You wouldn’t be punished for originality. If you have not logged in for 2 entire years straight you are most definitely not entitled to sit on 3, 4, or 5 letter unaccented names especially if you are too lazy to spend one second to log in once in TWO years.
Anet have already said otherwise.
I think the OP and xuse need to stop acting like special snowflakes. You are not entitled to other peoples’ character names because you were three years late to the party or have the imagination of a rock.
Deal with it.
What is this Centarr that my female human keeps referring to anyway? An unholy conjoining of Centaur and Charr?
I was just about to post the same link.
According to the Wiki, Server messages can not be disabled as they provide (at times) important warnings and status messages.
Perhaps, some day, the Devs will initiate a difference between event-related messages and game/build-type messages, so that the event messages could be toggled on/off.
Good luck.
That’s really the problem here. These messages are flagged as Server messages when they should be flagged as Game messages, which would then allow them to be toggleable. I’ve only really seen this issue in Silverwastes.
Roll a new character. Problem solved.
£35 on the game three years ago. Around £10 on gems when I was drunk around two years ago. There’s nothing in the Gem Store that I’m interested in these days that can’t be picked up via a gold/gem exchange (there’s no way I’m paying the equivalent of £20 for an outfit).
As others have pointed out, this money is not an investment because I get no financial return on it. It’s a transaction for services rendered and nothing more.
I currently have no plans to buy the expansion, especially since we still know very little about it.
I think this is all you need to know about the OP’s intentions from another thread:
My main account was suspended today for pointing out that gays wanted special snowflake status for wanting rainbow dye.
ANET is bias on whose opinion matters.
(edited by uknortherner.2670)
I’ve just realised NPCs are using the waypoints around LA to get around…
After all the rage, I think that in the end it’s all whining. They could change the price, or add an extra character slot, but in the end whining won’t achieve anything.
You are a publishers wet dream.
It makes a change seeing a gaming site/mag speak out on this rather than remaining silent or hinting it’s the community’s fault (I’m looking at you, Eurogamer).
Still, considering how silent the gaming media at large has been over broken games (Assassins Creed: Unity), insidious DRM (SecuROM) and anti-consumer practices in general (see: EA and those Mass Effect bannings), we should be thankful for this one small ray of light in a sea of indifference.
(edited by uknortherner.2670)
Let’s see. As a potential new customer, I pay $50 and get both the game and the XP. As an existing customer – irrespective of how long I’ve been one, I pay $50 and just get the XP. Anybody who cannot see the discrepancy here needs their head seeing to.
People are rightly complaining because they are expected to stump up the same cash for what may be less than half a product (we don’t even know what we’re getting). This isn’t “entitlement” or whatever other anti-consumer buzzword deluded fanboys and industry shills like to throw around to shut down discussion. This is a legitimate complaint that any smart consumer should be making, and this is the thing – we need to start thinking like consumers and less like fans. Our relationship with Anet/NCSoft is a business arrangement only based around a financial transaction and nothing more. A smart consumer knows a bad deal when they see one and they can either voice their concern (legitimately, and without making stupid personal threats), or walk away and do their business elsewhere.
(edited by uknortherner.2670)
But if it’s destroyed how will the Queen transverse it without shoes?
Er… By walking? Or running? Perhaps even skipping too, or maybe even a bit of parkour?
"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: uknortherner.2670
With the way the game industry functions these days, only a fool would pre-order anything unseen and untested. Contrary to claims that I am “punishing myself” for refusing to stump up the cash for something unseen and untested, I would say I’m being an astute consumer… Wouldn’t you?
The very notion of pre-ordering anything in an age of digital distribution is laughable.
As the OP hinted at, I do love the way “entitlement” is thrown around as a means to stifle and shut down discussion.
People are “entitled” because they expect a fully-working product for their sixty notes.
People are “entitled” because they expect a finished and complete product which they paid for with their own cash.
People are “entitled” when they question why a single-player game requires an internet connection and an online account to beg permission to play the game they have paid for.
People are “entitled” because they speak out against anti-consumer practices the big publishers continue to exert on their customer base.
People are “entitled” when they speak out against false promises and outright lies peddled by the gaming industry.
People are “entitled” when they say they are going to walk away.
It’s not entitlement. As a consumer, it’s common sense, and if that makes me “entitled”, then it means I’m doing something right.
Because the company needs to make money? How is this even a question?
A snip at a mere 2,411g! Perfect for the 1%ers with all that gold lying around I’m sure.
/entitlement turned on
Yeah! Why the kitten is Twilight so kitten expensive! ANET GIVE ME MY SWORD ALREADY!?!?!?! I DEMAND IT FOR FREE!
/entitlement turned off
Grow up.
A snip at a mere 2,411g! Perfect for the 1%ers with all that gold lying around I’m sure.
250 gems is still a lot of RL money just to swap out a few polygons. Luckily, I had enough in-game gold to convert to gems in order to swap back the stiff, broken hairstyle I had previously picked for my main back to a regular default one which actually animates when I move her around rather than piercing her repeatedly through her spine.
It wouldn’t be so bad if those paywall-locked hairstyles were actually physics-enabled like the default hairs are.
Nope. Everytime. To tired to bother reposting any of the arguments against here. Give this thread a day or two and it will die off again till somone makes the next mount thread. And then the same people will come in saying Yes or No. Like it happens every single time
Isn’t it beautiful to have something to rely on?
Like death, taxes, and mounts threads?
And Offtopic Posters, that have nothing to say at all and rather should be quiet, if they have nothing to say constructive as contribution
This is a public forum. Deal with it.
I consider mounts to be very off topic and irrelevant to this game.
I would not pay any money for basic functionality to be added back into the game. GW1 had so much more in terms of emotes that came as part of the base game and yet people are literally falling over themselves to throw money at Anet in return for a handful of animations.
They could easily put in some of the reusable content they have lying around (sab, crown pavilion etc). But no that would be sensible…
Except, as has been pointed out in one of the many identical threads to this one, SAB can’t return because one of the previous updates to the game broke it. It’s not a simple case of flicking a switch in the code.
I wonder how many of those people whinging about the lack of new content were the same people demanding an expansion pack, even if it meant no new updates?
Look every game has mounts and this is not just a WoW thing.
How odd. I can’t seem to find a mount anywhere in The Secret World. What am I doing wrong?
We don’t need mounts in this game. Get over it people.
The content drought-moaning continues…
Yes, I would like to see spawnable chairs, but no, I will not pay for basic emote functionality when another game I will not here not only gives me the ability to pull a chair from my rear-end, but also gives me six different non-chair sit idles as well.
Yes, it’s almost as if the sticky at the top of the subforum didn’t exist…
In Aion, a cloud appears for you to sleep on (…when you use the sleep emote).
But I think we really need a /lemmetakeaselfie. It doesn’t have to actually take a picture. It just lets the characters around you come together to smile at an imaginary phone. :P
/twerk ?
I think the last thing I want to see is hipster pretentious nonsense like twerking and selfie-taking in-game.
But can you imagine what a twerking asura or charr would look like! XD
I’m trying my best not to!
Just remember that thanks to the power of the internet, any anonymous coward, spoilt brat, bored teen and any other trolling parasites that exist in the world can act tough behind a keyboard and monitor because in real life they wouldn’t stand a chance against their betters.
Just block, laugh and hold your head up high.
In Aion, a cloud appears for you to sleep on (…when you use the sleep emote).
But I think we really need a /lemmetakeaselfie. It doesn’t have to actually take a picture. It just lets the characters around you come together to smile at an imaginary phone. :P
/twerk ?
I think the last thing I want to see is hipster pretentious nonsense like twerking and selfie-taking in-game.
Because I can. My characters are not a representation of me.
Personally, I find it detestable that the Welsh town of Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch is shortened to Llanfair PG on maps!
Try saying that after a few beers! Llanfair PG just rolls off the tongue
world is changing…
people have to start adapting too
gotta learn that mere words shouldn’t be able to hurt
Nonsense. Anti-Semitism has become socially-acceptable in recent years again across Europe because of this kind of laissez-faire attitude. At what point are people expected stop ignoring the verbal abuse? When it becomes physical abuse? When the death camps reopen again?
People bleat on about their “rights” and their “freedom of expression”, but it seems the responsibilities are dumped on the victims, not the anonymous cowards dishing it out from behind their keyboards.
The natives are restless.
The natives are always restless irrespective of what Anet do or don’t do.
Get over it and stop presuming you speak for everybody.
He never said he speaks for everybody. He did say a lot of people are bothered by this year’s April Fools, which is obviously true, considering the huge forum outcry. Or are you going to pretend the massive amount of posts complaining never happened?
A “huge” outcry by professional moaners and attention seekers who represent probably 1% of the total GW2 population? Sorry, but the forums are not representative of the community at large and I’ve seen no complaints in-game about this April Fools joke.
Get over it and stop presuming you speak for everybody. Also realise that it may be “next day” where you are but it’s still April 1st for half of the world.
I already live in a real house. Why do I need a virtual one?
Add trait/gear inspect so we don’t have to loot at AP.
Go away. Trait/gear tells you nothing about skill.
What part of the game you are playing?
I am interested how people can miss the dungeons.
We didn’t miss the dungeons. We simply aren’t that driven to do them.
Primarily because we are often forced to team up with players like you and who with their buddy kicks us off the “open to all” party that we started because we state upfront that we don’t know every path backwards and forwards.
I last ran a dungeon over a year ago. I simply have no interest in associating with moronic, anti-social elitists obsessed with AP.
It’s the best when they’re “early access,” and you get to pay full price to play a completely broken game until the developers run out of money.
Or do a runner. Remember Cube World? I do.
Nobody should be paying up front to alpha/beta test a game and this is a mentality that needs to go away.
The only reason i would support ffa in pve is because then players would actually have to learn the game.
What’s the view like atop your ivory tower, your lordship?
OP, what on earth makes you think anybody outside Anet is going to have the answer for this?
Apparently Anet poured cold water on this suggestion a long time back, which is annoying and only enabled a visibility toggle on shoulders and gloves because of clipping issues on some armour sets.
But, as I’ve said countless times before on threads like this one, I would like to see the option seeing as some armours come with some clunky-looking footwear, especially light armour, and many NPCs are already barefoot: Queen Jennah, 67.8% of the Sylvari population, some norns and 99% of Asura.
I’d be more likely to do dungeons, then. =P
Same here.
I wouldn’t like to see it in open world, but in personal/living story instances, dungeons, and theoretically fractals? It’d be nice, but I don’t see the rudimentary AI handling anything more complicated than “go die over there,” like the NPCs all do.
It would work if the RTS element from GW was included (placing flags/issuing commands etc.) I wouldn’t want to see this used for the open world though – just dungeons, especially story mode.
That market is under no obligation whatsoever to give satisfy the particular needs of such a small customer base. They can try, and they might not succeed, but the main focus of their business will always come first.
Give us more GW 1 weapon and armor skins. COPY/PASTE ALREADY!!!!
I’d wager that the number of people who want recycled GW1 content is also small.
Your sneering disdain is noted.
Get a load of this smug character, folks. So very pleased that others don’t get nice things.
I wish I got nice things. Though, to be fair, I don’t go to a clothing store and ask to buy bread.
No, but going off your previous comment, I’d wager that you go to a clothes store and demand that security remove those customers who do not meet your personal standard of fashionable from your presence prior to you browsing the clothing.
GW1 had personal trading and scamming was still rampant. The TP exists for a reason and to be honest, I’d rather not see map chat flooded with WTS messages.