Showing Posts For kitanas.3596:

Underworld & Fissure of Woe - True Endgame

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitanas.3596


those sound a lot like fractals. how is what you are suggesting any different from fractals?

Permanent Gathering Tools

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitanas.3596


you are advocating the removal of a gold sink. you have to explain why the removal of said gold is benificial to the economy.

as for putting picks together, have you ever put two worn picks together for making a less worn pickaxe? there you go

Anet Should Really Have a Negativity Forum

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kitanas.3596


Constructive criticism is a good thing, it gives suggestions on how to improve things, throwing your toys out of the cot is not.

Unfortunately, most fanbois/fangirls are unable to tell the difference. Someone criticizes the game they love and suddenly they see red, screaming and flailing with a tantrum that most small children would blush at.

ANY kind of criticism on these forums usually gets brushed aside as “baseless complaining for the sake of complaining”.

on the flip side tho, most “complaint” threads are just “this game sux” without really going into why. and most people on the internet seem to have a hard time accepting criticism of your POV, often coming back with “you’re just a hater/fanboy, and haters/fan-boys think X” note that this applies to both sides of the argument..

Please raise the price of the commander icon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitanas.3596


would just like to point, out that when areanet announced commanders, they mentioned that they were considering making them free (i.e. anyone being a commander)

Missing Unidentified Dye

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: kitanas.3596


did you place a buy order?

If so, then maybe the rest of the order hasn’t filled yet.

more details help with finding out whats wrong

Mail suspenssion system

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitanas.3596


why not distribute though the guild bank? you do have a guild bank right?

Get NPC Mobs and Material Nodes Out of WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


wow this is the sort of communication people love thank you Mike!

I think it was Colin who stated in an earlier interview (during development) that people should never have to leave WvW if they don’t want to. Do you feel that you’ve met this goal so far (or was it a misinterpretation on my part)?

You’re welcome! Things have been really busy around here since we shipped, and that’s a big reason why we haven’t had a chance to communicate nearly as much as we’d like to, so we’re trying to make an effort to change that. We want to talk to you just as much as you want us to tell you stuff

As far as being able to play just in WvW and never have to leave if they don’t want to, that most definitely is our goal, and I think we’ve done a fairly good job at that so far. We do need to make sure ascended gear is obtainable in WvW, but other than that I think we’ve mostly made it so you never have to leave WvW if you just want to play there forever. Feel free to point out why I’m wrong about that

this is why they are there. so you never have to leave WVW.

(Ahh L to the NO) Bots on the forum now!

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitanas.3596


me too
sucks rite?

Dear Trading Post: I hate you.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: kitanas.3596


My biggest issue with my hate towards the TP is the fact that the developers have said they adjust drop rates based on the TP.

Drop rates SUCK.


I highly doubt this is the case.

Why are people buying trash items?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: kitanas.3596


most whites/blues get salvaged, not sold to vendor. check the price of the relevent ore/wood, and you may have your answer.

Why cant we "gather" cloth and leather too?

in Crafting

Posted by: kitanas.3596


Crafting Armor

Heavy Armor
– Metal
– Cloth

Medium Armor
– Leather
– Cloth

Light Armor
– Leather
– Cloth

Tally: 1 armor crafting discipline requiring metal, 2 requiring leather, and 3 requiring cloth.

Obtained from:
– Mining Ore nodes
– Salvaging Metal Scraps
– Salvaging Heavy Armor
– Salvaging many Melee Weapons

– Salvaging Leather Scraps
– Salvaging Hides
– Salvaging Medium Armor

– Salvaging Cloth Scraps
– Salvaging Light Armor

Tally: 4 sources of Metal, 3 sources of Leather, and 2 sources of Cloth.

Final Tally
Metal: 1 requiring, 4 sources
Leather: 2 requiring, 3 sources
Cloth: 3 requiring, 2 sources

Conclusion: So the material most required by armor crafters is the least available while the material least required is the most available. If you think that makes sense, or is in any way a level playing field, then you need to have your head examined.

you’re missing some sources of cloth and leather: namely, that some mobs drop it, humanoid mobs also drop bags of X material which can contain cloth

Price of crafting?

in Crafting

Posted by: kitanas.3596


probably around 20 gold if you follow an efficient leveling guide


in Suggestions

Posted by: kitanas.3596


there seems to be two main groups championing the addition of mounts:

-those who want it for the speed boost

-those who want it for the looks

those who want for the speed boost usually get challeged with the point that there are waypoints to allow instead. a typical response is

Because waypoints cost to use them.

but think on that for a moment. waypoints have a cost. they have a cost for a reason. and I have yet to see someone make a logical argument as to why that cost should be circumnavigated.

as for people who want it for looks, they have generally acknowledged the problem of visual clutter. the common response is to ban mounts from the main cities. but main cities are not the only places where visual clutter can be a problem. remember the mad king clocktower?

and there are other issues that mounts bring up. for example, there is no lore to support mounts. the only domesticated animals are:
-fern hounds

none of with really are suitable for mounts. also, the world isn’t really built around the concept of mounts. for example, kessex hills/garenden fields is a lot less flat than barrens/westfall, even after catacylsm. even stonetalon peak is relatively flat, especially when compared to someplace in the shiverpeaks.

Holy Trinity Contradiction

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kitanas.3596


snipped for legnth

I would just like to counter some of those points you raised.

- Due to my schedule, I play at odd hours, to the point where even LA is largely deserted. Should I be barred from the majority of content because of when I can play/

-is there any reason not to group? are you disadvantaged in some way, shape or form? if not, then why not make a group if you enjoy that?

-there are roles available, you just have to go looking for them. for example, ele can be made into decent healers, or I have made my engi into a control engi, whose job it is is to keep the boss away from the squishies.

-I agree that dungeons could/should be reworked, but that the problem isn’t anything inherent to the combat model, but rather simple inexperience on areanet’s part

-the grind is optional, and you can do it at your own pace, to the point where it’s not a grind anymore.

-are you wiling to have your main excluded from dungeons because it is not the “best” class?

-how is the cash shop forced onto players? I’ve barely used it, and I’m perfectly happy when playing the game.

you seem to be making the classic forum mistake: assuming your veiws are the majority veiws. you can speak for yourself, and maybe your guild/friends. thats it.

Havesting tool combat switching

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitanas.3596


why would you need this?

if there is a mob causing you problems, just kill it,

Oh My God...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kitanas.3596


did you take orders of whispers storyline?

if not, check antechamber of adjournment.

due south of deadend WP

My suggestion on how to fix the economy.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: kitanas.3596


actually power traders counter inflation by siphoning hundreds, thousands of gold a day out of the system via fees.

Inflation is caused by mobs dropping gold. As more and more gold is added to the game, the value of each gold goes down. The only way to stop inflation is to make mobs drop nearly zero money (or at least less money than is being taken out via waypoint fees, repair costs, and TP fees).

The amount of gold that power traders siphon through the TP is negligible compared to the influx of gold required to keep up with prices set and manipulated by them. Which is indirectly a result of their trading behavior. If they didnt set prices so high most players wouldn’t have to farm content 24/7 to be able to afford the goods thay want like precursors and lodestones or ectos.

Besides I don’t think my suggestion would lead to a decrease in TP transactions. People would still be buying items. Only now at more affordable prices.

/facepalm. economics 101: you cannot sell something for more then its market price. “but x is to expensive for me!” I didn’t say your price, I’m talking about the market price. if something goes above market price, people will just not buy it, and farm/grind for it instead.

also, have you thought about the problems it would create? for example, I could no longer be able to give a friend anything I buy off the trading post. or what if I overbuy (either from a typo or overestimating costs) am I just stuck with the excess? they would also have to duple the amount of storage space so you have one slot for account-bound stuff and one for the non-account-bound stuff? and what about the stuff already in the power traders inventory? is it retro-active? if not expect a huge surge in price for stuff as they would buy up inventory in expectation of the change. or do they just not announce it and screw over the people who are just “day trading”?

this suggestion pops up every now and again. it’s not worth the hassle to implement.

Market price is determined by the amount of money available in circulation not only by supply. Precursors where selling for 10-40 gold when the game came out because there was less money circulating. I’m not against making money. I’m saying make money by playing the game and not by breaking the economy. The way things are we are caught in a never ending spiral that only benefits the wealthiest. For all I care they should stealth introduce this fix. Let the hoarders sit with their stash. Sell it at competitive prices, merch the items or create 10 Legendarys and give them to your alts for all I care. But don’t expect to just build up wealth over the backs of honest players that play the game as it was meant to be played. At least my suggestion generates better wealth distribution. The skillfull players benefit. Not the exploiters. Storage space is not an issue. People won’t be buying 10 stacks of anything unless they intend to use them in which case they would need the storage space anyway.

you seem to be under the assumption that the TP is not part of the game. why is it not while crafting, for example, is?

and what makes you think that simply making purchases from the auction house account bound will stop people from making money off it? for example, I could see people buying up precursors to make into legionaries to sell for profit, for example.

My suggestion on how to fix the economy.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: kitanas.3596


actually power traders counter inflation by siphoning hundreds, thousands of gold a day out of the system via fees.

Inflation is caused by mobs dropping gold. As more and more gold is added to the game, the value of each gold goes down. The only way to stop inflation is to make mobs drop nearly zero money (or at least less money than is being taken out via waypoint fees, repair costs, and TP fees).

The amount of gold that power traders siphon through the TP is negligible compared to the influx of gold required to keep up with prices set and manipulated by them. Which is indirectly a result of their trading behavior. If they didnt set prices so high most players wouldn’t have to farm content 24/7 to be able to afford the goods thay want like precursors and lodestones or ectos.

Besides I don’t think my suggestion would lead to a decrease in TP transactions. People would still be buying items. Only now at more affordable prices.

/facepalm. economics 101: you cannot sell something for more then its market price. “but x is to expensive for me!” I didn’t say your price, I’m talking about the market price. if something goes above market price, people will just not buy it, and farm/grind for it instead.

also, have you thought about the problems it would create? for example, I could no longer be able to give a friend anything I buy off the trading post. or what if I overbuy (either from a typo or overestimating costs) am I just stuck with the excess? they would also have to duple the amount of storage space so you have one slot for account-bound stuff and one for the non-account-bound stuff? and what about the stuff already in the power traders inventory? is it retro-active? if not expect a huge surge in price for stuff as they would buy up inventory in expectation of the change. or do they just not announce it and screw over the people who are just “day trading”?

this suggestion pops up every now and again. it’s not worth the hassle to implement.

(edited by kitanas.3596)

January monthly achievement, are you serious?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kitanas.3596


For the tenth time now, no one cares that it’s “easy”. Ease of completion is NOT the complaint, it’s not what people are upset about.

The core complaint is that while daily achievements have been fairly reasonable and can be completed just about anywhere, monthly achievements have been forcing players to perform much more specific tasks, and often asking them to go places or perform tasks they do not want to do. A player should not be punished because he or she doesn’t enjoy WvW or Fractals. And neither of these locations is really a “casual-friendly” place to be, either.

One of the core selling points of this game was the ability to go where you want and do what you want, and they stated that both daily and monthly achievements would reflect this casual, “do whatever you want” game play. In fact, they said that the entire reason they were implementing these daily and monthly achievements was for the casual players, so they still felt rewarded and wouldn’t fall drastically behind the grinders. But right now, monthly achievements clearly are not designed with casual players in mind. A casual player cannot just “hop into WvW” and casually tag 50 kills. A casual player is not likely to perform all that well in the Fractals dungeon, either. You’re all fine with those requirements, but I’m willing to bet that none of you are among that “casual” audience that the achievements were stated to be for. Sure, they’re optional for YOU because you play the game regularly enough that the extra karma doesn’t matter much to you. But not everyone lives and breathes GW2, and it’d be nice if they designed monthly achievements with that in mind.

I’m glad that all of you are perfectly fine with the way things are, but you’ll have to forgive me if I’m not all that thrilled about it. It’s a relatively small aspect of the game, which is why I’m not all that upset about it, but I’m not going to pretend I’m happy about it either. Monthly achievements need to be more considerate of the variety of players that play this game, rather than railroading them into specific tasks that they don’t want to do.

I suspect that part of the monthlies is to push players out of their comfort zones, get them to try stuff that they wouldn’t ordinarily do.

and as for wvw/fractals not being casual…

in wvw all you need to do is get into a big enough zergball and you can get your kills.

inn fractals, do level 1 and 2. problem solved.

can't craft Eye of Rodgort

in Crafting

Posted by: kitanas.3596


when you transmute something, you change it to a separate item. so what you have isn’t the item the MF/crafting recipe wants.

Gems for Gold—How do you feel about it?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: kitanas.3596


Well, I see it like this: people that buy gold with dollars (through gems) are the ones that keep this game free.

Unfortunately, this is something that I don’t believe. I have seen nothing that necessitates a micro-transaction system after already buying the game for $60. Wasn’t Phantasy Star Online, for example, one of the most popular and longest running online games for a long time? And once you bought the game, you had access to the whole game.

I’m of the belief that all micro-transaction systems like the Gem shop are a cost-free profit generator. Given this, it’s one thing to have account-bound aesthetic items or boosts for cash—I dislike it, and think it further advocates a bad direction for games in general—but whatever. It’s another thing to be able to buy the in-game currency with cash.

in a way you’re both right. they probably could keep the servers running for quite a while with just the money from the box sales. however, the gem stores helps to fund the monthly free content we are seeing out of arenanet.

and fishy, if gems were just another item on the TP, would you be OK with that?

1 Dusk availible on TP :D really?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kitanas.3596


The developers CAN make everybody happy, the old wives tale of stating this is impossible is just that.

I just wanted to respond to this particular point. It’s bullkitten. gamers CAN have mutually incompatible, and therefore impossible for a developer to please both. take for example the debate on legendary’s. some people want it to be easier to acquire, others want it to be harder. theses are mutually incompatible goals.

PvP toymakers bag?

in Wintersday

Posted by: kitanas.3596


Hi guys, I was one of the ones who didn’t get their gift from Tixx. Then it was mailed to me 1-2 days later (today). But it has a PvP toymakers bag in it and I heard there is a PvE one. Problem is I don’t play PvP at all. Is there a way I can resolve this issue?

you only got the PVP bag?

I got both (thx btw for the extra cogs tixx:)

Drops are reduced to nothing worth while

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: kitanas.3596


Likely not when a very large number of people started recording these issues; there’s a thread with well over 1000 posts on it in the general forum.

Look up the phrase “confirmation bias”. I’m not saying there isn’t an issue with drop rates, but citing numbers of posts that support your view doesn’t actually prove it.

It does when you’re trying to confirm people are not delusional.

Generally you can confirm something is “real” when a significant number of people observe it.

when was the last time over 2000 people were kitten enough to go post in a thread?

Was it a real in-game issue then?

And what about people not having an issue? They won’t post at going “omg… drops are unchanged”.

Again, not saying there isn’t an issue, but citing post count isn’t evidence.

I think the biggest issue isn’t that there was a change in the loot parameter but, there was an actual change or more people are hitting the diminishing returns curve of loot.

the point is that this could just be a string of bad luck. if there are say, 1 million people playing GW2 (made up number) then, though statistical probability, there will be those who have atrociously bad luck. they attribute that bad luck to a change in loot parameter, and a thread is born. other people with similar luck come on to report there claim, which keeps the thread going.

Mystical Cogs

in Wintersday

Posted by: kitanas.3596


they are there because some people got DR on the cogs, so they would not be able to make even 2 minis. Anets solution was to give everyone 200 cogs so that those that got screwed over could actually make 2 mini’s

More Glue/Stuffing Daily?

in Wintersday

Posted by: kitanas.3596


not that I know of…

why would you need it?

Princess Dolls?

in Wintersday

Posted by: kitanas.3596


their confusion attack is a aoe based on there position. stay away from them and they are not that hard.

Tixx is evil?

in Wintersday

Posted by: kitanas.3596


I don’t think it’s tixx, so much as it is toxx. if you talk to toxx, she will mention “toy liberation movement” then cover it up. She seems to be a GLaDOS to tixx’s cave Johnson

‘Wintersday went splat. Giant clanker lied to us.’

“giant clanker” who sounds more like that, the asura that’s(regrettably) the same size as the skritt in question, or the giant golem?

Greatsword chainsaw skin audio

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kitanas.3596


Does only the wielder or everyone around us can hear it?

everyone around you can hear it, reinforcing the fact that you were lucky/rich enough to get one. you kitten.

Vanilla Bean req. for all cooking recipes! :(

in Wintersday

Posted by: kitanas.3596


well, I just so happened to have been farming vanilla beans…


"LF1M FotM, no engies"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kitanas.3596


Pretty sure that never happened, and it’s just you inventing stuff to make a point.

Unfortunately for you, engis are awesome in PVE and in FOM. And it’s not because of their DPS.

then again, maybe that’s why he thought they were worthless

gem to gold has tax?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: kitanas.3596



there’s about a 30% tax on the conversion.

so gems are long term investments

How does currency exchange work?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: kitanas.3596


Here’s the post where John Smith confirmed that the gem exchange operates using a supply of gems and gold. This means that other than the initial seeding amount and paid tournament winnings, all gems in the exchange come from players and must have initially been purchased with real money.


There seems to be some confusion:
The currency exchange has a supply of Gems and Gold.

If players are converting Gold to Gems, then the Amount of Gold player will receive for their gems goes up.
If players are converting Gems to Gold, then the amount of Gems players receive for Gold goes up.

The exchange rate changes based on the scarcity of each supply. You cannot inflate it, it’s an exchange rate. As players purchase in one direction, it entices purchases in the other direction.

@ Cruzyo: While inflation may account for some of the increase in gold -> gem prices, the recent additions to the gem store are likely to have had a larger influence. After all, people converting gold -> gems are (usually) wanting to spend those gems in the gem store. If there is increased demand for gems, then that will help push the rate up, inflation by itself won’t do anything if no one wants gems in the first place.

that quote still does not precisely give an answer on what percentage of gems bought with gold come out of thin air from Anet and what percentage actually comes from a player who paid real money for it.

can you give a good reason for areanet to pump gems in? because if they do, that keeps the gold→ price DOWN, which dis-incetivises people buying gems(both to use and to convert to gold)

Add high-heeled designs for footwear / boots / shoes / armor...

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitanas.3596




only 1 ring since 3 weeks ago (flagged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kitanas.3596


What you’re claiming is that you’re the exception. That the rng assigned to you is weighted in your disfavor. Like for example while using a six sided die, you only win when you roll a 1. While other people win ehen they roll a 1, 2 or 3.

There is no reason for anet to single you out like that. You are overestimating your importance to them. They have way bigger fish to fry than screwing over a guy’s drops because he grumbled on their forums.

That is a ridiculous claim.

Again, you were just unlucky. Take it on the chin and move on. You’re doing the equivalent of a poker player going on tilt because he got bad beat three times in a row.

are you oblivious to the fact that drop rates can be adjusted at will? if they can twitch numbers at will, they can certainly do it to their rng, customizing it for those who thought that was stupid or namecalled for adding ascended gear.

hey, it’s not ridiculous as claiming that players can manipulate the rng from their clients using hacks.

anet doing server side mods is very realistic than players programatically adjusting the server side rng to get lucky.

yes, they can do that. BUT WHAT IS THE POINT? there is no reason for them to do so.

you, good sir, IMHO, are a troll. you make deliberatly inflammatory comments to try to upset others. /ignore

4am for Wintersday events :(

in Wintersday

Posted by: kitanas.3596


they didn’t say a thing about one-time events, now did they?

I would assume that they are going to run all day.

Suggestions to reduce market manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: kitanas.3596


market manipulation.

… well that’s unfortunate that the head Econ guy doesn’t see “Flipping” as Manipulation.

I’m just curious what else you’d call it when the entire point is to manipulate the final sales price for a bigger profit on something that would have been a lot cheaper if there was no short-term speculating middlemen driving up the prices.

Flipping an item lowers its price – if an item is flipped often enough the buy and sell orders will be within coppers of the 15% charge for using the trading post.

1) Holy moly, necro.

2) Hahahah yea, flipping lowers the price, that’s why ppl do it, to LOSE money.

Flipping, cornering, scalping, whatever the market manipulators do or however it’s called, it’s being done to make money. That money has to come from somewhere, namely other players. And that money also has to cover the 15% reselling tax + margin and that is the loss a player incurrs if he buys from the manipulator instead of the original seller.

And JohnSmith…so easy to check if anyone is manipulating stuff… just check players who have 5.000-10.000g+/gazillion gems and their actions. So hard right? I know, I feel your pain at losing 1hr to do it.

OK, so (using the example of flipping) who specifically does the marketeer hurt

A variable system to fix GW2's economy

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: kitanas.3596


Make precursors souldbound or acc bound. Let’s see what happens.

That’d be a much better idea if there was only one precursor for all weapon types. What is an elementalist going to do with Dusk though? Level an alt to 80 and save it for them?

I’m sure ANet could have an idea to what to do with such items if they do not fit for someone, after all they.. well… develop the game.

they have. if you do not want/do not need an item, you can sell iton the TP.

Question about legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kitanas.3596


I don’t know if legendary will be upgraded.

1Gb+ Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kitanas.3596


there was a patch?

I didn’t get any patch

When do we get the ''scavanger hunt''?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kitanas.3596


how many content updates have we seen since they announced the scavenger hunt?

patience, young padawan.

Traits destroy creative play?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kitanas.3596


from what I read, it sounds like you are pigeon-holing yourself. you took one trait, then looked for synergies. but what are you trying to do with that build? is there another way it could be done, one that doesn’t include the trait?

Why would there be another way to reach the goal without the trait? Doesn’t that make the entire trait completely pointless?

Where’s the logic!?

so what I’m saying is that traits are a means to an end. so what is that end, and is there another build that accomplishes it? to use the OP as an example, he appears to be building a survivable mesmer though boons. but could a stealth/clone build work? could a mobility/range build work? (not a mesmer, so I can’t say specifics)

Diminishing returns expiration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kitanas.3596


me too

more importantly tho I would love to know when they plan on removing DR entirely now that they have control over the bots.

Seriously, DR now that the bots are mostly handled just seems to serve as a hindrance.

do you really think the bots are gone for good?

as long as people are willing to pay for gold, there will always be bots in game.

Traits destroy creative play?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kitanas.3596


from what I read, it sounds like you are pigeon-holing yourself. you took one trait, then looked for synergies. but what are you trying to do with that build? is there another way it could be done, one that doesn’t include the trait?

Am I making a difference or not ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kitanas.3596


Its one of the reasons why the battle system in groups seems so poor. Group unity is NOTHING compared to how other MMOs do it. Call it the trinity. Call it UI design. Call it whatever you want, but when I played WOW for example, I knew when I was supporting others and when they supported me. In GW, you just don’t get the same sort of feedback. Blizzard simply understands this so much more than ANET ever has.

It could be how in other MMOs, certain buffs are reserved for certain classes, so you know what you’re going to get because X class is in your party. And they were far more apparent when the buffs hit you. In GW2 everyone has almost everything, and then there are stacks of it, instead of it simply being on or off. The boost isn’t significant enough. Sometimes, you barely notice. Sometimes you do.

How classes support one another is just badly designed, no matter how you slice it, unless GW is all you know. Then you might think its great. Then again, ignorance is no excuse=)

There are plenty of games out there that play that way. This is the one that doesn’t. I think its refereshing to “not” have to depend on anyone for heals. Everyone being able to mind their own heals first and foremeost…“and” share if they can is enormously liberating.

I played healers also in a couple of those other games. This sysyem is better, imo.

In theory, taking care of yourself is nice….when soloing. In a group, there is no group unity compared to other MMOs. Soling is more fun here. Grouping is mostly terrible, since the whole point of a group should be how well you mesh with others. But there is no meshing. There are no real roles. There is no true way to control agro, shed it, shift it, heal others enough that it matters, control the battle. All you can do is react to the circles and heal yourself when you need it and avoid the 1 shot kills, but I can’t really help anyone in a meaningful way besides a rez.

but if you role-limit classes, then if you need certain roles, and some roles are perceived as more fun then others, then you have the “looking for healers” problem.

Gem Price Cap

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: kitanas.3596


I just want to see Anet go into the market and adjust the gems to gold price to better compete with the bots. They already have two advantages:

1) They’re legitimate
2) They’re direct source

That gives them a much bigger competitive edge, so much so that they don’t realistically need to sell gems at the 3rd party rate. They could get away with a 30-50% markup and still capture most of the market. If they priced at the same rate as the 3rd party, Anet would capture the entire market.

I really see no reason for doing this other than to try and be fair to gold -> gem converters, and to try and quell all the people who would get mad and say the game is all about buying things with real money. If I could pay Anet the same amount of money and receive the same amount of gold as I could from a 3rd party, you bet your kittens I’d do it. It would hardly trivialize certain aspects either. Even at 3rd party seller rates, legendaries would still cost over $200-300, which is well out of a lot of players willing-to-pay ranges.

how about preventing inflation? I fthey were to fix the gem→gold price at some high value, there would be a large surge of gold into the economy. which would cause prices to rise, which would cause those who don’t buy gold with gems to complain even more!

Gem Price Cap

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: kitanas.3596


Yes you could buy theoretically gold from these bots. However the cost is the following: they hack your account, strip it of valuables and steal it for botting.

While I’m not endorsing buying gold from 3rd party websites I’d like to point out that what you’ve said fundamentally incorrect since after sending you some mail they can’t auto-magically hack your account unless you give them those details, in which case you’re an idiot.

Or they can take your credit card information (which you have to give them so they can be paid) and buy another account. or six. and use those for botting.

ETA On Server Fix?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kitanas.3596


It isn’t just the servers, at least for me. Is anyone else getting a 502 sever error when they try to load th main website/

Economy horribly flawed by botters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kitanas.3596


the biggest users of bots are goldsellers. so they best way to combat bots is to not use gold-selling sites, encourage others to not use them, and challenge any who justify them

Eye Patches And Wings.

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitanas.3596


correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t there eye patch armor pieces already in the game?