haha you must really not like dueling. i never realized it’s even in your sig.
I can’t imagine how frustrating it must be to be against such a commonly requested feature.
No, I’m against duelling being requested as a needed open-world feature when it’s not. I have nothing against an arena-based duelling option as long as there’s a means to block duel spam.
-1 for open world duelling and -1 for yet another thread on this topic when a million of them already exist.
How would being able to gank defenceless noobs make this game more interesting?
Here’s the thing: You knew this game did not have open-world PvP, yet you bought it anyway. Besides, doesn’t endless ganking also make you a robot?
Done, sorry :c didnt know that was eh…yeah sorry.
No problem, it’s just that:
1) Threads tagged as a question cannot be +1ed and
2) Some people misuse the Q/A function to make their thread stand out against everyone elses which can be misconstrued as a form of thread bumping (against CoC).
OP, stop abusing the Q/A function if you have no intention of asking a question!
i’d like duels too….why arenanet does not add them? everyone loves to duel!
Again with this “everyone” rubbish. Stop speaking for me, ok?
And your question is…?
OP, why have you flagged your post which contains no question whatsoever, as a question?
ok so this topics a bit old, and yes a lot has been fixed. however as mentioned there are still points made that could still be improved upon. just my 2 cents Anet, give this video another look through and c what u have still to learn from your players!
Or… Why not highlight those points in your post?
No. Roll a new character if you want to change race.
Done to death already.
(edited by uknortherner.2670)
The problem with a permanent trial offer is that it’s open to abuse from gold spammers as we have seen from recent trial events. Anet need to put in place a system that prevents new/trial accounts from using /whisper, map chat and mail at the very least.
How about no mounts at all?
GW2 needs open world duels.
No, it doesn’t. Why do people like you assume you speak for all GW2 players?
There is no good reason not to have it, ANET.
There’s plenty of good reasons and many of them have been stated on this very thread. You have simply chosen to ignore them.
Still, if you insist that this game somehow needs a cut-and-paste mechanic that only serves the interests of trolls and people who feel the need to show off every five seconds, then perhaps there should be a price tag attached – say ten gems per duel invite. Should cut down on the annoying in-game spam that duel requests would inevitably lead to.
(edited by uknortherner.2670)
I just want Anet to bring back the Hunger Games-esque map/mode they had in open beta. That was a lot of fun.
MOBA? Sorry, but I can’t be the only one getting tired of the increasing saturation of this genre. Every other game is a MOBA these days – it’s effectively the new Tower Defence.
World Vs. World DLC! I think this would be fun and cool for the wvw commmunity to see new maps and new challenges with it. The DLC/maps should change every couple of months.
This is the sort of mentality that EA and Activision has instilled in gamers through their Battlebro: Call of Manshooty games. It’s quite honestly, a mentality that needs to die.
Sure, have mounts – for 10,000 Gems each, with each one requiring food/fuel at an additional cost.
I’m also opposed to this. The game is meant to be challenging regardless of your level or the zone you’re in. Getting rid of dynamic levelling will see virtually all low-level zones become deserted overnight and leave new players/characters having to take on champion mobs/dynamic events on their own.
there can always be a auto duel decline option
Yes, just like there’s an auto-decline option for parties and guild invites. Oh wait.
Even if you could auto-decline, the spamming dueller will still insist on harassing you through other means – whispers, map chat, bunny-hopping around your character and following you on the broken contacts list, knowing exactly where you are, even when blocked.
This doesn’t happen. I will give you that it is entirely possible, but only within the realm of fantastic hypotheticals that get parroted in these threads. And it doesn’t happen nearly enough for it to be the reason to dis-allow duels.
I mean, how often do you get party/guild invite harassed? Yes it’s possible, but does it happen enough to warrant removing party invites altogether?
Except, it does as it’s happened to me and a few other people on here as we have repeatedly said in these threads. I know you are getting desperate in your demands for duels, and that as far as you’re concerned, the only valid arguments in this discussion are those that support your position, but you can refrain from accusing me and others like me of being liars and fantasists. Thank you.
Under most circumstances you would be right, but to use the DC Universe Online example again, DCUO is one of the only games on PS4 that doesn’t require a Playstation Plus membership to play. In other words it is completely free. If Guild Wars 2 would do this it would be incredible seen as it is a better game than DCUO fundamentally.
DCO is also part-owned by Sony Online Entertainment and exists solely on microtransactions. GW2 has no connections with Sony whatsoever and is a buy to play product with some cosmetic fluff sold in MT form.
It’s very unlikely that Sony will want to allow GW2 free access to its multiplayer infrastructure unless there’s something in it for them.
there can always be a auto duel decline option
Yes, just like there’s an auto-decline option for parties and guild invites. Oh wait.
Even if you could auto-decline, the spamming dueller will still insist on harassing you through other means – whispers, map chat, bunny-hopping around your character and following you on the broken contacts list, knowing exactly where you are, even when blocked.
in wow i can say that i have spent 30% of my time skilling up with the duels and learning alot from it
1) Alot isn’t a word and never has been. It’s “A lot”.
2) GW2 isn’t WoW. Deal with it.
SEVEN THREADS DOWN FROM YOURS. No excuses for not seeing it!
Really wasn’t that hard to find.
Don’t really care man.
You clearly cared enough to reply though, didn’t you.
1st all who says no to duels are probebly newbie at MMO’s.
Says who? You?
I’ve been playing MMOs for years and hardcore duellists are little more than an annoyance in many MMOs. They simply do not understand the meaning of the word “no”. “No” to them means they can continue to spam-request me, to bombard me with /whispers about what they would like to do with my mum, to bunny-hop around me like an obnoxious, attention-starved child and finally to harass me through map chat.
I’ve seen and experienced it all. Don’t ever presume you speak for me, or people like me.
I think I said it somewhere else, but the block function in GW2 as it stands is currently about as useful as a locked door in the middle of an open field.
Another mounts thread? Really?
The privacy functions in this game leave a lot to be desired.
(edited by uknortherner.2670)
I think we will have more fun if guild world 2 allow open world pvp.
(edited by uknortherner.2670)
Personally, I would not like to see this implemented in this game, mainly because I don’t want to receive a load of unwanted marriage requests from 12-year-old boys who seem to think that the fetching level 35 human female elementalist is actually being played by a girl (I’m a bloke and my characters are both genders).
Also, I don’t see why people who enter a virtual relationship should be put at an advantage (boons and bonuses) over those of us who have absolutely no interest whatsoever in forming a relationship, virtual or otherwise in an MMO unless it’s for RP purposes (even then, there should be no bonuses that can’t already be gained in a party group).
Finally, if such an option was made available, then it should include same-sex relationships. A lot of these games that include a lover/marriage system currently do not do this.
Been discussed to death in the other 16 threads with the same name, all of them merged here.
Just stop with these daily duel threads already.
I think the opposition to this suggestion here is unanimous.
Really wasn’t that hard to find.
Rather than closing them, mounts, raids, duels, race change and other recurring subjects should be stickied and support/objections be posted in those threads instead of starting new ones.
(edited by uknortherner.2670)
I want a race change because i have a legendary, 1400+ hours on my warrior and tons of equipment thats soulbound. So for me, re-rolling is not an option. If they were able to transfer all of my progress over to another char i made, i’d gladly do that.
So wait, you spent 1400+ hours on your warrior, grinded for legendaries and spent loads of gold on soulbound gear and then suddenly decided you didn’t like the race you were playing any more? Surely, you would’ve known this earlier on and would’ve rolled a new character instead?
Rerolling is always an option.
In addition to that, it seems you can’t place an order for any item that is not already listed on the TP (sort of defeats the point of having a “show only available” toggle in the search options). There were a couple of specific armour pieces that I wanted to buy for my ele but there were none being sold at the time, and there was no option to place an order for them either.
GW2 Is very good and innovative game. They can solve this problem easily. Implement ground mounts, those who don’t want to have them, wont get them and those who want them, will get them. Just that simple.
You’re contradicting yourself there. You say that GW2 is a good and innovative game, yet in the same breath, you are asking ANet to introduce the least innovative mechanic that would be completely out of place in the game? The Gem Store already has the flying broom – there’s your mount.
(edited by uknortherner.2670)
The only way it wouldn’t be grindy is if the gear tied to raids are cosmetic skins only, rather than a new tier of gear carrying higher stats, otherwise it’s just another vertical gear grind with gated entry, and there’s already enough gear elitism in this game as it is (PUGs).
This game will never be like WoW, however few successful elements could be taken from WoW, for example PvE gear progression, Pugable raids and mounts.
Raids and gear grind are only used by WoW and WoW-likes to siphon off monthly subs from players by bringing in an artificial grind. GW2 does not need any of that.
So, what’s your question?
For most classes, a jump from 1-20 would be a great thing. For the elementalist I’m currently playing, it wouldn’t make a jot of difference. My ele is just as squishy and underpowered at level 35 as she was at level 1. Perhaps even squishier.
You can find all of the arguments for and against your idea on page 3 suggestions
the only argument people use against this is " its will only be “duel me brah, you scared”
thats not a very solid argument IMO
while there are ALOT of good arguments on why to implement a duel feature.
it’s also relatively easy to block someone…
The block function in this game is about as useful and as effective as a locked door in the middle of an open field. Blocking people will not stop them spamming emotes, bunny-hopping like an attention-starved child around you because you refuse to acknowledge their duel requests and nor will it stop them starting new threads every other day on this tedious topic that the majority of GW2 players could not give a dolyak’s behind about.
For the love of god, stop spamming new duel threads.
can you read?
Duels are not PvP.
And yes this game badly needs duelling!
its a perfect thing for: when you dont know what to do. or you want to try a new build, maybe see whos a better, fighter you or your friend/guildie.some of the best moments i ever had in this game is when i encounter someone in WvW that just want to fight some duels. (almost never happens)
so why not have a duelling option for PvE?
it would bring so much more to the community, like betting and unofficial tournaments.And with an auto decline option there is no problem with the few people that will use this feature to mess with people.
I mean come on! lets be honest do you really think it will be as much “duel me bro” as you claim?
Im sure that it will work out fine!
and if people really wanted to go around and be like “duel me bro!” they would already do it for Spvp, so why would they start if we get a duelling feature?
and for the love of god! not instanced!!
PS!! Dont leave any negative “duel me brah” comments please!
If you dont like duels then this is not a thread for you.
And please respect this thread even if you are against it, and keep a muture attitude.thanks for reading!
Clearly I can and all I can see is duel. It’s a feature that’s hardly needed in PvE.
For the love of god, stop spamming new duel threads.
No. Donate directly to the charities participating in the relief effort instead. The money will get to where it is needed faster that way.
Look up what the word LAG means. Seriously! There is no such thing as graphical lag.
nVidia, you know, those people who specialise in graphics cards, beg to differ:
Graphics Lag
The granddaddy of all lag, this is the result of a general slowdown in graphics, and is a common occurrence for any gamer. Basically, your system just can’t produce enough Frames Per Second (FPS) to make everything feel nice and smooth. Anytime graphics lag happens, you’ll typically get a reduction in the responsiveness of your controls. Your actions take a fraction longer to be reflected in the graphics on-screen because it takes your system a bit more time to create each new frame of graphics and send it to your monitor.
Forcing the card to draw a load of shiny fluff mounts and sparkly special effects for them WILL result in graphics lag. Oh, and as an aside, GW2 runs on DX9 which means that if you use shadows, then you need a fast CPU to drive them because the DX9 toolset doesn’t make use of the GPU for that. Result? Input lag, in exchange for a load of useless items the majority of gamers couldn’t care less about.
(edited by uknortherner.2670)
Mounts do not cause lag. At least know what you are talking about.
Mounts require separate 3D models, textures and animations, and if you really believe that the on-screen rendering of another fifty models and textures, complete with additional particle effects, idle animations and shadows on top of the hundred or so player characters will introduce no additional lag or longer loading times, then you either have a super-fast PC with a large SSD, or you really haven’t a clue what you’re talking about.
Flying mounts would be nice for jumping puzzles. I’m particular found of flying monkeys. Consider the potential mount-spawning animations.
Exactly why there should be no flying mounts of any description. Other than cheating and griefing, what possible use could they serve?
(edited by uknortherner.2670)
I think it’s time ANet stepped in and stated what they consider to be the “international” language on their privately-owned/run servers. For all we know, it could be Klingon, or New Krytan.