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"No-grind philosophy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068



It’s just this crazy balancing act that no company can really ever get right. If you want to keep people who play all the time playing, you have to have something for them to work towards. You can’t introduce content fast enough, period.

Yeah, but it’s all about rewarding gameplay, either in combat (group or solo), or in loot or in an ideal game, both. Combat in GW2 is only rewarding enough at first, then it tapers off pretty quickly. Many of the challenges simply aren’t worth doing, since the progression toward them is slow and many of the end points are lackluster.

I whole-heartedly believe that arena has been developing by-the-numbers, moreso than by feel. I just hope HoT changes that.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

"No-grind philosophy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


I agree. I think this sort of thing is the best compromise. The thing, even though it’s a step in the right direction, according to Devata, it’s too grindy for his/her tastes.

Well if you’re going to make new stuff not grindy and not cost gold and not cost cash, I’m not sure what the options are.

Her answer is, repeatedly, new expansions, new content. She claims it’ll work but I don’t see the evidence for this. I don’t think in this day and age that a developer could put out enough new content fast enough to make a game truly buy to play with no cash shop.

Devata brings up another game but the DLC content which they come out with goes against the ideal plan.

This is the limitation of believing only one ways is good. If it was the only good way everyone would be doing it. I believe the way Devata wants the game to be run would result in less players and I believe it would be a tremendous risk.

There are basically 2 general complaints, one is rewarding grind and the other is content grind. I’m only using the word grind to fit with the topic, however.

The second complaint is the lack of substantial content additions over the past 2.5 years. This one, i feel, is due to releasing in China. So what they did add, often felt grindy, to keep players interested enough to do the “work” to get at stuff. This, i’m hoping will change with HoT.

The first part is actually pretty important though, even a bunch of the grindy (or harder to reach) achievements offer pretty horrible rewards. Many of them feel like a complete after-thought of just tossing something in the game to give players something to do.

As to one of the previous posts, the one about getting most things from anywhere in the game. That actually affects the reward system pretty negatively, since the loot table could be rather large, meaning players have an even lower chance at getting at the goods they want. It’s actually nice to see them rewarding things for certain content.

Grind itself is largely perceptual, but when you tack on artificially high amounts of materials and match it with lower than average drop rates, you get the grind mentality. Of which you see a decent amount of it being produced. Things like lodestones and even worse, giant eyes, and content really starts to feel grindy. Even ascended gear itself isn’t all that rewarding to achieve, many find the looks bad and many feel the stat progression is even worse. So you have a grind for an item that’s not really all that great to begin with.

All in all, the crux has been creating challenging content that also feels rewarding in the open world, something arena has been struggling with since release.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

"No-grind philosophy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


Reading through all this debate on ascended grind, it’s pretty obvious to me that the hefty amount of t5 mats is there since it’s just so abundant. I imagine it might have been harder to rebalance than it was to just make a huge sink. It did manage to do a few things too, like help make crafting profitable. All in all, the ascended grind really isn’t all that bad, but i still think they need a way for people to stat change this rather large investment.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

"No-grind philosophy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


Well-founded or not, it’s an opinion. I have full ascended items on three characters and I’ll never have to grind on those characters again. Not for gear.

I only take issue with this, when it comes to gear in the game, in general. If stat or content changes drastically enough, you might want to re-gear a toon or two. This is where i fall on the entire gear grind deal. I think they’d do well to get the system closer to gear having a base stat (or just a skin, mostly) and by swapping out the insignia you could change the stats. That’s pretty much the main reason i don’t bother all that much with ascended, it’s just too crazy if i want to change stats.

This is my biggest issue as well. In the past I contemplated getting ascended for at least my main but then I realized that I have three sets of gear just for that character alone, based on what kind of activity I want to participate in. That doesn’t even count the times I had to throw out an entire set and get something else due to gear changes Anet did like nerfing critical damage or introducing new stat combinations that turned out to be better for the role I crafted the previous set for.

Considering the time and money that goes into obtaining a full set of ascended gear, it should allow you to swap its stats just like a legendary does. Perhaps tie that ability to a small gold and/or material sink.

Currently, getting ascended is simply not worth it even though Arenanet intended it to be the traditional end-game goal that allegedly so many people were wishing for. It costs too much, locks you into one stat combination and is only marginally better than exotic gear.

/edit – typo

Yeah, it’d be nice to just have the base gear and swap out insignias at least. It’s still pretty expensive to craft them, but once you do it, you could swap them freely.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

[Suggestion] Exploration grind.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


I think a waypoint scroll that transferred all the waypoints you have unlocked on your account to a new toon, would be good enough.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

[Open to the Floor] Nicholas the Traveller

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


I do find it odd they didn’t include something like this, it was such a popular thing in the original. Love to see it return in some form.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

The 'I'd Pay for Dungeons' Thread

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: munkiman.3068


This sounds like DnD, where you had to buy dungeons. I wouldn’t be a fan of this idea.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

"No-grind philosophy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


Well-founded or not, it’s an opinion. I have full ascended items on three characters and I’ll never have to grind on those characters again. Not for gear.

I only take issue with this, when it comes to gear in the game, in general. If stat or content changes drastically enough, you might want to re-gear a toon or two. This is where i fall on the entire gear grind deal. I think they’d do well to get the system closer to gear having a base stat (or just a skin, mostly) and by swapping out the insignia you could change the stats. That’s pretty much the main reason i don’t bother all that much with ascended, it’s just too crazy if i want to change stats.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

Precursor drop, Lucky account is a thing...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


I don’t think you’re lying. Although i did a ton of Scarlett invasion wish yielded a nice chuck of Exotics, but in general i’ve gotten very few, maybe a couple dozen.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

Suggestion:Crafting Disciplines Account-bound

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


Or you could buy licenses and craft up the other 6 on your main if its such a burden mate.

Got 2 on each char myself but aint a hassle to switch around imo

Maybe they could sell unlock licenses that open up your crafts you already made to make it easier for people that want it.
And also better for people who dont.

I like the unlock sale idea.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

Suggestion:Crafting Disciplines Account-bound

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


I like it character bound for the leveling opportunity. Crafting does need some more improvement though, least when it comes to recipes and interface.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

Map Completion & WvW - why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


I have a feeling this is going to change with HoT. I’m curious to see where they go with it.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

"No-grind philosophy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


Alright, I’m going to ask everyone in this thread a very simple question.

Say ascended armor was made much easier to obtain. Say it only took a month to complete “challenging content” to fully deck out your character.

With nothing else to work towards, yes or no – would you get bored with the game? And for people that answer yes, isn’t that a major problem for a non-subscription MMO?

Also keep in mind, that there are not adding any gear progression or level changes in the expansion. The game has been out for 2.5 years. And it’s going to be another couple before we see another. So let’s say, you’ve had 4.5 years to obtain your ascended gear and you can get it done in a month now. See if that changes your answer.

For me, no. I played the original for 7 years, getting best gear in that game was pretty quick, it was also a more versatile system.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

"No-grind philosophy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


HEY ANET. I WANT TO BE HANDED EVERYTHING AND TO BE GEARED OUT IN TWO WEEKS. ME-ME-ME, NOW-NOW-NOW. I can’t bear to work for anything and have long term goals.

That’s the culture you live in but I don’t think its rooted in quite where your addressing your statement.

First we’ll assume some basic facts; This is a game, not a job thus the usage the word “work” is out of place as we don’t play games to “work” but to relax have fun entertain ourselves, the definition of casual means different things to different people because some have more time than others do.

The problem is balance you cannot call something casual if it contains hardcore content (even a tiny bit) because that can ostracize a casual player(s) experience because his/her time is limited, one thing that should -never- be behind grind is gear when it comes to casual players.

I’ve always stood by this too. Gaming is definitely entertainment, if i feel like it’s a labor i move on.

I really don’t have much of a problem with ascended gear, but i get why people do. Calling it working though, that’s a stretch. As far as i can tell though, people will enjoy getting gear they want. I just wish they’d separate the stats from gear in some way, either by being able to always select a stat or change out insignias. I think that would greatly help toward making ascended feel a bit less grindy.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

Precursors and TP: Farewell

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


I think it would be a bad move if they introduced ONLY new collection progress. I’d actually expect that if you’ve earned at least a few of the rare collections, that would be progress toward the precursor mastery system. Invalidating previous achievements by adding entirely new ones, would likely make people upset in general.

For example, i wouldn’t be at all surprised if Jormag Defense Guide, counted toward part of Tooth of Frostfang master collection, or something similar.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

(spoilers) Revenant -Continuity breaking?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


Colin almost made it sound like a revenant would be 80 at create and that the mastery and specialization would be its primary “leveling”. While it doesn’t sound right, i’m really unsure how they would put that profession through the regular personal story stuff. It may also be that they are passing out tomes like candy so you can just level them up pretty much right away. Regardless, it’ll be interesting to see what they come up with.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

Torn between two professions for group play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


Engis are more complicated to learn IMO, but are pretty fun once you get the hang of them.

Guardians have the “lootstick” (staff skill 1) and are pretty easy to get right off the bat.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

Gaile, You Rock!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


Wow and on my birthday too. Maybe that’s a sign i should switch careers!

Of course thanks Gaile, as always, good job!

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

All WvWvW Titles Unreachable

in WvW

Posted by: munkiman.3068


Yakslapper still says hi. A year later…

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

To the folks to go to PAX EAST

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


is there some 1 here who did the same but for the beta of gw2? and if so what happend there?

Plenty of open beta videos on youtube. No one did closed beta that i know of since they were supposedly under NDA. I think even to this day, if you admit to being in closed beta, you could actually still get banned. But, for shows, there are actually quite a few videos of people using cameras and even the anet team showing of the game at PAX. just check out youtube.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

Bought a $2350 PC for HoT

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


$2350 final cost
-150 shipping
-380 monitor

If i read this thread correctly ~ $1,820 for the computer itself (I imagine there was tax in there too?)

If you had the money to spend, the computer will do fine. Especially for GW2. If you want to go through the hassle of sending it all back to order parts to put it together yourself to save a couple hundred bucks then do it, but if not…you’ll be fine with that computer.

I agree, i build PC’s a lot. Basically my gripe with ibuypower is the actually power supply they “give” you. I wouldn’t worry too much about your purchase really, accept if the PSU pops a cap and you start smoking during a heavy load. That makes for an interesting scramble to find a replacement just as the warranty runs out.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

"No-grind philosophy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


Grind is and always has meant doing something repetitively to achieve some goal. It is synonymous with farming. It has never been directly tied to leveling only. You can certainly level grind, you can also farm experience. You can faction grind or you can farm faction. You can grind mobs for loot or you can farm mobs for loot. It’s all the same. As far back as SWG people were grinding for all sorts of things. Mission grinding for cash, experience grinding for leveling, experience grinding for jedi unlocks, merc/geonosian grinding for cubes/adhesive, or just faction grinding to swap sides or buy faction loot. So unless ArenaNet missed a decade of grind being used in a ton of different ways, your argument doesn’t hold water.

You also realize that when he says combat he is talking about anything that involves combat, which ranges from quests to farming mobs. It is exactly why they go on about what makes GW2 events different. That is why he says

“In most games, you go out, and you have really fun tasks, occasionally, that you get to do, and the rest of the game is this boring grind to get to the fun stuff”

The problem is that that is exactly what you do in GW2. Want the BIS gear? Grind. Want a certain WvW rank unlock? Grind. Achievement point unlocks? Grind. Awesome looking skins? Grind. BIS runes/sigils? Grind. Legendaries? Grind. Crafting? Grind. Even if by some stretch of the imagination we are talking purely combat, that’s a grind too! GW2 has an incredibly shallow grindy combat system, I was hoping they would go the TCOS route but they decided to stick with mediocrity. Honestly the “fun stuff” is incredibly few and far between, which is why the game is grindy. Instead of introducing fun content they slap in grind content. Any fun content they do add is usually temporary, which ultimately hurt the game.

So the wikipedia article is wrong? Wow. Maybe you should edit it.

I always felt like grind was a repetitive thing, either leveling killing the same mobs over and over or killing the same mobs over and over to farm a certain item. We had a decent amount of that in the earlier days of GW2, but it’s definitely gotten better. Least now you don’t have to “farm” charged lodestones from a single source.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

"No-grind philosophy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


They could indeed learn some things from TCOS, also the quest. Anet seems to think quest need to be boring but TCOS had some great ones. There no stats on gear would also fit into GW’s philosophy I think. I usually use WoW as comparison as most people know WoW and only a few know TCOS but yes they could learn something from TCOS.

Heck, they could learn something from the original. Gear not being tied to stats, that would be pretty awesome. When i first played this game i really was scratching my head as to why they chose to stat gear, seemed like such a step backward to me.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

"No-grind philosophy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


It was when your main class was warrior – the only setupyou could try to go find a team was 4 DwG’s (you were DwG) UA, HB imbagon and mesmer of unknown to me build

I know there were teambuilds like frostway and other that cleared even HM in matter of minutes but average run with randoms on that setup took averagely 2h and finding full team for that was avergaely 30 minutes – there was always too much dwg’s never enought monka and long wait for imbagon and mes to show up – especially considering that both of them had place in more time-efficient build


about reverie – I keep missing this event ^^

[but I have tormented shield in gw2 and I’m happy with that]

Cool. I forget what we ran, but at some point we were running 3 groups every night for DoA and 2 for Fow/Uw. I always played monk, accept in UW speed clears and i toss between Monk and As*as*in. I really enjoyed doing those and i do vaguely remember needing an Obsidian flesh warrior on at least 2 realms. I totally don’t remember the group comp, it’s been a long while. But, I completely remember the solo and Duo farms in UW. Man i’d do those for days on end, they were so much fun. 55 and 605 monks, that was a blast.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

Need help choosing a Profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


I see. Thanks for the responses, guys. I guess I’ll try the Guardian and the D/D Elementalist and see which one i like the best.

No worries. D/D Ele is a really fun playstyle, but it’s fairly fragile and you do play closer up 200-600 range, you’re just not smashing face. I love playing my Ele. I toss between Ele/Mes/Guard. I played shaman (and druid) as well, way back, so i think you’d like those 2.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

Need help choosing a Profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


Guardian is a melee spellcaster. All the light professions Mesmer, Necro, Elementalist, can use melee weapons, but they aren’t as up close and personal as a melee class.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

"No-grind philosophy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


Though I use the quote marks because I never really found UW/FoW/DoA . . . fun.

Never seriously run UW or FoW but I used to run DoA for a while…

and Domain of Anguish is actually quite good name for it.
I was there for one simply reason – I wanted to have tormented shield (most epic shield evaaaaah :P)
at first 15 runs does not sound “that bad”

but I’ve never made it that far actually
lets say that after 3rd run I’ve given up – half our shouting: “DwG lfg FR NM” to do 2h long run to get average one gemset [2 if followed by mallyx] when 15 was needed is mor than I could ever handle -but hey thats exacly why I stay away from fractals as much as I can :P

It wasn’t 15 in hard mode, it wasn’t even 7. You could get pretty lucky and do it in 3 full runs or it might take you 5. You could also get the shield as a reverie gift from late august to september 1st.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

To the folks to go to PAX EAST

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


It’s highly likely. They haven’t blocked stuff like that in the past since it means more people get to see it in action. Whether WP or Matt, or any of those regular streamers attend is something you’ll just have to wait and see.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

To the folks to go to PAX EAST

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


There will be videos. I’m sure Anet will stream a presentation there as well.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

can't change servers what?!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


Character names are global, you can’t just change servers and get a different name. If you have a character listed in the select screen, just delete it and choose a different server. If you don’t and can’t select a server, try exiting and login again.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


as others have mentioned, if people would creep out from their comfort zones, they may be surprised how much fun other games are.

In terms of the pve-only folks, it can be tough if you get a double-fractal day and your not into fractals. But, most of the wvw dailies can be done in EotM. And EotM is like pve anyway. Follow the zerg, get a tower/keep, gets some karma/champ bags, etc.

Only thing i can see that would be a negative is for new folks that do not have the level character needed for pve resource/events/champ dailies. But i’ve only seen one Orr dailiy, the rest are in the low level zones (a couple were in the 55 ones).

I’ve tried all modes, i don’t find PvP fun in this game, not at all. WvW is alright, but not so much when your server is getting stomped. People should want to try these things, if they want to, not because the developers decided to nudge them into it.

There’s nothing fun about getting your kitten handed to you at level 18 in PvP, when you’re new and don’t even know how to play your profession.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

"No-grind philosophy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


If you’re not particularly interested in cosmetics, achievements, or toys and just want to play the game, then it pretty much has 0 grind. This is where i think the game has fallen down hard, just playing the game needs a constant feed of content, otherwise it’s grind away.

Pretty much what I found GW1 to be after I finished the dungeons/storyline . . . nothing but grind for cosmetics, bragging rights titles, and maybe some money in there.

I actually see no reason to make that correlation really. I personally enjoyed the original for 7 years. The PvP was more fun to me, the meta changed much faster as well. I would even venture to say, the content was actually more challenging. But, it was a much different game. It wasn’t a grind for me, since i enjoyed the content and the challenges.

I see plenty of reasons to make the correlation. “Lucky” title track, “Legendary Defender of Ascalon” title track, and the “Gamer” title track. I’m sure this is not at all related to “grind” . . .

Seriously. I walked away from the game after finishing the content I liked because all that was left was stuff I didn’t like, or the grind of title chasing. Why do you think I don’t heap shame on people who say they’re leaving because it’s not fun for them anymore here? I reached that point in the previous game, so I understand it.

. . . similarly now. There’s grind, but you don’t have to chase it if you don’t want to. And if playing the game gets stale, well, you can always cut back on the time you spend playing it either significantly or almost entirely. Nobody’s going to suddenly find themselves behind the power curve because they left for a few weeks, a few months . . . a year.

All that is fair. I enjoyed most of the content and regularly added and improved challenges to the original. Later on i was quite happy i went for titles, simply for the rewards they offered in GW2. I also avoided titles i wasn’t particularly interested in. Although now, with achievements there are direct rewards for doing them far beyond just bragging rights. Not that you HAVE to do them, but you do, if you want the limited goodies you get from them, making them feel less optional.

I mean that the comparison between the 2 doesn’t hold up all that well. There was hardly a cash shop (and certainly not one you could use in-game currency for), there was no global economy to balance and the focus was turning out more content in shorter spans of time, to get people to buy the new campaigns and eventually the expansion. One thing i’m pretty sure of, is the rewards in this game are highly impacted from not only the model of payment, but the game economy, both which they have yet to find a balance with. That makes it feel grindy to some. Whether or not folks found the original grindy or not, is kind of irrelevant.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

"No-grind philosophy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


If you’re not particularly interested in cosmetics, achievements, or toys and just want to play the game, then it pretty much has 0 grind. This is where i think the game has fallen down hard, just playing the game needs a constant feed of content, otherwise it’s grind away.

Pretty much what I found GW1 to be after I finished the dungeons/storyline . . . nothing but grind for cosmetics, bragging rights titles, and maybe some money in there.

I actually see no reason to make that correlation really. I personally enjoyed the original for 7 years. The PvP was more fun to me, the meta changed much faster as well. I would even venture to say, the content was actually more challenging. But, it was a much different game. It wasn’t a grind for me, since i enjoyed the content and the challenges.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


I have yet to see a day where I even remotely thought the daily was in any way an effort to get.

While i think that half the time. And on remaining days i think that, while not much of an effort, it was extremely irritating to get.

It is VERY noticeable for low level players.

Wow, that is a horrible design flaw right there. However, just as a note, you can get to PvP through the LA gate just the same as WvW.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

"No-grind philosophy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


While i don’t find the game to be particularly grindy, in most senses of the word. It’s a bit disingenuous to say it isn’t grindy (based on design) for some people.

For example: PvE players that want to experiment with different stat setups are going to find the game pretty grindy (either in gold, mats, time and/or effort). Yes, you can have exotics pretty quick, but if trying out different stat combos is your thing and you don’t care for PvP, you’re going to have a rough time. What i find excessive now, is all the different stat combos. So while getting 80 exotics isn’t tough (or grindy), you really need to know what you want, otherwise expect it a take a pretty long time and much materials.

Other examples are AP (some are actually pretty absurd), and, of course, the many skins in the game, are quite grindy. Grindy meaning doing the most efficient things to obtain them in a fair amount of time. While it’s fine to have long-term things, there are a pretty large number of them that take a pretty extreme amount of time or flat out cash.

One big problem, as i’ve seen mentioned in this thread, is that most of the game is heavily based on the gold standard. Which basically means getting a lot of stuff is based around gold, which limits players to obtain things they want in a timely manner. For example, it’d be nice to see other ways to obtain minis (and not the uber rare ones, like liadra, or the, billions of Queen Jennas floating around).

Another thought here is that you can basically play the game (any part of it) with random exotics. You don’t need AR in any fractal lower than 10, so you can basically do fractals. Most of the content is pretty easy, some even do dungeon runs armor-less if they are good enough with skill rotations and knowing the tells.

If you’re not particularly interested in cosmetics, achievements, or toys and just want to play the game, then it pretty much has 0 grind. This is where i think the game has fallen down hard, just playing the game needs a constant feed of content, otherwise it’s grind away.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

Worried: Specializations vs. Expansionless

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

Little Miss Sunshine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: munkiman.3068


I’m going to assume they would use living story as a catalyst to drive players to purchase the expansion. For example, the map for a living story step wouldn’t be locked behind the expac. If that story step required the use of a glider, they would give you temporary access to it or some alternative path to use, to give players a feel for what’s available to them if they purchase. Rytlock would be a driving factor to show off how cool the new profession you could access as well. While this is just speculation, it is a good way to give players access to expac features to drive them to get it.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

Questions about Pricing and Payment [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: munkiman.3068


How is this expansion “Bare bones”? They are rewritting the Mastery system, adding a profession, adding an entire new zone, adding new weapon skills to each prof., bringing in a new mode of travel, new races, new monsters, and Guild Halls. And that’s just the top soil of this fertile new ground. There is nothing “Bare bones” about all this.

$50.00, that’s my guess.

Agreed. If they follow previous patterns, not everything will be locked away behind the expansion. They may not even lock the new map(s) and still be able to participate in living world stuff, but you probably won’t get the new profession, masteries or specialization. I also don’t think they’d lock guild halls, even with previous guild hall additions in the original, you could still access new halls if the leader bought it. I’d also assume “raid-like” content, you don’t hire a raid designer and not intend to build something similar. We only know the “big” features, not the individual “smaller” content updates. I’d assume with the expansion, they’d also give you a slot, which they’ve done in the past when they’ve added new professions, bringing the price down to $40. I can almost guarantee that WvW maps changed or added won’t be locked away either.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

What was *not* anounced for the new expansion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: munkiman.3068


If I had spear I’d not be likely to SLASH using it
also as for me weapon he used there was more greataxe-y that spearlike…

Consider the shape and how small the head was, the weapon was very spear like in appearance.
And there’s many ways to wield a spear, poking most certainly is not their only use. Slashing (provided the spear/polearm in question has an adequate head to do so with) and whacking are perfectly good ways to inflict serious injury with them.

still the way he used that wepon totally nullified range advantage of spear – the mai nreason it was used at all

also when you already have spear capable of slashing – all fighting styles I knwo that usilise spear in slashing manner is a way faster – i mean – spear is no THAT heavy to have such slow atack rate….

Looked more like a halberd to me. We also see Faolin using a spear to impale an enemy. I’m not sure they would add that stuff in the trailers and imagery and not add a 2h polearm to the game.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

help accended greatsword question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


can accended weapons be bought or obtained another way

You can’t buy them, but weapon boxes do drop in fractals among some other spots.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

Better optimization Is Needed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


Most of my problems with FPS drops comes from particle effects, the excessive amount of them, not to mention being seizure inducing in some instances. I usually don’t experience massive drops in FPS till the skills start flying.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns Trademarked [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


I do believe it is an expansion.

Would they have re-done the leveling experience if they didn’t believe they would soon get a huge amount of new players?

Yeah, it’s called China…

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

Earnings forecast hints at expansion Q3 2015?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


There is already post touching on this report here

Regardless, i’m sure it’s about as accurate as any of our personal speculation. Invest in NCsoft, go go go!

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

Please stop the new race threads!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


Broken forums are broken.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

Please stop the new race threads!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


I agree, i doubt we will see a new race. While i think the feedback about having a tengu (or whatever) is fine. I would think all the hurdles you mentioned would have to be taken into account. For example, say we get Tengu, their story would be entirely different than any of the others, it would have to be. Including not being a part of fighting against Zhaitan

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

"Turbo Clickers" & "Autoclicker", etc

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


Reminder: you can convert luck drops to exotic lucks using Artificer, greatly reducing the number of clicks required.

Don’t use an autoclicker, but feel free to set up Mouse Keys so you can press the + key to double-click instead of having to double-click on your mouse. Given that it effectively halves the number of presses, that should help considerably.

I do this as well. It’s not ideal as a macro, but it’s better than double the clicks.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

What race you will play for new Class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


I prefer some races to others but I also want to eventually unlock all the cultural armor sooo, yeah that kind of locks me in.

You don’t need to wear the cultural armor to unlock it, just right click and pick “add to wardrobe” or something like that.
I only have a human necro but I unlocked the light, medium and heavy T1 human sets.

While this is true, if you actually want the achievement you do have to put it on. I unlocked all of the skins on a character but it only gave me credit for the ones that I could actually wear towards “the emperor” achievement.

I have that achievement and all i needed to do was buy them, they are soulbound on acquire.

How long ago did you complete it? I tried this pretty recently and it did not give me credit for the culturals that my character could not physically wear. I will try again tonight and see what happens.

It was before the wardrobe. I never had a light profession for charr, so i definitely know i only bought all the sets on one profession. If it changed , it might just be bugged. It’s be pretty ridiculous to have to have each weight class for each race just to get that title.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


No, I want to have just a permanent speed boost on an animal – it’s very comfortable, especially in parts of the world without any waypoints or permanent contested waypoints.

I think the point why people are so much against mounts isn’t the typical lackluster arguments against it (WPs, signets, passive speed boosts, cluttering of screen etc.) it’s just be cause people are so kittening afraid of the WoWization of this game. So ridiculous, really. And they simply won’t admit it.

There actually needs to be a point to adding mounts. WoW has huge travel distance, this game, not so much.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

What race you will play for new Class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


I prefer some races to others but I also want to eventually unlock all the cultural armor sooo, yeah that kind of locks me in.

You don’t need to wear the cultural armor to unlock it, just right click and pick “add to wardrobe” or something like that.
I only have a human necro but I unlocked the light, medium and heavy T1 human sets.

While this is true, if you actually want the achievement you do have to put it on. I unlocked all of the skins on a character but it only gave me credit for the ones that I could actually wear towards “the emperor” achievement.

I have that achievement and all i needed to do was buy them, they are soulbound on acquire.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

Your most-progressed deleted character?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


I’ve deleted 2, both char, 1 warrior and 1 thief. They were whatever level the achievements were, but i don’t think they were much passed 20.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website