Showing Posts For ukuni.8745:

A.E.D discussion

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


i actually just posting something on another post about aed, make gadgeteer apply stability instead of retliation,and buff static shock to be ranged and no cast animation (kinda like a long streak of lighting that stuns you after 3/4s on a second ), would give it some viability in SD builds.

Now that you mention the toolbelt skill, I just remembered that the reliability on that skill is TERRIBLE. Not sure if its bugged or I am just terrible at timing it.

its not bugged and its not your aim, it has a 130 range i believe and you need to be facing your enemy, i cant think of many situations an engineer wants to be that close and facing there enemy, id say its nearly worse then maul on rangers.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

The Celestial Meta - It hurts.

in PvP

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Magnet lines should be visible from stealth, otherwise it’s a rediculous teamfight initiator vs classes with no ports.

Wait a second the magnet line actaully goes invis? i allways thought it was because not seeing an engineer doing it made it harder to realize a clear wavy line was there the line itself in spvp.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

A.E.D discussion

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


i actually just posting something on another post about aed, make gadgeteer apply stability instead of retliation,and buff static shock to be ranged and no cast animation (kinda like a long streak of lighting that stuns you after 3/4s on a second ), would give it some viability in SD builds.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

whats really going on with static discharge?

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


I still dont think an SD build(glassy-burst) is really viable, even if it got buffed, its fun no doubt, hell im rebuilding my old SD build from ages ago it’s that much fun. But for serious play you want your burst coming from something that has a lot of disengage so they are hard to pin down. Shatter mesmer with staff/sword-torch and the usual blink/decoy or a thief are the best classes because of this reason. Mesmer may just edge it in open field because the assist spike comes on the end of a nice duration immob.

I look over the engineer and hes too easy just to keep tagged for assist, you have one 5 second stealth on a 50 second or so timer, the block(gear shield) and invuln help but it just doesnt stand up to the amount of disengage/evasion a thief or mesmer has. And you need these sorts of skills to keep you alive if you are bursting(glassy) on any class.

This is from a WvW perspective.

ive been playing SD engi with a shout bow warrior in spvp and my build is slightly different but a shoutbow warr can really keep a SD engineer going, its not all on the warrior though i plan all my turret knock backs and always chain my skills with his, and because he gives me fury i can use utility goggles defensively instead of using it to make sure my burst hits hard enough, i also get up around 20+ might really easy and surprise shot with air/fire has proven to be amazing at finishing enemys in the middle of a fight that other classes just cant do so easily, a mesmer is fairly telegrahed compared to this and a thief might be able to doit but not at range in the middle of a dodge roll while using healing turret and CC the enemy’s still fighting.

now dont get me wrong im not trying to say SD engi can be amazing im saying that there is potential there but you are right in saying that its better left to classes that have disengage ability’s which is where SD needs a buff, as it is its damage is pretty good, buff the damage and people might be able to take more defensive things like elixir S but what about when people just go full out damage and thanks to a buff can 1 shot anything that isnt bunkerish at range (cele engineers actually go down really easy when they are alone versus a SD engi atm)(also i realize i said buff the damage earlier but after some playing and more testing im going back on what i said), anyway it really is the disengage and sustain options for SD engineer that need a buff.

Its really hard to pick where you buff it though, its very limited in the skills it can take and you dont want to buff something thats just going to work better on another build or even worse better on the current cele engineer build, but i do think that the buffs should be on gadgets, making Static shock (AED toolbelt) long range instead of point blank and instead of having a cast time just have a zap that steams towards the target and stuns them after 3/4 of a second, it would work alot better with static discharges damage output and the loss would be an aoe CC and team heal (also a stream of lighting that says dodge now), also putting stability on gadgeteer for aed instead of retaliation would be very good, as it currently is gadgets arnt used in gadget builds because the benefits of them untraited are perfect compliments to some builds like slick shoes on cele engineer and rocket boots when roaming WvW and the only other gadget that gets any use is utility goggles on SD engineer but thats only because the toolbelt skill works so well with SD and the fury and might (if traited) are a nice bonus.

The thing about gadgeteer/gadgets is the benefits are short lived and a Buff like that to aed still wouldnt be more viable as a heal in current meta builds then healing turret, that would give us extra disengage, and the same burst if we were to take something over utility goggles or rifle turret (allthough id probly never drop rifle turret), and if someone were to take more damage still well using static shot would still be very noticeable.

Id also like to see scope and enduring damage swap positions, once again it wont overly help current meta builds, at most make engineers spamming nades from the sides a bit more scary but in all honesty cele engineers have low crit chance as it is so if they are willing to drop 1 point to get it then i feel its a fair trade off, also SD is amazing when fighting an opponent at range in spvp if they are defending a point it gives you heaps of time to get good positioning and you can easily fire away without to much worry so that would emphasize on that factor with range being the controlling factor on damage output and not my precious dodges, it would be a nerf to the sneaky magnet pull burst but if they were to change aed to what i suggested then a 10% nerf to a huge burst would be acceptable.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

The Celestial Meta - It hurts.

in PvP

Posted by: ukuni.8745


at first i was like kittening cele, but the more i start thinking about it the more i think that its fine as is, ive been playing heaps of SD engineer lately and its never been tankier, its damage is really good and im quite efficiently taking down cele builds granted alot of the time its because of a higher level of skill, but that dosent change the fact that SD engi that was never overly effective and had a little bit of a jump in terms of overall viability when spike damage toke a hit from everyone stacking on cele, so the way i see it, rather then nerf cele anet should take a look at these off beat builds that work in some situations but cant get into the meta because of what they are lacking, its just a thought, but im sure there are plenty of builds right now that get forced into a cliche role that cant keep up with the amount of roles that cele meta builds are able to achieve.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Double-click and the search for a cure to RSI

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ukuni.8745


hey did you know when you buy transmutation stones you can consume them in 25-5-1 values, if they could add that to bag and essense of luck that would be great

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Net Shot Should be a 100% projectile

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


I like it but the people not playing engineer will probly hate it

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Miraculous Matches

in PvP

Posted by: ukuni.8745


played in a game the other day and got a draw yes the final score was literally 500-500 everyone was like the kitten just happened got a screenshot of it but on my phone

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

can you probably, soon

in PvP

Posted by: ukuni.8745


remember that pax where they apparently didn’t want to do a balance patch so it didn’t mess up teams and we went for ages without a balance patch well yea good luck getting that shave.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

whats really going on with static discharge?

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


also i just remembered that one of the toss elixirs was also in the lower damage bracket

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

whats really going on with static discharge?

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


It seems Incendiary Ammo’s proc hits within the ~130 range, Mine Field hits within the ~240 range (while detonate mine field hits in the ~130), Toss Elixir B hits within the ~240 range, Toss Elixir H 240, Rocket Kick 240, Launch Personal Battering Ram 240, Super Speed 130, Analyze 130, Big ol’ Bomb 240, Toss Elixir C 240, Toss Elixir R 240, Toss Elixir U 240, Bandage Self 240, Rocket 240, Detonate Rocket Turret 130, Toss Elixir S 240, Detonate Healing Turret 130, Throw Napalm 240, Net Attack 240, Detonate Flame Turret 130, Detonate Net Turret 130, Static Shock 240, Detonate Rifle Turret 130, Rumble 240, Detonate Thumper Turret 130.

Basically, there are 2 different categories of SD procs:

The first, and most common, hits between ~200 and ~245 on a heavy golem with base power.

The second hits between ~105 and ~135. For any skill with 2 toolbelt skills, the second will fall in this category (detonate turrets, detonate mine field). Skills that are instant cast also fall in this category, including Surprise Shot, Incendiary Ammo, Healing Mist, and Super Speed.

It sucks that all instant proc skills are in the second category. If Surprise Shot and Analyze weren’t, SD builds would be more competitive.

great work there, i do think anet should make it equal across the board, when you look atthe s/f ele whos burst is quite similar in the sense that its instant then look at the defensive/utility options a s/f youll realize that an ele has alot more defensive skills that come with the build compared to a sd engineer, hell a bit more damage and i might be able to throw in elixir s over utility goggles but kittenm those thief tears are to good.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

whats really going on with static discharge?

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Now this is running with 100% crit chance and not maximum damage and you can see how vastly different the damage is and remember throw wrench will stack 4 vulnerability meaning 4% extra damage but in this case i don’t think it matters


Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

whats really going on with static discharge?

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


while aimlessly testing my many tricks on the golems i was looking at my combat log and noticed that i was getting varying static discharge damages, i figured there was some modifier going on so i decided to test every toolbelt skill and see what was going on, anyway static discharge deals different amounts of damage depending on the toolbelt skill you use.

Now to test what i was doing i took a soldiers amulet so no crits and only the static discharge trait and the acidic elixirs trait (awhile ago i discovered that toss elixir U was doing alot more damage then it was meant to which has since been fixed)i also made sure no buffs or debuffs were applied to me or the golem and in the event of inevitable debuffs (throw wrench, analyze) i looked at the numbers and accounted for the extra damage and indeed static discharge was hitting at different values for each individual skill.

the 2 skills that i feel should be noted more so then any other due to the use in static discharge builds is Surprise shot and analyze, the SD damage was on average 250-300 damage less then throw wrench’s SD damage which might not seem like much but when you take into account that its at least 40-50% less damage in the build i was using you can see that its quite a drop in damage if you were to be full specced for damage output.

Apart from those two some skills were hitting around 25ish% compared to the higher damage SD from Throw wrench but that might have just been bad luck on the damage modifier so more testing would be required on them but i feel like this should be looked at, anyway just for kittens and giggles Acidic tossed elixirs appeared to do the most damage with SD on average but its still not in anyway at all viable.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Unbelievably Tacky Comp

in PvP

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Also grenades having no counterplay.

grenades are a skillshot, unpredictable movement is the counterplay.

skillshot at range, shotgun most of the time.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Cele Rifle + Rune of Fire (tPvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


ive been trying the cele build with bombs/tk/eg and runes of fire, i allways use acid bomb and bob together in fire bomb and since its a 10 second cd on fire bomb when its up and my blasts arnt ill jumpshot at my target threw the fire bomb to get more might and more burning, ill oftenly see myself sitting on 18-20+ might in a fight which nets alot of extra damage, is it better then nades? i dont know yet, there has been times i would have liked the range and condi/power pressure you pump out of nades but ive found bombs pritty effective, something to give a try atleast

Yeah I know that build. When you have outside might sources other than sigil of battle, that means Hoelbrak and Strength runes become much more powerful. Sigil of Fire, I’m not sure if it’s really IDEAL in any build, unfortunately.

Imo, it’s better to use Jump Shot through a smoke bomb to get a stealth magnet pull, which is ridiculously strong.

Also, with Bombs, Egun, Toolkit, your effective range on your damaging abilities is about 400, and few gap closers. I find it’s too easily kited, and requires too much time spent on point.

ideally if it aint meta it aint betta, but luckily im not top tier so i can roll around with bombs being more effective then nades because people just love to sit in those circles, but when it comes down to getting kited its not so bad i know that my bombs are alot more suited to attacking points rather then defending so i play to my strengths.

id say the biggest problem is the tank to damage ratio in bigger fights and beacause nades wins in that regard it gives them a 1up in terms of what a build brings to the team and in this meta the more you bring the better you do.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Cele Rifle + Rune of Fire (tPvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


ive been trying the cele build with bombs/tk/eg and runes of fire, i allways use acid bomb and bob together in fire bomb and since its a 10 second cd on fire bomb when its up and my blasts arnt ill jumpshot at my target threw the fire bomb to get more might and more burning, ill oftenly see myself sitting on 18-20+ might in a fight which nets alot of extra damage, is it better then nades? i dont know yet, there has been times i would have liked the range and condi/power pressure you pump out of nades but ive found bombs pritty effective, something to give a try atleast

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Teleport dead players out of the Breach

in Living World

Posted by: ukuni.8745


if they could also add retal to the mobs that heal on death that would also be good

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Silverwastes rewards are backwards

in Living World

Posted by: ukuni.8745


i roam around to get chests and will finish an event if one is going on but i noticed tagging events wasnt getting me any shovels luckily there is plenty of people digging chests up or id be kitten outta luck

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Anet, it's time look into Elementalists.

in PvP

Posted by: ukuni.8745


move arcane fury to the presicion line so they crit 1/4 instead of half there hits, that way if they trait full bunker like they are currently they won’t be dealing as high as damage, this way they can trait to be more defensive or more offensive (verbal abuse aside) after the change that maybe they can take a look at balanceing out sustained/offensive dd ele builds, I’m no expert though but something like this I think would be a good shave, even if you argue that dd eles need it to maintain there vigor/regeneration remember that a dd ele attacks heaps and even with reduced crit chance they still can pritty easily proc crit hits often enough to keep up those traits without to much worry, if anything it would make 1v1s harder then normal.

all in all if they did this change and this change alone it would give us something to use to find out where the balance for an ele needs to be taken rather then shaving it across the board.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

please add dueling

in PvP

Posted by: ukuni.8745


o hey I’m not very good versus (insert spec) , how about I duel some of them while I wait for the Que to pop.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Can i have Epic Skills too ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ukuni.8745


did a 5v1 and won it, epic skill I’ve got it.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

please add dueling

in PvP

Posted by: ukuni.8745


with the amount of people who troll dueling rooms I’d love to have dueling as an invite thingy, that way trolls can’t jump in mid fight and ruin a good duel, and if I block somebody make it so they cannot send a duel request so I can block trolls and still duel people.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Why condi guard supercedes med zerks.

in Guardian

Posted by: ukuni.8745


if your on na I’d be happy to do some duels with ya to film.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Sigil of Doom

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ukuni.8745


I think the duration fits the style of application. It can only be applied after weapon swap and when it’s ready there is a symbol under your enemy’s health bar to indicate that their next attack will apply poison, so you know when it’s coming. If someone swaps weapons so that they can counter your healing with poison that’s just good gameplay.

engineer and Ele say hi

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Malyck is not Sylvari as we know them

in Lore

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Remember that everything in GW2 suggests that the Sylvari are an entirely new race. We have no evidence of any transformed humans acting like Sylvari at any time. Known Sylvari history starts with the seed of the Pale Tree. The Melandru theory does not explain how transformed humans created those seeds.

i can’t even remember the description at this point but wasn’t there tree like creatures protecting the cave Ronan stole the seeds from?

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube


in Living World

Posted by: ukuni.8745


glory of tyria gets wrecked and everyone needs to abandon ship but there is an ocean of vines, wait what’s that? it’s the skritt sailing the vine sea in there boat they repaired and are sailing head first into mordremoths mouth with the main cannon that was ripped from the glory of tyria, skritt save the day the end.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

The Silverwastes Jumping puzzle

in Living World

Posted by: ukuni.8745


yea insane puzzle liked it alot, but i was really hoping we would get to the end and out the top of that cavern and look out over the horizon to the west and see redic amounts of vines, sort of like a side part of the story that people who do the puzzle get to see

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Serialization is frustrating, not fun

in Living World

Posted by: ukuni.8745


im okayish with this season ending with story aslong as next season is all out total global warfare between the pact and mordremoth with hints to other elder dragon influence threw out the season to hint at who we fight next.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

[Speculation]: Darkened skies in Silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: ukuni.8745


actually the clouds changed in ep6 aswell

Edit: i ment episode 6

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

The Vee Wee Document

in PvP

Posted by: ukuni.8745


That static discharge being changed to a lighting strike would be so very welcomed, imagine engineers running totally different builds then they currently do, well some similaritys but ive wanted SD that allways hits for so long its painful

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

WvW Roam Group: Engi + Mes + ?

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


I’d say a shout guardian, I play a shout guardian in wvw with a mesmer team mate and we eat people up, we wanted to get an engineer to roam with us since Condis seemed like it would drastically effect fights but we never got around to it, either way a guardian removing conditions is great for a engi and mesmer who both lack in that area.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Hobo Sacks: A Terrible Fashion Statement

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


for the love of everything hip mounted kits for sure, I’d much rather have something that made me still feel like I was an engineer without ruining the time/gems I’ve put into looking cool, after that we just need some military styled pants (with pockets because I need somewhere to put all my gadgets) and a lab coat and we are set.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Let's say we get the egg back...

in Lore

Posted by: ukuni.8745


We haven’t really progressed our fight against mordremoth at all.

id say with those 3 huge vines that showed up over a few days we are actually losing

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

I can't be the only one

in Living World

Posted by: ukuni.8745


that wanted to join de on an airship to screw up some mordrem, instead I get to go egg hunting, ever since I seen the trailer for ep 5 I was like kitten I can’t wait to fly myself an airship

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Mechanical devourer suit, new engineer elite?

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Sorry if I was a bit unclear, I did not even consider mortar with it^^
I was just reffering on the rng chance of either getting Tornado or the brute.

welp, now that i think about it:
delete elixir X in favor for a useful elixir-elite and give us the devourer as gadget-elite. I’d be fine with that change, since it gives us a) a viable class-unique transform and b) a potentially awesome new elixir-elite.
Best possible option: elixir X now grants 20sec of stability. even without any other boons, I’d drool myself over a valid stability-option.

I’d love if our elixir elite functioned like rampage as one, I think it would be totally viable then, I’d also love for the mortar to be a viable kit so I could run a 4 elixir hgh build and still have a weapon swap I’d totally run a 2/6/0/6/0 or 4/4/0/6/0 hgh build in spvp with the usual goodies and that res elixir with a mortar kit.

on the note of getting that mechanical scorp as an elite, come on engineers only get nice stuff if it follows the meta (source: gadget gm trait)

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Black Screen at Character Login

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ukuni.8745


same sort of thing is happening to me in game, i play for a bit then suddenly black screen and i can still hear the music, played for over a year fine with the same pc so i don’t think its the problem, but it only started to happen after the last patch

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

That Jungle Explorer Outfit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ukuni.8745


yea I was disappointed that this skin was once again an outfit, I really wanted to mix and match some parts on my engineer so it could finally look like it had some pockets for the gadgets but I guess I’ll just have to get around looking like a thief or ranger. yea I know we have the magitech but I want armour that looks like I’ve got no magic and Im using mechanical gadgets just like the engineer is ment to be, o well here’s to hoping anet changes this at some point.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

I returned to GW2 from ESO...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ukuni.8745


yea i tryed eso for a month and it was really good at first but it died off pritty fast once i had to deal with the constant choppy combat, then i tryed wildstar and well i dont think i need to say anything, id say my only problem with gw2 atm is not enough content fast enough.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

You Know You've Played GW2 Too Much When...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ukuni.8745


you know you play to much gw2 when it comes up as a daily topic of talk with the people you work with.

my boss knows how to play without even playing the game

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Opinion from a dota player

in PvP

Posted by: ukuni.8745


as someone who’s played many years of dota and gw I can safety say two completely different games what did you expect

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Elder Dragon Candidates

in Lore

Posted by: ukuni.8745


the interesting thing about that second pale tree is the book in the hidden arcana you read about malyik (I think I spelt it wrong) and that without the memorys of his tree and potentially not having a dream he is able to choose his own path and the writer hopes he chooses correctly, it also points out that the other pale tree creates sylvari in the same way that the pale tree creates sylvari in the shape of ronin so I’d think unlike the pc sylvari the other tree is slyvari that are more akin to humans in its nature and being a very powerful entity could make it possible that it if the story goes down that path it will get mordremoths powers.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

The Sous-Chef

in Living World

Posted by: ukuni.8745


50% condi duration food inc

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Stop Nerfing, Start Buffing.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ukuni.8745


i was thinking they should add some new weapons that balance well with unused skills/traits like on my engineer we cant run heavy gadget builds because they dont bring anywhere near the amount of stuff kit builds can bring so if they made a weapon that could bounce well with the gadgets they could effectivly buff gadget builds without buffing other builds while still adding something new to the game

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Sinister Gear?

in Mesmer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Hey i main an engineer and have most other things to 80, i enjoy playing them all but i wanted to ask about the new sinister gear for mesmers and if it would be any good since i dont pve enough to have plenty of those dammed time gated crystals and as of current trying to make a celestial set of armour for my engineer for which i also want a sinister set i couldn’t help but think a set would be great on a mesmer, so if you guys think a set would be good on a mesmer i guess i can take a short time out on my engineer to play my mesmer with some sinister gear otherwise ill just stick to my engineer.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

hidden area silverwastes

in Living World

Posted by: ukuni.8745


its possible i think


Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Engineer needs some pvp buffs

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


I’m afraid these changes still wouldn’t bring us back into the meta what we really need to become a competetive class again is grenades teleport to targets and are unblockable so we nades can actually do some damage.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

The Engineer Handbook

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745



I finally got off my kitten and read this guide. There is some magnificent material here. I’ll be testing some of this today. Say hi if you see me in game (mehenninger.2867).

does this mean it’ll get stickied, bout time engi forums had a sticked tutorial.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

full bersi spec for wvw?

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


I’ve played hgh zerker before not only was it an absolute beast in 1v1 but it preformed amazingly in 1vMany situations, the grenade barrage alone can 1 shot things at 25 might which is insanely easy as hgh and your cleave is arguably the best in the game because you can cleave harder then any 1 person can res and doit at 1500 range making that, and don’t even say but what about rapid fire pew pew op because my 5 second stealth has just given me the time to run up next to you and your dead, and it’s not like you can sneak up on me I can just pop elixir s.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Nerf Fire Fields, here's why-

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ukuni.8745


I feel like the only one who’s pointing the blame at fury upkeep on ele builds not there might stacking, engineers do really well because they have huge sustained damage and it’s complemented with a good amount of blocks and dodges, eles on the other hand well let’s look at the benefits a higher crit chance bring 1. more dodges from crit hitting more often, more dodges means less potential incoming damage and more chances to use evasive arcana which makes up the fantastic heal in water attunement, 2. allows the ele to make best use of the high amount of might stacks and the crit damage that comes with celestial amulet, essentially take away the crit chance and the ele has to dedicate it’s role more appropriately rather then traiting completely defensively without a hit to damage output

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Where is the celestial amulet nerf?

in PvP

Posted by: ukuni.8745


celestial amulet is fine.

learn to play please.

There is no “learn to play” here. Cele ele is god tier at 1v1, you cant outskill them because theyre freaking OP AF. Cele engi is almost fine but they need a longer CD on the block. As it is, engi can delay forever by blocking while waiting for heal.

I’m really unsure how to nerf that tks block aye on one hand it stacks way to well with p/s blinds and general kiting ability of an engi but the tk block in its self is no better then other blocks which creats the problem of if it’s nerfed it takes away from potential other builds that could use a buff all in the name of nerfing the meta build, although with the shield getting a buff it probly could use a nerf on the cd.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube