I actually believe that thieves are weak in 1v1s. Even though I win 90% of my 1v1 fights in WvW, a lot of them can be attributed to weaker stats/armor/weapons or the player just being experienced at PvP. I can usually tell if I am facing a good player almost straight away. What I enjoy most about thieves is I can avoid those 1v5s. Seems everytime I play all I witness is players trying to outnumber other players. They don’t want a fair fight in WvW like I do. So I stealth and run away or troll them with CnD to waste there time for being aHats for needing to bring 10 players to kill 1.
Assuming you’re not using hyperbole and you really do need to be attacked by 10 players to lose—do you honestly think it’s because you’re a super leet special snowflake, or because your profession mechanics are simply that over powered?
Take your time.
p.s. Why are people a22hats for wanting to stomp your face into the dirt? You admit to trolling people with CnD so take a look in the mirror sometime.
From a WvW perspective, I believe I am a “super leet special snowflake”. Ive won 1v5s with every class. The thing is, the vast majority of players in WvW are terrible at PvP. Its quite clear that most of them are from a casual PvE background. Rather than wasting my time on them Id rather be working towards objectives because most players I run into are just there to fight in situations where they have a very larger upper hand, usually involving their allies being around helping and outnumbering. It is stealth that allows me to avoid wasting my time with scrubs. I know a lot of thieves are there to own those scrubs, but for me I see it as a waste of my time and my servers. Unless there is a specific reason, such as a tactical reason, I generally avoid fighting bad players.
Oh no, a stacked server is beating another stacked server. The drama is too much.
A good roamer or roaming team can generate as many points as a zerg per tick if they know what they are doing, and it doesn’t take a lot of effort.
Videos of killing unexpecting players, uplevels, or people in zerg specs aren’t impressive, I’ll give you that, but roaming absolutely accomplishes a lot for your server.
There are times where I am generating more PPT to my server than my entire server.
Unrelated sorry. But the guard trait acts like another sigil stack in a way or is it completely separated to something else
Acts like a sigil stack. 5 stacks max. 20 power, 20 Condition damage per stack.
+100 power on a 2500 base is exactly equal to a 4% total DPS increase.
Did one sum, which seems to confirm your right:
300 × 2500 × 3.2 / 3000 = 800
300 × 2600 × 3.2 /3000 = 832
832/800= 1.04
Actually no, that’s not exactly right by the looks of it:
300 × 1500 × 3.2 / 3000 = 480
300 × 1600 × 3.2 /3000 = 512
512/480 = 1.0666
In my case it would be around 4%.
+100 power on a 2500 base is exactly equal to a 4% total DPS increase.
Did one sum, which seems to confirm your right:
300 × 2500 × 3.2 / 3000 = 800
300 × 2600 × 3.2 /3000 = 832
832/800= 1.04
Very nice. Im a bit confused why you use deathblossom so much. Ive always felt it a weak skill. Am I underrating it?
WvW isn’t really catering to true PvP players. If you want PvP, Id suggest you try sPvP or another game.
So it no longer steals health from guards and gives you a total of 100 power and 100 condition damage (for 5 stacks) instead. I’m glad they made it global rather than guard specific in attempt to put it on par with Applied Fortitude. But have a crit based build with very few conditions I feel like it isn’t helping me much. Do others feel the same or?
the 100 power wont help at all?
I’m running around 2.5k power, so essentially I’m getting around a very small percentage increase in power which seems to equate to less than 1% increased damage output. I think when comparing this to applied fortitude, I have 10.6k health and I get an additional 25% up to 13.1k health it seems lacklustre.
Also, as I have had Guard leaching for some time I actually found the heal made me play a little differently and I was able to be in combat with players whilst around guards and “leach” health from them to maintain my health pool as the heal was pretty strong.
So, basically, for my gameplay with alterations to adapt to the old bonus it seems like not only statistically a worse option than applied fortitude but a nerf to the usefulness of it. Like I say, the fact that they made it a global bonus is great, but it seems so much weaker than applied fortitude which is meant to be an equal upgrade.
How the hell do you have 10k hp. Well of course if you are a glass cannon and you add some extra damage it will be less effective than adding defensive stats in terms of percentages. You are right though, the numbers may need some tweaking but they look fine to me. A big reason for this change was to make it like you said in line with applied fortitude but to also make it an offensive trait. Think about it, lifesteal is a heal and a defensive thing, not something I may be looking for when speccing into a damage line.
Interesting point regarding the stats here seems to be that a % bonus would be more suitable for overall benefits to be equal, rather than have a flat figure like there currently is. Like, its quite clear for any glass cannon that Applied fortitude is going to be better than Guard Leaching, although Im reluctant to say it wouldn’t still be better for, say my hammer warrior who has a lot of survivability I won’t complain the extra 2.5k on top of 35k.
Also, I don’t like that Guard Leaching gives Condition damage because this is only beneficial for some builds. Sure I do put out bleeds from time to time, but most of my damage is “raw”. In order for it to cater to all builds it should just be straight up (% increase in) power.
So it no longer steals health from guards and gives you a total of 100 power and 100 condition damage (for 5 stacks) instead. I’m glad they made it global rather than guard specific in attempt to put it on par with Applied Fortitude. But have a crit based build with very few conditions I feel like it isn’t helping me much. Do others feel the same or?
the 100 power wont help at all?
I’m running around 2.5k power, so essentially I’m getting around a very small percentage increase in power which seems to equate to less than 1% increased damage output. I think when comparing this to applied fortitude, I have 10.6k health and I get an additional 25% up to 13.1k health it seems lacklustre.
Also, as I have had Guard leaching for some time I actually found the heal made me play a little differently and I was able to be in combat with players whilst around guards and “leach” health from them to maintain my health pool as the heal was pretty strong.
So, basically, for my gameplay with alterations to adapt to the old bonus it seems like not only statistically a worse option than applied fortitude but a nerf to the usefulness of it. Like I say, the fact that they made it a global bonus is great, but it seems so much weaker than applied fortitude which is meant to be an equal upgrade.
So it no longer steals health from guards and gives you a total of 100 power and 100 condition damage (for 5 stacks) instead. I’m glad they made it global rather than guard specific in attempt to put it on par with Applied Fortitude. But have a crit based build with very few conditions I feel like it isn’t helping me much. Do others feel the same or?
Whats this venom thing?
Both Necros and Eles are great in WvW. I personally found playing an ele was harder. I always had a lot of success as a Necro solo roaming and 1v1 thieves and even 1v3, but most solo roaming necros seem to fail for some reason. Eles are generally better players from my experience. Both Ele and Necro contribute a lot to a zerg.
While I agree that WvW should not be closed at anytme,
I still hope that something is done to back up these nice words
Right now our game rewards you for holding an objective, not necessarily for taking it, and overwhelmingly favors the last server to log out for the day. We have some ideas in the pipeline to try to increase scoring when people are playing the game and to make it much more difficult to keep your territory without actively guarding it.
Sounds like they intend to make small changes, rather than address the issues of server stacking and coverage. Also they seem more focussed on coverage than server stacking. Coverage is obviously an issue, but the bigger one is server stacking. I play during Oceanic coverage. There are less people on. If they devalue my work and make server stacking NA coverage than I’m out. They need to give players (and more importantly guilds) ALOT of incentive to spread out rather than hold hands in a tier 1 or 2 server.
I agree it should closed at night. I’m so sick of Americans PvDooring whilst I’m asleep and/or at work.
I actually believe that thieves are weak in 1v1s. Even though I win 90% of my 1v1 fights in WvW, a lot of them can be attributed to weaker stats/armor/weapons or the player just being experienced at PvP. I can usually tell if I am facing a good player almost straight away. What I enjoy most about thieves is I can avoid those 1v5s. Seems everytime I play all I witness is players trying to outnumber other players. They don’t want a fair fight in WvW like I do. So I stealth and run away or troll them with CnD to waste there time for being aHats for needing to bring 10 players to kill 1.
Is this for real? The reason I ask is all of the other stats are way lower than what I have and I only have 20k kills. Not a photoshop or something?
I don’t like it, but if they keep it they need to balance it, which it currently isn’kittens nearly impossible to kill a ranger in water. I really think they need to get rid of rally of animals as well.
The first video is a speed hack, not a teleport hack. That’s how they move.
COF p1 and all COE paths.
People don’t quite understand how easy COE is.
CoE is easy, although I found honor of the waves path 1 possibly the easiest dungeon Ive done. That said, I guess its a bit down to individuals. I find CM to be insanely difficult to do (without glitches) and others, apparently, find it the easiest.
Ive no doubt Ive been killed by lag. There have been a few instances where I have been killed by 1-2 hits from what I can see and when I check the damage logs its like 1k, 2k, 3k, 1k, 2k,3k damage. Basically I only got the animations and sound effects of getting hit a couple of times but wakitten 7+ times.
Also had a weird experience the other night with a ranger. His pet hit me for over 12k in consecutive hits almost instantly and he actually added me to a party (I died) and asked “wtf just happened”and I said “IDK I just took over 12k damage from your pet”. He said he thinks it was a bug and apologised. Weird stuff like this happens sometimes and usually I think they are bugs or lag. The fact that he questioned the damage output as well kinda perplexes me.
Slabs of red meat just hit vendor price today as well.
Your high jacking this thread.
It’s been like that for over a month now. I stopped checking the TP and just vendor them.
Woah settle big boy.
Then what will the gold sellers do?
if my theory of account bound luck is correct, you should try again with something else…
my boyfriend looted his precursor and mystic forged mine… while i was still collecting mats and money…
I don’t believe that. I had to open 2300 Coffers for a Jade Weapon Ticket.
Got 3 of those plus 12 of the wings. Sold all the wings which went for between 18.5 gold and the cheapest was about 12.5 gold. I destroyed the tickets.
kitten I wanted to be the first person to make a complaint about the patch, but this guy got in before I even knew about it
I not to sure why we should help people win 1v2’s in wvw, as far as I’m concerned those people going around looking for 1vx is www aren’t actually contributing to there servers success there just taking up Que spots form people who want help out. don’t get me wrong i love solo’ing, targeting camps/yaks/sentry that helps the server out i do the 1v1’s on the way to the objective and run away from 1vx’s, unless the out maned buff is up, I do not expect to win a 1vx, because 1 person should not be able to be 2 unless there fighting scrubs.
When I have killed 20 yaks in a single tick for a total of 60PPT whilst the other 60 allied players hold hands and fail to capture a keep I wonder why those 60 players bothered turning up. I don’t know if that made sense. Im drunk.
Other mmo’s have healers.
And those healers make 6 on 2’s impossible in those games as well.
So your point?
You want to be able to win a 2v6? Bring more people.
2v6 is the only way to do it in WvW. That or 1v6. Problem is, if you bring 6 and try for 6v6 they run away and come back with 20. Its a never ending cycle, so I just fight outnumbered and compensate with skill.
WXP boosters?
Also a booster that allows me to make posts in the forums that are under 15char.
So I’m on my way to making my third legendary. The others I grinded. This one I thought, why not throw some of my hard earned cash to contribute to the game and speed up the process. I figure for $50 I might get maybe 300 gold. Nope I get less than 90 gold. Totally don’t see why the transfer rate would promote people buying gems to transfer to gold. The main reason I need gold? For that precursor that I will never be lucky enough to have drop. So a lot of these are going for ~500gold. If I could spend $50 or $100 just to get the precursor Id totally do it despite thinking its a bit rich for a few pixels but thinking its fine because I am supporting the game. But no, it would take me around $300 for the precursor. Yes, this is a rant, but also I’m interested in knowing just what is effecting such a low transfer rate.
If you got one badge you presence probably didn’t matter. Weird thing is that i play like braindead monkey and still get lot’s of bags. I usually look where enemies are and then push 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
You start off fights by healing?
Maybe he’s a hammer warrior and needs adrenaline to open with earthshaker.
Not my video.
Those thieves were reasonable. Just a good guardian is extremely strong in small group fights (not to mention can contribute a lot more to group fights than a thief can). The issue here you do touch on. The problem is the vast majority of WvW players are “scrubs”. I’ve also killed 3 thiefs on my Necro and multiple thiefs on my thief and multiple guardians on my thief etc etc. My approach to a guardian, I test him to see if hes good, usually in WvW he isn’t so I stick around and kill him. But the good ones will kill me and its only a matter of time before they do.
Thiefs are definitely OP:
A thief can stealth in combat and walk through the gate without notice. This is overpowered and should be removed from the game. Same logic OP is using, or lack of.
Can he do it whilst in downed state?
I agree there is an easy EASY fix for population. Open free transfers for two weeks. Lower the queue limit on each map to say 60. Done. Watch all the guilds with large groups 1.) Break into smaller 30 man groups to accommodate. 2.) Transfer to servers with a lower population.
But moving to a bad server might also kill your guild. You need to have other guilds to fight and have some organisation to take care of the pugs. That’s why the Augury Rock-Piken Square-Baruch Bay matchup was so good and we almost had it locked completely before these random matchups.
Also there are no actual numbers on the WvW population and Queue times. It would help a lot of ANet would release those.
Sounds like an EU thing? In NA, even the bottom tier servers have a fair few guilds.
Not all guilds are the same… Sometimes a guild is just a bunch of letters on a person’s nameplate.
Yeah, like mine. But I assure you there are organized guilds running around (together) on low tier NA
I agree there is an easy EASY fix for population. Open free transfers for two weeks. Lower the queue limit on each map to say 60. Done. Watch all the guilds with large groups 1.) Break into smaller 30 man groups to accommodate. 2.) Transfer to servers with a lower population.
But moving to a bad server might also kill your guild. You need to have other guilds to fight and have some organisation to take care of the pugs. That’s why the Augury Rock-Piken Square-Baruch Bay matchup was so good and we almost had it locked completely before these random matchups.
Also there are no actual numbers on the WvW population and Queue times. It would help a lot of ANet would release those.
Sounds like an EU thing? In NA, even the bottom tier servers have a fair few guilds.
I’m pretty sure people have Ultimate Dominator already (or are very close) – I’m about 1/2-way there (just hit 105k kills) and I know at least a couple of people who have at least double that.
That is definitely true and I’m not disputing Ultimate Dominator because it’s an achievement where you can get the most objectives (as opposed to the others) in a single day. I didn’t include it because I tend to run solo so I don’t know how many kills/hour people manage to get. 250,000 kills is nothing, though, considering you can get 1,000 kills per day (at a rate of 125 kills per hour for 8 hours), which, considering zerg sizes, means you tag everyone in a zerg, but still. That also means you’re only hitting a zerg once every hour.
Ultimate dominator is achieveable. My one issue with it though, is that it is basically a title saying “I zerg too much”. I only roam solo and most of my small scale fights are anywhere between 1v1 to about 1v5. I don’t waste my time outside that. Yet I am only a bit over 15k kills doing this role exclusively. If I had of put the same time in following the zerg and spamming AoE, Id be close to getting it myself.
Has anyone even ever seen an Anet developer say that they are aware of this issue? I have not and one thing I have noticed with big issues like this, when Anet says nothing, it usually means they know about it but disagree and will not do anything to change it.
Mindless zerging is extremely boring. I like fights up to about 30vs30. After thakittens just completely lame. But even then, its extremely hard to get 30vs30s happening because everyone tries to bring more and you end up with 120v120. I mostly run around by myself roaming. I hit sentries, camps, flip mercenaries and if my allies are hitting something I will cut off paths to draw players away from siege and/or contest waypoints. Outside of that, there isn’t much to do.
Having played high-mobility professions against stealth heavy thieves that don’t have a mobility advantage, it isn’t difficult to track, down, and kill them regardless of stealth.
Really? Well do explain me what you are going to do when I just spam cloack and dagger on the nearest forest animal? Will you start farming them with me, because that’s what people seem to do. Then when they get really desperate they use a stealth trap
. Unfortunately my thief has both extreme mobility and perma stealth xD
LOL. I use CnD on animals to troll groups of players when I obviously can’t win the fight. Hey why not, get my opponents to farm minotaurs with me!
Sorry I ninjad you :p
Yeah I prefer the top 3 camps because I have less trouble there. I don’t know why but those yaks that are closer to the servers home seems safer and the bottom section feels compacted and more likely to run into trouble.
Obvious bug is obvious.
Yup. However, it’s really only an issue in wvw and not exactly a game breaking one, so I doubt Anet will ever fix it.
I find it contributing to game break scenarios I run into, like the one I just did. I defend a tower with around 30 players. We had 6 AC setup inside. A few eles come in and DT 4 of them. Then the last two they couldn’t get so they dropped a few AC themselves and some how magically hit a target I cannot see with my FOV. Then when they had 4 AC and started firing on us in the tower, again with no normal FOV, whilst we could not build AC it became a bit of a problem to defend against those larger numbers.
I did it a few times because I don’t want to pay for siege. Even though quite a few times I did just to avoid doing the JP. I like playing PvP and the JP aint PvP.
Obvious bug is obvious.
Ive been working on Yak slapper. Highest I have in a week was around 960 doing the exact technique your talking about, but the 3 top camps, not the 3 bottom ones. And let me say, that is ALL I did that week. Nothing but and I am a hardcore player who is playing 60+ hours a week. That means if it was my one sole aim in the game it would take me around 1000 weeks (over 9 years).
Devon has said they will be reassessing the achievements. Some of them he thinks are ok. I believe he said ultimate dominator was reasonable. It probably is. Yak slapper definitely isn’t.
D/P is only powerful because initiative regen allows it to maintain perma stealth and lose no DPS from hidden killer+backstab+heartseeker.
The initiative regen needs to be balanced across the board. Maybe have a single trait to increase the cap and that’s it. It all regens at the same rate regardless of build. That way if you use a more utility oriented weapon set like D/P over D/D you would actually show a real DPS loss for doing it.
Once initiative regen is fixed then we can worry about compensating the class for it as only people who haven’t played the class would think nerfing stealth won’t have enormous ramifications on the class as a whole.
Kinda true. But you should still be getting a reveal status when you attack from stealth with a heartseeker – combo field is not doing and thus broken. But totally, this permastealth build is kitten. If your able to permastealth you should be paying for it in loss of DPS.
I’m sorry but you are wrong. Smoke field combo is not broken. If you are in stealth and hit someone you get revealed. If you hs thru smokefield while visible the system processes damage then applies combo bonus. If it did not work this way it would be broken and worthless
I can so I’m right.
OK. So your claiming you can stealth then attack and damage someone and not gain revealed? Video plz or false.
Hang on a sec, Ill back this up. You just told me the ability to permastealth is completely useless. Care to explain?
are you mixing up threads or something? Put the pipe down and read again. I said If you are in stealth and damage someone with heartseeker you get revealed. You said this was not true. I asked for proof
I’m referring to this:
“If it did not work this way it would be broken and worthless”. Id like to know why you think a mechanic that can provide permanent stealth would be broken and worthless.
what would be the point of a smoke combo field If when you use it. All you get is revealed. Personally I think the stealth should only be granted in combat. No more permastealth. This combat and stealth system seems intended for dynamic in and out stealth.
But, when you use the combo field you do not get revealed unless you attack.
Yes Vayne, there was a poll. Didn’t you fill it in?
D/P is only powerful because initiative regen allows it to maintain perma stealth and lose no DPS from hidden killer+backstab+heartseeker.
The initiative regen needs to be balanced across the board. Maybe have a single trait to increase the cap and that’s it. It all regens at the same rate regardless of build. That way if you use a more utility oriented weapon set like D/P over D/D you would actually show a real DPS loss for doing it.
Once initiative regen is fixed then we can worry about compensating the class for it as only people who haven’t played the class would think nerfing stealth won’t have enormous ramifications on the class as a whole.
Kinda true. But you should still be getting a reveal status when you attack from stealth with a heartseeker – combo field is not doing and thus broken. But totally, this permastealth build is kitten. If your able to permastealth you should be paying for it in loss of DPS.
I’m sorry but you are wrong. Smoke field combo is not broken. If you are in stealth and hit someone you get revealed. If you hs thru smokefield while visible the system processes damage then applies combo bonus. If it did not work this way it would be broken and worthless
I can so I’m right.
OK. So your claiming you can stealth then attack and damage someone and not gain revealed? Video plz or false.
Hang on a sec, Ill back this up. You just told me the ability to permastealth is completely useless. Care to explain?
are you mixing up threads or something? Put the pipe down and read again. I said If you are in stealth and damage someone with heartseeker you get revealed. You said this was not true. I asked for proof
I’m referring to this:
“If it did not work this way it would be broken and worthless”. Id like to know why you think a mechanic that can provide permanent stealth would be broken and worthless.
Just look at these already stacked server begging for more players…
Apparently up scaling isn’t too bad. I read somewhere when you receive buffs from towers etc you actually have a stat advantage. I didn’t play much WvW before I levelled my chars, but sounds like it was a decent way to do it. If I was going to do another character, Id probably level it that way.