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Patch Updater stuck 1 file. 0.00 kb/s

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: sim.8903


I did and that did work, but I shouldn’t have to do that to get the game to fully download, especially when the bug was “fixed” 2 months ago. Arenanet really needs to get their act together.

Patch Updater stuck 1 file. 0.00 kb/s

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: sim.8903


Clearly this bug is NOT fixed 2 months later. I am experiencing this issue now. Come on Arenanet…

26 March Patch note.

in Mesmer

Posted by: sim.8903


Is the buff to spatial surge live on spvp? I tried it out and don’t see a difference

Ultimately, here's what I don't get...

in PvP

Posted by: sim.8903


Exactly. It baffles my mind that the devs thought this would become an e-sport. So much promise, but it’s all slipping away.

Ultimately, here's what I don't get...

in PvP

Posted by: sim.8903



people need to understand that one of Arenanet goal with this PvP is to make it into an e-sport. The game mode is pretty good for an e-sport as it is easy to understand, tactical and very fast paced. Also most e-sports around only have 1 real game mode so I don’t see why having one game mode is a problem! Also please play the game with a team if you do not already, find some people to play with and you will see how fun and tactical this gamemode is. But yes ele at the moment is kind of ruining the game a little right now, making it far to hard to take a point and with very little skill, once this is fixed and ladders are added this game will be so sweet!

Because every other game that IS an esport does have other game modes in variation at the very least.

Seriously, none of the esport games have just ONE game mode.

Never heard of counter-strike?

CS does not have one game mode. CS has defuse and hostage rescue. That’s two.

I’m not sure why people keep repeating the line that “Anet is creating an e-sport” — Really? What have they done for spvp since launch? It’s March already. Time to give up this game and hope for a better future (ESO and CU)

AAA PvP Title

in PvP

Posted by: sim.8903


Such a waste of money.

Will bunkers be nerfed?

in PvP

Posted by: sim.8903


I haven’t listened to the latest SOTG — are bunkers being nerfed? Please tell me it is so. Bunkers ruin tPVP completely. I don’t want to be forced to play a bunker or glass cannon just to compete. I like my balanced spec and want to feel useful, but that’s quite difficult when the other team has 3 bunkers that are impossible to kill. This game will not become an esport until such basic mechanics are fixed. I’ve only been playing spvp for a month, but I’ve played pvp since DAOC and also regularly compete in Counter-Strike matches. I know it’s impossible to bring the kind of gameplay an FPS has to an RPG, but how can this game become an esport when winning depends on which build you bring, not how much skill you have? I really want a skill based PVP game and thought GW2 would give us that, but it seems like more of the same unbalanced build-dependent pvp that we’ve seen time and time again. Really hoping anet makes some changes or spvp will keep dying. Hardcore PVPers want fairness in a battle. There’s absolutely no point in calling the sPVP balanced if your team make up determines whether you win before the match even begins.

(edited by sim.8903)

Having trouble with MH Sword PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: sim.8903


Please do not use scepter. It’s useless in spvp. I use GS/sword+pistol in spvp and do just fine. I win most 1v1 fights and hold points well. You just have to get used to the class mechanics. Sword 3 is useful to stop someone from running but you have to use it quickly and be close to the target. Sword 2 is great to use if you land the root with sword 3 or use pistol 5 to stun. You do a lot of damage with sword 2 and are invulnerable while you use it

Mesmer needs a 25% Mov. Speed Signet

in Mesmer

Posted by: sim.8903


This is seriously my biggest gripe with the mesmer. I’ve tried every other class and really love the versatility of gameplay that I get with mes, but the running speed is just awful. I really hate to use focus, but in WvW it’s a must. In spvp I use pistol so I just run around very slowly :/

Which Profession Does the Most Ranged Damage?

in PvP

Posted by: sim.8903


Mesmer gs and rifle wars. Staff eles for wvw zergs. Rangers are in the bottom 4 when it comes to ranged dps. Pathetic.

….. this has no bearing on spvp though.

Mesmers are often staff because of defense, gs mesmers are easy to kill. Staff eles virtually dont exist in spvp. Rifle warriors? Aka dead warriors.

My mesmer is GS/sword+pistol and I rarely ever lose 1v1 (only to thieves with their stealth). My mesmer isn’t glass cannon though. IMO, staff sucks for mesmer unless you’re doing condition (which really isn’t good anyway in spvp)

Which Profession Does the Most Ranged Damage?

in PvP

Posted by: sim.8903


I play phantasm Mesmer most of the time now and pound for pound, a shortbow ranger will drop me quicker then I can drop him. Depending on utilities of course, but I run arcane thievery, null field and decoy so not many escape options.

With a bit of burst from me in a hidden position, boon steal and pistol stun, I can get him down if he doesn’t expect it.

Moa for a sure kill.

There’s your problem. You need feedback to kill a ranger, though a smart one will just dodge out of it. If you time it right, it can be pretty successful. At the very least, it’ll buy you time to throw out a phantasm and get close for sword 2.

(edited by sim.8903)

March Patch in 5 days - Leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: sim.8903


I’m gonna say that we will get custom servers and/or single queue.

There already is solo queue..

Should Rally exist in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: sim.8903


Get rid of downed state entirely. It would make the game much better in PVP

Client Randomly Crashing- Exception: c0000005

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sim.8903


That might be it. I just recently started having these crashes, and I did just update to Afterburner latest version. I am going to uninstall Afterburner and see if this goes away

Stutter and slow down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sim.8903


I’m running 3570k 4.3 OC, GTX 660 with best performance setting, with reflection set to terrain. FXAA disabled and SweetFX installed. Running around LA with stable 60fps, occasional dips to 30’s. Pretty smooth.

Kirito, there is no reason to turn off FXAA. I have a similar rig (3470 @ 3.8ghz, Radeon 7870 2gb) and run it quite smooth 1080p best appearance setting with Native, Shadows on high, reflections terrain. FXAA on. You should run it the same. With yoru cad, there is no reason to use “best performance” and turn FXAA off. You might have to turn down settings for WvW zergs as I get ~30fps there, which is fine for me though

ATI or NVidia

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sim.8903


Bad video card does not cause disconnects. Could be a whole host of issues (bad hard drive, memory, motherboard) prior to video card even being involved.

AMD 7950 vs 660Ti

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sim.8903


I recently built a computer just for GW2. I have a Core i5 3470 with Radeon 7850 2gb. I can run everything on max in 1080p with no issues, even WvW zergs. Your major bottleneck for this game will be the CPU if you’re doing WvW. What CPU do you have? 7850 is more than enough to run this game. it overclocks easily depending on which model you get (make sure to get one with two fans, like the MSI. Stay away from XFX as I got two bad cards in a row from them). I don’t need to OC the 7850 at all though, but the option is nice in case I need to in the future. When i did OC the 7850 and ran benchmarks, it was on par with the 7870, so the 7850 is probably the best bang for your buck right now.

Also, I would stay away from Nvidia cards right now. They are way overpriced compared to Radeon. Whoever said that 7xxx series is old tech has no clue what they are talking about. My 7850 is PCI-E 3.0 which is the latest technology only supported by the new intel ivy bridge. The latest drivers improved performance by a huge margin, so these are great cards.

And btw you will not notice any difference between 58-60 and 50-65. Anything above 45fps is completely indistinguishable.

(edited by sim.8903)