Wow dark fields are so lousy. Could they be anything else?
(They are lousy because lifesteal is lousy and lifesteal can’t ever be good either)
Best possible scenario is that the well cooldown trait is removed (remember that well cooldowns are balanced as if this trait is active), and some of that cooldown time is given to the necromancer.
He’s not doing anything wrong.
1. Necromancer weapon sets just don’t have that synergy between the skills the way that warrior skills do (guardian weapon sets are even better). If you play staff or axe, you are stuck with a lousy auto attack that you have to use because of cooldown timers, if you play dagger or scepter, you are stuck with underwhelming or unnecessary 2 or 3, which causes you to be a 1 spammer most of the time.
2. Other classes can burst conditions better than necromancer, Other classes can sustain conditions better then necromancer. I don’t know how this is a dispute. Necromancer has epidemic (overrated), and dagger 4/staff 4 (good but constantly nerfed), to go with signet of spite and corrupt boon. These are why Necromancer’s are titled masters of condition, but three of these are conditional in pvp and situational/useless in PvE.
Axe builds were strong in closed beta.
Rofl nerf hammer.
Since then axe 2 has been buffed out of uselessness, barely, and axe training go moved to a useable spot. Problem with axe, low DPS on auto attack never got fixed and probably wolnt ever be.
Were you blind? Thieves have learned to hit you with their pistol 5 blind field for the secure stomp.
Another one to watch out for is berzerkers stance.
A: because warriors don’t wear light armor
Probably quit. No reason to nerf the most unwanted lowest PvE damage class that has no utility to compensate, and no ability o survive the cheap one shot Liadri kills they keep introducing.
I really expect a buff for power Necromancers in the form of a new weapon option to come sometime this year. Most power Necromancer’s take staff, a condition weapon, for lack of alternatives. Something like a land version of trident or spear skills.
Ask the devs to give you immunity to direct damage at over 90% hp. If that will stop cries I’m totally fine with it.
PS. I have a necro too.
I’ve asked for direct damage immunity while above 90% lifeforce while in death shroud.
That’s, like 2 seconds max before the natural degen kicks in, what do you think?
It is for zergplay in wvw.
Time it for when the Zerg is rushing towards a spot and doesn’t really have enough time to dodge it. The people with stability will get through but this is a feature not a bug, because you can wipe the split group easier than the single group.
As for sPvP, tpvp, it’s terrible, the cooldown is too long, the beneficial buff too marginal. If you cared about the field, you would be playing Mesmer.
The skill isn’t very good on its own, it is easy to see and avoid, or ignore with stability or berzerkers stance. The chief benefit really is that it isn’t affected by the AoE cap.
As for PvE, it’s terribly situational. But, if you are traited with damaging fear you can place it in situations like Balhazaar and Grenth where swarms of mobs run at you and tagg all of the mobs that way.
I’m not complaining. I don’t have to burnout to get my bells and snowball mayhem Cheevos. The pace which I can do snowball mayhem… So much better than the rush to finish lunatic inquisition.
Drop Tailor after you craft your armor.
(If you need to craft with tailor again, you will not lose your progress In getting to 500, tailor is not a good “flip stuff and make money craft,” <although buying mats and crafting Damask could get you a gold a day for now>).
Already having artificer, you can “double up,” on certain costs. Any expensive karma/laurel recipes for rare/exotic/ascended that you learned for artificer will carryover to Weaponsmith and you wolnt have to buy them again.
Badges of honor aren’t worth much other than for buying cheap siege.
If ascended gear starts to be purchasable with badges of honor (but without big laurel costs) then and only then do they become interesting.
Karma is a more interesting reward than badges, but activities already give karma and they are sorta pvp.
Am interested in seeing what the new rewards system looks like.
They are 5g down from Novembers high price and obtainable from personalized gift boxes.
1. How do you counter a necro? Answer: CC, especially immobilize because they necromancer condition removals are at long cooldown and serve as other functions.
I always get owned by the engineer elite crate drop.
2. How do Necromancers Melt me? Answer: you mentioned corrupt boon. Even though it is not fearing you, it is putting cripple, confusion, poison and bleed on you. The confusion stacks especially melt engineers.
Also, as an engineer, be aware that necromancer can throw 3 of your condition stacks back at you with dagger 5 and staff 4. This is also helping melt you really fast.
To counter Necromancer’s in the future:
1. Go 2v1. The necromancer can’t win if either of you has CC and can’t escape. He can hold out for some time but can’t really recover.
2. Also he doesn’t go out of combat until all of his minions and conditions are out of combat, so you can exit the fight, reset, and come back while he is on long cool downs
3. Lead off the fight with immobilize. That way the necromancer is either a sitting duck or has to blow one of his condition transfer nukes or his heal. Any of these is a win for you. I find myself ignoring the engineer and focusing down his net turret, because that is how threatening the thing is to me.
4. The necromancer has up to 4 long cooldown condition bombs. Corrupt boon, signet of spite, staff 4 and dagger 4. Staff 4 and dagger 4 only get used when he is full of conditions, corrupt boon only hits when you are full of boons, and signet of spite has a lot of scary looking conditions, but not a lot of damaging conditions (just poison and 2 bleeds). You can predict when the necromancer may use these skills, so look for animations and dodge. Dagger 4 is real easy to dodge, staff 4 isn’t. And don’t panic when you get hit by signet of spite.
5. Use your grenades To AoE down minions before he gets to close.
6. If you are up against a power necromancer, he needs to cripple you and then drop a well on you. Reset the fight if you have to, he has no no stain or escapes but he does have long oil down high damage nukes.
7. Figure out how to get a stun break in your build for fear.
(edited by nekretaal.6485)
Anything that procs the “interrupt” text will proc perplexity. Fear almost never will.
Died 3 times to a Mesmer with temporal curtain (focus 4) in Solo Q yesterday.
He saw me coming each time and activated the pull right when I entered the sky hammer room. Boom instant death by falling.
What is the counter for this? Stability on shroud doesn’t really work when you can’t interact with the portal to enter the room in shroud.
Power Builds get owned hard by Immobilizes, and to throw it back at them is just too good.
Plus, power builds typically take +20% or +30% duration just from traits, so you are already sorta traited for it.
I am a fan of
Sigil of Generousity / Sigil of Purity (cheaper but worse)
Put it on your Axe. Power Necros spend a lot of time in death shroud and accumulate a ton of conditions while they are in death shroud. Death shroud has no way to remove conditions either.
Finally most power Necros take traits Soul Reaping or Curses 15 that making getting crits in shroud less of a problem.
Sigil of Generousity drops from personalized winter days gifts, so you can farm them or buy them now while they are “cheap.”
Sigil of Energy on your staff and/or your offhand. You need the extra dodge from energy. I prefer to put the sigil of energy on the staff because I try to go into shroud with Axe and I want 2 useful sigils in death shroud. Suggestions for an offhand sigil would include anything passive (like sigil of force or accuracy), or anything kill count (like sigil of bloodlust).
(edited by nekretaal.6485)
Attrition is a lie.
The necromancer as it exists is a little mobility burst caster.
What do you want a dev to say?
No more patches until Jan 21, and that’s just a living story patch. Skill fixes will take a lot of work, and there might not be another skill balance patch for months. Plus what a lot of us want: new weapon skills/build variety could take an expansion.
At least you tried
These are horrible.
Due to lengthy waits for matchmaking, I am only getting to play 4 matches in an hour.
I’ve been winning 60% of the time, but the math checks out: It really could take 4 hours to complete the pvp daily.
Would strongly love it if the daily was changed to tournaments instead of solo q and team q, this would give you a choice in how to complete the achievement.
And, again, does it really benefit sPvP for a bunch of PvE grinders (uninterested in pvp, interested in rewards) invade? The addition of PvE grinders made the WvW season very painful for all involved.
I have no trouble at all with the perma invis dagger/pistol troll thieves. Just mark the cloak and dagger when it comes.
But Mesmers with a lot of invisibility give me trouble. Fights with Backstab/Burst thieves are all about who guests the initiative, which the have an advantage at, but if you jump them first they die, be if they get the jump on you thy die.
Pretty sure I know that guy.
He was flipping keeps with Mesmers all week and he’d freak out when he got spotted by a roamer.
All I see in the pic is that since you were a necro, you had no chance to get away from the Zerg.
OP probably died after this was put on him. Makes no sense to put an immobilize on top of a cripple.
Realistically, you are looking at 3kish damage over 15 seconds with this skill from a condition spec, and less if the guy is running some sort of hybrid. Some classes have heal skills with less than 20s cooldowns, so this skill is really easy to recover from by itself.
So the damage isn’t too bad, but the poison effect on healing, weakness, blind and cripple put the player in a situation where he can’t really save himself from being spiked, barring a clear.
A player taking this skill is usually very bursty. Absorb the hit, heal up, (go out of combat if you have to, the necro can’t really chase), then come back and hit the player who is out of one of his moves.
I wish there was a good replay feature in this game. Most of the time, when you die to this skill you have already made your fatal misplays (overextending, blowing your cooldowns, etc) and this skill just helps set up the spike that finishes you off. If the use of signet of spite doesn’t kill you, he is out a skill for a minute.
(edited by nekretaal.6485)
Well of the profane in GW1 was poison + boon strip. That sounds good to me.
I wonder if we can’t get the toxic krait’s bubble as an elite.
Attritional is a thing that’s never going o happen and should be shelved.
If you think of DS as extra HP, then the necro seemingly has great attrition. Dagger, axe, fill DS fast.
But, Death shoud is not extra HP. Death shroud has to be activated, and, needs a ton of traits to be somewhat useful. If you don’t take these traits, you are locked out of your skills and are very subpar. You cant heal in death shroud. Plus Death shroud does not refill for free out of combat like hit points do, the only thing that refills it is risking your actual hit points in combat. Death shroud has a cooldown timer and lcks you out of your heal and utilities when it ends.
Finally, HP as a resource does nothing against stuns, immobilizes, other CC, or ficus fire and you can be one shot even while you are in tanks gear with full death shroud.
A timeline:
1. Nercos are OP in closed beta.
2. ROFL NERFHAMMER Game released with many traits (two whole useless traitlines) and axe weapon nerfed to near uselessness
3. Game released with many game breaking bugs, stuff like “only one third downed HP,” and bug not addressed for almost a year. Stuff like skills going on full cool down when cancelled still in the game.
4. Promised a fix for the bugs and the class.
5. Not until 10 months later fix comes…. Dhummfire!
(If you put aside the official descriptions and look at what the class finally is, you see the role for the class: a glassy, little sustain burst caster)
6. However, update patch is released too close to e-sports tournament.
7. Meta has not caught up to the patch and the new dhuumfire builds destroy the pre patch builds. And more importantly, the exports push fails when the e sport watchers see all the minions, ranger spirits and spell clutter on the screen and cant tell what’s going on.
8. INCOMING NERFHAMMER — immediately, without giving time for the meta to shift, dhuumfire nerfed, but unrelated skills nerfed too. The 2k damage that dhuumfire added met with about 10k damage removed from the class.
9. Anet hypes up lifesteal update: tweaks are totally meaningless
10. Anet hypes up new balance patch: all condition removal is buff, all necromancer counters buffed, necromancer nerfed.
11. Anet hypes up new healing skills for the classes: Necromancer skill is garbage and can’t ever be not-garbage.
Lifesteal is so borked, that anet should remove it from the game. If it can’t be balanced it should not exist. The closest they have come to working lifesteal is…. The new guardian heal. The one that players in the guardian forum hate.
I just wanted to add that while necromancer is good for tagging in WvW, this isn’t necessarily true in PvE.
Now if the zerg in PvE isnt that big, necromancers do great, but in the really big zergs, the situation is different, Conditions and AoE conditions or staff marks don’t do enough by themselves to tag a pvE mob, and wells and DS4 are on long cooldown. Consider GS/Staff Guardian better for PvE own world zergplay.
1. change DS 2 to the scarecrow ability from lunatic inquisition, with a chill instead of a fear. Ie DS 2 to chill and plant the scarecrow, DS 2 again to teleport.
2 make DS 5 proc if they leave the range of the skill.
3. New weapon with a leap skill. The skillset of trident or spear would be fine. These are mostly power based weapons with weakness.
4. Spectral Walk is one of the worst skills in the game. Improve it with damage, conditions or a finisher and you improve mobility.
(edited by nekretaal.6485)
What’s he doing here? (Theres one next to the snowball fighter charr in LA near the lion statue)
Tengu content in 2014 Confirmed?
These issues get merged into giant threads that nobody can follow, meanwhile there is a new conditions OP thread every week….
on the main forums page…
Always started by a warrior who hates skirmisher players because he would like to melee where he has an advantage, or by a thief who is disappointed that he can’t auto clear his conditions in stealth in the way that he can avoid most damage in stealth…
… And it is never moved.
How many times we have to o this to get all of the achievement points?
Combustive shot DOESNT restore adrenaline.
Its the trait Furious..Anet:
no response!!
Understand that when anet looks at a skill for balancing, they assume you are taking a 30/30/30/30/30 build with all trait equipped.
The best weapons end up being the ones that don’t have many traits.
I’d get rid of it. Add a base heal of 4k to signet of the locust and boom new heal skill.
With this group balancing things is impossible.
Here are the problems:
1. Conditional Requirements are assumed to happen even if that’s unrealistic
We got slapped with ICD, because there were conditions that could have been met that could have given us big numbers. Like, if we got hit with hundred blades in time warp, that’s a lot of healing, even though this is not desirable at all.
2. All potential traits for the skill are assumed to be taken
This is why the theif and ranger skills are so bad. The skills aren’t balanced around themselves, they are balanced around themselves with all traits. To make these even usable you’ve got to invest a ton of trait points. That you have weakened yourself considerably just to get your heal to work isn’t a factor.
This is why necromancer can’t have legit lifesteal numbers from a heal. A lifesteal necromancer with the heal, traits and food can’t be overpowering, but in the real world it just means that the food is ok but the heal and traits are garbage. And, again, if you take 30 point in blood just to get your heal to work, you are weak.
Do you guys read the warrior forums?
They know that the nerf didn’t touch them: that their whining worked. That they juggle their traits and do the same damage with the same builds as before and that, contrary o descriptions, skill animations aren’t really different than before.
Now they are whining about rifle warriors.
Necromancer damage were never the problem. Conditions were never the problem.
The problem was always and will be always that melee brutes don’t like skirmisher characters and prefer to face others in melee where they have a built in advantage.
The end.
It’s a shame that ths class can’t have any surviability skills because of this, but it will be fun to watch OP warriors whinge about OP warriors countering them.
It isn’t craft able/trade able for socks. It was 40s last wintersday, 30g in November and was 22g last night. So some appear to be trickling in. I just want to know where as I’d like 4-6 for my character and alts.
I use dagger with axe. Too many conditions out there. You also get a big AoE with weakness.
What passives are you referring to? Diamond Skin?
My sole problem is with the wind. There doesn’t seem to be any way to anticipate or avoid it so it is all luck on whether you make it. Does anyone have any solution for the wind or is it just RNG instant fail?
Dodge roll it. It only pops up in a few spots anyways.
Or maybe it drops from wintersday enemies, which is my guess for now.
So what drops them?
Again, do you really want pve achievement grinders flooding your sPvp tournaments?
The WvW players I talk to are super happy to be rid of them.
It’s not the rewards. Gold can be gotten in lots of places at better rates than tournaments, including, for example, in hot join.
It’s the achievements.
The new daily achievement points are a time limited rewards and can only be gotten in tournaments.
Anet needs to stop this ASAP, or sPvP will be flooded with pve grinders.
Warriors are loud and vocal lobbyists. I think they know they deserved a nerf and know that they got off easy.
The forum shows this.
The necromancer community is devastated. The nerfs weren’t all that bad, tbh, but the 14 month old problems have never been looked at and players wonder whether they ever will be.
He got a recipe for both of the new back pieces, some snowflakes, some toy skins, and no sigil of generosity. I suspect that the sigil and runes from last year are gone.
If we want our day we need to charge the light brigade (ok dark brigade) into sPvP and… Lose. Not intentionally lose, lose because your tools don’t work is good enough.
Lose badly often and enough that the sPvP forums are full of posts about noob necros. Lose badly that necro becomes a synonym for noob. And lose often. And keep losing. Lose until you see that he other team has a necro and you know that means you in. Then lose some more.
See, if people respond to nerfs by just not playing the class it wolnt be improved. Anet will focus on what their customers are playing.
Time for sacrifice
That’s a shame. They were one in 2 thousand last year.
SPvP players really want a bunch of pvE grinders uninterested in pvp to suddenly show up?