Showing Posts For kitanas.3596:

Tanks to canadians to ruin EU server experience!

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


I think adding something like DAOC's RA's ..

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitanas.3596


“this goes against areanet’s power -platue philosophy.

/thread"- Kitanas

You’re actually completely incorrect. They implemented that philosophy to make it so there is no ‘gear treadmill’ which there is not and most likely will not be. So because they are anti gear treadmill, you assume they don’t want there to be character progression?

Anet has already said " WvW is for fun and is going to be unbalanced, if you want balance go to SPvP."

Oh, so I guess you missed the parts about “power plateau” and “reaching max power relatively easily”. they specifically said that there would be no long term power progression.

I’m not asking for balance: I know that’s impssible. I am disputing this on the above basis.

They have created an MMO, but completely failed to add any actual long term character progression into the game. So many of you think adding ‘titles’ or cosmetic rewards is the best thing to do… I say WHY? I don’t want titles or cosmetic upgrades.. they don’t DO anything….. I don’t care if my character model is a blue circle and my title is ‘schoolgirl fairy boy’. It means NOTHING to me, it does not DO anything.

not failed miserably. it was a deliberate choice to not include it.

This is an MMO, I don’t know why so many of you people seem to think that ‘putting more time in’ or playing consistently or even playing better than other players should not reward you MORE than players that don’t do that. In SPvP, it needs that balance.. but in an OPEN WORLD RVR setting which is ment for FUN where NUMBERS dictate an enormous % of what happens.. that balance does not exist now and should not exist.

Did you watch the manifesto video? if not, no problem, hear it is:

don’t fell like watching it? OK, I can understand. My point is that inside of a minuet, indeed, some of the first things they say, are:question everything" and “defy convention” And tyou are claiming that this is needed because it is CONVENTIONAL for MMO’s to have long term progression grind?

(edited by kitanas.3596)

I think adding something like DAOC's RA's ..

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitanas.3596


this goes against areanet’s power -platue philosophy.


Bug with Swear Word filter

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: kitanas.3596


um, I think you forgot the space between who and really. now if we remove the “ally” which it didn’t censor, we are left with “who” and “re”. do you see now why it was censored?

If you transfer away, you can't transfer back for a month

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


once they get guesting up, sever transfers are to cost (2000?) gems and you can’t take part in WVW for two weeks. problem solved.

Supply Invaders - What WvW has now become

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


how can you stop it? lockouts won’t stop a sffincintly determined player, and that doesn’t even take into account trolls on your own server. how do keep them from sabatoging your suply without limiting ordinary players?

WvWvW (aka Exploit vs Exploit vs Exploit)

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


Can’t report an exploiter if you can’t see their name.

right clicking on an opponents name brigs up a report button.

If you don't put in [effective] anti-snowball/zerg mechanics...

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


well, how would you do it? there really isn’t a way to force people to be intelligent.

as the saying goes, “if something is idiot-proof, humanity will evolve a better idiot”

Why do MMO's keep making the same business model mistake?

in PvP

Posted by: kitanas.3596


if you could name any game with a balanced release, I would be more sympathetic.

1) it takes time to balance a game

2) even if a game is balance,d there will still be cries of OP because the person saying OP hasn’t found the counter.

Having to pick up loot bags is incredibly annoying

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


oh another one of these threads.

In the beta, this was asked for. the answer was basically “we’d like to but the way our code is setup we can’t”

they are also working on underlying code changes

connect the dots

Some missing MMO basics...

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitanas.3596


You can still be effective in WVW, even if you aren’t full level 80. It just depends on what you do. for example, siege weapons don’t scale damage based off of your level. so, if you are on a siege weapon, you are just as helpful as an 80 on that weapon.

WvW Fortification Blueprints

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitanas.3596


WvW gives players pre-defined locations to defend from – towers and keeps. While you can set up siege at a choke point in the map, enemies will charge right through and destroy you.

Perhaps there is a place for Defensive Siege blueprints. As in, a spike wall like the Centaurs often use. This would allow players to strategically create a defensive position at places like supply camps.

Issues: Griefing – there are some spots that I think would be prohibited from placing walls. For example if a player could place several walls behind a gate… that would be annoying.

If they block friendly forces, what is to prevent people from transferring and walling the enemy in to their spawn?

and if they do not block friendly movment, wouldn’t that be a bit overpowered?

Deleting Goldseller mail

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitanas.3596


If you take the money, ANet might see that as you bought gold from a gold seller and ban your account. Even though it is only 1c. Its probably why the gold sellers started adding 1c to them.

you really think that they are not going to look at how much money they sent you?

It's disappointing that legendary items require 100% world completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitanas.3596


I have to ask, what part of 100% completion is required to craft legendaries? because every reward I’ve gotten from map complete is non-unique. is there something special for 100% of the whole map?

(edited by kitanas.3596)

Anyone else think Sentry Points are totally useless?

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


I honestly think that they should be capable of stopping a single, unguarded doylack. otherwise, all they serve is a “avoid this crossroad” considering that if you are behind enemy lines, staying off the roads is a good idea, this means that there is really no reason to attack them altogether.

Make loot "Automatically" looted!

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitanas.3596


If it was easy, I’m pretty sure it’d have been done already.

You would be surprised…. with code anything is possible in fact all that’s happening is the ‘Database’ is creating a loot bag at a location that has certain money and loot then player picks it up. You just cut the extra fat/middleware and let those certain money and loot go straight to the player. Less objects being rendered = more fps, less tracking of bags = more cpu, memory, and the whole looting would be automated. With coding anything is possible it’s just depends on how creative is the programmer/architect that programs such mechanism.

slight newsflash for ya’ll.

back in BW #2, autoloot was asked for. (this was when the loot bags changed from spawning on the corpse to spawning at your feet. We got a dev response that was essentially “we’d like to but due to the way it’s coded we can’t” they are also working on code issues as verlon said. I wonder what’s part of that?

(edited by kitanas.3596)

WvWvW Realm Ranks and Abilities

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


@ sooty

I think you’re kinda missing the point. it’s not about the numbers. It is about different philosophies. one of the things areanet has stated is that there will be an easily reached power platue. this suggestion, by it’s inherent nature, goes against that. what you are asking for is akin to asking WOW to not be a progression base game.

WvsW rendering problems

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


WvWvW Realm Ranks and Abilities

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


Except that WvW does end. Not sure how your argument works here. Once the match is over, one of the 3 sides is the winner. The other 2 are the losers. So your goal is to be the winner. Just like a board game.

But it still doesnt “end”. You go on again with the SAME toon. Thats where its open ended. Until an RPG, its not the end of the game. It’s still going. not sure how else to explain this…

The end of a power climb does not have to mean the end of the game. In skyrim, for example, I have maxed all the skills I want, and have gotten about the best gear possible. that doesn’t stop me playing and having fun. does this help?

Do you think you will be playing it in another 6 months or a year? This is an MMO, something that traditionally is played for years at a time (i did 6 years in DAoC, how many have 6+ in WoW?)

yes. I won’t be playing day in/day out ( I don’t do that anymore) But I will be playing, mainly because of the lack of progression. I won’t be underpowered by the progression curve.

WvWvW Realm Ranks and Abilities

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


Except that WvW does end. Not sure how your argument works here. Once the match is over, one of the 3 sides is the winner. The other 2 are the losers. So your goal is to be the winner. Just like a board game.

But it still doesnt “end”. You go on again with the SAME toon. Thats where its open ended. Until an RPG, its not the end of the game. It’s still going. not sure how else to explain this…

The end of a power climb does not have to mean the end of the game. In skyrim, for example, I have maxed all the skills I want, and have gotten about the best gear possible. that doesn’t stop me playing and having fun. does this help?

WvWvW Realm Ranks and Abilities

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


But it gets boring fast when you are just playing to play. Without an incentive there is no real reason to play for any long period of time. See board games work and other games because there is an end. In an MMO there is no end so you either continue to progress or you go to another game. The way it is now, there is no progression at all and of course, no end.

Why can’t an MMO end? Every other game genre does. Why must it continue forever? not sarcastic or anything, this is an actual question

Pretty sure I just walked past an inner garrison door...

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


sounds like a glitch

you might want to bug-report it.

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


You intend to keep and invisible, swiftness running, 1200-distance-traited blink player “from the center of your group”? Not going to happen

so keep an eye out for the portal itself. if you see a portal “appear” then react as if there is a zerg pouring through it RIGHT NOW.

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


You don’t just “kill” a mesmer. They have four stealths and a blink.

you don’t have to necessarily have to “kill” the mesmer. just keep it away from the center of your group. and there is a reason I said that that way was questionable meathod.

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


two points:
1) (questionable) does the mesmer himself load? if so then there is a simple counter-tactic. Kill the mesmer.
2) (pretty certin) the portal itself will load in. so, if you see a portal, either A) start AOEing the portal, or B) run away.

Switch to WvW instead of WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


I would argue that a three way fight is inherently more balanced then a two way fight.

I disagree with this and went over the reason why in the original post. To recap though, once a team pulls ahead due to the ladder system and scoring the best move that the second place team can do is attack only the third place team in an attempt to retain second. This means the person that actually gets teamed on is the person in last. It is something that is happening right now on basically every WvWvW match.

in theory, yes. however, there are counterarguments to that idea.
- if team green (1rst place) completely dominates teams red and blue teams(2nd and 3rd, respectively) then it turns into a 2v1 by default, as only green targets to attack.
- if red team completely pushes blue team off the map, then green team has only one target to attack, them.
-on 3 of the 4 maps, red and blue start very far from one another. why should you go halfway across the map to attack blue structures, rather then the green?
-green has more stuff then blue, so they are, on average, less well defended then blues (after all, blue has been holding off the might of green) so it may be more advantageous to attack green then blue (i.e. taking a keep from green puts you in a better position relative to blue then taking a tower from blue)
-what incentive does green have to attack blue? would they not be more inclined to attack red, both because of the above point and the fact that red is the bigger threat to their position?

What you may be seeing is a situation where two servers have specifically ganged up on your server, which would create the results you have stated

Switch to WvW instead of WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


Disagree. Two “faction” systems have NEVER worked.

I disagree with this logic. Just because 2 faction has its issues doesn’t make 3 faction actually work.

The issue here is this: 3 faction isn’t working, period. We see it, it is in the here and now.

It has worked in some games like Planetside because there is no score. The goal there is the fight. You don’t have currency and keep claiming and upgrading, you just fight. That isn’t the case here, here there are scores, ladders, new matches, rankings, currency, upgrades, etc.

It is time to look at this and admit that 3 faction isn’t working either…

As such it becomes clear that the issue is something else (and probably was with 2 faction too). Having 3 factions just makes it harder to determine what that something else is.

what you say may be true. However the question is: Is two way fight better than a three way fight? I would argue that a three way fight is inherently more balanced then a two way fight.

I would argue that most of the “problems” come from a lack of knowledge and data. as we become more knowledgeable, and as the system gets better data, things should improve.

Help choose a PUG's WvW class

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


there really is no “right” class. for example, I prowl northern borderlands with a rifle, as an engineer

cliffs are fun

WvW Makes Me Want to Quit

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


night-capping: working as intended. if you get demoralized by the fact that your server is losing, either a: set up and organize 24-7 alliance, or b: do like I did, and set yourself some more achievable goals.

orbs: orbs were actually slightly buffed form their ordinal incarnation. so it is unlikely theat there will be major nerfs anytime soon.

Why don't dolyaks give rewards?

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


they did have a reward, but people were just escorting doylacks way in the back line, and I meen like 20-30 people, so they disabled the rewards while they rebalance them.

Where is the People-Pults?

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


Should have a seige weapon that will launch people over the keep walls.

this would be OP.

Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


Let’s not risk being the underdogs a second week in a row. Until we’re 100% sure that Ehmry Bay won’t be abusing timezones to nightcap us, I propose that our servers work together to keep their presence on the maps to a minimum. This can only work if the major guild leaders get in on this and if you spread the word of this to /map and /team in the WvWvW maps, so please, do!

PS: There is no reliable way to make sure the entire servers respect the alliance, so, I mean, some sillies and baddies are going to run around breaking the terms all the time. It might be best to ignore those little conflicts and let the baddies fight each other while the good people focus on Ehmry Bay together. Let’s make sure we don’t end up with another unplayable week, huh?

maguuma resident here

unplayable? what are you talking about?

I had no problems playing this week.

Dont be big brother, be just a big game maker.

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitanas.3596


I can’t help but wonder if the guild bank account limit is rank-based.I am a GL, and I almost filled my guilds stash without hitting any limit.

The last patch was done 2 days ago 9/18/12. I assume you had a lot of cash in there before then.

it was the first time any of us had used the stash. I was dumping all the cooking items I have collected into the stash.
I think the limits are determined by the amount of stuff you collect (cash/mats). so in theory the only people who would be affected by this are
A) people being fed by a guild
B) people who play the market
C) Gold mules (they can’t just open a new account to use as a mule)

This game would be mind blowing with open world pvp

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitanas.3596


Have you tried playing WVW as a small gank-team? that might give you the fix you are looking for.

Dont be big brother, be just a big game maker.

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitanas.3596


I can’t help but wonder if the guild bank account limit is rank-based.I am a GL, and I almost filled my guilds stash without hitting any limit.

Server lock eww

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitanas.3596


When the free server transfer ends, the guesting system will be enabled. That is basically the same as a free server transfer, except it’s PvE only. You can’t do WvW or sPvP on a world where you are only a guest.

actually I think you can still do sPVP while guesting. the only thing that guesting lockes you out of is WVW, as that is the only place where such a lock out makes sense.

Charr necromancer.

in Lore

Posted by: kitanas.3596


Magic users aren’t trusted as much as technology is, magic is still recognized as powerful and useful.

just don’t go around worshiping grenth or other powerful creature and you should be fine.

WvW is not good competition

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


WvW isn’t supposed to be fair. If you want fair there is sPvP.
WvW is supposed to be 24/7 warfare between the servers.

So what you are saying is that in order to get the Badges of Honor required for various major items, such as Legendary Weapons, we have to stick with the non-competitive server-swap-inducing-by-buying-gems WvW? What a surprise!

The fact that sPvP give absolutely zilch when it comes to rewards that carry through to the rest of the game is because there is very little you can do to BUY SUCCESS.

WvW success, as the game currently stands, can be bought by players with real world money, buying Gems, getting a ton of in game currency and upgrading/sieging etc. That is only required early on in the match, because once the entrenched team has the upper hand with all the orbs and a healthy robust stat advantage, they won’t need to spend much on new upgrades as they wipe the lesser teams so easily. The final key in the business model comes when the losing players decide to buy a server transfer.

It is a business model of a game, nothing more. It is not designed to be a good competition. The winners can buy success. Tell me why I am wrong in a way that stands up to critical argument please.

gold was never designed to be the limiting factor in terms of money/seige. supply is. that is the entire purpose to supply in the first place, to limit the effect of money in WVW.

And WVW was designed to be fun, not competitive. the two are not inextricably entwined.

Are all WvW matchups being decided by off peak hours?

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


If you define “prime time” as the 3-8 hour window when most people are online, then all matchups are mostly decided outside of “prime time” Why? because every hour gives the same number of points, and there are more hours outside of “prime time” then in “prime time”. therefore, the majority of points comes from outside of “prime time” thus, all matches are decided more by what happens outside of “prime time” then in “prime time”

Mass Golems

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


pshhh beta golems dont count. Plus if I recall they gave out free gems that people coverted to gold zzz

Freelancer (the dude who bankrolled all the golem) played the market, not selling gems. beyond that, if I remember correctly the 200 free gems you got didn’t cover that much gold

Mass Golems

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


30 golems?
I’ll see your 30 and raise you 120.

Game is dying, so what are you doing to fix the only content you have?

in PvP

Posted by: kitanas.3596


The OP is an idiot. I knew this to be true in the first sentence : “…this game is rather empty content-wise (Especially PvE, as there is nothing to do)”. Lawl. Go away.

8 easy dungeons that anyone with half a brain can rush through, and random dragons and bugged events. Yes, the game is rich on good PvE content.

There is more to content then what you can do. this is a beautiful world, this tyria is. I probably spent a half an hour just looking at the tombstones in ebonhawk alone.

WvW, SPvP my little review and why I'm quitting this game

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


so you expect a 1-mo old game to have the level of strategy anddepth thata 7-yo game has?


New 'siege tool'

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


engineers have healing turrets that essentially do what you are asking for, with 0 cost.

Veteran pvper's problems in GW2

in PvP

Posted by: kitanas.3596


OMFG A WOW VET QUOTED ME!!! Maybe some of his amazing pvp skillz will rub off on me! Seriously no one gives a kitten about you playing wow. Wow and gw2 are different games your past credit means nothing here. If anything its showing your arrogant demeanor

I agree. Past accomplishments mean absolutely nothing for future results. That’s why, all those MLGers out there were just as good as you on day one of GW2, because skill is reset when a new game comes out….am I right?

Edit: I will agree with you on one point, the “This game needs to be more like WoW” posts are pretty overwhelming. I don’t like those; however, we are trying to establish some sort of bases for our prior PvP experience. How would you like us to do that? I know for a fact that playing WoW for 6 years competitively puts me at an advantage to other people in this game that have never played MMO PvP.

In a large way, yes. skill largely does get reset with a new game. sure, pro’s have better reaction times and such, but just having reactin times does not a pro make.

One can’t determine who is a good player an who isn’t on the forums. that’s kind of the point. You can’t simply rely on "I’m better then you, you have to make a logical argument.

How do I move the map???

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: kitanas.3596


left click—>drag lets you move the map.

Kodan as a playable race.

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitanas.3596


norn xpack, if ever.

Post suggestions to fix problems in WvWvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitanas.3596


Limit time is not an option. I refuse to let the game decide when I play when I have a wonky schedule.

If you are not going to recruit people oversea or players that play at night, then you don’t deserve the overnight army to protect your keeps.

All I see here is qqing.

Read it again please. No one talked about limiting the time. If you’re an American, you play on American servers any time you want. Same goes for any other region.

If you expect that GW2, a game they have tried so hard to make accessible to more gamers, requires that players comb through the internet to find foreigners to their region to save WvW from breaking itself… well I’m not sure what to say.

All I see is someone who hasn’t had his server matched up for days against juggernauts who take the map when no one is there. Just wait until you’re on the other side of the fence

what about Aussies/oceanics? where do they go?

to win in WVW, you need a 24/7 presence. if you refuse to get a 24/7 presence, then you will lose to a server that will.

WvWvW Balancing

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitanas.3596


are you refering to spawn camping? you are aware that there are three exits from the spawn area? (at least)

Solution to night capping/overwhelming numbers

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


You might want to brush up on the defintion of “Asia” and the military history of the region. There have been numerous land wars fought there. Including by countries like the US.

I’m not dismissing numerical superiority. I’m dismissing the knee-jerk reaction to anything that’s beating you: “NERF IT!”.

How about, for a nice change of pace, we ask people to put in some effort to turn the tide in their favor since the problem is one of player organization, not game mechanics, rather than demanding a game mechanic fix for something that isn’t a game mechanic problem?

Just this once? Pretty please?

Just one time, let’s not insist that every problem be solved by demanding the developers reduce everyone to the lowest common denominator.

Why do you suppose that saying about fighting a land war in Asia came about? Oh right, because people have fought there and realized the cost is not worth it. Exactly what is going on in GW2 WvW.

You are asking “some people” to put in effort while others get a free ride. That is the problem. I have no problem “putting in the effort” if it was even remotely beneficial to do so. However, in WvWvW’s current state is simply is not. Spending gold to upgrade things for example is useless. The overnight zergs destroy it all by the morning when no one is on. So you have essentially just deleted some of your gold. Last night for example we had every structure we owned fully upgraded when I went to bed. When I logged on today Aspenwood owned every point on every map. It was not “lack of strategy” that made that happen. It was numerical superiority during the overnight hours.

How do you think that those servers got to be there big humongous selves? Mostly by “putting in the effort” to organize a large, 24/7 presence.