Rending Claws —- Axe #1 —- this sucks in every way a skill can suck. Tiny Damage, wonky targeting requiring auto targeting, no cleaving, and zero counter play.
Wail of Doom —- Warhorn #4. —- Too long of a cast time and cooldown for too little effect, and wonky targeting
Dark Spear —- Trident #5. —- pulls you to an enemy and leaves you just helpless for a second with a long aftercast so your enemy can wail on you in melee range.
Signet of Vampirism —- Possibly the worst skill in the game. Anet quit trying to make lifesteal a thing, you have never balanced lifesteal in 10 years.
Plague Signet —- The transferring of conditions to yourself is so wonky, depending on range and time spent in combat, that the signet offers zero team support. It doesnt happen often or predictably enough to help your team, but still happen often enough to overwhen your condition clears. It’s so bad that nobody uses this despite being a full condi clear and stun break.
Well of Darkness —- the skill is actually ok, but the cooldown is ridiculous.
Downed skills —- all of them offer neither control nor damage (necromancer downed state requires 4 traits to max, and even then is a sitting duck)
Turn on auto targeting.
Staff should have maximum two traits to max.
Two traits brings it in line with norms for most weapons for most classes. The more traits a weapon has the weaker the weapon is: stuff like ranger bows with tons of traits are some of the weakest weapons in the game.
The other traits should be merged & eliminated. Spiteful Marks/Greater marks both good candidates for elimination.
Anet need to go ahead and make longbow and short bow arrows pierce, even without the trait. Fix that and Ranger starts to look interesting in the Zerg.
Everybody should have been put into the Swiss system (no leagues). At the end, give the first 6 servers gold rewards, next 9 silver, next 9 bronze.
There would be blowouts early when #1 faced #20 in the First round, but the matches would all be meaningful and building towards something. Bonus: less incentive to over stack the #1 server.
(edited by nekretaal.6485)
I asked for more condition removal, and they gave ranger more condition removal.
Next, piercing arrows needs to be a default aspect of longbow/short bow.
Don’t repair the treb unless (1) you have two points and (2) you have a man advantage <one of them just died>
So many times a winning game was turned to a losing game because some idiot decided to repair the treb when we needed him fighting.
I like the axe.
The problem with is that axe #1 is terrible damage and you really have to turn on auto targeting to hit anything. The other two skills are great.
Traited axe used to be max damage for Deathshroud. Since the patch, this is no longer true.
I would like to see axe get a buff.
I think the biggest problem is just the lack of mobility for the profession.
The class is too kitten slow to do anything other than AFK on a point to guard it from thieves. Maybe a stun break on the movement speed signet would help, but the profession is just lapped by the land speed of other classes, especially classes with z-axis teleports.
The badges of Honor in EoTM should be nerfed as well, as well as the Empyreal Fragment rewards. the badge costs of the WvW skins should be increased.
Im ok with Loot and Karma being great in EoTM, this is healthy PvPvE as seen in other games, but the rewards structure as/is gives no reason to go to regular WvW.
None of them.
Congrats, if you are a Necromancer, you are safe from nerfs in the next balance patch.
I thought this was a troll thread asking for more Holographic risen knights.
I just purchased GW2. I played GW1 for a long time, so I have a few questions about this game and maybe you can help me clarify some of the confusion.
1) Which character should I play? I am deciding between Necro and Warrior. I really liked Necro in GW1 for the lots of ways to play it, but it seems to me that it’s a little bit different in GW2? I am not looking for the easiest profession. The fact that there are too many warriors (at least I heard) puts me off of playing warrior a little bit.
GW2 is very different from GW1 to the point where the similarities (the same music for one) constantly remind you f what is different.
GW1 has just a lot more stuff to do. OFC it had 3 expansions. GW2 has had zero. But there’s still plenty of stuff to do.
Just going to add that the Mesmer plays a lot more similarly to the GW1 necromancer. Than the GW2 necromancer does.
You could Consider it. Both the warrior and the Necromancer are really easy to play.
Whats up with the profession distribution of soloq in this game yesterday for 5 games I was stuck with 3 thiefs and got basically destroyed every game. While half the time the other team had no thief or just one. Shouldn’t the system be spreading out the professions evenly?
The goes for all classes but especially thiefs because basically the team with the most thiefs loses atm.
Your team only had three thiefs because you insisted on playing theif.
You know that playing your thief when your team already has 2 thiefs will result in a loss but you do it anyways.
Solution: Make some sort of bunker, and keep it ready for this situation.
I’ve taken to putting runes of the nightmare on my sky hammer troll, so if my invisible 1HKO fails, merely hitting me will trigger another 1HKO.
Would like to see movement abilities on weapon skills
(Infiltrator’s Arrow, heartseeker, Rush, Fiery Rush, Ride the lightning, leap/savage leap….)
These all need to require a target.
The land speed difference over 25% signet or swiftness is overpowering. They are not being played as intended either. Fix this, and the problem disappears.
I think EoTM was designed to be a loot chain area so I disagree with OP.
The map is terrible for roamers, and discourages defense despite the well designed defensive structures. Loot/Karma train seems to be the intended purpose.
EOTM does award much more badges and Empyrual fragments than WvW, and probably a lot more dragonite too the way it is played. Badges in chests probably could be looked at for a nerf.
The real problem EOTM has for WvW is that instead of being an overflow area for overstaked servers waiting in queues….. Is that it’s become a refugee area for players stuck on the wrong side of blowout matches… And the resulting blowouts in the regular wvw are even worse.
Take dagger instead of focus.
Make sure you have shrouded removal and Path of Corruption with your trait setup.
Bring stun breaks, 2 if you are getting stunned all the time.
Your choices:
Well— slow cast underwhelming effect
Spectral armor — great but you already have it in traits
Spectral Walk-- effect stinks, but you can use it to get 2 stun breaks
Flesh Wurm— Clunky, requires a precast, long cool down
Bring Corrupt Boon
You can use this same setup with a power based amulet and axe to great effect, a totally different play style with the exact same traits.
My proposal was thus:
(1) eliminate leagues, everybody in Swiss style matchups
(2) top six servers, gold. Next 9 silver, next 9 bronze
With no incentive to specifically finish #1 instead of just top 6, the system discourages server stacking, meanwhile matches are more meaningful because a bad loss could knock a borderline server out of contention entirely.
Yeah, there wil be one week of blowouts where Blackgate blows out whoever, but Swiss style matchups remove this after week one.
A bonus is that transfer stacked servers aren’t just stuck in a league but can rise to their full potential.
Finally, three tiers of rewards is a lot more fair to players who completed a very grindy meta on losing servers than the current screwjob system.
No ability in the game should require more than two traits to max.
So, you are on to something with your critique. The more traits that can improve Deathshroud, the weaker the base Deathshroud must be balanced at.
Almost every Profession mechanic or suite of utilities (signets/shouts/minions/etc) Has more than two traits to improve them, for every profession. It’s part of what allows you to make a ‘minion build’ as a Necro or a ‘Shout build’ as a Guardian.
It’s funny that you mention Guardian shouts, because a Guardian has exactly 2 traits that improve shouts. One trait reduces shout recharge and a grandmaster trait that converts conditions.
Consequently untraited Huardian shouts === Good.
Necromancer Death Shroud?
Twelve traits. There are twelve traits that affect death shroud. Conesquently, untraited Death shroud == Bad. Necromancer traits Death shroud for retaliation, fury, toughness, condition removal, health regeneration, a heal, condition drawing, lower lifeforce degen, speed, recharge, stability, or critical chance.
Since you can make it good, the default is bad.
Want might, piercing, or burn on you DS#1. three more traits. Want utility on your #2 or team support on your #4? Another trait each. Want your #3 to last not pathetically short and actually do damage? 2 more traits.
19 traits to get full use out of Deathshroud.. Of course, you only get 14 total traits. That you can build Deathshroud different ways is possibly interesting, but it means that the base is weak, and that you can’t do anything else after you have built your shroud. In contrast, that guardian doesn’t even need to take any traits to get his shouts working, and can max them with 2 traits, enough leftover traits to spec in whatever.
We have the most widespread access to fear, plus the only traits that actually modify fear. The only fear another class will ever get on their own is ranger when they take a specific pet; thieves rely on having a proper steal target and warriors never take fear me.
I take fear me on my warrior.
It is a shaman’s condition shout healer that can dance around and hold the center point in foe fire forever. Fear me in melee range is a long fear, plus my warrior heals and removes a condition on cast.
I can usually follow up that fear me with pin down, which combination results in a kill if not cleared.
(edited by nekretaal.6485)
I like all the expert claiming price will drop and we will have a long time of deflation. Just because the theoretically 80% gold supply nerf from champ bag.
I think they over simplified the economy model. I think there is a deflation for say “maybe” the gem-exchange. But many other thing the inflation is even worse because the supply of crafting material supply also decrease.
That’s what they said would happen, but that’s not what actually happened.
Got 10s from bosses in HoTW story, which is just champion after champion… Got lots of silver from EoTM bosses, which are being zerged more than ever… The gold nerf that was supposed to happen didn’t happen.
Deflation isn’t coming.
No, read the achievement.
It says the achievement hits for soul binding the armor, which you can’t do with just the skin.
I bought the T3 skin too, feel kinda ripped off. 60G + Transmutation charge costs isn’t that much cheaper than 105G, and I could have put the glory to better use.
Necromancers are in a really bad spot right now.
They don’t have enough mobility for many of the maps, and they have trouble stomping. Fear is both condi cleansed and stun broke. Maybe nightmare runes on invisible temporal curtain Mesmer on sky hammer are Imba, but necromancer is weak right now.
Elementalists aren’t quite viable yet. The good elementalists are good players, but the class isn’t top tier. Diamond skin shouldn’t be in the game because it is a passive hard counter, but it is not good either.
Healing signet is still Imba.
Engineers seem better after the patch, or maybe I’ve just run into fewer decap knock back engineers. Their problem was not incendiary powder.
The only really grindy one was Reactors.
Reactors are not like camps, they are located very far from the map starting point. Spevial objectives come more quickly than reactors.
I’m sure it’s coming.
Executioner’s Outfit just fit rereleased.
And I am in love with the bloody prince outfit for females. Turn off the joker smile and It looks just like 15k necromancer armor from GW1, except my Guardian can wear it.
Anybody else remember the brouhaha last year when they started to leak stuff about the town clothes change? I wonder whether we are ever going to get additional new outfits.
(edited by nekretaal.6485)
Any chance that they could merge pvp kill daily and WvW kill daily?
Getting kills in pvp isn’t hard, but just finding a fight in WvW can take a half hour.
To me the problems are:
(1) they said that they would nerf gold generation from champ bags, but they didn’t, outside of a few popular trains
(2) Megaserver has limited the amount of rates people get in a day. The world boss train is nerfed until people figure out how to replace the job that the API once did.
(3) a lot of people are doing pvp right now, which primarily rewards silver.
So the silver is coming in, but the materials (which used to come from the now nerfed trains) and ectoplasms aren’t coming in. The price of everything you pay silver for is increasing. I would prefer to see a silver nerf on the rest of champ bags, as well as new sinks for silver.
The amount you can get from custom arena is capped to two tiers a day.
Using play it now puts you into custom arena. Try solo Q after you hit the cap.
Bring it back as a pvp reward track
For next season, it would be nice if they
(1) kept the Swiss style match ups, but
(2) abolished leagues, throwing everybody into the same system, and
(3) Gave gold reward to server 1-6, silver to the next 9, and bronze to everybody else
Structuring match ups this way would make matchups more meaningful, and would eliminate incentives to over stack the top 2 servers, while also not screwing over the lower servers who also have harder to complete metas.
I used my badges of Honor to unlock a bunch of great armor skins for my wardrobe.
No ability in the game should require more than two traits to max.
So, you are on to something with your critique. The more traits that can improve Deathshroud, the weaker the base Deathshroud must be balanced at.
It was pretty easy.
Costumes are permanantly unlocked for your characters and require zero stones to transmute.
The Bloody Prince Costume is very stylish on females.
If we can’t have a bank (balancing considerations), a wardrobe (like the one in the bank) would be nice.
Also, Activity NPC pls.
If it interrupts bosses through defiant, then that should be fixed/nerfed.
Its not so much OP as it is why bother remaking all the runes if you are just going to make one a whole lot better than most of the others. If I remember correctly this is the rune they previewed for the feature patch rune changes. It probably got everyone excited thinking the new rune buffs would be amazing and it turns out they just saw one of the runes with the best buff, krait is another one.
Rune of the Lich: summon a jagged horror on hit once every 60 seconds…. OP OP OP
The quaggan finisher looked like a fetus from the wrong angle.
Lore wise, I guess fashions change in 250 years.
But if they introduce a chaos axe….. Just take my money now…
A player income nerf needed to be done.
Prices were not stable. We had constant inflation ever since the champ bags were introduced. A rare greatsword that could sell for 35s was selling at 70s. Ectoplasm shot up from 18s to 38s.
Historical charts from GW spidy show that the effect was continuous… More gold was entering the game than gold sinks were removing from the game. What’s more us that previous big gold sinks, like salvaging greens a blue for luck, were disappearing as players started to stop automatically salvaging them.
Why is constant inflation bad? A: the effects fall hardest on new players who can’t ever keep up with the increasing prices.
At this point, a deflationary cycle would be healthy for all involved.
As for OP, there are plenty of ways to make money/increase wealth in a deflationary period, such as by selling high and buying back lower at a later date.
And inflation will be back, just watch or living story updates.
What is an ice nova?
That confuses me too.
There is a Ranger pet drake skill called ice nova that is an AoE chill with a wide radius that doesn’t do damage or anything else.
The swimsuits are in the game.
Just go to the beach in Southsun cove just south of the Asura gate by bartender. The game will auto-put the swimsuit on you.
Its been past 8 months since I last logged into the game. Today I decided to play again and one thing that I have noticed is the decrease of Gold gain in dungeons. Back then running dungeons was a great thing to do but now at most you’d get 1 Gold Secured per run ( not including the other items such as drops etc ) at most you’d really just get 2g or less per run.
I feel awkward asking or even saying this but what or how do you gain gold ( not by buying from other people ) in this game at the current time? ANET seems to be removing a lot of the Gold Sink ( minus the Trade Post registration fee ) but there’s no clear window as to where would one get their gold from. I’m not asking for a place or what not where you’d get rich almost instantly but what I want to know is how does one earn gold in this game now that ANET just keeps hammering and stomping areas where players would get gold legitimately ?
Gold from Dungeons was increased since then. You get a guaranteed 1 Gold 30 silver from CoF path 1 for example.
What was nerfed was (1) previous, a lot of the guaranteed gold and tokens disappears if you run a dungeon path more than once a day, (2) Silver dropped from bosses seems o have decreased, and (3) the comically large pop up chests are on some sort of timer and don’t pop up if you have done the dungeon recently.
Farm something else. Still plenty of good farms out there, or just do different dungeons/different paths.
Take stun breaks. Necromancer fears all have stupidly long cooldowns.
Weren’t we supposed to get an underwater shark golem?
Aren’t you just driving the botters to soloQ.
I like dagger over focus.
Focus 4 gives you a nice spike, focus 5 is worthless most of the time in pvE. Both Dagger 4 and 5 are fantastic in PvE and pvp. Dagger 5 has a huge AoE which is great for tagging, and weakness is really good vs bosses. Dagger 4 cleaves to three targets, is ranged, and blinds and clears your conditions.
I suppose for optimum theorycrafting DPS, focus is better than dagger (but Warhorn is better than focus).
It wasn’t require for you to craft the second book, it was a quest reward for the quest that unlocked the quest chain for the second book.
So, no mistake.