Showing Posts For skotie.2614:

Are hardcore players this games worst enemy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skotie.2614



Weather your casual or hardcore pay2win should not be anywhere in a game. If your going to pay to win how about you just do us all a favor, don’t bother playing at all, because you are effectively not playing anyways.

You don’t see a pay to win option in the Olympic games do you? Not quite the same type of game but the point is your supposed to be playing fair and winning because your good and learned how to win after putting in the time, not because you threw 800 bucks at it.

Are hardcore players this games worst enemy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skotie.2614


Hate to sound like a jerk here but I will about one of your points. When I’m playing a game OP I expect that game to be fun, challenging and entertaining otherwise I’m quite literally just wasting my time.

I will admit maybe I do spend too much time gaming, but it is by choice and I do other things go hang out with friends work etc. I don’t have a family of my own so maybe that’s why I have more free time to game then most. Although I know I have the stereotype of basement nerd it’s unavoidable, it doesn’t really bother me.

If a gaming company wants me as customer than I want a good product that I can really sink my teeth into and play for a long time, after all I don’t want to spend a long time building up a character just to throw it away because I have nothing to do after a few months. Also I don’t tend to stick around if the content doesn’t seem to be interesting enough to bother.

Oddly enough the same argument you pose against “hardcore” gamers could also be said of “casual” gamers. IMO they have to dumb down games and make them so easy for the masses that they’re aren’t many challenging games out there anymore. Perfect example of this is grinding, obviously this is not hard to do in any game but it’s one of the few things developers can do that sort of appeases everyone. It works for casual players because its easy and you can do it a little at a time, while it works for hardcore players because it takes forever or at least an unreasonably long time to complete an otherwise super easy objective.

Anyways just my two cents I don’t play anymore but still visit the forums, got more use out of them than I ever did the game.

(edited by skotie.2614)

How to destroy RMTs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skotie.2614


Ugh you know Anet is a RMT company right? The only legit one in this game because they say so right?

Human vs. Ausra: Have your say!!!

in Human

Posted by: skotie.2614


I picked human not because I wanted to play one but I thought the other races were just lame. Norn remind me too much of Nords from the elder scrolls, not entirely sure why they have a Norse mythlogy feel to them. Charr are just ticked off furry man/wolf people, I might have been interested in them but they just didn’t look right to me (too cuddly appearance still). Sylvari kinda remind me of night elves from WoW only worse, they aren’t hippies they’re actual plant people lol. Asura are short and shorts not always bad after all I like the idea of playing a goblin but a brainy short geeky alien type character that only seems to care about money eh not my thing.

Only really leaves one race left humans, least they are familiar don’t really like their lore or anything it’s more lack of good options in my opinion as to why I chose one.

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skotie.2614


To all the people saying Legendries are supposed to be a long term goal that includes playing all aspects of the game please stop talking. Your argument went right out the window when Legendries were allowed to be sold on the trading post.

(edited by skotie.2614)

Stop GS skins! Need skins for other weapons

in Suggestions

Posted by: skotie.2614


On the note of greatswords looking sexy I have to disagree.

When I see warriors in other games the weapons they tend to use gives me a distinct impression of what I think of them.

When I see a sword and shield warrior I see a protector or at the very least a smart warrior who realizes offense isn’t everything and thus has a balance of attack and defense.

When I see a duel wielding warrior I think of someone who is quite skilled to be able to wield two weapons but can also likely block as well as they can attack with those same weapons.

When I see a warrior with a two handed weapon the worst impression I ever get of warriors come right to the surface. A dumb lumbering brute who believes combat is about nothing more than shear brute force and having the biggest heaviest weapon to swing at your enemies is the best possible choice you could make. I hate having this impression as seeing most warriors played like this is the biggest turn off I could have for playing one myself.

On the note of the topic though it does seem fair if they focused on making as many different options that look good for other weapons in the game as well as they do for greatswords.

Stealth needs to drop on damage

in Thief

Posted by: skotie.2614


I love how all the suggestions other players give for Thieves basically turn them into warriors with less armor and combat skills. Quite amusing really.

Confessions of a Magic Find Leecher

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skotie.2614



Facepalm all you want I know some players make more of a contribution to group activities and don’t need to listen to some moron like you to prove it. When I ran raids in WoW I specifically would get invites from top raid guilds on my server because when it came to things like DPS on bosses I would be doing roughly 30% or more of the DPS of the entire raid. That was me one person out of 25. There were other players who had the same class I was playing but did no where near the numbers I got what excuse then do you have for them they had the same buttons to press right?

Sorry but in group activities in a gaming world you ether just play with a bunch of random people who for the most part aren’t very good gamers which leads to failure more often than not or you group with people who at least try to put in more effort than your average joe. Trying to look at any group activity in a gaming world as anything other than a virtual sport is going to lead to frustration. If your teammates aren’t carrying their weight then you get rid of them or leave yourself to go play for a better team.

Precursor Manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: skotie.2614


Precursors won’t become account bound. This game is free to play thus Anet needs the game to have desirable in game items people want and are willing to buy lots of money in gems for. People usually aren’t willing to spend all the much if the items you can buy are purely cosmetic only in nature.

The precursors could have been worked into something along the lines of map completely or story completion where you got to choose one precursor at the end of a long quest chain that was bind on pickup. The reason it wasn’t added is pretty obvious if you look at the signs.

Anet’s quick response to money making exploits while they have incredibly long response time to any other in game issues. The constant war they seem to be having on BoT’s and Gold selling companies with more active measures taken against them then in other MMO’s, even when it starts to effect normal gamers with the DR’s hitting anyone trying to farm their way to a precursor legitimately.

The issue is not that they don’t want you to waste your money or buy gold. They want you to buy gold from them, not a goldseller company. If all the most desirable items in game could easily be obtained without buying any gems it would hit Anet’s income hard, almost to the point of it being non existent.

Also Anet isn’t going to listen much to those suggesting they take measure to prevent people from trading cash for gold at their shop. If you choose not to do it whatever they already got your 60 bucks why on earth should they listen to what you have to say your not giving them any more income just because you got 1500+ hours gametime.

Confessions of a Magic Find Leecher

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skotie.2614


@ Xavori.

You CAN make a valid argument about magic find though. Since the overall damage you do IS effected by the stats on the armor you wear. The better your stats the more damage you will be doing thus a dungeon run is faster.

The same argument could also be said about survivability. How well you soak accidental damage IS effected by your stats from your gear. You would not be dying as much thus helping out more in a boss fight though your damage might be lower you probably would stay alive all the time.

Does what gear you wear make you a good or bad player absolutely not. A good player in bad gear is by all accounts still a good player but they could be much more effective if they were wearing gear that enhanced their effectiveness. The problem when you have magic find in a game is now a player is actively making a choice of not between what gear to get for best effectiveness for a dungeon, but weather or not they should take the gear which gives them more drops but obviously weakens their ability to survive and do damage.

(edited by skotie.2614)

Better female armor options

in Suggestions

Posted by: skotie.2614


I agree but its not just guys who like it you know. There’s plenty of female gamers who will choose to wear skimpy armor if presented a choice but yes you should be given a choice in armors.

One of the main things I liked about this game as a guy was I could actually make a pretty small scrawny character. Something other then a body building steroid abusing WWE wrestler for my Avatar was a nice change.

Fix Last Refuge!

in Thief

Posted by: skotie.2614


Why not change it to give a few extra seconds of stealth when you go into stealth when your health is below 25%? Since that would give you extra time to heal if your shadow spec or time to get away from combat if your not.

Stealth needs to drop on damage

in Thief

Posted by: skotie.2614


I thought the reason that stealth wasn’t removed from damage was because you aren’t in fact allowed perma stealth like in other games.

Like in WoW rogues can stay perma stealthed but once you hit someone theres only two ways to enter stealth again Vanish, an ability with a long cooldown and dropping combat, which requires you to run away while still visible.

Imo the if you allowed damage to drop stealth then you’d need to change stealth to work something like it did for rogues in WoW, its already limited anyways once you attack someone if you don’t kill them in the next few seconds all they need to do is run away until you exhaust all your stealth abilities. Then your basically forced to ether run away yourself and wait somewhere or more usually just die.

Lower Cost on Traveling in Completed Areas

in Suggestions

Posted by: skotie.2614


I think most people don’t like useless gold sinks in a game that makes gold hard enough to earn as is, lower the cost of teleports please how is this hurting the game?

Confessions of a Magic Find Leecher

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skotie.2614


What honestly would have been wrong with the suggestion to change magic find I said ages ago?

Change magic find to a passive effect on your character rewarded from doing things in game, map completion, pvp, dungeon completions, jumping puzzles etc. The more achievements you’ve done the higher your magic find would rise and the better loot you would get all the time. This would of course mean replacing current magic find gear stats to something else and food and other things which give boosts to magic find other buffs as well.

This system would give better rewards to those who have been doing more activities in game and give you overall better drops depending on how much time you’ve invested into your character. Best of all magic find would not be on gear, food, sigils or anything else, meaning you can actually gear for survival, burst damage in pvp, condition damage etc. Your magic find stat would be I say again a passive effect on your character meaning you would have it in effect no matter what you wear, even if you wore nothing at all.

A truly Legendary punishment - Charged Lodes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skotie.2614


This is the sort of thing that happens when they design MMO’s for everyone. They could just put in extremely difficult challenges in the game which took time to learn, then good planning to complete, and great teamwork to execute, instead we get this. The people who call everyone else whiners when we talk about the repetitive nature of acquiring legendries would be the people who they have to design the grade curve for, so to speak.

Since they need to ensure everyone can “achieve” these they have to dumb it down to something anyone can do, then make it “difficult” by making you pour vast amounts of time into the process, coupled with rng on drops, this is supposed to make the process “hard” by accounts of what some would say but the truth is really anything but hard.

Quite honestly you could have a bot farm for your legendary materials for as “difficult” as the process is but no one will really admit that, they want to feel like they “earned” their legendary. I’m sure I’ll now get replies I just want to be handed a legendary. Honestly I do not, I might be interested in acquiring one if anything about getting one seemed to be a challenge in obtaining and not a dull mind numbing grind fest, unfortunately I doubt they will change anything for the better. I tend to have a pessimistic view about this game as in life, the less I get my hopes up the less I’m let down.

(edited by skotie.2614)

Confessions of a Magic Find Leecher

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skotie.2614


Anyone think they would nerf drop rates even further if magic find gear gets too popular XD?

Some advice on making gold.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skotie.2614


Anyone think it’s hilarious that almost all these money making guilds are telling you how to make money by selling the materials and items your trying to make enough money to afford in the first place? It cracks me up honestly!

If everyone is supposed to sell their luxury items that everyone of course wants where o where is all the money coming from then to fund anyone buying these items? Yep you guessed it buying gems! lol

O wait right we can count the people just running dungeons too for the generated income from say bosses right. Let’s see10 silver is a good price for a boss I’m told at that rate you’d only need 1200 boss kills for about 120 (around that much) gold for a set of cultural armor. Of course the magic food costs you money too (unless you farm the mats and make it which costs you time), factor in unsuccessful runs(bugged runs and bad groups), diminishing returns if you want to just run easy dungeons over and over not going to try to figure out the massive amount of time that would take especially not when I could compare it to say buying gems for gold conversion.

About 10 bucks will get you around 10 gold so (possibly less if too many people are buying it) 120 dollars gets you 120 gold roughly. Even if you only made 8 dollars an hour at your job you could still make the money for that in 15 hours time. I can guarantee no one in this game can make 120 g farming bosses in 15 hours time.

Moral of the story? When its easier to make money for your game outside of the game It’s a problem! lol

(edited by skotie.2614)

Bring farming back

in Suggestions

Posted by: skotie.2614


Farming was always a bore to me I only ever did it when I needed cash to go buy new equipment, spells, skills or consumables. Honestly the least appealing aspect of online gaming to me was acquiring money. To each their own but I would have more fun using a sword to go out and say slay a dragon then to sit around town and make a fortune making and selling swords.

My issue was that you don’t make enough money farming, and they just keep on nerfing it, only to find people abusing exploits to make money. Id wager that a lot of people feel like me, they don’t want to spend an eternity getting money to get geared out just to go play the game. Some grind isn’t bad but when rewards from it are so low it just feels like a big waste of time.


Scenario 1.

Your character just acquired the “dull sword of uberness”. NPC quest guy tells you “To unlock your swords full strength you must slay 1,000 monsters with it!” You “Ok that’s a long goal but I can handle that, lets go get started!”

Scenario 2.

Your character just acquired the “dull sword of uberness”. NPC quest guy tells you “To unlock your swords full strength you must slay 1,000,000,000,000 monsters with it!” You “WHAT!?! To hell with this!!!” chucks sword at the wall

Why the sudden change in Cash Shop pricing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skotie.2614


Wait now what your saying is their driving players to the cash shop because they want money aren’t they getting money? This couldn’t have ANYTHING to do with the game being free to play but requires money to be ran or anything could it?

Someone please reassure me online games played by larges amounts of people are 100% free of any operating costs right? Maybe I need to eat some magic food so I can hear the right answer.

Why sell legendaries? I'm disappointed

in Suggestions

Posted by: skotie.2614


The problem is not the challenge to get these things, there is no challenge. The only thing these take is time, and if you can make more money in real life in a shorter amount of time then just buy the gems to convert into gold it becomes pointless to do otherwise, you’d be asking him to “work” in a game longer than he needed to in real life to obtain something only useful in this game. If you could make 30 dollars an hour why are you going to put in 60 hours at a job making 7.50 an hour? Are you just that dull?

They won’t change this and they won’t remove this because no matter how much you try to cover it up Anet wants you to spend real cash on these things if they didn’t this game wouldn’t be in the state it is, mark my words things will only get worse.

Stop Ninja Deleting Topics Anet!

in Suggestions

Posted by: skotie.2614


The title is all I was really going for but I’ve noticed this more than a few times, we don’t even get any reasons for it the topic just vanishes. Really getting annoyed they try to control what can or can’t be said on the forums.

Opinion: Feeling less like an MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skotie.2614



Would you also love playing a first person shooter online where the only human being playing it was yourself against an army of NPC’s? If the answer is yes why bother playing online, this is the same as an offline first person shooter.

Opinion: Feeling less like an MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skotie.2614


Yeah it’s funny how people play MMORPG’s but don’t like other people, You’d think if you only wanted PVP but hated working co-op with other people you’d be playing a shooter with an online game like Black Ops 2. But if you didn’t like anyone playing with you at all why bother playing online. Honestly that’s most of the fun with MMORPG’s. I doubt anyone can talk about their favorite MMO without talking about memories of good times with friends, everything else is just something you could get from a single player game.

(edited by skotie.2614)

Vote for Guild Wars 2 in GotY!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skotie.2614



Can’t really argue with you on D3 I was really looking forward to it but my best bud ended up getting it first while I was still having issues with my old PC. After hearing what he said I don’t think I’ll be getting it, I tend to trust only reviews from people I know anymore since it seems any game can get hyped up now then be given awesome reviews by magazines and still get horrible player reviews later on.

I do keep hearing Borderlands 2 is pretty sweet though, only bad thing I heard was cartoony graphics, but if the gameplays good I don’t mind.

Vote for Guild Wars 2 in GotY!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skotie.2614



I thought the game could have been so much better. Maybe I would vote if it was biggest let down of 2012.

Easy money making trick revealed!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: skotie.2614


I’m just concerned for you guys, after all players found ways to use the mystic forge before to make money and apparently that, wasn’t intended and got the ban hammer. Watch out now, the ban hammer just might be coming your way is all I’m saying.

Things I don't like about GW2

in Suggestions

Posted by: skotie.2614


Considering WoW was pretty much the most successful game of it’s kind it’s rather stupid when people say stop trying to make it like WoW.

I’m not saying you should just do EVERYTHING like what WoW did, but it wouldn’t have done so well if they didn’t do more than a few things right.

You know what? I'm done

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skotie.2614


When did gamers become self-entitled because they expect to get enjoyment out of a product? That is why they are buying a game no? Also because it is a game he most likely cannot get a refund of his money, this is not the case with almost anything else you buy!

Would you be self-entitled because you were upset because something wasn’t quite as good as it was advertised then told you cannot return the product because it was opened but couldn’t have know it was as bad as it was UNTIL you opened it? Because that’s how it is with games, you buy a big hyped up pile of cow feces your just SOL.

Why Can't I Exchange My Gems For Moneyz?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: skotie.2614


If you want to make money selling gold without getting into trouble consider joining Anet. They are constantly thinking up new ways to nerf drop rates and make your gameplay les and less rewarding driving you towards the gem shop.

Why Power Traders Help the Average Player

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: skotie.2614


Honestly I never played the game to buy or sell money in a game world. Money is only important to me when I need it(in a game world). It’s always been that way in MMO’s and if I really need something I’d rather just have a way to farm things and go get them myself. I never minded people playing the trading post and earning money that way, I did my own thing. The real issue here is it simply isn’t worth the time to farm in this game. Everything that’s worth anything you want to hang on to for yourself, everything else is practically worthless, then the game puts in money sinks eating up all that money too there is very little profit to be had farming.

Easy money making trick revealed!!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: skotie.2614


You guys might want to cut this out you’ve found a way to earn gold and that might just be an exploit in action people, can we get a word on weather this is an exploit from a mod here?

This game IS dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skotie.2614


The only right way to play a game is the way in which your having fun. As soon as your not having fun it’s no longer a game, just a waste of time. At which point its best to move on to other things.

80 doesn't feel like achievement

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skotie.2614


Yes getting to level 80 is not an achievement.

Now getting that super time consuming legendary now that’s an achievement. Not just everyone can sit on their butts all day long and repeat the same easy processes over and over again, this takes what the new age call “Skill”.

It’s quite different from the old Skill which involved difficult challenges and overcoming them using what you had to work with. This new “Skill” is much more involved!

80 doesn't feel like achievement

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skotie.2614



A completely different leveling experience and yet the end game is almost exactly the same. Weapons and armor that take forever to acquire and are hardly worth the time. Played FFXI myself and honestly the most fun I had in that game was leveling because they actually tried to get people to PLAY TOGETHER in a online game, Insanity I know right. I’ve already got 80 deleted my characters and uninstalled the game there’s no point in enduring the end game in GW2, its not fun.

Illogical weapons pricing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skotie.2614


This is GW2. If there’s anything about this game you feel is completely broken or illogical you will be arguing with nothing but fanboys telling you stop whining L2P basically. Stop wasting your breath trying to talk sense to people who have all but abandoned it.

Gem Price Cap

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: skotie.2614



I understand what your saying but the point I’m trying to make is they are about 1 step up in the food chain from the illegal virtual crack dealer…. they are the legal virtual crack dealer.

What I’m trying to accomplish with my statements is two fold. Yes I would like Arenanet to pretty much all but come out and say yes they are kind of twisting your arm to get you to buy gold by making it harder to obtain with nerfs(not going to happen entirely I know for legal reasons). I would also like them to explain why they are, because they too are a business and unfortunately an online game cannot be entirely “free to play” Arenanet does not run on hopes and dreams. No naturally they put in ways for players to give them cash for things they want. But most will find the simple cosmetic upgrades won’t be worth their money, so they have to do something to make you want to spent your real cash on them again apart from new sales and bringing out an expansion already.

The customers kind of ask for this by endorsing a free to play game. You know there are people working to maintain this game, you know they have to pay those people to do their jobs yet you want them to do it for free? Wow, but I’m the entitled one because I would have rather paid them a subscription fee to be able to make money in game at a non mind-numbingly slow pace? Right.

I honestly believe a solution to this could have been to significantly increase character drop rates. Now that brings with it inflation, counter that with tons of more in game NPC shops that carry almost all in game items characters would be buying, give them a set price. Now you effectively control your in game trading post prices because no one in their right mind will pay say 500 gold even if they have say have 3000 gold, when they can buy the item from a vendor for 200g right? The only time you would was if you somehow didn’t know about those NPC’s. So almost all sales between players would be undercuts of prices capped by NPC’s. But they cannot do that, because this would also stop people form wanting to buy gold from them, and yes they will need money to keep the game running.

Now who does this tick off. The elitist hardcore players. You guys are probably the only ones in the game who play under the impression that if you played 1000+ more hours then I did that somehow makes you a better gamer, and that means you’ll have these better items and only you and those like you have these items because you were “good” players. Tell me what about those items is actually a challenge to obtain for them please. The biggest factors of influence in obtaining a legendary is time and luck.

There is one thing I do see the hardcore players seem to enforce and it’s WORK not FUN or even DIFFICULT/CHALLENGING. That somehow normal rational thinking players not wanting to sit in unrealistically long time sinks for gear that, believe what you will, WILL be replaced. Arenanet has even said they have level increases planned for future expansions what fun will that be if all your gear is simply going to carry over to those expansions. No new gear really? How will they not introduce new weapons and gear into the game?

I wouldn’t have so much of a problem I think with the elitist mindset if you were actually bragging about something that as worthy of bragging about. Like a world boss who your guild was first to defeat and then no one else could even kill the thing for what another 3 months. But getting a legendary required none of that and while you may have done something similar to what I’m saying these types of things were not a requirement to getting these weapons. So what are you bragging about the fact you’ve played longer and were more lucky? Wow.

(edited by skotie.2614)

Lengendary weapons.

in Crafting

Posted by: skotie.2614


Just curious is great sword the only weapon class that got two different legendary weapons?

If not which others have two?

Mainly interested in single handed weapon types which could be duel wielded and why there should be two different options for a great sword but not even a mainhand/offhand choice for those duel wielding like dagger/dagger or pistol/pistol.

Gem Price Cap

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: skotie.2614


@John Smith.

So gold sellers hurt the game industry, yet you sell gold to your own customers! So your nerf to all drop rates and banning bots for gold selling websites are in no way linked to the fact your just trying to get rid of competition for your players money then?

Excessive Messaging Suppression Too Strict

in Suggestions

Posted by: skotie.2614


So this suggests that they just have some program in game that locks you out for saying the same thing 3 times?

Guess that’s why I got suppressed a few times saying “thanks” to random people who helped me out. Guess I’ll know better now lol.

"We don't want you to grind" Oh realy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skotie.2614


My bad, sorry for complaining I was under the impression I paid 60 bucks for a fun and entertaining video game. Seems it was only a mental endurance challenge.

(edited by skotie.2614)

"We don't want you to grind" Oh realy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skotie.2614


I see so the REAL problem just lies with the players because we are not enjoying ourselves. This is true, this is true.

Think I’ll just go pound 8 million nails into a wall for fun now, I just gotta remember to tell myself that this will be fun and I can make it so!

Farming Gold vs Economy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skotie.2614


Look I see your point and all but I’m honestly sick of feeling like you earn nothing for your time in this game. Yes making more money gold farming would result with inflation to the trading post.

Why do I seem to have no where near enough to buy stuff I want from regular in game vendors!? Everyone keeps saying just play the game you’ll earn enough money bull man. I barely had enough money to afford the skill books to unlock all my traits by level 80 ok.. this is beyond ridiculous if this theory of just playing the game brings in coin why on earth does no one just running around playing the game normally seem to generate enough money to buy things they desire from vendors without weeks or more of farming or buying gems to turn into gold?

In fact if you want to eliminate gold sellers and inflation why do you have a trading post!!! Make most items players want to buy available from a kitten NPC! Then players have to either work for said items or farm and buy precursors from NPCs The prices will never rise people can have as much frigging gold as they want because you could make it easier to get and people wouldn’t feel like it was a second kitten job to just get gold for items in a GAME read that its a GAME NOT A JOB so lets stop treating getting gold LIKE A JOB PLEASE!

(edited by skotie.2614)

Arenanet vs Gold Sellers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skotie.2614


If they didn’t want you to buy gold why do they let you pay real cash for gems then trade those gems for gold?

Arenanet vs Gold Sellers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skotie.2614


Yeah funny how they claim they aren’t making the game play to win, though seeing as they allow you to buy gems then trade them for gold from their store but you do so else where and they want to ban you. Also if you didn’t want your player base to pay to win you would remove your in game option to “BUY GOLD” no it isn’t worded as such but we all know its what it really is.

But I’m sure we’ll get claims from Anet and others that they make gold neigh impossible to farm because of gold sellers meanwhile they can sell as much as they want. It was also funny how fast the suggestion of GW2 becoming pay to win on the forums got deleted in my last post but I could care less anymore, this games not fun the way it is, so delete this if you feel the need to.

"We don't want you to grind" Oh realy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skotie.2614


Farming wouldn’t feel so bad if every time you were about to harvest your crops to make a little progress in the game world Anet didn’t decide your farming technique was just too good and they didn’t intend on you being able to grow so much in such a short time period then proceed to take 90% of your harvest and say “bug fixed”

Stealth FoTM chests nerf

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: skotie.2614


@phooka Whatever the case may be….

They certainly seem to reduce any decent way to make money in game above all other concerns. Haven’t seen them act as fast on any other issues.

That other problems don’t come first like dungeon bugs or class balancing issues defiantly says something.

Legendaries unreachable, regardless of effort

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: skotie.2614


Don’t forget to sacrifice an asura to the RNG gods before you salvage anything!

Why I exploit (sadly :( ) in FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: skotie.2614


Most people would not be exploiting if dungeons were enjoyable and worth their time period. The fact that so many are just proves the point that it’s not really the players at fault here.

Crafting in GW2 is not fun!

in Crafting

Posted by: skotie.2614


Fun nonsense here have a nice big old scoop of meaningless grind…. there ya go you like grind, yes you do! Yes you do!