Id rather not. But I have a big issue with Laurels atm, so if they do add them, please add more ways to get them than by Laurels. I already have 1.5 years before I can fully equip my characters with ascended gear to go.
For the love of god please just give us laurels, I need them badly.
i know dungeon/speed clear groups who wont take anyone if you don’t have over a certain amount of points.
:D strong considering dungeoning/fotming gives no achievements points.
They directly and indirectly give you some. IE Fractal frequenter and explorer stuff
D/P is only powerful because initiative regen allows it to maintain perma stealth and lose no DPS from hidden killer+backstab+heartseeker.
The initiative regen needs to be balanced across the board. Maybe have a single trait to increase the cap and that’s it. It all regens at the same rate regardless of build. That way if you use a more utility oriented weapon set like D/P over D/D you would actually show a real DPS loss for doing it.
Once initiative regen is fixed then we can worry about compensating the class for it as only people who haven’t played the class would think nerfing stealth won’t have enormous ramifications on the class as a whole.
Kinda true. But you should still be getting a reveal status when you attack from stealth with a heartseeker – combo field is not doing and thus broken. But totally, this permastealth build is kitten. If your able to permastealth you should be paying for it in loss of DPS.
I’m sorry but you are wrong. Smoke field combo is not broken. If you are in stealth and hit someone you get revealed. If you hs thru smokefield while visible the system processes damage then applies combo bonus. If it did not work this way it would be broken and worthless
I can so I’m right.
OK. So your claiming you can stealth then attack and damage someone and not gain revealed? Video plz or false.
Hang on a sec, Ill back this up. You just told me the ability to permastealth is completely useless. Care to explain?
D/P is only powerful because initiative regen allows it to maintain perma stealth and lose no DPS from hidden killer+backstab+heartseeker.
The initiative regen needs to be balanced across the board. Maybe have a single trait to increase the cap and that’s it. It all regens at the same rate regardless of build. That way if you use a more utility oriented weapon set like D/P over D/D you would actually show a real DPS loss for doing it.
Once initiative regen is fixed then we can worry about compensating the class for it as only people who haven’t played the class would think nerfing stealth won’t have enormous ramifications on the class as a whole.
Kinda true. But you should still be getting a reveal status when you attack from stealth with a heartseeker – combo field is not doing and thus broken. But totally, this permastealth build is kitten. If your able to permastealth you should be paying for it in loss of DPS.
I’m sorry but you are wrong. Smoke field combo is not broken. If you are in stealth and hit someone you get revealed. If you hs thru smokefield while visible the system processes damage then applies combo bonus. If it did not work this way it would be broken and worthless
I can so I’m right.
D/P is only powerful because initiative regen allows it to maintain perma stealth and lose no DPS from hidden killer+backstab+heartseeker.
The initiative regen needs to be balanced across the board. Maybe have a single trait to increase the cap and that’s it. It all regens at the same rate regardless of build. That way if you use a more utility oriented weapon set like D/P over D/D you would actually show a real DPS loss for doing it.
Once initiative regen is fixed then we can worry about compensating the class for it as only people who haven’t played the class would think nerfing stealth won’t have enormous ramifications on the class as a whole.
Kinda true. But you should still be getting a reveal status when you attack from stealth with a heartseeker – combo field is not doing and thus broken. But totally, this permastealth build is kitten. If your able to permastealth you should be paying for it in loss of DPS.
JQ has more commanders on Southsun Cove than in all WvW maps…
Seems like we are the new Casuals/PvE server. Wish we weren’t but what can you do. I guess Tier 2 is looking good for us. Its a shame, because we have alot of dedicated and decent players and guilds in WvW, but we are jukittenll because we have all these casuals who don’t WvW and are happy with where we are and the community we have so we can’t get many more players/guilds in who play WvW because of them. We do get “VERY FULL” for about 3-4 hours a day from what I am seeing. I hope Anet takes a more serious look at the way population cap effects WvW in the future and not just the server status component but the map and everything else that goes with WvW so that all servers can have a chance because its messed up right now.
I don’t really think “I killed a player whilst uplevelled as a thief” is any kind of statement. People here do WvW much? I mean really. I have 8×80s, one of each class, and Im sure I could beat the average player in WvW with a level 1 of any class. Sure there are some alright players, but the vast majority of players in WvW are terrible at the game and PvP.
Its one of the few things in the game that doesn’t outright support the kiddie zerg mentality. You know, the one where everyone has to hold each others hands to be able to do anything?
What will it take for the ‘defenders’ to get it?
Nobody is asking you to sit in towers and keeps. It is not the intention that you’ll spend an hour just sitting there “refreshing the siege” and waiting.
Join a group, a squad, and/or a zerg and actively respond to threats…this is what the designers intend and the players really want. You can respond by entering and setting up a counter-siege, pushing out the “doors”, or just deal with it directly and hit them from behind, or you can take something else to make a trade if you think it’s best…. the thing is, nobody is asking you to do boring stuff (the devs or your fellow players) so why do you think we should make that boring stuff more interesting?
This has got to be the best post I have seen this month. The best part is I have learned something. Join a squad and zerg, since it is what the designers intended I do.
Not sure if serious, both your post and the one quoted. Tier 1 servers are asking for players to do this and its needed.
I really like this. Id like something to do whilst waiting for a potential enemy to turn up so I can comm to my allies. Right now all I can do is reset siege.
:( SoR getting 1v2’d (again). Ouch..
oh look its IRON hitting our tower on jq bl… while we outmanned… while jq hitting bay… nice pvdoor IRON
enjoy the payback SOR mwahahaha
No need to get all kitteny o_o we’re getting 2v1’d in EB and SoR BL and JQ arent making any moves in BG bl. Well, its another huge challenge for us i suppose.
Welcome to WvW. Lets continue the 2v1 against the green server.
I was trying to, but it seems not everyone has the memo. Here I am standing next to the BG zerg attacking SORs tower cheering them on and some of them attacked me! I want a full investigation here. Some people don’t know what a truce is!
If I roam I usually go either Thief, Ranger, Warrior or Ele. Alot of people don’t seem to realise how good a Warrior is at roaming with the right build. My personal favorite is Ranger.
Eviator does bring up a good point. At the same time I do agree with the OP about “map stacking” being a negative point about the game mode. What could discourage this I don’t know.
I can still feel the pain of retaliation on my thief. Yes attacking enemy who is not attacking back. Yes, wait stop attacking before i die!
I believe part of the reason why they have implemented the system they are is, if you look at the rating figures, various servers are going to be locked into a specific tier for a long period of time. This can be seen in various tiers, but take a look even at Tier 1. SOR, BG and JQ under the current rating system are going to be there almost indefinitely without any major change. There are a few up and coming servers that are not ever going to be able to be matched with them and given the chance to improve their rating because of the way the rating system works. By adding this random dice they are allowing this to happen. But if we then add handicaps the ratings figures are not going to be accurate.
SoR burnt out from all that PvD overtime?
We’re not burnt out haha.
We never did any kind of significant overtime over the past two weeks. We’re just getting double teamed.
we’re cool with it though. We love the challenge.
You seem to always pop out when you guys win to troll and brag.
i suppose you’re from RISE?
O_o What’s being from RISE got to do with anything?
Anyway, good fights in EB tonight. [RISE] had fun with our [JL] allies fighting against SoR and the (seemingly) revitalized JQ.
Hopefully the fights remain plentiful for the rest of the week and remember… Stay classy
Well it is probably because RISE transfered up to bg, and instantly started kitten talking the guilds on both JQ and SoR. Many of those trash talkers are gone, but like a certain other bg guild, it was enough to tarnish their rep. That rep will stay tarnished for a while, but in time people will look at RISE like an actual guild. But until then, RISE is viewed as a trolly bandwagened guild that feeds bags.
RISE trash talk was just that. They were just trying to become a part of the community and probably jumped the gun because its a different community they have been in. No big deal. No “tarnished reputations”. Their conduct then is still better than what I see from some guilds that have been in Tier 1 for a long time.
If anyone from RISE is still running their mouth, please let the officers know so they can be promptly kicked. We don’t need that sort of thing.
[RISE] is fine mate. Just people in here trying to pick fights with RISE. Best to ignore them.
SoR burnt out from all that PvD overtime?
We’re not burnt out haha.
We never did any kind of significant overtime over the past two weeks. We’re just getting double teamed.
we’re cool with it though. We love the challenge.
You seem to always pop out when you guys win to troll and brag.
i suppose you’re from RISE?
O_o What’s being from RISE got to do with anything?
Anyway, good fights in EB tonight. [RISE] had fun with our [JL] allies fighting against SoR and the (seemingly) revitalized JQ.
Hopefully the fights remain plentiful for the rest of the week and remember… Stay classy
Well it is probably because RISE transfered up to bg, and instantly started kitten talking the guilds on both JQ and SoR. Many of those trash talkers are gone, but like a certain other bg guild, it was enough to tarnish their rep. That rep will stay tarnished for a while, but in time people will look at RISE like an actual guild. But until then, RISE is viewed as a trolly bandwagened guild that feeds bags.
RISE trash talk was just that. They were just trying to become a part of the community and probably jumped the gun because its a different community they have been in. No big deal. No “tarnished reputations”. Their conduct then is still better than what I see from some guilds that have been in Tier 1 for a long time.
Only a few hours in and SOR already calling 2v1.
Seems like everytime I log into these forums for a quick read I see this Vayne character defending Anet from complaints and grievances that their users have. You sure your not employed by Anet Vayne? Seems like you have a full time job for yourself here.
And this adds to the conversation how?
Frankly, I only defend Anet when people make spurious claims or use hyperbole. In this particular case, I’m not defending Anet at all. The OPs premise is based on a play style that not everyone shares and I’m pointing that out.
How you can get defending Anet from that is beyond me.
It’s on a premise of a playstyle that Anets model does not support, hence how it is defending Anet here. But you didn’t answer the question, are you employed by Anet? Its just an observation. Literally everytime I have come to these forums I just glance over topics and there is Vayne defending Anet.
OP be smart. Put a TM on this. Best ideas ever. Anet will steal fo sure.
VaaCrow.3076, what do you want balanced? You keep going on about how you want the thief to be balanced and how its your loot farming machine, yet I cannot find anywhere where you speak of specifics as to what you would like to be changed.
This topic reminds of of the idiom “to build ones house on sand”. Its lovely to have all these new features being implemented in WvW…
Seems like everytime I log into these forums for a quick read I see this Vayne character defending Anet from complaints and grievances that their users have. You sure your not employed by Anet Vayne? Seems like you have a full time job for yourself here.
Im Tier 1 NA and its happening on all 3 borderlands for me. Tick Tock, reset is coming and the hamsters haven’t been fed.
All 3 borderlands have been horrid tonight. Im genuinely really worried about whats going to happen on reset.
I’ve been asking for 1v1s since forever. Why will nobody duel me? I can’t beat you guys in a 1v1 if nobody is up for a 1v1…
I’m ready! :: whispers – guys I said hide BEHIND that bush ::
But in all seriousness I run into 1v1s all the time in open field, like constantly. Do you mostly hang on one borderland?
I stopped solo roaming a while back, mainly because I never run into 1v1s. It always ends up being 1v5 or 5v1, which is pretty stupid. I like have havoc groups always complain about the zergs outnumbering you but aren’t afraid to 5v1 a solo roamer. Tier 2 was much better for solo roaming :P
Same, I do still roam, but it usually ends up being 1v90. Must be my playstyle. For a while the goal was to bait that zerg for as long as I could and waste as much time for them as I could, but its all so tiresome.
I wish they wouldn’t change existing legendarys at all. They have changed them so much in the past. I only want to get ones that match my look. Then they go changing animations and sounds on something I would have to invest so much time on only to have it not look the way it was when I acquired it.
We pushed JQ into their spawn in EB last night and practically begged you to take their garrison while we held the line. You rewarded us by trying to ninja SM. Go to h3ll, Blackgate. You guys will never learn.
Playing EB tonight. Apparently I came in after we were near pushed off the map with only the keep left :p Eventually we pushed back and got escorts going and supplied our stuff. Meanwhile SOR is going at as hard still, whilst BG caps up SOR’s stuff. Eventually SOR had to backoff to protect their stuff because BG was trying to take it with a zerg that was substantially smaller than both SORs and JQs. And thats what will usually happen. If you leave the soft targets and focus on JQ when they can fight back, then your only doing harm to your server. Take the soft stuff and fight it out then. Soon the commanders at JQ will catch on and cap up BG whilst defending against SOR and then you guys will be losing out.
I dont really get the complaints – skill lag was always there since they raised numbers of players cap in wvw. So what makes it so critical now? People starting to run in huge blobs only after culling patch?
From my experience, skill lag got worse after they “fixed culling”. It could just be the scenario in my server. Im from JQ and there is SOR and BG, both of which have picked up dozens of guilds and players around the same time. We are regularly seeing 100v100 zergs fights going on. It wasn’t that big in Tier1 until recently from my recollection. I can’t recall seeing much more than about 60vs60 prior to culling being removed. But then who knows, maybe it was 100vs100 and I just couldn’t see it :p
Maybe $200. Would have been alot more, but for a few reasons I decided not to spend money on GW2 ever again.
Im on JQ. I have the exact opposite problem. I like to travel alone. I only group up with family members when they play. Instead I have people constantly spamming me party invites and asking me if I want to play with them. Please leave me alone :p Im a grumpy old man and I just want to farm my heavy moldy bags and have an early night!
Probably because the lag is considered “fair”. You cant really abuse it and the enemies lag about as much, causing some rather amusing situations where epic battles should have ended ages ago but go on and on and on because no one can pop skills.
I think Anet is aware of the issue, but no solution exist.
I don’t think it is fair. I can go into these fights and not be able to cast or use any attack whatsoever. Yet I can be killed? How is that fair? Sure it can go both ways, but in a single fight I don’t think that can be considered fair at all. Right now, fights in Keeps and SM are frequently decided, not by skill, but by skill lag and who has the biggest problem with it at the time.
My thoughts. Decrease the cap on players allowed in the server. I don’t think it can go any other way. Anet clearly won’t invest in new servers and most likely won’t upgrade them to the point where skill lag won’t be a major issue.
(edited by nirvana.8245)
Mr. and/or Mrs. Moderator, this may be the wrong spot for this, but without being able to target the individuals in question, we are unable to report as you say so. We have been forced, as gamers, to take these situations up ourselves. We try to clean our own communities with our own initiative. No member from any server would want to be associated with said activities. Everyone strives for legit gaming and to at least have a positive lime light around them.
Until you guys supply us with a better means to report people, we will be forced to report these matters to each others’ communities in order to keep things the cleanest as possible on our own ends. We only do this because we do not possess an in game mechanic that can properly do this in certain instances. You will have to forgive the 3 communities you have here for making things known as public and making individuals walk the walk of shame to the best of our ability to show that we as gamers will not tolerate such activities within our gaming experience. This, all being in the fairness of a legit win/play vs another team/server.
I agree. Well stated Jed.
Agreed also. When I report a hack, I cannot explain what I witnessed and the closest thing on the list as far as I can see is “botting”, which is a completely different thing. Kind of screams “we don’t care about hacking”in my eyes.
It appears they have increased the failed frequency here. Alot of players have brought this up in game. I rarely used to get it, maybe 1 a month, now I get it quite frequently and I only use Ori Tools now regardless of the area I am playing in. Prior explanation was it was you have not been registered as out of combat. Now I can get it without being in combat for minutes before gathering it. I could understand 30 or 40 seconds, but beyond that…
Ive been on 3 servers. The one big difference I notice is alot more roamers in JQ. But those roamers tend to know what they are doing and join up with the zerg at the right times. Alot of servers seem to waste alot of time with using an entire zerg to do something that can be done in very small numbers. The players are much more experienced, they know exactly what is going to happen next because they read the map and they are where they should be when they should be there
As a person who is usually a scout on a tower or keep, I cant count the number of times a night I watch 20-25 people from another server run up to put something in combat. Solo tagging garri is scary.
With how WvW is today, those zerg runs flipping objectives will get you the most gains per play time. More players, the quicker the random npcs guarding supply camps and what not get dropped so the zerg can move to the next waypoint.
Yes the small man teams doin scouts and running supplies will help your team win the weekly event … but what reward is there? I guess the winning server at the end of the week can thump their chest for gaining a xx percentage in gathering skills, lol.
Well, the rewards in WvW suck. If I wanted rewards I go play PvE. I play WvW to win
hmmm i wonder if any devo is in black gate with the same mind as us wondering if JQ are actully exploiting a program that bypass the limit but that just me being paranoid. What is really odd is finding that There a zerg in Eternal JP about 20+ and yet when i do WvW i still see a mass of 50+ People along with Perhap roamers /afk . I generally rule out that ther is least 10-15+ that is usually afk or is takin a break.
Ive been on 3 servers. The one big difference I notice is alot more roamers in JQ. But those roamers tend to know what they are doing and join up with the zerg at the right times. Alot of servers seem to waste alot of time with using an entire zerg to do something that can be done in very small numbers. The players are much more experienced, they know exactly what is going to happen next because they read the map and they are where they should be when they should be there
If you consider exploits/glitches, Id say Ele for sure.
i agree… What??.. explain
Not going to explain it, because not everyone knows what the exploits are and I don’t want it to become common knowledge.
What is being elaborated to here is pretty clear. The thief was hacking, plain and simple. Its not a balance discussion in any way.
I like the small tactical element it brings to the game. You know your zerg is coming… is it worth the risk to take on 30 players and survive long enough to buy the time your team needed or will it end in faceroll. Honestly, I really think this is an exceptional component in WvW. I don’t know why anyone would be opposed to it.
If you consider exploits/glitches, Id say Ele for sure.
Ok, I have to ask. Where are all the ranked people on JQ and BG? I have noticed the past few nights that almost everyone we run into are Invaders and Assaulters. Maybe a few raiders. But honestly that is it. I mean I am a footman which is about average I think, I know there are people Colonel and General maybe even a Veteran or two on SoR, I assume there has to be some on JQ and BG… So where are you?
I don’t want this to turn into a kitten contest of who is highest or anything I just honestly want to know why everyone around here seem to be so low. Do you guys change characters every day or something?
I run 8 characters and switch between each depending on what I want to do and what I think will work best at the time. Most of them are between level 5 and 20. This game hates alternates. What can you do
So Ive been trying to work out the points system. It appears that when you flip a flag you get 1 point and possibly a sentry kill as well. So my thought is when I see an enemy flipping my flag to let them take it. Their server gets 1 point, then my server gets 1 point when I flip it back. So afaik this means its a gain for my server because the 3rd server gets no point.
Thats my rationale behind my understanding of the flag capping points system. Sure, Im letting them have a point, but gaining 1 for my server as well and as long as I do this quickly I am not going to allow this to interfere with the likes of Yaks. But t seems strange as most seem to not share the same “ideology”. Whenever I am flipping flags if anyone stumbles upon it they will defend it, literally to the death.
Or am I missing something? Do you get points for defending flags as well?
I was just involved in a defense of SM against ye ole BG zerg. They got through the first wall so I ran to the gate and was excited to see we had around 8 AC there. I quickly go and pick a superior AC in a safe spot. Next thing I know 8,10,12,14k damage. It was melted in about 3 seconds. It appears to be an elementalist animation. Im not familiar with them, Ive played them but don’t really like them. Is it elementalists that are nearly instantly destroying siege from positions no other class can hit?
Could have been mass ele’s casting dragon tooth. It is the one spell that has no LOS.
Nah you can see the one animation. Also, its not a cast whilst attune to fire. Its direct damage. As someone else has said, its a bug apparently so Ill leave it there.
I was just involved in a defense of SM against ye ole BG zerg. They got through the first wall so I ran to the gate and was excited to see we had around 8 AC there. I quickly go and pick a superior AC in a safe spot. Next thing I know 8,10,12,14k damage. It was melted in about 3 seconds. It appears to be an elementalist animation. Im not familiar with them, Ive played them but don’t really like them. Is it elementalists that are nearly instantly destroying siege from positions no other class can hit?
Also if you think most wvw players put out support buffs that r worth anything then you r mistaken
Guardian empower gives 2550 power, 2550 condition damage and 7500 healing. I consider that skill alone to be a decent support buff.
last i checked a full 25 stacks of might is only +875 and 25 is the max….. so how does 12 stacks of might (only given to a max of 5 people btw) give over 2k power and condition damage
Empower gives 12 stacks of might. 1 stack of might gives 35 power and 35 condition damage. 12 × 35 = 420. I believe its applied to yourself and 5 other players from what I can see (possibly more but its hard to check without a group to sandbox but it seems like Im seeing more people than 5 getting healed). It would be at least 2500 power and 2500 condition damage + a heal.
Had a lol moment tonight. Was solo roaming and flipped the flag near ANZ. I see two players in ANZ, one SOR player jumps off the front wall and goes off on his way. The other one, wait, thats not an SOR player… thats a BG Mesmer! I went over and we waved before I went on my merry way. 5 min later BG owns ANZ :p
I agree with the OP about the average player being "terrible"at PvP. The thing is, WvW caters to the casual audience that joined this game for the PvE.
I found Elementalist pretty difficult to play. Warrior is really good because they have a wide range of weapons to use and easy to play. Necros don’t pull the same stats as rangers/thiefs, but they can output alot of condition damage once full specced. If you mostly play PvE, Id recommend Warrior. If you mostly play WvW, Id recommend Necromancer. Also, Necro Minions are more bugged than Rangers, so be prepared to be dissappointed if your doing it for the minions. Most Necros won’t run pets other than some running flesh gollems, which can be fun and strong at the right times.
Also if you think most wvw players put out support buffs that r worth anything then you r mistaken
Guardian empower gives 2550 power, 2550 condition damage and 7500 healing. I consider that skill alone to be a decent support buff.