Showing Posts For ukuni.8745:

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: ukuni.8745


last week I got a great video of me throwing banana peels in front of zergs and it was hilarious, will either server be karma training again and if so where will you be when you do? I need more funnies to laugh at.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Deadliest Class WVW

in WvW

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Engineer. Because we’re kittening awesome.

Top notch engi beats top notch anything else 1v1, except mesmer. Why go engi instead of mesmer, you say? Because we can 1vX better than a mesmer can, and really, how often do you get 1v1’s in wvw?

I roam on my engi, but it would probably still work if I wanted to zerg. But, you know, that won’t ever happen.

See links in sig for motivation.

why except mesmers? we run similar builds and I don’t die to mesmers except if I screw up extremely. good necros however…!

and there’s no such thing as deadliest class op.

well you see mask if you are still running the hgh build then you are at a disadvantage versus necros in 2 ways, the first is boons that can be turned on you which also leads us to our second problem, some necro anti boon skills are unblockable and hgh has a lot less access to evade then some other engineer builds which makes you a lot more vulnerable to their condition spam, however when it comes to your average mesmer you have the advantage of really hard hitting conditions and if you still rocking carrion you have some really hard hitting skills which makes a mess of mesmers lack of condition removal, where as an engi that has more dodge and a lot less damage can’t apply no way near the pressure your build can giving mesmer a much more time between cool downs, but either build one wrong move versus a necro can mean death for an engineer.

not sure if shanks still runs the same build but that could be the issue.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Future Healing Bomb Support

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


If you play around a trait that may explain why you have problems. The rest of us are wise enough not to “assume” we are supposed to “spam” bombs simply because we have a trait that allows them to heal.

To suggest this trait focus’s you to do nothing but play to the trait isn’t something most players do. so you point, is well, pointless.

What is the point in your post? Most people build around bombs only if they focus on healing bombs. And I am preaty sure the spam only bombs. Anyway, if you don’t why wasting 30 points if you can outplay yourself by just placing super-elixir? If you are wise enough…

The point to my post, is that this trait is a solid trait that benefits bomb builds. I do not feel it is a trait to make builds around. It is not wise to play your profession around a trait, you trait to accentuate how you play.

For the record, you the one calling it “wasting 30 points” . I on the other hand feel 300 toughness is never a waste. As well I do not feel 300 healing power is a complete waste when you are getting a trait that makes the kit you are already using for damage, defensive blinds, CC, to heal a bit as well.

You on the other hand, are suggesting playing only for the trait. I do not feel that is wise. You make a bomb build to use bombs for, as was mentioned, damage, CC, and defensive blinds. You do not use bombs to be a trinity healer as your suggesting.

If you feel it is a “waste of 30 points”, as you said, then do not use it.

gotta agree with coglin on this one, saying you need to spam bombs to use elixir infused bombs is like saying you can only use the kits/weapons you trait for and nothing else since you can’t make the most of that trait unless you spam only that kit or weapon, I’ve been looking into effective bomb heal builds since I heard about the buff and lets just say it’s well worth the 30 points, infact the whole trait line fully supports the use of healing bombs very well and moving it down from a gm trait would actually be a nerf to bomb heal builds, of course I can see very good builds from dropping it down a tier but that would be op and I’d rather not have all the fotm players flock to engineers ruining our great class

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Nice fights with CaB today from RaGe. Hopefully we can catch you guys with even numbers.

Just 4 of us :/
whatchoo mean?

3v4 isnt that big of a deal I know. I was immobilize stacked for days at one point lol. It was hard to counter perplexity and full zerker d/d thief.

You had 3 for one of the six engagements we had with you. The rest you had 4-5. You won 2 of them and lost 4. Reality, live in it please. Regardless, good fights.

3 of the engagements we had 3 rage. 2 of them was 4 and i think 2 more was 5. It was 5v5 you guys won. gg. then it was 4v5 in your f avor. then it was 3v3 and we won the one time it was. then it was 4v3 the rest of the time. I was trying to be civil about it, but obviously we both need to live in reality.

So your guild tag is RAGE and you guys had superior numbers then had half of them RAGE and still managed to have close to even numbered fights despite the RAGE then came to the forums saying you had less? I get it.


i was playing either my guardian(which im terribad at) or my engineer in those fights, im not sure we were ever even numbers at any point, regardless they were fun lets doit again some time

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: ukuni.8745


kitten , what will I ever do without my Perplex PVT Shout heal warrior GS + A/A build

I wonder how many tiers magumma will drop simply because our zergs can’t abuse perplexity

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Man the mag server is going to be out a lot of gold after they nerf perplexity lol

I was thinking about this at one point, so I checked out how much perplexity runes cost, hoping it’d be at least five gold each. It was a bit over one. That made me sad. When perplexity runes are nerfed and everyone wants to switch, no one is going to care about the lost gold.

Perplexity is easy to fight against. A lot of people don’t know how to handle confusion unfortunately.

All the trash mesmers running confusion builds pre nerf said the same thing. Devs have already said it’s getting nerfed, just have to wait for them to stop being lazy and do it.

kitten now I have to go back to being a noob……….

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

SoR/Blackgate/Mag 11/08/2013 Gold week 4

in Match-ups

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

how to nerf runes of perplexity

in WvW

Posted by: ukuni.8745


perplexity I think starts to lose its touch the better the player is, on perplexity runes them self, more interrupts is what makes it better for some classes, give it am icd then every class is equal, reduce the duration so people who want to stack confusion are using it augment there confusion burst rather then stack up way to much and forcing people to aimlessly run around till there Condi cleanse is back up, alternatively people can plan there interrupts to help maintain a steady amount of confusion stacks are applied rather then the current spam to win.

also no other Condi runes apply conditions on attack, but give conditions when receiveing damage or a buff to inflict some form of damage, perhaps it wouldnt be a bad idear to turn the runes on them self and make it like 5 % chance to inflict confuseion on attacker or inflict 5 stacks of confusion to foe that interrupts you, perhaps even when you do something like heal or use an elite you gain a buff that inflicts confusion on next attack.

either way they need a nerf.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Condition Damage stat cap?

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


i run full dire everything with runes of scavenger and sigil of bursting, with the trait that also increases your condition damage based on vitality, and 300 points into firearms, i was getting just over 2400 condition damage after stacks if i remember correctly.

this part i cant remember if its right or not but with the vitality to condi damage trait and all the food taking exotic dire with the condi damage high jewel will actually add up to more condition damage then ascended since you cant get dire/dire stats, but that may have changed

did the build up in build craft and total condition damage without might is 2406, if you have dire rabid ascended trinkets they are better only by 58 condition damage without infusions, so i think granted the annoyance to keep getting ascended atm its okay to skip them for the moment.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

(edited by ukuni.8745)

Returning engi' needing gear advice

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


and for the off chance you don’t feel like using condition damage get your self some celestial gear if you can, atm i just have rifle, chest, amulet and a ring the rest is clerics and on the average target im hitting a good 2k on crits on bomb auto while also having over 1k healing power and with the right traits and regen im getting around 400ish hp per second spamming bombs and its only going to get better after the patch, lacks on crit chance but ive been using precision food to get that up to around 35ish% but there is alotta options for what ya can do to maximize damage output and tanking ability and alotta options for the runes/sigils to take your build where ya want

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Population of Edge of the Mist

in WvW

Posted by: ukuni.8745


make it all servers with 3 teams, people joining get put on the team with the lowest amount of people, being in a party or a guild prioritizes which team you will join when entering the map, and then make it a ridiculously big battlefield

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Possible engineer bug?

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


the damage on that shield skill procs after the finisher and you will allways break stealth before even getting to use it if anything is nearby, it’s kinda silly it works that way but quite a few engineer blast finishers work like that, I know rocket boots procs the finisher after the damage, and jump shot will allways proc stealth even if you hit something with the landing damage

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

SoR/Blackgate/Mag 11/08/2013 Gold week 4

in Match-ups

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Whoot magguma! I have always hear this was the server to go against great roamers. Hopefully, I’ll find some of them tomorrow when I start roaming.

if you don’t find any try looking under the blobs, I have a bad habit of spending most of my time under gooey red balls of doom.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

SoR/Blackgate/Mag 11/08/2013 Gold week 4

in Match-ups

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Double team blah blah, better in open field blah blah, coverage blah blah, QQ blah, Ques blah blah, ZD, Irony, warchest.

/thread! Boom.

Edit: I may be drunk.

your sig makes me lol for days

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Engineer has insufficient condition cleanse

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Dude… Infused Precision + Invigorating speed. 20 points. Perma vigor.

that’s nice but please tell me what build will you run with that and how does it make you a more viable option on a team then any other class? and remember I’m talking about spvp

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Engineer has insufficient condition cleanse

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Why would we not have permanent vigor? Infused precision + invigorating speed with any decent crit chance is perma vigor. Which sure as heck beats the button management of having to swap in then out of a kit every 5 sec. Its much easier, much more intuitive to game play, and much much more intelligent to use the combination I mentioned over depending on speedy kits and kitten kit swap management system to keep vigor up.

As well, with any boon duration, it is easy to stack up plenty of duration. Either way, you absolutely have to have 2 traits for permavigor, or depend on an outside source.

As permavigor will not be going anywhere, I do not see how it is relevant.

I know right? I’m kind of tired of hearing about the Great Vigor Nerf of 2013.

Not only that, but I would like to see a record of how much time all these people complaining about this phantom nerf actually spend with full endurance. You know, because vigor does nothing when you’re at full endurance.

I agree with this thread with 1 caveat, Engis have insufficient condition cleanse if you don’t trait for it. Saying Eles (or any profession) can do it better is meaningless because professions are by definition different, but unless you trait specifically into elixirs and Cleansing Formula 409 I agree our condition removal is quite poor.

I’m less interested in how people plan to get permanent vigor and more interested in how people plan to adapt to the change and how it will effect us in spvp, you can’t put 30 points into getting permanent vigor in spvp without taking away from what your build is ment to do.

I’ll go more in-depth about the topic when I finish, till then put some thought into it

You still only need 20 points, as has been gone over ad nauseum.

when the patch comes will it be viable taking it at all you could put those points else where currently it’s heavy relied upon to make up for our lack of condition removal outside of hgh builds, after the patch you will only be able to upkeep half the amount unless you aim to get it also assume there is a pritty good chance it can be removed, meaning you won’t have vigor up very much, will you be able to sustain nearly as effective as current or will it warrant changing builds completely, these are the things that need to be looked at.

as it stands now the permanent vigor really allows engineers to get in your face and stay there while having decent sustain because it can avoid so much but you take away that ability to avoid so much and what are you left with to sustain your self, at best without hgh is 3 conditions every 15 seconds and that assuming you ant blasting your healing turret and you using elixir gun with traits, now that could go all right but what do you lose upon taking that setup, and the answer is better tank or better damage, which is a pritty big issue now since traits like incendiary powder are being moved further up the trait line, will you even be able to deal effective enough damage to make you potentially better option then another class, and if that is the case what could you bring to a team otherwise that makes engineers a very viable option

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Engineer has insufficient condition cleanse

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Why would we not have permanent vigor? Infused precision + invigorating speed with any decent crit chance is perma vigor. Which sure as heck beats the button management of having to swap in then out of a kit every 5 sec. Its much easier, much more intuitive to game play, and much much more intelligent to use the combination I mentioned over depending on speedy kits and kitten kit swap management system to keep vigor up.

As well, with any boon duration, it is easy to stack up plenty of duration. Either way, you absolutely have to have 2 traits for permavigor, or depend on an outside source.

As permavigor will not be going anywhere, I do not see how it is relevant.

I know right? I’m kind of tired of hearing about the Great Vigor Nerf of 2013.

Not only that, but I would like to see a record of how much time all these people complaining about this phantom nerf actually spend with full endurance. You know, because vigor does nothing when you’re at full endurance.

I agree with this thread with 1 caveat, Engis have insufficient condition cleanse if you don’t trait for it. Saying Eles (or any profession) can do it better is meaningless because professions are by definition different, but unless you trait specifically into elixirs and Cleansing Formula 409 I agree our condition removal is quite poor.

I’m less interested in how people plan to get permanent vigor and more interested in how people plan to adapt to the change and how it will effect us in spvp, you can’t put 30 points into getting permanent vigor in spvp without taking away from what your build is ment to do.

I’ll go more in-depth about the topic when I finish, till then put some thought into it

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

New classes/races/weapons for 2014 and 2015

in Suggestions

Posted by: ukuni.8745


I’d be happy with land based spear/polearm weapons, they’ve allways been my favorite type of weapons, mesmer with a spear (phantom lancer from data 2 anyone)

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Engineer has insufficient condition cleanse

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


when we lose our permanent vigor it will be interesting to see how our lack of condition removal stacks up (hgh aside)

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Suggestion: Confusion change for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: ukuni.8745


I would like it if confusion atleeast didn’t proc on dodge or swapping weapons

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Perplexity runes

in WvW

Posted by: ukuni.8745


engineers only need 2 interrupts and some skills to get 25, pull at the right time, prybar concussion bomb swap to p/s spam shield till it works and static shot boom 25 stacks in less then 10 seconds, hell if your a good player you can do that in less then then 5 seconds, also every one running conditions is using 40% Condi duration food and alot of the engineers I know also throw 30 points into explosives getting a total 70% condition duration now sure the rune bonuses don’t work but the other bonuses sure do so now I’ve got even longer to troll around, just about the only thing stopping 25 confusion is the Condi clear spam everyone does the moment they see confusion stack up.

So you making accusations toward a specific server now. Brilliant argument to reenforce my comment about someone losing a fight and blaming a rune set that your very likely falsely assuming they are using. Your taking it to a new level that your server is losing to another so you stating the entire other server must be using them.

on another note, mind telling me why so many Jq roamers (specially engineers) use perplexity since ya know it’s not overpowered.

If your losing so many fights that you are making assumed accusations that an entire server is using these runes simply because they are beating you in most fights, perhaps it is more likely that "so many Jq roamers (specially engineers) " are simply better then you in 1v1.

I don’t remember saying I was losing, I was asking why so many people on your server use perplexity(I’ve never ever seen perplexity that much before), I havnt actually lost to a perplexity user on Jq yet, so please don’t make accusations based on what you assume.

if anything I was cracking a joke at you and your servers average roamers for being so heavily reliant on perplexity and still not doing it right

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Perplexity runes

in WvW

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Yup, your right. That is the post I had in mind, but I remembered it correctly. There are plenty of ways they can change these while still allowing them to be solid runes to use.

What i have trouble swallowing though, is players stating that they are getting 25 stacks of concussion on them purely based on the runes alone. With a 10 second duration you would have to be interrupted 5 tines in a 10s period for this to occur.

Due to the fact that the confusion duration on these runes is bugged and does not work your being interrupted 5 times in 10s you, deserve to lose the fight

engineers only need 2 interrupts and some skills to get 25, pull at the right time, prybar concussion bomb swap to p/s spam shield till it works and static shot boom 25 stacks in less then 10 seconds, hell if your a good player you can do that in less then then 5 seconds, also every one running conditions is using 40% Condi duration food and alot of the engineers I know also throw 30 points into explosives getting a total 70% condition duration now sure the rune bonuses don’t work but the other bonuses sure do so now I’ve got even longer to troll around, just about the only thing stopping 25 confusion is the Condi clear spam everyone does the moment they see confusion stack up.

on another note, mind telling me why so many Jq roamers (specially engineers) use perplexity since ya know it’s not overpowered.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Perplexity runes

in WvW

Posted by: ukuni.8745


my server is facing jq this week, ive never seen that many perplexity users in one area, i actually got stacked with 18 confusion just of the 4/6 skill on the runes, i some how managed to survive (stealth ftw) and me and my team mates managed to beat them but kitten if i wasn’t in the zone i was done for

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

The best burst build

in WvW

Posted by: ukuni.8745


I’ve been running a full burst engineer with nades and elixir s, stealth with toss elixir s → netshot→ grenade barrage on there face→ elixir s for the easy stomp→ smoke bomb and jumpshot away to avoid there team mates→ spam nades on said team mates as they try to res→ spam laugh emote when they are all downed because no one suspects the stealth engineer

well they second part of that combo is a lil harder but with the pvers around it happens more then you would think

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

10/25 JQ/ SOS/ Mag (Gold Season Match 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Dear mag. Please tell me where you keep your good roamers hidden cause all i’ve found are people who run away and/or call people for help because they cant fight for themselves. K Thanks.

you can try finding us under the 20 man jq blob that seems to be everywhere at once

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Executioner's outfit Axe broken/OP in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: ukuni.8745


I didn’t think that stuff worked in wvw

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

10/25 JQ/ SOS/ Mag (Gold Season Match 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: ukuni.8745


I atleast hope jq can keep it classy this week given the odds

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Does Warrior need a nerf?

in Warrior

Posted by: ukuni.8745


biggest issue I think with warrior’s is there counter play to different specs, this isn’t any counter play it is literally rinse and repeat for every situation, where as my engineer there are literally tons of differant ways I have to go about fighting different targets, I’m not saying that it’s harder for me or a warrior but they are forced into being so repetitive in what they do is why they are overpowered, they lack in the ability to do more then swing there weapon and to make up for it they are given heaps of passive potential that is suited to every situation.

a good example of this is comparing the engineer trait that increases my crit chance by 10% when I’m beyond 600 radius and the warrior trait that increases crit chance by 50% when a target is stunned, I have to make sure I’m 600 range away and give up that bonus when I want to use a good chunk of my hardest hitting skills, the warrior on the other hand its weapons give it great access to stuns that allow it to use such a trait in way that is very suitable to the way a warrior is played, it also costs only 10 trait points to get where as mine is 20 and clearly less effective in the many different ways I could utilize it.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

10/18: TC/SoS/Mag

in Match-ups

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Really? Perplexity, p/d, thieves guild thief in a 1v1? Could you possibly have any less faith in your own skill?

I swear, maguuma is the worst server to solo roam against. Barely anybody is willing to fight on their own merit and most of the ones that do hide behind perplexity.

This post is funny because TC/SoS never solo roam.

they do solo roam but ive only came across those passive stun spamming warrior’s that can run away from any fight

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

10/18: TC/SoS/Mag

in Match-ups

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Come on Mag stop running, i’m just one little thief.

it’s never running away from a thief, it’s avoiding the inevitable 10mins of fighting thin air as you run around invisible

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Turrets, My thoughts on changes

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


To be entirely honest, turrets won’t work in many cases until they can be mobile. Even in tpvp and spvp where there are points to defend turrets are just not viable.

Give them the ability similar to rangers:

Grandmaster Trait XI Spirits Unbound Spirits can move and follow you.

turrets have fanbelts attached to them like the hacked robots of bioshock and move with you. This would be Grandmaster Trait in inventions. They don’t need buffing they just need to move.

the whole point of turrets is point defense, and they could be very effective at it but they don’t stack up to other utilitys/traits the engineer has, spirits also dont deal periodic sustained ranged damage, turrets sit back and focus fire the nearest target to death (or kinda just tickle it every now and then atm) spirits on the other hand provide team wide buffs and utility’s that activate pbaoe from the spirit.

Turrets lack the ability to actually bring out there full potential, sure you could say that they deal so much dps over a certain duration of time but that duration of time is a long time, and unless your fighting a full condition build they wont get the chance to be out that long and also chances are you don’t have the ability to tank those conditions long enough for the turrets to do there job and versus a power build they can just rip your turrets to shreds very quickly and mobile turrets wont help you, they will put your turrets in a prime spot for not only the turrets but also your self to be burst on.

what turrets really need is a way to better focus on the task they are required for and right now they just don’t have that, you can trait them to add the extra damage but its still very small, now that the rocket turret no longer inflicts burning its damage is half of what it used to be, there is also no burst function to turrets (out side of using s/d builds which takes away from the idea of using a turret if you only mean to use them for the detonation you also have to sacrifice tank for burst damage) so any target knows there is no chance of suddenly getting wreaked, meaning they can literally back out as they choose instead of being forced to go defensive because there is the chance they could be burst on, i cant even stress that problem enough now that turrets have clearly been moved into a more power based damage output.

id like to point out that the idea of this is to have turrets buffed so we can run turret focused builds, everyone throws turrets into there builds but only to support the build and not an actual turret build.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Turrets, My thoughts on changes

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


After playing Borderlands 2 and the “Commando” class, why not making a trait that would make turret create a protective dome that destroys any projectiles on overcharge ?

me and a friend did talk about this and would like to see an elite turret that can periodically apply protection and it’s over charge being a protective dome like guardian’s sanctuary, as an elite though would it stay out for a set duration before going on a long cooldown or would it be preferable to have no duration seeing as it could be destroyed

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

10/18: TC/SoS/Mag

in Match-ups

Posted by: ukuni.8745


so far ive had fun fighting tc and sos, solo roaming can be a bit of a pain in the kitten but then again its wvw in a higher tier and its to be expected so i just play around that as best possible and all these zergers make for easy target’s, probably my biggest issue is the warriors but hey we all know there pretty cheese atm and once again finding a work around isn’t to much of an issue, ive come across quite a few people that have pretty good morals involving fair fights particularly 4 guys i came across in RoT that later had some duels with so that was pretty fun, there was also a thief (not running cheese surprisingly so kudos to you) last night that i beat with a stealth engineer that had some back up before i could finish him and he ressed and watched me do a 2v1 that eventually ended in me getting a bit to out numbered so that was pretty cool of him, all in all id say tc and sos have less trolls then the lower tier servers and haven’t had to deal with a group of people doing the emote spam on my body that often which is probably one of the things i hate most in this game, all in all its been a fun week so far and its been great to fight some new people.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

fix toss elixir S underwater

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ukuni.8745


already posted this on the engineer forums and some one suggested posting here instead, anyway toss elixir S underwater is still a 50/50 stability or stealth instead of allways stealth.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Fix toss Elixir S underwater

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


This isn’t so much a problem since underwater fighting inst really on the radar for alot of people but for me i roam alot and the borderlands ruins to have a fair bit of water in them that i do use to escape outnumbered fights, the unfortunate problem is there is still the 50/50 stealth or stability for toss elixir s underwater.

in case any one wanted to know my escape tactic underwater i let yas know, Point blank net -> Toss Elixir S -> swap to elixir gun then use acid bomb normally backwards if i get stealth since no one expects ya to shoot out behind them and run away or continue fighting with who ever is at the back of there pack

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Turrets, My thoughts on changes

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Skill changes:

Healing turret: its great as is

Flame turret Leave as is. Overcharge: Shoots a Flame bomb that Explodes inflicting damage, 5 seconds of burning(essentially the rocket turrets current overcharge but without the knockback and adds a range factor to the flame turret that can help make up for its low hp as you would be able to place it a bit further away and still utilize it)

Rifle Turret: Vulnerability on every shot. Overcharge: Shoots 5 projectiles in a cone piercing and inflicting damage and 2 Bleeds lasting 5 seconds to everything struck by projectiles (projectiles would shoot 1 at a time moving in a fan across the area of the target, that would make it less effective at long range and more beneficial to players who would take the time to set it up)

Rocket turret: leave as is. Overcharge: Shoots 3 homing rockets in fast succession (these rockets use the same damage as the normal rockets but would add an extra burst factor to a turret builds seeing as right now they are completely sustained damage, also the rocket turret has 3 barrels so it seems fitting i think)

Thumper Turret: Leave as is. Overcharge: your thumper turret launch’s foes within 280 radius and pulls foes within 280-500 radius.(this change would make thumper turret more universal in its use, pulling foes in also seems like a better function since the thumper turret deals damage and cripples at melee range)

Net turret: leave as is

Mortar: is an actual turret with big range using, Launch Concussion Barrage will be its overcharge, each rocket from concussion barrage also leaves caltrops, maybe decrease the radius a bit

Anyway that’s my thoughts on it, there are potential good combinations there as well as not making them to overpowered since an engineer will literally never be able to fully utilize everything to its best potential and will rather have to decide how he wants to use his turrets rather then there being 1 generic turret build, like taking soldiers for tankie turrets that deal some damage or berserkers for hard hitting turrets that will go down alot easier, or even a condition engineer using bombs with thumper turret and tool kit to really keep something in range.

Discuss away and provide any idears/suggestions and hopefully anet takes the time to read not only my post but every one who provides constructive post’s and hopefully we all get to see better and hopefully funner to use turrets one day

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Turrets, My thoughts on changes

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


So it dosent take a genius to realize that turrets are in a bad spot due to bugs and out right just not stacking up to other utility’s atm, so these are just my thoughts on how they should be changed, also who knows how good turrets could actually be after the bugs are fixed so these suggestions are for the event that all turret bugs are fixed.

First thing id like to say is i really think turrets need to be effected by your stats, but only threw traits, potentially forcing engineers down a path that makes them have to build for what they want to get out of there turrets, essentially programming there turrets when making your build.

I’m going to start with the traits because that’s the biggest part to running a turret build, any values i use are subject to change based on what everyone thinks of suggested changes where new traits should be placed.

Trait changes:

Metal Plating: Adds 50% of your toughness to turrets, Reduces cooldown on turret overcharge by 20%
Autotool Installation: Adds 50% of your vitality to turrets, Turrets are self-repairing.
Rifled Turret Barrels: Adds 25% of your power to turrets, Turrets have longer attack range

The only issue i could see is that potentially turrets would be to hard for condition based builds to fight due to larger tanks and turrets immunity to conditions, then again someone running a condition based build should know to stay away from an engineer using turrets and would an engineer running full turrets be more susceptible to condition builds due to lack of counter measures like condition removal.

Adding a cooldown reduction on turret overcharges would also tempt more engineers to actually use the healing turret as a turret while the addition of toughness would allow all turrets to safely stay alive longer to use the overcharges more often.

The other traits are fine as is imo, now i want to suggest some new traits im not really sure where they should be placed in the traits though so any ideas on that would be welcome.

New Traits:
Mobile Factory: Reduces cooldown on turrets 20% (turrets do need a cooldown reduction, but a trait like this would conflict with healing turret potentially making it way overpowered, so would you increase the cooldown on healing turret so it drops to 20 seconds or would that make it obsolete on current builds?)

Threat evasion system: Turrets will evade away from enemy’s that deal over 50% of turret health (i think this would be beneficial to both pvp and pve, it relies purely on thinking your opponent can hit that hard and taking certain traits i suggested could in some case’s make this trait obsolete, it could also be less beneficial if the turrets were to evade away from the point they were set to defend)

Overdrive Command Software: Turrets in Overcharge will Critical hit based on the engineers Critical Chance and Critical Damage (this i feel should at least be put over the current Rifled Turret Barrels instead of the base increase to damage, it could only be truly utilized in less defensive and more burst builds)

Virus infection system: turrets now have a 10% chance to inflict 2 seconds of poison and weakness with a 5 second cd (grandmaster trait i think, but would open up more areas for full turret builds to be used effectively with conditions, also adding a good countermeasure to fighting anything that uses heavy burst that could easily destroy your turrets)

Thats all for the traits now the turrets them selves, i think turrets really need both a condition and power side to them to open up there usefulness in more types of builds as well as improving there overall effectiveness considering the fact they are immobile and are no longer effective the moment a target leaves range, ill also stay away from the toolbelt skills as they are already effective in certain builds and cooldowns is also something i think needs to be discussed.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Elixir X = Clockwork Monster?

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


I think they should change the tornado to necro plague form since that way it would function well in both power or condition builds and would atleast function very well in a hybrid build

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Request: Remove turrets from game

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


clearly messing with turrets was anets plan all along they were also clearly over powered because this “BALANCE” patch made them even worse then before.

on a serious note, turrets need a complete change, as of right now they are no longer useful to use them for what they are, rifle and rocket turret will only be used with static discharge/burst builds now why take flame turret over any kits, thumper turret is only good for 3 blast finishers, healing turret is a great heal but then again who actually uses it as a turret, the traits might be good if turrets could actually bring something to a fight for the duration there out.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

NadeNommer (WvW roaming video)

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Bomb kit would be a better choice than FT

i have thought about it but i think the on demand knock back and blind suit this build alot better, what are your reasons for the choice of bombkit over flamethrower?

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

NadeNommer (WvW roaming video)

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Ive gotten sick of conditions, so i decided to test something and it turned out amazing (in my eyes atleast),ill try write something about why i chose what i did trait and gear wise but im not overly good at explaining things so bare with me please.|4.5j.h1m.0.0.0||1n.7f.1n.7f.1j.7f.1n.7f.1n.7f.1n.a5|2v.0.1i.65.1i.65.1i.65.1i.65.1i.65|u58b.a4.0.k19.a6|54.7|2c.2v.2w.2f.0|e

Anyway i wanted something that had great sustainability as well as enough damage to really put the hurt on anything that came my way and my rune/sigil choice provided very well for that with around 1000 leeching hits that are procing all the time they really added a huge amount of sustained dps as well as giving me that extra tank to make up for the lack of toughness/vitality and a fantastic burst heal when i needed it (10-12k hp when done properly).

another thing i wanted which i feel is very important for every roaming build is sustained damage output which is the reason for my trait selection and sigil/rune choice, now i only have 228 condition damage which isnt very much and most likely something alot of players would overlook but there’s alot of conditions you can stack up when you use your skills right, for example Blunderbuss and Shrapnel grenade, they already hit hard with this build but now your opponent has 7 bleeds and most likely burning on them, this totals up to around 750 extra dps which you can upkeep very easily using Incendiary Ammo, shrapnel grenade and blunderbuss at every opportunity you can which after a bit of practice becomes very easy, all the while leeching is procing all the time adding an extra 1k damage and more health for you.

The skills are 50/50 obviously you need grenade kit but flamethrower and elixir gun can be swapped out to suit your play style they are just what i found most suitable for the build, Elixir gun benefits are obvious, acid bomb works great with all the leeching you have aswell as an extra blast for healing turret or as a gap closer (hitting your change weapon key will cancel the leap and allow you to get back to combat fast i recommend practicing this as doing it before the leap ends gives you alot of extra time) fumigate with poison grenade stacks up heaps of poison when you get a good rotation between them which adds so much extra sustainable damage out put on the right targets (anything bunker), flame thrower is an easy one to, air blast is not only great for screwing up a thieves shadow refuge but also combos great with overcharged shot and supply crate giving you a great cc train, Smoke vent is great to use for stomping but also countering stun train warriors and anything else that deals big damage with few hits.

there are many more combos you can utilize, hopefully you can learn some from the video, aight less of me trying to look smart and more killing stuff

i also missed alot of good fights which is unfortunate because you’d have some great stuff to watch so i hope this is enough to help new players learn the build and experienced players something new to try

P.S im also looking to use something like this in Spvp/Tpvp and after some testing its looking very promising so if i ever get around to actually doing it ill try post some S/Tpvp videos

also feel free to post any changes you would make to this build and don’t hesitate to hit me up in game for a bit of advice or even a friendly duel.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

New rocket turret toolbelt.

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


irl, yes, it does need to go high to travel far,(its not a sniper, but a rocket)

The height-and-distance thing makes sense for, say, Grenades, which can reach the 1500 Range that is currently our top distance with the aid of the Grenadier trait.
These are motivated by nothing more than a strong throwing arm, which means they lose their motivating force relatively quickly in the face of wind resistance and gravity.
Grenades are, in real-life, relatively short-ranged due to the effects of gravity. The stick grenades our Grenades appear to be based on also don’t strike me as particularly aerodynamic, especially with their large, round, head compartment, though I’ve not studied the aeromechanics of hand grenades; it seems to me that they’re usually designed for ease of holding in the hand rather than range.

In-game, there’s at least one example of a rocket that can go 1500 Range, without going through some ludicrous, time-wasting, ceiling-blasting arc to do it – the normal attack of the Rocket Turret, with Rifled Turret Barrels.
This is a small engine in a bullet-shaped casing with stabilizing fins, meaning it’s better equipped to handle wind resistance, as well as continuously being pushed forward. If you need to aim almost directly upward before firing it due to distance, in real life…well, you’re not in a situation where you want to be using a rocket launcher, and it’s honestly kind of baffling why you’d even try.
In-game, it goes, at best, the same distance as a handful of potato mashers.

Does it sound like real-life logic is in any way, shape, or form involved in our ranges?
If so, I’d love to hear an explanation of why neither our Pistols nor our Rifles can fire as far as we can throw Grenades. Or why our arms can evidently propel a handful of stick grenades just as far as a rocket.

engineers didn’t factor in aiming when they decided to use firearms, that’s why our range is kitten because we can’t aim well enough to hit far away objects, this explains the kittened aim of piosen volley we also don’t deal with recoil well I’d say.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Runes of the Traveler and Power Shoes

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


I’ve tested it and you do indeed run the same speed as somebody who has swiftness in combat but why you would actually need it is beyond me, considering the permanent vigor and swiftness are probably the best traits an engineer has.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Make a list: Engi issues post 10/15 patch

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Sometimes Air blast for the flamethrower doesn’t apply burning. However, the skill fact says it should.

it only extends burning durations and does not actually apply burning, your target has to allready have burning for it to apply more

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

New rocket turret toolbelt.

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


full zerker net turret rocket turret and elixir s……….your welcome

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Inc Perplexity Rune Nerf...

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


I couldn’t care if they nerfed it or not. Average players using it seem to focus interrupting you and do kitten all damage in the process making them easy targets for me, in saying that at least it’s being put on par with every other rune now

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Elixir Gun flight cancel

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


You can also cancel the rocket boots animation by using the same trick in any kit

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

dragonite empyreal and asdcended armor

in Crafting

Posted by: ukuni.8745


I think we will ABSOLUTELY be using bloodstone bricks. I exist in a state of perfect certainty that the Ascended Armor will require vision stones.

Unless anet decides we they dont want us to have to farm a vision stone for ever piece of armour and instead makes us use the new mat as well as dragonite and empyral but a lot less since a weapons stats are a lot more then armour, which I do think would be a smart move on anets behalf since doing it the same as weapons would be a ridiculous amount of grinding

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

dragonite empyreal and asdcended armor

in Crafting

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Since we can see but can’t acquire all ascended mats yet, I’m assuming that we won’t need bllodstone ingots to craft ascended armour and the other and currently unacquireable ascended mat next to bloodstones will replace them for armour, the reason I think this is because anet won’t want people to have everything they need to make ascended armour the moment it comes out and will once again create a few weeks of every one farming solidly just to get ascended armour asap, this is my own thoughts anyway

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

9/27/13 Maguuma/Ehmry Bay/Dragonbrand

in Match-ups

Posted by: ukuni.8745


I love the fact that mag would rather lose gold league so they can get better fights then potentially winning silver

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube