came out with 2 kills.

JQ: Rikkity
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grenades 1 does not remove blind

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Cause you didnt actually throw them within proximity of your target.

when i throw a 1 at enemies, i see 3-15 MISS. on every throw.

when i throw anything else, the single MISS gets lost in the crits.

JQ: Rikkity
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7/19/13 - NSP/HoD/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


I know XOXO usually runs bunker builds but I don’t care until I get to fight one of them omfg


I will gladly kill you without using a bunker build. I just set autoattack to 2 and afk.

Hello FC! It’s interesting actually seeing guilds from back in the day still around.

hi vioh

JQ: Rikkity
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grenades 1 does not remove blind

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


2 3 4 and 5 do.
is it intended?

JQ: Rikkity
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7/19/13 - NSP/HoD/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


GWTD outplayed again I soloed him while killing a giant tree

my friend told me u guys were getting wxp and i couldnt pass up the chance to tag it

died so fast i couldnt /cry

soloed? no. LOL

oshi just noticed im a colonel now

JQ: Rikkity
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(edited by insanemaniac.2456)

Different WvW Queue times.

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


queue system is more like RNG than FIFO, despite anets assurances thakittens FIFO.

JQ: Rikkity
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Roamers are MUCH More Valuable Than Zergers

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


i truly feel more useful roaming as opposed to zergling-ing.

its unfortunate that being a zergling gets me better rewards. a zerg can flip a tower in the time it takes me to solo a camp… for double to triple the reward (including the sentry nearby, and the camp the zerg sends 5-10 people to while theyre ramming).

JQ: Rikkity
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7/19/13 - NSP/HoD/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Are you one of the 4 that spawn camped my pal, then when 2 of us showed up we AJed you and your posse in 15 seconds? Nobody escapes the law when Sheriff Bazzle and his lackeys are in town.

That must not of been us cuz we didn’t wipe. We left to help take HoD’s hills.
There was 3 of us hanging around outside Lake last night killin Varconi and his buddy for a little while. We weren’t “spawn camping”, they kept running out to Lake to challenge us.

It wasn’t a spawn camping because they were hiding with guards. I did die a lot trying to 1v4 3 from one guild and a random but I kept coming back because chasing the engie into their tower 5 or 6 times made me want the kill even more.

I die a lot in wvw since I take on any number at any time unlike some players who are so scared of getting killed because of the horrible thing that happens when you die, NOTHING. Cowardice in a game that has no consequences for death shows a glimpse into the person behind the keyboard.

So you’re openly admitting you’re a pleb who doesn’t know how to pick his fights? gg, get on my level nerd.

Your engie knows how to pick his fights thats why he ran 3v1 from me across half FC map

kitten straight

you have eyes only for me. and im specced to run.

couldnt kill me yourself, had to whine to those guardians and turn it into a 6+v3. shameful.

@niobe :
i heard it was your first time commanding last night/evening, it was only pure luck that saved our hills (specifically north inner), keep at it! we had a lot of good defenders in there. the people willing to run supply from garr to build siege. the people who know how to turtle. and enough bodies to man everything too. would offer tips but then youd take our keep

JQ: Rikkity
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Essence - New WvW ability/mechanic

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


how doesnt this encourage karma training for wxp and being in a zerg? moar wxp = live longer = trounce moar outmanned scrubs who cant rez as much as you

i dont think this would actually put an end to the issue that the winner of a battle remains at full strength for free. often the losers arent outmanned, and even loosely organized groups would ensure that all members have at least 1-2 rezzes before ever leaving spawn. the wxp system is getting old enough now that the instant it hits live servers, entire groups could instantly and or easily take a couple ranks in this skill, and then suddenly youve placed another time gated barrier to being successful in wvw on any given character.

JQ: Rikkity
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7/19/13 - NSP/HoD/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


It wasn’t a spawn camping because they were hiding with guards. I did die a lot trying to 1v4 3 from one guild and a random but I kept coming back because chasing the engie into their tower 5 or 6 times made me want the kill even more.

I die a lot in wvw since I take on any number at any time unlike some players who are so scared of getting killed because of the horrible thing that happens when you die, NOTHING. Cowardice in a game that has no consequences for death shows a glimpse into the person behind the keyboard.

are you really complaining about someone using the terrain to their advantage? about someone abusing a disengage?

like really?

sounds like you dunno how to control the fight’s parameters.

JQ: Rikkity
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7/19/13 - NSP/HoD/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


My prediction of this weeks match:
FC is gonna kick kitten – go up in rank, and server morale is going to be up, at least for the beginning of the week
NSP is going to roam and gank in the BLs, and Zerg but not admit it in EB. Their server morale is going to suffer from boredom later in the week.
HoD is generally tired of facing NSP and the hot join heroes always running loose on the borderlands, and toward the end of the week, will want it to just be over.

Never faced FC before but reason NSP likes your bl is because its easy to control. We step into EB map and get faced with 50+ hod protecting sm and trying to take our stuff all day. So we do the logical thing and attack your bl since your server doesn’t defend it as much as EB. We get points and thats how we always beat you every week.

tru dat, we ninja’d hod hills while outmanned and it wasnt even thought about for 2 hours till nsp zerged it

JQ: Rikkity
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7/19/13 - NSP/HoD/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


I was looking forward to fighting FC as I started there at release but this is horrible. 5+ people running from me constantly. Not a single person has fought in a 1v1 without just running away its pathetic. I have lost all the respect I had for FC in the first few hours of this matchup.

youre the guy who ran away from a zerg, but killed me in your 1v2 for being smart enough to keep my eyes on you. you spammed laugh over my dead body after spamming party requests for like 3 minutes.

this is how you treat your matches?

no surprise youre disappointed in us, you arent really fun to fight against.

it was nice of my friend to come rez me w/o being asked, and great justice that they left me the stomp for your sorry kitten .

JQ: Rikkity
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So when will the devs fix supply wasting?

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


This is all bullkitten. You are the reason PVE’ers are turned away from wvw. rather than explain strategy and organize, you would rather tie off their arms and make them slaves to your own blob pressing the 1 key repeatedly. I cannot stand that the devs will acknowledge that the rule regarding “match fixing” is being thrown around to describe anyone who refuses or is ignorant of the meta of seige, supply, and zergs.

Edit(to be less offensive)

You really need to get off your elitist horse and meet people halfway

…says the (probable) PvEer who has no clue what hes talking about.

hes not on an elitist horse. meeting people halfway means condoning griefing. griefing must have zero tolerance to retain any shred of respect for the community and its devs.

people dont just place trebs in a covered building for the hell of it, or for an achievement. they do it to kitten with people.

JQ: Rikkity
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Return of Orbs of Power?

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


can we use them to stealth like thieves

JQ: Rikkity
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Cutthroat Politics (July 23rd Patch Thread)

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


SAB or bust !

JQ: Rikkity
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New World vs World Currency ?

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


thread not a necro…

JQ: Rikkity
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Kristen Perry Fan

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


toy griffin?

is she single?

JQ: Rikkity
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Should Celestial buff boon duration?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


forcing a player to choose between combat and adventuring stats (or even allowing players to consider it) certainly is poor design, and other game designers have also similarly addressed their poor decision to include that choice through power creep (d3).

thats what celestial armor ought to be viewed as… an attempt to address anets public assertions that they dont like trading combat stats for adventuring stats.

buff the set to offer too much interesting utility and suddenly you turn a lot of the choice the game offers into noob traps.

trade the interesting utility for other interesting utility and you havent addressed the issue of mf gear.

make a new set so you have all stat + boon/condi duration and all stat + mf and suddenly youve reintroduced the original issue of trading combat stats for adventuring.

so.. i think celestial ought to be left alone.

JQ: Rikkity
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Should Celestial buff boon duration?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


not so much about giver armor as .. celestial is already strictly better than 3 armor sets, unarguably… and you want to buff it to make it strictly better than a 4th set? es loco?

JQ: Rikkity
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Should Celestial buff boon duration?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


giver armor has no mf broski.

the mf gear that celestial beats only has 3 versions.


JQ: Rikkity
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Should Celestial buff boon duration?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


you want to make it completely nullify the unique utility provided by a 4th set of armor?


celestial best mf gear 2013

JQ: Rikkity
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So.....celestial gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Celestial sucks.

Sure “stat combos”, but even then it should only ever be a mix of Berserker/Rampagers, which can be fixed by taking Berserker stats on ascended items and Rampagers on exotics. Taking Celestial just makes the player lose the useful stats in exchange for some crap like healing power or vitality which are NEVER useful.

Disclaimer: I talk in a PvE environment only.

I would like to see a full berserker team do FotM 48+ effectively, efficiently, and with 0 deaths.

They do, it’s called take 2 guardians and call me in the morning.

> getting carried by 2 guardians in FOTM48

come talk to me when you can do it without them and I’ll take you seriously

can you do high fotm without guards? how do you make up for not having really long projectile reflection/nullification? reroll to swamp, water + 3rd? a guard just makes it 5638105x easier.

cant take you seriously.

JQ: Rikkity
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Leave living world out of WVW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


havent been able to get on since the patch yet but… do the borderland jps not count for this achievement? theyre normally abandoned. eb jp is the only one of the 4 that is ever complained about. the others are shorter, have the same chest, and arent as easy or desirable to camp.

JQ: Rikkity
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rare candies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Obtain the item on one of your characters, and deposit it into the bank. Exit the game. Log back in and move the rare candy from one bank slot to the next. That split second that the item is placed in the next bank slot, exit the game. When you come back, you will have a duplicate of the rare candy. Repeat as needed.


Yeah, until you accidently delete your level 100 Charizard this way… Was a sad day in my childhood.

100 is for pansies
the same glitch got me level 255 snorlaxes, and my buddy golducks
beast mode
(they downleveled to 0 with 1 more candy !)

JQ: Rikkity
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rare candies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Obtain the item on one of your characters, and deposit it into the bank. Exit the game. Log back in and move the rare candy from one bank slot to the next. That split second that the item is placed in the next bank slot, exit the game. When you come back, you will have a duplicate of the rare candy. Repeat as needed.


thanks, i thought id have to surf somewhere, this is much easier

JQ: Rikkity
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rare candies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


is there a place i can surf for infinite black lion chests

JQ: Rikkity
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Pull skills

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


its an issue with collision with walls when its not a self induced collision… sometimes you fly up in the air when people pull you towards a different elevation. a second pull can then hit you and suddenly no wall is in the way cuz youre in the air.

its glitch abuse.

JQ: Rikkity
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7/5 AR/GoM/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


i remember the last time fc met ar we were pummeled into t8… and then i got map completion for free being on the giving end of spawn camping ^^

JQ: Rikkity
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Stonemist (still) unplayable

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


what is skill lag and why do you want confirmation of something that doesnt exist

JQ: Rikkity
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What constitutes a 'kill'

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


an “assist” is a “kill” and you get credit as long as they dont drop combat between you hitting them and them dying

JQ: Rikkity
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The Widening Gap in NA Server Rating

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Tier stagnation needs to happen.

Look at all the NA servers that are above BP. At one point in time they were the bandwagon server of the week.

The servers in the lower half of the tiers, do not have the population to be competitive with the upper tier servers.

This would be a great time for Anet to break up the NA servers into 2 distinct tiers.

waaaaaaait a second.. ive seen this post before… back when SF was stuck in t8 and all of t7 was too proud of themselves to accept that the whining about t8 was legit.

they were wrong.

you are wrong.

JQ: Rikkity
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The Widening Gap in NA Server Rating

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


240 isnt big enough of a gap to cause real issues in this system. glicko cant handle ~400 point gaps.

JQ: Rikkity
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Lowering condition duration is absurd

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Lowering condition duration is balanced by the runes and food you can use to increase duration.

err, no. 165% duration x .35 (65% reduction) = 57.75

So if you take melandru runes + -40 food and I take +40 food and 25 in cond duration line, my conditions last 57.75% of their normal duration

they are additive not multiplicative, +40 food is perfectly canceled by -40 food.

however, – duration probably needs to be floored at -50 since the 1/x scaling significantly deviates from linear a lot faster than + duration effects.

JQ: Rikkity
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Guards irrelevant to Guard WXP upgrades

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


If you are going to kitten and moan about the stats, then at least come up with some ideas and solutions on providing at least ONE WXP ability that someone that does not use siege would want to put points in.

There is 11 abilities of which over half are specific to siege.

The remaining five are:
- usekitten nus to damage against guards that no one needs or cares about
- useless decrease in damage taken by guards that no one needs or cares about
- useless decrease in damage taken and increase in damage given to faction mobs that folks care even less about then the guard ones.
- siege defense which provides so little bonus it is not even worth considering an ability
- extra supply that costs a fortune for extremely low return

The only thing useful to those of us that do not use siege are those stats and they cost 115 points. Granted if you play on a giant zerg server that can steam roll around taking objectives and tagging kills without much effort, 115 points may not be much, for everyone else it takes a bit of time.

The whole situational argument is a joke. Most fights take place near or within spitting distance of an objective with siege. AC’s and Ballista’s are dropped at almost every medium sized encounter.

“first response”
x points, probably like 50 or more
allows character to use a contested waypoint if a white x is not present on the keep

buff supply carrier to cost a bit less so its psychological entry barrier is more on par with everything else. (waiting for 20 ranks for just the first point is a strong disincentive when all the siege lines have really useful stuff for 5 or 15 points, and guard lines cost so little to start)

a trait line that gives magic/gold find, or better, replace the current guard line stat bonuses w/ mf/gf.

a trait line that gives you a commander hat (wtf anet y u no do dis).

merc line extension: remove a condition (or stunbreak or both) when struck by a merc.

all of these would provide interesting perks useful to wvw while not messing around with combat stat increases. however, it isnt our job to come up with this stuff. its the wvw team’s. as players, you shouldnt expect us to be motivated to do anything except express our (dis)pleasure.

JQ: Rikkity
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(edited by insanemaniac.2456)

6/21 DR/FC/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


shower time is thinking time as i robotically go thru the motions of hygiene ><

JQ: Rikkity
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6/21 DR/FC/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


But that’s not how you use the word meta… isnt.

Then again i never understood what meta meant in this game…does it mean the flavor of the month or something? the usual? Cause if so then meta zerg works because most servers ball up, the norm if you will.

the meta is the sum of all strategies used. fotm is (usually) whats good in the meta at the time. your “the usual” is part of the meta, your contribution to it.

meta zerg should be replaced with mega zerg here tho >.>
gom isnt thinking about zerging your zerg. and i mean that in the sense of like… brainstorming ideas of what to do, strategies, thinking about chokes and siege, etc. thatd be meta zerging. theyre just zerging. meta-something is like taking a step back and thinking about the bigger picture and how that something fits into it.

JQ: Rikkity
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Guards irrelevant to Guard WXP upgrades

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


stat points as a reward for grinding is design contrary to the games philosophy of aesthetic time sinks

Kind of like ascended gear? Legendaries?

I know I didn’t ask for them to be out in WvW …..

At least these stat boosts have to actually be earned by participating in WvW instead of grinding away in PvE.

legendaries are aesthetic time sinks

ascended … yeah.

cmon devs, dont you remember how hard it was to fight a 3 orb army? reopening even partial access to that is lame. yeah, i could have it too. but dont expect me to enjoy being a cheap trick instead of winning a fair fight. i already try my hardest to lure players into unwinnable situations just so i dont have to run back to where i am. and i dont get enjoyment out of it. i dont like duels because i feel like theyre a waste of time in an objective based game, but theyre always more enjoyable than uplvl stomping or pulling a roamer into tower guards for the free cc. stat boosts play out the same way.

JQ: Rikkity
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Guards irrelevant to Guard WXP upgrades

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


stat points as a reward for grinding is design contrary to the games philosophy of aesthetic time sinks

JQ: Rikkity
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Can we all have a serious talk about WvW now?

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


I agree there is an easy EASY fix for population. Open free transfers for two weeks. Lower the queue limit on each map to say 60. Done. Watch all the guilds with large groups 1.) Break into smaller 30 man groups to accommodate. 2.) Transfer to servers with a lower population.



ad infinitum

people will not do this on their own. yes, i too know its what everyone wants. but people think they want to be winning more than they think they want to have mostly even fights, and that mentality gravitates toward our current situation of stacking 1-3 servers and leaving 10+ as ghost towns in comparison.

a week of free transfers was tried. where are et, fc, hod, vabbi, fow? still at the bottom. fc had people take a vacation for a week and go back. in eu, people stacked piken because anet failed in their execution for servers that needed transfers.

JQ: Rikkity
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6/21 DR/FC/GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


thanks for the dailies dr! 1v3’d a couple times in gom bl, but i had an indignant supervisor doing the heavy lifting..

overconfident ele + mes + thief

JQ: Rikkity
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FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


here. Devon can update his link now, and hopefully we can all have a LOL.

cuz this kitten is getting old.

and as requested… score update… with a side of sexy

unnatural o.O

JQ: Rikkity
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New WvW blueprint: Barricade

in Suggestions

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


blocks friendlies -> build in front of tower entrance -> troll ur teammates tryin to enter to defend

jus saiyan

edit: on that note…

put this in and suddenly any tower without a mesmer scout or sizable group of defenders inside already is suddenly a guaranteed take for a group with 90 supply. you can guarantee a keep take with about what… 280 or 380 supply? np with 10 people and a couple supply runs. 5 classes cant teleport past it.

itd be the worst change yet, worse than arrow carts w/ 3500 range.

JQ: Rikkity
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(edited by insanemaniac.2456)

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


How do you know it was an ignorant statement? Because you didn’t like it doesn’t make it ignorant, just unpopular. He probably exaggerated with the 15 minute thing, but he might be spot-on with the rest. I’ve only ever seen groups of PAXA attack solo roamers. Doesn’t mean that they only do that, but if I make that comment it might not be popular, but it is accurate from my experiences.

I see what you’re saying, and it certainly has merit. It would be one thing if it were to be someone random making a statement about how a fight went, but in this case it’s someone who’s openly taken shots at us in the past, and has done so again here. He’s making an exaggerated statement of fact, something you yourself even noticed, about exactly how we play. If he wanted to go into detail of how we fight, or offered specific instances to give an accurate portrayal, that would be one thing. Instead, he offers an overly exaggerated comment that we use a 15 minute duration of immobilize to 5v1 him. That, is an ignorant statement.

As you say, from your prospective as a solo roamer you only see us killing solo roamers. A possible conclusion to this could lead you to believe that it’s the only thing we do. If you were to make that statement, you would do so knowing that it’s possible we fight groups larger than just yourself. Given the resources you have around you, like videos, the forums, people from your guild/server, you could easily gather information to make a more informed statement. So when someone goes to the forums and says “All I see PAXA do is kill solo roamers”, for a very literal sense of the sentence, there could be a guy who has been killed by us who feels this way. This would have to be their only experience with us, and could not have witnessed us killing anyone else in the area.

However, it still makes it an ignorant statement, as they are unaware, uninformed, and uneducated of what really goes on, which is the definition of ignorance. So while they may truly believe what they have seen, it’s still ignorant as a solo roamer, the absolute smallest WvW population in the game, to believe that’s the only thing we do. You simply wouldn’t be in a good position to make that kind of statement. Your awareness of the situation would be lacking, to put it nicely.

so why bother making long, bitterly sarcastic posts that attack the intelligence of the whiner instead of just saying “silly ignoramus” and moving on? it isnt worth your time. you have whiners and braggarts to kill.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


dont even know why you bother responding if you took care of it in game

I just wanted to make sure you had a convincing opposing argument for your response.

i do

you being an kitten to moobs cuz he was whining, and then trying to justify yourself by saying “i have to respond”

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

FC/ET/HoD 6/14

in Match-ups

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


dont even know why you bother responding if you took care of it in game

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions