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HGH + Elixir gun.

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


working as intended unfortunately

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Engineer Balance Changes!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Elixir U!
-Removed Frenzy and Haste effects!

engineers need to start dealing with there own problems thats why im going to suggest we get a downside that disables our toolbelt skills, because like Frenzy and Haste the downside is using them at the wrong time, so with my idear if you use it at the wrong time you could be locked out of stun breakers/detonating turrets/condition removal/static discharge, seems fair to me.

Deadly Mixture!
-Changed trait to have a 25% chance to leave a poison field on Elixir toss or consumption!

not a fan of your idear but they need to make the damage proc before the effects so i can use it in a elixir build properly(toss Elixir S) everyone knows that frustration.

Automated Response!
-At 33% health, removes 3 conditions! 40 second cd!

Burning Fire: Use Cleansing Fire automatically when you have a number of conditions on you.

that’s a master trait for ele’s, maybe take it a complete other direction and have it cancel CC, with some of your ideas we could get sufficient condition cleanse and this would give us an opportunity to also counter CC a bit better, but then again we might be a bit strong with better access to condition removal and anti cc.

all in all some good idears and somethings that id like to see on the engineer like your mortar kit, flamethrower and kit refinement idears, so i hope anet sees them and takes them into consideration.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Engineer Balance Changes!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ukuni.8745


many ideas, such goodness, but i think there are some problems

Incendiary Powder!
-When Incendiary Powder is up, the Engineer’s weapon (or hands if there’s no weapon!) gives off a fiery glow!

give this to every proc on crit trait over all the classes so everyone has some counter play to there randomness

Protective Shield!
-Changed trait to remove 1 condition when critically hit! 10 second cooldown!

Formula 409!
-Increased conditions cleansed on Elixir consumption from 1 to 2. Tossed Elixirs still only remove 1 condition!
-Toss Elixir R will remove 1 condition per pulse instead of 2 when traited with Formula 409!

Elixir C!
-Removed cast time so it will cleanse fear!
-Cooldown reduced from 40 to 30 seconds!
-Maximum of 5 conditions converted!

Speedy Gadgets!
-Replaced with Elixir Infused Toolbelt!
-Removes 1 condition when you use a toolbelt ability!

Bunker Down!
-On critical hit, you fire an explosive projectile from your toolbelt that latches onto the target! After 3 seconds it detonates and deals whatever damage the current Bunker Down mine deals! 180 radius!
-Cooldown increased from 2 to 3 seconds!

-Mortar is now a kit! 1-5 skills each have a charge! Each charge has a 30 second cooldown! Launch Mortar Shot has 3 charges! 2-5 have 1 charge! Charges come off cooldown 1 at a time! That means if you pull out a fresh Mortar Kit, you have 3 charges on your auto attack! If you use them all you’ll need to wait about 120 seconds before you have all 3 again!
-Mortar abilities that deal damage can now crit!

-Moved to adept tier!

all of these have the problem of fitting in to a single build that would be very overpowered, even more so in a proper team setup, it like them alot especially elixir C, alone they bring some non viable builds up to standard but in the right build it would be just way to strong unfotunatly.

btw the build im thinking would be 0/30/0/30/10, with battle/air/strength/any power amulet, your auto alone would be doing 4-5k+ every 3 seconds thanks to the potential 80-90% crit chance, mix it with a HGH build and the mortar kit you could sufficiently upkeep 20+ might stacks, elixirs H/B/S/C would make you immume to conditions, yea thats what i would call a bit op.

formula 409 would be the only trait i would never recommend implementing, or maybe the idea i suggested on another thread that it also applys to elixir gun skills that are classified as Elixirs, so in alot of builds that currently take Backpack regenrator as there master in alchemy they could give up that extra regen (which is quite alot over extended fights) for more condition removal on a kit that dosent really deal that much damage, that way HGH builds dont get a buff they dont need since EG dosent give the damage output a HGH build needs to be effective, and multikit builds would have a better source of condition removal at the expense of what is quite common currently backpack regenerator.

bunker down i like alot and could bring some not so good builds more up to a good standard but once again in the right build would be to strong, maybe instead give it a 10 second CD and the mine also removes a boon, that way its not as strong with “on proc” builds and give us a better source on boon removal (i dont know about anyone else but ive wanted a source of boon removal outside of sigils and mines for ages).


Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Time to nerf bird rune?

in PvP

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Turret engi with a bird. Mind blown.

I saw that today. Great for being afk and still doing well.

i tried it out a few days ago its hilarious, wouldn’t say it makes turrets viable for top tier pvp but its probably the best pug destroyer ive ever seen

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Engineers and Condition Removal!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ukuni.8745


transmute + generosity + heal turret + rifle 4 + rocket boots is more than enough condi cleanse :P

With rifle + rocket boots your build sucks and you still have no answer to terrormencer

its fine in wvw

Aka it’s fine when you just need to run away to friends to outnumber Vs. WvW-ers (who tend to be far less skilled players)… unfortunately that doesn’t work so well in actual PvP.

“actual pvp” is about sitting on points for as long as possible, not killing people

plus im more talking about duels in OS where you do in fact see skilled players and running to friends is a non factor

You need to both defend and take points. That involves killing people. It involves a lot more coordination than a duel.

Duels are inherently imbalanced in this game. It’s build Vs. build. Add imbalanced stats from gear/food from PvE and huge open space… yea…

I used to hardcore solo roam/duel in WvW until my server hit t1 (where it’s all rubbish). PvP is far better balanced and takes more skill anyways though.

Rifle + rb isn’t a good answer to eng’s cond problems… it’s fine for mobility, but it’s not as if they clear damaging conds or anything.

abberrant is correct, slotting rb wastes way to much utility in tpvp and rifle #4 has to be used for setting up burst or decaping, no if buts or maybes there, even if you did use it to clear conditions you get knocked on your kitten and the damaging conditions are still ticking use it defensively and your most likely to set your self up to be burst on by your opponent.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

[pvp] Bird rune op -> engieneers op

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ukuni.8745


yea i tryed out a turret build with that bird, i was amazingly strong versus scrubs, versus decent players it wasnt so great so i swapped to my normal build and kept the bird and it was stupid strong, quite funny actually.

to many birds getting around now though

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Hit the 3k Subscribers mark! Montage Time!

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


good work, I’ve been playing for about 2 1/2 years posted 20+ videos but I never had the patients to do tutorials or reliablely deliver videos at a steady rate, so good work on all the effort you’ve put into it and specially for helping make the engineer a better looking class.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Time to nerf bird rune?

in PvP

Posted by: ukuni.8745


celestial engi 10/0/30/20/10 with bird runes, bombs toolkit elixir gun, really tankie engineer and an immortal bird, 2-4k dps depending on might and enemy’s tank on point around 700 hps with regen bombs and super elixir and all you have to do is spam bomb auto attack and dodge and such, it’s a bit redic but I’m enjoying it while I can.

This is one of the reason i see tons of engieneers. They are extremly strong now with bird. Condies , birdo, this is insane! Hope developers notice this HUGE problem of imbalancement.

yea the build its self is strong without the bird, without it you have to atleast combo kitten properly to kill something.

mind you I don’t have a problem fighting against the bird but when I don’t have to play properly to kill people then there is a problem.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

GvG for WvW Points

in WvW

Posted by: ukuni.8745


make a separate map for the sanctum where you gvg, a guild leader adds people to a nenew tab in the guild panel that adds them to the guild team, you must have 5/10/15/20 people before you can start the Que, it matchs you with another team queuing and you enter a separate arena, points get awarded to the guilds server for winning, the larger the teams the more points earned, there will be no score cards only winning or losing, wvw rank chests will be awarded to winning team with more chests for teams that win multiple in a row (3 wins in a row 2 chests instead of one), all players must be in the sameguild.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Time to nerf bird rune?

in PvP

Posted by: ukuni.8745


celestial engi 10/0/30/20/10 with bird runes, bombs toolkit elixir gun, really tankie engineer and an immortal bird, 2-4k dps depending on might and enemy’s tank on point around 700 hps with regen bombs and super elixir and all you have to do is spam bomb auto attack and dodge and such, it’s a bit redic but I’m enjoying it while I can.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Lack of New SKills

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Yeah I think more skills would be good.

I mean, I’d genuinely argue that since the existent skills aren’t balanced anyhow, and the speed of balancing is glacial at best, just add more. I didn’t truly like the GW1 style of balancing by throwing out so many skills that hopefully a handful are balanced in the end, but I’d take it. Right here and now.

My ideas for Mesmer:

  • New type of skill, “Illusion”. IoL gets moved to it, add 3 more and an elite which is one. These give a temporary bonus and then have a downside after the bonus ends. In return, they have either large radii or short CDs.
  • New weapon, Shortbow. A short-range ranged weapon (600 units) it excels in direct damage from a short distance and fire support. It struggles with having no inherent clone generation move on the weapon.
  • New weapon, offhand Dagger. Specializes in overpowering enemies, offering high burst and good defence for short times, but comparatively long CDs. Phantasm is the one we get while downed, but after 3 backstabs it dissolves. Other skill is a move where we disappear and repeatedly appear, striking the enemy with our mainhand autoattack.

also for your dagger idear, if the rouge phantasm hits it stealths, will add more depth to fighting an off hand dagger mesmer.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

P/S Grenade/ Toolkit Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


I think Balthazar/rabid would be best with pistol/shield.

same build but with rifle and celestial/strength is the other option

personally I like the celestial/strength with rifle better since it feels like fit more roles.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

The Warrior Meta Paradox

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ukuni.8745


didn’t eles get rtl nerfed long ago because it gave them apparently to much mobility?

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Dire amulet

in PvP

Posted by: ukuni.8745


care to elaborate?

think of a terrormancer that you can never kill

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Lack of New SKills

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Don’t worry, this has all been advertised as something we can look forward to in 2013.


yea we really need a new weapon for each class, it’s starting to get boring.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Engineers and Condition Removal!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ukuni.8745


I already said in this thread why a Terrormancer is able to take down an engineer fast, and it has more to do with the amount of boons an engineer spams in less than 20 seconds than it has to do with their incapability of “quickly removing boons”… A Necromancer has no burst – period. Aside from SoS, it relies heavily on freecasting and corrupting the right boons to slowly take down an enemy…

we are the only class that has to proc a boon to get vigor, to get that vigor means we cant not take the trait that procs a elixir B at 75% hp, thats 5 boons that we get just trying to get our vigor, we get that vigor because it greatly helps with out sustain, if we dont take it we make ourselfs more susceptible to CC which is also just a big of counter to engineers as conditions are.

so the problem here is, take defense against CC get wreaked by conditions(mind you CC still messes with us pritty well), don’t take defense against CC get wreaked by CC and conditions now it wouldn’t be so bad but the fact that our best options for defense literally sett us up for our own destruction then i think its time anet made a change that’s actually effective like instead of giving us more boons (something we don’t overly need) maybe make that new gadgeteer trait transfer a condition to targets instead of moar booons.

needless to say we don’t need our current builds buffed with more condition removal we need other utilitys/traits to be buffed so we are forced into new builds if we want condition removal.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

FYI: New food recipes are amazing for us.

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


pwoer + cond duration????
if i run conditions i run cond dmg + cond duration and not power

theres such a thing as hybrid builds. there’s also power builds that get alot of use out of 40% duration food.

I was thinking that myself, wouldn’t mind checking to see how much cripple and immobilize I could throw out on a power build or more appropriately a zerker engi that can kite like a champion, also these apparent boon duration foods? might be something interesting there

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Hobo Sacks: A Terrible Fashion Statement

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a topic stay on the front page anywhere as long as this one has

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Remove down state in pvp/ add 2v2 3v3+ arena

in PvP

Posted by: ukuni.8745


dancing on a downed person is more gratifying than dancing on a body because the cant just re-spawn away and miss my epic dance routine i made just for them

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

VS condi builds requires multiple removals

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ukuni.8745


to balance a game you nerf stuff not buff? how about buffing all the kitten thats worthless maybe we could get other builds that might solve your problem without making current builds stronger.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Engineers and Condition Removal!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Ive had a couple good ideas that i don’t think would be game breaking.

1st a new inventions GM trait, dodge rolls cure bleeds and vulnerability, since its in the inventions tree we have to sacrifice either the damage advantage from explosives/firearms trait lines or sacrifice the survive ability advantages from the alchemy line, we could get epically tanky and deal no damage or if we toke the damage route with this trait be less susceptible to conditions while losing some of our traits that make us more effective in other situations.

2nd cleaning formula works with the skills in elixir gun that are classified as elixirs, Acid bomb would only effect the initial area removing only 1 condition but prioritizing the engineer first and Super elixir would function like acid bomb, Elixir F isnt classified as an elixir skill and it has a rather short cd when traited so we can leave it that way to balance it out in optimal conditions it would double our potential condition removal if our build was your typical tpvp build, would it be overpowered… i dont think so, considering what we give up for it i think it would be okay.

3rd auto defense bomb dispenser, change it to bombs have a 20% chance to remove 1 condition on a 10 second cd, now we cant use grenadier but we get improved condition removal, and honestly any build that uses that trait as it is now can be better by taking other options.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Engineers and Condition Removal!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Enough to know that I can easily beat you 1v1 with it and handle Necromancers on side nodes.

doit man dont even be weak about it

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Immortal hybrid Engi SoloQ vid+build

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Will not say this build sucks, but with turret build you could just come to point, easy kill 2 enemies and hold it all battle.

Idk turret build are strong but Mutikit engine builds are stronger if played well and have less weaknesses. Also through out the video I had to deal with an Axe/sword/lb might stacking war and a necro that type of war build alone does so much damage and could beat a turret engine.

In next video I will have some fights dealing with turret engis Bombs and aoe damage are good way to deal with them.

from experience i can say that your build is the hard counter to turret engineers provided you know how to deal with the turrets

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Immortal hybrid Engi SoloQ vid+build

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


my phones being a kitten atm and I cant see the video, what ammy and runes? the build seems similar to what I run in spvp.

It can vary but in the video celestial

ahh nice I run 10/0/30/20/10 take the vigor and 20% less dmg when stunned with prot on hit traits and get redic survivability, and the damage from bomb autos gets pritty crazy when you get some might stacks.

Yea I take the 20% less dmg if I am In teamQ because in SoloQ I never know if I need to move or not, so most of the time in solo I take powershoes the extra mobility really helps. Yea might stacking with bombs is great though most of the time I find myself using the blast finishers on waters fields for the extra healing. Sig of battle does a decent job.

depends on what your fighting I think to wether or not you can blast In a fire field or water field, I like to try and use bob and jumpshot in the the fire field so I can stack some extra might and burning off the fire aura, and acid bomb in the water field since relativelythe same cd but that acid bomb on a downed body with bomb autos can do some fantastic cleaving.

hopefully I might come up against you in tpvp or preferably same team.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Engineers and Condition Removal!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ukuni.8745


engineers are just as week to cc as they are to conditions, difference is we have good traits/utilities to give us the ability to counter heavy cc, things like vigor/blinds/blocks so aslong as we keep on our game we can effectively counter cc threw playing properly conditions however our only way to run a viable build and counter conditions is to hope our opposition is not conditions or slightly brain dead which isn’t really an acceptable approach I wouldn’t mind seeing transmute get a smaller cd we can’t choose which conditions get removed, It wouldn’t make us any less susceptible to Condi burst but with less conditions before and after the burst would make it alot easier to recover I would also say swapping it with the gm minor trait so we have to invest a bit heavier to get it, the only issue would be from power classes that like to use there 1 immob to line up a burst combo they could just use a Condi to proc it but a lot of people like to complain before they think, but I think in the current state of the game it shouldn’t be a problem since everything proc conditions randomly these days

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Immortal hybrid Engi SoloQ vid+build

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


my phones being a kitten atm and I cant see the video, what ammy and runes? the build seems similar to what I run in spvp.

It can vary but in the video celestial

ahh nice I run 10/0/30/20/10 take the vigor and 20% less dmg when stunned with prot on hit traits and get redic survivability, and the damage from bomb autos gets pritty crazy when you get some might stacks.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Immortal hybrid Engi SoloQ vid+build

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


my phones being a kitten atm and I cant see the video, what ammy and runes? the build seems similar to what I run in spvp.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

what emails does anet use?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ukuni.8745


hey i got an email that is from, its seems like a legit email but then again ive never gotten an email from gw2 using that email befor, so i was wondering if its legit or not and what email is the only one anet would be using to send me emails

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

WvW video/ just some roaming and such

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


hello, yet another video, this time im rocking Dire/Celestial with rifle, its the usual getting around wreaking stuff but the build works solidly and its pritty cheap to setup given a few changes to gear
for those of you who dont have celestial gear available

and the video

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Sick of condi builds when roaming

in WvW

Posted by: ukuni.8745


I think only necro, thief and engi are not optimal with hybrid builds.


Is this a serious statement?

There is a difference between “optimal” and “viable”.

engineer is ridiculously strong with a hybrid build

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

One day.....

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


we are all doing it secretly

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Being to mobile is dangrous!

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


i run this with full dire 0/30/0/30/10 scavenger runes with leeching/geomancy sigils, ou can quickly stack over 2-3k damage a second in conditions and then get back to kiting as you do

Yup def agree with scavenger runes being a good choice got several set of them to test out on another build.

yea the scavenger with leeching is a deadly combo i dont think many people have taken notice of at worst its 4 leech buffs every 20 seconds which is like 3500 damage and heal which in a full dire build adds alot to your sustained dps, add in redic high base condition damage (2k easy) you can put out heaps of pressure have a huge tank and great mobility my only issue is the lack of aoe but you can atleast pick your fights with that much mobility

What would your build look like using this combo? I’m interested in trying a new build for pvp.

that is what im currently using for it i did a video on this build but using p/p which was probably better on the damage output here is the link for it to

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Being to mobile is dangrous!

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


i run this with full dire 0/30/0/30/10 scavenger runes with leeching/geomancy sigils, ou can quickly stack over 2-3k damage a second in conditions and then get back to kiting as you do

Yup def agree with scavenger runes being a good choice got several set of them to test out on another build.

yea the scavenger with leeching is a deadly combo i dont think many people have taken notice of at worst its 4 leech buffs every 20 seconds which is like 3500 damage and heal which in a full dire build adds alot to your sustained dps, add in redic high base condition damage (2k easy) you can put out heaps of pressure have a huge tank and great mobility my only issue is the lack of aoe but you can atleast pick your fights with that much mobility

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Engineers and Condition Removal!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Second if Mesmers here are just going to spout out all the condition removal that Engineers have regardless of how useful those traits and abilities actually are, I’ll do the same! Mesmers have a mantra that removes 4 conditions from yourself and your team! Signets can be traited to remove conditions and Mesmers have 5 signets! They can trait to remove 2 conditions on heal and if you combine it with signet heal, that’s 3 conditions removed on heal if you run signet heal! Is that more than Healing Turret! Yes it is! Crazy! Arcane Thievery can transfer conditions! Null Field is a pretty big and powerful aoe condition removal ability! Torch can remove conditions! Mesmers can also use Lyssa Runes because they have a useful, low cooldown elite that they can use, AND they can proc Lyssa without even using their elite! Geez louise that’s just plain ole insane in the membrane! How useful is this information you ask! Not very! So goshdarn it please stop listing every condition removal ability Engineers have because 1. it doesn’t matter and 2. Mesmers have more anyway!

PS to the guy that said Mesmers ran 0 conditions in ToL: first it doesn’t matter what people run in ToL! Second Mesmers in ToL ran Null Field because it cleanses more conditions than Healing Turret, strips boons which Healing Turret can’t do, and the condition removal isn’t tied to the heal skill! Wowzerz!

Lol the amount of fail in that post. If a mesmer is running signet heal they are never activating it. If a mesmer is running torch blah…

………………That was the point he was bringing up, this is all the condition removal it could have, but it dosent because can it realistically use it? no, and this is the exact same problem engineers have, yes we have all this condition removal but we cant use it simply due to the fact that it breaks our builds.

in short if in the current state were to slot more condition removal we would go from dieing to conditions to dieing to everything.

But you have one great condi clear on a short cd that doesn’t break your build and is one of the best healing skills in the game and is almost uninterruptable…. You need to sacrificing nothing to get some condi clear… Mesmers sacrifice one of the only reasons they are brought to a team to get “meh” condi clear.

do you even read?

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Engineers and Condition Removal!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Second if Mesmers here are just going to spout out all the condition removal that Engineers have regardless of how useful those traits and abilities actually are, I’ll do the same! Mesmers have a mantra that removes 4 conditions from yourself and your team! Signets can be traited to remove conditions and Mesmers have 5 signets! They can trait to remove 2 conditions on heal and if you combine it with signet heal, that’s 3 conditions removed on heal if you run signet heal! Is that more than Healing Turret! Yes it is! Crazy! Arcane Thievery can transfer conditions! Null Field is a pretty big and powerful aoe condition removal ability! Torch can remove conditions! Mesmers can also use Lyssa Runes because they have a useful, low cooldown elite that they can use, AND they can proc Lyssa without even using their elite! Geez louise that’s just plain ole insane in the membrane! How useful is this information you ask! Not very! So goshdarn it please stop listing every condition removal ability Engineers have because 1. it doesn’t matter and 2. Mesmers have more anyway!

PS to the guy that said Mesmers ran 0 conditions in ToL: first it doesn’t matter what people run in ToL! Second Mesmers in ToL ran Null Field because it cleanses more conditions than Healing Turret, strips boons which Healing Turret can’t do, and the condition removal isn’t tied to the heal skill! Wowzerz!

Lol the amount of fail in that post. If a mesmer is running signet heal they are never activating it. If a mesmer is running torch blah…

………………That was the point he was bringing up, this is all the condition removal it could have, but it dosent because can it realistically use it? no, and this is the exact same problem engineers have, yes we have all this condition removal but we cant use it simply due to the fact that it breaks our builds.

in short if in the current state were to slot more condition removal we would go from dieing to conditions to dieing to everything.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Being to mobile is dangrous!

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


i run this with full dire 0/30/0/30/10 scavenger runes with leeching/geomancy sigils, ou can quickly stack over 2-3k damage a second in conditions and then get back to kiting as you do

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Nerf Engineer

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ukuni.8745


what are you using to fight a turret engineer?

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

I found a 1v1 I can't win...advice?

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


I find them to be just about the easiest kills in wvw. especially the ones using dire. I do however use elixirs, something the op doesnt seem to like.

one of this days I dueled Laela Blackbird, a great thief and all around cool guy ( he was saying how unbeatable he was in 1v1 with his p/d dire build. he changed his mind after seeing how hopeless it was vs my build :p he even stopped using p/d + dire completely for a while after that.

I have a few clips recorded of me fighting p/d condi thieves , they usually last longer than normal, dunno if anyone is interested in seeing those fights.

edit: Im not trying to brag or anything, 1v1s in most cases are just down to what builds are being used.

haha I was in that situation to a friend on another server was saying how stupid op it was lets just say one 16k nades barrage from hgh zerker brought him back down to earth

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Engineers and Condition Removal!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ukuni.8745


don’t ever say transmute is a source of condition removal it’s terrible but it just so happens to be where a lot of engineers dump traits in most every build.

that aside I once made a post about elixir infused bombs and that it should also remove conditions based on the bomb
flame bomb burns away chill/cripple/immob
concussion bomb removes vulnerablility
smoke bomb removes something
glue bomb patches up those bleeds.

it’s not much but the idear that you could cure conditions off bombs would add an extra level to how one would approach different fights, okay so I know a ranger could stack up lots of bleeds I’ll wait for him to pop his bleeds and cure them then use the immob to counter attack.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Flamethrower Zerker is viable : 3 (PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Xerrex I love your twitch stream but you are the only player who is able to play zerker engi builds. The rest of us should stay away from this kind of builds because we die in seconds.

And this fight should be in the Hall of fame of all fights. Just wow

Hey, speak for yourself. I’ve only played zerker engineer and I’m doing fairly well

I to play zerker engineer all the time, I find zerker engineers to be one of the best at long range heavy damage, my personal favorite being hgh Nader those 10k+ nades barrages with rather impressive survivability provided you know how to use it.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

a proper engineer rifle legendary

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


i dont understand
have you seen it in game or just in a preview
everything about the predator screams bad-kitten and imo it works excellent thematically for an engi, especially because of the fuel lines on the stock

lets not forget the lasers

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Flamethrower, what buffs would devs give it?

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


change the juggernaut trait to inflict an extra 33% of power as added burning damage when wielding flamer, remove the periodic might, this turns flamer into a potentially great power or hybrid based sustain weapon, although it may seem very strong with condition based build it will still have the down fall of retaliation damage, also you must be in flamer to increase the damage of the burn which takes away from potentially stacking other conditions so not to make it to strong.

the 33% could be to much so that part is subject to change

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

(edited by ukuni.8745)

i buy my stealth at walmart

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Stealth condi-bombs. Good lord

is doable on an engineer, is lots of fun

I’ve done this a couple times. Plenty of blasts, plenty of conditions. That said, you pretty much have one shot to get them done properly as you have only one reliable smoke field. Dump your blasts on that, then blow your conditions, and if you do it right, there’s little they can do. Do it wrong, and you’re left with little sustain, and also no healing if you used your heal turret for a blast.

I never used blast finishers in mine allways used rifle jumpshot since it came off CD same time as smoke bomb if you have reduced cds on bombs and since the stealth proc after damage on jumpsuit you can use it anywhere you want, add in the invis on immob and elixir s with the 15 trait in tools to refresh it at 25% hp as a quick save me you get plenty of stealth, the right gear also helps to since rifle and nades stack well with power and condition damage you just need to take a more hybrid approach and it hits a lot harder and feels a lot less squishy

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Funniest kill?

in WvW

Posted by: ukuni.8745


I ran off a.cliff because I new there was a very small spot you could land that would put you half way down the cliff it was ridiculously hard to land on it but I had already done it a few times anyway the pug zerg that was chasing me didn’t follow but kinda sat there stumped so I did /dance to miss them off and they ran off 1 by 1 trying to land on it, luckily as an engineer I had plenty of knockbacks to deal with anyone who managed to get lucky

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

i buy my stealth at walmart

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ukuni.8745


Stealth condi-bombs. Good lord

is doable on an engineer, is lots of fun

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Static Discharge: Stating the obvious - Again

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


if it worked with every tool belt skill engineers could have some great power builds make it happen anet

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Lamest reason to not play Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


the question now is how hard will engineers eat the nerf hammer? I can guarantee it won’t be a shave

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Lamest reason to not play Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


engi became fotm? just give it a few weeks when all the people coming to engineers wrists get weak and have to move back to a basic class

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Roaming Condi Build

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


try and get runes of aristocracy, so you can stack 12-15 perma might off that sigil of battle and potentially 20+ if you use your skills right which i think trumps undead runes

you could also try going full dire with runes of scavenger and a sigil of leeching its alot more tanky and dishes out a surprising amount of damage when you factor in all those leeching strikes

Balthazar is actually a better option. If you run Aristo your damage will go down as the extra burning duration of Balth already wins from the Might if you get one extra second of burning off. Scavenging is a bugged rune, if you get downed the (4) bonus stops working.

pro tip: don’t get downed
I kid I kid, I heard about that but I thought it only affected vampirism runes, either way it’s still a very strong build, as for Balthazar runes by the time you get to that extra second of burn my higher power/condition damage from a more higher stable amount of might stacks has already out dps’d your 1 second of extra burning

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Roaming Condi Build

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


try and get runes of aristocracy, so you can stack 12-15 perma might off that sigil of battle and potentially 20+ if you use your skills right which i think trumps undead runes

you could also try going full dire with runes of scavenger and a sigil of leeching its alot more tanky and dishes out a surprising amount of damage when you factor in all those leeching strikes

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube