Showing Posts For supergica.8652:

Anet's stance on dungeon selling?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: supergica.8652


Selling your skills for faster dungeon running is not a bad thing. However what is happening at the moment with Arah has nothing to do with skills. Almost all the selling is based on the exploit of skipping lupicus.

But even if that is fixed, the fact that people can get the whole rewards for a dungeon in 10 seconds while completely doing nothing is just bad design. This way no one outside sellers would want to do the dungeon, and becomes just another part of the game turned into nothing but a cash farm for a small subset of people.

It was supposed to mean that having the tokens you actually were skilled enough to finish the dungeon, now every ranger and his bear who couldn’t even get to the first boss is fully decked in arah items. And to think arah was considered once the hardest dungeon, now has become a joke.

Everything would be fixed if they just spread the rewards across all the bosses in the dungeon. You then can pay people to carry you and finish the dungeon for you, but it still takes time and require some input.

P.S. I wish the mods would remove the completely off-topic replies from the trolls who want to derail the thread.

Do something against Arah exploits

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: supergica.8652


I love it how the exploiters come and troll these threads. If you ask it, everyone here has mad solo lupi skillz doing all 4 paths in 20 mins legit. When in reality they give 10 gold to someone to show them how to do the skipping (since most are too stupid to actually figure it out themselves) and use glitches to trivialize the other boss fights.
In every single mmo this type of exploiting would swiftly result in bans, but it’s obvious that Anet doesn’t give two kittens about this issue.

If you really want to make a difference and actually put a stop to these abuses there are 2 ways you can help:

1. Put youtube videos of how to skip lupicus so everyone can do it themselves. It would also hurt the kittens teaching the exploit the most. P2 is brain dead easy to solo with skipping, if more people are aware of this the exploiters should loose more of their customers.
2. Get another friend and kick them out of the dungeon when they post the lfg. The people actually doing it normally are so few that you probably won’t hurt any legitimate runners.

Reports and other appeals to Anet are completely useless, unless people actually do something to combat this themselves nothing will change.

Arah selling

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: supergica.8652


I’m thinking of creating a group dedicated to kicking arah sellers from dungeons. So many scammers that kick people before the end boss to sell the spots, it’s becoming risky to even try it outside your guild. It just creates a toxic environment and people rarely do it legitimately (skiping Lupi is the default method) thus exploiting this dungeon is rampant. Just check the lfg for this dungeon, nothing but exploiters advertising, rarely you can get a legitimate group.

Searching for a PvE dungeon build...

in Mesmer

Posted by: supergica.8652


One important thing to keep in mind about mesmers is that they are the best class when it comes to reflecting projectiles. In dungeons reflection is one of the most important abilities. Mesmers are not the best dps-ers or the best tanks or the best aoe-ers, but they shine when it comes to reflects and it’s the best utility they bring.

That’s why I believe you should always trait for better reflections when it comes to dungeons, everything else is secondary. In this context you should always have an focus offand as a weapon, and since you still need to do damage a sword is again a must. So sword+focus is the most useful outside very specific boss fights.

As for your other set of weapons, well it’s mostly situational. Don’t believe the anti-greatsword circlejerkers that invade every thread, it is very useful in certain situations, especially when your party decides to range/kite. The GS should be your go-to weapon for range battles. If damage is needed, switch for sword/sword. Sword/pistol is pretty crap in dungeons.

As for utilities, feedback is a must, blink is very useful for getting out of tight spots/kiting. Other then that it’s again very situational, you should switch your utilities accordingly.

Have you gear grinded enough for Tequatl?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: supergica.8652


Everytime I see someone mentions that exotic gear is even remotely hard to get, let alone a “grind” or “gear check” makes me shake my head.

If you don’t have the money for full suit of exotic gear when you reach level 80 you’re probably a complete noob, and you’re the kind of person who SHOULDN’T be even take a map slot for Tequatl. Please learn more about the game and then come back.

How can you call yourself a decent player and not even have a godkitten ed exotic set? If you can’t afford that then you’re not really doing anything skillful, do you just stand in LA and chat in mapchat? Then we don’t need you for Tequatl.

The Real Problem is Time

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: supergica.8652


The time increase will probably be the adjustment to be done to Tequatl after the boss week passes. Jormag who is very easy has 30 minutes while Tequatl has only 15… It will definitively be increased, not necessarily to 30 minutes but 20-25 should be more acceptable.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: supergica.8652


No, Healing signet needs buff. A thief shouldn’t be allowed to kill warriors when the thieves are trying their best. In a 1v1 situation, a thief should rethink and just run away from the warrior.

Nice troll bro

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: supergica.8652


Recieving buffs =/= OP’ness!!

You all act foolish. Warrior is probably the most balanced profession. Most weapons are useful and the warrior has its use in every format. This is a GOOD thing, not a bad thing.

The other professions need fixes.

You’re right that’s the problem, the class is already “too” balanced. I agree, the other professions should be bought in line with the warrior’s versatility. And that’s the reason buffing the warrior at this point only creates even more discrepancy against the other professions. They should stop with the warrior and bring the others up a bit, unless everyone should just roll warrior.

And we’re not only talking about WvW or PvP, the fact that 5 warrior squads are the most efficient PvE content clearers speaks great volumes of how bad the general balance of the game is. I have yet seen a game (mmo) so biased towards one class.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: supergica.8652


I was one of the people who thought warriors are not that op, just easier to play.

But more and more lately I kept running into these unkillable damage-dealing powerhouses that took at least 2 people to bring down. So i decided to actually finally put my mesmer and thief aside to try it for my self to see it’s weaknesses.

And what do you know, THERE AREN"T ANY! This class is just so well rounded and so viable that it performs excellent in every single situation. Support healer, nuker, crowd controler, fast map roamer, this class simply has everything. It’s not just that it’s easier to do your rotation/combo, they simply are more powerful.

I think that’s the main thing all the warrior fanboys purposefully ignore. This class has no weaknesses and there isn’t a single other class that performs that well. Every other class has something that is just sucks at. Thieves are squishy, guardians have lower damage output, necros have no burst, mesmers have bad condition removers and slow map speed, etc. etc. I can’t name one thing warriors suck at, they are good at everything.

I know the main reasoning behind the warrior was to be a natively popular class for newbies and lowskill players so they can have an easier time doing content and compete better against more skilled players from the other, more skill intensive (but supposedly more rewarding) classes. But right now they just seem more objectively strong, so when two equally skilled players meet, the one with the warrior will win unless he makes great mistakes. I just wonder how far can the buffing go…

(edited by supergica.8652)

To all roaming thieves

in WvW

Posted by: supergica.8652


good players learn to play, bad players come to complain on the forums…
in other news, the earth is still round

A plea to nerf Dwayna (Arah p4/Seer path)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: supergica.8652


It is possible folks, maybe not without super high dps people, but it is possible.

That’s the problem right here i think. While i don’t mind the difficulty and all that jazz (coordonation, good experienced players etc.) the fact that you absolutely need warriors to finish it is not such a good design. Get at least 3 full dps warriors and it’s easy. Don’t have that and it’s impossible. Tough luck if you’re anything other than a warrior/mesmer/guardian (maybe thief), you need to be carried by your teammates which is kinda sad.

Still, I can’t see any way to improve this fight without nerfing it, and nerfing it is not good, there must be something challenging in this game PVE-wise.

Why all the hate on thieves?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: supergica.8652


The problem with thieves is that when the player is good, they’re like any other class, you can do anything with them. But when the player is bad, they are the worst. Let’s face it, what would you have, a bad thief or a bad guardian/mesmer/ele?

Also they don’t bring much to the table, the only unique thing is the stealth (which outside revives is very situational to some dungeon paths), but a mesmer with a little effort can do just as much, albeit less often.

After getting my mesmer I pretty much shelved my thief for dungeons, and frankly, while i don’t discriminate against thieves when grouping, i tend to be a little weary when i see one, especially on a hard dungeon. But if you must bring one to the dungeon, ohoni’s advice is top notch, using the blast finisher on SB to buff party members is the best thing you can constantly do in a dungeon to support your teammates. Not dieing every 5 seconds is good too

Fractal timewasters..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: supergica.8652


If the mechanics of the fractals are so wrong (imbalanced, stupid, unfair, etc.) how come so many, many people do them constantly everyday? There are hundreds of PUGs every hour doing the fractals, the ones that fail are a very minor subset.
Yes there are issues, but those only affect you at high levels, levels that no one is forced to do. There is nothing wrong with difficult content that some people are unable to do because they simply aren’t skilled or informed enough.

No LordByron, it is only a L2P issue, but of course you don’t like the answer, is always preferable for someone else to change the external conditions then to do the effort to improve your skills (both gameplay and comunication).

Mermer "Doh" moments :)

in Mesmer

Posted by: supergica.8652


Mass invisibility at Lupicus… Yup

Are thieves good for WvW?

in Thief

Posted by: supergica.8652


The fact that 1 in every 2 posts in the WvW forums is about how much people hate thieves should give you an idea of how efficient it is.

The key in WvW for thieves is carefully choosing your targets. You can use any build you want, but make sure you know your strengths and what counters your build.

What is the point of WvWvW?

in WvW

Posted by: supergica.8652


I play it for the PvP mostly, the sPvP is way to restricted and the cramped maps don’t help either. Honestly the objectives don’t matter to me, they seem more PvE-ish, grindy and I absolutely hate the zerg. The only objective I care about is the keep in EB because that gives me access to the JP, where a lot of the good PvP happens.

To me the general purpose of WvW is to have fun, you don’t have to get caught in the drama and politics of the “community” on your server, you don’t owe anything to anyone. So don’t feel obligated to spend money on upgrades/blueprints. Just do what you enjoy.

Jumping Puzzles Reset timer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: supergica.8652


Most of the JP reset when the daily resets, at 00:00 GMT. I personally tried with Troll’s end in LA, climbed to the JP at 23:50, opened chest, logged out then logged in back after 00:00 and opened the chest again.

The JPs in WvW are on a 24h timer/character after opening. But you don’t need to reset the map to get it. I once accidentally climbed in EB to the chest before the 24h period was up so the chest was already open. Went back on the map doing regular WvW stuff then came back an hour later and was able to open the chest. I didn’t leave the map during this time.

deleting a character, what to do with Karma?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: supergica.8652


Unless they changed it in the latest patch, karma weapons are soulbound on acquire.

But at the moment the best way to convert karma to gold is to buy the jewlery boxes from orr. They cost around 4k karma each and you get a chance to get lodestones, which sell from 1 to 4 golds on the trading post.

Someone did the math and came to the conclusion that you can get around 1silver per 150 karma on average for many boxes opened.

I need veloka vista bad

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: supergica.8652


The WvW rankings are gonna reset completely after the next matchup. You may be in luck.

WvW 28th Patch Discussion

in WvW

Posted by: supergica.8652


No siege in the jumping puzzle! That will be interesting

Great Lord Flaming Ram will not be pleased with this

Also they fixed the blink/teleport up in the arena in the JP. Now us thieves and mesmers have to do it the hard way, like all the plebs

Extremely unbalanced profession

in WvW

Posted by: supergica.8652


Oh look, is this thread again. We should put something up like:
“Congratulations, there have been no thief complaints in _ hours”

Piken Square WvW is full

in WvW

Posted by: supergica.8652


So much trolling in this thread… But effective, I admit.

I need veloka vista bad

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: supergica.8652


It depends, if you advance one position then yes, you will be red. But if your server is too good, then you might advance 2 positions and be blue. But from what i see, most likely you will be red on the next round. So waiting a few more days is probably your best bet at the moment.

You can find the server ratings here I’m sure someone with more knowledge regarding the scoring could give you a more definitive answer.

I need help with the WvW JP

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: supergica.8652


I camp the jp A LOT. I do it because is pretty much the only place for 1v1 combat and is pretty varied due to the terrain, traps etc. Basically the most fun to be had in WvW. Also I’ve done the JP at least one hundred times, i can pretty much do it with my eyes closed, while being heavily camped by the enemy.

Here’s a bit of advice:

1. Use the mystic fountains! I can’t stress this enough, there are 3 fountains that make you invisible throughout the JP. The invisibility lasts 5 minutes. If you had used the one at the top of the arena, you could have gotten the chest in the first run.
2. Use the mad king back piece (the one that is on fire) to get through the dark area without using torches
3. If you have a profession that uses torches offhand use that instead of the pick up torches at the entrance. Is the same thing, except you get to keep your skills.
4. USE A THIEF! I know is not fair to other proffesions, but even a low level thief can get trough despite heavy camping. Trait for 50% more speed in stealth is a must! If you can’t use a thief, use a mesmer any other class cannot get trough the arena if it’s camped.
5. Learn the shortcuts: the first teleport up near the corner you must jump around, the speed jump at the middle platform after the well, the speed jump on the beam at the end of the dark room, the teleport up in the arena. I know it sounds vague, but look up a video guide, can’t really explain here.

Here is an example of my run up to the top, while being camped by 30+ enemies. I use a thief with shadow refuge, hide in shadows, blinding powder, shadowstep. Dagger offhand for Cloak and dagger.
First thing i do, if i see people camping right at the start is use shadow refuge. Run stealthed towards the first mystic fountain, in the right side. I pretty much use all my abilities, but i’m able to maintain stealth all the way up to that beam that goes up from the water. After that climb to the mystic fountain, nobody camps there, and walk invisible to the next fountain. Then use the second fountain’s invisibility to get to the dark zone, right until the speed jump on the beam. Leave invisibility (to get speed buffs), make the jump and go to the arena, but don’t jump in yet. Here is the most tricky and hard part, and most likely to be camped. Use shadow refuge to gain 10 secs of invisibility. While stealthed, go to the left, and teleport(blink) up the stone above the leftmost holding prison (search for a video of how to do this). As soon as those 10 sec stealth wears out, use hide in shadows. During all this time jump the stones as quickly as possible. After hide in shadows wears out, use blinding powder to gain a little more stealth. If you don’t fall, you should be out of the arena by now. The best thing to do here is to start hitting the enemies/siege at the top with cloak and dagger, and run behind the arena (to get cooldown for shadow refuge again). If you’re feeling lucky you can go straight to the last mystic fountain, while using cloak and dagger on enemies. If you reach the mystic fountain, you’re pretty much set. Just climb up to the chest and /dance. Optionally go back down and start ganking the people climbing up, try to push the enemy mesmer down (so he doesn’t portal more people up) and generally be a nuisance/troll.

I have 100% success with this method, unless i get unlucky to be hit in invisibility or miss a jump. And please stop with QQ-ing over this, is a PVP zone, it’s normal to camp people here.

(edited by supergica.8652)

I need veloka vista bad

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: supergica.8652


If you have some spare cash to spend, you could sponsor a golem rush to veloka when you have the red keep. 5-7 golems should get the job done. Or you can use the golems to take the red keep first, then veloka.

Make sure you coordinate with a a commander that has at least 30 people in the zerg. It’s a bit risky and you must trust that commander/his guild that they will actually hit veloka and not screw you over, but it could be worth it. Also you would support the war effort greatly, those golems could wreak a lot of havoc with the right coordination.

Or you could go the easy way and switch servers now while it’s free and choose one that is in the third place in its tier. 3rd place always gets the red position.

Shelving mesmer for good, join me!

in Mesmer

Posted by: supergica.8652


“i spent a milion goldz trying to get the mesmer to kill a moa, but after the last patch, i die to rabbits, please hold me so we can cry together”

Seriously, this thread is laughable, most of the whiners here probably have no idea how to play. Mesmer is still at the top when it comes to PVP and in PVE is more then decent, second only to guardian as usefulness. A small nerf to might stacking and the world ended…

Just play an alt, mesmers are not for most of you here obviously.

Mesmers get too much

in Mesmer

Posted by: supergica.8652


The mesmer does not need nerfs. Is your engineer that needs buffs. Altough after i’ve seen an engineer, not even level 80, trolling an entire 4 man group in WvW without dieng, i’m pretty sure the engineer has it’s own strong points.

Why can’t people understand that nerfing 5 proffesions because 2 of them are UP is not the way to go…

Tactical tweaks to improve WvW and end zergs.

in WvW

Posted by: supergica.8652


What the OP suggest is a bit extreme. Instakilled by a treb? Come on, i can think of so many ways to abuse this is ridiculous. Getting instakilled is never a good idea, only builds frustration. How the hell would you even attack a door, when one siege kills everyone?

Point system review
+ Some points should be earned on succesfull capture of a point.
+ Points per tick given by any structure should increase over time. Such as camps starting at 0 points first tick (but still you get 5 points for the cap), then 5 more points second tick, 7 points third, 4th – 10pt, 5th – 14pt and stops there.
Same goes for keeps, 2nd – 25pt, 3rd – 30pt, 4th – 35pt, 5th – 40pt.
This way just capping something for the tick will be lot less rewarding than holding it.

Supply system review
+ When they get capped their depot should be empty, so there is no use for a zerg to rush to a camp and flip it just for the tick and resupply. Supplies will go to whom defend the camp.
+ Dolyaks should be a lot harder to kill, at the moment is useless to escort them cause any burst built toon can just suicide on it and take it down in 3 skills. I’d say they should have like 4000armor and 50k hp.
+ Dolyaks should have one additional upgrade to carry more supply, like 75 – 125 – 250.
+ There should always be 2 guards defending a dolyak, and 3 more should come with the upgrade. Yaks shouldnt be something that you kill passing by…. they should be really something to care more, by both sides.

A better quick fix seems to be what cuge suggests, especially the point rewards. Even with large zergs, the server with better tactics would win, not the one with huge numbers.
I personally don’t agree with removing caps for AOE for player skills, way too many imbalances. But the AOE cap on siege is completely unjustified. It should never be there.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: supergica.8652


(that ranger is never gonna get past 6 people out to get you, but a thief/mesmer/guardian might)

Abuse broken mechanics, check.

No more skillful than following the zerg, but as per those class descriptions obviously the intended design.

Hey, I don’t agree with the fact that classes are unbalanced in PVP, but abusing broken mechanics? Maybe I should let the ranger have a 10 second head start or let him hit me 3 times before hitting back? I pointed out that some classes have a lot more abilities to escape ganks then others. Take it up with Anet if that is not ok with you…

I love this type of threads. I camp regularly in the EB JP, and every time i see QQ-ing it brings me so much joy knowing that the noobs suffer so much. My server (Seafarer’s Rest) has some dedicated players, myself included, that lock that place down during prime time.

I’m disgusted that we’re on the same server. That you camp for badges or just because you can is one thing, but to actually gloat over the fact that you’re griefing other people…

Nice one. Griefing is only in the mind of the one being killed (in this case). Not my problem that some players cannot control their emotions and come crying on the forums. I don’t cheat or exploit, if you can’t handle being killed, stay out of WvW and play with the minipets in LA if that’s your thing. Some people just don’t understand how the game works, they have a complete different image in their brains of how it should be and when reality kicks them in the face they feel entitled and come to cry for nerfs and whatnot. Camping in the jp IS INTENDED by the game designers. If you understand that you’ll see the jp fighting differently, and will try a more reasonable approach to it. I actually enjoy it when the enemies control the JP. It’s a different challenge i don’t get upset when i get outplayed. It can be fun being the hunter and it can be fun being the pray. The attitude it’s all that matters.

1G for 40-50 Gems.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: supergica.8652


It’s fair, it doesn’t seem artificial to me, considering the gold inflation. Let’s face it, gold is easier to get, there is a lot more gold in the game at the moment then it was when gems were cheap. And it can only go up, unless people abandon the game.

When i first reached level 80 i had less then 10g to my name and had for long time after that, now 10 gold it’s easy to get in 1-2 days.

Greifing in the WvW Jumping Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: supergica.8652


I love this type of threads. I camp regularly in the EB JP, and every time i see QQ-ing it brings me so much joy knowing that the noobs suffer so much. My server (Seafarer’s Rest) has some dedicated players, myself included, that lock that place down during prime time. We don’t have to be 30 people, less then 10 (a couple of mesmers obligatory for pulls) can do a very nice job of denying the JP to the enemy. With a little coordination we pull people from the spawn, and even larger groups get bursted down pretty easily.

And yes, you have to be a noob to constantly get killed by the same people over and over by jumping down and hope for the best. The smart people know how to slip trough or bring their 10+ guild/zerg to clear up a bit.

Why do I do this?
1. Badges! I got 50 badges last night from 2 hours of camping, nowhere else can i get that many badges so fast.
2. Fun! Following a zerg is such a boring lagfest, constantly dieing to culling and invisible armies while running from door to door. This is more challenging.
3. Dueling. Roaming the map gives you less opportunities to fight 1v1. In the JP this happens a lot during the low pop hours, and you can really improve your skills/reflexes this way, better then taking a camp/tower.

So to finish it up, learn 2 play, switch to better professions (that ranger is never gonna get past 6 people out to get you, but a thief/mesmer/guardian might), come in large groups. It’s a PVP zone, ANET even made traps all the way to grief the enemy, deal with it.

Gems are not a limited supply item

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: supergica.8652


Come on people, let’s face it, gems are Anet only source of income, after someone buys the game for the first time. Do you really expect the gems to have that low fixed price forever?

The gold supply in the game increases with every hour played. Every player has more money now then it had in the past. Despite the game’s gold sinks, there is inflation, and gold is getting easier and easier to obtain and thus it’s worth less. Overall you must put the same effort in getting an additional bank slot now as you had to do 2 months ago when the price was 50s. Gold to gem ratio will probably be the constant that reflect the true inflation rate of the game.

Honestly, I believe that the simple fact that you can convert gold to gems is a bonus from Anet, considering almost all the games with this type of pay2play system do not allow such a thing. The only thing that needs tweaking is the gem price of some commodities currently on the gem market, some of them seem really underwhelming and provide way less value/gem then others.

Gearing a Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: supergica.8652


Then go maximizing power/crit damage if you like mind wrack. Check out Osicat’s thread about shattering:

If you do mostly WvW note that you should probably considering taking centaur runes (or if you’re really rich go for air runes) in order to have good mobility with swiftness.

Legendaries unreachable, regardless of effort

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: supergica.8652


Apparently Twilight is on sale on the TP. With only 8888 gold you can buy it with no grind necessary. No so difficult is it ?

Mesmer vs thief (WvW)

in Mesmer

Posted by: supergica.8652


Blink is your friend when it comes to one hit backstabbing thieves. If you get paralyzed from thin air (the opener on bs thieves), blink away and avoid most of the damage. Even if he manages to land his combo, blinking away would avoid some of the heartseeker spam (need some quick reflexes). Having illusionary persona trait (illusions 30) allows you to shatter 4 and become invulnerable and mitigate his initial burst. Unless you’re in a specific confusion/condition dmg build, shatter 2 doesn’t do that much, and he’ll just eat the damage while killing you.

I have a thief (condition p/d spec) and a mesmer(shatter spec) fully geared. With both of them I eat backstab thieves for breakfast. But i seem to have trouble when playing with the mesmer against condition+stealth thiefs. Ironic I know, but i do win most of the encounters with the thief against mesmers so it checks out.

Problem is, against good condition thieves you need to have some condition removals and be a tanky build (and most mesmers don’t usually go that way). Another good strategy, against P/D thieves at least, is to try to block/dodge his Cloak and dagger and interrupt his healing (which cloaks him). Denying stealth to a thief, no matter what build, is probably the most effective counter against it.
Cloak and dagger → block (staff 5, sword block) / dodge
Hide in shadows → interrupt (pistol 5, shatter 3)
Shadow refuge → Greatsword 5, focus 4, and quickly remove him from the aoe (if he’s in there for more then 2-3 seconds, don’t bother)

These are the most used ways a thief will stealth, cloak and dagger being the bread and butter. The other ways you can’t counter and are more situational

mesmers making money

in Mesmer

Posted by: supergica.8652


What does being a mesmer has to do with making money? Yeah, it’s harder if you’re solo in Cursed shore farming the plinx/penitent/shelter with the greatsword. Just like eating soup with a fork…. Any decent farmer knows to be in a party when farming and at that point it doesn’t matter that much what class you are.

And farming in Orr is just one of MANY ways to make money, and it’s not even the most efficient. Play the TP, do dungeons, farm Arah path 3 (yes, even after the nerf it’s still good), do map completion, farm T6 materials in frostgorge (easier then Orr), farm the karka for minis and bloods, do orichalcum runs, do some profitable crafting…..

I could go on, but it seems to me you just wanna whine because of some perceived UPness of the mesmer in PVE, not on how to make money. It’s not UP at all

(edited by supergica.8652)

Just about had it with GW2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: supergica.8652


The OP is right, GW2 is messing with the internet connection somehow, happens to a lot of people, but obviously not everyone. I have 2 locations where i play this game with 2 ISPs (same computer). In one place i’m experiencing the problems the OP is stating, in the other it works just fine. And it is this game’s fault. I also tested with numerous other online games and programs like skype/ts etc and none have any problems, only when playing GW2 these problems occur.

Here are a few other threads on this subject, for the non believers who think the problem lies with the user:

This is a RECENT problem, all the people i’ve talked to have this problem ever since the last patch, everything worked fine before that.

Pseudo disconnection problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: supergica.8652


Yup, since yesterday i too get disconnects every 10-20 minutes. Can’t play dungeons, can’t play pvp, can’t play wvw…. It’s 100% Anet fault, no other game/program has any problem except this one. If even one network packet is lost it just disconnects you. Very bad idea to have in any multiplayer.

But don’t worry, even if there is some response from Anet (doubtfull) it’s always some canned answer like “turn off windows firewall” or some bullkitten .

Random Disconnection.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: supergica.8652


Hi, lately I’m having the same problems ,random disconnect every 20-30 minutes (same error code). Also a lot of my guildmates seem to be experiencing these disconnects.
I had no problems what so ever until today, i doubt the ISP is the problem. Another thing to note is that all other programs which stream have no interruptions, skype, teamspeak, video streaming work perfectly, only GW2 reports this.

Temporal Curtain, yes a nerf.

in Mesmer

Posted by: supergica.8652


Nice pointless QQ. Got ganked in the EB jumping puzzle after being pulled off the platform? Yeah, I like to do that too, alot. Second only to pulling people off in the JP from pretty much every platform, bonus points if he dies from the fall.

In fact, I’m gonna go do that just now.

What type of player are you? (6 categories)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: supergica.8652


Talk about bias. Every option is custom tailored to the opinion of the whiners, how about this one:

“I’m an actual WvW player and I have more than 2 brain cells to realize that Ascendent doesn’t matter in WvW at all. I actually enjoy all the content in this game and I understand how Ascended fits in.

Small steal changes for big improvements

in Thief

Posted by: supergica.8652


Lol, so your suggestion is to have a second steal? What about items like plasma, or feathers? Are they ranged or melee?

And your second point, what are you talking about? If you’re out of range when using steal you get like 3 seconds of cooldown, not the whole 30. Also every skill activates the full cooldown when it’s blocked, dodged or missed. Check the mesmers ilusions summons for example…

Steal is just fine, maybe even OP a little. If you use it just to gain an ability you don’t understand it’s full potential. A huge INSTANT gap closer dealing massive damage while stealthing you and blinding everyone around WHILE getting an aditional ability is not enough for you??

Easy solution to the Ascended Gear problem #2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: supergica.8652


Those Ascended items will really destroy WvW, just one guy will be able to cap the keeps and supplies by himself while one-shotting everyone in the zerg. 5-10% stats is huge, there is nothing in the WvW even close to that.

Play the Game for FUN!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: supergica.8652


It’s clear that everyone who says that Ascended gear is gonna matter in any way in WvW has never actually played WvW, other then maybe enter for an hour to get the monthly.
No serious WvW player will ever complain about Ascended gear, it’s not PVP where everyone is the same. The difference in gear is and will always be so great across the board that 5% increase to few players now and then is just laughable. This is not WoW, skill and coordination matters a lot more in WvW then some 5% more stats.

The OP is right, there are so many things in this game you can do to have fun that have nothing to do with Ascended. Ascended is ONLY for FotM, everywhere else it just doesn’t matter. It’s not “required” any more then a legendary is required.

Plinx nerfed... Now what?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: supergica.8652


Im currently leveling an alt (who will take over as my main) and ive been saving every jug, every vial and every frikkin pot of karma i get from dailies/dungeons. When i hit 80 im gonna take a karma boost/guild karma banner and down every single drop.

Don’t forget to go to WvW on a low populated bordeland to get the out-maned buff. You get 33% more karma.

How well off are non burst thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: supergica.8652


Speaking from my experience i found out that condition builds are very good for WvW. It gives survivability and decent damage to take on anything, including 1v2, 1v3 etc. It suits WvW best because you have a lot of space to maneuver, and you’re not pressed for time.
It seems weaker PVP because you can’t kill fast enough and you don’t afford to drag a battle forever. A burst build is better in PVP
In PVE it’s mixed. You can get good results with D/D in solo leveling and map roaming. In dungeons you should be ranged most of the time and if someone else is condition built then you’re not as efficient.
In short:
WvW: best to go condition damage (P/D)
PVP: best to go burst damage D/D, S/D
PVE solo: condition damage D/D, P/D
PVE dungeon: range support (P/P, SB)

Of course you should adapt according to the situation/teammates/enemies. Condition damage could be a great all-around build, better IMO then a glass-cannon build

Thief was great in pvp, WvW and sucked in pve

in Thief

Posted by: supergica.8652


My thief seems very powerful in PVE, i can take champs and a lot of events alone. And I don’t see how you can be useless in dungeons. If your team manages to finish the dungeon without wiping repeatedly because of you, there is no problem. Actually it seems more often then not that I’m the last man standing in a dungeon, kiting the boss until the team comes back from a waypoint.

You should try a mesmer or ele in PVE, you’ll definitely rethink about what weak means.

(edited by supergica.8652)

Precursors, really?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: supergica.8652


Well no one in my guild got a precursor. No one in my overflow got a precursor. Do I have other evidence? No, how could i? But it seems logical that it supposed to be a 2 random exotics from all the level 70+ exotics pool in the game. I doubt precursors make up 40% of all the exotics. You just see it everywhere because everyone who got it advertised it, while those who didn’t don’t say anything

And I don’t care about making a legendary, never did and obviously i don’t have nothing remotely close to it, including a precursor. Hard to imagine someone is not angry because he didn’t get a precursor?

Precursors, really?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: supergica.8652


Anet does not have to select people. It was a simple thing where people happen to have gotten things. The lottery is a part where you pay to be part of. You have the odds and have consent to engage in it. If you do not win, it is not because of someone else’s doing. This was an Omnipotent force in a system changing the entire system ending with complete chaos. I don’t care if it isn’t life or death but its completely unjust by part of a sentient party’s decision that completely messes everything up in the system. If you do “win” this weekend, it is because Anet allowed it.

Anet is the reason behind the chaos the entire market will suffer in the oncoming weeks. Anet is the reason people the game will now shrink due to people giving up. Do you know what happens to people who don’t work and get a lot of money? Most of them quit because they have nothing to do, and they don’t feel the reward. The people who would get rewarded from farming are no longer feeling it either. If this keeps up, all that would be left in the game would be people would people who just won’t let go. Reward is part of the game, and balancing that is a big part.

Your opinion is such of a defeatist: the world is unfair, people are working for insignificant rewards that are just given out randomly every now and then, it is best to accept it. People who have ideals must be entitled.

There are two ways to get precursors: luck or farming gold to buy it. The luck part is always the same, you might or you might not get it. You can’t control it either way. The farming part (the one you can controll) just got easier, it’s cheaper on TP so you can farm less.

So my opinion that I’m not jealous of others is that of defeatist? You’re upset about RNG that you can’t control while I focus on the part that i can control and I’m defeatist?

I wish everyone would have the courage to see it for what it is: jealousy and envy. I guarantee that each and everyone of those complaining would not be here if they got a precursor. And it’s not 40%, not even 20% , it’s probably less then 5%. You make it sound like half the people playing the game have a precursor now.

I think I get it now.....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: supergica.8652


Just because it wasn’t playable for you, it doesn’t mean it was the same for the majority. Those who play don’t come on the forums to complain.

I actually hope they do this more often. And the difficulty was just right, had multiple wipes but still managed. The length though made it kinda boring after the first hour, especially since a lot of the time was spent on the reinforcements.