Silver league FtW. LoL at the gold leaguers who can’t even play with their guild groups thanks to queques.
I wonder if anet might work in some counter play tactics to “stack and pack” which Is the basic tactic used by zergs.
AoE is no counter if it is limited to 5 players. Necromancer’s spectral wall, or Mesmers Focus 4 at least sorta hamper movement, but these skills are limited, especially if stability is a stacked buff.
Spectral walk is garbage, except for mitigating fall damage (which feels like an exploit).
Flesh wurm is really dumb with the current AI. It used to just randomly attack stuff but now it just sits there unless you are right there with it. The patch that fixed regular minion AI broke spectral wurm AI. The teleport is long cooldown and has it own issues.
Somebody suggested that the wurm ought to give two teleports, one similar o Mesmer blink on cast, and one on skill use. That would make it better, but it still wouldn’t make the cut on most players skill bars.
I, for one, wold love to see GW1 style disease (essentially poison that spreads automatically to nearby allies)
GW1 style disease would introduce much needed counter play to “stack everybody into a tight ball and move as one,” which is what passes for tactics in WvW.
They killed it by making the chests once per account per day.
Warriors should be able to do everything as good or better than everybody else.
Other classes should be pigeonholed into build so that warriors immediately know what they are facing when they spot the player.
Non warrior classes pigeonholed builds should not better than warrior builds for that specific role but not so much worse that warriors don’t get a diverse gameplay experience.
Play in wvw long enough to rank up, then it should pop.
My server has NEVER beat Tequatl.
And people do not even try any more. This achievement IS NOT FUN.
My alternatives are to watch for the event, which only spawns a few times in 24hr to begin with, and then try to leech my way into an overflow group to do the boss, which involves me spending an hour AFK in spark fly fen, or to just show up to the boss when it arrives with only me in the zone and hang around the turrets for 15 mins.
My concern is for all the transmutation stones that I will need for my armor.
I hope / wish there was a means to upgrade our existing armor appearance instead of being forced to use splitters.
There are 30 different armor looks, but seemingly only one ascended look. What sense does this make? Did the appearance grind suddenly end and now we are playing a traditional gear stats treadmill?
Outside of T1, this map will be underpopulated, a place where pvE Care Bears can grind out their season 1 achieves without any actual pvp, without affecting real wvw.
Very Sneaky anet.
Yeah where did Orders go?
Wtb any form of group support so I don’t feel useless when I’m not top tier DPS.
The exception, of course is using the minions for the underwater fights in Honor of the Waves.
Minions rock underwater.
Vampiric would be ok if you could heal in shroud.
Shroud skills fire really slow anyways. And healing in shroud even a tiny but could allow you to buy some time waiting for cool downs. The class still has little mobility and bad stun breaks. The class is still weak to burst, vampiric in DS wolnt change that. Tiny heals protect mostly against conditions which the class is already good at.
It wouldn’t be broken to let necromancer heal in shroud.
Once you’ve mined all the nodes, swap to an alt and start over.
OP forgot the free devil horns that everybody got last year.
Last year on day 3 we had doors and pumpkin carving. That’s it.
OP is right if this is it. I wonder why there are no new non gemstore any things. It’s one thing to increase the grind on last years items, another to increase the grind on last years items and add zero this years items.
1. The clocktower changes are fantastic.
2. The labyrinth is really fun
1. Most of the content is recycled and nerfed from what it was last year. The one per account nerf on labyrinth chest and the clocktower is the biggest nerf.
2. The drops kinda suck. All of the new rewards are gemstore. The new gemstore rewards are underwhelming compared to the shield and chainsaws from last year. The new greatsword should have been an axe. The lunatic inquistion is particularly poor in rewards for such a long mini game.
The Labyrith is actually really well done. It’s a shame that the drops are kinda terrible.
You still see the other players if you have names turned on.
Is OP a troll? Is the “fun” watching other ppl die because there are too many players in the area (lag) and tight jumps are visually obstructed?
OP, you got your achieve. You got your limited one time only boots. The fixes are fantastic.
I was looking at my attempts from last year and I noticed I died more than a couple times because the “would you like to exit overflow” message popped up during my run. This year that wouldn’t happen because the puzzle was changed to an activity.
Hey, I like my pve gear better than my sPvP gear too, but I’ll take the camera fixes, consistent hit boxes, ability to grab the path chests, and ability to see my character over all of that.
Don’t know why there aren’t any new craftable weapon skins.
No kidding.
The whole blood line is worthless, pretty much the whole death line is worthless.
Food does Blood magic better than traits do.
I don’t understand why going 15+ into a healing power trait line and taking three lifesteal traits is so weak compared to food.
The 15k bag is 10g when candy corn hits 7c, which it might if the Halloween stuff continues to be farmed or the whole month. It was less than 7c most of last year.
There isn’t that much stuff to spend the corn on right now other than food.
I’m going to halfheartedly try for the mini and hope that ante puts in new craft able skins for this year.
1. People like to brag that they have things that other people can’t get
2. Last year the chest was not account bound and thus was more farmable.
I get that people shouldn’t just Roll with lvl2 new characters and farm exotic all day, but the rewards just kill replay value.
The actual changes to the clock tower mechanics were first rate. Kudos!
Chirotophobia should have been an axe. It even looks like an axe. So disappointed.
The buff to health just lets the minions keep pace with ascended weapons.
My gift of the moon (from the recipe I made last year) used the ingredients from last year (such as the TA tokens).
Maybe the new gift of the moon makes a different weapon or an ascended weapon?
Le sigh. I wish they just re skinned the old skin orange or red and called it a new weapon.
The first week last year all we had were Haunted doors and the haunted doors didn’t even go to the labyrinth. Give it time.
Two issues with last year were fixed.
1. One of the rocks at the start caused your camera to bug out if you jumped too close to it (and you had to jump close to it). Either you died right away or couldn’t recover from the timer.
2. Last years jump puzzle let a lot more people in and showed character models. Although pretty much all of them died at the start, it became really hard to line up those first jumps. Fat charr blocked your vision.
Even now, those first few jumps make or break the whole puzzle. Even now, If you don’t complete them perfectly and fast you lose. From then on it is just a matter of knowing the path. Last year they were impossible to line up visually, and extremely punishing because a slight under or over jump would but out your camera.
Good changes IMO, to turn a tough but glitchy puzzle into merely a tough one. And the people who I’d beat it got their exclusive achievement. This was handled very well.
The changes to the puzzle were fantastic. Kudos!
There was a prince thorn costume in the preview pics
Just use the ones in Kessex hills instead of Queensdale
That’s so ridiculous to farm for an existing item that people already have that they paid much less for.
I suspect one of the following must be true:
1. The complete finish items drop in the dungeon (crossing, etc)
2. The upgraded nougat drops in the dungeon, OR
3. There already exist or will exist new season 2 weapon skins with recipes available at a price more in line with hat players paid last year.
4. Materials or recipes will be made available to the player as part of living story.
Most of the time is pays to rush content in guild wars, now might not be one of those times.
(edited by nekretaal.6485)
Maybe the upgraded nougat will drop in the dungeon. That’s the only way it’s feasible to get 100 of them.
Dunno why the recipes this year are 10x the recipes of last year if there are no new items for this year.
It should have been an axe…
This would make sense…. If there are as yet undiscovered year 2 weapons. This way you can still get ur year 1 equips if you pay up the nose for them.
The daily interruptor is the only reason.
I get my daily interrupter, by spamming staff 5 on the corpse wurms during the DE “Burn the scattered Pact corpses to honor the fallen” which is in Desminas Hallows in Cursed shore.
This is easy and it is repeatable for all the doubters to see that staff 5 does indeed interrupt. Because of the spawn you will get 3-5 procs of confusion and credit for your daily per use of staff 5.
I would love to have the trident skills usable on land, especially the two cleaving melee skills.
If you are in a Zerg you want spectral wall. Spectral wall is terrible compared to Mesmer/guardian skills but, used at the right moments, can really disrupt the flow of the enemy Zerg.
I think epidemic is Ok. I know there is a lot of Zerg condition removal, but It’s still the classes best skill.
Generally, I take signet of the locust and then swap in whatever other utility in before the fight.
I like the skill.
I bring it for use against certain bosses in PvE. The skill really shines against ones that heal like the end boss of cofp1 (ofc zerkers do so much damage they power through heals but the skill is good pug insurance). Hit the boss with poison and weakness, then hit the boss with more weakness from dagger 4 transfer, meanwhile projectiles will put even more poison on the boss and finishers will add more weakness.
A little used asuran racial skill is flat out better than this skill, which means that this skill is sub-par and needs a buff.
I’m a very experienced player, I play ranger for a main and have a level 80 mesmer as well.
Basically, I’m just looking for inputs on how to build my necro (Skills, Traits, Weapons, stats, runes, sigils)
It has to be able to:
- Steady DPS.
- “Get out of jail free card” -
- Run fast – Quality of life for open PvE.:)
In reverse order.
1. Signet of the locust stays on your bar. In open PvE, or for that matter WvW, you can un equip and swap out this skill right before a major fight and replace with a better skill. Get used to this.
2. Your get out of Jail free card is the 15 point trait in Soul Reaping providing spectral armor when your Heath goes below 50%. This trait is fantastic. Consider the many abilities that one shot you, this trait will apply the protection reduction to the same skill that hit you. As a result, many one shot hits don’t one shot you.
3. For Pve, your best theoretical DPS is Dagger Warhorn with all minions, but that build requires you to melee in light armor with little protection. I also consider condition builds to be more theoretical than workable in pve. What really makes necromancer the king of conditions are dagger 4, Staff 4, and epidemic, yet these skills are irrelevant in much pve that matters. (Absent these skills, other classes can outpace you easily).
Consider buying 2 sets of armor and 30/20/0/0/20. You can make a popular FOTM condition build with the setups, but then without needing to retrait you can make a powerful power-condition hybrid build using staff and either axe or dagger.
Prince thorn looks like the joker, and we all know Scarlett is Harley Quinn.
But now with Scarlet the focus of one of the dungeons and fighting against Caithe Im not sure that it is good for the game to tie the main story of the game to the Mad King, who is a fun Halloween diversion.
Actually the solution is to tweak the up scaling so that:
more people = more health for champions, NOT
more people = more champions
ALSO FIX, champions drop green or blue boxes instead of orange boxes when not enough people show up. The events are harder to do without a Zerg, and you are punished for trying to complete an event with just a few people but no Zerg.
1. Vigor and Fury
2. Heal in Deathshroud
3. A single target ranget weapon that works (4 of 5 staff skills do nothing vs Tequatl)
4. A power weapon with a cleave like trident but on land
5. Rework DS#2 into something worthwhile
6. If anet gonna keep putting in mechanics like Liadri in the game, then the class needs counter play for those mechanics not just “play more perfectly than he other guy had to play.”
If anet plans to do anything new with the mad king this year, why not re-use last years Mad King fight as a temporary Fractal.?
It’s Halloween themed, its the perfect length, it fits in with the lore of fractals, and fractal runners will appreciate the variety and change from what they are used to seeing 24-7. It might even be harder, as it is no longer possible to res-rush the Mad king.
Borliss Pass!
1. Transfers to Borliss are currently on sale.
2. Borliss will be competitive in its league but not so competitive that your efforts will not be instantly respected.
3. Borliss has a good active population but it still needs to be organized into true WvW guilds. Your guild could grow!
4. Borliss has all the amenities that everybody expects a legit sever to have.
5. Go to a website that tracks WvW rankings, look at the upward arrow trend line. The last time Borliss outright lost a matchup (3rd place) was way back in August. Who was dominating that matchup? Oh yeah it was Dragonbrand.
6. Remember two weeks ago when everybody was saying that people on Borliss should transfer because we would be #12 in the 12 server league. Who transferred? Nobody. People were saying the server should try to tank, but who tanked? Nobody. This server has the right kind of agressive stupidity to win wars.
7. But forget about real wars, who has the best forum warriors? Obviously Borliss Pass. Just look at any of our old fight threads, especially ones involving Emhry Bay.
Necro: Torch for demon summoning. Maybe one of the skills would let necromancers summon a fleshreaver.
Here’s the thing. At the time GW Nightfall was released, the other two games were still on the market at full price.
So if you wanted to play guild wars and be competitive in price, you needed to have all 3 expansions. Key skills were expansion exlusive. This meant that if you were a new player, starting the game was a $120 proposition. That’s too much to ask for new players of an old game.
The micro transaction model is better for new players than the buy to play expansions model. Otherwise, you price your new customers out of the market.
I would love an above ground spear and trident (power weapons with some condition support).
Nobody touches Engineer, underwater. Ranger also a whole tier ahead of Necromancer. But necromancer is in the next tier just below that.
There was something like this in guild wars. It was terrible. No thanks.
Even the Evon/Keil challenges which were basically this were frustrating (I guess they were fine as a change of pace but then we had to grind them at least 8 times for the achievements).